Test for the identification of depression in women. Clinical tests for determining the level of depression and anxiety online

Everyone from time to time is subject to decaying mood, sad thoughts and memories, solitude needs.

Negative emotions, fatigue and temporary dissatisfaction - not yet reason to contact a specialist.

But if the depressed state and fears are prolonged, they interfere with to live normally and work, they are adversely affect physical health, then there are all the grounds to turn to a psychotherapist.

What is this disease?

Clinical depression Otherwise big depressive disorder - The aggravated form of a mental illness, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: depressed mood, desire for isolation from the outside world, a sense of guilt and impotence in a difficult situation, thoughts of suicide.

Society often underestimates the danger of clinical depression, considering this manifestation of a capricious nature, laziness, the habit of "to indulge in personal weaknesses."

Prolonged, systematically repetitive symptoms require an immediate appeal to the doctor.

People of different age and social status are exposed to the depressive state, regardless of the kind of activity and level of education.

Code of the ICD-10

A large depressive disorder is included in the international classification of diseases (ICD) of the 10th revision.

Section No. 5 is called "Mental Disorders and Disorders of Conduct", indicated by the F00-F99 encoding and contains 11 blocks. The section classifies neurotic disorders, behavioral signs, mental violations.

Depression is in the list of mental illnesses with encoding F30-F39 . This subsection contains a characteristic of diseases under which the change of emotions and human moods lead it to a state of clinical depression.

Depressive disorder may have a lung, moderate and acute degree of severity. All 3 phases of disease occasion are encoded F32. on the ICD-10.

Causes of occurrence

Depressive disorder is not the consequence of evil education or weakness of character. Mental ailments have specific objective reasons.

Factors of the appearance of a clinical depressive condition:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Reducing the level of neurotransmitters (serotonin and dopamine) - substances transmitting pulses between the neurons of the brain arises due to the prolonged stress, an unfavorable life situation, unresolved problems.
  2. Cognitive reasons. Understated self-esteem, feeling of insolvency, commissioning of behavior. Or, on the contrary, overestimated self-conceit against the background of the surrounding indifference.
  3. Hereditary location. Scientists have proven the influence of genetic continuity on the risk of mental ailments and the character traits contributing to the development of clinical depression.
  4. Heavy diseases and injuries. Pain, loss of disability and social activity, long adaptation periodually affect the nervous system.
  5. Situational reasons Over 50% of all episodes of the depressive state occupy. These include: the death of a loved one, domestic violence, unsatisfactory living conditions, lack of livelihoods, the impossibility of paying a loan, a heavy divorce.
  6. Side effect potent medicines.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of depressive disorder are due to disruption of the transmission of pulsed brain signal signals.

Clinical depression has physiological manifestations:

  • frequent headaches;
  • digestive disorders;
  • prolonged chest pains;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • insomnia, or vice versa, the inability to fully sleep overnight, drowsiness and fatigue during the day;
  • a sharp reduction in weight up to anorexia due to the loss of appetite or an increase in body weight due to the "Lack" stress habit.

A large depressive disorder can be diagnosed with doctors in cases of systematic, repeated repetition of one or more signs of illness.

Typical signs of the disease:

  1. Uncharacteristic behavior . A person becomes closed, avoids social contacts, inadequately responds to the events.
  2. Lack of joy and interest in life, apathy . Reducing the concentration of attention.
  3. Unfortunate irritability and manifestation of aggression . Discontent and anger on their fate, rejection of life circumstances.
  4. Mood decay, obsessive thoughts About own hopelessness, insolvency. The feeling of own guilt and no accumulation can lead to suicide attempts.
  5. Changes in psychomotor reactions . Someone hardly responds to the events that are happening, and someone becomes restless and unnecessary impulsive in their behavior.

In women, a depressive condition is characterized by:

  • unstable emotional state, desire to complain about fate and cry;
  • bucked suspicions in the wrongness of her husband, annoyance on the spouse and children for any occasion;
  • dissatisfaction with his own appearance;
  • reduced or lack of sexual attraction.

In men, signs of clinical depression manifest themselves:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • obsessive thoughts about the loss of their male attractiveness;
  • fear of non-compliance with public standards, about low social status compared to more successful colleagues, familiar and friends;
  • use of alcoholic and narcotic substances, passionate by gambling and extreme sports.


A multitude of thematic sites have been created on the Internet, where any interested reader online can take a test for identifying a depressive state.

The most accurate and simple is the test of an American psychotherapist Aaron Beck "Depression Scale". However, it is not worth 100% to rely on the result and personally diagnose, the more self-treatment.

Test serves tip - High score signals the need to visit a specialist in the near future.


Depression scale A.T. Beck


This questionnaire contains groups of statements.

Carefully read each group of statements. Then determine in each group one statement that best matches how you felt this week and today.

Put a tick about the selected approval. If several statements from the same group seem to you equally well suitable, then check the ticks near each of them.

Before making your choice, make sure you read all allegations in each group. At the end, consider the amount of points selected answers.

1 .

0 I do not feel frustrated, sad.

1 I'm upset.

2 I'm upset all the time and I can not disconnect from it.

3 I am so upset and unhappy that I can not withstand it.

2 .

0 I am not worried about my future.

1 I feel it is puzzled by the future.

2 I feel that nothing is waiting for me in the future.

3 My future is hopeless, and nothing can change for the better.

3 .

0 I do not feel a loser.

1 I feel that I suffered more failures than other people.

2 When I look at my life, I see a lot of failure in it.

3 I feel that as a person I am a full loser.

4 .

0 I get as much satisfaction from life as before.

1 I do not get as much satisfaction from life as before.

2 I no longer get satisfaction from anything.

3 I am completely not satisfied with my life, and I'm all tired.

5 .

0 I do not feel something to blame.

1 quite often I feel guilty.

2 Most of the time I feel guilty.

3 I constantly feel the feeling of guilt.

6 .

0 I do not feel that I can be punished for anything.

1 I feel that I can be punished.

2 I expect I can be punished.

3 I feel already punished.

7 .

0 I was not disappointed in myself.

1 I was disappointed in myself.

2 I am fighting myself.

3 I hate myself.

8 .

0 I know that I am not worse than others.

1 I criticize myself for mistakes and weaknesses.

2 I always blame myself for my actions.

3 I blame myself in all the bad things that happens.

9 .

0 I never thought to commit suicide.

1 The thoughts come to me to commit suicide, but I will not exercise them.

2 I would like to commit suicide.

3 I would kill myself if there was a case.

10 .

0 I pay no more than usual.

1 Now I pay more often than before.

2 Now I cry all the time.

3 I used to cry, but now I can not even if I want.

11 .

0 Now I am irritable no more than usual.

1 I am more easily annoying than before.

2 Now I constantly feel that annoyed.

3 I became indifferent to things that were annoyed before.

12 .

0 I did not lose interest in other people.

1 I am less interested in other people than before.

2 I almost lost interest in other people.

3 I completely lost interest in other people.

13 .

0 I postpone decision making sometimes, as before.

1 I am more often than before, I postpone decision making

2 It is harder for me to make decisions than before.

3 I can no longer make decisions.

14 .

0 I do not feel that I look worse than usual.

1 worries me that I look old and unattractive.

2 I know that there has been significant changes in my appearance making me unattractive.

3 I know that I look ugly.

15 .

0 I can work as well as before.

1 I need to make an additional effort to start doing something.

2 I hardly force myself to do anything.

3 I can't do any job at all.

16 .

