From what "Polysorb" helps. Instructions for use

Each person at least once came across the problem of discomfort in the intestine. The reasons for such an unhealthy state there is a huge amount - from eating poorly washed fruits or vegetables to penetration into the body of bacteria. To get rid of unpleasant sensations and quickly in line, it is necessary to remove harmful substances from the body.
Today, a very popular drug with various poisoning and intestinal disorders is a means of polysorb - relatively inexpensive means that won the trust of millions of people due to the rapid positive effect in treatment.

Preparation Polysorb, description and mechanism of action

Polysorb is an effective preparation-sorbent in the form of white flakes without smell. The main action is the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

The active components of the drug absorb themselves, like a sponge, toxins and viral molecules that are in the intestines, and output them naturally in a constant form, without suction in the gastrointestinal tract. The tool acts selectively without affecting healthy molecules.

From which the polysorb helps

The drug has an extensive scope of application. Consider the most common causes of the drug.

Usually manifest after 10 - 12 hours after receiving spoiled products. Often are accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, nausea.

2. Elimination of toxic substances.

If you get into the body of toxins, the first symptoms are to increase the temperature, the pallor of the skin, drowsiness and fast fatigue, spindlers on the body, the unpleasant smell of mouth.

3. Viral hepatitis.

This disease can be recognized by skin ferrous, changing the color of the mucous membranes on the yellow color, pain under the ribs on the right side, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite.

4. Chronic renal failure.

It is manifested in the form of a strong itching of the skin, sharply emerging bruises, weakened muscles and swelling on the face.

5. Cleansing the body.

When weakening immunity, allergies, the presence of diseases such as eczema, dermatitis, or disruption of the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to clean the body from the harmful microorganisms accumulated in it.

6. Thumping syndrome after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

7. Intestinal infections.

This ailment is characterized by severe abdominal pain, stool impairment (diarrhea or constipation), poor appetite and headache.

8. Toxicosis during pregnancy.

Usually, toxicosis is manifested in the form of urges to vomiting, irritability to strong smells and even in the form of slimming for several kilograms.

9. Imperfections on the skin of the face.

A rather unusual method of using the drug is to use it as cosmetics in the form of therapeutic and cleansing masks.

How to apply, instructions for use of polysorba, dosage

Polysorb should be applied strictly according to instructions, depending on the problem that must be resolved by the preparation.

1. Application in poisoning.

When a person eats a spoiled product, toxins are quickly beginning to accumulate in the body, so the first action is the withdrawal of toxic substances and blocking their further distribution.

For this, first it is necessary to clean the stomach: 2 grams of polysorba dissolve in one glass of water and immediately accept, and after 15 minutes cause vomiting.

After that, take the polysorb every 2-3 hours until the dosage of dry matter in the amount of 6 grams will be used.

In addition to the use of the polysorb, it is necessary to take a regiment, since in the case of poisoning the body loses moisture and is strongly dehydrated, which negatively affects health.

The day after poisoning, the drug Polysorb should take 4 grams about four times a day.

Treatment over the next days depends on the state of health and can be continued for another period of several days.

2. Application with toxicosis during pregnancy.

Many women in the first time feel a permanent feeling of nausea and experience vomit.

Do not get up with bed sharply.

More often to air the room.

Avoid eating harmful food - fried, greasy, too salted, sweet.

Do not overeat, but feed on not large portions, every 3 - 4 hours.

If even when compliance with all the measures described, improvements does not occur, it is allowed to start receiving a polysorba in an amount of up to 20 grams per day.

3. Intestinal infections.

Infectious diseases are treated with a large dosage of the drug - on a spoon of dry matter at half a glass of water every hour.

During the day it is necessary to take at least six doses of the drug. On the second day, the amount of receptions decreases to 3-4 per day. The course of treatment should last about ten days.

It is worth noting that even after recovery, a person can be contagious about two weeks.

4. Viral hepatitis.

In this case, the drug is used as a detox tool in the specified dose instruction. Take the drug in the first week of the course of the disease.

5. Thumping syndrome.

To get rid of the unpleasant consequences after excessive alcohol use, on the very first day of the hangover, it is recommended to make a solution of 2 tablespoons of polysorb flakes, diluted in half a glass of water.

Such a highly concentrated drink needed to drink at least five times, with an interval of 60 minutes.

On the second day, the reception of the drug must be continued, even if the symptoms of the hangover are removed. This is necessary for the full disposal of the organism from alcohol toxins.

