The names of the cats of the British breed. We have a Briton at home, how will we call? Unusual names for white cats

They say, his fate depends on behalf of a person. A similar opinion adds to experienced breeders, recommending home-owned cats invent proper nickname New family members so that they can live a long and happy life next to the favorite owners.

If a beautiful kitty appeared in your house british breed, do not rush to call it the first to come to the name. Think and look, perhaps the initial opinion on this score is not very correct.

How to call a British cat, specialists will be prompted! Considering their delivel tips, you can choose your fluffy friend to the nickname appropriate in all parameters.

Why is it important

If a few decades ago, cats were called standard names, not particularly looping on the question with the selection of nickname. Today everything has changed in the root, and there are some reasons for it. First, to have a thoroughbred cat with a typical name is already unmodest, especially if you are planning a pet participation in exhibitions and various competitions.

Secondly, British cats are very sensitive and intelligent. They understand the appeal and intonation of people well, and if you call it a stupid name, the cat will be offended and it will be all his life to enter your painful attitude towards unpleasant smoke, degrading its authoritative person with a special character.

How to choose a nickname

To choose the appropriate name to British, it is necessary to look at the individual criteria for the animal. Experienced breeders recommend emphasizing attention to some features.

Behavior and nature

These criteria of the British cat will help make a right decision.

If your favorite is often sleeping and has a calm temperament, name it is Persea or Sonya. And for active and restless girls, Simba, Berta, Virgin, Duffy or Zhuzha's names are excellent.

Cat-British, which regularly exploring the territory of residential space, can be called an agent, normal or nissan.

For warlords, able to stand up for themselves and showing their authoritative character, you can from mythical led: Apollo, Spartak, Zeus, Kama, Kron, Mercury, Hera, Gray, Olympia or Peace.

If your pet exists excessive lovingness, come up with something gentle and romantic. For example: Amurian, Chappi, Lakki, Ernie, asterisk, Cleopatra, Lolita, Margo or Rosalia.

Merry Figaro can be called a figaro, and the Vallaja Lenalty - Baron. The name Drakos is perfectly suitable for curious British, and the pet that fulfills all his duties strictly in time is the timer.

External traits

You can pick up a suitable nickname for a cat, focusing on its external data and wool color.

A cat with graceful mill and aristocratic appearance deserves the presentable name: Amelia, Athena, Valkiriya, Vesta, Infinity, Mary, Sabrina, Sheron or Yujina. For cats with similar external data, you can choose something from this list: Julian, Anthony, Pharaoh, Wales, Tamerlan, Sultan, Sebastian, Raphael, Oxford or Albert.

For pets with delicate features and gentle glance, such nicknames are perfect: Fenny, Chakki, Shuna, Fanny, Tosya, Tutsi, Nyusha, Punya, Motya, Kesha, Archie or Nekwik.

For cats with fluffy wool, the name of the gun, a lucmatic or snowball is suitable, which is also relevant for pets with white wool. Blue-eyed representatives can be chosen to choose Skye, Aquamarine, Sapphire or Iceberg.

Cats with snow-coat are suitable such names: snowflake, winter, snow white, blond or squirrel. The Balley Boy can be called pearls, smile or coconut.

Current nicknames for the British with black wool:

  • a female representative can be called a baggio, panther, night, blueberries, jet, cola or carmelite;
  • black cat will suit the name Baron, Black, Graph, Batman or Jack.

Gray Britons are suitable such puddles: Suri, Mouse, Grassi, Wolfe, Carbon, Gray, or Typical, but in their own interesting name of the sega, gray. And also, if the patronymic is addicted to this name, it will be quite solid and representative.

What to call a red kitten: a ray, a rhyger, kuzya, mandarin, sandor, tishka, bauble, reaches, Virgini or Buska.

Two-color British can be called a sailor or mart. For tricolor animals, Katty's nickname is suitable, tick, Disney, Santa, Fairy or Puffy.

Login value

If you live a pretty girl of the British breed named Bagira, be sure your favorite will be playful and gambling throughout his life. Merry and unpredictable cat with a kind character and cute appearance - a real find for the family, where there are small children.

Cat nicknamed Vanessa loves freedom and is distinguished by curiosity.

Decided to call their fluffy girl Duffy? Wonderful choice! An animal with such a name is characterized by courage, erudition and unshakable courage. But the name of Agat is good and sensitive, good and sensitive pet. Cats with this name combine only positive traits character.

  • Ilona is bright and cheerful features;
  • Madeleine is a talented Briton with unlimited abilities;
  • Patricia is a friendly cat, a fast-based common language with all members of a large family;
  • Taisiya - a gentle girl with a little cunning character;
  • Charlotte - Royal Persons with exquisite manners and graceful gait;
  • Juno - loving and affectionate cat with a naive childhood look.

What names can be given to the cats of the British breed

Each owner of a fluffy pet when choosing a nickname takes into certain criteria. Someone calls the name of the beloved actress, others take into account the external features or behaviors.

The most popular destinations allow the owner to choose the perfect nickname for the British cat:

  1. If you are a fan of sports games, name your home friend with the name of the famous athlete.
  2. A very effectively sounds the names taken from mythology or history. For example, many call girls of the British breed by the names of famous queens. Such nicknames sound original and impressively.
  3. Cosmos, Favorite Kinoheroi, Sports Clubs, Stars of Show Business, Political Fatations, Natural Phenomena and Other Topics often help the owner choose the appropriate name for a favorite big friend. Mercury, Venus, Angelica, Sirius, Lightning, Winter, Barcelona - Grand Choice, for every taste!