0 I sleep as well as before.

1 Now I sleep worse than before.

2 I wake up for 1-2 hours earlier, and it's hard for me to fall asleep again.

3 I wake up a few hours earlier than usual and I can no longer fall asleep.

17 .

0 I'm not getting tired than usual.

1 Now I get tired faster than before.

2 I get tired almost from everything I do.

3 I can't do anything because of fatigue.

18 .

0 My appetite is no worse than usual.

1 My appetite was worse than before.

2 My appetite is now much worse.

3 I have no appetite at all.

19 .

0 Recently, I did not lose weight or weight loss was insignificant.

1 Recently, I lost more than 2 kg.

2 I lost more than 5 kg.

3 I lost more than 7 kr.

I intentionally try to lose weight and eat less (to celebrate the cross). Yes _________ no _________

20 .

0 I worry about my health no more than usual.

1 I disturb me the problems of my physical health, such as pain, stomach disorder, constipation, etc.

2 I am very concerned about my physical condition, and it's hard for me to think about something else.

3 I am so concerned about my physical condition that I can not think anything else.

21 .

0 Recently, I did not notice a change in my interest in sex.

1 The problems of sex occupy me less than before.

2 Now I am much less interested in sexual problems than before.

 3 I completely lost sexual interest.

Processing and interpretation of data

When interpreting data, the total score is taken into account in all categories.

  • 0-9 - Activity of depressive symptoms
  • 10-15 - easy depression (subdepression)
  • 16-19 -Mumened depression
  • 20-29 - Expressed depression (moderate severity)
  • 30-63-weightly depression

Timely appeal to the doctor will help identify the presence of pathology, determine the severity and nature of the disease, assign appropriate therapeutic or drug treatment.


An important condition for the success of psychotherapeutic aid is active a wish patient will overcome a disease.

Therapeutic treatment concludes:

  • wellness massage;
  • long-time walks in the fresh air;
  • sports;
  • empty therapy and artepia (painting, embroidery, sculpture, burning on a tree and much more);
  • relaxation sessions, breathing practices, yoga.

The specifics of the method, how to treat and how to treat, is determined strictly with the prescription and under the control of an experienced psychotherapist.

At the occurrence of the emergent improvement, it is impossible alone Stop reception of drugs and refuse to consult a specialist. Such actions will lead to further relapses and aggravation of the ailment.

What is used:

  1. eliminate the biochemical cause of the disease. Help stabilize the mood, get rid of apathy and psychomotor inhibition, increase vitality.
  2. fight with symptoms of depression: impaired appetite and sleep, phobias, anxiety. They will gradually act, addictive, there is a risk of overdose.
  3. stabilize the activity of the brain, increase the emotional state and physical activity of a person.
  4. slowing impact on the central nervous system is rendered, slowing down the transmission of brain pulses. Apply in cases of aggressive behavior of the patient, attempts to injure themselves, hallucinations, manifestations of suicidal inclinations.

The severity of symptoms of a large depressive disorder is due to the severity of the disease, character traits and the patient's behavior.

Given his condition, the doctor appoints an individual treatment and rehabilitation program with subsequent observation to complete recovery.

The tests presented on this page are checked and have a high sensitivity and specificity. This means that the probability does not reveal depression - sensitivity test, or reveal it where it is not - test specificity, low enough. However, it is important to understand that the result, which gives a depression test is not yet a clinical diagnosis. Diagnose depression from a medical point of view only a doctor is a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Before passing a depression test, it is important to know:

Depression tests, as well as medicines, undergo clinical trials!

Task online testing - determine if you are in the risk group and do not you think about choosing an adequate method of treatment.

Test / scale Fitness for self-diagnosis Prevalence in Russia Features
Absolutely fits Below average The first test for self-diagnosis.
Practically fits The tallest The psychological community most often chooses this test.
Not suitable Average Requires a specialist for conducting a survey. Used to assess the action of antidepressants.
Suitable Extremely low Complies with modern definitions of depression. Including - Atypical depression. Suitable for adolescents (from 13 years old)
Suitable Average The fastest. (+ Additional anxiety report)

Think before passing a depression test, are you ready for the next step? For such, for example, to seek help from a specialist if the test result will show a high level of depression? (From personal experience - obtaining the results of the test confirming the depression, made me feel even worse, even more depressive)

Depression test. Which to choose.

All presented tests for depression have sufficient reliability (sensitivity and specificity). The difference between them is not the likelihood of determining depression, but how recommended to the independent diagnosis of depression and for which age group they are more suitable. Online test itself, in most cases, it will take a long time - 5-15 minutes.

Test for the depression of Beck.

Bek Depression Scale (The Beck Depression Inventory, BDI)

Bekka II Depression scale (BDI-II)

This scales of gravity of depression was developed in 1996, taking into account the comments of the American Psychiatric Association. Some test items of the test were removed, some were added or modified to more accurately and fully reflect the current understanding of the depressed by the professional community and comply with the requirements of the current DSM and ICD editions. In particular, this test option adds a greater number of depressed, including atypical, symptoms and comes from the assessment of the person's condition over the past two weeks (as opposed to the first edition of the test, where patients asked to evaluate their feelings for the last week). If you pass the test "for yourself", then this is a good choice.

Beka-2 depression scale is suitable for testing depression in adolescents (starting from 13 years old).

Saving scales for self-assessment depression.

This scale was developed by William Zangom from the Duke University and can be effectively used in a variety of situations: in clinical studies, to monitor the effectiveness of various methods of treatment and drugs and as a screening tool in general practice. The difference from other tests is that the dance depression scale was originally developed for self-assessment of the level of depression. In particular, the wording of questions is more understandable "not a specialist".

Zanga scale is also a simple tool for monitoring changes in the severity of depression over time. The scale contains 20 questions, the passage time is about 10 minutes.

Test depressed Hamilton.

Hamilton Depression Estimation Scale is the most widely used range of polling, to measure the degree of depression. in hospital. It was developed in 1960 in the UK, to measure the degree of depression in the patient before, during and after treatment. Since then, many versions have been adapted, including structured manuals for interviews, forms for self-report and computerized versions. The Hamilton Depression Estimation Scale contains a relatively large number of somatic symptoms and relatively some cognitive or affective symptoms.

Initially, the scale of assessment of the depression of Hamilton was designed to conduct a survey with an experienced clinician doctor who had experience in handling mental patients. Currently, it is mostly used in medical institutions of the relevant profile and pharmaceutical companies for analyzing the effectiveness of antidepressants. (For reference - a change in test results by 3 points is proof of the effectiveness of antidepressant.)
Therefore, it is not worth recommending this test for self-test if you just received instructions from a specialist to choose this particular test.

Hospital test alarm and depression

The hospital alarm and depression scale was developed for the purposes of rapid testing of the patients of the clinic (therefore, and is called hospital) doctors - not specialists in matters of psychology and psychiatry. It is no secret that our mental state strongly affects our ability to endure pain, cope with the unknown and fight different diseases. And, it is reasonable to assume that if a doctor knows about our psychological condition - he will be able to more accurately diagnose the underlying disease (as if making an amendment to our anxiety, pessimism, fear of future, etc.) But the test accuracy was quite and very high, Therefore, the hospital scale of anxiety and depression gained widespread.

In addition, anxiety and depression are often found together. According to the mono amino theory of depression (and on it the entire model of antidepressants was built) increased anxiety would be a consequence of a low level of serotonin.

What to do after the dough for depression.

