How to treat respiratory infections in a child? Diseases of respiratory tract. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract of the DVP disease in children


Infectilation of the upper respiratory tract is an infectious damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract from the nasal cavity to the tracheobronchial tree, with the exception of terminal bronchioles and alveoli. The infections of the upper respiratory tract combines viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoa infections.

Causes of occurrence:

In most cases, the defeat of the upper respiratory tract has a viral origin.
Etheological agents, causing the defeat of the upper respiratory tract, are different. There is a close dependence of the role of pathogens from the course of the disease: with acute rhinosinum and exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis, Streptococcus streptococcus (STR.) Pneumoniae & NBSP & NBSP (20-35%) and hemophilic wand Haemophilus (H.) influenzae (unpiped strains, 6-26% ). More severe cases of the disease are more often associated with STR. Pneumoniae. It is much less likely that the rhinosinusitis is Moraxella (M.) Catarrhalis (and other gram-negative bacillos, 0-24%), STR. Pyogenes (1-3%; up to 20% in children), Staphylococcus (S.) Aureus & NBSP & NBSP (0-8%), anaerobes (0-10%). The role of gram-negative bacteria (Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Escherichia Coli, Proteus SPP., Enterobacter SPP., CitroBacter) When acute sinusitis is minimal, but increases with nosocomial infection, as well as in persons with immunosuppression (neutropenia, with AIDS) and persons who received Repeated courses of antibacterial therapy. Indogestogenic pathogens (5-10% of all sinusitis sinusitis): H. influenzae, less often STR. Pneumoniae, enterobacteria and unfortunate anaerobes.


The infections of the upper respiratory tract can flow in the following clinical forms: sinusitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Viral Narodargitis.

The incubation period lasts 2-3 days. The symptoms of viral naphorgitis last to 2 weeks. If the symptoms continue for longer than two weeks, alternative diagnoses should be considered, such as allergies, or.

Symptoms from the nose. At the beginning of the disease, Rinorea arises, nasal congestion, the difficulty of nasal respiration and. Clinically significant rhyena is more characteristic of viral infection. But with viral noodoparing, within 2 - 3 days after the appearance of symptoms, the discharge from the nose is often viscous, muddy, coloring from white to yellow-green (activation of a saprofite-habitable sheath, under normal conditions of non-pathogenic flora). Thus, the color and transparency of the discharge cannot help clearly differentiate bacterial and viral infections.

From the side of the throat, there is observed & NBSP & NBSP pain and allocation, soreness and difficulties in swallowing. Throat pain, as a rule, is already present in the first days of the disease and last just a few days. With complaints about the feeling of coma in the throat, attention should be paid to the rear wall of the pharynx and the tongue - they can be involved in the inflammatory process. Retail's breathing due to nasal congestion can lead to dry mouth, especially after sleep.

The occurrence of cough may indicate the involvement in the process of the larynx, or as a result of irritation of the wall of the pharynx, the discharge from the nose (postnicate flow). It is usually evolving on the fourth or fifth day after the appearance of symptoms from the nose and pharynx.

Also, viral napodargitis may be accompanied by such symptoms as:

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * An unpleasant smell of mouth, which & NBSP & NBSP arises as a consequence of the allocation of natural productivity products pathogenic flora and the products of the inflammatory process. An unpleasant smell of mouth can also be observed with allergic rhinitis.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * - The loss of smell is secondary to inflammation in the nasal cavity.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP *. Observed with most cases.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Sinus Symptoms. Includes nasal congestion, feeling of completeness and cutting in the sinus area (more often symmetrically). Completely characteristic of viral naphorgites.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Lights and & NBSP & NBSP are characteristic of adenoviral and other viral infections. May be accompanied by pain in the depths of the eye, soreness when moving the eyes or conjunctivitis. Itchy, leaky, "watery" eyes are more characteristic of allergic conditions.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Fever. The temperature increase is usually insignificant or absent in general, however, newborn and babies can reach 39.4 ° C (103 ° F). Usually the fever lasts only a few days. For flu, fever may be accompanied by an increase in temperature to 40 ° C (104 ° F) and even higher.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. , and diarrhea can accompany flu, especially often in children. Nausea and abdominal pain can be observed in viral orz and streptococcal infections.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Silent. Strong muscle pain typical for influenza, especially against the background of suddenly appeared pain in the throat, accompanied by fever, chills, cough and headaches.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Fatigue and Disabilities. Any type of IVDP may be accompanied by these symptoms. Full of strength, exhaustion is characteristic of influenza.


When collecting anamnesis, it is almost impossible to carry out differential diagnosis for viral and bacterial pharyngitis. If the symptoms do not pass within 10 days and gradually deteriorate after the first 5-7 days, it is quite possible to assume a bacterial nature of the disease. Special attention as the pathogen is deserved by hemolytic streptococcus group A. The presence of an episode in the personal history of the episode (especially with the clinic of carditis or complicated by vice), or consumer contact with the person who had anamnesis of streptococcal infection significantly increases the risk of development in a patient acute or re-rheumatic fever. Suspicion of infection with streptococcus group A confirms the presence of a long fever, as well as the absence of cough, rinorera and conjunctivitis, more characteristic. For bacterial pharyngitis, seasonality of morbidity from November to May, as well as indicates the age of patients from five to fifteen years.

Fararygal symptoms (from the side of the throat). & NBSP & NBSP takes place pain or throat, soreness and difficulty in swallowing. If the inflammation process includes a roast tongue and the rear wall of the pharynx, there may be a sensation of a lump in the throat. Retail's breathing, due to nasal congestion, leads to a feeling of dry mouth, especially in the first half of the day. For streptococcal nature, the pharyngitis is characterized by a sharp start and acute throat pain.

Selection from the nose. Isolation, as a rule, viscous, mucous, white or yellow-green, which, however, does not always testify to the bacterial infection.

Cough. It may be obliged to engage in the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane or the upper respiratory tract, or is due to the discharge from the nose (postplicity flow).

The following symptoms are also characteristic:

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Unpleasant Smell of Mouth. It arises as a consequence of the allocation of products of the life of pathogenic flora and products of the inflammatory process. An unpleasant smell of mouth can also be observed with allergic rhinitis.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Headache. It is characteristic of streptococcal (Group a) and mycoplasmafe with infections, but may also be observed with other etiology.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Fatigue and Common Having. It is observed with any IVDP, but the explicit decline is characteristic of influenza infection.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Fever. Increasing the temperature is usually minor or absent at all, however, newborn and babies can reach 39.4 ° C (103 ° F).
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Availability. Indicatory for, especially in children and adolescents younger than 18 years old.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP *. Characteristic for streptococcal infection, but can accompany the flu and other ORVI.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Anamnesis of recent oral-genital sex contacts, which is especially relevant in cases of gonococcal pharyngitis.

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP Acute Viral or Bacterial.

The initial manifestations of the sinusitis are often similar to Naphorgitis and other virus infections of the upper respiratory tract, since the nasal cavity is anatomically associated with the incomplete sinuses, which determines the generalization of the inflammatory process. For sinusitis, a two-phase pattern of leakage is characterized, in which temporary improvement is originally occurring, then deterioration. The one-sided localization of symptoms confirms suspicions regarding the involvement of the sinuses in the process. With the full fuss of inflammatory symptoms, for a week, it can be about sinusitis.

Selection from the nose. Stable mucous-purulent discharge, pale yellow or yellow-green color, which, however, is not a decisive symptom, since the discharge can be observed in uncomplicated rinofaring. Rinorea is usually insignificant and does not respond to the use of anti-rotating and antihistamine drugs. Part of the patients predominates nasal. Unilateral nasal congestion and mucosistan-purulent discharge from one nostrils indicate in favor of sinusitis.

Hypospheres or smell loss is secondary with respect to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

Pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of sinus sinuses. In older children and adults, painful symptoms are usually localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe projection of the affected sinus. Characteristic pain localized in the forehead, upper jaw, under-judicial area. The inflammation of the maxillary sinus can be expressed by the dental pain on the affected side. Pain, irradiating in the ear, may indicate otitis or peritonzillary abscess.