What name is it better to give the girl-British - it is not always easy to determine, because in the huge list of suitable nicknames you can find several relevant options. How to decide and not guess?

  1. Try to call the cat selected names and just follow it. You can give the nickname to which she will be happy to respond.
  2. Some families are arranged competition for best name For a new friend. You can write on pieces of various options, fold into the box and pull one. These game is like a lottery. What a name will be written on the leaves, then leave.
  3. Some young people who are passionate about the Internet are often satisfied with the survey in social networkBy listing several named names. For which they will vote longer, it is selected.

To make it easier for the cat to get used to the new name, experts recommend choosing simple nicknames, preferably from 1-2 syllables. The animal perceives the hissing consonant sounds well, so it will be great if they will be present in the nickname.

Funny nicknames for British cats

If you are full of optimism and love humor, name your British beauty interesting nameBut without a pathoral abuse. What scores are perceived by the British without offense:

  1. A kitty with character will suit the name cinnamon.
  2. Is your cat all sweeping on his way? Name him with Hulk!
  3. Loves often sleeps in an unusual pose resembling noodles? Then the ideal solution will be the nickname of spa or macaroni.

Other nicknames with a humorous accent: Scooby, Zucchini, Anchov, Waffelka, Fed, Kruzan, Kiwi, Mickey, Schnaps, Godzilla, Pepa, Funtik, Rabbit, Chucha, etc.

In today's article we will try to come up with the most beautiful names for cats. This time, the subject of our conversation will be unusual nicknames for british cats. We have already tried on the role of Shakespearean heroes, as well as different colorful historical persons. But this, of course, is not the only way to find a beautiful name for the British cat.

The Briton as a whole characterizes some extravagance, in places turning into a light personality, so we will allow yourself to argue that unusual nicknames for boys of boys of the British breed have the right to life (the names of the British girls deserve separate consideration).

English Sares and Ghosts

Take at least ancient English names. They sound mysterious and give your cat even more aristocracy, even if it seems to you that there is no more now. For example, Algernon, the name that Oscar Wilde with great irony used in his play "How important to be serious", or the Fitzuillaes, sending us to the Great Roman Jane Austin "Pride and Prejudice".

It is quite difficult to come up with unusual names for British blue color cats, but in Wilde's work there is a wonderful image of the sad ghost - Sir Canerville. I would certainly call this blue cat - in this color there is something particularly otherworldly and ghostly. In addition, cats often have a habit of looking into the void with such an expression, as if someone is there ...

Ancient times

Unusually beautiful nicknames for the British cats can also work out from the Anglo-Saxon names. They are not always familiar to our hearing, but, on the other hand, are not covered by constant use. Do not be afraid to immerse yourself in the depths of history. Kings ruled by England to Norman conquest, as well as to know those times left us a very rich material for study. Here are just a few of these names that are antiquity: Elemen, Atelstan, Godwin, Harald, Edred.

Ancient sagas and legends can also tell you how beautiful to name the Cat of the British - unusual names in them no less, but, perhaps, more than in chronicle historical sources. Among the most famous and popular heroes of traditional folk epos are Tristan, Beowulf, Lancelot, Ragnar, Galahad, Manfred, Roland, Percival. The character not every cat will suit the heroic name, but if the temperament of your cat matches him, then your pet will produce a great impression.

Clicks for British from medieval chronicles

However, there is no antiquity of a person alive. The period of the Middle Ages, coming in England after the Norman conquest of 1066, is also rich in unusual and very beautiful potential names (nicknames) for British boys cats. It is worth just to look at the statistics of popular names derived from the documents of those years, and the search for the original nickname will not be difficult.

Adelle, Bardolph, Clerbold, Everard, Berrtram, Friedarch, Jersey, Hildebradd, Ranulf, Edrik, Tancred, Teobald - You just listen to what wealth! And what is important, the risk to meet many cats with the same as your unique favorite name, in this case, seeks to zero. Not every master thinks to such a beauty!

We hope that we managed to help you decide how to call the British boy's cat. The name of the British, of course, may not be British. Your tastes and wishes remain here the most important criterion for choice. The main thing is that the name liked all members of your family and has always been uttered with love.

Choose a name for the British Kitten of the boy, you may need very urgently, if you make the decision to start a smoky and taper creature, already acquires real outlines in the form of fees in a pet store or nursery.

Of course, for any person who decided to acquire a pet from the cat breed, will be an important issue of choosing the breed. And first of all, you should turn to cats from the breed of the British, which are sometimes called - cats for businessmen.

The British are quite calm creatures, and do not too worry the long absence of the owner. They are quite capable of entertaining themselves and finding themselves fun at the time of the host.

Various variations of coloring, state and representative appearance, care that does not require special efforts, calm and balanced character and view of the goodness - that is the integral and characteristic features of the British, which caused such serious popularity of the breed.

When the selection of breed is resolved, and the choice of sex is obvious, you need to have an idea, with which you will come across when your cat matches. Adult cats of this breed can weigh up to 9 kg, they are representative and ventilators in their behavior. This cat can definitely be called a real "macho", but with all this, the British are very tied to their owner and are very trusting.

Such a cat will show you your feelings and, to measure the pure heart and good soul, will count on a response from your favorite owner. The purr of such a fluffy friend will help you at night, and will wake you up in the afternoon, saying that your cat is just crazy about happiness to be together with your loved one.

