How cats are called in different countries. How cats are called in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

Everyone knows that a cat is considered a freedom-loving animal. For centuries they have lived with people. In all countries there are those who simply adore these pets, come up with the most unusual names... In this article, we will tell you how cats are called in different countries, what names they come up with, and in general, what kind of relationship people have with these animals.

This is how the story of cats began

According to one of the versions of historians, the first cats were tamed by people in Ancient egypt over two thousand years BC. In those days, a rodent exterminator in this country was considered Cats were strictly guarded and guarded. Exporting them abroad was punishable by death.

In those days, the safety of grain crops played big roleOnly cats were serious rodent exterminators. In Greece and Rome, they tried to tame even ferrets and snakes for these purposes, but nothing came of it. Somehow, the Greek smugglers managed to smuggle tamed mouse and rat hunters into the country.

So cats appeared in the Roman Empire and in Greece. Now it doesn't matter how cats are called in different countries, the fact remains that they are all from Egypt.

Cats in our world

Later, from Italy, cats came to Britain. Here they were allowed to be kept even in monasteries. Their main purpose remained - to protect the granaries from rodents. In the Middle Ages in Europe, cats fell out of favor. They were accused of being associated with witches, labeled as minions of the devil, and even burned at the stake. There was a real war with cats. Poor animals were blamed for all epidemics, accidents, and diseases. This continued until the middle of the 18th century, when the Inquisition became a thing of the past.

In Russia, the first mention of cats refers to XIV century... The pet was very appreciated, it was an irreplaceable assistant in the fight against mice and rats. For stealing a cat, a fine was imposed, equal to that for stealing an ox. Then it was a very impressive amount.

Recognition in Europe for cats returned in the middle of the 19th century. Pet lovers began to unite and create clubs. The first unusual breeds began to appear. The beginning of the history of the modern cat can be called 1871, then the first official cat show was held, which was a huge success. Then people did not yet know how cats are called in different countries of the world and, perhaps, that is why each area had its own callsigns.

Why do Russian cats respond to "kys-kys"

Each of us probably wondered why our pussies are so attracted to the call of "kitty-kitty". As soon as the cat hears these sounds, it rushes towards you, sweeping away everything in its path. The answer, however, will surprise you. This is how our Russian pets belong to these sounds.

In our country, it is customary to call a cat "kitty-kitty". To a greater extent, it reacts to the sound "s". A cat's ear is very sensitive to high frequency sounds. Even if you pronounce "ps-ps" clearly, the cat will surely come running.

Our cats also react to hissing sounds. But what is surprising, if from birth to feed a kitten you call only by name, he will associate the feeding process with these sounds and then "kitty-kitty" will not attract him in any way.

What words are used to call cats in different countries

Scientists have been struggling for a long time over the riddle of what call all the cats of the world respond to, but the answer has not been found. There is only one conclusion - they all catch whistling, hissing sounds, which attract their attention. Some animals react cautiously to the call. Maybe they pick up the mouse rustling or the hissing of other cats in the high-frequency sounds. Although there are instances that do not respond to anything other than their name.

And now for the most interesting part. Do you know how cats are called in different countries? Each country has its own way:

  • If in France, for example, you call a cat Russian "kitty-kitty", it won't even turn around. There cats are accustomed to "mine-mine". The refined French call them with such gentle words.
  • In Israel, cats also do not respond to Russian. They respond to a strange for us "smack-smack".
  • An Italian cat will come running to you with great pleasure if you call "Michu Michu".
  • Korean cats respond to a very strange nabiya-nabiya.
  • In Japan, cats, as if by magic, run up to the calls of "oide-oide". Quite strange for us.
  • The call was very feline in India. There, imitating pets, people call "meow meow".
  • Both in America and in England cats are called "kiri-kiri".
  • Thinking about how cats are called in different countries, it should be noted that there are states where the calls are very similar to Russian, their cats may even respond to your sounds. Germany - "ks-ks", Sweden "kys-kys", Finland "kisu-kisu".
  • In Arab countries, one may get the impression that cats, on the contrary, are chased away. Their call is "kysh-kysh".
  • Dutch cats will only react to "pus-pus".
  • In Bulgaria, Serbia, a cat is a matzka, a cat is a matze. Accordingly, their names there are very simply "matz-matz-matz".