Rotodoglyl symptoms. The pain in the throat can be the result of irritation of the discharge from the nose, dragging along the rear wall of the pharynx. Retail's breathing, due to nasal congestion, leads to a feeling of dry mouth, especially after sleep and in the morning.
or unpleasant smell of mouth. It arises as a consequence of the allocation of products of the life of pathogenic flora and products of the inflammatory process. An unpleasant smell of mouth can also be observed with allergic rhinitis.

Cough. The inflammatory upper respiratory syndrome is accompanied by a permanent flow of the mucous membrane discontinued nasal in the throat (postplicity pitch), which requires more frequent throat cleaning, that is, accompanied by cough. Cough, accompanying rhinosinusitis, is usually present throughout the day. Cough can be the most pronounced in the morning, after sleep, in response to irritation of the pharynx secret, which accumulated overnight. Day cough, lasting 2 weeks, suggests bronchial asthma and a number of other states. It is also possible that cough solely at night can be a characteristic symptom of some other diseases. The cough caused by the inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes can be accompanied by vomiting due to irritation by the discharge of the root of the tongue. A clinically significant amount of purulent sputum may assume or pneumonia.

Increase body temperature. Fever is not entirely characteristic and is observed more often in children. The rise and the decline in temperature occurs almost synchronously with the appearance and termination of purulent discharge. With ORVI, complicated by sinusitis, the temperature rise is often preceded by the appearance of purulent discharge.

Fatigue and malaise takes place as with any other infection of the upper respiratory tract.

This disease is more common in children aged 1 - 5 years, and is characterized by the sudden appearance of clinical symptoms:

1. Pain in the throat.
2. Sluting, - difficulty or soreness when swallowing, feeling lumps in the throat.
3. - hoarseness or full voice loss.
4. Cough is predominantly dry, shortness of breath is observed.

Increased body temperature, weakness, are observed as well as with other infections of the upper respiratory tract.
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Non-belligative (nico-pharyngeal) symptoms. & NBSP & NBSP Larygitis and Trachetis for several days is often preceded by NazoFaring. Swallowing is difficult or painful, there may be a feeling of lump in the throat.

Cough can be several types:

& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Dry Cough. Teenagers and adults can manifest themselves with a protracted, adsady, dry cough, following the typical ZVDP long period. There may be a slight hemoptia.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Couch. Laringhotrachite or croup in children can manifest themselves with a characteristic barking, the so-called "copper" cough. Symptoms may be worse at night. Also produces a bark cough.
& NBSP & NBSP & NBSP & NBSP * Cocktle cough - attacks of a convulsive uncrowned cough, for which noisy "moaning" sounds on the breath and almost complete cessation of breathing at an attack height. Cocktle cough is more common in children. Such a cough often comes to cough paroxysms from a dozen or more attacks in a row, and often worsens at night. Cough can be saved for several weeks.

Posttussian symptoms - follow-up cough paroxysm bouts of nausea and vomiting.
- Breath Violation:

Diseases of the respiratory tract are more common in the cold season. We most often suffer from people with weakened immunity, children and pensioners of old age. These diseases are divided into two groups: diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lower. This classification depends on the location of the infection.

The form distinguishes sharp and chronic respiratory diseases. The chronic form of the disease occurs with periodic exacerbations and periods of the clutch (remission). Symptoms of specific pathology during periods of exacerbation are absolutely identical to those observed in the acute form of the same respiratory disease.

These pathologies can be infectious and allergic.

They are more often caused by pathological microorganisms, such as bacteria (ORZ) or viruses (ORVI). As a rule, these inconsisions are transmitted by air-droplet from sick people. To the upper respiratory tract include nasal cavity, throat and larynx. Infections falling into these respiratory departments cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

  • Rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Angina.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Adenoiditis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Tonsillitis.

All these ailments are diagnosed yearly, but in our country the growth of morbidity falls in mid-April and September. Such respiratory diseases in children are most common.


This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. Rinithic flows in acute or chronic form. Most often it causes infection, viral or bacterial, but various allergens can also be the cause. In any case, the characteristic symptom is the swelling of the nasal mucosa and the difficulty of breathing.

For the initial stage of rhinitis, dryness and itching in the nasal cavity and overall malaise. The patient sneezes, the smell is impaired, sometimes subfebrile temperature rises. Such a state can last from several hours to two days. Next, transparent discharge from the nose, liquid and in large quantities, then, then these isolations are acquired by mucous-purulent nature and gradually disappear. The patient becomes easier. Breathing through the nose is restored.

Rinith is often manifested not as an independent disease, but acts as accompanying other infectious diseases such as influenza, diphtheria, gonorrhea, scarlatine. Depending on the cause that caused this disease of the respiratory tract, treatment is sent to its elimination.


It is more often manifested as a complication of other infections (measles, rhinitis, flu, scaryttern), but can also act as an independent illness. Allocate acute and chronic forms of sinusitis. In acute form, the catarrhal and purulent flows are isolated, and in chronic - salmino-polypose, purulent or mixed.

Characteristic symptoms for both acute and chronic form of sinusitis are frequent headaches, overall malaise, hyperthermia (body temperature increase). As for the discharge from the nose, they are abundant and have a mucous nature. They can only be observed on the one hand, it happens most often. This is due to the fact that only some subordinate sinuses are inflated. And this, in turn, may indicate or another disease, for example:

  • Aerosinusitis.
  • Schimorite.
  • Etmoiditis.
  • Sphenoiditis.
  • Frontitis.

Thus, the sinusitis is often manifested not as an independent disease, but serves as an indicative symptom of another pathology. In this case, it is necessary to treat the root cause, i.e., those infectious diseases of the respiratory tract that provoked the development of sinusitis.

In the event that the selection from the nose takes place on both sides, such pathology is called pansynusitis. Depending on the reason that caused this disease of the upper respiratory tract, the treatment will be directed to its elimination. Most often applied antibacterial therapy.

If the sinusitis is caused by chronic sinusitis, when the acute phase of the disease in chronic to quickly eliminate undesirable consequences, punctures are often used, followed by washing with the Furatcilin or Haimores Pitors. This method of treatment in a short period eliminates the patient from the tormenting symptoms (severe headache, face swelling, increasing body temperature).


This pathology appears due to hyperplasia of nasophal almond tissue. This is an education that is included in the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring. This almond is located in the nasopharyngeon arch. As a rule, the inflammatory process of adenoid (adenoiditite) suffer only in childhood (from 3 to 10 years). Symptoms of this pathology serve:

  • Difficult breathing.
  • Mucous discharge from the nose.
  • During sleep, the child breathes through the mouth.
  • May break sleep.
  • Gnush appears.
  • Perhaps hearing impairment.
  • In deferred cases, the so-called adenoid expression appears (the smoothness of the nasolabial folds).
  • Laringospasms appear.
  • Completion of individual muscles of the face may be observed.
  • The deformation of the chest and the skull in the front part appears in particularly launched cases.

All these symptoms are accompanied by shortness of breath, cough and, with severe flow, is the development of anemia.

For the treatment of this respiratory disease in severe cases, surgical treatment is used - removal of adenoids. In the initial stages, flushing with disinfecting solutions and decractions or infusion of medicinal herbs. For example, you can use the following fee:

All ingredients of the collection are taken in equal parts. If some component is missing, then you can do the composition that is available. The prepared collection (15 g) is poured 250 ml of hot water and boil on a very weak heat for 10 minutes, after which another 2 hours insist. The drug prepared in this way is filtering and used in warm form for washing the nose or bury 10-15 drops into each nostril.

