Kasyanov year read online - nikolai svechin. Nikolai Svechin - Kasyanov Year About the book "Kasyanov Year" Nikolay Svechin

Chapter 1

Interior Minister Sipyagin summoned the director of the Police Department, Zvolyansky. He came with red eyes: again until three o'clock in the morning he brought the authorities up to date. Relations between the two dignitaries did not develop. Zvolyansky believed that the position of “plugging the volcano” (his expression) should be entrusted to a person who is responsible and capable of serious work. The time is harsh: just look, it will shy away ... And Sipyagin is a lazy gentleman, good-natured, even sensitive. A good family man, a believer and a monarchist, the sovereign loves him. But he is unable to work. It’s good to hunt with him or play screw, but it’s difficult to serve. As long as the good fellow was in charge of the Committee of Petitions, it was tolerable. The service is not dusty, it will not bring down the foundations. But the Minister of the Interior! in the year nineteen hundred! Zvolyansky was indignant at heart. Now he had to go to the minister every evening and dedicate him to highly specialized police issues, namely the most important cases of the punitive department. The main protective one, on which the future of the empire depends. After nightly vigils, finally stupefied, the interlocutors parted dissatisfied with each other. That's just offended by the authorities - a senseless and dangerous occupation. And Zvolyansky secretly began to look for another place for himself. Usually, the directors of the department, after their resignation, were promoted to senators, with the preservation of the former, very worthy salary. Is it bad?

“I’m listening to you, Dmitry Sergeevich,” Zvolyansky said respectfully, entering the office. - Something urgent?

“How can I put it, Sergei Erastovich,” muttered Sipyagin, tugging at his gray beard. - Here, check it out. The devil knows what's going on in Kyiv... The Jews have completely blossomed! I gave this paper to Witte.

The director of the department took the proffered letter and scanned it with his eyes. A certain Afonasopulo, an appraiser at the Kiev Private Commercial Bank, reported the following. There is a scam in the bank. Director Mikhail Mering mindlessly and unreasonably lends large sums to the Kiev Joint-Stock House-Building Company. The society builds houses in the center of the city, on the best plots. The same Mering leads them. And it turns out, the swindler credits himself. He forces Afonasopulo to prevaricate and inflate the price of the pledge. In collusion with Mehring is the architect Shleifer. He is chairman of the board at the City Credit Society, which also deals in mortgages. And at the same time Mering's construction partner. From the two banks, money is flowing uncontrollably into adventurous projects. This will all end badly! There is a crisis in the housing business, no one will buy newly built apartments. Banks are about to go bankrupt. Afonasopulo wrote to the governor and even to the Minister of Justice, but received no response from anyone.

- Dmitry Sergeevich, what have we got to do with it? - the real state adviser was indignant. - Let the Kyiv detective figure it out. It's a small matter, not of our caliber. Even the Police Department did not have enough to investigate scams in Kyiv!

Sipyagin grimaced.

- And I would think so, Sergei Erastovich, if not for one circumstance. We don't care about Schleifer. But the Minister of Finance did not just turn to me. Mering, mentioned here, is his son-in-law. He is married to his adopted daughter Witte Sofya, from the first marriage of the late wife of Sergei Yulievich. Although adopted, but still a daughter! He gave her his last name. And now, perhaps, a stain will fall on her - I mean the surname. Sergey Yulievich asks to make inquiries. Very, very carefully.

Zvolyansky got up. That's it... Then really, you can't get away from the order. Finance Minister Witte is the first among equals, the most powerful man in the government. And Sipyagin - the director knew this - was his friend.

“Now I understand, Your Excellency. But why us detectives? It would have been easier for Witte to send one of his proxies to Kyiv. Financial matters for the police dark forest ...

“He did just that at first,” Sipyagin explained. - As soon as I received the signal, I telegraphed to my friend, the actual State Councilor Nemeshaev ...

- Financier?

- Not. Klavdy Semenovich Nemeshaev - Manager of the South-Western Railways. The man in Kyiv is omnipotent, a kind of local prince.

– But he did not find Afonasopulo. He suddenly disappeared somewhere, immediately after Nemeshaev wanted to see him.

Zvolyansky frowned:

- He fled with a fright when he realized what kind of slander they might ask?

“Who knows,” the minister scowled in response. "It couldn't have been worse...

– What do you mean, Dmitry Sergeevich? I hope it's not a crime?

One place confuses me. - Sipyagin pointed his finger at the paper: - Here, pay attention. "And recently Mehring made me do something that looks like hard labor." Can you imagine? And further: "The evidence is in my hands, and I will gladly provide them to your Excellency."

“You never know what to say for a red word,” objected Zvolyansky. - I wanted to intrigue Witte, so I blurted it out. I don’t remember a case where someone in the empire was given hard labor for construction scams.

- As you wish, Sergei Erastovich, but we need to figure it out. Witte asked, I can't refuse him. Now that the financier has no one to talk to, a detective is needed. And this is in our department.

- Does the son-in-law like to take it?

- Easy! Find out what is happening there in Kyiv, but be careful.

- Careful - how is it? - the director of the department began to wind up again.

- Well, so as not to discredit the name of Mering ahead of time. Gather information and pass it on to Sergei Yulievich through me. And he will decide. After all, money scams are up to the Treasury Department, right?

- Yes. But the inquiry will be conducted by the ranks of the police, that is, your subordinates.

Sipyagin chewed his lips, thought, then decided:

“Send the right person there. Let him open a secret inquiry on this letter, on my behalf.

- Secret from whom? - Zvolyansky finally got excited. - From Mering with this ... how is it? Shleyfer? Or from the Kiev governor and the local police? Without the help of local forces, the inquiry is impossible. And as soon as they have to tell about a secret assignment, it will immediately become public knowledge. There, for sure, as elsewhere in the province, there is spike. Any secret in a day will be gossip.

The minister grunted in annoyance:

- This is true. And then there's the scandalous Dragomirov. If he finds out about the secret interrogation, he will raise such a fuss. He will write to the sovereign without hesitation!

Adjutant General Dragomirov held two top positions at once in the Southwestern Territory. He was the commander of the troops of the Kiev military district and at the same time the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk governor-general. An original person, a hero of the Russian-Turkish war and an innovator of military affairs. He sits there like an Ethiopian negus, punishes and has mercy. Without his consent, secret affairs cannot be started. Here is an ordinary inquiry. The minister received a signal from the spot and sent a man to investigate.

– I agree with you, Sergei Erastovich. Let your official go with an official assignment, and let the local forces help him. I think Afonasopoulo still exaggerated. A smart auditor will quickly understand everything. Well, if the appraiser is right and there is a scam... Then we will decide, together with Witte. Who do you want to send?

- Court adviser Lykov, - Zvolyansky answered without hesitation.

– I still don’t know the personnel of your department well. Is Lykov the one who caught the murderers of the Chita police chief Somov?

- Exactly so, Dmitry Sergeevich. My official for special assignments. According to your instructions, he was sent to investigate the outrageous villainy. The round-trip journey took Lykov more than a month, and he solved the crime itself in three days! And in general, the court adviser always finds the guilty. So far, he hasn't had a single failure.

"That's good," said the minister. “Send Lykov there and keep me informed of his affairs. You understand, you have to get along with Witte. The estimates of our ministry depend on it.

Zvolyansky returned to his place at 16 Fontanka and ordered to immediately invite a court adviser. He appeared.

– And tell me, Alexey Nikolaevich, have you ever been to Kyiv?

- Twice passing, and what?

- And how do you find the city?

- The city itself is so-so, and the surroundings are beyond praise. Beautiful!

- Well that's just wonderful. Get ready to go there.

And the director told about the new task of the minister.

Lykov read the letter from the unknown appraiser and said:

- Weird signal. Afonasopulo wrote banalities, but hid the most important. Why do you think?

In private, both police officials were on "you".

“He wants to see the Minister of Finance in person,” suggested Zvolyansky. - Hard labor! As for hard labor, he, of course, turned down, but, you see, there is something serious there. So our chief treasurer got worried. Afraid of gossip, of course.

“Agreed,” the detective nodded. - They say all sorts of things about Witte. He has to be holier than the pope. But what is ours!

The director grimaced.

- Yeah. He walks on the leash and is happy, don't know how. And all as if for the good of the cause.

Lykov knew from the director that their minister was strongly influenced by Witte. The sovereign did not like Togo, and the cunning businessman used the ingenuous Sipyagin for his own purposes. In contrast to Sergei Yulievich, the emperor treated Dmitry Sergeyevich very well. And all thanks to his marriage. Being forty-one years old, Sipyagin married a forty-three-year-old overripe girl, Princess Vyazemskaya. Her sister, in turn, became the wife of Sheremetev, the very famous Sergei Dmitrievich. This man was a childhood friend of the late sovereign and a mentor to the current one. This property quickly brought the mediocre bureaucrat to the top. From the Moscow governors, he jumped into the comrades of the minister and the Jägermeister. Then he became the chief manager of the Commission for the acceptance of petitions brought to the Highest name. And this is already a position when you are in front of the monarch. And four years later, Sipyagin headed the most important ministry in the empire's management system. Moreover, he remained a kind fellow with a cunning, a lover of delicious food and hunting. He did not possess state thinking, but he was a real Moscow gentleman.

- Our ... - Zvolyansky wanted to say "fool", but did not dare and continued differently: - ... the patron wants to serve Witte. Although, in his relationship with His Majesty, he himself could twist the ropes from the treasurer. So go and find out. Find a writer and give it a good shake. It seems to be an ordinary denunciation. Or an ordinary scam that the Police Department has nothing to do with. But such people are involved... Kyiv is the capital of the South-Western Territory and the fiefdom of Dragomirov, the sovereign's second favorite. Be careful not to step on someone's foot there. Sipyagin will not quarrel with anyone because of petty riffraff, like you and me. Especially if the opponent has a title or a good estate.

- I myself with a good estate! Lykov was offended.

But the real state councilor only grunted and said with restraint:

Well, you understand what I mean...

- How not to understand.

- Then go. And please don't send me bad news from there. It's sad anyway.

- Very bothered? the court adviser asked sympathetically.

“Our patron has a spruce head,” Zvolyansky could not restrain himself. He knew that Lykov would not go further. - At three o'clock in the morning today he let go! I didn’t understand about the Special Department, I’ll have to chew it again. No, it's time to leave...

Alexei Nikolaevich fell into a minor mood. The fate of an official of his level depended on official squabbles and intrigues. With the former minister Goremykin, Zvolyansky lived in perfect harmony, and the court adviser pulled the strap calmly. I knew that the director would always cover. But in December last year, Goremykin was pushed into the State Council. Detective Lykov immediately felt the change. His boss became nervous and insecure. Of course, this has happened more than once. Lykov has seen a lot of directors of the Police Department, Zvolyansky is not the first and not the last. But, rising in the Table of Ranks, it is more and more difficult to stay on the sidelines. The former Nizhny Novgorod resident stayed in court councilors. Documents for its production in the next rank were already prepared. And then an unpleasant assignment - to open the scam, which was arranged by the son-in-law of the almighty Witte. Himself to survive after such an inquiry ...

Thinking carefully, Lykov telephoned the War Ministry. He decided to see Baron Taube before leaving. Let him tell his friend who Dragomirov is. The "master" of Kyiv can become an ally or an adversary in a dangerous business. Better to be an ally...

Viktor Reingoldovich received his old comrade after nine. He now occupied the position that the late Engalychev, the director of the office of the VUK, had previously held. The post was a general, but Taube was still kept as a colonel. They gave me a state-owned apartment, and thanks for that. And they write out “for a goose” like a major general ... On their last meeting at Easter, the baron was not cheerful. He complained about Kuropatkin that he drove everyone in the ministry with trifling assignments. Half a year absent from the place, travels around the country for the sake of double runs. He takes on everything himself, and then quits and cannot distinguish the main from the secondary. Well, something like that all over the empire ... Taube complained tiredly and mechanically and hinted that he would go into operation. Familiar song. If our brother had the freedom to choose his superiors...

– What will you tell? the colonel asked, shaking his comrade's hand.

He immediately took the bull by the horns:

- They sent me to Kyiv. With a nasty assignment. Perhaps even dangerous.

- Tell me, to what extent can I count on Dragomirov's help? In case God forbid...

- What is the assignment?

- Someone Mehring, chairman of the board of a house-building society, allegedly played too much. He stole money from the bank, he can’t give it back, but he climbs into all new scams ...

“The usual story,” Taube interrupted the guest. - Such millions, what is dangerous here?

“This Mehring is married to Witte's daughter. Acceptable, but nonetheless…

The Baron whistled.

- Witte? The killer of the Russian army? Here Mikhail Ivanovich will not let him down, he will recoup everything.

- Wait, Victor. Let's talk about Dragomirov first, and then about the murder of the army.

- Let's. So, Adjutant General, Infantry General Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov. This year he will be seventy years old. The person is very sick and therefore capricious.

- Does he really have a bunny in his head? Lykov said.

- Weird, that's right. However, this happens often with talented people, and Dragomirov is talented.

They say he's always drunk.

- No, - Taube was indignant. - These gossips about him are spread by General Novitsky, the head of the Kiev GZhU. An old fool and a parasite, by the way. Dragomirov has great merits before Russia. His division in the Russian-Turkish war was the first to cross the Danube and ensured the success of the entire crossing. He supported Radetzky on Shipka just in time. But he received a serious wound there, his leg was almost amputated. I had to leave the line. Mikhail Ivanovich commanded the Nikolaev Academy for a long time, wrote a textbook on tactics, then took over the Kyiv district, and then the authorities over the entire region. What else to add? He quarreled with Tolstoy, wrote a mocking analysis of "War and Peace" from the point of view of a military man. Begotten nine children; one actually died. He dislikes and persecutes Jews very much. He studies philosophical literature, especially respects the French classics ... He believes that quick-fire magazine weapons are not needed, the main thing is the will of the soldier; Here, of course, he is wrong.

- It's clear. Now let's talk about Witte, how he kills the Russian army.

Of course it kills! the colonel began to get excited. - With his damn economy, he literally ruins. We can't even get a tea allowance for the soldiers. The money that the Ministry of Finance gives us is barely enough for our current needs. What about new weapons? And the increase in the content of poor officers? And the barracks for the troops? We are still standing in peasant huts.

– But Witte collected money to strengthen the ruble. See, put it on the gold standard. This required great savings, but, as they say, it improved our entire economy.

“The gold standard has been around for a long time. And the excess of income over expenses is significant, especially after the appearance of the wine monopoly. But the army has not yet felt this. The Germans are rearming by leaps and bounds, and we can hardly replace our rifles. Cannons are out of the question. Do you know how much the Kaiser spends on the military? Five rubles eighty kopecks per capita. And we are only two and a half.

- So, Dragomirov has a tooth on Witte? Lykov asked.

- Of course, like every military man. And if you pinch the tail of a relative of the financier, Mikhail Ivanovich will support you. But we need someone from Dragomirov's inner circle, whom he trusts and who will introduce you to him at the right time.

– Do you have one in Kyiv?

- And then! Taube delighted his friend. “I will give you a letter to the Wild Moor.

- This is a woman? Why wild?

“Don't get your hopes up, old skirtmaker. Wild Mavra is Alexey Alekseevich Mavrin, the duty general of the district headquarters. My good friend and nice person. And he got his nickname for his character, like that of a young schoolgirl. Shy, angular, difficult to get along with people - in a word, shy. Dragomirov loves him, and if necessary, you can quickly meet with the Governor-General through him. By the way, Mavrin graduated from the Arakcheev military gymnasium in Nizhny Novgorod. So you will have something to talk about, hehe.

- Write a letter. It is somehow calmer to go to Kyiv when you know that the army will protect you.

- If, of course, he protects, - Taube grinned and dipped his pen into the inkwell. But suddenly he put it aside:

“And what is the name of this Mering?” Mikhail Fedorovich?

- Michael, but I don’t know his patronymic.

- He's a bastard! A familiar person, as my batman says.

- Where did you meet?

– Mehring was vice director of the Credit Office of the Ministry of Finance. And I went to him to defend our marginal budget. Slippery character. A good mathematician, studied abroad as an astronomer, but became an official. And how favorably he married, he immediately retired. In Kyiv, they say, he has a large estate, inherited from his father. The beetle is still the same.

- And served under Witte before he became related? Dodger. M-yes...

Arriving home, Alexey Nikolaevich informed his wife about the upcoming departure. Varvara Alexandrovna was not happy. Mid-May, holidays coming soon. The last summer when they can all live together with their children: in a year the sons will be Junkers. Lykov planned to go to Nefedievka for days to check whether everything was ready for their arrival. And then Kyiv. The concern of the husband did not hide from the wife either. He briefly explained that he did not like the order from his superiors, but there was nowhere to go. In which case we will settle in the village ... He always said that when clouds were gathering overhead. Varvara Alexandrovna knew that these were only words. The husband will not be able to be a timber merchant, he will wither away without service, it has already been verified. Lykov's wife only sighed and went to collect his things.

In the morning before leaving, Alexei Nikolaevich stopped by the department. Zvolyansky showed him the text of the telegram that the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent to the Kiev governor Trepov. It was instructed to assist the seconded official in the inquiry about a possible swindle. Sipyagin himself signed the telegram. Sergei Erastovich also discovered an important circumstance. According to the minister, Witte came to see him last night and asked for only one thing - "an honest look." He promised to accept any truth. Allegedly, he does not trust his brother-in-law and never encouraged his business dealings. And he is afraid that he is trumping in Kyiv with the name of his father-in-law. And then the claims of the deceived partners will be directed to the chief financier of the empire. Sergei Yulievich asked to bring to him the results of the inquiry without embellishment. And as if he was preparing for bad news in advance.

