Zavoychinskaya, the destined cannot be avoided.

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Irzhik! Wait a minute! Greg called to me, and I obediently stopped.

Ruby and Gasten also froze and turned to us.

We walked along an underground corridor lined with stones. Ruby ran ahead, followed by one of our bodyguards - Gasten. Behind them is me. The trinity of elves and Greg were chattering and therefore trailed behind, and our second bodyguard, Lalin, brought up the rear.

This corridor began from a tiny grotto located not far from the central fountain. Immediately after the meeting, Armand, Andre and Eric took us there, saying that they had found an old underground passage. That, they say, it is in good condition, the lighting is natural, since there are small cracks in the ceiling through which sunlight penetrates. And today they were going to investigate - where does it lead.

I was upset at that moment, because I dressed in light clothes and already mentally imagined what kind of stuffed animal I would look like after walking through the ancient underground catacombs. But to my surprise it was quite clean. Or because through the cracks in the ceiling penetrated not only sunlight, but also rainwater, thus washing away dust and dirt. Or maybe because there was magic that kept the move clean. But be that as it may, so far we have not had time to get dirty.

Irzhik, could you come back to us? called the brother.

Looking around, I saw with bewilderment that the guys had fallen behind and were now standing about twenty steps away.

What for? I asked.

No, you first come back, and then I'll tell you, - the brother demanded with an intriguing look.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walked back to them. She moved closer and looked at Greg.

Here! Seen? And I told you! - with an incredibly pleased look, he turned to the elves.

And what could this mean? Armand was the first to ask, and there was such anticipation in his voice that I felt uneasy.

Trap? - with a serious look asked his older brother, Andre.

I don't feel anything, - calmly replied Eric.

And I tell you that if Irzhik smells, then one hundred percent there is something there! - rubbing his hands, exclaimed Greg.

So! Do you want to explain anything to me? - I could not stand it.

Now! My brother looked at me with glowing eyes. - Irzhik, go forward again to Ruby.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

Well, please! - the shaggy monster whined, not paying attention to the chuckles of the elves and the serious look of Lalin standing behind us.

Explain first, I said.

Honestly, I'll tell you everything as soon as you pass.

Realizing that he would not give up so easily, I took a deep breath, reached Ruby and Gastin and turned to my brother.

Yes-ah-ah ... - drawled Andre. - I see it for the first time. Irzhina, are you sure you don't want to enter the academy of magic?

I'm waiting for an explanation! - I said loudly to them, so they remained at a decent distance.

Irzhik, you just bypass this section in an arc, - Arman finally deigned to explain.

What? - I did not understand.

Straight up, sis. You went through this part of the corridor three times and all three times you went around something that only you can smell. And all the time I clung to this wall, - Gregorian pointed with his hand to the wall, closer to which I kept. "So there's something dangerous or unpleasant over there."

I looked with interest at the place that I, it turns out, was trying to get around without even noticing it.

Lady, Gasten activated. - I'm sorry, but if it's dangerous here, we need to go back. The Emperor will execute us if even a hair falls from your head.

Gastin, don't be nervous. With us is a firehound, two battle mages and two warriors. What can happen?

Lady, I beg your pardon, but it's my job to protect you, - the young man remained adamant.

The elves began to exchange glances, but did not interfere in the conversation, and Gasten quickly depicted something on the fingers of Lalin. He nodded and took out the ##1 linker.

# # 1 Linkker is a communicator, a cross between a phone and a tablet.

The boy frowned, adjusted his weapon, but nodded.

Hey! Will we check? - Armand nodded at that piece of the road, which I tried to bypass.

Andre, Eric, Greg, and a visibly alarmed Lalin all shouted out at the same time:

In no case!

Do not dare!

Lords, I...

Boys, come to me along this wall, - I affectionately called them.

But after all, nothing happened when your dog and bodyguard passed, - looking into my eyes, said Arman.

I shrugged my shoulders, since I didn’t understand magic and traps at all, and looked inquiringly at Andre. It's them with Eric graduating from the academy of magic, and even the faculty of combat magic.

Arman, there are traps that only work if you step on a strictly defined point. One brick or pebble and - bang! And if you step next to it, nothing will happen. It is quite possible to assume that now everything happened just like that - the first two simply did not step on the trap, - the elf explained to his younger brother.