How cats relate to humans

Many ordinary people still believe that a cat is a freedom-loving animal and has nothing to do with humans. But a dog is a friend who vividly expresses his emotions. To some extent, this may be so. But those who really adore cats, keep them in their home, strongly disagree with this statement.

Everyone knows how the owner's cat greets the owner from work if she spent the whole day in the apartment alone. She loyally looks into the eyes, rubs her legs and even gently hits you with her paw, asks to caress and stroke her. Those who have raised a kitten into an adult cat from birth know what kind of friend and affectionate member of the family he becomes. No brought up domestic cat will not harm the baby, will either tolerate his encroachments, or simply hide.

What is the best name for a cat?

We figured out how cats are lured in different countries, and now we will discuss which name is better to give to your pet. Someone thinks that a cat can only be Murka or Muska, and a cat can only be Vaska or Murzik. In the villages of our grandmothers, perhaps, it was so.

Now many owners are trying to call their pet some strange or surprising word. Affectionately, affectionately, many call their kitty Nyasha, and someone gives the cat the formidable name Stifler. Some pedigree animals bear names that are inherent only in their "blue blood", those that are written in the passport.

However, this is not important, as well as the words with which cats are called in different countries of the world. The main thing is to love and take care of your pet, give him all your care and affection, and then your friend will always greet you with a cheerful purr.

"Calling cats is as useless as calling a hurricane."

(Neil Gaiman)

“You will not be able to fool a cat with idle chatter like any dog, no, sir! (Jerome K. Jerome)

“Call a dog - he will come running; cat - will take note. " (Mary Bly)

"Women and cats do not go when they are called, and come when they are not called." (Prosper Merimee)

Summer is a long-awaited vacation time. Thousands of cat lovers begin to travel hard in search of vivid impressions. Do you know how cats are called in different countries?

How do you turn to a foreign purr?

"Kis-kis-kis" - only our Murki and Vaska will understand. Well, maybe the Finnish cat will turn around.
Here is a picture to help you on how to contact a cat abroad.

Indeed, cats are called differently in different countries. Most often the letters P, M, I, S, W, U, Ts are used. And, their cats hear better.

And an even more complete list:

AUSTRALIA "pus-pus-pus"

AZERBAIJAN "pshit-pshit-pshit" or "write-write-write"
ENGLAND "pus-pus-pus", "mu-mu"
ARGENTINA "mouse-mouse"
AFGHANISTAN "write-write-write"
BULGARIA "matz-matz-matz" (from "matze, matska" - cat, kitty)
HUNGARY "tsits-tsits-tsits" (cat - "machka", kitten - "tsitsa")
GERMANY "mitz-mitz" or "biz-biz-biz"

GREECE "ps-ps-ps"
HOLLAND push-push
GEORGIA "pis-pis"

DENMARK "mis-mis-mis"

EGYPT "pys-pys-pys"
ISRAEL "ps-ps-ps"

INDIA "meow meow meow"

SPAIN "misu-misu" or "mini-mini",
ITALY "michu-michu-michu"
CHINA "mi-mi-mi" (here, it turns out, where it came from!) Or "ts-ts-ts"

KOREA "nabiya-nabiya-nabiya"
LATVIA "minka-minka-minka", "mitsi-mitsi-mitsi"
LITHUANIA "kats-kats-kats"

MACEDONIA "mats-mats-mats"

MEXICO "bischito-bischito"
MOLDOVA "piss-piss-piss"

NEW ZEALAND "kiti-kiti-kiti" or "pus-pus-pus",

POLAND "pshe-pshe-pshe" or "kicha-kicha-kicha"
RUSSIA "kys-kys-kys", "kis-kis-kis", "kis-kis-kis"

ROMANIA "pis-pis-pis
SERBIA "matz-matz-matz"
USA and CANADA "kiti-kiti-kiti", CALIFORNIA "kiri-kiri-kiri"
TATARSTAN "pes-pes-pes"