Lykov cheered up. Now you can go. The matter seemed easy to him. Appraiser Afonasopulo, apparently, has evidence of a scam in his hands. No one will dare to argue with Sipyagin's own guarantor. In which case, Wild Mavra, the duty general of the district headquarters and a person close to the head of the region, will help with unofficial sources. Through it, you can check the words of the appraiser. Business for a week. But just in case, Alexey Nikolaevich demanded for himself an open sheet signed by the minister. To have something to scare the people of Kiev.

Two days later, Lykov got off the train to the landing stage of the Kievsky railway station. It was eight o'clock in the morning. The porter dragged the suitcase to the stock exchange, where there were a lot of shabby cabbies. The visitor immediately turned to the omnibuses. There were five of them, from the best city hotels. While still in the carriage, the detective found out that the newest and most fashionable of them was the Continental. And the carriage was to match: a luxurious carriage drawn by a pair of bay horses, with electric lamps on the arcs. The driver in a feathered hat quickly loaded the luggage and set off.

The carriage crossed a bridge over some insignificant stream and ended up in the outskirts of the city. Lykov recognized Verkhnyaya Solomenka. He immediately received greetings from the past: they were driving along Bezakovskaya Street. She was named after the former Governor-General Bezak, and Lykov served in Nizhny Novgorod many years ago under the command of his son. Having reached the turn, the carriage went straight, like an arrow, and the endlessly long Bibikovsky Boulevard. Boring but clean. And most importantly - pyramidal poplars on both sides. Kyiv is rich in gardens, but there is almost no urban greenery on the streets, all of it is behind fences. Therefore, lovers of the promenade willingly walk along the boulevard.

Having flown with a breeze to the neglected Bessarabka, the carriage turned onto Khreshchatyk. Alexei Nikolaevich was now looking with wide eyes. He had not been here for five years, and in that time the street had become quite handsome. The old buildings were all demolished, and apartment buildings with chic shops below grew in their place. A lot of cabbies and passers-by, signs, kiosks with lemonade - the capital, and nothing more! The S-Bahn cars blared piercingly with electric bells, street vendors and paperboys shouted. Noisy in the south, not like in Moscow or St. Petersburg, thought Lykov. It is known that in Kyiv it is best in spring or autumn. And now it's May. Not to go, perhaps, today to the governor, but to take a walk? After all, then there may not be time. The sun shone softly and affably, the famous Kyiv mud had already dried up. The trees were covered with a green haze of young foliage. Ah, the service...

"Continental" and the truth was worthy of praise. A beautiful four-story building propped up the mountain. A splendid place on Nikolaevskaya Street, which did not yet exist during the previous visit of the detective. I wonder who built the hotel? Double-horse carriages stood along the entire facade, waiting for riders. A porter ran out with galloons, like a drummer of the Guards, and dragged Lykov's suitcase inside.

It was even prettier in there than outside. Marble floor, bronze-and-crystal chandeliers, marvelous aromas wafted from the restaurant. The court adviser took a room on the top floor. Eight rubles a day! It’s good that he is rich, otherwise no runs would be enough. The room was a delight too. The view from the window, however, let us down: no panorama, solid green Lipoki. Anyway.

After taking a bath and having breakfast, he decided to start with a visit to the governor. To do the job, and then go for a walk ... Everyone will find time before leaving, but lightly, without worries. Aleksey Nikolaevich put on a uniform frock coat with senior orders and went downstairs. It turned out to be strict with cabbies in the Continental: no fight, customers were sorted into a queue.

The court adviser went to Ekaterininskaya Street, to house number ten. And late. According to the official on duty, Trepov had just left for Vasilkovsky Uyezd and was not due back until the next day. Fortunately, the head of the office, Gudim-Levkovich, lingered in the reception room. He inquired, not without swagger, about the visitor's business with the governor. Lykov frowned.

“I wanted to inform His Excellency about this, but, by the way… Why not? This concerns the statement of a certain Afonasopulo, an appraiser from a bank. About the scam.

- With an accusation against Mikhail Fedorovich Mehring? – in turn frowned official.

- Well, okay. In the capital, they decided that since the son-in-law, he likes to take? No matter how!

The court adviser silently waited for an explanation. Gudim-Levkovich did not hesitate with them:

- This is a vile denunciation. Completely baseless. And we are all outraged that a respected person who has done so much to decorate Kyiv has suddenly begun to be stained. Bear in mind, Mr. Lykov, we will not let him offend.

- And this is how my inquiry will show, - the detective could not resist.

- Do you think so? The office manager chuckled. - Oh well…

He turned and left without saying goodbye. Here's a cheeky one!

Alexei Nikolaevich thought about this behavior of an official. It seems that people close to the governor are going to protect Mehring. Well, let's take note. Perhaps more than once such words will be said to his face. Bad start, what's next? In the meantime, the detective unexpectedly freed up almost a whole day, and he decided to see the city.

Then the War Department was financed by the so-called marginal budgets - three-year plans; all extra expenses were protected separately.

An open sheet is a document obliging local authorities to assist a seconded official.

Nikolai Svechin

Kasyanov year

Chapter 1

Interior Minister Sipyagin summoned the director of the Police Department, Zvolyansky. He came with red eyes: again until three o'clock in the morning he brought the authorities up to date. Relations between the two dignitaries did not develop. Zvolyansky believed that the position of “plugging the volcano” (his expression) should be entrusted to a person who is responsible and capable of serious work. The time is harsh: just look, it will shy away ... And Sipyagin is a lazy gentleman, good-natured, even sensitive. A good family man, a believer and a monarchist, the sovereign loves him. But he is unable to work. It’s good to hunt with him or play screw, but it’s difficult to serve. As long as the good fellow was in charge of the Committee of Petitions, it was tolerable. The service is not dusty, it will not bring down the foundations. But the Minister of the Interior! in the year nineteen hundred! Zvolyansky was indignant at heart. Now he had to go to the minister every evening and dedicate him to highly specialized police issues, namely the most important cases of the punitive department. The main protective one, on which the future of the empire depends. After nightly vigils, finally stupefied, the interlocutors parted dissatisfied with each other. That's just offended by the authorities - a senseless and dangerous occupation. And Zvolyansky secretly began to look for another place for himself. Usually, the directors of the department, after their resignation, were promoted to senators, with the preservation of the former, very worthy salary. Is it bad?

I'm listening to you, Dmitry Sergeevich, - Zvolyansky said respectfully, entering the office. - Something urgent?

How to say, Sergei Erastovich, - muttered Sipyagin, tugging at his gray beard. - Here, check it out. The devil knows what's going on in Kyiv... The Jews have completely blossomed! I gave this paper to Witte.

The director of the department took the proffered letter and scanned it with his eyes. A certain Afonasopulo, an appraiser at the Kiev Private Commercial Bank, reported the following. There is a scam in the bank. Director Mikhail Mering mindlessly and unreasonably lends large sums to the Kiev Joint-Stock House-Building Company. The society builds houses in the center of the city, on the best plots. The same Mering leads them. And it turns out, the swindler credits himself. He forces Afonasopulo to prevaricate and inflate the price of the pledge. In collusion with Mehring is the architect Shleifer. He is chairman of the board at the City Credit Society, which also deals in mortgages. And at the same time Mering's construction partner. From the two banks, money is flowing uncontrollably into adventurous projects. This will all end badly! There is a crisis in the housing business, no one will buy newly built apartments. Banks are about to go bankrupt. Afonasopulo wrote to the governor and even to the Minister of Justice, but received no response from anyone.

Dmitry Sergeevich, what have we got to do with it? - the real state adviser was indignant. - Let the Kyiv detective figure it out. It's a small matter, not of our caliber. Even the Police Department did not have enough to investigate scams in Kyiv!

Sipyagin grimaced.

And I would think so, Sergei Erastovich, if not for one circumstance. We don't care about Schleifer. But the Minister of Finance did not just turn to me. The Mering mentioned here is his son-in-law. He is married to his adopted daughter Witte Sofya, from the first marriage of the late wife of Sergei Yulievich. Although adopted, but still a daughter! He gave her his last name. And now, perhaps, a stain will fall on her - I mean the surname. Sergey Yulievich asks to make inquiries. Very, very carefully.

Zvolyansky got up. That's it... Then really, you can't get away from the order. Finance Minister Witte is the first among equals, the most powerful person in the government. And Sipyagin - the director knew this - was his friend.

Now I understand, Your Excellency. But why us detectives? It would have been easier for Witte to send one of his proxies to Kyiv. Financial matters for the police dark forest ...

At first he did just that, ”Sipyagin explained. - As soon as I received the signal, I telegraphed to my friend, the actual State Councilor Nemeshaev ...


No. Klavdy Semenovich Nemeshaev - Manager of the South-Western Railways. The man in Kyiv is omnipotent, a kind of local prince.

But he did not find Afonasopulo. He suddenly disappeared somewhere, immediately after Nemeshaev wanted to see him.

Zvolyansky frowned:

He fled with a fright when he realized what kind of slander they might ask?

Who knows, - the minister frowned in response. - Couldn't have been worse...

What do you mean, Dmitry Sergeevich? I hope it's not a crime?

One place confuses me. - Sipyagin pointed his finger at the paper: - Here, pay attention. "And recently Mehring made me do something that looks like hard labor." Can you imagine? And further: "The evidence is in my hands, and I will gladly provide them to your Excellency."

You never know what to say for a red word, - objected Zvolyansky. - I wanted to intrigue Witte, so I blurted it out. I don’t remember a case where someone in the empire was given hard labor for construction scams.

As you wish, Sergei Erastovich, but you need to figure it out. Witte asked, I can't refuse him. Now that the financier has no one to talk to, a detective is needed. And this is in our department.

Son-in-law likes to take?

Easy! Find out what is happening there in Kyiv, but be careful.

Caution - how is it? - the director of the department began to wind up again.

Well, so as not to defame the name of Mering ahead of time. Gather information and pass it on to Sergei Yulievich through me. And he will decide. After all, money scams are up to the Treasury Department, right?

Yes. But the inquiry will be conducted by the ranks of the police, that is, your subordinates.

Sipyagin chewed his lips, thought, then decided:

Send the right person there. Let him open a secret inquiry on this letter, on my behalf.

Secret from whom? - finally got excited Zvolyansky. - From Mering with this ... how is it? Shleyfer? Or from the Kiev governor and the local police? Without the help of local forces, the inquiry is impossible. And as soon as they have to tell about a secret assignment, it will immediately become public knowledge. There, for sure, as elsewhere in the province, there is spike. Any secret in a day will be gossip.

The minister grunted in annoyance:

This is true. And then there's the scandalous Dragomirov. If he finds out about the secret interrogation, he will raise such a fuss. He will write to the sovereign without hesitation!

Adjutant General Dragomirov held two top positions at once in the Southwestern Territory. He was the commander of the troops of the Kiev military district and at the same time the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk governor-general. An original person, a hero of the Russian-Turkish war and an innovator of military affairs. He sits there like an Ethiopian negus, punishes and has mercy. Without his consent, secret affairs cannot be started. Here is an ordinary inquiry. The minister received a signal from the spot and sent a man to investigate.

Kasyanov year Nikolai Svechin

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Title: Kasyanov Year

About the book "Kasyanov Year" Nikolai Svechin

The book is set in 1900. Leap year, people do not like it; it is believed to bring bad luck. According to the calendar, February 29 is the day of St. Cassian - according to him, the whole year is called Kasyanov.

Lykov, at the request of the Minister of Finance Witte, travels to Kyiv. There, Witte's son-in-law Mikhail Mering fell into risky scams. He is engaged in housing construction and has collected many loans. But there is a crisis in construction, and Mering is waiting for bankruptcy. Trying to deceive creditors, he cheats with pledges. The bank's appraiser found out about this and wrote to the swindler's father-in-law. An alarmed Witte asks Lykov to find out what is happening there. The detective came to Kyiv and found out that the appraiser had disappeared without a trace...

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Kasyanov year

Nikolai Svechin

His Majesty's Detective #11

The book is set in 1900. Leap year, people do not like it; it is believed to bring bad luck. According to the calendar, February 29 is the day of St. Cassian - according to him, the whole year is called Kasyanov.

Lykov, at the request of the Minister of Finance Witte, travels to Kyiv. There, Witte's son-in-law Mikhail Mering fell into risky scams. He is engaged in housing construction and has collected many loans. But there is a crisis in construction, and Mering is waiting for bankruptcy. Trying to deceive creditors, he cheats with pledges. The bank's appraiser found out about this and wrote to the swindler's father-in-law. An alarmed Witte asks Lykov to find out what is happening there. The detective came to Kyiv and found out that the appraiser had disappeared without a trace...

Nikolai Svechin

Kasyanov year

Chapter 1

Interior Minister Sipyagin summoned the director of the Police Department, Zvolyansky. He came with red eyes: again until three o'clock in the morning he brought the authorities up to date. Relations between the two dignitaries did not develop. Zvolyansky believed that the position of “plugging the volcano” (his expression) should be entrusted to a person who is responsible and capable of serious work. The time is harsh: just look, it will shy away ... And Sipyagin is a lazy gentleman, good-natured, even sensitive. A good family man, a believer and a monarchist, the sovereign loves him. But he is unable to work. It’s good to hunt with him or play screw, but it’s difficult to serve. As long as the good fellow was in charge of the Committee of Petitions, it was tolerable. The service is not dusty, it will not bring down the foundations. But the Minister of the Interior! in the year nineteen hundred! Zvolyansky was indignant at heart. Now he had to go to the minister every evening and dedicate him to highly specialized police issues, namely the most important cases of the punitive department. The main protective one, on which the future of the empire depends. After nightly vigils, finally stupefied, the interlocutors parted dissatisfied with each other. That's just offended by the authorities - a senseless and dangerous occupation. And Zvolyansky secretly began to look for another place for himself. Usually, the directors of the department, after their resignation, were promoted to senators, with the preservation of the former, very worthy salary. Is it bad?

“I’m listening to you, Dmitry Sergeevich,” Zvolyansky said respectfully, entering the office. - Something urgent?

“How can I put it, Sergei Erastovich,” muttered Sipyagin, tugging at his gray beard. - Here, check it out. The devil knows what's going on in Kyiv... The Jews have completely blossomed! I gave this paper to Witte.

The director of the department took the proffered letter and scanned it with his eyes. A certain Afonasopulo, an appraiser at the Kiev Private Commercial Bank, reported the following. There is a scam in the bank. Director Mikhail Mering mindlessly and unreasonably lends large sums to the Kiev Joint-Stock House-Building Company. The society builds houses in the center of the city, on the best plots. The same Mering leads them. And it turns out, the swindler credits himself. He forces Afonasopulo to prevaricate and inflate the price of the pledge. In collusion with Mehring is the architect Shleifer. He is chairman of the board at the City Credit Society, which also deals in mortgages. And at the same time Mering's construction partner. From the two banks, money is flowing uncontrollably into adventurous projects. This will all end badly! There is a crisis in the housing business, no one will buy newly built apartments. Banks are about to go bankrupt. Afonasopulo wrote to the governor and even to the Minister of Justice, but received no response from anyone.

- Dmitry Sergeevich, what have we got to do with it? - the real state adviser was indignant. - Let the Kyiv detective figure it out. It's a small matter, not of our caliber. Even the Police Department did not have enough to investigate scams in Kyiv!

Sipyagin grimaced.

- And I would think so, Sergei Erastovich, if not for one circumstance. We don't care about Schleifer. But the Minister of Finance did not just turn to me. Mering, mentioned here, is his son-in-law. He is married to his adopted daughter Witte Sofya, from the first marriage of the late wife of Sergei Yulievich. Although adopted, but still a daughter! He gave her his last name. And now, perhaps, a stain will fall on her - I mean the surname. Sergey Yulievich asks to make inquiries. Very, very carefully.

Zvolyansky got up. That's it... Then really, you can't get away from the order. Finance Minister Witte is the first among equals, the most powerful man in the government. And Sipyagin - the director knew this - was his friend.

“Now I understand, Your Excellency. But why us detectives? It would have been easier for Witte to send one of his proxies to Kyiv. Financial matters for the police dark forest ...

“He did just that at first,” Sipyagin explained. - As soon as I received the signal, I telegraphed to my friend, the actual State Councilor Nemeshaev ...

- Financier?

- Not. Klavdy Semenovich Nemeshaev - Manager of the South-Western Railways. The man in Kyiv is omnipotent, a kind of local prince.

– But he did not find Afonasopulo. He suddenly disappeared somewhere, immediately after Nemeshaev wanted to see him.

Zvolyansky frowned:

- He fled with a fright when he realized what kind of slander they might ask?

“Who knows,” the minister scowled in response. "It couldn't have been worse...

– What do you mean, Dmitry Sergeevich? I hope it's not a crime?

One place confuses me. - Sipyagin pointed his finger at the paper: - Here, pay attention. "And recently Mehring made me do something that looks like hard labor." Can you imagine? And further: "The evidence is in my hands, and I will gladly provide them to your Excellency."

“You never know what to say for a red word,” objected Zvolyansky. - I wanted to intrigue Witte, so I blurted it out. I don’t remember a case where someone in the empire was given hard labor for construction scams.

- As you wish, Sergei Erastovich, but we need to figure it out. Witte asked, I can't refuse him. Now that the financier has no one to talk to, a detective is needed. And this is in our department.

- Does the son-in-law like to take it?

- Easy! Find out what is happening there in Kyiv, but be careful.

- Careful - how is it? - the director of the department began to wind up again.