We continued our way in the same order, but I saw that Lalin was talking to someone on the linker. And Gasten, I asked him to walk beside me and adapt to my trajectory. He, of course, tried to argue and prove that he should go ahead, but I convinced him by explaining that we had a firehound going first. And of course, she could do more than he, if some sudden danger happened. And I... Well, I am me. And if I intuitively feel something that could be dangerous, then it is I who, in theory, need to go ahead of the group. So the guy had to accept, gritting his teeth, but he began to move more collectedly, and was clearly on his guard.

The corridor was surprisingly long. We walked for another ten minutes, and Gregorian called to me three times. It turned out that I again began to go around some gaps in the path, clinging to one wall or the other. Gastin walked beside me and couldn't see it, he just got used to me. And the elves walking behind, Greg and the increasingly nervous Lalin, clearly saw this.

Finally, the corridor ended and ran into a carved double door.

Wow! What's this? - Armand exclaimed cheerfully and rushed to feel the bas-reliefs.

We peered at the bloody paintings depicted on the door. An ancient master carved living creatures with pinpoint precision. Humans on horseback, elves on large fanged felines, orcs and trolls on armored ##1 war muratonds, foot gnomes and lygrasses... And they all fought. And judging by the fact that two camps fought against each other, equally consisting of mixed races, then ... I'm sure that what we just saw is the Great Schism # # 2 in the form that the master who worked on this battle scene.

Irzhina. Destiny can not be avoided Milena Zavoychinskaya

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Title: Irina. Destiny can not be avoided

About the book "Irzhina. The destined cannot be avoided" Milena Zavoychinskaya

It's a paradox, but what a huge role chance plays in our lives. One has only to think about how it becomes clear that almost every day of our lives is filled with a number of events in which, His Majesty, chance, also tried. Of course, scientists and philosophers also considered this phenomenon far and wide, but they did not make an unambiguous verdict. An accident is something that just happens to us and that's it. However, there is another version, according to which, this is not an accident, but the very thing that is destined, that is, fate. Be that as it may, we all, one way or another, try to turn the course of events in the direction we need, to bypass fate. But ... no one can answer whether at least someone succeeded, at least once or not.

And if the theme of the predestined and the theme of chance is so relevant for people, is it worth saying how important it is for literary heroes? By the way, true bookworms, over time, become so attached to their favorite characters that they begin to perceive them as real people, in which one can trace the real genius of the author.

Milena Zavoychinskaya is one of those wonderful authors whose characters become real good friends for their readers. Her new novel “Irzhina. Destined to be avoided "was the final book of a magnificent trilogy about the adventures of Lady Irzhina.

In the center of the plot, the reader will meet a wonderful world, divided into two kingdoms. This world is an incredible combination of the strongest ancient magic and, oddly enough, technology. In this world, the beautiful main character Irzhina lives, a recognized clever and beautiful woman. But chance plays an incredible role in her life. Suddenly, her cloudless life ends when they decide to marry her to an old man. But thanks to extraordinary abilities and natural ingenuity, the heroine manages to escape. And the further events of her life develop solely by chance. And even the fact that a mysterious emperor appears in her life, and old family secrets begin to be gradually revealed is another case. Although, perhaps, the will of the gods and the elements plays a role here.

In the book "Irzhina. The predestined cannot be avoided ”the reader will find answers to all the questions that so intrigued him in the first parts, all i will be dotted and there will be no omissions left. The fate of minor characters will also be told in more than detail. Zavoychinskaya did her best to ensure that the final part was in no way inferior to the first two. Enjoy an exciting read.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book by Milena Zavoychinskaya “Irzhina. Destiny cannot be avoided" in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Irzhik! Wait a minute! Greg called to me, and I obediently stopped.

Ruby and Gasten also froze and turned to us.

We walked along an underground corridor lined with stones. Ruby ran ahead, followed by one of our bodyguards - Gasten. Behind them is me. The trinity of elves and Greg were chattering and therefore trailed behind, and our second bodyguard, Lalin, brought up the rear.

This corridor began from a tiny grotto located not far from the central fountain. Immediately after the meeting, Armand, Andre and Eric took us there, saying that they had found an old underground passage. That, they say, it is in good condition, the lighting is natural, since there are small cracks in the ceiling through which sunlight penetrates. And today they were going to investigate - where does it lead.

I was upset at that moment, because I dressed in light clothes and already mentally imagined what kind of stuffed animal I would look like after walking through the ancient underground catacombs. But to my surprise it was quite clean. Or because through the cracks in the ceiling penetrated not only sunlight, but also rainwater, thus washing away dust and dirt. Or maybe because there was magic that kept the move clean. But be that as it may, so far we have not had time to get dirty.