By the way, it helps the polysorb not only to take off the hangover, but also to avoid it. To do this, you just need to take the dose of polysorba for a couple of hours before the adoption of alcoholic beverages. This measure will also not be able to intoxicate too quickly.

6. Polysorb for beauty skin.

Beauty salons have long been used in leaving for problem skin therapeutic masks with a sorbent content.

These masks effectively clean the skin of the face from pollution, out of skin slags, narrow pores. Make masks from the sorbent is easy and at home is very fiscal and effectively.

The most common recipes for face masks from polysorba:

Mask for oily skin with inflammation and acne.

Take one spoon of polysorba, add some water and three drops of mint oil and tea tree. Mix mix thoroughly and apply to face.

After 5 - 7 minutes to the first dried layer, apply the composition again. To withstand 15 minutes, wash the cool water.

Mask for youth skin.

1 Spoon of the preparation is diluted with 2 spoons of pure water, the mixture is thoroughly mixed, 2 spoons of sour cream or cream are added.

The composition is applied to clean skin for 20 minutes, then thoroughly washed off with a warm water. After use, bold nutritional cream is superimposed.

From black dots and cleansing clogged pores.

Polysorb in the amount of 1 spoon to dilute with clean water so that the consistency of the yogurt is. It is plentiful to apply a mixture on the face, pay special attention to problem areas. Fit 15-20 minutes later.

The drug is allowed to apply not to all, as any medication, polysorb has certain contraindications.

Contraindications for use

It is forbidden to be treated with a drug under the ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, with the bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies, individual negative reactions to the ingredients of the polysorba, during the intestinal atony (emptying disturbance).

Possible side effects from application

Basically, any unwanted effects when using the drug rarely occur, nevertheless the manufacturer warns about the possibility of the onset of the following of them:

1. Violation of intestinal mobility, which leads to the occurrence of constipation.

2. Allergic rash on the skin.

3. Disagreements with digestion, including the appearance of belching, an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

In general, it can be concluded that Polysorb is a safe agent for adults, small children and even for pregnant women.

Therefore, it will not be not bad to have a drug at home in a home first aid kit as a first aid tool with various gastrointestinal disorders.

Polysorb, AO

Country of origin


Group of goods

Digestive tract and metabolism


Forms of release

  • Plastic banks. Disposable packets (10) - packs cardboard. Disposable packages. Disposable packets (10) - packs cardboard.

Description of the dosage form

  • Powder for the preparation of suspension for intakes light, white or white with a bluish tinge, odorless; When scolding with water, it forms a suspension. Powder for the preparation of suspension for intakes light, white or white with a bluish tinge, odorless; When scolding with water, it forms a suspension.

pharmachologic effect

Polysorb MP is an inorganic non-refined polyfunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes to 0.09 mm and with the chemical formula of SiO2. Polysorb MP has sorption, detoxification, antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing properties. The drug adsorbs from the bowel content and derives from the body of ex- and endogenous toxins of various origin, including pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol. Polysorb MP also adsorbing some organism metabolic products (incl. Bilirubin, urea, cholesterol and lipid complexes).


After taking the drug Polysorb MP inside the active substance is not split and not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Quickly excreted from the body unchanged.

Special conditions

With long-term reception of the drug Polysorb MP (more than 14 days), the absorption of vitamins and calcium is possible, and therefore the preventive reception of polyvitamin preparations and calcium-containing drugs are recommended. Outwardly, the Polysorba Polysorba can be used in the complex treatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers and burns.


  • 1 Silicon Bank Colloidal dioxide 12 g - "- 25 g -" - 35 g - "- 50 g 1 bank silicon colloidal dioxide 12 g -" - 25 g - "- 35 g -" - 50 g 1 Silicon Silicon Silicon Package 3 G.

Polysorb MP indications for use

  • - acute and chronic intoxication in children and adults of different etiology; - acute intestinal infections (including food toxicoinfection); - diarrhea syndrome of non-infectious etiology; - intestinal dysbiosis (as part of combined therapy); - purulent and septic conditions; - acute poisoning with potent and poisonous substances (including drugs, ethanol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals); - Food and Dosage Allergies; - hyperbilirubinemia (including with viral hepatitis); - Hyperazotemia (including chronic renal failure); - Accommodation in environmentally unfavorable regions and work in harmful production (for the purpose of prevention).