- Well, so as not to discredit the name of Mering ahead of time. Gather information and pass it on to Sergei Yulievich through me. And he will decide. After all, money scams are up to the Treasury Department, right?

- Yes. But the inquiry will be conducted by the ranks of the police, that is, your subordinates.

Sipyagin chewed his lips, thought, then decided:

“Send the right person there. Let him open a secret inquiry on this letter, on my behalf.

- Secret from whom? - Zvolyansky finally got excited. - From Mering with this ... how is it? Shleyfer? Or from the Kiev governor and the local police? Without the help of local forces, the inquiry is impossible. And as soon as they have to tell about a secret assignment, it will immediately become public knowledge. There, for sure, as elsewhere in the province, there is spike. Any secret in a day will be gossip.

The minister grunted in annoyance:

- This is true. And then there's the scandalous Dragomirov. If he finds out about the secret interrogation, he will raise such a fuss. Emperor without hesitation

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Adjutant General Dragomirov held two top positions at once in the Southwestern Territory. He was the commander of the troops of the Kiev military district and at the same time the Kiev, Volyn and Podolsk governor-general. An original person, a hero of the Russian-Turkish war and an innovator of military affairs. He sits there like an Ethiopian negus, punishes and has mercy. Without his consent, secret affairs cannot be started. Here is an ordinary inquiry. The minister received a signal from the spot and sent a man to investigate.

– I agree with you, Sergei Erastovich. Let your official go with an official assignment, and let the local forces help him. I think Afonasopoulo still exaggerated. A smart auditor will quickly understand everything. Well, if the appraiser is right and there is a scam... Then we will decide, together with Witte. Who do you want to send?

- Court adviser Lykov, - Zvolyansky answered without hesitation.

– I still don’t know the personnel of your department well. Is Lykov the one who caught the murderers of the Chita police chief Somov?

- Exactly so, Dmitry Sergeevich. My official for special assignments. According to your instructions, he was sent to investigate the outrageous villainy. The round-trip journey took Lykov more than a month, and he solved the crime itself in three days! And in general, the court adviser always finds the guilty. So far, he hasn't had a single failure.

"That's good," said the minister. “Send Lykov there and keep me informed of his affairs. You understand, you have to get along with Witte. The estimates of our ministry depend on it.

Zvolyansky returned to his place at 16 Fontanka and ordered to immediately invite a court adviser. He appeared.

– And tell me, Alexey Nikolaevich, have you ever been to Kyiv?

- Twice passing, and what?

- And how do you find the city?

- The city itself is so-so, and the surroundings are beyond praise. Beautiful!

- Well that's just wonderful. Get ready to go there.

And the director told about the new task of the minister.

Lykov read the letter from the unknown appraiser and said:

- Weird signal. Afonasopulo wrote banalities, but hid the most important. Why do you think?

In private, both police officials were on "you".

“He wants to see the Minister of Finance in person,” suggested Zvolyansky. - Hard labor! As for hard labor, he, of course, turned down, but, you see, there is something serious there. So our chief treasurer got worried. Afraid of gossip, of course.

“Agreed,” the detective nodded. - They say all sorts of things about Witte. He has to be holier than the pope. But what is ours!

The director grimaced.

- Yeah. He walks on the leash and is happy, don't know how. And all as if for the good of the cause.

Lykov knew from the director that their minister was strongly influenced by Witte. The sovereign did not like Togo, and the cunning businessman used the ingenuous Sipyagin for his own purposes. In contrast to Sergei Yulievich, the emperor treated Dmitry Sergeyevich very well. And all thanks to his marriage. Being forty-one years old, Sipyagin married a forty-three-year-old overripe girl, Princess Vyazemskaya. Her sister, in turn, became the wife of Sheremetev, the very famous Sergei Dmitrievich. This man was a childhood friend of the late sovereign and a mentor to the current one. This property quickly brought the mediocre bureaucrat to the top. From the Moscow governors, he jumped into the comrades of the minister and the Jägermeister. Then he became the chief manager of the Commission for the acceptance of petitions brought to the Highest name. And this is already a position when you are in front of the monarch. And four years later, Sipyagin headed the most important ministry in the empire's management system. Moreover, he remained a kind fellow with a cunning, a lover of delicious food and hunting. He did not possess state thinking, but he was a real Moscow gentleman.

- Our ... - Zvolyansky wanted to say "fool", but did not dare and continued differently: - ... the patron wants to serve Witte. Although, in his relationship with His Majesty, he himself could twist the ropes from the treasurer. So go and find out. Find a writer and give it a good shake. It seems to be an ordinary denunciation. Or an ordinary scam that the Police Department has nothing to do with. But such people are involved... Kyiv is the capital of the South-Western Territory and the fiefdom of Dragomirov, the sovereign's second favorite. Be careful not to step on someone's foot there. Sipyagin will not quarrel with anyone because of petty riffraff, like you and me. Especially if the opponent has a title or a good estate.

- I myself with a good estate! Lykov was offended.

But the real state councilor only grunted and said with restraint:

Well, you understand what I mean...

- How not to understand.

- Then go. And please don't send me bad news from there. It's sad anyway.

- Very bothered? the court adviser asked sympathetically.

“Our patron has a spruce head,” Zvolyansky could not restrain himself. He knew that Lykov would not go further. - At three o'clock in the morning today he let go! I didn’t understand about the Special Department, I’ll have to chew it again. No, it's time to leave...

Alexei Nikolaevich fell into a minor mood. The fate of an official of his level depended on official squabbles and intrigues. With the former minister Goremykin, Zvolyansky lived in perfect harmony, and the court adviser pulled the strap calmly. I knew that the director would always cover. But in December last year, Goremykin was pushed into the State Council. Detective Lykov immediately felt the change. His boss became nervous and insecure. Of course, this has happened more than once. Lykov has seen a lot of directors of the Police Department, Zvolyansky is not the first and not the last. But, rising in the Table of Ranks, it is more and more difficult to stay on the sidelines. The former Nizhny Novgorod resident stayed in court councilors. Documents for its production in the next rank were already prepared. And then an unpleasant assignment - to open the scam, which was arranged by the son-in-law of the almighty Witte. Himself to survive after such an inquiry ...

Thinking carefully, Lykov telephoned the War Ministry. He decided to see Baron Taube before leaving. Let him tell his friend who Dragomirov is. The "master" of Kyiv can become an ally or an adversary in a dangerous business. Better to be an ally...

Viktor Reingoldovich received his old comrade after nine. He now occupied the position that the late Engalychev, the director of the office of the VUK, had previously held. The post was a general, but Taube was still kept as a colonel. They gave me a state-owned apartment, and thanks for that. And they write out “for a goose” like a major general ... On their last meeting at Easter, the baron was not cheerful. He complained about Kuropatkin that he drove everyone in the ministry with trifling assignments. Half a year absent from the place, travels around the country for the sake of double runs. He takes on everything himself, and then quits and cannot distinguish the main from the secondary. Well, something like that all over the empire ... Taube complained tiredly and mechanically and hinted that he would go into operation. Familiar song. If our brother had the freedom to choose his superiors...

– What will you tell? the colonel asked, shaking his comrade's hand.

He immediately took the bull by the horns:

- They sent me to Kyiv. With a nasty assignment. Perhaps even dangerous.

- Tell me, to what extent can I count on Dragomirov's help? When,

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if God forbid...

- What is the assignment?

- Someone Mehring, chairman of the board of a house-building society, allegedly played too much. He stole money from the bank, he can’t give it back, but he climbs into all new scams ...

“The usual story,” Taube interrupted the guest. - Such millions, what is dangerous here?

“This Mehring is married to Witte's daughter. Acceptable, but nonetheless…

The Baron whistled.

- Witte? The killer of the Russian army? Here Mikhail Ivanovich will not let him down, he will recoup everything.

- Wait, Victor. Let's talk about Dragomirov first, and then about the murder of the army.

- Let's. So, Adjutant General, Infantry General Mikhail Ivanovich Dragomirov. This year he will be seventy years old. The person is very sick and therefore capricious.

- Does he really have a bunny in his head? Lykov said.

- Weird, that's right. However, this happens often with talented people, and Dragomirov is talented.

They say he's always drunk.

- No, - Taube was indignant. - These gossips about him are spread by General Novitsky, the head of the Kiev GZhU. An old fool and a parasite, by the way. Dragomirov has great merits before Russia. His division in the Russian-Turkish war was the first to cross the Danube and ensured the success of the entire crossing. He supported Radetzky on Shipka just in time. But he received a serious wound there, his leg was almost amputated. I had to leave the line. Mikhail Ivanovich commanded the Nikolaev Academy for a long time, wrote a textbook on tactics, then took over the Kyiv district, and then the authorities over the entire region. What else to add? He quarreled with Tolstoy, wrote a mocking analysis of "War and Peace" from the point of view of a military man. Begotten nine children; one actually died. He dislikes and persecutes Jews very much. He studies philosophical literature, especially respects the French classics ... He believes that quick-fire magazine weapons are not needed, the main thing is the will of the soldier; Here, of course, he is wrong.

- It's clear. Now let's talk about Witte, how he kills the Russian army.

Of course it kills! the colonel began to get excited. - With his damn economy, he literally ruins. We can't even get a tea allowance for the soldiers. The money that the Ministry of Finance gives us is barely enough for our current needs. What about new weapons? And the increase in the content of poor officers? And the barracks for the troops? We are still standing in peasant huts.

– But Witte collected money to strengthen the ruble. See, put it on the gold standard. This required great savings, but, as they say, it improved our entire economy.

“The gold standard has been around for a long time. And the excess of income over expenses is significant, especially after the appearance of the wine monopoly. But the army has not yet felt this. The Germans are rearming by leaps and bounds, and we can hardly replace our rifles. Cannons are out of the question. Do you know how much the Kaiser spends on the military? Five rubles eighty kopecks per capita. And we are only two and a half.

- So, Dragomirov has a tooth on Witte? Lykov asked.

- Of course, like every military man. And if you pinch the tail of a relative of the financier, Mikhail Ivanovich will support you. But we need someone from Dragomirov's inner circle, whom he trusts and who will introduce you to him at the right time.

– Do you have one in Kyiv?

- And then! Taube delighted his friend. “I will give you a letter to the Wild Moor.

- This is a woman? Why wild?

“Don't get your hopes up, old skirtmaker. Wild Mavra is Alexey Alekseevich Mavrin, the duty general of the district headquarters. My good friend and nice person. And he got his nickname for his character, like that of a young schoolgirl. Shy, angular, difficult to get along with people - in a word, shy. Dragomirov loves him, and if necessary, you can quickly meet with the Governor-General through him. By the way, Mavrin graduated from the Arakcheev military gymnasium in Nizhny Novgorod. So you will have something to talk about, hehe.

- Write a letter. It is somehow calmer to go to Kyiv when you know that the army will protect you.

- If, of course, he protects, - Taube grinned and dipped his pen into the inkwell. But suddenly he put it aside:

“And what is the name of this Mering?” Mikhail Fedorovich?

- Michael, but I don’t know his patronymic.

- He's a bastard! A familiar person, as my batman says.

- Where did you meet?

– Mehring was vice director of the Credit Office of the Ministry of Finance. And I went to him to defend our marginal budget. Slippery character. A good mathematician, studied abroad as an astronomer, but became an official. And how favorably he married, he immediately retired. In Kyiv, they say, he has a large estate, inherited from his father. The beetle is still the same.

- And served under Witte before he became related? Dodger. M-yes...

Arriving home, Alexey Nikolaevich informed his wife about the upcoming departure. Varvara Alexandrovna was not happy. Mid-May, holidays coming soon. The last summer when they can all live together with their children: in a year the sons will be Junkers. Lykov planned to go to Nefedievka for days to check whether everything was ready for their arrival. And then Kyiv. The concern of the husband did not hide from the wife either. He briefly explained that he did not like the order from his superiors, but there was nowhere to go. In which case we will settle in the village ... He always said that when clouds were gathering overhead. Varvara Alexandrovna knew that these were only words. The husband will not be able to be a timber merchant, he will wither away without service, it has already been verified. Lykov's wife only sighed and went to collect his things.

In the morning before leaving, Alexei Nikolaevich stopped by the department. Zvolyansky showed him the text of the telegram that the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent to the Kiev governor Trepov. It was instructed to assist the seconded official in the inquiry about a possible swindle. Sipyagin himself signed the telegram. Sergei Erastovich also discovered an important circumstance. According to the minister, Witte came to see him last night and asked for only one thing - "an honest look." He promised to accept any truth. Allegedly, he does not trust his brother-in-law and never encouraged his business dealings. And he is afraid that he is trumping in Kyiv with the name of his father-in-law. And then the claims of the deceived partners will be directed to the chief financier of the empire. Sergei Yulievich asked to bring to him the results of the inquiry without embellishment. And as if he was preparing for bad news in advance.

Lykov cheered up. Now you can go. The matter seemed easy to him. Appraiser Afonasopulo, apparently, has evidence of a scam in his hands. No one will dare to argue with Sipyagin's own guarantor. In which case, Wild Mavra, the duty general of the district headquarters and a person close to the head of the region, will help with unofficial sources. Through it, you can check the words of the appraiser. Business for a week. But just in case, Alexey Nikolaevich demanded for himself an open sheet signed by the minister. To have something to scare the people of Kiev.

Two days later, Lykov got off the train to the landing stage of the Kievsky railway station. It was eight o'clock in the morning. The porter dragged the suitcase to

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stock exchange, on which stood a lot of shabby cabbies. The visitor immediately turned to the omnibuses. There were five of them, from the best city hotels. While still in the carriage, the detective found out that the newest and most fashionable of them was the Continental. And the carriage was to match: a luxurious carriage drawn by a pair of bay horses, with electric lamps on the arcs. The driver in a feathered hat quickly loaded the luggage and set off.

The carriage crossed a bridge over some insignificant stream and ended up in the outskirts of the city. Lykov recognized Verkhnyaya Solomenka. He immediately received greetings from the past: they were driving along Bezakovskaya Street. She was named after the former Governor-General Bezak, and Lykov served in Nizhny Novgorod many years ago under the command of his son. Having reached the turn, the carriage went straight, like an arrow, and the endlessly long Bibikovsky Boulevard. Boring but clean. And most importantly - pyramidal poplars on both sides. Kyiv is rich in gardens, but there is almost no urban greenery on the streets, all of it is behind fences. Therefore, lovers of the promenade willingly walk along the boulevard.

Having flown with a breeze to the neglected Bessarabka, the carriage turned onto Khreshchatyk. Alexei Nikolaevich was now looking with wide eyes. He had not been here for five years, and in that time the street had become quite handsome. The old buildings were all demolished, and apartment buildings with chic shops below grew in their place. A lot of cabbies and passers-by, signs, kiosks with lemonade - the capital, and nothing more! The S-Bahn cars blared piercingly with electric bells, street vendors and paperboys shouted. Noisy in the south, not like in Moscow or St. Petersburg, thought Lykov. It is known that in Kyiv it is best in spring or autumn. And now it's May. Not to go, perhaps, today to the governor, but to take a walk? After all, then there may not be time. The sun shone softly and affably, the famous Kyiv mud had already dried up. The trees were covered with a green haze of young foliage. Ah, the service...

"Continental" and the truth was worthy of praise. A beautiful four-story building propped up the mountain. A splendid place on Nikolaevskaya Street, which did not yet exist during the previous visit of the detective. I wonder who built the hotel? Double-horse carriages stood along the entire facade, waiting for riders. A porter ran out with galloons, like a drummer of the Guards, and dragged Lykov's suitcase inside.

It was even prettier in there than outside. Marble floor, bronze-and-crystal chandeliers, marvelous aromas wafted from the restaurant. The court adviser took a room on the top floor. Eight rubles a day! It’s good that he is rich, otherwise no runs would be enough. The room was a delight too. The view from the window, however, let us down: no panorama, solid green Lipoki. Anyway.

After taking a bath and having breakfast, he decided to start with a visit to the governor. To do the job, and then go for a walk ... Everyone will find time before leaving, but lightly, without worries. Aleksey Nikolaevich put on a uniform frock coat with senior orders and went downstairs. It turned out to be strict with cabbies in the Continental: no fight, customers were sorted into a queue.

The court adviser went to Ekaterininskaya Street, to house number ten. And late. According to the official on duty, Trepov had just left for Vasilkovsky Uyezd and was not due back until the next day. Fortunately, the head of the office, Gudim-Levkovich, lingered in the reception room. He inquired, not without swagger, about the visitor's business with the governor. Lykov frowned.

“I wanted to inform His Excellency about this, but, by the way… Why not? This concerns the statement of a certain Afonasopulo, an appraiser from a bank. About the scam.

- With an accusation against Mikhail Fedorovich Mehring? – in turn frowned official.

- Well, okay. In the capital, they decided that since the son-in-law, he likes to take? No matter how!

The court adviser silently waited for an explanation. Gudim-Levkovich did not hesitate with them:

- This is a vile denunciation. Completely baseless. And we are all outraged that a respected person who has done so much to decorate Kyiv has suddenly begun to be stained. Bear in mind, Mr. Lykov, we will not let him offend.

- And this is how my inquiry will show, - the detective could not resist.

- Do you think so? The office manager chuckled. - Oh well…

He turned and left without saying goodbye. Here's a cheeky one!

Alexei Nikolaevich thought about this behavior of an official. It seems that people close to the governor are going to protect Mehring. Well, let's take note. Perhaps more than once such words will be said to his face. Bad start, what's next? In the meantime, the detective unexpectedly freed up almost a whole day, and he decided to see the city.

Chapter 2. Ah, Kyiv!