Irzhik, could you come back to us? called the brother.

Looking around, I saw with bewilderment that the guys had fallen behind and were now standing about twenty steps away.

What for? I asked.

No, you first come back, and then I'll tell you, - the brother demanded with an intriguing look.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walked back to them. She moved closer and looked at Greg.

Here! Seen? And I told you! - with an incredibly pleased look, he turned to the elves.

And what could this mean? Armand was the first to ask, and there was such anticipation in his voice that I felt uneasy.

Trap? - with a serious look asked his older brother, Andre.

I don't feel anything, - calmly replied Eric.

And I tell you that if Irzhik smells, then one hundred percent there is something there! - rubbing his hands, exclaimed Greg.

So! Do you want to explain anything to me? - I could not stand it.

Now! My brother looked at me with glowing eyes. - Irzhik, go forward again to Ruby.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

Well, please! - the shaggy monster whined, not paying attention to the chuckles of the elves and the serious look of Lalin standing behind us.

Explain first, I said.

Honestly, I'll tell you everything as soon as you pass.

Realizing that he would not give up so easily, I took a deep breath, reached Ruby and Gastin and turned to my brother.

Yes-ah-ah ... - drawled Andre. - I see it for the first time. Irzhina, are you sure you don't want to enter the academy of magic?

I'm waiting for an explanation! - I said loudly to them, as they remained at a decent distance.

Irzhik, you just go around this section in an arc, - Arman finally deigned to explain.

What? - I did not understand.

Straight up, sis. You went through this part of the corridor three times and all three times you went around something that only you can smell. And all the time I clung to this wall, - Gregorian pointed with his hand to the wall, closer to which I kept. "So there's something dangerous or unpleasant over there."

I looked with interest at the place that I, it turns out, was trying to get around without even noticing it.

Lady, Gasten activated. - I'm sorry, but if it's dangerous here, we need to go back. The Emperor will execute us if even a hair falls from your head.

Gastin, don't be nervous. With us is a firehound, two battle mages and two warriors. What can happen?

Lady, I beg your pardon, but it's my job to protect you, - the young man remained adamant.

The elves began to exchange glances, but did not interfere in the conversation, and Gasten quickly depicted something on the fingers of Lalin. He nodded and took out the ##1 linker.

#1 Linkker is a communicator, a cross between a phone and a tablet.

The boy frowned, adjusted his weapon, but nodded.

Hey! Will we check? - Armand nodded at that piece of the road, which I tried to bypass.

Andre, Eric, Greg, and a visibly alarmed Lalin all shouted out at the same time:

In no case!

Lords, I...

Boys, come to me along this wall, - I affectionately called them.

But after all, nothing happened when your dog and bodyguard passed, - looking into my eyes, said Arman.

I shrugged my shoulders, since I didn’t understand magic and traps at all, and looked inquiringly at Andre. It's them with Eric graduating from the academy of magic, and even the combat faculty.

Arman, there are traps that only work if you step on a strictly defined point. One brick or pebble and - bang! And if you step next to it, nothing will happen. It is quite possible to assume that now everything happened just like that - the first two simply did not step on the trap, - the elf explained to his younger brother.

We continued our way in the same order, but I saw that Lalin was talking to someone on the linker. And Gasten, I asked him to walk beside me and adapt to my trajectory. He, of course, tried to argue and prove that he should go ahead, but I convinced him by explaining that we had a firehound going first. And of course, she could do more than he, if some sudden danger happened. And I... Well, I am me. And if I intuitively feel something that could be dangerous, then it is I who, in theory, need to go ahead of the group. So the guy had to accept, gritting his teeth, but he began to move more collectedly, and was clearly on his guard.

The corridor was surprisingly long. We walked for another ten minutes, and Gregorian called to me three times. It turned out that I again began to go around some gaps in the path, clinging to one wall or the other. Gastin walked beside me and couldn't see it, he just got used to me. And the elves walking behind, Greg and the increasingly nervous Lalin, clearly saw this.

Finally, the corridor ended and ran into a carved double door.

Wow! What's this? - Armand exclaimed cheerfully and rushed to feel the bas-reliefs.