As you call the cat, so it will be ...

Before choosing a British kitten, people thoroughly study rocks, and they are very responsible for the choice.

And just as responsibly, the owners need to approach the choice of the name, which will wear your pet all his life ... or all 9. Who as lucky. It is not very recommended to call the British kitten with the name, which besides a cool word, does not have absolutely no semantic load.

A more priority to choose a nickname, in which hissing sounds will be, and which will consist of two or three syllables, and best of all of one or two. To pronounce the nickname briefly and clearly. So your pet will be easier to remember it and you will have more likely to hear the response to the animal nickname, and not on the COP COP or just your voice.

It would be very nice if the owner understood what importance is the word that becomes the name for the animal and the basis for the formation of his future nature. For example, if you decide your cute shaggy miracle to name Marsik, remember that in a couple of years, your Marsik will grow by real Mars.

And if you remember, this is the Roman God of War and the patron saint of Romans. In Greek mythology, the god of Ares corresponds to him. In honor of Mars named the first month of spring - March. Mars was read as the god of spring, fields and harvest. And calling the cat in this name, it can be said definitely that pride, warlikeness and impatience - will certainly be present in the nature of your British.

God-like creature!

If you look at the British more intently - it has something majestic, something as if not from our planet, and maybe something divine. And if the majestic gods of antiquity wore such beautiful names, then why and your favorite can not wear them with pride and dignity?

But let's look at the names of the gods, and at the same time we find out who were those whose names we encounter on the streets still.

BUTAbder is a representative of Greek mythology. The son of Hermes, which was endowed with extraordinary beauty.
Augur - Priest, who defeated the people from unsuccessful affairs.
Agni - the shining deity of the mythology of India. Agni generously gave people to family happiness, healthy offspring, success, and in particularly rare cases she gave the immortality.
Admet, Akast - Heroes, participants of the campaign of Argonauts for the Golden Room.
Aquilon - in the ancient Romans he was the God of Northern Wind.
Albaste - in the mythology of the Central Asian peoples, Albaste was an evil conqueror of the water element.
Alpamysh is an invulnerable leader of the tribes from the epic attachments of the peoples of Central Asia.
Alv - the spirit of nature, which brought fertility in the mythology of Scandinavians.
Amik is a monstrously strong ruler.
Amon is the God of the Egyptians.
Amur is the God of Love in ancient Rome.
Anu is the god of the sky for Sumerian mythology.
Ankill - Shield of Mars, God of War.
Apollo is the God of Light.
Argus is a giant having a hundred eyes. The personification of the starry sky.
Atlant - the Great Titan, who holds the heavenly arch.
Ajax - Hero of the Trojan War.
B.Balu - in the Westernity Mythology God fertility, thunder and lightning.
Bakhus is the god of winemaking in ancient Rome.
Bias - Greek hero.
Bor - Son of God Buri in Scandinavians.
Boyan is a poet singer at the Eastern Slavs, who understood the voices of animals and birds.
Brahma is the Supreme God in Hindus.
Storms - the ancestor of the gods in the Scandinavian myths.
ATVakh - Greek god of winemaking.
Veles - the Vine Slavonic Patron of Animals.
Volcano - God of fire.
G.Geb - God of the Earth in Egyptian mythology.
Helicon - Mountain in Greece, where Muses dwell on the gate.
Genius is the god of men's power.
Hermes - the expert of the gods and the patron of travelers.
Hephest is the God of Fire.
Mountains - the Egyptian God, the patron saint of Pharaoh.
Honor - God honors in ancient Rome.
D.Dagon is a patron of agriculture from Middle Eastern peoples.
Daksha - a deity in Hinduism.
Dardan is the son of Zeus.
Z.Zeus is the Supreme God Greek.
Marshmallow is the God of Western Winds.
ANDInach is the god of rivers.
J.Yima is the ruler of the world in Iranians.
TOCadm is the FIFAN ruler.
Kama is the God of Love in Ancient India.
Kefal is a beautiful young man, a hunter.
Cron - an ancient Greek god of time.
L.Lavr - Sacred Tree.
Loki is the deity of Scandinavian mythology.
M.Manas - Bogatyr, hero of the Kyrgyz epic.
Mars - Roman God of War.
Mercury - Roman God arrived and trading.
N.Neptune - Roman God of the Seas.
Numa is one of the legendary Roman rulers.
ABOUTOne is the Supreme God by Scandinavians.
Osiris - God fertility.
PPan is a patron saint of forests and hunters in ancient Greek mythology.
Parnas - Mountain, where the muses lived.
Peel is a hero of Greek myths.
RRA - Sun patron at the ancient Greeks.
Romulus is one of the brothers, founders of Rome.

And this is not all the names of the gods and legendary people from myths and legends that your kitten can wear.

Maaam, well, let's call Tom?

It is absolutely possible that your little Briton appeared in the house at the request of another small member of your family. When the cat is buying a child, sometimes the child himself may ask to choose a nickname. But do not think that only Tom can limit the clock of a cat from different cartoons and fairy tales.

Let's find out who else can be on the pages of children's books or in cartoons:

Actually, this world does not have borders at all, as to call the cat, you can not only with a nickname cat, but also by any other name that loved the child from a fairy tale or a movie.

How do you prefer to call our kotics Russians?