All tourists walk around Kiev by one route. First, the indispensable Lavra, then Vladimirskaya Gorka, and from there to the Old City. It all ends with St. Sophia Cathedral and exit to Khreshchatyk. Be sure to have dinner in a restaurant overlooking the Dnieper ... But Lykov had two personal affairs scheduled in Kyiv. Therefore, he chose his own route, different from the usual one. The first case concerned his wife: the detective was going to venerate the relics of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara and light a candle for the health of his wife. Varvara Alexandrovna's health caused him concern, and he wanted to ask for heavenly protection. The relics, as you know, are stored in St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral. It was not far from Tsarskaya Square to go there. Lykov changed into a particular dress, exchanged a hundred-dollar ticket with the clerk, and went for a walk.

The cathedral and the monastery of the same name plunged the visiting Petersburger into a reverent state for a long time. Beauty is indescribable, no pen can convey it. The temple is named so because its domes were gilded - the first in Russia. The ancient dilapidated building was rebuilt under Elizabeth Petrovna, and an amazing seven-domed temple in the Baroque style turned out. Lykov had already been here before, but again he admired the cathedral, the tall bell tower, and the golden double-headed eagle on the cross of the main dome. There is a legend that Bogdan Khmelnitsky ordered to put this eagle when he gave Little Russia from Polish rule under the Russian scepter. A silver shrine for the relics of St. Barbara was presented to the church by Hetman Mazepa. Subsequently, it was replaced by a more significant one, in which there were twenty-five pounds of silver! The icon presented to the cathedral by Alexander the First is also famous. It is dedicated to the patron saint of Kyiv, Archangel Michael, who casts down the devil. The image is written on a gold plate and decorated with three thousand diamonds. The detective did not apply to him - in his heart he believed that the power of the image should not be distorted by earthly values. But he prayed to the great martyr with all his heart. Donated properly to the temple and bought his wife a cypress fold of fine workmanship. May God grant them to live together in love and harmony longer ...

Coming out of the fence of the monastery, Lykov thought. Where to go now? His second obligatory goal was to see the oldest icon in Russia - the Assumption of the Mother of God. The image has been known since 1073 and is kept in the Great Cathedral Church in the Lavra. It hangs there under the dome on silk cords, and twice a day the monks lower it down so that the faithful can venerate. But an old woman who turned up by the way said that the temple was closed for repairs. The icon was hidden for a while, and it is now impossible to see it.

Alexei Nikolaevich did not hesitate long. He

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stood in such a place that wherever you go, everywhere is good! A little higher - Volodymyrska Hill with a monument to the Prince-Baptist, a little lower - the Old Town with Kiev antiquities, and also the marvelous creation of Rastrelli - St. Andrew's Church, and also Khreshchatyk under your feet, and Lipki above it ... And because of the Lipki, the dome of the Lavra shines in the sun bell towers ... And the court adviser went on a campaign.

He walked around the city until nightfall and was exhausted. Kyiv is unusually mountainous, which is extremely tiring for both pedestrians and horses. Humpback city! Even the steam-horse carts can hardly crawl up the steep slopes. There are only four slopes: Voznesensky from the Zhitny Bazaar to Lvovskaya Square, Andreevsky with a temple above it, Aleksandrovsky with access to Tsarskaya Square and Nikolaevsky, leaving under the Lavra, to the bridge. They connect the upper city with the lower, Dnieper.

Tsarskaya Square is the main hub for tram lines. Khreshchatyk begins from it, gradually becoming stupid and fading. Behind Bessarabka, it passes into Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya, which stretches right up to the Lybed River. All new beautiful houses appeared in the last five years, when the building fever began. They are made of local light yellow bricks, which are so good that it does not need to be plastered or painted. According to the Kiev fashion, they only outline each brick with gray paint along the contour - it turns out picturesquely. The facades are densely covered with small garlands and wreaths, often silver-plated. And almost every house has a tent or dome, in the spirit of the Kiev baroque. Vasylkivska is a purely shopping street lined with shops for the undemanding public. There is everything that is on Khreshchatyk, but the prices are much lower. The outskirts from Upper Solomenka to the city slaughterhouse is called the New Building. Its border is the railway, along which Lykov rode in the morning.

Dumskaya Square, the second after Tsarskaya, is lined with capital buildings. Here is the Rossiya Hotel, the City Duma and the famous Semadeni confectionery. Overhanging Lipki - an aristocratic district, the greenest in the city. A few quiet streets with mansions, not visible because of the gardens, make up a special world. The local nobility lives in it. Lipki is the habitat of the last remaining wealthy landowners in the South-Western Territory. They stick together and form a conservative party of landowners. There are also houses of the governor-general, the governor and the commander of the district troops.

Several real streets run into Lipki. The most important of them is Nikolaevskaya, it is the most beautiful in Kyiv in terms of the elegance of its buildings. From here came the fever that gave the city a thousand new stone houses in five years. Nikolaevskaya began to be built up by the very society that Mering ruled and which Lykov was to study. In the meantime, he admired the magnificent tenement houses and the Solovtsov Theater. Not far away, a real skyscraper with a height of either five or six floors went into the sky. He was still in the woods, the masons were finishing laying out the façade. Other important streets are Institutskaya and Bankovaya. On the first one there is the Institute of Noble Maidens, the office of the State Bank and the official exchange (the unofficial apartment is located in the Semadeni confectionery). On the second - the headquarters of the Kiev military district.

Between Lipki and the Dnieper, a small Mariinsky Palace with a park comfortably fit. It was founded by Elizaveta Petrovna and rebuilt by Alexander Nikolaevich. When the sovereign comes to the city, he stops here.

Behind Lipkami, down the Dnieper, stretches Pechersk. This place was chosen by the military. The Kyiv citadel has already lost its defensive significance, but still remained monumental. At noon, a signal cannon fired from its shaft - the townspeople could compare their watches. That, perhaps, is the whole benefit of the fortress ... Nearby are the Arsenal with a collection of ancient weapons and a hospital with two thousand beds, one of the largest in Russia. On the slope of the mountain, Lykov discovered a scattering of some fake houses. He was surprised to recognize some of them - he met in Nizhny Novgorod, at the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition four years ago. Not immediately, but the detective solved the mystery. A year after the Nizhny Novgorod one, a large exhibition was also held in Kyiv. Apparently, out of economy, the organizers bought some of the idle pavilions in Nizhny Novgorod, and now they are rotting here ...

Pechersk is not entirely captured by the army. So, on the parade ground, the civilian population started a hippodrome. The monks of the Lavra laid out a vineyard nearby. Here are Little Nikolai - the Desert Nikolsky Monastery - and Big Nikolai - the military Nikolsky Cathedral with a high bell tower. From them there are paths to Askold's grave. Around the cemetery for the local elite, and from here the best view of the Dnieper. On the slope of the ancient Klovsky mountain there is a city hospital named after Tsarevich Alexander with a modest church. There is a large private garden. But the military element prevails. Even the garden here is called Komendantsky! Army warehouses, an artillery workshop, a cadet school and a huge farm of the 3rd sapper brigade occupy most of the suburbs.

The gloomy walls of the citadel are cut through by tram tracks. Immediately behind the ramparts begins the Kiev-Pechersk Assumption Lavra. Another legendary place where every square inch breathes ancient history. Lykov, constrained by time, literally ran around her. I could not resist, climbed onto the bell tower - and did not want to go down for a long time. Height - forty-three fathoms and two arshins, plus a cross - forty-six fathoms in total, eight higher than Ivan the Great in Moscow. The "fraternal" bell weighs 1638 pounds, the clock plays every fifteen minutes. The view from the top is breathtaking. Aleksey Nikolayevich even saw Pereyaslavl, which was ninety miles away!

The great church was indeed closed for repairs. The detective did not go to the caves, saving time, neither to the Antonievs, nor to the Fedosievs. He was annoyed that the military for some reason surrounded them with a fortress wall ... Moreover, pilgrims were pushing everywhere, creating a crush and preventing them from admiring. Up to ten thousand people settle in the hospice hotel of the Lavra in April-May. Pilgrims fill the city, spend the night in all the gardens and at the station, litter. The court adviser hastened to run away from the grey, untidy crowd. I looked only into one of the oldest churches in Kyiv, which stood alone outside the walls of the Lavra - Spas on Berestovo. According to legend, Yuri Dolgoruky was buried here. But it turned out that his grave was not marked in any way, and the Petersburger left disappointed.

By the same railway, Lykov returned back to Khreshchatyk. And went to the Old City. Three fan-shaped streets lead there from Dumskaya Square. The tourist moved along Sofiyskaya and soon found himself on the square of the same name. Here it is, the heart of ancient Kyiv! In the center stood an awkward monument to Bogdan Khmelnitsky. The court adviser remembered that initially, according to Mikeshin's project, he looked different. The hetman's horse trampled on the bodies of a Jew, a Pole and a Jesuit... Only by order of Tsar Alexander II did the sculptor remove these figures. For a long time they could not decide where to direct the tail of the cattle. On the one hand, Sofia, on the other - St. Michael's Cathedral, and on the third - offices: no matter how you put it, everything is bad. Were done.

The detective left the official places for later: he could not bypass them on business. He pulled off

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cap and went to St. Sophia Cathedral. And stuck there for a long time. He admired the "Indestructible Wall" - the altarpiece of the Mother of God, the only one not touched by alterations since the founding of the temple. Sophia has a low iconostasis, and the ancient nine-hundred-year-old masonry was clearly visible. Lykov examined all the famous mosaics: both the Mother of God and the Last Supper, bowed to the ashes of Yaroslav the Wise. I just didn’t climb into the choirs, to the ancient icon of St. Nicholas the Wet - my legs were already buzzing.

As he stepped out into the street, he thought again. Where to go now? The Golden Gate has not tempted him since the last time: boring ruins lined with modern bricks stick out from the ground ... Here is the Tithes must be seen. And the detective went to the beginning of Andreevsky Descent. Only the foundations of the foundations remained from the first Kiev temple. The current church was erected on them in 1842, but the graves of Prince Vladimir, his mother Princess Olga and wife Princess Anna were not touched and are under the floor. Nearby they put a cabinet with antiquities found during excavations. Lykov was always interested in archeology and lingered near the exhibits for a long time.

He did not go to St. Andrew's Church across the street, because it was disfigured with scaffolding. But I admired the view of Podil. How many ships stuck to the Dnieper piers! Almost like in Nizhny Novgorod at the height of the fair. Then the guest caught a cab and ordered him to be taken to the other end of the Old City. Vladimir Cathedral was recently erected on Bibikovskiy Boulevard opposite the Botanical Garden. Alexey Nikolaevich usually did not go to new churches, he loved the old ones. But here is a special case. The cathedral was painted by the elder Vasnetsov, Nesterov and Vrubel. Those who saw their work spoke of them with delight. The wife ordered the detective to personally look and then tell. That's what he tried. The spectacle seen in the temple shocked Lykov's simple soldier's soul. After all, God gave people talent ... He wandered for a long time, admiring the frescoes and ornaments, and only hunger forced him to leave.

It was already getting dark when the court adviser returned to the hotel. He knew the city poorly and did not dare to dine anywhere. In the restaurant "Continental" he was fed deliciously and to satiety. I had to lie on the couch for an hour until my tired legs moved away. Oh, age ... In general, the tourist left a difficult impression of Kyiv. Stories about his wondrous beauty are somewhat exaggerated. It is not the city that is beautiful, but the pictures that open from its viewing platforms. Vladimirskaya Gorka, Askold's Grave, the view from the Lavra beyond the Dnieper - all of them are delightful and have no equal in Russia. It's a bit like Nizhny Novgorod. Even the founder of the Lower Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich noticed the similarity of the two cities. Only in the homeland of Lykov the Volga merges with the Oka, and here beyond Trukhanov Island there are two branches of one Dnieper. Pochaina is also in Nizhny. And the same high mountainous right bank, and flat left.

And yet Kyiv rather disappointed the tourist. It's dirty and empty. One Khreshchatyk seethes with life, and all other streets are deserted. The squares, except for Sofiyskaya, are crowded with everything. On Dumskaya there are ugly pavilions with shoes and fruit, and the exchange of cabbies with its swearing and crampedness. On Tsarskaya there are ugly booths with newspapers and an untidy city tram station. Other squares (Bessarabskaya, Galitskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Lvovskaya) are occupied by bazaars. Only two or three streets are well paved: no expense was spared on them and they were laid out with granite cubes. The cobblestone pavements are made very badly, there are pits and potholes everywhere, in which even the local droshky of clumsy work disappears. Electric lamps only in the center, gas and kerosene in all other places. Government buildings are tasteless and monotonous, except perhaps for the museum of antiquities under construction. The hem below the Dnieper is like an ordinary provincial city, without its own face. The outskirts - Lukyanovka, Shulyavka, Priorka, Kurenevka, Solomenka - are deaf and dangerous areas where it is better not to walk at night. There are all wooden houses, unpaved streets, brick factories and coal depots. And this is the capital of the region, the mother of Russian cities ...

Having rested, Alexey Nikolayevich decided to continue his walk. By the time he got to Khreshchatyk, it was already dark. There was a surprising amount of electric lighting. Lanterns were lanterns, and every coffee shop and every restaurant shone with lights. After drinking a cup of delicious coffee, the detective cheered up and scolded himself. Why did he pounce on wondrous Kyiv? The pilgrims, you see, interfered. People came to venerate shrines - what's wrong with that? Outskirts dirty and uncomfortable? As if it's cleaner behind the Narva outpost! But Kiev churches, but the feeling of a thousand-year history - isn't that a miracle? He once again walked along Nikolaevskaya, and even changed his attitude towards Mehring. Great street, as if you were in Paris. The crook is not a crook, but he builds well.

Lykov decided to visit the famous Kiev gardens, have a proper walk there and go to bed. In St. Petersburg, he was praised for the "Château de Fleur", a pleasure park behind the Merchants' Club and the garden of the same name. Cheerful sylphs, chanson singers, dancing until you drop, a decent restaurant. But first, the detective went up to the monument to St. Vladimir. In the capital, they talked a lot about how beautifully the cross, which the prince holds in his hand, burns at night. The cross is decorated with light bulbs, and thanks to this it can be seen from afar. The guest was disappointed: the lamps were not lit. Either they deteriorated and they did not have time to replace, or the wire was damaged. It was dark on the hill, like in a prison casemate, and below music was playing and an enticing female laughter could be heard. And Lykov went to the Chateau de Fleur.

Indeed, the place turned out to be fun. No worse than the Moscow "Hermitage" of the times of Lentovsky. They charged fifteen kopecks for entry, much cheaper than in the capitals. Two stages - Open and Closed theatres, a brass band area, beer and tea buffets, a restaurant, as well as alleys with flower beds, a small pond, lemonade kiosks. And everywhere in the vast masses of single women for every taste. Husbands with wives and even with children, people of all classes, students, military men calmly flied between them. An amazing place where everyone had fun and peace.

Lykov looked closer and saw another wooden building. It turned out to be the train station. The stage with several rows of chairs was empty, but the gallery around it was in full swing. In front of the station, the detective discovered a pool in which about a dozen respectable sterlets swam. Between them, the tortoise-undersize was lonely bored. Where are the sterlets from? Are they found in the Dnieper? Aleksey Nikolayevich was already in the mood for a light supper, and his ear suited him.

He entered the gallery. There was a common room, and offices went sideways. The tourist sat down on the edge, immediately a respectful waiter ran up to him:

"What will your grace do?"

- There you have a fish swimming in the pool, I need it.

- Deign to choose yourself or how?

Lykov laughed:

- Why beat your legs? Bring ten inches.

- I'm listening! And what do you serve while the ear is preparing?

- Give me some local vodka. I'm visiting, I want to try yours.

- Vodka on birch logs will do, sir?

- Yes. Add sturgeon with horseradish, pickles to make them crunchy, and capers.

- I'm listening. All sir?

- Something Little Russian, from the local cuisine. What does not happen in St. Petersburg.

- Would you like to taste nalisniki with meat?

- What is it?

- Pancakes

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such, your highness. From thin dough, stuffed. They are poured with sour cream and simmered in the oven. Real jam!

Lykov slowly ate supper and looked around. No, in vain he found fault with Kyiv. Delicious, fun, people around are friendly ... The neighboring tables were occupied by companies of men and women, quite decent in appearance. These friends came to relax with their families. Behind a thin partition, the southern night, the smells and sounds of spring, somewhere below the Dnieper flows ... Good!

Having had a snack, the detective went for a walk further. The play “Love in the Kitchen” was shown in the Closed Theater, and the Hungarian dance duet of the Jelma sisters performed in the Open Theater. They also promised a Jewish coupletist Dobrov and some giant woman Karlei. Being and breathing fresh air from the river, the tourist went to the hotel. I had just left the garden on Tsarskaya Square, when suddenly all the lanterns went out at once. It turns out that street lighting in Kyiv is maintained only until midnight. From the yards, dark figures immediately climbed onto the boulevard. The detective was tense, but then he saw that they were prostitutes. They stood at every gateway and called the revelers deep into the depths. And their cats with Finns could be hiding there! But the policeman on the square was serene. And there were no screams, as often happens in Moscow. No one was robbed in the yards and they agreed amicably. Alexei Nikolaevich calmed down. Waving off the importunate etoiles, he returned to his room and fell asleep like a log.