We peered into the bloody paintings depicted on the doors. An ancient master carved living creatures with pinpoint accuracy. Humans on horseback, elves riding large fanged felines, orcs and trolls on ##1 armored war muratonds, foot gnomes and lygrasses... And they all fought. And judging by the fact that two camps fought against each other, equally consisting of mixed races, then ... I'm sure that what we just saw is the Great Schism # # 2 in the form that the master who worked on this battle scene.

#1 Muratond is a large animal that lives in areas with a hot climate. It has big ears and a long trunk. The males have long tusks.

#2 The Great Schism is a historical period in Alsaril. The starting point is the beginning of a civil war between the followers of two directions of magic - Light and Darkness. The end of the period falls on the split of a single continent into two parts, on which two empires were subsequently formed - Light and Dark.

Great Schism? asked Armand in a reverent whisper.

Looks like it,” said Andre. - And the work is clearly elven. If there were metal, then gnomes, but this is an enchanted oak. So exactly our masters carved.


Irzhina-03. The predestined cannot be avoided (Milena Zavoychinskaya), Elena Klyuchkina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Milena Zavoychinskaya
Release year: 2016
Genre: Fantasy romance
Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Elena Klyuchkina
Duration: 11:44:17
Description: The irrepressible craving for everything interesting and unknown again threw Irzhina, first into an adventure, and then into the arms of the emperor. And in the literal sense - she fell on his knees right out of thin air, and only this saved her life. And it turned out that these hugs are not at all scary, so was it worth it to be so afraid? Meetings with mysterious relatives on my mother's side, the discovery of family secrets and secrets, new acquaintances and knowledge. All this is ahead. But is everything happening in her life by itself? Is it an accident or the will of the gods and the elements? Is the heroine capable of replaying fate, or is the destined not to be avoided?

Irzhina-01. Everything is not what it seems...
Irzhina-02. Random - not random
Irzhina-03. Destined to be avoided - this release

Add. Information: Read from the publication: M .: "Alpha-book", 2015.
Musical accompaniment: partially present (at the beginning and end of chapters and pauses)
For the audiobook, thanks to the torrent tracker "Rutreker" and its moderator beckham48


Irzhina-02. Random is not accidental (Milena Zavoychinskaya), Elena Klyuchkina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 48kbps
Author: Milena Zavoychinskaya
Release year: 2015

Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Elena Klyuchkina
Duration: 11:02:32
Description: Irzhina's life has returned to normal: she has a house, the Emperor himself provided her with a job, she has made friends, and her favorite hobby has not gone away. It would seem, live and rejoice. But why was it necessary to open a secret portal directly from the imperial palace? By chance? And she illegally entered the neighboring principality - also by chance? And apparently, she also got married quite by accident ... And when she already understands ...


Irzhina-01. Everything is not as it seems... (Milena Zavoychinskaya), Elena Klyuchkina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 56kbps
Author: Milena Zavoychinskaya
Release year: 2015
Genre: Fantasy romance
Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Elena Klyuchkina
Duration: 11:07:11
Description: A loving father suddenly turns into a despot and forces him to marry a respectable old man? Dark Empire - the abode of evil and vice? Dark ones are the scariest creatures in the world? So it seemed to Irzhina, who had lived all her life in the Empire of Light, until the events around her forced wedding began to spin like a death vortex. But if you can't handle the situation and win, then run and...


Algorithm troubles (Nadezhda Mamaeva), Elena Klyuchkina]

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Author: Mamaeva Nadezhda
Release year: 2017
Genre fiction
Publisher: IDDC
Artist: Elena Klyuchkina
Duration: 08:48:38
Description: "Troubles according to the algorithm" - a fantastic story by Nadezhda Mamaeva, genre of combat fantasy, space fantasy. Are you a cadet from a school on the outskirts of the galaxy, but at the annual races you managed to beat the clear favorite, a graduate of the flight academy, and even after that, glorify an unsuccessful rival? Well, she asked herself, expect major troubles that grow like a snowball in an algorithm predetermined by fate ...


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Format: audiobook, MP3, 54kbps
Author: Lisina Aleksandra
Release year: 2017
Genre: Women's fantasy
Publisher: 1C
Artist: Elena Alekseeva
Duration: 10:34:23
Description: Unusual storylines, skillfully written characters of heroes, also not quite ordinary, subtle humor, touching love lines - all this can be traced in the books of the young writer Alexandra Lisina. Your attention is invited to a novel in the fantasy genre, where the main character Hel, a girl with supernatural powers, did not marry of her own free will: she lost one dispute ... Her husband turned out to be a real one ...

but I

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Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Natalia Eremich
Release year: 2011
Genre: Technical literature
Publisher: Peter
Series: Auto Crib
Russian language
Number of pages: 192
Description: After reading the book, you will be surprised that the car door opens with an ordinary wire, the siren and immobilizer are "killed" with almost bare hands, the ignition is turned on without a key and you will understand how to deal with it. You will find out why cars are stolen, what their fate is, how they are searched for and why they are not found. Read what to do if something terrible happened, how...