On the Internet, there is a certain popularity rating for cats. What people were guided by choosing a name for their unique cat - the question is quite complicated, but dry statistics speaks of a rather interesting choice of nicknames for cats, among our compatriots.

Nickname Number of pets
Afiga-his know1760
Sergeant fluffy pants1439
Maximus de Meauchius first601

And the most rarely encountered, among not single nicknames, it turned out to be a chip of absinthe - 149 times met in the survey.

Choice of the name - the case is purely individual

When you buy your British's kitten look at it carefully, watch the behavior, the temper and the interests of your ward. After all, the names for boys cats are the basis for the future formation of its developing personality.

Names for boys can be learned absolutely from everywhere. It can be trademarks of fashionable things and accessories, can be car models or firearms. Characters of favorite cartoons or adventure novels.

For very sophisticated owners, you can even suggest call the British Cat by the Japanese name:

  • Haruko, spring child;
  • Haru, Spring;
  • Akiko, autumn child;
  • Yuki, snow;
  • Miyako, baby night;
  • Takara, treasure;
  • Sitting, pearl;
  • Masura, victory.

AT japanese There are a lot of words that are incredibly beautiful meaning, exactly, as in other languages \u200b\u200bwith a melodic pronunciation.

The names for boys kittens will be the starting point in creating the psychotype and the personality of the animal, which will be near you long years. And giving a kitten name - you lay the atmosphere of communication with him. Either you will talk with your cat on an equal foot, as with an independent and intelligent cat, or you will play with him and perceive it as a small child.

Bear, go to eat! Yes not you, I called a cat ...

Not rare practice in the world when the cat is called the human name. In this matter it should be careful, for some misunderstandings may arise with friends and friends. It will be pretty nice to hear: "Look, Max is licking my ***!" Especially if one of the guests is so called ...

If you think that the names for the boys must be human, then use the names of British or American, since we are talking about such a breed. Reed, Chuck, Nut, Cole, Duke, Alex - such names will be able to emphasize the origin of your cat, and save you from unpleasant excesses with your loved ones.

The choice is simply implanious!

Names for kittens boys are a limitless topic for conversation.

Where do not look, almost any word completely or partially be able to become a name for your pet. The cat is a creature that will take any of your choice, and choose and really there is from what:

BUTAben, Abman, Abura, Adonis, Aizan, Air, Aylan, Aland, Alcat, Almaz, Angar, Antej, Anchar, Argo, Arman, Ayran, Archel, Ajax, Aurum.
B.Babot, bytes, buggy, basalt, Baikal, Bax, Balkans, Ball, Balkhash, Bars, Bart, Bim, Black, Blues, Bob, Blitz, Boris, Breeze, Bruce, Beech, Buch, Batman.
ATVager, Weiss, Wald, Web, Faithful, Vic, Whiskas, Woland, Wolf, Volt, Volcano.
G.Gable, Gavr, Guyduk, Hans, Ghana, Garik, Garniele, Gashek, Herak, Gaob, Gorzik, Grades, Greed, Grells, Geri, Gray, Grizzly
D.Dad, Duck, Dagger, Degris, Jabo, Jedi, Dziro, Dicky, Disney, Don, Drag, Smoke, Deba.
E.Euron, Egor, Elik, Eran, Yerosh.
J.Headar, Genon, Zheka, Zhaur, Georges.
Z.Tan, Zark, Zaur, Saws, Zard, Zyama, Zaitsev, Serez, Siegere, snake.
ANDRaisin, X, Iza, Raisin, Inok, Iris, Irk, Illari, Ingvi, Irzhik, IF.
TOCahors, Kaiser, Kalmar, Karat, Carpel, Kaif, Kesha, Kim, King, Nightmare, Chris, Ksen, Kuzma, Kys, cache.
L.Love, Lar, Lev, Leopold, Lelik, Lucky, Lapusik, Leon, Ling, Loki, Lorik, Lurur, Lyapis.
M.Mavr, Mao, Medzh, Mojik, Majik, Macbeth, Maksimka, Mamluk, Marquis, Marcello, Bear, Mystic, Murat, Mouflon, Musket, Moho, Matt.
N.Nabat, Nadir, Nace, Flaw, Naur, Nick, Nick, Ninja, Norton, Nursi, Newton, Nurs.
ABOUTFire, Oyran, Okay, Olaf, Oltan, Oliver, Omar, Organ, Osman, Austin, Oppord.
PPoil, Pamir, Pankrat, Pegasus, Pilot, Plushkin, Ponch, Prince, Prince, Pups, Pusik, Pooh, Pierre.
WITHSavely, Saigon, Simon, Sayrex, Saikhan, Sakko, Salazar, Satan, Singapore, Spider, Snowball, Susych, Spice, Stalker, Istanbul, Sandy, Sat, Surf, Syaktun, Siau Fen.
T.Tabasco, Tyler, Thale, Til, Tima, Toby, Toky, Tokyo, Tagil, Topaz, Toro, Trofim, Troy, Trophy, Typhyat, Teddy.
W.Ubar, Corner, Ugryum, Ulan, Ulf, Uralman, Ural, Ufo, Ushastik, Wesley.
F.Fabian, Fage, Fantomas, Farley, Fergi, Flit, Ford, Fax, Fox, Flabber, Fisher, Foma, Fresh, Friedrich, Funtik, Furk, Fale.
H.Hub, Habib, Height, Hayte, Han, Hans, Harry, Harley, Hugh, Jose, Khujundel, Hugo, Houston.
C.Tsu, DAC, Cicero, Cerber, Cyclops, Zuckerman, Cynic, Cendo.
C.Chuck, Charlie, Chakki, Charvela, Chardas, Chelly, Cheburek, Man, Chicago, Chubais, Chips, Miracle, Chumak, Chucha.
ShShabo, twine, blackmail, chall, shaham, lace, shrek, shukher, shurchik, Shushik.
E.Ebony, Evan, Everest, Ears, Eskimo, Ernie, Ernesto.
IJawor, Yago, Jaguar, Jazy, Yakov, Yarosh, Yasik, Yahont, Yashka.