Chronic tonsillitis

This pathology arises as a result of the inflammatory process of the sky almonds, which passed into a chronic form. Chronic tonsillitis often suffer from children, in old age it is practically not found. This pathology is caused by fungal and bacterial infections. The development of chronic tonsillitis can provoke other infectious respiratory diseases, such as hypertrophic rhinitis, purulent sinusitis, adenoiditis. The cause of this disease can be even untreated caries. Depending on the specific reason provoking this disease of the upper respiratory tract, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the primary focus of infection.

In the case of the development of the chronic process in palast almonds, the following happens:

  • Arrangement of connective tissue.
  • In the lacuna, dense traffic jams are formed.
  • Lymphoid fabric softened.
  • Epithelium's oroging can begin.
  • The lymphatic outflow from the tonsils is hampered.
  • Nearby lymph nodes are inflamed.

Chronic tonsillitis can flow in compensated form or decompensated.

In the treatment of this disease, physiotherapeutic procedures (UV irradiation) gives physiotherapeutic procedures (UV irradiation), the rinsings of disinfectant solutions ("Furacilin", "Lugolevoy", 1-3% iodine, "iodglycerin" and others) are locally used. After rinse, the almonds need to irrigate disinfecting sprays, for example, the preparation "Strepsils Plus" is used. Some experts advise vacuum suction, after which almonds also work out similar sprays.

In the case of a pronounced toxic-allergic form of this disease and the absence of a positive effect on conservative treatment, surgical - removal of almonds is carried out.


The scientific name of this ailment is acute tonsillitis. Distinguish 4 varieties of angina:

  1. Catarial.
  2. Follicular.
  3. Lacoon.

In a clean version, these kinds of angina are practically not found. There are always at least the symptoms of two types of this ailment. So, for example, with a lacquer in the mouths of some lacuna, white-yellow purulent formations are visible, and with follicular through the mucous membrane, ventilated follicles are transmitted. But in the other case, there are catarrhal phenomena, redness and an increase in almonds.

With any kind of angina, the body temperature increases, the general condition deteriorates, chills appears and an increase in lymphatic regional nodes is observed.

Regardless of the variety of angina, rinsing with disinfectant solutions and physiotherapy. In the presence of purulent processes, antibacterial therapy is used.


This pathology is associated with the inflammatory process of the pharynx of the pharynx. Faringite can develop as an independent disease or related, for example, with ORVI. Provocate this pathology can receive too hot or cold food, as well as inhalation of contaminated air. Easy the acute course of pharyngitis and chronic. Symptoms that are observed in acute pharyngitis are:

  • Feeling dryness in the throat (in the pharynx).
  • Pain during smoothing.
  • When inspection (pharyngoscopy), signs of the inflammatory process of the sky and its rear wall are detected.

The symptoms of pharyngitis are very similar to the signs of catarrhal angina, but, in contrast to it, the general condition of the patient remains normal, and there is no increase in body temperature. With this pathology, as a rule, the inflammatory process does not affect the sky almonds, and during catarrhal angina, on the contrary, signs of inflammation are present solely on them.

Chronic pharyngitis develops with an untreated acute process. Other inflammatory respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis, sinusites, as well as abuse of smoking and alcohol, can also provoke chronic flow.


In this disease, the inflammatory process extends to the larynx. It can affect its individual sections or capture completely. Often the cause of this ailment becomes voice overvoltage, strong supercooling or other independent diseases (measles, cough, flu, etc.).

Depending on the localization of the process on the larynx, separate areas of lesions can be revealed, which become bright red and swell. Sometimes the inflammatory process affects the trachea, then we are talking about such a disease like laryngotrachiteitis.

There is no clear boundary between the upper and lower breathing paths. The symbolic boundary between them takes place at the intersection of respiratory and digestive systems. Thus, the lower respiratory tract includes larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Diseases of the lower respiratory tract are associated with infections of these respiratory departments, namely:

  • Tracheite.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Alveolitis.


This is the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the trachea (it connects the larynx with bronchi). Tracheit can exist as an independent disease or serve as a symptom of flu or another bacterial disease. The patient is disturbed by the symptoms of general intoxication (headache, fast fatigue, fever). In addition, a sore pain appears, which is enhanced by talking, inhalation of cold air and cough. In the mornings and at night, the patient worries dry cough. In the case of a combination with laryngitis (laryngotrachite), the patient's voice becomes a sip. If the tracheitis is manifested in combination with bronchitis (tracheobronchitis), a sprome appears when coughing. With the virus character of the disease, it will be transparent. In the case of attaching a bacterial infection, the sputum has a gray-green color. In this case, antibacterial therapy is used for treatment.


This pathology is manifested as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchi. The acute respiratory diseases of any localization very often accompanies bronchitis. So, with inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract in the case of late treatment, the infection falls below and joins the bronchitis. This disease is accompanied by a cough. In the initial stage of the process, this is a dry cough with difficult to discontinued by the wet. In the course of treatment and use of mocolithic money, the wet is diluted and cleared. If bronchitis has a bacterial nature, antibiotics are used for treatment.


This is the inflammatory process of lung fabric. Mostly, this disease is caused by a pneumococcal infection, but sometimes the cause can be another pathogen. The disease is accompanied by high temperatures, chills, weakness. Often the patient is experiencing pain in the field of respiration. With auscultation, the doctor can listen to wheezing on the side of the defeat. Diagnosis is confirmed by a radiograph. This disease requires hospitalization. Treatment is carried out using antibacterial therapy.


This inflammatory process of the terminal diversion of the respiratory system is Alveol. As a rule, Alveolit \u200b\u200bis not an independent disease, but a concomitant other pathology. The reason for this can be:

  • Candidiasis.
  • Aspergillosis.
  • Legionellez.
  • Cryptococcosis.
  • Ku-fever.

Symptoms of this disease are characteristic cough, temperature, pronounced cyanosis, general weakness. Complication may become fibrosing alveol.

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics in the disease of the respiratory tract are prescribed only in the case of a bacterial infection. If the nature of pathology has a viral nature, the antibacterial therapy does not apply.

Most often, preparations of penicillin row are used to treat diseases of the respiratory system of infectious nature, such as "amoxicillin" medicines, "ampicillin", "amoxiclav", "Augmentin" and others.

If the selected drug does not give the desired effect, the doctor prescribes another group of antibiotics, for example, fluoroquinolones. This group includes drugs "Moxifloxacin", "Levofloxacin". These drugs successfully cope with bacterial infections that are resistant to penicillins.

Antibiotics of the cephalosparins group are most often used for respiratory therapy. For this purpose, drugs such as "Zefisim" are used (its name "Suppresses") or "Cefuroxime Axietyl" (the analogues of this drug are "Zinnat", Aksetin and Cefuroxime).

For the treatment of atypical pneumonia caused by chlamydia or mycoplasmas, attribiotic groups of macrolides are used. These include the drug "Azithromycin" or its analogues - Medicines "Hemomycin" and "Sumamed".


The prevention of respiratory diseases is reduced to the following:

  • Try not to be in places with a polluted atmospheric medium (near motorways, harmful processes, etc.).
  • Regularly airing your home and workplace.
  • In the cold season, during splashes of respiratory diseases, try not to be in places of cluster of the people.
  • Good results provide hardening procedures and systematic exercise, morning or evening jogging.
  • If the first signs of malaise felt, we should not expect that everything will be held by itself, you need to seek medical attention.

Observing these simple rules for the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system, it is possible to preserve their health even during seasonal outbreaks of respiratory diseases.

The diseases of the upper respiratory tract are common all over the world and occur at each fourth inhabitant. These include angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoitis, sinusitis and rhinitis. Peak diseases fall on the offseason, then cases of inflamed processes take part. The reason for this becomes sharp respiratory diseases or the influenza virus. According to statistics, an adult transfers to three cases of the disease, the child has inflammation of the upper respiratory tract up to 10 times a year.

There are three main reasons for the development of various inflammation.

  1. Virus. The strains of influenza, rotovirus, adenoviruses, vapotitis and cortex when entering the body cause reaction in the form of inflammation.
  2. Bacteria. The cause of bacterial infection can be pneumococci, staphylococcus, mycoplasm, meningococci, mycobacteria and diphtheria, and a cough stick.
  3. Fungus. Candida, Aspergillas, actinomycetes are caused by the local inflammatory process.