TUNISIA "besh-besh-besh"

TURKEY "pisi-pisi-pisi", but where there are many Russian tourists, they respond to "kis-kis"
UKRAINE "kyts-kyts-kyts", "kytsyu-kytsyu-kytsyu"

FINLAND "kis-kis-kis"
FRANCE "mine-mine-mine"
CZECH REPUBLIC "chi-chi-chi"

SWITZERLAND "mitz-mitz-mitz"
ESTONIA "kisu-kisu-kisu"
JAPAN: "shu shu shu"

The call that the cat will willingly go will depend on the country where it lives. Of course, this does not mean at all that the “foreigner” will never learn to react to sounds accepted in another part of the world. It just takes a little effort and time to train an animal. She needs to learn a foreign language 😀

And a few anecdotes on the topic 😀

The psychiatrist asks the patient:

- And when did you begin to respond to the call "kitty-kitty-kitty?"

- Even when I was a very small kitten.

Dad yelled at Mom. Mom yelled at her son. The son yelled at the cat. The cat put on slippers for everyone. Moral: disenfranchised does not mean safe! And you need to treat cats gently and with respect! 😀


When I say "kitty-kitty" to a cat, the likelihood that I want:
feed the cat - 5%
check if the cat works - 95%


Bipedal insignificance, you were created for the sole purpose of serving me, your furry master! Obey me, or I will destroy you and your entire family!
- Kitty, kitty, what are you meowing there, want to eat? Come to me, kitty-kitty-kitty!


- Well, let them say that using the name of your cat as a password is bad form! RrgTt_fх32! B, kitty-kitty-kitty ...


- Dear, it's already getting colder, I would have something white and fluffy on my collar ...

- It's high time! Kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty!


Listen, why does your cat listen to you and come home? What do you call him?

- "Kis-kis-kis" has not worked for a long time! Now I call this shaggy fat cattle "meat-meat-meat". It works. Until ... I am learning to pretend the rustling of a pack of food ...


And here is what the word "CAT" looks like in some languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Note. This article uses photographic materials from open sources on the Internet, all rights belong to their authors, if you think that the publication of any photo violates your rights, please contact me using the form in the section, the photo will be immediately removed.