First of all, if the result of your test showed depression - do not rush to get upset.

In modern conditions, depression is quite well treated. Depending on the severity of your depressive disorder, experts recommend to turn either to a psychotherapist or to a psychologist, or to the other.

With a severe degree of depression without medication assistance of a psychotherapist (antidepressants), it is difficult to do, most likely you will simply have no effort on an independent work on yourself or a work with a psychologist. Subsequently, I recommend connecting to the treatment of a psychologist - a statistically better (and faster) results are achieved by specialists using the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy.

With depressive state of medium and easy severity, you can, as a primary choice, to stay at the services of a psychologist. But, making such a choice, be sure that you excluded the possible somatic causes of depression - many diseases can generate similar to the depression symptoms, and just be its reason.

Know that you are not alone.

Only according to official statistics, according to the data that is provided in WHO, 5.5% of the population is sick by depression. But knowing how few people treat their symptoms to doctors, many experts believe that this figure can be safely multiplied by two.

Think about - about every tenth person in your surroundings is experiencing depression right now. I, before my depression, did not notice such - they strive to be not noticed. But after his recovery, I see them, I guess I see - they are really a lot.

Remember, and better write down the result of your depression test.

It is said that depression has no color. Solid lead gray, hopelessness and khmarar, through which no ray of hope is trying through. Therefore, we often do not notice whether it becomes better or worse, even if we take some steps to heal. But there are still shades in this car - if you are treated, it makes sense periodically (for example - once a month) to undergo a selected depression test.

The change in the results may turn out to be the launcher of the hopes that make their way through the fog of depression. Even a small, but monitored positive change may have a large therapeutic effect.


Sudden nervous breakdowns

Disruption of appetite

Constant mood change

Neuroses of obsessive states

Permanent search for the meaning

Psychosomatic pain

  • Light therapy;

Test on the symptoms of depression

Depression is a real scourge of our time. Sooner or later, every tenth man is facing her manifestations, as well as every fifth woman. Cowar depression is unpredictable, she can hit a person at any age at any time of his life. Signs and symptoms of depression are very diverse, depending on the type of disease, they can vary greatly. Naturally, each of us has a bad mood or stressful situations when you do not want to do anything. How to understand, depressed with you, or not worry yet?

With any form of this psyche disorder, there are three features that are present:

  • loss of all interests, as well as joy for life;
  • increased irritability (or reduced mood background);
  • the reduced level of activity in all spheres: personal, cognitive, behavioral.

In addition, during depression, severe somatic manifestations are often observed. These may be headaches of various localization, rapid heartbeat, gastric and heart pain, sleep disorders, lack of appetite.

In the launched cases of this disease, a person faces even more serious manifestations: a decrease in intelligence, a weakening of memory, a significant weakening of the will, scattered, the emergence of problems with the speech and perception of the world. If the depression is not treated, then the total depression, a bad mood in combination with progressive apathy and brushlessness can provoke the desire to reduce accounts with life with suicidal attempts in a patient.

If the three main features of the depressive state are observed in a person more than 6 months, then a natural question arises: how to distinguish a depressive state from ordinary fatigue or emotional recession? Here, to the rescue and comes the test for the signs of depression, specially developed by experts to determine the presence and degree of possible depressive state.

What is the diagnosis of depressive state? When developing this test, psychologists relied on the most common symptoms and signs of depression, regardless of the type of disease. These manifestations remain unchanged both at the initial stage of this mental illness and when the depressed state is launched.

This test is equally effective for both men and women. It diagnoses not only the depression itself, but also the presence of a predempressive state. Thus, by passing this test, a person can recognize the symptoms of the starting disease in time and take the necessary measures to eliminate it.

Under nervous exhaustion, a specific mental and emotional state, which arises as a result of stress and excessive loads. Which is characteristic, such a state can be as a sign of depression and its precursor. In fact, this weakening of the body is aggravated by intoxication, lack of rest, poor nutrition or some diseases.

Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion

How nervous exhaustion is manifested

The main symptom of the state is infinite fatigue. It wants to sleep all the time all the time, and any trifle brings it out of equilibrium and provokes a nervous breakdown. And if at the same time not to arrange proper rest, exhaustion can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the destroyed life.

Nervous exhaustion - manifestations

The described phenomenon can develop as a result of strong and long loads of both psychological and mental nature. A simplicity is unable to withstand them, because of which there are symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of performance, mental disorders, somatic and vegetative violations.

A person appears chronic fatigue and other consequences of nervous exhaustion

All symptoms are conventionally divided into two types:

Consider them in more detail.

Mental symptoms

These include overwork, in which various functional disorders are observed in the body. First of all, it negatively affects the nervous system.

External manifestations

External manifestations of nervous exhaustion

They are more diverse, although in most cases they do not go beyond the characteristic categories.

Note! In general, all signs are exclusively collective in nature, which is concluded by manifestations.

But, repeat, the main symptoms are problems with sleep and the overall fatigue.

Fatigue and sleep problems

  1. Sleep impairment can hardly be considered as a disease, since everything is suffering from insomnia. Many sleep is disturbed due to nervous overvoltage during the day and, that is characteristic, these emotions may not only be negative, but also positive. The main indicator is the intensity of experiences. Also note that insomnia can manifest itself in the daytime, i.e. In the time of wakefulness, a person can fall asleep right at work. To normalize sleep, you need to learn to calm down and relax.

Lost and disagreeability

Video - Nervous Exhaustion

Symptoms of depressive state

Depression is a long disturbance of emotional equilibrium, significantly worsening the quality of human life. It can develop as a response to bad events (such as someone's death, loss of work, etc.), but quite often arises without explicit reasons.

Depression and anxiety

You need to know about two important points.

  1. Realize your problem and talk about it - it means to take the first step to recovery.
  2. Depression treatment is a relatively simple procedure.

Depression requires treatment

As for typical signs of such a state, they include:

  • thoughts about suicide;
  • sadness, longing and anxiety;
  • excessive concern about their health;
  • problems with sleep (a person can wake up very early);
  • migraines, back pain or heart;
  • loss of interest in food, work and sex;
  • reduction / weight gain;
  • feeling of insolvency, hopelessness and guilt;
  • problems with focus;
  • permanent fatigue.

Pay attention to the symptoms of depression

Depression in men

Recognize depression from representatives of the strong floor is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, many mistakenly believe that it is to share their problems with anyone - this is a manifestation of weakness, and secondly, men tend to hide the depressive state for the abuse of alcohol and aggressiveness. In addition, a person can actively play sports, with his head to go to work or captivate with gambling. And all this is obvious signs of male depression.

Depression in men

So, the status described can be recognized by:

  • "Bravery" syndrome;
  • instability to stress;
  • things about death, suicide;

Thoughts about suicide

Aggression and impulsiveness

Depression in women

Depressiveness in women

According to statistics, women's depression occurs much more often than men. It is difficult to determine why this happens, although most of the psychiatrists (in particular, this is stated in the "depression", written by V. L. Mailly) believes that gender belonging is not a biological premise of the described disorder.

And the cause of a large percentage of female depression is considered to be public prerequisites present in any society. Women are more often subjected to stress, more often turn to doctors than, in fact, such statistics are explained.

Note! Children's depression occurs equally often, but in adolescence, girls are broken into "leaders".

Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion - test

Consider the two most popular tests to assess their mental state.

Test on the signs of depression

Depression recognition scale

Were there any changes in your behavior in the last 30 days? And if there were, what exactly? Try to answer all questions as fair as possible.