Chapter 3

On the morning of the next day, the court adviser entered the governor's office. Major General Trepov was, like his famous father, Fedor Fedorovich. Lykov, in his service in the capital, no longer found dad. But I heard a lot about him from the ranks of the St. Petersburg police, both bad and good. The mysterious fortune that the mayor managed to acquire in the state service did not give rest to ill-wishers. Frauds with confiscated Polish estates are still nothing. Who then did not get dirty in them? But the fact that Trepov took her personal money from the Empress, allegedly for the protection of the sovereign, is already too much. But even these amounts did not explain where the old campaigner had accumulated three million in his bank account ... And although the former mayor died long ago, the train of his dark deeds now stretched for his sons. Therefore, Lykov kept himself wary.

The governor turned out to be bald and gray-bearded, but very lively. Of the two Vladimirs that adorned his uniform, the lavalier was with swords and a bow.

“Well, why did you come to us? Trepov asked, shaking the guest's hand. Well, so shook, from the heart.

“According to the order of his Excellency the Minister of the Interior. Arrived to conduct an inquiry on the letter of a certain Afonasopulo. About abuses in the Kiev house-building society.

“Ah, this is…” the governor grimaced. - There is no letter there, but a uniform denunciation. Do you want to deal with libels?

The seconded officer shrugged his shoulders: they say, it’s not me who chooses my assignments.

- Denunciation or truthful information, but the minister ordered to sort it out. Please help me to fulfill it. Detective police didn't check the signal?

- There is nothing to check. Have you walked around the city?

“I did, Your Excellency.

- For you, Fedor Fedorovich. So. If you did, you should have seen it. Have you been to Kyiv before?

Twice, last time five years ago.

- Here! The governor perked up. - Have you noticed a difference?

- New buildings? Certainly. I agree that the city has improved a lot in recent years.

“And that’s all Mering. Have you heard about his father's estate? That was the start of our construction fever.

“I haven’t, Fyodor Fyodorovich. Please enlighten me.

There were two dozen people in the waiting room. But the governor, not taking this into account, began to say:

- Old Mehring was a famous doctor in Kyiv, a natural German. Privy Councilor, by the way! And a friend of the great Pirogov. So. He treated, treated for many years. He had extensive practice. But the German had one feature that made him a fortune. For some reason, he used the Jews for free.

– Everyone? the detective was surprised.

No, only the poor. However, I used it conscientiously. He himself came to their shacks if they could not come to the reception. Helped with medicines, led entire families from old to small. And the Jews paid him ... with information. About the sale and purchase of city estates.

- That is, as? Did you know who sells what? But it's in the papers. What's the use?

Trepov perked up:

- There was a lot of benefit. The Jews are dexterous factors, they, like cockroaches, will crawl into any gap. Before others, they will find out who is inferior, how much he wants, how to cheat him. And before the owner guessed to advertise in the newspaper, Mehring already appeared to him and offered the jackpot.

- Yeah ... So the doctor was ahead of other speculators?

- Exactly. He had money from practice, and he was also the first to receive information. And he made himself, as they called it, the "Principality of Kiev" - a huge estate in the very center of the city, in the lower Lipki. How do I know this so well, you ask?

“I’ll ask, Fyodor Fyodorovich,” the court adviser smiled.

“He also bought from my father. The late father, if you have not heard, received a large plot of land as a gift from the sovereign. Just where Nikolaevskaya Street is now. He built a manor with a pond, and then sold it to a Privy Councilor. He also bought from his neighbors, and it turned out oh-so, what, moreover, on Khreshchatyk.

- Now understand. Did Mikhail Mering inherit this estate?

- Exactly. The old doctor accumulated a lot of wealth. Enough for all the kids. Mikhail Fedorovich got just the land in the city. But what to do with it? Rental income is small, and the plot is huge. Where are so many? And the son decided to put it under construction. There were people with capital ...

- And who exactly, sorry? Lykov interrupted the governor.

“The chief there is the famous Margolin,” he readily explained. - Managing director of the United Steamship Company, he also deals with city trams, and lighting too. Money and energetic person, albeit a Jew. But one of those you can't do without. Commerce adviser, philanthropist, one word - ace. Petrovsky, a wealthy engineer, and Golubev, a Kyiv official, also invested. And off we go. Mikhail Fedorovich provided the land, others gave money. And a new Kyiv architecture was born. Brick factories sprouted like mushrooms, masons arrived. I, the governor, am pleased to see this, to be honest. That's why he got mad at the scammer. People decorate the city, and he ... It so happened that I know this Afonasopulo well and even arranged him for a bank myself. Now embarrassing in front of the founders.

- I'm telling you, it happened. His father and I used to serve together. Platosha grew before my eyes. He grew up, it should be said, dissolute. He did not go into military service, and his civil service did not work out because of his quarrelsome nature and uncleanliness. The last time he came here and asked for at least some business. Dying of hunger, then and there ... I regretted foolishly. I wrote to Anatoly Viktorovich Gudim-Levkovich, the chairman of the board of two banks, and asked to arrange a fine fellow. And here is gratitude! Now Gudima looks at me like a wolf. Damn that Platosh...

- In a letter to Witte, he says that he wrote to you about abuses in the bank, but received no answer.

- Yes, Platosha sent me a stupid

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letter and asked for a meeting. I refused to accept it.

Why, Fyodor Fyodorovich? Didn't you think that Mering's jar might be unclean? In Russia, they can steal anywhere...

- Knowing the son of my colleague and seeing how prettier Kyiv is ... I didn’t need to send auditors there, and I don’t have such a right. Stupidity all his denunciations, I repeat it again. Don't waste time on them.

“But, Fyodor Fyodorovich, you must agree that I am obliged to comply with the minister's order. Although I understand your attitude. Afonasopulo was never found?

“We didn’t,” the governor confirmed. - Four days since he disappeared, and not a word or a spirit.

- Are they looking for him?

- And very diligently, but so far to no avail. He didn't show up for work, he doesn't sleep at home.

“I'm afraid a crime has happened here,” Lykov got up with a frown. “Have you got rid of the witness yet?”

Trepov snorted.

- Here's another! I think he ran away. Nashkodil and hid, so as not to be responsible for his words.

- We need to open an inquiry.

- Yes, you sit down, sit down. The inquiry has already been opened, without you. I'm telephoning the chief of police now. He will tell everything, such an order was given to him. We won't hide anything from you, don't worry.

What if there's a murder here?

Trepov twitched his cheek.

“What a quick killer you are. Detective, you can see right away. After all, Alexey Nikolaevich, I have already made inquiries about you. I know your style.

- Who could you ask here in Kyiv? - the court adviser doubted. “And what is my manner?”

- I just asked the chief of police, Tsikhotsky. You served with him in Petersburg, right?

“Well, not together,” Lykov corrected. - I am an official of the Police Department, and he was the district police officer of the Admiralty unit until he transferred here. We met a few times, but we didn't know each other closely.

Tsikhotsky was appointed chief of police in Kiev two years ago. Prior to that, he served in St. Petersburg, and Lykov dealt with him in the service. Vyacheslav Ivanovich left with a scandal and left no special memory of himself. And now he commands the entire police force here.

“As for your manner,” Trepov continued, “it is clear as day. To distinguish yourself before the minister, you need a crime. Murder, scam, big names… We got stuck here, and you came and wiped our nose in a week. So what? Warning: I will not tolerate this! I must and will help in an honest inquiry, but I won’t let you enter paradise on my hump.

Lykov was hurt. They just had a normal conversation with the governor - and suddenly such words. I won’t stand it, I won’t give it, your manner is known ... What happened? There were rumors about this Trepov that he was an intriguer. You never know what they say, thought the detective on the way to Kyiv. And at the first meeting, a quarrel from scratch. Moreover, the major general does not choose words and does not bother to find a good reason. Rushed immediately, impudently. He wants to show that the outcome of the inquiry should suit him, otherwise there will be a conflict. Well, well, let's see. Lykov had served in the police for a long time, had seen everything. He was not going to follow the lead of the local prince, but he did not look for quarrels either. For now, take note. And turn the conversation into a working channel.

“I think it’s time for us to end our conversation,” he answered reservedly. Don't scare me, it's useless. Whatever I find, I'll report to the minister. If the denunciation is false, it will be in the report. My manner is actually different ... This is for you to know. I will definitely find the truth. If you don't like it, don't ask. I will not fake it for you. Phone the chief of police, there are a lot of people in your waiting room ...

The interlocutors parted coldly, and the detective went to the chief of police. He greeted the guest with laughter:

- How many years, how many winters, Alexey Nikolaevich. Why did you scare our general?

- He's kind of nervous. As soon as I assumed that your witness did not accidentally disappear, then it began ...

- Don't be offended by him. He makes a great career, and that's what he fears. Dad at his age already had a personal report from the sovereign, and his son was stuck in Kyiv. So…

- So?

- I know you are not afraid of anyone, otherwise I would say: do not quarrel with Trepov.

“I didn't mean to fight.

- Well, thank God! Now let's get down to business.

- Let's. Vyacheslav Ivanovich, what happened to Afonasopulo?

“Disappeared without a trace four days ago. And this is after his letters to authorities, thanks to one of which I now have the pleasure of seeing you here. In a word, the loss is suspicious.

That's what I told your general. And he immediately rears up.

- Trepovsky character, Alexei Nikolaevich. You won't write anything. Fyodor Fyodorovich is very suspicious. I won’t be surprised if he thinks that you didn’t just come here, not according to the appraiser’s letter, but with an audit of his activities on a secret assignment from ill-wishers.

The court adviser just shook his head.

"But let's get down to business," the Colonel continued. - We have begun an inquiry into the disappearance of Afonasopulo. The details will be told to you by my assistant, collegiate assessor Zhelyazovsky, the bailiff of the detective unit.

- The real one. But he serves well and knows his business. There used to be a lot of Poles in Kyiv. But after the 1963 riot they were taken out. Severin Yanovich is one of those who remained. Ours, of course, call him Severyanych behind his back, but they are afraid of him - he is demanding. Well, you will see for yourself. I called him, I'm waiting any minute. Would you like some tea? At the same time, tell me how it is in St. Petersburg ...

Two residents of the capital - past and present - had time to drink tea and talk about trifles. Lykov was never friendly with Tsikhotsky, but here, in his city, he behaved politely and respectfully. They now find out together. Ten minutes later, the head of the detective department finally appeared.

Zhelyazovsky turned out to be a thoroughbred man with dyed, too black hair and a salt and pepper mustache. An elegant civilian frock coat, gold cufflinks and a garnet pin in a tie, a handsome profile. The vest is so generally with sequins. Not otherwise a ladies' darling, thought the unsightly Lykov. The Pole immediately spoke about the matter:

- We collected information about this Afonasopulo and this is what we found out. He is a player! Screws big, sometimes gets into debt. But each time he gives, so he is lent.

- And who lends? - said Peter.

- Colleagues in the bank.

But why did the authorities allow this? Lykov was surprised. – How can you keep a player on staff? You never know!

“Of course, the authorities didn’t like it,” the bailiff explained. “But Afonasopulo was not taken there from the street, but on the recommendation of the governor himself. So I had to endure ... for the time being.

- Are they lending him large sums?

- Up to five hundred rubles.

- Wow! Is the appraiser's salary high?

- We also found out, - Zhelyazovsky answered without hesitation. “Two hundred roubles, but commissions are still slipping, and considerable ones. So Afonasopulo has funds for the game.

- What are the commissions?

So it's a mortgage. Either they want to buy, or they want to sell ... Afonasopulo has information, since he works in a bank that lends to construction operations. Besides…” the Pole stumbled, but continued: “Besides, he helps with the loan.

“That’s how it is,” Lykov warned. – Is it legal?

So they are all wrong about this. At every bank. Appraisers, cashiers, accountants. Unless the guards are clean. Illegal, of course. But this can't be fixed. A client who wants to get a loan gives the right person a paw. Percent

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varies, but usually around three to five. He shares with whomever. Well, the loan is issued without delay ...

- It's clear. The governor told me in conversation that he thought the appraiser had fled. He was afraid of the storm that he raised, and considered it best to hide. What is your opinion gentlemen? Do you agree with His Excellency?

The collegiate assessor glanced sideways at the chief. He nodded.

- Speak as you are, Severin Yanovich. What is there.

“We do not agree,” said the chief Kyiv detective categorically. “There was nothing for the appraiser to be so afraid of. He did not threaten anyone, and no one took his writings seriously. Just think, the bank manager demands an increase in the collateral assessment ... This is all the time with us. The most that threatened Afonasopulo was a quarrel with directors and dismissal.

“So they don’t kill for that?”

Kiev policemen burst out laughing.

No, they don't kill.

“Where, then, has our writer gone?”

- This is a riddle, - Zhelyazovsky became serious. “Something happened to him, but we don’t know what. He is not drunk, he does not skimp on his service ... However, as long as there is no body, it is premature to talk about the murder.

“And yet you don’t rule it out?”

“Yes,” the chief of police entered into the conversation. – But not because of the stupid denunciation of Afonasopulo. He could become a victim, so to speak, of a common crime. You know what city we have. Everything happens, including bloody deeds. For the third year we are walking in the champions, keep him like that ...

In 1897, the Department of Justice compiled crime statistics for fifty-five major cities. And it turned out that Kyiv takes the first place among them! 649 crimes per 10,000 inhabitants - more than anywhere else. The second place went to Rostov-on-Don (595), and the third - to Riga (467 atrocities). Meanwhile, the national average is 362 crimes per 10,000 population. There is some trickiness hidden here, as usual with statistics. The ominous glory of Kyiv is a little rigged. Murders in the city happened a third less than the average for Russia, and thefts - the same number as elsewhere. Reporting was spoiled by violations of bodily integrity: robberies and stabbings.

- How are you, Vyacheslav Ivanovich? - the businessman could not resist. The chief of police seemed to be waiting for this:

- So what to do? There are five hundred and seventy-nine policemen in the state, and there are only three hundred and ninety-four! And okolotochny incomplete.

Why don't people go?

Because there is not enough money. The porter in the harbor gets more.

Zhelyazovsky assented to the chief of police:

- And in the detective department? Same. My annual salary is Rs. And that's only because I'm an assistant chief of police ex officio. And the responsibility is immeasurable. District guards have three hundred and sixty rubles each, and police officers have even less. Moreover, they risk their lives under the knives of criminals. Well, what kind of fool will go? You should be surprised that they did not run away!

Is there really no additional content? Lykov doubted.

“Yes,” the bailiff said sarcastically. - The governor annually issues five thousand six hundred and seventy-six rubles. We divide them among ourselves in order to get those pitiful numbers that I told you. This amount has not changed since the 1980s. Twenty years in a row. And crime during this time has tripled!

- Why?

“Because, Alexey Nikolaevich, the population of the city is growing. You know what is going on in the country, especially in the south. Like yeast! And in Kyiv there were special conditions. Three years ago, the Duma launched several large projects at once. They were connected with the river port and cost the city treasury a lot of money. Thousands of people came here to work. Laborers, diggers, bridge builders. Didn't you see what happened to the harbor?

- No, but what?

- It is difficult for a visitor to understand, but the people of Kiev know that they have done a great and important work. They deepened the bottom in the Obolonsky Bay, poured the excavated soil and got an unflooded port. With warehouses, piers, dry dock for repair and wintering of ships. Previously, everything was flooded there.

“Severin Yanovich,” Lykov could not resist. - They made a port, I understand. And what about the increase in crime?

- And despite the fact that these people - here they are called migrant workers - have not disappeared anywhere. The need for them ended, and earnings too, but they remained. Moreover, pilgrims come here every year in huge numbers.

- What did they not like?

- You don't know! There are not only God's people, there are vagabonds and every dark element. Every year fewer pilgrims leave Kyiv than came. Again, the crisis in construction. No work, no food, no food. And all those who came and did not leave begin to look for another craft. Sometimes they take a knife.

Tsikhotsky from the other flank supported the processing of the visitor:

- What about tea? That's the trouble with them. When the City Duma noticed that many people were left without employment, they decided to arrange free tea and canteens at the expense of philanthropists. Already ten pieces were opened in the city. And what is the result?

- What? Lykov was surprised. - These are everywhere, even in the same Riga.

- I don’t know how it is in Riga, but here tea houses have become a hotbed of evil. Lazy people and loafers set up clubs in them. They no longer look for places, but stray into gangs and ponder their criminal plans. The servants are in collusion with them and are always ready to buy theft.

“There are also suburban settlements,” Zhelyazovsky interjected again. The Petersburger realized that a performance was being staged in front of him and the roles were pre-assigned. – The city is growing not only numerically, but also in breadth. In the past few years, Shulyavka, Kurenevka and Lukyanovka have been annexed to Kiev. Demievka and Solomenka are about to be added. Left-bank settlements also gravitate towards the city. And the police staff and the size of the content have not changed since the time of Alexander II.

“You should have put in a word there, in Petersburg, Alexei Nikolaevich,” the police chief said in a pleading voice. “We’re disappearing, by God, we’re disappearing, and soon we’ll be completely lost.”

- And what is the population in Kyiv now?

“We number three hundred thousand people. And with the pilgrims and those who came for contracts - all four hundred. We are always compared to Riga, I don't know why. There are fewer people and more police. And their salaries are higher. We appealed to the Ministry of Finance, and they are useless shish with cracklings. They say, let your Duma help you. And the treasury is empty.

Alexey Nikolaevich explained:

- It so happened that I know the Riga affairs well. Was there a couple of years ago. Their police really have better content than you. It is financed by the City Duma from its own revenues. The police budget is two hundred and eighty thousand rubles!

"That's what it's all about," the Colonel perked up. “The Germans run everything there, smart rich Germans. And we have Jews. You won't get them. They themselves are robbed a little every day, but they do not want to help us. Here, take a look...

Tsikhotsky took out the papers prepared in advance from the table.