Most of the listed pathogenic organisms are transmitted from humans. Bacteria, viruses are unstable to the environment and almost do not live there. Some strains of the virus or fungi can live in the body, but to show themselves only when the body's protective forces are reduced. Infection occurs during the activation of "sleeping" pathogenic microbes.

Among the basic methods of infection should be allocated:

  • transmission by air-droplet;
  • household.

Virus particles, as well as microbes penetrate with close contact with an infected person. Transmission is possible when conversation, cough, sneezing. All this is natural for diseases of the respiratory tract, because the first barrier for pathogenic microorganisms is the respiratory tract.

Tuberculosis, diphtheria and intestinal wand often penetrate the body of the owner by the household. The link between a healthy and infected person becomes bonding and personal hygiene. Everyone may get sick, despite age, sexuality, material condition and social status.


The symptoms of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is quite similar to the exception of discomfort and pain that are localized in the field of lesion. It is possible to determine the place of inflammation and the nature of the disease, based on the symptoms of the disease, but to confirm the ailment and identify the pathogen really only after a thorough examination.

For all diseases, an incubation period is characterized, which lasts from 2 to 10 days, depending on the causative agent.


Known to all as a runny nose, is the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the nose. Characteristic for rhinitis is the exudate in the form of a runny nose, which, when reproducing the microbes, is abundantly moving out. Both sinuses are affected, as the infection quickly applies.
Sometimes rhinitis may not cause a runny nose, but, on the contrary, manifest itself with strong embezzlement. If all the sections are present, then their character directly depends on the causative agent. Exudate can be represented by transparent liquid, and sometimes purulent discharge and green.


The inflammation of the nasal sinuses is passed as a secondary infection and manifests itself difficult to breathe and a sense of locking.
The swelling of the sinuse causes headaches, has a negative impact on the visual nerves, the smell is disturbed. Discovers and pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bridges speak about the inflammatory process. The deposit of pusually is usually accompanied by fever and increasing temperature, as well as common malaise.


The inflammatory process in the field of silk almonds in the throat causes a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • swallowing pain;
  • difficult food and liquids;
  • increased temperature;
  • muscular weakness.

Anglas may arise due to the intake of both the virus and bacteria. At the same time, the almonds swell, a characteristic flare appears on them. With purulent tonsillitis, the heaven and the mucous throat is enveloping yellow and greenish overlays. With fungal etiology, the white color of the curl consistency.


Inflammation of the throat is manifested by an incision and dry cough. From time to time, breathing may be difficult. General malaise and subfebrile temperature phenomenon is non-permanent. Pharyngitis usually arises against the background of flu and acute respiratory infection.


The inflammation of the larynx and voice ligaments is also developing against the background of influenza, measles, cough and paragrippa. It is characterized by laryngitis hoarseness and cough. The mucous larynium so swells so that breathing breathing. Without treatment, in the form of a stenosis of the walls of the larynx or spasm muscles. Symptoms without treatment are only enhanced.


Inflammation of the bronchi (this is the bottom of the respiratory tract) is characterized by waste of sputum or a strong dry cough. In addition, general intoxication and indisposition.
At the initial stage, symptoms may not appear until inflammation reaches nerve processes.


Inflammation of the pulmonary fabric in the lower and upper sections of the lung, which usually cause pneumococci, always general intoxication, an increase in body temperature and chills. Progressing, cough with pneumonia is amplified, but the wet can appear much later. With the non-infectious nature of the symptoms may not appear. Symptoms are similar to the launched cold and are not always diagnosed in time.

Methods of therapy

After clarifying the diagnosis, treatment is starting in accordance with the general state of the patient, the reason that caused inflammation. Consider three main types of treatment:

  • pathogenetic;
  • symptomatic;
  • etiotropic.

Pathogenetic treatment

It is based on stopping the development of the inflammatory process. For this, immunostimulating drugs are used to ensure that the body itself can fight infection, as well as auxiliary treatment, which to suppress the inflammatory process.

To strengthen the body accept:

  • Anaferon;
  • Neovir;
  • Levomax.

They are suitable for the child and adult. Treat the diseases of the upper respiratory tract without immune support is meaningless. If bacterium has become the causative agent of inflammation of the respiratory organs, the treatment is carried out by immudon or bronchomunal. In individual indications, unnecessary anti-inflammatory drugs can be applied. They remove common symptoms and inhibit painful syndrome, it is relevant, especially if you treat a child who
It is hard to carry a disease.

Etiotropic method

Based on suppressing the pathogen. It is important to stop the reproduction of the virus and bacteria in the upper departments, as well as prevent their distribution. The main thing is to accurately install the strain of the virus and etiology of pathogenic microbes to select the correct scheme and begin treatment. Among the antiviral drugs should be allocated:

  • Remantadine;
  • Relezo;
  • Arbidol;
  • Kagole;
  • Isoprosine.

They help only when the disease caused a virus. If it is impossible to kill it, as it happens with herpes, but you can simply suppress the symptoms.

Bacterial inflammation of the respiratory tract can be cured only by antibacterial drugs, the dosage should be prescribed by the doctor. These drugs are very dangerous for rampant applications and can cause irreparable harm to the body.

For a child, such treatment can lead to complications in the future. Therefore, when choosing a drug, special attention is paid to the patient's age, its physiological characteristics, and also conduct a test for the presence of allergic reactions. Modern Pharmacology offers for the treatment of efficient drugs of the group of macrolides, Betta Lactamov and Fluoroquinolones.

Symptomatic treatment

Since antibacterial or antifungal treatment has a gradual effect in most cases of the disease, it is important to suppress the symptoms causing discomfort to man. For this, there is symptomatic treatment.

  1. Non-nose use nasal drops.
  2. To remove the pain in the throat, as well as to reduce swelling, anti-inflammatory preparations of a wide spectrum or sprays for local use based on vegetable substances are used.
  3. Symptoms such as coughing or throat is suppressed with expectorant drugs.

With a strong edema of the upper, as well as the lower parts of the lungs, symptomatic treatment does not always have due results. It is important not to use all known methods of treatment, and choose the correct scheme based on the complex elimination of symptoms and inflammation causative agent.

Remove the swelling, suppress cough and a perfect in the upper throats, and also stop the runny nose will help inhalations. And folk treatments can improve breathing and prevent oxygen starvation.

The main thing is not to engage in self-medication, but to pass it under the supervision of a specialist and fulfill all its recommendations.

The body's response occurs on an allergic lesion or inflammation on the mucous membrane of the bronchi, throat, larynx or lungs. There may be a person in connection with the inhalation of gases, vapors, dust or dirt.

In the process of treating cough against the background of the inflammatory respiratory tract, it is important to establish the true cause of the ailment. To do this, the patient should pass a detailed diagnosis in the ENT doctor's office. An independent use of drugs may cause the development of inflammation or the formation of severe side symptoms.

Why cough arises

The formation of a throat cough indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process. But if the crumpledness is not accompanied by sharp symptoms, it can be not about pathologically dangerous processes, but about the natural reaction of the body. When inhaling dust or other foreign objects, the immune system with the help of cough is trying to clean the mucous membrane of the throat. Such a process does not require drug treatment and should not scare a person.

Urgent therapy is necessary only if the cough causes vomiting, headaches, breaks sleep.

How to treat a night cough in an adult is described in this material.