Especially impressively watching a nickname that will begin on th, but here, perhaps, only your fantasy will help you.

For thoroughbred animals, leading the genus from particularly titled parents, the choice of nicknames is limited by the rules. It will depend on the names of manufacturers. It is not always suited by the owners. Then another, convenient homemade name in a new family member. The official remains in the documents - for special occasions. And the owners have almost a problem: how to call the British cat?

Clicks for Briton

The choice of animal's nickname is not easy. The new household names usually the whole family, sometimes it is a very emotional process. It is not surprising that a new person lives in the house nameless for some time. As will be called, depends on several reasons, among which (not surprised) are not the last - the characteristics of the owners. The cat itself "attracts" the nickname in different ways.

First circumstance - appearance. We look "by clothes", that is, on the color of the fur coat, density of wool. The name for the Cat British will tell you creative imagination.

  • Smoky boy is Fog . The nature is also mysterious, the personality suddenly appears, and also imperceptibly "to nowhere" disappearing. Solny to warm the Boca This fog will love, like all other relatives.
  • Frost - This is the possible impulsiveness of the actions of the British, the change of mood: wants - on the sofa it stretches. Soon the cat can change their mind, change the dislocation. Yes, so that it will not be able to find it quickly. If it succeeds at all. Do you like it? Then the question "how to call the British cat" is not a question at all.
  • Dawn "This is a good option for a blue British, you should like it too if you are a lark." But the chronic owl will not be glad when the favorite cat will wake it up in the sweetest sleeping hour.
  • Redhead (Golden) Briton Orange Attracts attention: both bright appearance and an unusual, but label nickname. Sunny Aristocrat Orange is a positive, slightly manner cat.

How to reflect in the nicknames of the British cats and other features

Not only the color of the wool, but also in nature, the physique, special signs - everything affects how to call the British cat.

  • Bulk sludge, condescendingly looking at what is happening through the slips of semi-trifle eyes, the name is itself. Baron . Or name Kota Barin .
  • Locking British perfectly suitable Bow . Strong, dense, ears are directed up, look like a bustard. So name. Especially if the kitten is movable, playful by nature. Even if the Cat of Fold, the form of ears - "eight", on the perimeter she still looks like a bow.
  • How to name Shalun Kitten British, boy with innocent round glazes? If he is just spoken here, but the tail of the pipe flashes somewhere there, the name Figaro Will be a cheerful fidget.
  • When "dust post", the baby has time to push the vase from the table, immediately drive the tangle under the sofa, jump out and take off on the curtains under the ceiling, perhaps he is Powder . But with this more careful, you never know. Such temperament, however, for the cats of the British rare, so their names are usually a different plan.
  • The British retained their natural independence. If the cat is still small, as a particular privilege, then probably it is Sheikh .

In the royal tuned cats, the British will also come to the British and many other "bosses" names:

  • Boss "You will be in his dwelling, and not he - you have in mind." From the point of view of an important boss, another option is unacceptable. They themselves called so effectively - tolerate now. And the name is beautiful. Selection of clicks for the cats for the British are interesting, even instructive.
  • Chef - The same as the boss. Perhaps a little easier, indulgent.
  • WITH Oligarch Consider, be kind. Familyarities The cat will not tolerate, it will be thoroughly feeding, and most importantly - qualitatively. You have to match: oligarch in a cheap trainer to people will not bring themselves, they themselves also make it easier, an important person in a decent form is supposed to accompany. Houses oligarch will fall, where he wants. Nothing reprehensible from him not wait: the status will not allow the oligarch to throw the reputation.
  • Notice for the British kitten amazing punctuality - there is an option to call: Timer - So it will always be. The routine will learn or install it himself, you also take the regime. On time will sit at the bowl, with the ukriznaya will look to the owner in the eyes, if it is empty. In general, the timer should not be in definition.
  • Mars - Solid and beautiful. Suitable by the harsh militant character of the cat. But if you call the cat Marchaik, it will be softer, gentle.
  • But, for example, Prince The powerful creature of a strong physique is better not to call. Growing a "square" such a copy, far from it to the raised prince. Thinkingly think about how to name the British cat or cat, so that the nickname does not seem to be subsequently.
  • Strong, compact cat, especially black, it is interesting to name Square . Here and its forms are emphasized, and the original Malevich is mentioned.
  • Dracosh - This is a silent, a little naive, curious creature. There will be nothing for the dragon in it, only a cat, the second half of the word sounds: "Kosha".
  • Lovers hide or rustle packages. A cat, loving hissing sounds, who knows how to "voice" the space itself is Rustle .