Active substance


Pharmacological group

Nonological Classification (ICD-10)


Description of the dosage form

Light white or white with a bluish tint of powder, odorless. When sculpting with water, it forms a suspension.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect - disintellation, adsorbing.


Polysorb MP is an inorganic, non-refined, polyfunctional enterosorbent based on highly dispersed silica with particle sizes up to 0.09 mm, with SiO 2 chemical formula. The specific surface area of \u200b\u200bthe drug is about 300 m 2 / g. Capacity of the adsorption of the drug with internal use of at least 220 mg / g.

Polysorb MP has pronounced sorption and detoxifying properties. In the lumen of the tract, the drug binds and removes endogenous and exogenous toxic substances from the body of various nature, pathogenic bacteria and bacterial toxins, antigens, food allergens, drugs and poisons, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, alcohol.

Polysorb MP sorbites some of the body of the body's metabolism, incl. Excess bilirubin, urea, hs and lipid complexes, as well as metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis.


The MP polysorb is not cleaving and not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and stands out unchanged.

Indications of the drug Polysorb MP

acute and chronic intoxication of various origin in adults and children;

acute intestinal infections of any genesis, including food toxicoinfection, as well as diarrhea syndrome of non-infectious origin, dysbacteriosis (as part of comprehensive therapy);

purulent-septic diseases accompanied by pronounced intoxication;

acute poisoning with potent and poisonous substances, incl. drug preparations and alcohol, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals;

food and Drug Allergy;

hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundice) and hyperazotemia (chronic renal failure);

residents of environmentally unfavorable regions and workers of harmful production in order to prevent.


ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine in the aggravation phase;

bleeding from the gastrointestinal;

intestine atony;

individual intolerance to the drug.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug polysorb MP during pregnancy and in the period of breastfeeding is not contraindicated.

Side effects

Rarely - allergic reactions, dyspepsia, constipation.

With a long, more than 14 days, the reception of the drug polysorb MP is possible a violation of the absorption of vitamins, calcium, in connection with which the preventive reception of multivitamine preparations, calcium is recommended.


It is possible to reduce therapeutic effect of simultaneously taken inside drugs.

Method of application and dose

Inside Only in the form of a water suspension.

To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly stirled in 1/4-1 / 2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each drug intake and drink it 1 hour before eating or receiving other drugs.

The average daily dose for adults is 0.1-0.2 g / kg (6-12 g).

Multiplicity of reception - 3-4 times during the day.

Maximum daily dose in adults - 0.33 g / kg (20 g).

The dose for children is calculated depending on the mass of the body (see table).

Patient weight, kg Dosage Water volume, ml
to 10 0.5-1.5 h. Such per day 30–50
11–20 1 h. Such a slide on 1 reception 30–50
21–30 1 h. Support with a slide on 1 reception 50–70
31–40 2 h. Such with a slide on 1 reception 70–100
41–60 1 st. Composition with a slide on 1 reception 100
more than 60. 1-2 st Supplies with a slide on 1 reception 100–150

1 h. Support with a slide - 1 g of the drug; 1 st. Composition with slide - 2.5-3 g of drug.

In cases of food allergies, the drug should be taken immediately before meals, the daose dose of the drug is divided during the day to 3 receptions.

The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis and severity of the disease. The course of treatment during acute intoxication is 3-5 days; With allergic diseases and chronic intoxication - up to 10-14 days. Repeated treatment courses are possible after 2-3 weeks, on the recommendation of the doctor.

Features of the use of drug Polysorb MP under various diseases

Food toxicoinfection and acute poisoning. Starting therapy is recommended from the washing of the stomach 0.5-1% suspension of the drug Polysorb MP. With severe poisoning in the first day, the washing of the stomach is carried out through the probe every 4-6 hours, along with this the drug is given inside. One-time dose in adults can be 0.1-0.15 g / kg 2-3 times a day.

In the first day of treatment, the daily dose is given for 5 hours with intervals between receptions of 1 h.

In the second day, the daily dose is given in 4 receptions during the day. The duration of treatment is 3-5 days.

Treatment of viral hepatitis. In the complex therapy of viral hepatitis, the MP polysorb is used as a detoxifying agent in conventional doses during the first 7-10 days of the disease.

Allergic diseases. With acute allergic reactions of drug or food genesis, pre-washing of the stomach and intestines is recommended. 0.5-1% suspension of drug Polysorb MP. The drug is then taken in conventional doses before the clinical effect. In chronic food allergies, it is recommended for 7-10-15 days courses, the drug is accepted immediately before eating.