Table. How to recognize depression - Evaluation scale

Having answered all questions, count the number of points you scored:

  • 0-13 - Depression, apparently, you do not have;
  • 14-26 - the primary symptoms of this state are observed;
  • 27-39 - Depression pronounced pronounced, you must immediately consult a doctor.

This scale will help identify depression for a record short time. You must fill in the scale yourself, jumping out the desired numbers in each of the items, then summarize points.

Bek test questionnaire for deressive status recognition

The test below created A. T. Beck back in the distant 1961. This test includes several dozen statements, and you must choose among the options the one that more characterizes your current state. You can choose two options immediately.

0 - I do not feel any disorder and sadness.

1 - I am a little upset.

2 - constantly upset, no strength to overcome this condition.

3 - I'm so unhappy, which is unable to endure it.

0 - I do not worry about my future.

1 - I am somewhat puzzled by your future.

2 - I guess, not worth waiting for anything from the future.

3 - I'm not waiting for anything from the future, no changes will occur.

0 - It is hardly possible to call me a loser.

1 - I survived more failures than my friends.

2 - There was a lot of failure in my life.

3 - I am an exceptional and complete loser.

0 - I am as satisfied with my life as before.

1 - in my life is less fun than before.

2 - Nothing satisfies me anymore.

3 - dissatisfied with life, everything has already got.

0 - I do not think that it is to blame for anything.

1 - often I feel guilty.

2 - Very often suffering from a sense of own guilt.

3 - I always guilty always.

0 - It is unlikely to punish something for anything.

1 - Probably, I can punish me.

2 - Waiting for what I will be punished.

3 - I guess I was already punished.

0 - I was not disappointed in myself.

1 - disappointed in himself.

2 - I'm fighting for yourself.

3 - I hate yourself.

0 - I'm definitely not worse than the rest.

1 - often engaged in self-vacation for weakness and perfect errors.

2 - constantly blame yourself for your own actions.

3 - in the whole negative, which is happening to me, is to blame only me.

0 - I did not have thoughts about suicide.

1 - Sometimes I want to end with you, but I will not do this.

2 - I wanted to commit suicide.

3 - would commit suicide, if I had the opportunity.

0 - I pay as often as before.

2 - constantly crying.

3 - I cried before that, but now I can not even with a big desire.

0 - I am as irritable, as before.

1 - For some reason I annoy more often.

2 - the irritability - my usual state.

3 - everything that caused irritation is now indifferent.

0 - Sometimes I delay with the decision-making.

1 - I postpone the acceptance more often than before.

2 - It became difficult for me to take some decisions.

3 - I can't accept any solution.

0 - I'm still interested in others.

1 - I'm interested in a little less.

2 - practically nobody besides yourself.

3 - I do not feel any interest in others.

0 - I look like before.

1 - I get old and low-attractive.

2 - My appearance has changed significantly, I'm already unattractive.

3 - My appearance is just disgusting.

0 - I work in no worse than before.

1 - I have to make additional efforts.

2 - with great difficulty forcing himself to perform this or that action.

3 - I can not do anything.

0 - Soon I still have in order.

1 - Recently I sleep a little worse.

2 - I started to wake up earlier, after which I would barely fall asleep.

3 - I started to wake up before, after which I can't sleep.

0 - just as tired, as before.

1 - noticed that fatigue comes faster.

2 - Everything tires me so that I do.

3 - Unable to do anything, and all the fatigue.

0 - my appetite did not deteriorate.

1 - He worsened a little.

2 - He worsened very much.

3 - no appetite is absent.

0 - in recent weeks it did not lose or threw a little.

1 - lost a maximum of two kilograms.

2 - threw no more than five kilograms.

3 - Lost more seven kilograms.

I'm trying to lose weight and less is (needed).

0 - My concern about my own health has not changed.

1 - I worry, I'm disturbed by pain, constipation, gastric disorders, and so on.

2 - I worry more, it is difficult to concentrate on something else.

3 - I am very worried about it, unable to concentrate on something else.

0 - Sex for me is still as interesting.

1 - less interested in inter-brain intimacy.

2 - This proximity interests me much less.

3 - My interest in the opposite sex disappeared.

How to process results?

Each item must be estimated from 0 to 3. The total score can be from 0 to 63 than it is lower, the better the condition of the person.

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 - no depression;
  • from 10 to 15 - a weak depressive state;
  • from 16 to 19 - moderate;
  • from 20 to 29 - average depression;
  • from 30 to 63 - a severe depression form.

If you have noticed the symptoms of depression, they must immediately consult a doctor. As for treatment, it can be carried out both with the help of psychotherapeutic methods and using drugs.

Contact your psychologist to support and treat depression

Depression Test (Beka Scale)

According to statistical studies, depression is one of the most common diseases around the world, while in one row with cardiovascular diseases. Permanent alarms and stress as permanent travelers of an active modern person cannot not be reflected in his psychological well-being.

No wonder many scientists call the depression of our time from which millions of people suffer. It is important to understand that depression is not just a bad mood or "decay of forces", but a complex mental disorder that has specific signs and symptoms.

For high-quality diagnosis of depression, signs and symptoms are identified, which make up a "depressive triad":

  • loss of ability to rejoice
  • negative thinking and pessimism,
  • inhibition in movements.

These basic symptoms complement many other signs, the presence of which you can determine on your own, having passed the test for depression "Bek Depression Scale." You can do it online right now and find out if you need to seek help from a specialist for a deeper research.

The Beka scale is a depression test in the form of online questionnaire, which consists of 21 points with several response options. These items include specific features and symptoms of depression, and response options reflect the severity of the symptom. Your task is to choose one answer option that exactly characterizes your condition over the past two weeks along with today's day.

Do not forget that the exact diagnosis can only be delivered by a specialist, so do not make yourself hasty conclusions.

Test: Do you have depression or just a bad mood?

With the help of this test you can find out with a 100% guarantee, if you have depression. If it turns out that it is not, reading the article at least in order to know how to convincingly simulate this ailment in case of anything.

At all times, there were diseases with beautiful names, which were not prestigious to hurt - rather, it was fashionable to say that you have them, or to replace the ailments of real. It was worth it instead of "terrible snot" to say the "monstrous influenza" - and the surrounding immediately penetrated with respect for you and your fine organization.

Today, such a disease, about which everyone speaks, often without understanding the original meaning of the name, became depression. It is accepted to write down everything: impotence, torn the breath and unwillingness to go for the meeting of graduates. At the same time, few people know that depression is a completely concrete disease, caused by such complex biochemical changes in the nervous system that an ordinary person cannot cause them even for money. Cooking the depression is actually quite difficult, but what is considered to be it is, as a rule, depressive accentuation of the person, a bad mood or even ordinary hatred for people.

Want to know the whole truth about whether you have depression? You have two scenarios to choose from: either you go to psychoanalyst, and he gives you a clinical test, with a 100% guarantee diagnostic depression; Either you are going to exactly the same clinical test, which we grabbed the memory when they went to be checked.

Yes, and take into account: the causes of depression are usually very specific - long-term mental stress, overwork, theorest brain injury, heavy and long-term diseases of the internal organs, surgical operations, the deficiency of the blood supply of brain and congenital neurochemical disorders. If you do not have any of the above - it means that there are no tests here and the tests are most likely. Just stop simulating depression - and it will pass!

What is the depression

According to the international classification of diseases "MKB-10", depression is not even one disease, but seven different. In the sense that it is divided into groups.