There are few more reasons for the formation of the upper cough:

  1. Supercooling. In the case of long-term walks and frostbite, spasms of vessels, which are responsible for the production of sputum. Such a process is accompanied by dryness and incision, which causes a long cough.
  2. Viral or bacterial inflammation. When coughing, which was formed against the background of pathogenic development in the throat, an unproductive cough appears, which over time passes into a wet form. In some cases, the disease in the upper compartment is accompanied by an exhaust cougium for several weeks.
  3. Inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system may occur due to trauma. Such a reason is common among young children, which, due to lack of experience, shove foreign objects into the mouth. If the child began to choke and cough parents first of all should check the mouth cavity for the presence of small details.
  4. Traumatization among adults occurs by inhalation of chemicals and dangerous discharges, as well as long-term stay in a dusty and dirty place.
  5. Allergy. If a certain stimulus hit the cavity of the throat, an allergic reaction may occur in the mucous membrane. In this case, patients note the formation of a dura cough, which can be accompanied by itching, burning, dryness, redness of the skin and mucous membranes. Treatment of cough of allergic nature is described in this material.
  6. Addiction to detrimental habits. The risk of asphyxia due to the swelling of respiratory systems and impairment of functions increases several times if the patient smokes. The so-called "smokers" cough is manifested due to strong irritation of the mucous membrane due to inhalation of vapors, acids and alkaline.

Treatment methods

Treatment of the chest cough should be aimed at eliminating the root cause, so it is important to ask a question than to treat the cough of the upper respiratory tract in adults and children to your attending physician. After the detection of inflammation, which provokes the formation of a cough syndrome, a specialist will make an individual treatment scheme that will comply with all the characteristics of the body and the developmental mechanism.

If you diagnose the nature and mechanism for the development of inflammation, it is not possible to patient a test treatment, during which the patient takes inhalation drugs, nasal anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid medicines, as well as means for eliminating the focus of inflammation.

With the help of medicines that can be combined with folk recipes, the attending physician will translate dry shape into the productive cough. For this, the synthetic agents are appointed adult people, and for the therapy of children it is necessary to submit preparations of plant origin.

How to cure cough in an adult methods of alternative medicine can be found here.

Subsequently, the patient will prescribe a comprehensive treatment for eliminating not only symptoms, but also a focus of inflammation. Thus, the following drugs are prescribed:

  1. To translate the dry cough into a productive form, use the following means - "Lazolyvan", "Ambroxol".
  2. When coughing on the background of ARVI or ARZ, which are accompanied by a dry oreboleankashlem, as well as a throat in the throat, you can use the following local drugs "Bioparox", "Phalidex", "Gramicidine", "Inhalipte", "Stopangin", "Hexoral", "Faringosept" .
  3. With a throat cough, it is reasonable to use the means that can increase the lumen in bronchi. In addition to the main action, they reduce inflammation and improve the overall condition of the patient. These drugs include "budesonide", "Flunicolid", Beklometon, "Wolmax", Salmetterol
  4. In the presence of a bacterial infection, the patient needs to use antibiotic therapy. It is believed that macrolides are considered to be the most effective drugs among antibiotics - "Sumamedy", "Macropen", "Erythromycin".
  5. With a dry and exhaustable cough, the patient is recommended to use the means that oppressingChlevoquolevflex - "Synecode", "Bronchoditin", "Tussin".
  6. Remain a softening effect on an irritated throat mucous membrane and reduce pain can not be understood - "Glamor" or "Liebexin".
  7. Restore the patency of the respiratory tract and normalize the elasticity of mucous discharges can be possible with the help of expectorant means - "Bromgraxin", "Bronchosan", "Liebeksin Muko", "Fluikort", "Lazolyvan", "Ambrehexal". However, be prepared for the fact that the drugs of this group stimulate the work of the bronchial tree, which entails a strong irritation of the glanes of the bronchi.
  8. In the future, to change the selection substance and increase its fluidity, which will facilitate the removal of sputum, take advantage of the Mukolithics - "Fluimucil", "Bromhexin", "ATSC", "Ambroxol". They will improve the work of the tracheobronchial tree, which will allow the patient's breath to normalize.
  9. With a cold cough, take advantage of the analgesic preparations with anti-inflammatory and sedative effect - "Toff Plus", "Ajisept", "Dr. Tais", "Falimint", "Coldrex Laiplus".

For kids

If the treatment of cough in an adult proceeds with powerful drugs, then a dry throat coughing in the baby requires a softer approach. First of all, parents should appeal to the children's doctor and hold a number of diagnostic procedures.

Treatment of coughing of the upper respiratory tract runs according to the following scheme:

  1. It is possible to intensify the work of bronchioles and the villion of the fiscal epithelium with the help of ripplerous preparations for children - "bronchikum", "Pertissin", "Tusssamag", "Codela Broncho", "Stoptussin".
  2. Practical effectiveness was proved by Mukolithic - "Ambroxol", "Fluimucil", "ACC", "Bromhymsin", "Lazolyvan", "Ambroben". They dilute thick discharge, which allows the wet of bronchi and the lungs. However, funds from this group can increase spasms in bronchi, so they should only be applied from the appointment of a doctor.
  3. With viral or bacterial inflammation of the upper respiratory tract of the use of combined drugs is not enough. Therefore, the doctor changes the course of treatment and adds the means of a wide range of Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Cefpir. Preparations of this category suppress the activation of pathogenic strains, which allows you to stop the bacterial reproduction.
  4. Eliminate spasms in bronchi and prevent the blockage of the respiratory system with dense discharges, due to the vegetative preparations of the combined action - "Thermopsis", "Altecia", "Solodki root", "Herbion with plantain", "Bronchipret", "Stoptussin", "Bronchofit". Keep in mind that the effect of accumulative drugs.
  5. If the cough appeared against the background of allergic absorption, the patient needs antihistamines - "Zoda", "Zetrin", "Zetinal", "Ksizal", "Allergostop". The means of this category make it possible to reduce the intensity of the reaction, as well as reduce the swelling of the tissues.
  6. As a prevention, let's give the baby to the Pill Pill, "Dr.", "Dr. Taiss". By the way, you can make lollipops yourself. How to do it can be found here.
  7. As additional therapy, use the antiseptic media - "Strepsils", "Astrasept", "Neo-Angine", "Lizobakt", "Septolet", "Laipront".

You can eliminate cough in a complex with folk methods. How to cook braids here. In addition, try to rub the baby's chest. The correct method is described in this article.


Remember that independent treatment may cause the development of inflammation. In addition, you can provoke the development of not only ARVI, but also various benign or malignant neoplasms. If the cough is not treated, it can turn into bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis or laryngitis. In addition, the lack of medical participation may cause inflammation of lungs or abscess.

To avoid dangerous consequences, you must pass the timely differential diagnosis and a full course of treatment.

Directory of the main ENT diseases and their treatment

All information on the site is popular-familiarizing and does not pretend to absolute accuracy from a medical point of view. The treatment must be carried out by a qualified physician. By self-medication you can harm yourself!

Inflammation of the respiratory tract Treatment

Inflammatory respiratory diseases are the most common diseases. This fact is explained by the simplicity of the mechanism of infection in the human body and the carelessness, which leads to the disease.

Inflammation of the respiratory tract

An infected person, not worrying not only about his health, but also about the health of others, go to work, study, communicates with classmates, colleagues, thinking that there is nothing terrible. In fact, it is the carrier and distributor of infection. Sneezed, poured - spread infection in the air. I talked on the phone in the office - left on the tube pathogens of microorganisms, which will pick up the next one who need to make a phone call. And so on ... Everyone may get sick, despite the floor, age and social situation.

Respiratory system

The respiratory tract is divided into the upper and lower. The upper ways are the nose, sinuses of the nose, part of the oral cavity and the throat. Lower - larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Healthy respiratory tracts provide gas exchange function. When the system works without a failure, the air, falling into the nasal moves when inhaling, warms, disinfecting and already "prepared" enters into the lungs. When inflammation occurs in some department of this multi-line system, the entire system fails.