Cool names of the cats of the British breed

  • Humorists will lead me Baton . And they will not be mistaken for the name: roundness of forms and genetic tendency to the weight gain from the British are available.
  • If the cat is reddish, smile and lunizing will cause Biscuit . Full and cheerful, sometimes (in terms of the situation), the biscuit will deliver the owners and their guests a lot of pleasant emotions.
  • There are still cool names for British cats: Hematogen (for chocolate), Xerox (this is, of course, not a castration), Wi-Fi .
  • And how do you - Dude ? There will be a cat. Present dude! Smile will be all, but not long. This dumplings on his mind. The name for the British cat is a signal to action. What - the cat will decide himself.
  • Bracelet - Similarly, biscuit has a gold color. Maybe by the way, and silver be, all shades of blue, ash, silver and their combinations. The creature is serious, keeps with dignity, occasionally a cat can condensate and allow you to "on the handles."

Familiar for fairy tales names for British cats

Fairy tales, legends, myths, cartoons and films Artistic - a good source of ideas: names there are memorable, familiar since childhood.

  • Amateur sleep, and among cats there are a lot of such, for you will be touching Mordemem . His pacifying look and habitual calm will be the best sedative for the inhabitants of the house.
  • Amur Better do not call, unless castrate. Otherwise you have to endlessly stop the attempts to wait apart from the apartment on their amure affairs.
  • Leopold (For the most friendly). The British are friends peculiarly, remotely as if. But some of them are real Leopolds, the name of the cat from the cartoon as if for them is invented.
  • Balu - It's a kind, slightly clumsy healthy in chocolate fur coat. An excellent option of how to call the British Cat a boy having such appearance and gait.
  • Mowgli. It will be found that in your dwelling will be replaced by Liana. Weigh the affordable and not very affordable space, feel comfortable will be everywhere. Having matured Mowgli, the status and dignity, the "monkey" habits will be less common.

Keep in mind: the name of the name partially forms the nature of the animal. You can call Sherry , Later notice not without surprise: the animal notes in the nature of the cat are clearly manifested. "As you call a yacht." Checked by many and repeatedly. It may not affect not only the sound, but the special intonation of the voice. If the "smoke" you say gently, then in the word "Sherry" a different tone will sound. Truth, Smoke For British solidity - is rather weak.

Not only the color of the wool, but also in nature, the physique, special signs - everything affects how to call the British cat. Source: Flickr (CEES_SCHIPPER)

Cat names Britain

  • How to call a British cat, you can think for a long time, but sometimes it is enough to see the fur of a blue color, and this girl is already - Malvina . You will perceive it will be a fabulous fragile businessworthy character, Malvina is caught. It will become as they see it.
  • Mink - The girl will be careful, graceful, truly ubiquitous. Despite the strong forms, the refined elegance will acquire, the ability to "leak" almost through the gaps. To keep the distance will be, the usual catheliness is not in her character, the desire to ride the animal will be burdens. Respect Nink's personal space!
  • Lavender - Intense color, almost steel. She will admire anyone who sees this magnificence. The same name given by White Briton promises you the fulfillment of desires.
  • Ash - Beautiful, slightly windy creation. The emphasis can be shifted to the first syllable coquette of a special charm, it turns out to be interesting.

Cat's pits British girls are diverse almost indefinitely. Other colors of the coat and nuances of the behavior of kitty "ask for" other names.

  • Viola - This is an elegant creation, like a flower. Color can be mixed, from stains of different colors, like the flower of the same name - a variety of "pansies". The perfect name for a tricolor kitty (Parosele, Van, Bicolor). The character is calm, almost imperturbable. Light alertness in view.
  • How to call a british cat white color? It may be Snezhana - proud and cold, only occasionally it will be lifted, allowing himself to climb.
  • Fairy Already a baby gives tenderness and creates wonders. As a rule, a positive nature. Wonderful beauty and grows.
  • Beauty - A little soporic person. Knows what is more effective. But ensure admiring, perhaps the envious glances of those who have no such beauty.
  • Slept Graceful, sometimes caprip. Leading in everything: feed, place in the house and all the other gentle will choose the itself. It is offended by a strict eye. In a word, a gentle, she is a sideway.
  • Lasten - This is an affectionate creature, in which independence is expressed less than in the rock average. Pours to man, the question "how to call the British cat girl" in this case is solved by itself.

The grace and independence of cats often encourage people to compare them with goddesses. There is something mythical in the behavior of many of them and in appearance too. Turn to mythology.

  • Naiad Loves water. British in a special addiction to this element are not seen. But if, reflecting, how to call the British cat girl, you remember: she bathes without fear, calmly or even with pleasure, then it is a naja. The overall nature of the breed does not always coincide with cat personality. Nayad contributes to a strong marriage, protects health - a solid positive.
  • Hera also strengthens marriage, protects love. You will certainly love the Gera itself, and it will be the protection of a family hearth at home, patroness family love.

Giving the favorite names of the goddesses, do not cease. Some mythological positive characters do not contain.

The names of cats British should be harmonious, weighty, and at the same time reflect graceiness inherent in the beautiful half of the feline.

Many people call pets by the names of people - this is an easy choice, but not creative. Yes, and it is right, perhaps you will not call. The case of taste, of course. Flowing, how to name the British Cat of the boy, you can find it the original name, and you can just see it in it. Nickname, however, it does not look like.

What are the clins like British

As for hissing sounds that are supposedly loved by cats, this is a myth. The cats themselves are hiding, but not from love. And the sounds of the name understand and memorize - any.

For example, in funny nickname Dude The first letter sounds ringing. Although it is considered hissing. Cats are responding to this name instantly and any dude in a second one will happily get to such a bit.