Due to the occurrence

Neurotic D., due to internal conflict.

Reactive D., which is a reaction to mental injury.

Endogenic D., which is generally easy to treat, since it has neurochemical causes.

By the nature of the flow

Of course, these species can be combined. For example, a large depression can be simultaneously classical and reactive. But that's not all. Only for readers Maxim! Picking up the hidden depression, you get two more diseases as a gift!

In addition to jokes. Hidden depression can be somatic (this is when, in addition to poor mood, you will torment some kind of physical disease like a disease of the stomach or dystonia) or masked. In this case, you will have all the symptoms of another disease - for example, appendicitis. However, the autopsy will show that you did not have it.

Under what aids depression loves to disguise

Pain, heaviness, sawing, cold or heat in the stomach, nausea, decline in appetite. Of course, everything is faithful and the truth can be an overdue mold on cheese. However, these symptoms often use depression to let doctors on the false path. The condition of the belly worsens in the morning, and for the second half of the day you begin again with a sad kind of picking the contents of a plate, feeling relief. Patients enter hospitals with suspicion of acute appendicitis and cholecystitis, but the intervention of relief surgeons does not bring.

2 headache

To say where exactly hurts, a person cannot. More often the pain seems to him in the form of iron hoops, squeezed the skull, or something that is crawling inside the head. The condition, as in the case of the stomach, worsens in the morning, and in the evening passes. Such patients are diagnosed with Migraine or "Vegeta Dystonia", and then they drink useless painkillers for years.

The tricky depression imitates neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve (he comes from ear to eyebrows and lower jaws) and inflammation of the temporo-jewish joint. Patients communicated to despair asking dentists to remove them completely healthy teeth, which sometimes, by the way, brings temporary relief. The depression mask also causes surprisingly bright sensations of roughness and hairiness of the language.

Imitation of interruptions in the work of the heart, burning sensation or cold behind the sternum. The results of the cardiogram do not correspond to the complaints of the patient, but doctors of pity discover him with hearts. They reduce pain, but do not remove it completely.

You believe that you have radiculitis, diseases of the joints and neuralgia. But doctors, looking at your x-ray, turn the finger at the temple. At the same time, the joints do not hurt there, where it is necessary, but a few centimeters above.

Depression without sleep disorders does not care that Fedor Konyukhov without legs. Moreover, sometimes insomnia can be generally the only symptom of masked depression. In this case, you will wake up inhable, breakfast with disgusting to food, and then come to work already tired and immediately fall to the cigarette or a cup of coffee. The peaks of activity are possible, but usually they fall for 10-12 in the morning, and you still sleep at that time, because in the evening, despite the fatigue, I could not sleep and grumbled all night. And so every day.

You realize that sharks in the soup are not found, and the aliens in their mass do not want to kill you. But it does not help to defeat groundless fear. However, exotic depression phobias are rarely characteristic. More often it causes fear of death from stopping breathing, panic attacks. Phobia is intensifying usually at night and in the morning.

8 Sexual disorders

Weakening erection? Accelerated or, on the contrary, slow seeds? Do not hurry to make your penis science. Perhaps the case is again depressed. By the way, the famous "demon in the edge" (and speaking by scientific language, the desire for increasingly strong sexual stimuli) is also a sign of depression, and usually the earliest.

9 drug addiction and alcoholism

Infusion of harmful habits brings short-term relief. A hangover or breaking is accompanied by monstrously stormy symptoms taken from the previous eight points.

Clinical Test for Defending Depression

Before you, 44 groups of statements. Choose in each of them one answer, which best describes your well-being. Remember your task is not to win, and learn the truth. Answer sincerely. To make it easier for you to do this, we did not even be intrusive "smash" answers, as we do it usually.

How to deal with depression

This part will be interesting first of all to people who scored serious amounts in the test. If you have, according to the results, there is no depression, you can read this block with a detached gloating. So, an independent way out of an unemployed state may take months and even years, and even then, if you protect yourself from stress - preferably, the monastic wall or a grove palm. It is easier to consult a doctor, because depression is healing. In fact, it is a failure in the metabolism. Doctors will treat you not only with pills, but also sincere conversations (the most unpleasant part). Without simultaneously eliminating physiological and psychological factors, it is impossible to cure a person.

Your best friend for the next six months should be a psychotherapist. Survived mental injuries, mental stress, quarrels with surrounding and internal conflicts, heavy experiences about their own health - all this may underlie the depression. Treatment only with powerful pills (without psychotherapy), of course, helps, but after the cancellation of drugs, the disease can look at you again.

What will you give

Sometimes particularly skilled psychotherapists derive their ill-fated patients from depression and without medicines at all. Alas, in some cases without drugs, it is not necessary to do: the launched aless destroys the brain so that the balance of neurotransmitters is not restored itself.

The basis of any course of treatment. Side effects and doses can be varied, but the purpose of drugs is one to eliminate the biochemical basis of depression.

Vitamins and biostimulators

And these beneficial pills will help you to establish the supply of cerebral cells with energy and other petty useful things. Actually, these are not some secret substances, but the same vitamins that healthy people drink to increase stress resistance and immunity.

By themselves, these potent means do not cure depression. But they struggle with her symptoms (and sometimes even succeed in this): longing, fear, bodily manifestations. Antidepressants give the effect not immediately, so that you would be more fun to wait for him, the doctor will surely drive you "tricks".

In fact, these are ordinary sedatives, but they are so strong that they can drive even an elephant in a quiet state, which has just lost all their relatives, both tillats and business share. Neuroleptics reduce the excitation and eliminate fears, remove a patient from the mental deadlock and reduce the bodily manifestations of the masked depression.

However, to neuroleptics the case may not reach. Usually doctors begin a course from a cocktail from antidepressants and biostimulants. And only if he did not work - add two other components.

Why it may not help

Tablets are almost useless if the psychotherapist has not eliminated the personal causes of depression - for example, it did not make you quit.

Scale, Shikhana

If the first test gives a negative result, go to the second. Test Shihana will help find out if you have at least anxiety - the state preceding depression. If you do not gain enough points, then, alas, you are a mentally healthy person who is now just necessary that you think of new excuses for your impotence and congenital laziness.

Masked Depression: Symptoms and Treatment

A special option of psychological disorder is hidden depression. In modern psychology, it is also known as somatzed depression, masked and somatogenic depression.

The cunning of the disease lies in the fact that a person besides psychological disorder is experiencing physical pain and inconvenience. The effectiveness of treatment is completely dependent on the correctness of the diagnosis.

Hidden depression is very often hiding for physical diseases, therefore it is called somatic. Sometimes a person begins to experience pain symptoms of incomprehensible origin. Scientists argue that the cause of the physical illness is spiritual disorder manifested through body diseases. With a correct diagnosis, return a good physical condition and eliminate the symptoms of the masked depression can only psychotherapist.


The symptoms of hidden depression are most often manifested in the form of psychogenic pains: it can be a head or toothache, unpleasant feelings in the joints, cervical migraine. A person also may have vegetual violations: tachycardia, dizziness and severity in the body. Signs of hidden depression look like this

Subdepressive state is not always noticeable surrounding

People suffering from a masked mental disorder do not always show their inner state. First of all, they do it in order not to disturb their loved ones. Patients learned to hide their condition under the mask of calm and satisfying their lives.

Sudden nervous breakdowns

Somatized depression often generates bursts of emotions. Always a calm person can suddenly praise or scream sharply, without visible for that causes. After such an explosion of emotions, the patient again becomes calm and balanced.