Treatment with folk remedies


  • St. John's wort If you often happen rhinitis, take care of treating in advance. Narvita Fresh Hypericum, grind it and thirty grams of green mass Mix with a glass of high-quality refined vegetable oil. Close the dishes and put in the dark cabinet for three weeks. From time to time shake. Carefully strain and press the raw material. For the treatment of rhinitis, drip in every nostril five drops three times a day.
  • Lope. For the treatment of rhinitis, oil influenced on the roots of the burdock. Copp roots, rinse and cut into small pieces. Put them in a glass jar and pour with unrefined vegetable oil so that it is completely covered with roots. Two weeks, the remedy is ready for use. You do not need to polish. Waddling or gauze flagellas wake in infused oil and lay in the nasal moves by a quarter of an hour five times a day.
  • Lily of the valley. In the season of flowering Lily of the Lily of the Flowers and dry them together with the stalks. Then squeeze them into the fine powder and pour into the glass dishes with the lid. As soon as they felt the approximation of a runny nose, open the jar and inhale the powder from the valley on the manner of a snuff tobacco.
  • Mint and foot baths. The next remedy reached our days from the depths of centuries. Immediately before bed, prepare a large container with hot water, in which dissolve the glass of salt. Brew mint tea. Sit comfortably, lower the legs into the water so that it reaches the knees, and take a little vodka in your mouth. Sit so without swallowing vodka, fifteen minutes. Then remove the legs out of the water, wrap them, drink vodka and drink two glasses of tea with the addition of jam from raspberry. Warm head with a handkerchief or cap and go to bed until the morning.


  • St. John's wort When sinusitis, the washing of the nose cavity with the Victory of the Zvercuoy is very well helped. One spoon of dry grass makes a glass of boiling water. Insist to comfortable temperature, strain and use for washing. This same infusion is recommended to drink half a cup of three times a day.
  • Clover. The infusion of clover colors is recommended for sinusitis accompanied by strong headaches. One spoonful of dry shredded colors pour into a glass of boiling water and leave half an hour. Strain and drink one hundred ml three times a day.
  • Celandine. Purulent sinusitis is well amenable to curetla juice. Narvita fresh cleanliness, rinse and dry it, squeeze juice. Drain it into the dry clean glass dishes and put on the refrigerator week. After the specified time, use for instillation into the nose.
  • Garlic and apple vinegar. Inhalation is also an integral part of the complex treatment of sinusitis. Clean garlic and five shredded teeth with a glass of boiling water. Pour into the mixture with a spoon of apple vinegar and raise over evaporation. Inhalation procedure should be carried out once a day for a week.
  • Cyclamen, Aloe, Kalanchoe. Prepare aloe and calangean. Press juice from them and connect one spoon. Add to them on the spoon of ointment of the Vishnevsky and confused Cyclamen root. All scroll until a complete connection and lay the tampons, smeared by ointment, in the nostrils for half an hour. Conduct the procedure once a day for three weeks.


  • Interior fat and salt. Fixed interior pork fat in the amount of one spoon mix with four spoons of sea salt. The resulting marine mass three times per day rub into the bridge and the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal sinuses.
  • Honey, milk, oil. On a spoonful of honey, vegetable oil, milk, the juice of the repfate onion, medical alcohol and grazed on the fine grater of the household soap and put on the steam bath. Keep until soap melt. Remove and cool down. Lay a day in every nostril tamponchiki, lubricated by ointment, for a quarter of an hour.
  • Onion compress. Finely cut the bulb along with the husks, grinding until the selection of juice. Spread on the compress tissue onion bulbs. Apply fat cream on the forehead and impose onion compress for five to ten minutes. Make onion compresses three times a day.
  • Radish compress. Rinse one radish and grind on the grater. Enter with casket just like with a bow and, lubricating the skin, impose compress to the area of \u200b\u200bthe sinuses. Put the warm fabric from above and lie ten minutes. Make compresses from radish once a day before bedtime.
  • Baghone. Insist one and a half weeks two spoons of crushed ribbons in half a glass of vegetable oil. Perfect and use for hardening three times a day.
  • Lavra oil. Effectively treated sinusitis drops from laurels. Thirty grams of a loss of a laurel sheet pour into a glass of heated vegetable oil. Five days later, strain. Drip into each nostril three drops three times a day.


  • Mother and stepmother. Narvita fresh juicy leaf and hachell, rinse and dry. Press juice from them, measure the volume. Add to juice along the same natural dry red wine and the juice of the repfate onion. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take three times a day on one spoon, diluted with three spoons of purified water.
  • Sage. Three spoons of dry sage fill with a liter of hot water and send a quarter of an hour to the steam bath. Remove, wait for when cooled and strain. Drink on a quarter of a glass three times a day and wechit the decoction of the sore throat with an interval of one hour.
  • Garlic. Clean garlic slices and squeeze juice. Wash the tampon in the juice and wipe the inflamed almonds. An hour later, repeat the procedure, but instead of garlic juice, use to lubricate the infusion of propolis.
  • Iodine soda rinsing. In a glass with warm water, pour half a spoon of salt and soda, stir up to dissolution. Add five iodine drops and use for rinsing during the day. Folk healers promise relief in the evening.
  • Beets and vinegar. Squeeze juice from one beet of medium size, add a table vinegar to it. After an hour of insteading, use for rinsing. After the procedure, it is recommended to drink one spoon.
  • Ivy. Turn the twenty leaves of ivy, rinse them, pour a glass of dry wine and negotiate five minutes on a weak heat. Cool, strain and use for rinsing.
  • Aloe. Each morning, immediately after awakening, take one spoon of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Treatment should be done daily, one and a half weeks.
  • Aloe and honey. Squeeze the juice from the prepared aloe leaves, mix it with honey, taken in a triple volume from aloe juice. The resulting means should lubricate inflamed almonds daily.


  • Anise. Pour anise seed spoon with a small saucepan, pour a glass of hot water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and negotiate three minutes. Remove, twenty minutes later. Three times a day, before meat, drink a quarter of a cup of beam.
  • Pine cones. Type two kilograms of young pine cones. Grind them and mix with a kilogram of honey. Leave for insisters for three months. Take one spoon before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Tincture of pine cones. One kilogram of green cones finely cut and pour a liter of high-quality vodka. Leave for a month and a half. Strain and drink half an hour before each food intake on one spoon.
  • Horseradish. Press the juice from the horseradish, add the same amount of clean water to it. Remedy Use for rinse throat.
  • Garlic, honey, wine vinegar. Clean the eight pieces of garlic and scatter them carefully. Pour eight wine vinegar spoons into the garlic mass, stirre and put in the fridge for eight hours. Add two spoons of liquid honey, mix thoroughly. To treat three times a day, take two spoons in your mouth and keep so much as you can, then swallow.
  • Coffee, yogurt, garlic. In one spoonful of natural yogurt, add a spoonful of soluble coffee and the kashitz of five pieces of garlic. Mix, then add two spoons of honey and pour so much corn flour so that the mass is made by the consistency of the thick cream. In the morning and in the evening, smear the neck with medicinal cream.
  • Cranberry and honey. Squeeze the glass of juice from Cranberry, add three spoons of honey to it. Use for rinsing the throat. After the procedure, two spoons of the means take inside.


  • Sage, Eucalyptus, plantain. Cook in a spoonful of herbs in a half-liter of water fifteen minutes. Cool down, add a spoonful of honey and a bit of citric acid. Four times a day, we wish the throat, after the procedure, swallow two or three pants. Instead of the plantain, you can use chamomile, calendula or chamber.
  • Medical syrup. Juicy garlic crushed. Fullack of garlic mass lay out in a saucepan and add liquid honey so much so that it completely covered garlic. Heat on slow fire half an hour. During this time, a homogeneous mass should be turned out. Cool, add a little clean water and heat. Two hours away. Eat the spoon every hour.
  • Three-stage treatment. The first stage is ten days. Six times a day, prepare for rinsing the throat and use the following tool. Two slicks of garlic grind and pour into the incomplete glass of hot milk. When milk comes to a comfortable temperature, strain and cozy the throat, while lying on the back.

The second stage is ten days. Also, six times a day, prepare the infusion from one spoon of calendula in a glass of hot milk. Use for rinsing.