Similar courses are shown in acute recurrent urticaria and swelling of quinque, eosinophilia, on the eve and against the background of the exacerbation of polynoms and other atopy.

CPN. Use courses of treating polysorb MP in a daily dose of 0.15-0.2 g / kg for 25-30 days with a break of 2-3 weeks.


special instructions

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and mechanisms. The effect of the drug Polysorb MP to control vehicles or other potentially hazardous mechanisms is noted.

Form release

Powder for the preparation of suspension for intake.

On 1/2/3/6/10/12 g in disposable packages from paper label with a terbula. 50 g in dual bags from PE. The label is placed in the inner interporage space text outward. In the case of one-time packets, the label text is applied directly to the primary packaging.

On 1/2/3/4/5/10/30/50/100 Pak. Disposable or 50 g package packaged to a pack of cardboard. It is allowed to place one-time packets directly into the group packaging.

In this article, consider the side effects of Polysorba. Such a drug is a universal active sorbent with the properties of an antacid drug. This drug binds a variety of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic substances with their passage through the digestive system (stomach and intestines). This tool is universal, as it can bind and remove microbial toxins from the human body, metabolic products, food allergens, medication, poisons, etc.

Polysorb for cleansing the body is now appointed increasingly. To date, a pharmacological preparation has a large sorption capacity, so that it can bind several times more than harmful substances, in comparison with alummagneium silicates (for example, "smecta"), methylcremnyic acids ("Sorbolong", "Enterosgel", "Attaceyl" ), Lignins (Lignosorb, Polyfepan, Lipheran) and Activated Coal. Taking into account this sphere of use of this medication is quite wide. Since he relieves intoxicating any nature of origin, it can be used as part of the complex treatment of any pathology, including dermatosis, influenza, allergies, various infections, etc.

Are there any side effects from Polysorba, it is interesting to many, but let's talk about it later.

Release form, composition

It is produced in one dosage form - powder for suspension for oral administration. For ease of use, this powder is packed in plastic banks with a volume of 50, 25 and 12 g and two-layer bags of 3 g (single dosage for an adult). Such packaging options help acquire the optimal amount of medical preparation. The Polysorb facility is contained as a valid (sorbing) chemical element of colloidal silicon dioxide. Other components are not contained. Externally, this medication has a kind of white powder with a slight bluish tint. The smell of the means is absent. When dissolving the powder in water, white suspension is observed. Polysorb must be cleared on the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

Therapeutic impact

This tool is a group of sorbents of inorganic origin. According to the main properties, the drug has no essential action, that is, it is capable of sorbing different classes of substances. By virtue of such nonspecific activity, as well as an increased sorption capacity, the Polysorb medication has the following therapeutic properties:

  • sorption;
  • detoxification.

The detoxifying effect of this medical drug is due to its main property to associate a variety of substances, including toxic, and withdraw them. The basis of detoxification with this means is its sorption effect. The sorbent binds chemicals that fell into the body from outside (exogenous) and formed directly in it (endogenous). The medicine is able to effectively remove pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi), toxins that distinguish between these pathogenic microorganisms, alien antigens, drugs, food allergens, poisons, radionuclides, metal salts, ethyl alcohol and its decay products. In addition to the above toxic substances, the Polysorb means binds the metabolic products formed in the body. Often the overaffect of such products leads to the development of various symptoms of intoxication and pathological processes in the form of diseases.

In addition, Polysorb displays such endogenous compounds as bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, lipid complexes, as well as substances that are able to cause endotoxicosis. The versatility of the ability to bind toxins allows the use of this drug tool to eliminate intoxication of almost any etiology - from food poisoning to severe pathological conditions. This sorbent is considered an excellent tool that is present in the composition of the combined therapy of many diseases.

The use of this agent allows to significantly reduce the volume of other pharmacological preparations that are necessary for the qualitative treatment of many diseases. In developed countries, it is considered necessary to use "Polysorb" even with influenza or cold, since this tool eliminates unpleasant symptoms of intoxication (muscle pain, apathy, weakness, dizziness).

Indications for use

The list of basic indications for the use of drug "Polysorb" includes the following pathological conditions:

  • intoxication in adults and children in the acute or chronic form of any etiology, regardless of the causes of its development;
  • intestinal infections of acute character caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • food poisoning;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • various inflammatory and purulent pathologies that provoke the development of severe intoxication (for example, adnexite, appendicitis, purulent wounds, burns, etc.);
  • acute poisoning of potent substances and poisons (for example, drugs, alcohol, alkaloids, heavy metals, and so on);
  • allergic reaction to food products - all varieties of allergies, in particular polynomy.
  • high concentration of bilirubin against the background of the development of jaundice or viral hepatitis;
  • elevated level of nitrogenous products in the body (creatinine, urea, uric acid) in the renal failure of a chronic nature;
  • in preventive purposes for people who work in chemical production or reside in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions.