Disruption of appetite

Hidden depression is often accompanied by a complete refusal of food, or vice versa, an increased appetite. Patients with mental disorders are very often trying to compensate for their excitement due to changes in taste preferences. Supported should be acknowledged a sharp change in gastronomic addiction without a visible reason.

Insomnia or vice versa, constant sleepy state

Sleep impairment is a clear sign of depression. A person suffering from this ailment rarely boasts a healthy and calm bed. Patients mostly suffer from insomnia, for a long time they cannot fall asleep and then fall into the border state between sleep and reality. There are often cases when a person sleeps more than 10 hours a day and does not fall out.

Uncontrollable treatment of medication drugs

Some people seeking to get rid of the depressed state, begin to make different antidepressants independently. As a result, the sluggish disorder takes a chronic form and is heavier to treat.

Constant mood change

Just a cheerful and sociable person can plunge into heavy meditation or even cry. People who are experiencing an internal crisis can survive several mood drops in one day.

Neuroses of obsessive states

The masked depression of a neurotic nature is often accompanied by obsessive movement syndrome. A patient with a hiding disorder can tapping on the table, recalculate the floors in the houses, pull the neck or bite the lips. People who make repeating movements most often have internal problems of psychological nature.

Permanent search for the meaning

A depressive confused person cannot rejoice at a good day or success at work, he is constantly engaged in thoughts about finding the meaning of life. Such reflections drive him in longing, thoughts about imminent death only aggravate the depressive state.

Psychosomatic pain

Somatic manifestations of depression are expressed in bodily pains of incomprehensible origin. Full diagnostics does not give a response, which caused health problems. Imaginary radiculitis or headache is a bright example of hidden depression. One of the main problems of people who experience the symptoms of somatized depression is that they do not want to confess even their own need for psychological assistance.

How to get rid of hidden depression

The first step to get rid of the ailment is to consult a psychotherapist who will select the right treatment. Somatic symptoms of depression can not be ignored, this is fraught with serious consequences. The causes of subdepression may be internal and external. Internal reasons include: low self-esteem, loss of life and more. External reasons are material problems, troubles at work, a divorce with your beloved person, housing unpleasution, sexual dissatisfaction. If you cannot cope with problems yourself, and communication with friends does not bring the desired result, the output is only one - seek help from a specialist. Psychotherapist will explain that it is a hidden depression, and will help it to get into the professional level.

Treatment of masked depression should begin with the full diagnosis of the patient. After all pathological diseases are completely excluded, hidden disorder therapy begins. In cases of light disease, the attending physician will recommend non-drug treatment that includes:

  • Psychotherapy, which is carried out in the form of individual or collective classes;
  • Light therapy;
  • Magnetic and transcranial stimulation and other.

The somatic depression in the launched form is treated with the help of tranquilizers and antidepressants. Only the attending physician should be a course of treatment, while taking into account the overall state of the patient. It is strictly forbidden to make calming remedies yourself, as they have a lot of contraindications and can cause complications. When fulfilling all the recommendations of the doctor, the treatment of hidden depression has a favorable forecast. It is not easy to get rid of the disease, so an integrated approach in treatment is so important. Psychological assistance, support for loved ones and, if necessary, medication therapy will allow the patient to take a look at the world with completely different eyes.

The appearance of the first signs of the depressive state cannot be ignored. The reasons that caused the state of spiritual discomfort may be a lot: ranging from loss of life and ending with financial problems. The first symptoms of the inner crisis is to break sleep, lethargy and irritability, loss of appetite, psychosomatic pain. A timely diagnosed diagnosis and competent treatment will allow to get rid of this unpleasant illness and to survive a full life.

Beck Depression Test

A person is experiencing daily stress, meeting with conflict situations both at work and in family relationships. Under the influence of stressful factors, symptoms of apathy and depressive disorder are developing. According to scientific data, depression is more than forty-five percent of the population of our planet. All the same statistics suggests that this disease is more common among weak representatives.

It should be noted that the depressive syndrome, has many different forms of manifestation, which greatly makes it difficult to diagnose. For this purpose, a Bek scale is used to assess the depression, which allows you to determine not only the presence of the disease, but also its degree of gravity. In this article, we suggest familiarizing yourself with this diagnostic tool and learn about the peculiarities of its application.

Bek Depression Scale - One of the first tests created to assess depression

What is depressive disorder

Depressive syndrome is one of the most common mental disorders today. According to statistical data, in the modern world more than a million people have different symptoms of this disease. Depressive disorder is a serious illness, the lack of attention to which can cause irreversible changes in psyche.

The presence of depression leads to a violation in the work of immunity, the emergence of a feeling of chronic fatigue and a decrease in libido. The above-mentioned symptoms of depression include various somatic diseases, which are manifested by the influence of internal and external factors. According to experts, the development of the disease is accompanied by strong mental suffering, which is reflected in the behavior model of the patient. Thus, the depressive disorder changes the attitude of a person to the world around him.

Most people belong to the depressive disorder too frivolous. Often, this disease is compared with headache attacks that have an episodic character. That is why many patients avoid visiting a specialist, hoping that the symptoms of depression will disappear independently. Lack of attention to the disease leads to the development of severe psyche disorder, which affects the perception of the surrounding world. Under the pressure of the disease, many patients with severe depression show a tendency to suicide. That is why it is very important to know not only about the presence of a disease, but also about her degree of gravity. Let's look at how it is measured.

Depression scale

Bek's Depression scale is a diagnostic tool that has a questionnaire. The use of this scale allows you to determine the presence of the disease and the degree of its severity. To date, this tool is one of the most popular and reliable solutions to determine the state of the human psyche. A feature of the Bek scale is that the tests for all tests test selected on their own. Each question has three answers, from whose choice the result depends. It is important to pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to answer questions very honest.

The diagnostic technique under consideration refers to universal tools that are used regardless of the patient's sexuality and age. The creator of this technique is American psychotherapist Aaron Beck, who devoted his whole life to the study of depressive disorder. A questionnaire used to diagnose depression was created at the beginning of the sixties of the last century. However, today, this diagnostic method has not lost its relevance.

According to statistical studies, depression is one of the most common diseases worldwide.

Among the issues that are available in the test, the most vivid signs of mental disorder are veiled. Each of them is a kind of indicator of the severity of depression. Such questions help the psychologist to determine the presence of the disease, its degree of gravity and the form of severity.

What the scale looks like

A questionnaire, with which depression is detected, consists of twenty-one questions, each of which is based on the signs of the presence of depressive disorder. According to experts, this method is unique, since it is the basis of two criteria:

  1. The first is the somatic signs of psyche disorder, among which violations should be allocated in the sexual sphere, nighthood and food intake process.
  2. The second is affective-cognitive symptoms that are characteristic of such a disease, as psychosis, having a manic-depressive form of severity.

The above features are hidden in certain test items. This technique implies a detailed analysis of patient responses, based on which a preliminary diagnosis is established. The number of sixty three is the maximum final score in this test. This result indicates the presence of a severe form of a disease that requires immediate treatment. Otherwise, there is a high danger to patient health.

The overwhelming part of the questions has the form of approval, "I do this" or, "I feel something." Among the examples of the test questions, you can allocate "I can perform my work responsibilities also qualitatively as before." Answers to this question look like this:

For each response, the subject receives from zero to three points. It is important to note that the Beka scale can be applied independently. After testing the Internet, you can not only identify the presence of depression, but also determine its degree of gravity. However, many experts recommend to undergo such testing in a competent psychotherapist. An experienced test of tests, if necessary, can determine the strategy of therapy and help get rid of signs of mental disorder.