– I will give them to you with me, to Petersburg. We are here, sorry, we cling to every opportunity. All the same, you, Alexei Nikolaevich, are an official for special assignments of the Police Department. Somewhere, say a word to someone. Here. These are numbers, not just a lament from a Turk. The circumference of Kyiv is fifty-one versts. The area is one hundred and nineteen square miles. And all this is less than four hundred

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policemen... What can be demanded of us?

- You said Witte ignores your letters? Why? Do these figures not convince him?

The chief of police answered with extreme irritation:

“We and they have different meanings. Can you imagine? They are from there, from the banks of the Neva, as if they see better than us what Kyiv has become now. We number three hundred thousand people in the city, and they are fifty thousand fewer. And the area, in their opinion, is forty-four versts, half the size of Riga. Crazy people... Kyiv, Kyiv! A huge city, the capital of the region. And if only half of Riga.

- That is, the Ministry of Finance does not include suburban settlements in the city limits?

- Yes. But this is nonsense! Residents of Demievka or Nikolskaya Sloboda only spend the night at home. And during the day they are all here, among us. How can you ignore them?

“Of course, stupidity,” Lykov agreed. - Give us your papers. I'll come to St. Petersburg and try to get them going. Sipiagin has a personal close relationship with Witte. Suddenly, yes, it will be possible to convince ... In addition, I am here just at the request of Sergei Yulievich.

The people of Kiev immediately became serious:

- Even so?

- Yes. He asked Dmitry Sergeevich to deal with the noise around your Mering. Perhaps, following the results of my business trip, I myself will tell Witte what I learned. We know him a little.

Tsikhotsky began to fuss and again climbed into the table:

– Here are some more proposals to strengthen the staff with evidence. You already, Alexei Nikolaevich, give a move there. And then it’s like in a bottomless abyss: you write, you write ...

But Zhelyazovsky suddenly spoke of something else:

“So the finance minister is concerned about the appraiser's letter?” To be honest, we attach much less importance to it.

- Since Sophia Spiridonova became Witte, he has been interested in this woman, and therefore her husband.

“But they hardly communicate,” objected the collegiate assessor.

“That’s right,” Lykov confirmed. “They didn’t get along very well before. When Witte lived with you in Kyiv in the eighties, he did not want to see his adopted daughter, and she was brought up at the institute. Ten years ago, Sergei Yulievich moved to the capital, where his fabulous career began. There he finally married Ivanenko-Spiridonova, and they summoned Sophia to their place. Suddenly, her mother suddenly died, and the foster father was left alone with his adopted daughter. But, as I understand it, the relationship did not work out. Miss Witte took a dislike to her. In addition, he quickly met another woman. Witte acted quite decently: he took Sophia from Kyiv to his place in St. Petersburg and promised a dowry. Mikhail Mering turned up just in time and made an offer. He is distantly related to his wife: their mothers are both born Ivanenko. But the church allowed the marriage, and Mikhail took Sophia back to Kyiv. He retired from the Treasury Department and began dealing with inheritances. For these operations, first a joint-stock construction company was needed, and then a bank. And now rumors began to reach Witte that Mehring was conducting his business uncleanly. And the minister is afraid that the son-in-law will not drag the dignitary-in-law into some kind of scam. The minister has many enemies, and they will gladly use any gossip to harm him. That's why I'm here.

The people of Kiev listened attentively. Although Lykov got the impression that he did not tell them anything new ...

“So Afonasopulo needs to be found,” the court adviser summed up.

“Ah, yes, Afonasopulo,” the chief of police said. - Severin Yanovich, bring our guest to the one who is engaged in your inquiry about his disappearance. I remember correctly, this is Aslanov?

“Exactly so, Colonel.

- Here you go. Do not hide anything, provide full cooperation. Aleksey Nikolayevich, perhaps, will serve the aspirations of the Kiev police...

Two detectives came out of the huge office building. The bailiff explained that they should go to the next entrance. The detective department was located on the third floor of the Starokievsky police station, on the corner of Bolshaya Vladimirskaya and Bolshaya Zhitomirskaya.

Lykov asked Zhelyazovsky:

- What kind of surname is this - Aslanov? He is not Russian?

- From the Crimean Tatars.

- And what is his position?

- Here, Alexey Nikolaevich, it is necessary to explain.

- So explain.

- According to the states of the detective department, other than me, other officials are not supposed to.

- That is, as? Lykov was surprised. - And who is in charge of the office, registration and accounting?

- City officials.

I don't understand, sorry. - The Petersburger stopped and grabbed the Kievan by the sleeve. - What, and there is not even an assistant?

Alexei Nikolayevich took a closer look at the collegiate assessor, then took him aside.

“Please tell me your entire staff.

- Twenty-three people. Of these, I am an official and two other police officers. And twenty policemen.

- Ordinary policemen? Are these your detectives?

- Exactly. Four of them are, so to speak, bureaucrats. One is in charge of the personal detention desk, the other is in charge of the observation and information desk, the third is in charge of the incident and registration desk, the fourth is in charge of all office work.

How much do they get paid for this service?

- Twenty-five rubles sixteen kopecks a month.

Lykov pondered what he had heard for some time. Then he shook his head.

– This cannot be.

- We can, Alexei Nikolaevich.

– Hmmm… And what are the others doing?

“Two police officers are in charge of the investigations. And sixteen police officers are directly subordinate to them. These are all: surveillance, undercover information, arrests and detentions, the search for the stolen, the prevention of crimes.

- Is Aslanov one of the two guards?

- Yes. I divided the detective policemen into detachments, each commanded by his own police officer. The case of Afonasopulo is led by Spiridon. Now I will introduce you to him. From myself I will say that he is an Eastern man, although he is baptized ...

- Have you changed your faith?

- ... and very capable of detective work. Keeps everyone in line. Spiridon Fedorovich's information can be trusted.

The detective department occupied a whole floor, recently built on. The smell of paint has not yet disappeared from the rooms. Almost all of the police detectives were in particular dress. This is so as not to be conspicuous, Zhelyazovsky explained, himself dressed like a dandy Varsovyak ...

He summoned Aslanov to his office. It turned out to be a tall, thick man, swarthy, with an insinuating look. His face was cheerful and dashing. Looking closely, the Petersburger realized that there was little fun there. Rather, an inner, carefully concealed ferocity. The overseer looked more like an abrek than a servant of the law. A thick, upturned mustache made him handsome in his own way. Something Kiev detectives are all handsome ...

Zhelyazovsky introduced the guest and ordered to acquaint him with the course of the inquiry. The warden made a short sensible report. It followed from it that Afonasopulo could become a victim of the grantees of Nikolskaya Sloboda. Conducted activities found that the evaluator of the player's lifestyle. A large, legal game in Kyiv is played in just a few places. Among them are the Merchants' Club and the Hermitage and Bosphorus restaurants on Trukhanov Island. In all these establishments, Afonasopulo was well known - and they were reluctant to let him in. It turned out he was behind on debt payments. And although he later gave it away, he was advised not to come again. But the maniac could no longer, apparently, do without green cloth. And he began to visit the fourth place, the worst -

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Variety club "Venice" in Nikolskaya Sloboda.

At the same time, Aslanov explained to the businessman what this settlement was. It is located on the left bank of the Dnieper, opposite the Nikolaevsky chain bridge. It began as a bridgehead, and then became a large suburb with a diverse population.

What is its salt? Lykov asked.

The overseer replied:

- Administratively, this is no longer Kyiv, but the Chernihiv province. I hope your honor understands...

The court adviser, of course, understood. Criminals from the other side make raids on the city, and then return to their settlement. And the Kyiv police are losing sight of them. And Chernigovskaya will receive a request from the neighbors until they figure out what to answer ... You look, someone else will be slaughtered.

“The entire left bank opposite Kyiv belongs to the Oster district of the mentioned province,” Aslanov continued. - There are several settlements: Povarskaya, Podmostnaya, Voskresenskaya and the most criminal - Nikolskaya. The police forces in the county, you know, are small. And the population is twenty thousand. Communication with Kiev is usually by steamboats and by bridge. But now the bridge is being rebuilt. He hung on chains, and now he will be on a new solid foundation. Pedestrians and carriages were banned. Now only on the water. Here is our hero and roamed back and forth almost every evening.

– How did you find out? Did you find carriers?

"That's right, your highness."

- Call me Alexey Nikolaevich. Are you really by patronymic Fedorovich?

The Tatar chuckled.

- My dad's name was Faizula. But here they changed it in their own way. I'm used to it.

- Understood, Spiridon Fedorovich. Did the carriers recognize Afonasopulo?

Yes, I showed the card. The ticket collectors of the courts unanimously said: he was like that, he often traveled. In the evening to the settlement, and at night, on the last ship - to Kyiv. It wasn’t love that he was twisting there. Played, of course.

- Do you think he was stuck in the same place in the settlement?

“Could be there, could be elsewhere. We need to find the body.

The warder glanced sideways at Zhelyazovsky. The bailiff grimaced:

- At this point, Spiridon and I did not agree. I think - and the chief of police with me - that it is too early to bury Afonasopulo. Suddenly accumulated gambling debts and went on the run? No body, no business.

“A familiar song,” Lykov commented gloomily. “I hear it all the time. And you, Spiridon Fedorovich, are you ready to argue with your superiors?

And then the Tatar surprised him.

“Ready,” he replied.

Let's give arguments.

- There is no proof, really. Until we find the body, it's all guesswork. But I have the worst expectations. I think this is murder. And the body must be sought in the Dnieper.

The collegiate assessor even whistled.

– Why exactly in the Dnieper? - he asked.

"That's the custom of our thugs," the warden retorted calmly. - Ends in the water. It's always been done that way.

- Come to your senses, Spiridon! Zhelyazovsky raised his voice. – What will a visiting person think about Kyiv? There were nine murders last year, and our entire unit cracked. Indeed, two bodies were found in the river. But seven more - anywhere, even in the Lavra they found a blind man.

- Nine murders - this is according to official reports, - Aslanov objected as if nothing had happened. - How many people are missing? Over fifty. And I think they are all there, in the Dnieper.

– Yes, why? Drowned people have a habit of surfacing if you didn't know. There are no half a hundred drowned people in the city!

- Not in the city, because they are blown down by the current.

- What, straight to the Black Sea? Or only up to the Dnieper rapids? Well, you're an eccentric, and also a detective warden.

Aslanov turned to Lykov:

- Opposite the city of Cherkasy, two hundred miles below Kyiv, stretches a strip of water mills. There are many of them. Here, under them, all our missing ones rest.

- I.e? Does it grind them with blades?

– Exactly so, Alexey Nikolaevich. Many bodies, of course, surface earlier. They are often found on bridge piers, or in steamer wheels. Another place where drowned people are often thrown is Svyatoslav Ford. Otherwise, it is called Rudinovo-Staikovskie shallows, sixty miles below Kyiv near the village of Vitacheva. And whoever swam to Cherkasy, don’t look for him. The mills there stand on the right bank, and the current is such that the bodies are carried straight to them. Imagine more than a hundred windmills in one line. And the body of that one ... was swollen and rotten. It is torn to pieces, and what remains falls to the bottom and is eaten by fish.

Lykov shuddered:

- You have depicted it very vividly ...

- What do you do if that's the way it is?

The bailiff commented bitterly:

- Overseer Aslanov has a rich imagination. The police authorities do not share his horror stories.

“His version seems to me quite convincing,” objected the court adviser. Have you looked at the coastline?

“In the middle of the city, it’s useless. If a drowned man happens, he will be immediately noticed. Below, if there, I don’t know.

- I propose to check all the reports about the unidentified bodies found below Kyiv, up to Cherkasy.

Zhelyazovsky shrugged his shoulders.

- If you think it's necessary...

- I think, Severin Yanovich. Organize, please.

The overseer's hunch was unexpectedly confirmed the very next morning. The body of a man hit the wheel of the Desna steamer, which was sailing past the people's baths. He was taken to the anatomical ward at the Alexander Hospital. Lykov and Aslanov arrived there and examined the corpse in the presence of a doctor. The police officer identified Afonasopulo in the drowned man from a photograph. Although the body was greatly swollen, the characteristic features of the face did not change. The doctor refused to give a definite conclusion about the causes of death. The body was badly crushed by the blades of the wheel, the arms and legs were broken, and the head was pierced. Alexey Nikolaevich demanded to open the lungs, and it turned out that there was no water in them. So, the appraiser was thrown into the Dnieper already lifeless!

The policemen, without delaying the matter, went to the Laboratory. It turned out that Afonasopulo's apartment had not yet been searched. Spiridon Fyodorovich called the assistant bailiff, took the janitor and the bellboy as attesting witnesses, and carried out an inspection. Nothing interesting was found, except for one receipt. It was scrawled in an unfamiliar handwriting: “Given by me, Gershko Kutik, 200 (two hundred) rubles to Platon Ivanovich Afonasopulo on account of the assessment of the building I own on the right of ownership in the New Building on Police Street number three. The specified Afonasopulo agrees that if I receive a loan from the City Credit Society of less than twenty thousand rubles, he, Afonasopulo, returns to me the paid amount of 200 (two hundred) rubles. Below, with another hand, it was added: “I, Platon Afonasopulo, confirm the obligation to return two hundred rubles to Gershko Kutik if he does not receive a loan from a bank of twenty thousand rubles secured by his property on Police Street.”

Lykov read the receipt and spread his hands:

- And he still wrote slander? It's a bribe after all!

“Of course,” the warder agreed. - And note this: the bank is different, not the one in which the deceased served.

- Indeed, he was listed in the Kiev private commercial, and then some kind of credit society. What do you say about him, Spiridon Fyodorovich?

- This is the second of the local banks, which lends extensively to housing construction. And the chairman of the board is Shleifer.

- How? The one? the court adviser was surprised. - Who is in the same shop with Mering?

“The same one,” the Tatar chuckled. - Do you have

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In such cases they say: the hand washes the hand.

- Hmmm ... In a letter to the Minister of the Interior, Afonasopulo accuses Shleifer of conspiring with Mehring. And at the same time he takes money from clients for overstating the value of the collateral. After all, they gave him two hundred precisely for this.

- Certainly. The receipt directly says: if the loan is small, not the one that Kutik wants, then the money is returned.

“But why did she end up with the appraiser?” – doubted St. Petersburg. – It would be more logical to find it at the lender.

“Yes, they just wrote in two copies,” suggested the resident of Kiev. This one went to the deceased.

Lykov thought about it and asked about something else:

– Can one believe the denunciation of such a person?

Aslanov shrugged his shoulders.

- And it's up to you to decide, Alexei Nikolaevich. To me, they are all swindlers who are engaged in housing construction.

“Let’s split up,” Lykov decided. - You continue the inquiry into the death of the appraiser. It is now clear that she was violent. Slow down the agents: whose hands are the work? And I'll go to the banks, both. There's another end somewhere, I'll pull it.

- I obey, your high nobility Alexei Nikolaevich!

Chapter 4

Before going to credit institutions, Lykov asked the chief of police for a consultation. Tsikhotsky brought the detective together with Mr. Podgainy, head of the construction department of the city government.

“Mikhail Onufrievich,” the Petersburger turned to him. - Get me up to speed. They say that there are developed frauds with the assessment of the mortgaged property. Everything is bought in banks, you can pawn a hut like a palace if you give a bribe to an appraiser.

"Don't believe me," he said dismissively. - This is chatter, idle talk. Our council has long since put things in order in the city property.

- Really?

- That's right, and in vain deign to be ironic, - Podgainy was offended. – The main source of income for the city budget is the appraisal fee from real estate. Everything is strict with us! City real estate is annually revalued. There are thirty-six types of housing. Each has its own tax rate, depending on the location, safety and profitability. Here are the sheets we make! Before the fifteenth of April, each owner must submit a special statement to the council. Everything is there, right down to the lists of tenants with the size of the rent. The value of the property is determined by sworn valuers working from the council. How do you then revalue it for the bank? He himself will not do anything, but will ask for our statement. We are willing to cooperate with credit committees.

“But what about fraud?”

“I told you: idle chatter. Only those who do not know the city order can compose such nonsense.

- It's also a lie.

- But here is the same Shleifer: he sits both in the bank and in the society he lends to.

- First of all, Georgy Pavlovich Shleifer is not a Jew, but a natural German. By the way, just like Mikhail Fedorovich Mehring, his father came to Kyiv from Saxony. And the Germans are a neat nation. As for two chairs under one person ... And what's wrong with that? Vaughn Anatoly Viktorovich Gudim-Levkovich. He is the chairman of the Kiev Private Commercial Bank and at the same time the South Russian Industrial Bank. And everyone is happy.

- Gudim-Levkovich? About which Trepov told me? And who is he to the head of the governor's office?

Tsikhotsky chuckled merrily:

- You won't understand. These Gudimovs are apparently invisible. Wherever you go, you will find someone of your kind. Even in St. Petersburg there is!

“There is one,” the court adviser agreed. - Pavel Konstantinovich, lieutenant general. Managed the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty, and in January he was transferred to the State Council. But back to banks. It turns out that everything is intertwined here: the same people give out money and receive it?

- Who is this? Tsikhotsky got in again.

- Yes, your Mering. He is the director of a private commercial bank, and he is also the chairman of the board of a house-building society. Does he sign his own loans? And the second is Schleifer. In the City Credit Society, he is the Chairman of the Board, and in the House-Building Society, he is the Managing Director.

Podgainy was offended by his countrymen:

Shleifer is an outstanding architect. And Mehring is a brilliant financier. Do you have any idea what he did to decorate Kyiv? Have you heard about his father's estate?

“They talk about her all the time,” answered the detective. - But state also your version.

He already realized that the case of interest to him was connected with this estate, and decided to collect more information about it.