In many developed countries, it is customary to use Polysorb with colds. In addition, this sorbent is successfully used in complex therapy of different dermatological diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, acne, and so on.

Contraindications and side effects "Polysorba" Consider below.

Method of receiving and dosing mode

This pharmacological remedy should be administered orally as a water suspension. For her preparation, it is necessary to dissolve the powder in 50-100 ml of water, the resulting liquid is quickly drinking, without waiting for the formation of suspension. Adults take a medication in a volume of 100-200 mg per 1 kg of weight (6 to 12 g of medication). The maximum daily dosage of the medication is not more than 20 g, which must be divided into several methods. Polysorb is accepted an hour before eating or after it. If the sorbent is used in order to relieve food allergies, it is necessary to take it before eating or during.

The duration of the therapeutic course of this drug tool is determined by the severity of the pathological process and the rate of stabilization of the patient's condition. For example, under therapy of acute intoxication (alcoholic or edible poisoning), it is enough to take a means of 3-5 days. In the treatment of allergic diseases (dermatitis) or chronic intoxication (for example, renal failure, hepatitis, etc.) it is necessary to conduct a course treatment with a duration of 14 days. In this case, therapy must be repeated every 2-3 weeks. The interval between the courses of the sorbent's reception less than 14 days can not be done.

What is useful "Polysorb" for the body, not everyone knows, so we will talk about this in the following sections.

Medicine helps with acute poisoning

With this pathology, it is necessary to remove maximum toxins and poisons from the body. To do this, wash the stomach using the Polysorb Medication Suspension, after which another 6 g of this drug is taken inside into several techniques. The medication needs to be powered by tea, water or a solution of "regiders", in order to replenish the lost fluid. If the poisoning occurs hard, the stomach washing must be repeated after 4-7 hours. On the second day, the treatment of food infection is accepted 4 times a day in 3 g and, depending on the state of the patient, cancel or extend therapy for another 5 days.

Preparation of intestinal infectious diseases

In the first day of the development of intestinal infection, the drug is taken by 3 g (tablespoon) through every hour. You need to use five such dosages. On the second day, dose therapy is 3 g 4 times a day. If, after such treatment, the patient's condition has come to normal, you can take a medication to stop. If the intoxication could not be removed completely, the course of therapy with this sorbent is extended for another two days.

Viral hepatitis

Medical preparation in the composition of combination hepatitis therapy may reduce the duration of intoxication and the jaggptible period. It is used at the beginning of the disease for 7-10 days 4 g 3 times a day.

"Polysorb" to purify the body

Often, this drug is applied not for therapy of a certain illness, but in order to clean the body in children and adults. It helps to normalize the general condition, complexion, skin structure, eliminate allergic phenomena.

The use of Polysorba for cleansing must be careful.

Acute allergic reactions

Medical or food allergies begin to be treated from washing the stomach and intestines of the suspension of this drug. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 10 g of powder in 1 liter of liquid. The intestine is washed with the help of the enema. After the above procedures, the sorbent is accepted inside within 5 days 3 g 4 times a day. In chronic food allergies, a longer use of this drug is required - up to 14 days 3 g four times a day. In this case, the suspension should be drunk immediately before food. The urticaria, eosinophilia, polynosis, atopic dermatitis and other diseases of allergic nature are also treated.

Is Polysorb always allowed to purify the body?


The drug preparation has some contraindications to use, therefore, before taking a suspension, you need to carefully read the annotation. The list of basic contraindications to the medicine includes:

  • intestine atony;
  • intolerance to the medication;
  • ulcerative intestinal disease or stomach at the aggravation stage.

Side effects of the drug

This drug, as a rule, is transferred to patients well and side effects practically does not cause. In extremely rare cases, against the background of a high absorbent ability of elements present in its composition, a medicine can provoke the development of constipation and violation of the intestinal progress. In addition, the development of an allergic response to the drug is very rare. If it is taken correctly according to the instructions, the risk of side action from Polysorba will be minimal.


To date, the medical facility at the Russian pharmacological market has the following analogues:

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