Depression is not just a bad mood or "decay of forces", but a complex mental disorder that has specific signs and symptoms

The considered method of diagnostics is available for all those who want to undergo a psychological test, in order to assess the state of their own psyche. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the passage of testing can help increase self-esteem. The Beck Depression Test is not recommended alone. In this process, a specialist or a close relative should be involved. Such an approach to the diagnosis allows you to estimate your own state "other people's eyes".

Most often, the tool in question is used in the diagnosis of teenage depression. According to statistics, representatives of the pubertal age group are the main candidates for the risk group. To prove this fact, you can recall the recent events when many young people in closed groups in social networks massively committed suicide. The main audience of such communities was children of school age and students who suffered from feeling dissatisfaction with their own lives. The lack of attention and love from the parents, forced their missing feelings on the Internet. Participation in the group was interpreted as a game whose purpose is to attempt suicide.

According to experts, most of these fatal incidents could be prevented using timely therapeutic intervention. It is for this that the Bek depression test is used, which allows us to evaluate the state of the psyche at any age, whether it is a schoolboy, a teenager or an adult. The passage of the test makes it possible to determine the presence of signs of mental disorder and begin treatment.

Interpretation of answers

From zero to nine points

The author of this diagnostic test used its own interpretation method. If as a result of testing, the subject is dialing from zero to nine points - this indicates the absence of signs of depression. In this case, the presence of low-rise signs of depressive disorder, which have a small importance and do not require psychotherapeutic impact. Most often, such symptoms disappear independently after a short period of time.

From ten to fifteen points

An indicator equal to ten to fifteen points indicates the presence of signs of depressive disorder at the initial stage of development. This condition is referred to in medicine by the term "subdepression". In rare cases, this form of the disease is accompanied by violations in the social sphere and has an impact on the worldview of the patient. In this case, the patient needs medical monitoring from a psychologist who will observe the development of symptoms. It is very important to advantagely prevent the development of the heavy form of the syndrome and take under complete control of the change in the behavioral model.

Beka scale is a test for depression in the form of a questionnaire

From sixteen to nineteen points

An indicator, varying from sixteen to nineteen points, speaks of the presence of a test depressive disorder that has a moderate severity. It is important to note that most of the signs of this form of the disease have a certain similarity with a slight depressive disorder. The main difference between the forms of the disease is the frequency of their manifestation. The moderate form of severity of depressive syndrome is characterized by a tendency to melancholy, loss of life interest and a constant feeling of sadness. This condition is accompanied by a rapid decline in self-esteem and the appearance of a feeling of guilt, which does not give rest.

From twenty to twenty nine balls

Such results are a clear evidence of the presence of a test depressive disorder that has clear severity. According to experts, this condition is a medium severity disease, which is characterized as a sharp loss of appetite and rapidly developing apathy. Under the influence of mental disorder, changes are observed in the emotional perception and physiological state of the patient. All the actions are performed on the "autopilot" because the patient loses its life interest. It is quite interesting that people in such a state there is a decrease in the synthesis of hormone happiness.

In a similar condition, a person needs immediate psychotherapeutic assistance. According to experts, the lack of attention to this problem, in eighty percent of cases, the suicide attempt is caused. In addition, seeking to hunt Handra and sadness, most people begin to use drugs and alcoholic beverages in increased quantities.

The technique was originally developed to ensure a quantitative estimate of the depression intensity

From thirty to sixty three points

This indicator is a sign of the presence of a tested severe depressive disorder. Mental disorders are expressed by the oppressive state and a feeling of sadness, which forced to refuse the patient from the usual lifestyle. Most people suffering from severe depression are experiencing their own insignificance and suffer from understated self-esteem. A severe depressive disorder is accompanied by a decrease in operability, loss of appetite and vital incentives.

The influence of the disease affects the emotional sphere, which is expressed in sharp drops of mood. Among the somatic symptoms of the disease, problems with sleep, disorders in the immune system and a sharp weight loss should be distinguished. A pessimistic view of his own future can cause hysterical and aggressive behavior. Caution aggression is poured into physical violence over his loved ones, and attempts to commit suicide. In order to prevent the development of such a situation, it is necessary to conduct treatment in an emergency.


You can go through the test for the presence of depression on many specialized sites or in the psychologist's office. When identifying signs of the disease, you should immediately begin therapy. Otherwise, it is possible to develop severe consequences that will affect the state of psyche and health.

Under nervous exhaustion, a specific mental and emotional state, which arises as a result of stress and excessive loads. Which is characteristic, such a state can be as a sign of depression and its precursor. In fact, this weakening of the body is aggravated by intoxication, lack of rest, poor nutrition or some diseases.

The main symptom of the state is infinite fatigue. It wants to sleep all the time all the time, and any trifle brings it out of equilibrium and provokes a nervous breakdown. And if at the same time not to arrange proper rest, exhaustion can lead to the most serious consequences, up to the destroyed life.

Nervous exhaustion - manifestations

The described phenomenon can develop as a result of strong and long loads of both psychological and mental nature. A simplicity is unable to withstand them, because of which there are symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of performance, mental disorders, somatic and vegetative violations.

All symptoms are conventionally divided into two types:

  • mental;
  • external.

Consider them in more detail.

These include overwork, in which various functional disorders are observed in the body. First of all, it negatively affects the nervous system.

External manifestations

They are more diverse, although in most cases they do not go beyond the characteristic categories.

Table. Main categories

NameShort description
First categoryThis refers to weakness, drowsiness, irritability, although all this can be successfully suppressed under the condition of a lot of will. But even in such cases, the main problem is not going anywhere, let the person and looks like a balanced and calm, so the emotional explosions will appear even more.
Second categoryIncludes the following symptoms: indifference, lethargy, permanent sense of guilt, depression (about the last we will talk separately, but somewhat later). Thinking processes and human movements are inhibited. This type of exhaustion often attracts the attention of pronounced indifference to everything.
Third categoryLess often such a state is manifested in the form of strong excitement. The man feels Euphoria, he is eased and talkative, his activity is active, but often meaningless. He feels quite normal, it looks as well, but it cannot objectively assess its capabilities and reality as a whole. That is why, when performing certain actions, a person makes mistakes who previously never allowed himself.

Note! In general, all signs are exclusively collective in nature, which is concluded by manifestations.

But, repeat, the main symptoms are problems with sleep and the overall fatigue.

  1. Sleep impairment can hardly be considered as a disease, since everything is suffering from insomnia. Many sleep is disturbed due to nervous overvoltage during the day and, that is characteristic, these emotions may not only be negative, but also positive. The main indicator is the intensity of experiences. Also note that insomnia can manifest itself in the daytime, i.e. In the time of wakefulness, a person can fall asleep right at work. To normalize sleep, you need to learn to calm down and relax.

  2. Fatigue is a kind of protective response to excessive spending of the body's power reserves. The symptoms of fatigue include reduced disability, drowsiness and sensation of lethargy. What is characteristic, excessive drowsiness may indicate serious diseases. In order not to override your body, it is necessary to carefully plan a schedule for recreation and work, pick up the optimal time to sleep.

Video - Nervous Exhaustion

Symptoms of depressive state

Depression is a long disturbance of emotional equilibrium, significantly worsening the quality of human life. It can develop as a response to bad events (such as someone's death, loss of work, etc.), but quite often arises without explicit reasons.