- That grateful Jews helped Mering Sr. get the land, I know from the governor. Let's do what I don't know.

“Willingly,” Mikhail Onufrievich agreed. - Let's start with the basics. The old doctor died in 1987. And for you to imagine, Mr. visitor from the capital, his funeral took place like this. Three priests buried the honorable man at once: Orthodox, Lutheran and Jewish. Have you ever heard of such a thing?

“No,” the detective admitted. Is this a sign of respect?

- Certainly. So that Fedor Fedorovich would definitely go to heaven, at least to some kind. The people of Kiev were so grateful to him. But in addition to a good memory, he also left a solid fortune. And two more sons and a daughter, not counting the widow.

How was the inheritance divided?

- I don't know the details. One brother got country estates, he is now a sugar factory. Daughter, too, forfeited the capital. But the city estate six years ago went to Mikhail. It had more than twenty-eight thousand square sazhens. Most of all Mering Sr. bought from Trepov Sr. During the campaign to Russify the Southwestern Territory, a lot of things were taken away from the Poles. So the sovereign gave the former mayor of St. Petersburg a huge piece between Shelkovichnaya, Khreshchatyk and Institutskaya. Trepov was a businessman and grabbed another seven thousand fathoms from the gendarmerie division. On what basis - this is a mystery, but there were many lawlessness under the sovereign-liberator, you know. So. Trepov sold his plot to the doctor for one hundred and twenty thousand rubles. And he imperceptibly, imperceptibly bought all the other plots around. And the pharmacist Eisman, and Count Janusz Ilyinsky, and even the former estate of Chancellor Bezborodko. And the "principality of Kiev" appeared. The old man did not know what to do with so much empty land. He leased part of it for a circus, and built up another part with houses - this is along Bankova Street. And then he took it and died.

The municipal employee took a breath and asked the owner for tea. Tsikhotsky ordered. Taking a good sip, Podgainy continued:

- First, the heirs - they then jointly owned the estate - suggested that the council build up all the new houses. The city would have received almost six thousand square sazhens of ownership for issuing a permit. The question was brought to the meeting of the Duma, and she refused.

- Why? Such a place!

- Vowels were afraid of expenses. Paving, repair and lighting of new streets would fall on the city budget. And then the sons of Mering put the estate up for sale in its entirety, for one million eight hundred thousand rubles. There were no applicants with such capital. Then, under a separate act, the estate became the sole property of Mikhail Mering. And he became the founder of the Kiev House-Building Society with

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authorized capital of one million eight hundred thousand rubles. The society bought the whole plot from him. More precisely, some gave money, and some - their shares. The statutory activities are as follows: buying and renting houses and land, housing construction.

– You say: society has bought. Where did it get the money for this?

- Placed its shares, where else! One share costs a thousand rubles, they are traded on the stock exchange. But a group of businessmen had a controlling stake, and they immediately had it.

Lykov strained his memory:

“These are the ones the governor told me about?” Petrovsky, Golubev, Margolin?

- Initially, they plus Mering himself fourth. But very soon Golubev left, and the aforementioned Shleifer took his place.

- So. Mikhail Mering offered a group of rich people to create a society, dump money and buy land from him for housing construction, the detective began to clarify. – But he himself remained a large shareholder in the company and even the chairman of the board. How did he manage it? Sold and go on a spree in Monte Carlo!

“He didn’t get everything with money, some with shares,” the interlocutor explained. - And the co-owners appointed him chairman.

- That is, he undertook to build up his own former lands?

- Yes. Mehring - an experienced financier, served with Witte. And Shleifer is in charge of construction issues, he is a professional architect.

- Good. What has society done to the land?

“It broke it into sections. In total, twenty-seven plots were obtained with an area from two hundred eighty to one thousand seven hundred square sazhens. Part of the society put up for sale, and part began to develop itself. The Continental Hotel, the Solovtsov Theater and the building of the South Russian Industrial Bank were installed by Mehring and Shleifer. Well, a few profitable houses. Other plots were built up by buyers. They paid a thousand rubles per tithe. In total, four streets appeared on the site of the estate: Nikolaevskaya, Olginskaya, Meringovskaya and Novaya. And one square, Nikolaevskaya. The most beautiful now in all Kyiv.

- Do the hotel, the theater and the bank still belong to the house-building society?

The bank building was bought by the owners. And a hotel with a theater, yes, and tenement houses too.

“They say that there is a construction crisis in Kyiv now,” Lykov asked a question that had long interested him. - How did it affect the Shleifer and Mehring case? Maybe now they have to go to the machinations that Afonasopulo wrote about? Overestimate the price of collateral, give money to themselves without collateral ...

“I don’t know anything about Afonasopulo’s letters,” the municipality shrugged. “And the house-building society is doing well. They had time to skim the cream, because they took the best land. Here on Olginskaya and Meringovskaya, they say, demand has fallen. The developer cannot sell ready-made apartments. And on Nikolaevskaya there is nowhere better.

- Is not it?

“You need not worry, Mr. Lykov,” Podgainy waved his hand. - A house-building society is more stable than any bank. With their assets! Funds will be needed - they will sell either a hotel or one of the tenement houses.

The court adviser rose, extended his hand to the consultant:

– Thank you, Mikhail Onufrievich, for the exhaustive information.

He left, and the detective turned to the chief of police:

- Vyacheslav Ivanovich, it has become clearer, but I still have to see both Mering and Shleifer. Will you provide assistance?

- Of course, Alexey Nikolaevich. Give me today. I'll let you know what I did tonight. Do you want it right here in my office?

- No, you can at their bank. Where Mering is.

- Then it's easier.

Until dinner, Lykov worked on his arrangements. Tsikhotsky ordered to settle him in the safe house of the detective department, so as not to spend government money. And also issue a service ticket for free travel on the tram. In general, the police chief was attentive and friendly. Apparently, he hoped to get an ally in the face of the capital official in the struggle for funds. The Kyiv police really lived in abnormal conditions. Full-time vacancies were deliberately not fully occupied in order to distribute the saved funds to the city and somehow improve their meager content. The detective department did not even have civilian agents - they did not have enough money. The staff turnover in the department was amazing. During the year, half of the staff either quit or were expelled for misconduct. The stupid stubbornness of the Ministry of Finance did much harm to the cause. Alexei Nikolaevich decided that he would definitely talk to Witte about the hardships in Kiev. He had no doubt that the minister would want to hear his report in person.

Witte met Lykov at the All-Russian Exhibition of 1896. Then they met again when the detective was investigating abuses at the Moscow Industrial and Merchant Bank. The dignitary treated the detective with respect, although a little condescendingly. Let's see what he has to say when it comes to his adopted daughter...

Alexey Nikolaevich moved to Bulvarno-Kudryavskaya, to the astronomical observatory. A retired sergeant major with the sonorous surname Vertiporoh lived in the house. For a small fee, he helped detectives, arranged meetings with agents in his apartment. Over the turrets of the observatory hung a mountain with buildings of the cenobitic convent of the Protection of the Intercession. The newest in the city, it was arranged by the forces of the Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna, the wife of Nikolai Nikolaevich the Elder. The princess left her husband, who had a bunch of children with a dancer, and settled in Kyiv. She spent her unspent energy on the monastery, in particular, she set up a free hospital for the poor there. The Grand Duchess died in April, just celebrated the fortieth day of her death, but the orphaned hospital and the monastery worked at full strength. Past the house of Vertiporoh, strings of the poor stretched uphill. In general, the street turned out to be uncomfortable, too crowded. It connected two bazaars: Galitsky and Lvov. Jewish factors, peasants with goods, common workers with axes hung around under the windows all day. Having somehow endured the evening, the next day Lykov moved into Gladynyuk's rooms on Fundukleevskaya. It was quieter and closer to the center. Twice cheaper than in the "Continental", by the way. And the comfort and training of the servants is no worse. Instead of a first-class restaurant, however, a buffet. But when the new guest had dined there once, he didn’t go anywhere else, he tried to eat at Gladynyuk’s.

The detective was waiting for a letter from the chief of police and pondered what he had heard. Podgainy did not convince him. The fact remained: Mikhail Mering issued loans to himself. Do not get drunk near the water? And fraud with a pledge is quite possible, this is evidenced by a receipt in Afonasopulo's apartment. Apparently, Tsikhotsky wants to varnish information about construction matters and for this he brought the right specialist to the visitor. So, you should now find the wrong one.

However, Lykov felt out of place. He didn't know much about the banking world, but here were collateral, assets, on-call loans, solo bills, and a mysterious homeownership crisis. In addition to the dock builder, who will tell about the secrets of Kiev, we also need a financier. Third-party, not from Tsikhotsky, but competent. Where would one get this?

Finally they brought a note from the chief of police. The Moscow detective was invited to a private commercial bank at half past three in the afternoon.

The bank was located in its own very decent house on Levashovskaya street. Servant with medals spent

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detective upstairs to the director's office. Two gentlemen were waiting there.

“Mikhail Fedorovich Mering,” the first one introduced himself, slender, with an officer's mustache and early gray hair at the temples.

“Georgy Pavlovich Shleifer,” the second one said, wearing gold-rimmed glasses that made him look like a scientist.

The three men sat down at the table. The hosts studied the guest, and he studied the hosts. Mering spoke first.

- Tell me, did you receive an order from Sergei Yulievich himself?

- Well, you, for this I am too insignificant a figure. Not even from Sipyagin. According to him, the order was given to me by the director of the Police Department Zvolyansky.

- But the telegram to the governor was signed by the minister ... - Shleifer added as if to himself.

“Let’s get straight to the point, gentlemen,” suggested the detective. “You are wondering who sent me and what level of authority I have. I am an official for special assignments. I just came here with this order. Witte is worried and wants to sort things out. Help me calm him down and it's done.

What is he worried about? Mering snapped. “My father-in-law didn’t say anything to me.

- And I told Sipyagin.

- And you showed up?

- Yes. And don't make a face, I didn't want to come here, and I don't like the reason for the trip any more than you do.

The people of Kiev were silent.

“But since the order has been given, I am obliged to carry it out. Both of you are interested in the truth being established. Unless, of course, you have nothing to hide.

“We have absolutely nothing to hide, Alexey Nikolayevich,” said the architect. “Will you allow me to call you that?”

- Of course, Georgy Pavlovich. I am a guest here and I do not understand anything either in banking, or in construction, or in Kiev order. And I came to you for clarifications, which will form the basis of my report to the authorities.

- Good. Let's leave aside for now the question why Witte did not say anything to his son-in-law, but hired a detective ...

“I didn’t hire, but sent,” Lykov retorted.

“Sent,” Schleifer agreed. - It's not easy for us. We kind of have to make excuses. For what? We work tirelessly, decorating the city. What suddenly went wrong?

- Very simple. A letter from a certain Afonasopoulos reached Petersburg. He accuses you two of fraud. No one from the capital would have come here if one of you was not a relative of the most influential person in Russia. After the sovereign, of course. This is clear?

Mering silently nodded and folded his arms over his chest with an offended look. And Schleifer snorted:

- Letter from Afonasopoulos. Because of this stupid piece of paper, all the fuss?

- Refute it, and that's it!

- Well, then everything is simple.

- Go ahead.

- We will give you the balance sheets of the house-building company and the conclusions of the audit commission. Everything is written there. Things are going well, assets exceed liabilities by one and a half times, the reserve capital has been formed in accordance with the charter.

I'm afraid I don't understand much about it. But I will attach your papers to the report for solidity.

After these words, the situation at the table was discharged. The people of Kiev realized that the inspector was not their enemy. Or they pretended to believe it. Even the failed astronomer stopped making faces.

- You stayed in our "Continental", you saw what a charm it is! he exclaimed. This is how we build. One hundred rooms, and there is no release from visitors. And at home on Khreshchatyk! Now we have gone further, taking sites along Svyatoslavskaya Street on Afanasevsky Yar and along Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya. We do not stagnate, we develop success. And here are the bugs...

Is it true that there is a crisis in construction? the court adviser asked cautiously.

“It will start in a year or two,” the architect replied. - But we will have time to complete and sell, firstly. And secondly, our sites are the best in the city. Problems will arise for others who build anywhere. There are very few elite lands in Kyiv due to its impossible terrain. And we have all of them. The price of this item will never go down.

- How did it happen that the best plots go to you?

“Mikhail Fedorovich should be thanked for this,” Shleifer nodded at his partner. - His father's estate became the impetus for everything. Having built up this land, we were already firmly on our feet. What is the secret of the success of the Kiev House-Building Society? Would you like to know?

- Certainly.

– In connecting together all the necessary components. There are personnel: I am an architect, Mikhail Fedorovich is a financier, and Mr. Margolin is a businessman. In addition, he invests his own money, and therefore we need less borrowing. Further, there are credit institutions, and not one, but two. I mean KCHKB and GKO. And finally, there is close cooperation with the Duma and the city government. They know that we will not let you down and will build well.

– You mentioned Mr. Margolin. Is he your third social partner?

- Yes. And the richest of us, to be honest. Mikhail Fedorovich and I are working people, we have just earned a million each. And David Simkhovich is very rich. Very! And for a long time already. And as an experienced person, with a nose for profit, he is extremely useful to us. Guess he's never wrong.

“That doesn’t happen,” Lykov doubted.

“That’s exactly what happens with Margolin. This is where it is needed, and not just in capital. But capital is also useful, why be cunning. However, there is a mutual benefit here. A bank deposit gives David Simkhovich four percent a year. And the tenement house is twelve.

What else does your partner do?

"It's easier to say what he doesn't do," Mering brightened up. - Have you noticed steamers on the Dnieper, painted in gray-blue color? These are his boats. Two million passengers are transported for navigation! Margolin is the Managing Director of the United Shipping Company on the Dnieper and its tributaries. He is also the director of the City Railroad Society. He built himself a special salon-car, like the Emperor's, and rushes around Kiev on it. The townspeople like it, they wave their hands to him ... He also deals with gas lighting and water supply. Vowel of the Duma, Commerce Advisor. Big man.

- I understood. But let us return to Afonasopulo's letter. Have you read it?

“The governor showed us this piece of paper,” Shleifer answered. - He, too, became the addressee of an indefatigable liar. If there is the same nonsense as in Witte's denunciation, then we can say that they read it.

“So it’s just bullshit?”

Mering slammed his fist on the table top.

- It's not true! It was necessary to come up with this: Georgy Pavlovich and I are forcing him to overestimate the value of the pledged items. Even technically it is impossible. The city government closely monitors the property of the townspeople and will not miss its own. If you overestimate the price, then for the rest of your life you will pay an increased rate of taxation. Who will go for this?

“Well, if the construction is frozen, there is no money, winter is on the nose, then all means are good,” the detective suggested.

But the people of Kiev did not agree.

“A huge number of people revolve around this case,” they explained. - Construction Inspectorate of the council, architects, contractors, artel elders, brick magnates, factors, home buyers ... Every little thing is known to the whole circle. Nothing to hide, especially fraud. Rumors would have been circulating around Kiev for a long time. And they would shy away from our houses like hell from incense. But it's the other way around. are enrolled in a queue. People bring money to buy space for a store. And the pit hasn't even been dug yet. The house is scheduled for construction next year, and the apartments in it are already

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taken apart!

Lykov recalled numerous advertisements for renting housing that he had seen in local newspapers. Apartments with seven, eight, even twelve rooms were offered to those who wished. Khreshchatyk, Velyka Vasylkivska, Institutskaya, Bankovaya are the best streets. Does this mean that demand exceeded supply? In St. Petersburg, he knew, there was not enough housing. And in Kyiv? No, we urgently need to find an independent specialist. You can leave from here, he will hear nothing but assurances of complete success.

“Gentlemen, how is it that you make loans to yourself?” Agree, this raises questions.

- What do you mean by yourself? Mering reached into the bottle.

“That’s what it means, Mikhail Fedorovich. You two are in charge of different banks. And at the same time bosses in the house-building society.

“Let me explain, Alexei Nikolayevich,” Shleifer said. - You have a misunderstanding. Do you really think that we issue loans to ourselves? Hehe. Who would let us? There are other shareholders, there is an audit commission. Most importantly, the recipients of money in both our banks are customers. And not at all the Kiev joint-stock house-building company. Look at the loan portfolio - anyone is there, but not KADO!

What funds are you building with?

- On the company's own capital, on Margolin loans and on contributions from homebuyers.

- Let us suppose. The last question: what kind of person was Afonasopulo's appraiser? Why did he start writing sneaks on you?

“God only knows,” Mering waved his hand hopelessly. - I tried to talk to him first, to calm him down. But he bullied himself over trifles, out of principle. The origin, you see, prevented us from behaving as expected.

– Origin? Is he noble? I have not seen such a surname in the Velvet Book.

– His real name is Papa Afonasopulo. He was the son of the adjutant to the Governor-General of Drenteln. Remember this figure?

“I remember,” Lykov nodded. - He was in charge of the third department, then he came to you. Did he die in Kyiv? I saw a monument to him on Vladimirskaya Gorka.

- Yes. The head of the region fell off his horse during the procession. He visits us every year on the fifteenth of July, the day of the baptism of Russia. Drenteln had a blow right during the parade of troops on the occasion of the celebration. Just Afonasopulos Sr. brought the chief in his arms to the palace, where he soon gave his soul to God. He dragged along with the second adjutant, Trepov, who is now the governor. On this adjutantship ended, then the money ended. The son inherited only his father's debts and even ambition. I had to earn a living, go to appraisers. How so? The offspring of the governor-general's adjutant himself! He thought, fool, that for one name he would be regaled all his life. But I had to serve here ... Well, hence stupid insults, and from insults - denunciations.