Take at least noone Murzikov "Nothing in this word is harsh, and cats are happy to hear him."

Boldly call your pet you liked and suitable nicknames in character, color or some kind of special signs. Clicks for the British cats (and not only them) choose not by hissing sounds. Any of those that consider successful, easily recognized and remembered by the pupil. He has a magnificent rumor, our alphabet is not a problem for him. Though, though, even whistle, even though the call and sound called - everything will be understood by the smart animal.

By the way, the cat understands the transformation of his own behalf. Imposing Katsu melts when it is called Katsushka Because after that there will be pleasant tenderness, stroking, scratching the tummy and behind the eye. And he knows who he is: Easily breaks away from the tasted place and easily, in two jumps, it turns out to be near the owner, hearing the called "cat!", With the intonation "Where are you?". Dude also loves to be Dude . They all understand our favorites.

You want to call the cat original. Choose names for British cats - a fascinating occupation. Even if the choice is not possible immediately, causing disagreements. Solve peacefully how to call the British cat, if desired, you can. Collect your whole family, write your cat name variants on the paper strips. Roll strips to rolls, mix. And then, entrust the youngest or older of you to choose any roll without looking. Random choice - there is a pattern. Love and ladt this fluffy "pattern", let it always pleases you. With any name.

Video on the topic

The appearance in the house of a tiny lump implies a reverent attitude, care and correct care Behind him. Choice suitable name A new family member is also part of this concern. In this article, we will tell you how to call the purebred kitten so that his nickname not only sounded well, but also emphasized the individuality of the pet. It is believed that it is the nickname of a small animal affects his character and behavior in the future.

Come up with the name of the thoroughbred kitten with a pedigree simply. Often breeders follow 2 basic rules:

  1. The first letter named Kornaya Kitten, regardless of whether the boy is or a girl is one of the letters of the cat's cat.
  2. The name of the cat's cat name is selected depending on the amount of its litter.

So, for example, a cat with the name of the Strauss, all the kittens from the second litter must wear nicknames starting on the second letter "T". This is a mandatory requirement in nurseries. All documents should appear the officially selected name, and it does not matter whether it will be Abyssinian Cat, Thai cat or Kuril Bobtail, the Nevskaya Masquerade Cat or Cat, the Russian Blue Cat or Gray Siberian Kitten - So an animal will be able to.

Since the official name may consist of several complex words and even keep the name of the nursery itself, at home you can come up with a simpler, shortened option for your favorite.

Since the official name may consist of several complex words and even keep the name of the nursery itself, at home you can come up with a simpler, shortened option for your favorite.

Letters that are recommended to include in the cat's name / cat Sounds that are recommended to include in the cat's name / cat
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Foldful Scottish cat in black can be proudly wearing a sheba name and noir. The classic Blue or Lilic Coloring of the kitten will call the baby with a gentle flower, for example, violet or lily. It is very important that the cat's nickname does not sound rudely and easily remembered.

It is possible to look at the behavior of the Scots kitten, and come up with a nickname, taking into account its temperament. The alike cat is suitable for the name Andreanna, which means "good, sweet". The girl of the Scottish Fold, differently and friendly character, you can give the name of Mila, Lucky, Lola, Dolly, Bushya, or even Skye - "Loveman to dream."


Scottish brave cat can be called Archibald, which will mean "genuine courage." A ceremony of a straight boy just right will be the name Grahma - "Gravel" or even just a lace. Handicraft-modest Scottish kitten boy perfectly suits a mouse, shaman, charm.

Make an emphasis on the origin of the kitten with the help of any city of Scotland, rewritten it in a decrease in the form. So, the Scottish Fold Bakers will suit the names of Elfinchik, Terro or Dannectik. Scottish kittens can be found on the map something softer in sound, for example, Dammmalli, Paisley or Kilmori.

The original aristocratic name will emphasize your love for a pet, and it will add a particularly important view.

What to call a British kitten

As a rule, British cats girls differ in sophisticated grace and affectionate character. Such a girl can be called Alice or Gella - in the name of such a cat should be as much soft consonant sounds as possible.

Chustroma and a cheerful kitten of a gray-red color will suit the nickname, fortune or perry. Voto-British, who behaves privately and does not allow familiarity towards guests in the house, you can come up with an interesting militant name, for example, a shelf, gera, Athena or even Fury.

The historic homeland of the kittens of the British breed allows them to give them a kind of cat intelligence, and therefore the cat named the princess, Miss or Lady will be the main inhabitant of the house. British boy can choose a royal nickname Prince, Mr. or Lord.

Today, lovers love to allocate the color of the woolen cover of the cat. The smoky or gray Briton is called Gray, ash or a corner, black - Lakki, Black or Chernysh. Bowl of blue color and more often called iceberg or snowball.

It is very interesting for nicknames taken from mythology, for example, Lucik (Lucifer), Prometheus, Hercules or Pluto (God of underground inhabitants).

The playful and perky British can be called a funny cartoon hero: Tom, Masyanya or Telepusik.

To come up with the original name to the British kitten will not be much difficulty, it is enough to show a fantasy, remembering the hobbies of your favorite.

How to call the Siamese kitten

Choosing a nickname to Siamese kitten, it should be borne in mind that this breed is from the sunny Thailand, where all the animals were deified and considered sacred. A simple and widespread name, like Murki or Mani, Siamam is hardly suitable. It is much better to choose a spectacular name that will proudly sound and emphasize the grace of pet.