You need to know about two important points.

  1. Realize your problem and talk about it - it means to take the first step to recovery.
  2. Depression treatment is a relatively simple procedure.

As for typical signs of such a state, they include:

  • thoughts about suicide;
  • sadness, longing and anxiety;
  • excessive concern about their health;
  • problems with sleep (a person can wake up very early);
  • migraines, back pain or heart;
  • loss of interest in food, work and sex;
  • reduction / weight gain;
  • feeling of insolvency, hopelessness and guilt;
  • problems with focus;
  • permanent fatigue.

Recognize depression from representatives of the strong floor is quite difficult. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, many mistakenly believe that it is to share their problems with anyone - this is a manifestation of weakness, and secondly, men tend to hide the depressive state for the abuse of alcohol and aggressiveness. In addition, a person can actively play sports, with his head to go to work or captivate with gambling. And all this is obvious signs of male depression.

So, the status described can be recognized by:

  • "Bravery" syndrome;
  • instability to stress;
  • things about death, suicide;

  • uncertainty in making one or another decision;
  • impulsive behavior;
  • hostility, aggressiveness;

  • abuse of alcohol, alcoholism.

Depression in women

According to statistics, women's depression occurs much more often than men. It is difficult to determine why this happens, although most of the psychiatrists (in particular, this is stated in the "depression", written by V. L. Mailly) believes that gender belonging is not a biological premise of the described disorder.

MARKO, V.L. "Depression"

And the cause of a large percentage of female depression is considered to be public prerequisites present in any society. Women are more often subjected to stress, more often turn to doctors than, in fact, such statistics are explained.

Note! Children's depression occurs equally often, but in adolescence, girls are broken into "leaders".

Signs of depression and nervous exhaustion - test

Consider the two most popular tests to assess their mental state.

Depression recognition scale

Were there any changes in your behavior in the last 30 days? And if there were, what exactly? Try to answer all questions as fair as possible.

Table. How to recognize depression - Evaluation scale

Having answered all questions, count the number of points you scored:

  • 0-13 - Depression, apparently, you do not have;
  • 14-26 - the primary symptoms of this state are observed;
  • 27-39 - Depression pronounced pronounced, you must immediately consult a doctor.

This scale will help identify depression for a record short time. You must fill in the scale yourself, jumping out the desired numbers in each of the items, then summarize points.

Bek test questionnaire for deressive status recognition

The test below created A. T. Beck back in the distant 1961. This test includes several dozen statements, and you must choose among the options the one that more characterizes your current state. You can choose two options immediately.

0 - I do not feel any disorder and sadness.

1 - I am a little upset.

2 - constantly upset, no strength to overcome this condition.

3 - I'm so unhappy, which is unable to endure it.

0 - I do not worry about my future.

1 - I am somewhat puzzled by your future.

2 - I guess, not worth waiting for anything from the future.

3 - I'm not waiting for anything from the future, no changes will occur.

0 - It is hardly possible to call me a loser.

1 - I survived more failures than my friends.

2 - There was a lot of failure in my life.

3 - I am an exceptional and complete loser.

0 - I am as satisfied with my life as before.

1 - in my life is less fun than before.

2 - Nothing satisfies me anymore.

3 - dissatisfied with life, everything has already got.

0 - I do not think that it is to blame for anything.

1 - often I feel guilty.

2 - Very often suffering from a sense of own guilt.

3 - I always guilty always.

0 - It is unlikely to punish something for anything.

1 - Probably, I can punish me.

2 - Waiting for what I will be punished.

3 - I guess I was already punished.

0 - I was not disappointed in myself.

1 - disappointed in himself.

2 - I'm fighting for yourself.

3 - I hate yourself.

0 - I'm definitely not worse than the rest.

1 - often engaged in self-vacation for weakness and perfect errors.

2 - constantly blame yourself for your own actions.

3 - in the whole negative, which is happening to me, is to blame only me.

0 - I did not have thoughts about suicide.

1 - Sometimes I want to end with you, but I will not do this.

2 - I wanted to commit suicide.

3 - would commit suicide, if I had the opportunity.

0 - I pay as often as before.

1 - I pay more often.

2 - constantly crying.

3 - I cried before that, but now I can not even with a big desire.

0 - I am as irritable, as before.

1 - For some reason I annoy more often.

2 - the irritability - my usual state.

3 - everything that caused irritation is now indifferent.

0 - Sometimes I delay with the decision-making.

1 - I postpone the acceptance more often than before.

2 - It became difficult for me to take some decisions.

3 - I can't accept any solution.

0 - I'm still interested in others.

1 - I'm interested in a little less.

2 - practically nobody besides yourself.

3 - I do not feel any interest in others.

0 - I look like before.

1 - I get old and low-attractive.

2 - My appearance has changed significantly, I'm already unattractive.

3 - My appearance is just disgusting.

0 - I work in no worse than before.

1 - I have to make additional efforts.

2 - with great difficulty forcing himself to perform this or that action.

3 - I can not do anything.

0 - Soon I still have in order.

1 - Recently I sleep a little worse.

2 - I started to wake up earlier, after which I would barely fall asleep.

3 - I started to wake up before, after which I can't sleep.

0 - just as tired, as before.

1 - noticed that fatigue comes faster.

2 - Everything tires me so that I do.

3 - Unable to do anything, and all the fatigue.

0 - my appetite did not deteriorate.

1 - He worsened a little.

2 - He worsened very much.

3 - no appetite is absent.

0 - in recent weeks it did not lose or threw a little.

1 - lost a maximum of two kilograms.

2 - threw no more than five kilograms.

3 - Lost more seven kilograms.

I'm trying to lose weight and less is (needed).

Well no_____

0 - My concern about my own health has not changed.

1 - I worry, I'm disturbed by pain, constipation, gastric disorders, and so on.

2 - I worry more, it is difficult to concentrate on something else.

3 - I am very worried about it, unable to concentrate on something else.

0 - Sex for me is still as interesting.

1 - less interested in inter-brain intimacy.

2 - This proximity interests me much less.

3 - My interest in the opposite sex disappeared.

How to process results?

Each item must be estimated from 0 to 3. The total score can be from 0 to 63 than it is lower, the better the condition of the person.

The results are interpreted as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 - no depression;
  • from 10 to 15 - a weak depressive state;
  • from 16 to 19 - moderate;
  • from 20 to 29 - average depression;
  • from 30 to 63 - a severe depression form.

If you have noticed the symptoms of depression, they must immediately consult a doctor. As for treatment, it can be carried out both with the help of psychotherapeutic methods and using drugs. Read on our site.

Video - Consequences of Depression

Customer reviews:

Ilya Yurevich! Thank you so much for your sessions in which I was lucky to take part. Thanks to them, I have become confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me to cope with this for a short time interval. It's nice to deal with a high-level professional!

Ilya Yurevich, it is difficult to choose the words to express your gratitude for your help. I remembered in what condition and with what thoughts was met last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness, anxiety that did not come out of me in any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire of self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Thank you very much for the consultation! Indeed, I noticed that the memories float at the time when I had a bad mood or irritability, but I could not understand that this is a protective mechanism. I will try with his next appearance to argue already about the fact that it is irritation, instead of immersed in memories.

Thank you, Ilya Yurevich, for consultation. Indeed, she made it possible to look at my life situation under a different angle. Thanks again!

Thank you for help! I am very glad, you helped me understand myself and pointed me a new way to improve my life!

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