We have received several complaints about him. Afonasopulo extorted money from bank customers for the necessary assessment of the collateral. I was ready to raise it to the skies, with the appropriate bribe. So, Alexey Nikolaevich, Witte sent you here in vain. An insignificant person made up a lie. No need to waste time on it.

Why didn't you fire him then?

“Firing is a last resort,” Mehring said reluctantly. - We hoped that Platon Ivanovich would come to his senses ... And then, you already know how he ended up in the bank. The governor asked. With such a paw at the top, Afonasopulo decided that everything was permissible for him.

His explanation sounded unconvincing. Something is not right in this story. The subordinate writes denunciations to the authorities, while still taking bribes. And he gets away with everything. Trepov has long since abandoned the support of his protégé and is not happy with what has happened. There is only one reason: Afonasopulo is involved in dark deeds along with the owners. He knows a lot, therefore he cannot be kicked out, he has to endure. Why, then, did they not simply pay off the blackmailer?

But it was time to end the conversation.

“You must understand Sergei Yulyevich,” said the detective, getting up. - The Minister of Finance, by occupation, is often forced to refuse, and thus makes enemies for himself. Offended sleep and see how to take revenge. And here is a story: a relative in Kyiv got involved in a swindle. Even if there is not a word of truth in it, the darkness will be found who want to inflate gossip. Here he is insured.

“I’ll write to my father-in-law anyway,” Mehring said petulantly. - Let be…

But the partner interrupted him:

- Misha, don't!

And the failed astronomer immediately fell silent.

At this, the interlocutors parted ways. Lykov was handed the balance sheets of the bank and the house-building company, the reports of the audit commissions, and the list of borrowers. And escorted out.

Lykov sat down in the room and tried to study the papers. Where there! It needed an experienced accountant, not a detective. He put down the pack and thought. We need to find a building contractor, independent and knowledgeable. Ask Aslanov, let him help? No, Spiridon Fedorovich is from the same party. All of them, from the governor to the police officer, want to fuse the auditor as quickly as possible back to St. Petersburg. Requires a person who has nothing to do with the current Kiev elite. But Lykov is a newcomer and does not know the local conditions. Go to General Mavrin? Baron Taube's letter lies in a suitcase, waiting in the wings. However, it is unlikely that the duty general of the headquarters of the military district is strong in construction issues.

After thinking, the court adviser came up with one idea. You can try it in the evening. And now you have to go to the detective, pull Aslanov. While Lykov was studying the banking version of the appraiser's death, he was working on the criminal one. Days have passed since the discovery of the body. Have you got some news?

The court adviser appeared at Bolshaya Zhitomirskaya. Neither Aslanov nor Zhelyazovsky were present. A middle-aged man with a pleasant face was sitting in the personal detention table, writing something. Seeing his superiors, he stood up and stretched out:

- I wish you good health, your highness.

Lykov squinted at his paper - it was a search report. He guessed who was in front of him.

- Hello, Mr. Krasovsky. I wanted to meet you, and now ... Very handy.

Krasovsky was the second police officer of the detective department. Yesterday, during the acquaintance with the staff, he was absent. The idea that Aleksey Nikolaevich came up with in the issue was to study the drive journal. And compare which of the two guards caught more thieves. For some reason, it seemed to him that Aslanov, with his appearance as an abrek, was not clean in this matter. Spiridon Fedorovich reminded Moiseenko from SMEs. He was a successful and dexterous detective, but, moreover, a supporter of the lucky ones. Did the predatory profile of the Tatar so embarrass the Petersburger? It's bad, bad to judge a person by his appearance...

“I am Lykov Alexei Nikolaevich,” the detective held out his hand. - And your name is Nikolai Alexandrovich, do I remember correctly?

- Right.

“I am here because of a letter from a certain Afonasopoulos. Your boss should have explained to you.

- Explained in general terms.

- Spiridon Fedorovich helps me.

Krasovsky nodded silently.

- Tell me, Nikolai Alexandrovich, can I turn to you for help or advice if necessary? Without advertising our communication.

The warden was in no hurry to answer. He looked at the Petersburger as if he was assessing him. I tried to understand where the visitor was driving and whether he could be trusted.

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Lykov was waiting. An experienced person, according to some signs that he understands alone, judges people. As they decide, so will their business. Or it won't.

- What would be my advice? Krasovsky spoke at last. “Knowledge of the city and its criminal environment?” But Aslanov also knows this.

- Yes. But I want to hear different points of view, not just one. For example, everyone convinces me that there is no house-building crisis in Kyiv now. And it seems to me that he is.

Then the policeman came into the room and began to listen to the conversation. Krasovsky immediately changed, took on an obsequious air and rapped out:

“Always ready to serve your honor.”

But at the same time, he grinned with his eyes and glanced at the newcomer.

“Thank you,” Lykov replied, and returned to the waiting room. The detective realized that he and Krasovsky agreed.

Incidentally, Aslanov showed up at the reception.

- Bah, Alexey Nikolaevich! And I sent for you to the hotel. Why did you leave the showroom? Did not like?

- Yes, it is noisy there and everything is in sight. You chose the wrong place for a safe house.

Why would you spend money?

- The order on my business trip was signed by the minister. So I'm entitled to double runs. Yes, for just the difference between them and the real price of tickets, I can live at Gladyniuk's until Christmas.

Here the court adviser noticed that Aslanov was very excited. Cheeks are burning, powerful shoulders are shaking.

- Where did they bring you like that, Spiridon Fedorovich?

Suddenly the bailiff ran in and picked up the conversation:

“He excelled with us again. Detained alone three thieves!

- Tell me the details.

“They stole wire from the poles of the city railway for two weeks. Every night, twenty or thirty fathoms were cut and carried away. And they couldn't catch them. Spiridon was tired of this, and he went into an ambush ...

- Why just one? interrupted Lykov.

“It’s more inconspicuous that way,” the warder explained. “They would have seen the crowd. The signalers were put out, watching for strangers. I watched from the back door.

- It was on Bibikovsky Boulevard, - Zhelyazovsky continued the story. - Even on the Kadet highway they were predatory, they are. Well, Spiridon covered them red-handed.

“Right there, on the boulevard?”

“No,” the warden grinned. “Any fool would have stopped them on the boulevard. And you need to find out who the buyer is. I followed them all the way to Nizhnyaya Solomenka. I see they cut the wire and drag it there, dragged. I follow, I do not callus on the eyes. I almost lost them in the Cadet Grove. But they arrived. I knew halfway through where they were taking me.

- There is such Iona Leshch there, he keeps an iron shop. And the passer himself, we have long been under suspicion. Exactly! They came to him.

- And why did you climb into this brothel alone? Why wasn't help called?

- Yes, it all came together very well. There are thieves, and wire, and the buyer is there. While I was looking for help, they would have fled. Well, he fell in.

Did they surrender without a fight?

“Where is it?” Aslanov waved his hand. - Grabbed the knives. I had to knead them into a dough.

- Three of them alone? - the court adviser was amazed.

- Bream immediately climbed under the table, he is not a fighter. And the two that cut the wire did not want to give up. Here, take a look.

And the warder showed the side of the frock coat. It was ripped open with a knife, the lining was sticking out.

“I broke his arm so that I wouldn’t rush to the police again. And the second jaw twisted.

“This is not the first time that Spiridon is different,” put in Severin Yanovich. - I went to the chief of police with a request for a reward. The best in the department.

“There are no words,” the Petersburger said respectfully. - You can see the falcon in flight. Have they forgotten about my case, Spiridon Fyodorovich? Or were you not up to it?

– What about Afonasopulo? No, I didn't forget. I found his friend, who brought clients for a commission.

– Clients?

- Yes, those who wanted to cheat the bank.

"That's interesting," said the detective. - Who is he? How can I talk to him?

- Now. Phew! Excuse me, Alexei Nikolaevich, I can't leave. They haven't thrown knives at me for a long time...

Aslanov shuddered, as if a convulsion passed through his strong body. Then he grinned habitually.

- The surname of the commission agent is funny - Finkel-Knyazin-Pobedonostsev.

What, triple?

- Once I met a man with a triple surname, but it was Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy. And then some Finkel. Isn't he fat? Who is he?

- Overseer at the First Real School, this is on Trekhsvyatitelskaya. He's also...how is it? Ktitor. And a singing teacher.

- That is, a small fry?

- Nowhere to go.

- Let's go to him.

- Why? He himself will come here by four o'clock, when the lessons are over.

- Very good. I need to talk to one more person.

- With Gershko Kutik? The warden grinned again. - And I called this one for five.

- Yes, you are a dangerous person, Spiridon Fedorovich. You read thoughts.

- The detective will always understand the detective. Also, remember, you instructed me to move the agents?

- I remember. What, is there any news?

- We found out something. Let's go to one brothel closer to the night - there my man looks after the order. He is well acquainted with Nikol's gangs, he should enlighten them.

Lykov proceeded to interrogate witnesses. First, he spoke with the owner of the triple surname. The little pompous man began with a history of his kind. According to him, it turned out that the Finkel-Knyazin-Pobedonostsevs were almost related to the Austrian emperor. The Petersburger did not listen to these tales for long. He interrupted the ktitor and ordered to tell about Afonasopulo.

– What is there to say? Well, he is a player. I loved the cards, and also the hippodrome.

- Hippodrome?

– Yes, in Pechersk on Esplanadnaya Square. Mutual mortgages are accepted in the main pavilion. Ten rubles ticket.

- And how did your friend play? Was he lucky or vice versa?

“Lucky for the last time,” said the ktitor. - Before he fell, Platon Ivanovich plucked three thousand.

- And what, with this win, he swam to Nikolskaya Sloboda, to Venice?

- I don't know for sure. Could in "Venice", in the cards forward. And he could go back to the hippodrome. When he was lucky, he became stubborn. Played until he lost consciousness, yes.

Lykov squinted at Aslanov. He imperceptibly nodded to him: understandable, we'll find out. The news was important. If the appraiser wandered around the hot spots with money, he could be stuck not in Nikolskaya Sloboda, but in Kyiv itself. Then it's a different arrangement.

Have you been to the races together? - continued the interrogation of the court adviser.

- It depends.

– What was Afonasopulo doing there? With whom did you communicate, did you have acquaintances among jockeys? Where did you go then?

- If you lost, then immediately go home to Laboratory. And if good luck to him, then to the woman.

- To a woman? the detectives asked in unison. - To which?

“I don’t know,” Pobedonostsev denied. “It only happened twice. Together we descended to Bessarabka along the “dog path”. And below they parted. I walked to the left, to my place on Gendarmerskaya. And Platon Ivanovich turned off to Rognedinskaya. Somewhere out there his passion lives. He said widow.

What is a dog track? Lykov asked the warden.

- A short road from Pechersk down to Bogdan Khmelnitsky Square, called Bessarabka.

- Why is it called that?

Yes, she's unsettled. And dangerous, by the way. Pockets will be checked only in this way.

“That’s why we went together,” Pobedonostsev put in. - I'm not going there alone

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- Good. Now tell me, what kind of gesheft did you have with Afonasopulo? Did you supply him with clients?

Well, sometimes...

– What kind of people?

Yes, developers. The house needs to be improved, or the loan from the bank is intercepted. They are more willing to give on the security of property. So they asked Platon Ivanovich to regard it properly.

And he didn't refuse?

Ktitor looked at the Petersburger with bewilderment:

“Who would refuse such a thing?” There are many appraisers, they will go to another.

- But, they say, there are sworn valuers at the council who evaluate property for taxation ...

- Yes, so what?

Why hire someone else then? - said Peter. “Take their number and show it to the bank.

"Ah, you're out in what sense?" Pobedonostsev grinned. So I'll explain to you. Sworn price makers are big crooks and will reduce the value of your home to almost zero for a small bribe. At your request. This is usually done in Kyiv by the fifteenth of April. And for collateral in the bank, you need other numbers, as if you have a palace. Well, the right people are invited here...

- And what bank did you and Platon Ivanovich swindle?

- Yes, they are different. If you please know, all the employees in these banks know each other and help each other in such matters. For courtship.

A relative of the Austrian emperor left, and Kutik came. This one was red and cheeky. He didn't add anything new. The landlord acknowledged the receipt and took his copy out of his pocket. Ryzhiy confirmed that the amount indicated in them - two hundred rubles - was a bribe. Afonasopulo "resolved issues" in several banks, and Kutik needed a loan. Gershko Abramovich whined that now, the money has been given away, and now there is no one to ask from. The appraiser's death meant nothing to him: it was just a bad business investment...

At ten o'clock in the evening, Lykov and Aslanov went to Podol in a closed cab. On the way, the Petersburger tried to talk to the local detective:

- Do you play naughty here?

- In a big city, they always play pranks. But Kyiv is big. Again, a lot of newcomers. Among them, of course, are not only villains. But the rabble, every bastard strives for some reason to stay here.

- Where is the most dangerous?

- In Nikolskaya Sloboda. There, the grantor sits on the grantor and drives like a huckster.

- Is Bessarabka calmer?

The warden grinned in his own way.

– It’s true that we pick up more unwritten people there than in other places. There are two or three gang piercers ...

- Pranksters? What are these birds?

- Well, those who walk around with knives and strive to poke anyone with them.

- Understood. In Riga they are called cutlers. But this is a small spank, they try not to offend the noble ones.

“That’s why I don’t take them into account,” the Tatar explained. “Killing a man like Afonasopulo – serious guys are needed here.

- And where to look for them?

Serious people prefer not to live in the city. Unless in Kukushkina's dacha, when it's warm.

- What kind of cottage?

Well, that's just what it's called. The area under the gardens, closer to the Dnieper.

- Spiridon Fedorovich, under what gardens?

- Under the City and Mariinsky. Have you been to the park on a cliff, admired the views?

- Certainly. It's always full of revelers.

- Here. You didn't look down, did you? And there these ... how so? are the terraces called?

- Concessions? Yes, terraces.

- We are talking about them. There are five or six of them at different heights. Big! Until you go down there yourself, and you will not understand how much space there is. But it's better not to go down.

- Is it that dangerous?

- Wow! I myself was there only twice, with a raid. Once we chased them, and the second time they chased us. Barely took the legs.

- Even so? - the court adviser was amazed.

“There were a hundred of them. With knives and clubs. Bonfires were burned and porridge was cooked. They have dugouts there, women with children - a village, and nothing more. Rogue village. Hangout. In the center of Kyiv!

“You were sent away and you didn’t come back?”

- The head is more expensive. Besides, it doesn't make much sense. Well, we will take the army and go down again to those ledges. And the grantees will get into the boats and sail away, only they were seen. Their boats are always ready.

“So if they nailed our appraiser, then it’s useless to look for the killers?”

- But as? the warder was surprised. We don't have agents. She is in Kukushkina's dacha and is impossible. Even if Afonasopulo had a watch or a port cigarette, then this will not work either. We don't know the number of the clock, nor will we accept the cigarette. Suppose we caught a suspicious pawn in a pawnshop. And how do we prove that the things from the murdered?

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VUK - Military Scientific Committee, a structure within the Military Ministry, which was also involved in intelligence issues. (Hereinafter, the author's note.)

"On the goose" - award for Christmas.

GZhU - provincial gendarme department.

Nikolaev Academy - Academy of the General Staff.

Then the War Department was financed by the so-called marginal budgets - three-year plans; all extra expenses were protected separately.

An open sheet is a document obliging local authorities to assist a seconded official.

Fechka river.

Almost 98 meters.

Station - a place of entertainment with a buffet (obsolete).

Contracts - a fair in Kyiv, the largest in the South-Western Territory, was held annually in February-March and gathered a huge number of visitors.

See the book "Inquiry in Riga".

A granter is the same as a gambler: a robber.

KCHKB - Kyiv Private Commercial Bank; GKO - City Credit Society.

MSP - Moscow detective police; Moiseenko is a character from the story "The Case of the Noseless" (see the book "Strike in the Heart").

Passer - the same as the blather-cain: huckster, buyer of stolen goods (slang).

Mutual mortgages - tote.

Unwritten - a person without documents or with documents, but without a residence permit.

End of introductory segment.

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The historical detective story by Nikolai Svechin "Kasyanov Year" will take readers to the year 1900. It was a leap year, usually people believe that it is in such a year that trouble comes, and they do not like it. According to the Orthodox calendar, February 29 is Cassian's memorial day, which is why the year is called Kasyanov.

The protagonist Alexei Lykov performs important tasks for government officials. Finance Minister Witte received a letter with bad news about his brother-in-law. Mikhail Mering, who lives in Kyiv, is engaged in the construction business. To develop the business, he took a large number of loans. But since there is a crisis in the construction business now, all that awaits him is ruin.

In order to somehow maintain his position, Mering decided to get involved in dark affairs. He wants to deceive lenders and engages in fraud. His activities are noticed, the bank's appraiser writes a letter to Witte, in which he talks about the whole situation. Now Lykov must go to Kyiv and find out what is happening there, try to settle the situation. But upon arrival there, Alexei learns that the appraiser has disappeared. Now he needs to understand all the secrets and machinations, look for the guilty, which is not so easy. After all, even those who are in power do not want to reveal some secrets.

An honest man Alexei Lykov will have to face a society that has other values. It turns out that neither the police nor the authorities can do anything. Entrepreneurship and crime are closely intertwined, it is difficult to find those who can be trusted, corruption and deceit are everywhere. Even those who could help disappear at the slightest hint that their interests will suffer. You will have to work hard, study a lot of documents and tie the events together yourself.

The work was published in 2016 by the publishing house AUTHOR. This book is part of the His Majesty's Detective series. On our site you can download the book "Kasyanov Year" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.06 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

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