Stage Three - Ten Days. Quickly a day, prepare a decoction from a spoon of dry potato flowers on a glass of water. Bring to a boil and negotiate five minutes. After half an hour, straighten and cozy the throat, lying on the back.


  • Peanut. Sixty grams of unclean peanuts fill with water, bring to a boil and cook half an hour. Remove the peanuts from the water and dried on a hot frying pan. Eat without cleaning for one reception.
  • Pork peel. Clean pork skin boil to the robble. For twenty days there is a small amount of pork skirt three times a day before each meal.
  • Raspberry and ginger. Two spoons of dried raspberry berries, a chinful of ginger and two spoons of vegetable oil to lay out into the thermos. Pour half-liter boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink five sips to each meal intake.
  • Flax seed. One spoonful of linen seeds negotiated in a glass of water for five minutes. Remove, cool down slightly, strain and add two spoons of brandy. You should drink two spoons with an interval in half an hour.
  • Raspberries. Handful of dry leaves of raspberries insist in half a clip of boiling water one hour. Strain and take a half-table three times a day.
  • Horseradish. Finely cut the root of the shred, about two walnuts. Practice a hundred fifty ml of boiling water. After half an hour, add two sugar spoons. Stir and strain. Drink during the day often, small sip.


  • Altea. Grind the root of Altea and pour into a glass of steep boiling water. Insist before cooling. Strain and drink one spoon four times a day.
  • Aloe and Wine. Press one hundred and fifty ml of juice from Aloe, add three hundred ml ml of dry red wine and two hundred grams of liquid honey. Leave for insteading for five days. Eat one spoon per hour before each food intake.
  • Aloe, honey and walnut. Cut the fleshy leaves of aloe, rinse and put in the refrigerator for ten days. Then finely cut them out and, measuring the volume of the resulting mass, the fraction is three times more boiling water. After two hours, strain and squeeze in the infusion of raw materials. Mix with a glass of honey and a half kilogram of sophisticated walnut cores. Eat one spoon for an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Blackberry (root). Grind the root of blackberries and negotiate in the semoligre of water ten minutes. After two hours, strain. Drink one glass of the ragland three times a day.
  • Blackberry (leaves). Two spoons of the black chassis pour into half a liter with a slightly warm water and leave overnight. In the morning, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Cool and strain the decoction. Drink as tea.
  • Hoof. Two spoons of the spike leaf of two hours insist in a glass of boiling water. Then straighten and drink four times a day on one spoon.
  • Mullein. Two spoons of crushed dry leafs of a cowboy insist in a glass of just boiling water one hour. Strain and drink two chips throughout the day.


  • Honey and plantain. Polkylogram of honey Connect with half-length juice from fresh plantain leaves, put on fire, bring to a boil and negotiate twenty minutes. Remove, cool, take one spoon for half an hour before each meal.
  • Gogol-Mogol. Two yolks of fresh chicken eggs to be confused with sugar to the increase in volume twice. Use twice on an empty stomach.
  • Honey and Valina. Mind one hundred grams of municipal berries, add two hundred grams of honey and negotiate after boiling five minutes. Cool and treat, taking two spoons five times a day.
  • Honey and onions. Finely dig polnelies of the onions and lay out in a saucepan. Add to Luke four hundred grams of sugar and fifty grams of honey, and a liter of water. Put on the stove, bring to a boil and boil on a very weak fire for three hours. Cool, break into the glass dishes, store in the refrigerator. Drink six times a day on one spoon.
  • Licorice. Grind the root of licorice and two spoons negotiate in the half-liter of water ten minutes. Remove from the fire, after two hours, strain. Drink on a third cup up to five times a day.
  • Honey, radish and carrots. Get any way available for you in a hundred ml of carrot and beet juice. Mix the juices with each other, add a spoonful of liquid honey. Drink every hour on one spoon.


  • Nine and St. John's wort Pour in half liters of boiling water three spoons of dry nine and a spoonful of the Hypericum. Steep on the weak heat of half an hour. Remove, strain after cooling. Two glasses of liquid honey. Couple with a glass of warm olive oil. Couple in glass dishes of herbal decoction and honey with butter. Close and put in the refrigerator for fourteen days. Before use, mix and drink one spoon five times a day.
  • Aloe, Honey, Koror. Two hundred and fifty finely chopped aloe leaves pour half-length quality kagora and add honey. Stir and insist in the refrigerator for two weeks. Before use, moving the liquid from infusion, squeeze aloe and take three times a day on one spoon.
  • Oats. One glass of oat grains pour a glass of milk, bring to a boil and boil on a weak fire one hour, stirring constantly. Strain and drink during the day.
  • Birch, Lipa, Honey, Aloe. Fifty grams of linden colors, one hundred fifty grams of kidney birch, glass of crushed aloe, two hundred ml of olive oil and 1.3 kilograms of lime honey. Connect honey and aloe and heat on low heat. Flowers Linden and birch kidneys Fill with two glasses of water and negotiate two minutes. Straighten the decoction, press the flowers and kidneys and pour the decoction to honey with aloe. Mix thoroughly and break into the glass dishes. Take three times a day on one spoon.


  • Lamberry. Fifteen grams of dry bruson leaf tapping in a glass of water a quarter of an hour. Cool, strain. Drink the decoction during the day, dividing into three different parts.
  • Birch. Twenty grams of dry birch leaf and so much kidney fill with two glasses of boiling water and leave for an hour. Perfect, divide into four equal portions and drink per day before each meal for half an hour.
  • Chamomile, mother-in-law, hawthorn. Take five grams of berries of hawthorn, chamomile, mother-in-law and dryers. Pour in two hundred fifty ml of hot water and negotiate fifteen minutes. Then slightly cool down, strain and accept after eating a quarter of a cup of beam.
  • Pumpkin juice. Drink out five hundred ml of fresh pumpkin juice daily. Pumpkin juice perfectly removes swelling of the lungs and Alveol.

Diseases of respiratory tract. Symptoms and reasons

Nasal congestion. Headaches. Loss of smell. Increase body temperature.

Nasal congestion. Pain in the eyes, forehead, nasal sinuses. Temperature increase.

Sore throat. Increase body temperature. Muscular and articular pains. Total weakness.

Overflow and dry throat. Redness and increase almonds.

Redness and swelling of mucous larynx. Cough. Raising temperature, weakness.

Cough, mostly night, sore throat, difficulty breathing. Temperature increase.

Cough with sputtering. Increase body temperature.

Raising temperature, cough, chest pain. Weakness, decline in appetite.

Dyspnea, cough, wheezes in the chest. Weakness, fatigue

Treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is the most frequent disease among people of different ages. At different times of respiratory diseases, the respiratory tract was called differently: acute respiratory viral disease or ORVI, Qatar of the upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory disease or ac. The main reasons that cause the disease are pathogenic bacteria. Factors contributing to the development of the disease are, the supercooling of the body, emotional exhaustion, chronic fatigue, avitaminosis, decrease in immunity.

The acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract is mainly manifested by signs that are due to the introduction of the virus and intoxication of the body, which it causes. The main symptoms of the disease are an increase in body temperature, headaches of different intensity, sleep impairment, general weakness, muscle pain, reducing appetite, vomiting, nausea. In more severe cases of the disease - disorders of consciousness, excitement or inhibition, muscle cramps. Also, with acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pronounced catarrhal disorders occur, which are associated with the defeat of a disease of a particular respiratory body.

Treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract Integrated, aimed at strengthening the protective properties of the body, an antibacterial effect on causative agents of the disease and the removal of inflammatory processes with affected organs.

Upper respiratory diseases and methods for their treatment

Rinith is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The manifestations of this disease are difficult breathing, the allocation of exudate from the nose, Chihanye.

Faringitis is the inflammatory process of the mucousness of the pharynx and the student. Symptoms of the disease: pain when swallowing, rings.

Larygit is inflammation of the larynx. There is probing voice, frequent "barking" cough.