The first time I saw this cat at the bridge to the park. Shcherbakov, in the early summer of 2012 ... He walked gracefully across the bridge and sometimes looked down at the water where the drakes and their ducks swam ... There were not many people ... The weather was warm, the sun was smiling, and a light breeze caressed his face and hands ... The cat approached me carefully and started eating ... Gray and white ...
- How nice you are! You are so huge! What's your name? Kotey! Love me!..
I had food, He treated himself with pleasure, smiled and went somewhere about his business ... People were reluctant to weigh themselves ... although it seemed like Euro 2012 ... But sometimes, even people from other countries, stood on the scales ... though I tried not to take money from them - guests still ... On the day it came out when 40, when 60 hryvnias ... Strange, it would seem such a holiday, but alas ... I tried to bring food every day ... called:
-Kisyunechka. ... Come to me, kitty ... kys ... kys ... kys ... He ran out either from under the thickets or came up later and sat down next to me, and when I had to leave - he guarded my scales and a backpack - a kind of "fluffy partner" ... Sometimes visited the boys and girls in the rope park, which was located 50 meters from me, where his name was Vasya ... when he approached me - he so wanted to take him in his arms - to feel his own creature ... but he did not like it - He clapped his paw on my cheek and was angry: - I am a Cat. ... You do not need to take me in your arms ... I am an animal. ... I have wool ... paws and a tail ... and you have neither a tail nor a mustache, You are a senior comrade, Vita ... He was loved by many, but called by -different ... The summer is over ... September was still warm ... What to do next? Already no one will weigh. ... How to live? I walked past the park, it was early October. ... I called Kotey ... but he was not there ... I called him again ... I look - He is running and wants me to follow him ... He led me through the thickets and we went to the Parallel gas station ... where he worked part-time, apparently, where he was called "Kesha" ... Bavarian sausages were brought out to him ... and if the visitor had any delicacy, he looked inquiringly into the eyes of people, enticing something meat ...
I had English material - tables, phrases on different topics, and I tried to find someone who needed it. ... All autumn I came and fed the cat almost every day ...
Spring and summer 2013 were very rainy, and it was possible to weigh people only a few days a week. ... In good weather, Kotei, as before, was located next to me, from time to time jumping on the scales - they say, look how big I am! .. - You, very beautiful, Mr. Universe! - I told him ...
The children happily stroked the cat, and the adults treated them to meat with them ...
At the end of autumn 2013, a wave of popular unrest of a political plan swept ... Maidan in Kiev ... rallies and dissatisfaction with the President's failure to sign the agreement on the European Union ... (only with time it will become clear who is right and who is wrong, but when two honors collide, a conflict arises) New the year was greeted with tension ... the Maidan lasted for several months ... in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, a militia is emerging ... the government is changing ... a civil war begins ... where innocent children suffer and die ... because of the shelling, people have to sit out in basements and shelters ... May, June, July 2014 I worked in an Internet company for a year ... and then back in September we went to Zugres ... they returned late and they took me only to Maria Ulyanova Street, which was about 35 km from my house ... there was a curfew ... I was rushing with all my might to catch at least some suitable bus, it was about 20.00 pm on September 10, 2014 ... I walked to Lenin Square, where two people came up to me and started demanding documents, they would whether drunk and did not let them go, they said that I would go with them now ... I thought, this is the end, for sure they intend to abuse me ... no-no-no - death is better ... I started to stop the people passing by - a huge one stopped, a powerful machine ... two representatives of New Power came out of it - tall, prominent, in military uniform, about 40 years old. One of them asked: -What is the matter? I replied that I was not allowed to go home ... they let me go and dealt with "these two" ... so I found out that there are real people in the militia and that they are not criminals, but family comrades who have ended up in power ... The war continues ... Shells fly into the gardens and homes of people ... destroy their homes ... The airport is bombarded every day and destroyed to the ground ... it burns to ashes ... the corpses of soldiers lying there cannot be pick up due to constant shelling ... the shell hits the trolleybus on Boss, where innocent children die ... the drivers at the Center bus station die from the shells, their buses burn down - horrible pictures ... at home on Astronauts Street, which is near the Airport, residents leave ... glass ... destroyed infrastructure, does not allow to continue life there, as well as in the village of Oktyabrsky and other places ...
I didn't weigh the whole of 2014 ... In the summer of 2014, there was a shortage of water due to the destroyed infrastructure - even for technical water, which was brought by tanks to shops, queues were lined up ... And the cat lived at a gas station with his wife Musya-Georgette, a thoroughbred British ... although many local cats sighed for Him ... They had four kittens - two boys and two girls ... they were soon taken away by people ... Not far from the car wash there were hostels where refugees from the sheltered areas and villages took shelter ... February 5, 2015 and February 20, 2015 years, shells hit the village of Mirny, Solnechny ... in the house not far from mine, almost all the glass flew out ...
On May 11, 2015, the Donetsk People's Republic was proclaimed ...
They sign the Ceasefire Agreement in Minsk (Republic of Belarus), which theoretically should put an end to the war ... but not in fact ... shelling continues, Gorlovka suffers, shells hit the houses of villages near Gorlovka, destroying not only dwellings, but also taking lives ... a very scary, heartbreaking story: a shell hits Anna's house, killing her twelve-year-old daughter in front of her eyes, her husband ... tears her hand off ... she survived with two children ... to survive this !!! Horrible! Mother of many children! For what!?
It is necessary to help people - I went through the markets, collected things, money ... I never appropriated anything from someone else ... not only will you not earn on someone else's grief, but there will be no happiness either ...
Kotey did not come anymore ... He now got a job at the car wash "Tire fitting", where he was called "Boris", he found another wife, because Musya-Dzhorgetta was taken by some family and they became victims of fascism ... I heard him crying when I passed by , - he was sitting in a clearing among the local cats. I handed him food, but he conceded it to his friends, he hid himself in the basement of the house opposite the sink, where he howled and cried ... He is a Cat, but it was clear what he wanted to say: -How hard to live! How painful it is to lose love!

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