The girl of the Siamese breed can be called in honor of the Egyptian goddess, for example, Astra (Goddess-Warrior) or Hator (Goddess of the Moon). A cat, distinguished by delicacy and cat femininity, you can give the name of Isis (femininity), Nari (beautiful woman) or Sambun (perfection).

Interesting history has the names of Tefira, Sekhmet, Bastet and Baste are the names of one goddess that identified fun and joy. By the way, the goddess was portrayed with a cat head, which had the ability to reincarnate into the lioness, which is characteristic of cats with character.

Boy can be called the name ancient God, for example, NUN (god of mysteries) or mountains (God hunters). Siamese cat S. blue eyes Hooky Happi (God who personified with water elements) is perfect.

The beloved and precious Siamese kitten can be called the same precious stone: diamond, sapphire or azurist. For a girl, a softer name is suitable, for example, turquoise, celestina or even Santa Maria.
To emphasize the porous lumpiness of a fluffy lump, as a sonorous name as Simka, Simon, Sabrina, Sophie, Stella, Simon, Simos, or Sultan.

The popular oriental name for the boys Siam is Aslan, for a girl - Sherry or Cleopatra.

How to call a sphinx kitten

Happy sphinx owners are simply required to give the original name an unusual kitten without wool.

The special essence of the pet can be emphasized using the names of the Egyptian pharaohs and gods, since the Sphinx is always associated with this country. For example, the girl is perfect for the name of Cleopatra, Nefertiti or Bastete, and the boy - Yakhius, Osiris, Seth. Despite the fact that the Don and Canadian Sphynx has nothing to do with Egypt, they often assign such nicknames.

If you want to link the name with the origin of the breed, it will appropriate to call the pet with the Greek name.

Cat Sphinx You can pick up one of the following names:

  • Afonya or agate - "good soul";
  • Barbara - "Foreign";
  • Vasilisa - "Queen";
  • Glafira - "Elegance";
  • Frosya - "Joy";
  • Efilia - "Carry Good";
  • Pandora - "Dar";
  • Faina - "radiance";
  • Fevron - "radiant".

Cat can be chosen something more courageous, for example:

  • Afanas - "Immortal";
  • Isidore - "Gift";
  • Plato - "courageous";
  • Nikilos - "Winner";
  • Helios - the Greek Sun God;
  • Mars - God of war;
  • Amur or Cupid - God of love.

If you are an owner with a sense of humor and want to come up with a funny and cool name to your pet, you can focus on the increased "hairiness" of the Sphinx, and give him a nickname fluffy, Lysik, Alien, Fedya or Bruce (in honor of bald celebrities).

So that in the name there was some mysteriousness for outsiders, you can choose one of the translations to another language of the world: Bold (from English. "Bald"), Cal (from him. "Bald"), Hairi (from him. "Hairy") , Tsotti (from him. "Cosmata"), etc.

Come up with a stunning cat's name without wool will not be difficult to man with a fantasy and a sense of humor!

How to name a bengal kitten

The Bengal breed of cats is distinguished by an amazing color, which is very similar to the drawing on the woolen cover of the leopard, because it is possible to call such a cat in honor of any hero jungle, for example, Bagira, Nymph, Aphrodite or Southerners.

The boy can also choose something interesting: Tigran, Tagir or Vissarric, which means "forest". They say, everyone who takes to Bengal's house falls in love with this breed and soon acquires one more. If you are a happy owner and boy, and girls, name them Adam and Eve - it will be a wonderful combination of two handsome.

The originally sounds from a movie or book. Look at the behavior of the kitten and select the appropriate nickname for it. It may be Batman, Shrek, Leopold, Wolve or Garfield.

Sometimes the name follows from the very name of the breed. The cat can be called Bengal or Spark (from the Bengal Fire), and the cat is Bengalka or Bella.

Some owners of Bengal kittens prefer to give a fashionable name to the pet, borrowing it in the world of high fashion: Armani, Shanel, Dolce or Dior.

How to call the Persian kitten

The fans of the Persian breed of cats know that these pets at the moment not only occupy the first place in popularity, but also relatively expensive. Purchase such a valuable family member is a truly significant event that can be associated with the name of Persian, so that it always sound like a pleasant memory.

So, the kitten can give a monetary name, for example, a dollar, franc, funica, bucks or mania. This owner in the house will be a cat named Kui, which in Greeting means "precious" or rati - "jewelry". If the kitten got to you as a gift, you can call his Ishider (Isma) - "Gift." The girl can be called Kristel (from the word crystal), Pricel (diamond) or just gold.

Cat name can be chosen in accordance with your own activities or hobby. For example, a programmer can proudly call his cat Matrix, and mathematician - Pythagore. Interestingly and quite cute sounds of animals from their favorite cartoons: Leopold, Chip, Dale, Guffi, Wooddie or Garfield.

Chustroma Boy can give a name by the name of the brand of your car or a dream car, for example, Lexus, Infinity or Bentley.

You can call your cat based on the color of his wool. Redef Persian is perfectly suitable for peach, white - snowball, and black - corner or Chernysh. A black girl can proudly wear a name a mum, white - snow, and redhead - Leo or Persea.

Watch the baby for a few days and, perhaps, the nickname itself will come to your mind! We also offer to use our service selection service, with which you can choose a nickname cat or a cat based on your own preferences.

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