Catarial angina or tonsillitis. The main complaint of patients with the disease is pain when swallowing, increased almonds and redness of their mucous membrane, the illegality of the upper nose.

Tracheitis - inflammation of the trachea: there are pain behind the sternum, dry, painful cough, lasting 2-3 weeks.

To get rid of diseases, folk and traditional treatment methods are successfully used.

Put the juice from the boiled or fresh winds in the nose of 5-6 drops 3 times a day and rinse the nose beetramic decoction 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. To enhance the action of juice and bravery, we recommend adding a softened honey. You can also put in the nostrils of cotton swabs, soaked with beetted juice mint 3-4 times a day.

Boil the potato "in the uniform" and slightly slightly cooled potatoes on the forehead, nose, ears. Then cut it into three parts and attach one part to the forehead, and two parts to the sinuses of the nose. After the procedure to bite the forehead woolen scarf.

Make inhalation with hot water and soda. You can add 10 drops of eucalyptus oil to water. The procedure is recommended to do before bedtime.

For a speedy getting rid of the disease, take a small piece of propolis and shake it for 15 minutes (do not swallow). Then drink the infusion from the grass of the souls and a leaf of mother-and-stepmother, taken on 1 teaspoon on a glass of steep boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes, strain and drink 2 to one admission.

Attention: during pregnancy and during breastfeeding period, it is not recommended to take drugs with soul trees. In this case, replace the soul on the chamomile or calendula.

Install aloe juice 4-5 drops in every nostril 4 times a day.

Rinse your nose with cold water or cold water with salt at any time.

Use one-time nasal scarves.

From pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis:

Eat for one reception a whole lemon with a leather, pre-cut it. It is possible to drink a lemon with honey or sugar.

Prepare herbal collection for rinsing: chamomile pharmacy - 2 parts, eucalyptus leaf -2 parts, linden flowers-2 parts, flax seeds -1 part. Components mix. Take 1 tablespoon of collecting and pour a glass of boiling water in the faience or porcelain dishes. Soaking 30 minutes, strain and rinse with warm infant throat 4 times a day. After each rinse, drink 1 tablespoon of infusion.

Rinse the throat with a water-alcohol infusion of propolis. To do this, grind 10g propolis and mix it with 100 ml alcohol. Inhabit a dark place at room temperature for 7 days. For rinsing, take 10 ml of alcohol tincturing and breed it 100ml of water (for children to take 5 ml of tincture and add a tablespoon of honey to the tincture). Rinse the throat 3 times a day. During treatment, it is recommended to drink tea with herbs, honey.

Thread two egg yolks with sugar to Bela, add to the ground. Take this remedy in the interruptions between food intake when visiting the voice.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, insist of half an hour and drink 4 times a day after eating 2 tablespoons.

Squeeze juice from five-year-old aloe leaves, mix with water in a 1: 1 ratio and drink 3 times a day by 1 teaspoon.

Make a compress on the throat area from cottage cheese and leave it overnight, having closed the neck with a warm scarf. In the morning the compress is to remove the neck to rinse with warm water and lubricate with any menthol-containing cream.

Cut the peel of one apple and pour it with 2 glasses of cold water, put on fire. Bring to a boil and sake for 5 minutes. After add a 1/2 teaspoon of dry mint, 1/2 teaspoon of vocative, pinch of cinnamon and honey to taste.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract - a group of diseases of inflammatory and disgraining nature. These include banal runny nose and angina, larynx and trachea diseases, fragile sinuses.

The pathology of the upper respiratory tract of infectious etiology suffers from every fourth person on earth. The climate of Russia predisposes to the massive outbreaks of these diseases from September to April.

Currently, medicine has been studied up to 300 microorganisms that can cause diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, work in harmful production and constant inhalation of annoying chemicals can cause chronic inflammation of the nose, pharynx and larynx. Allergies and the decrease in the immune forces of the body can also provoke the appearance of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract

  1. Alosmia is a disease, which is based on the sense of smell. Such pathology can be observed with congenital defects, genetic anomalies or after traumatic damage to the nasal partition.
  2. Rubber or rhinitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose. It occurs as a response protective reaction to the introduction of bacteria, viruses or agents of allergic origin. Often is the first clinical sign of various infections: measles, influenza, scarletins, as well as strong hypothermia.
    At the initial stage, rhinitis is characterized by a sense of congestion and swelling of the nasal mucosa, then abundant discharge, bellows appear. Subsequently, the separated becomes dense mucous membranes or purulent and decreases.
    Chronic runny nose is manifested by constant mortgage, decrease in smelling and scarce disclosures from the nose.
  3. Sinusitis refers to acute respiratory infections, is most often complicated after transferring viral diseases, such as influenza, scarletin, cortex. The disease is manifested by inflammation of the nasal sinuses. Symptoms are expressed in increasing body temperature, strong congestion from the affected side, headaches and abundant discharge from the nose. For the chronic form of the disease, the broken flow is characterized.
  4. Adenoid is inflammation of the nasal almond, due to the melting and change in the composition of its fabric. The disease is manifested in childhood, most often from 3 to 11 years. A bright sign of the disease is difficulty breathing and breaking sleep in children, hearing deterioration can also be observed, changing voice timbre, headaches.
  5. Tonsillitis - swelling and hyperemia of sipstalk almonds. Their inflammation can develop as a result of a viral or bacterial attack. For the illness, characteristic: high temperature, difficulties and pain when swallowing, symptoms of intoxication. Chronic tonsillitis is dangerous in that the pathological toxins allocated during the inflammation of the almonds, the perniciously affect the heart muscle, disrupting it.
  6. Pilot abscess develops as a result of the accumulation of pus in the submucosal pharynx. This acute disease is manifested by a sharp rise in temperature and strong pain when swallowing.
  7. Pharyngitis - inflammation of the pharynx. Caused by both infectious agents and long-term inhalation or swallowing irritating chemicals. For pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough, a chantness and a sip.
  8. Larygit is a process that develops in the larynx. Inflammation is caused by microorganisms, exposure to the external environment, overcooling. The disease is manifested by dry throat, hoarseness, at first dry, and then a wet cough.
  9. Tumor processes are developing in all departments of the upper respiratory tract. Signs of neoplasms are constant pain on the side of the lesion, bleeding and general asthenic manifestations.


The diagnosis in diseases of the upper respiratory tract begins with the examination of the patient. The doctor draws attention to redness of the skin under the nose, the difficulty of breathing, the episodes of sneezing, cough, tears. After looking at the throat, the doctor can see pronounced redness and edema mucous membranes.

To determine the type of pathogen that caused the development of the disease, bacteriological tests are used, take strokes from the oz and nose. To determine the severity of the inflammatory process and the response of the immune system on it for investigating general blood tests and urine.


With competent and timely therapy, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract pass without a trace. Having reveaning the causative agent of infection, the doctor appoints a course of antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal agents. A good effect is to use local-pending drugs, sprays for irrigation of the nose and pharynx and solutions for rinse and lubrication of the throat. With a strong position of the nose, vesseloring drops are prescribed, at a temperature - antipyretic agents.

The abscesses of the throat require surgical intervention - the opening of an ulcer, this procedure is carried out strictly in the hospital. Allergic manifestations require the use of antihistamine and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the chronic course of the disease, the vitamin and fitherapy is additionally carried out. Popular methods of treatment of nasopharynx and throat disease are physiotics: OVF, quartz, electrophoresis. At home are good inhalation with nebulizer or warm steam, foot baths with mustard.

Treating tumors requires comprehensive impact, using operating techniques and chemotherapy.


To reduce the risk of incidence of sharp respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to observe security measures in the midst of infection: avoid crowded places, carefully comply with personal hygiene rules, use the gauze bandage.

Patients suffering from chronic diseases of the nose, throat and pharynx must at least once a year undergo a dispensary inspection and course of necessary therapy.

An important role in the preservation of health and immunity of the respiratory system plays maintaining a healthy lifestyle (physical activity, walking, resting in nature) and rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol)

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