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Release year: 2006
Author: Vitaly Protov
Artist: Dmitry Savin
Genre: psychology, relationships
Publisher: Audiobook
Duration: 05:30:00
Description: Vitaly Protov answers frequently asked serious and sometimes painful questions with his usual share of irony and humor, reflecting his conviction that intimate relations between a man and a woman are the most exciting and joyful side of life, and one should strive to ensure that it does not darkened. And for this you need to have knowledge, because a man and a woman in relation to each other are aliens, who for ...


Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask, or "Death Machine" (Sergey Ustinov)

Author: Ustinov Sergey
Release year: 2015
Genre: Detective, thriller
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere

Duration: 10:50:05
Description: Studying the circumstances of a number of "accidental" deaths that occurred in a short time on the streets of Moscow, journalist Igor Maksimov comes to a shocking conclusion: a powerful and carefully conspiratorial criminal organization is operating in the city, putting death on the stream and ready to provide its clients with any kind of "murderous" services. Feeling the attention from the bandits, the journalist understands that he...


Do not believe, do not be afraid, do not ask, or the Death Machine (Ustinov Sergey)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Ustinov Sergey
Release year: 2015
Genre: Detective
Publisher: You can't buy anywhere
Artist: Vyacheslav Gerasimov
Duration: 10:50:46
Description: Studying the circumstances of a number of "accidental" deaths that occurred in a short time on the streets of Moscow, journalist Igor Maksimov comes to a shocking conclusion: a powerful and carefully conspiratorial criminal organization is operating in the city, putting death on the stream and ready to provide its clients with any kind of "murderous" services. Feeling the attention from the bandits, the journalist realizes that the next victim...


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Author: Herzen Alexander
Release year: 2014
Genre: Classic
Publisher: Do-it-yourself audiobook / Bibe
Artist: Karnaukh Valery
Duration: 01:28:30
Description: ...In the story "Elena" the author does not highlight the shortcomings of society. Of course, Herzen could not fail to show the futility of the existence of some people. But still, devotion, love, the fire of life, decency, forgiveness, compassion shine here.


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Author: Jacques Offenbach
Year of issue: 1948
Genre: Radio play
Publisher: Gosteleradiofond
Artist: Nadezhda Kemarskaya, Anatoly Orfenov, Sergei Tsenin, Vladimir Kandelaki, Nikolai Makeev, Tamara Yanko, Georgy Doinikov
Duration: 01:33:23
Description: "Beautiful Elena" was written by J. Offenbach in 1864. All the action takes place in Ancient Greece. The Temple of Mars is deserted and all gifts are carried to the Temple of Venus. Disguised as a shepherd, the son of the Trojan king, Paris, brings a gift to Aphrodite, hoping to find out the name of the most beautiful woman of Sparta as a reward. Temple Priest...


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Year of issue: 2007- 2008
Genre: Ironic detective
Publisher: Vira-m, ARDIS
Artist: Gelena Ivlieva, Svetlana Yakovleva, Ekaterina Semenova, Julia Men
Duration: 38:00:18
Description: Elena Logunova is a modern Russian writer, a new star of the ironic detective story. It can be safely called the successor of the traditions of Joanna Khmelevskaya, a recognized classic of this genre. Logunova is able to find something funny in the most ordinary life situations, while her books are distinguished by an exciting adventurous plot and sparkling humorous...


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Author: Anna Veles
Year of issue: 2016-2017
Genre: Gothic detective
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 5 books
Description: TV journalist Elena Davydova did not advertise her gift so as not to be considered crazy: she had magical abilities and carried out orders - she investigated frightening incidents in which mysticism was involved. No one could have imagined that the Bureau of Magical Services, which Elena Davydova recently opened, would be so popular in their small town. Elena and her friends-colleagues, magicians of a wide profile...


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Author: Elena Mikhalkova
Year of release: 2008-2013
Genre: Detective
Publisher: Eksmo
Russian language
Number of books: 23
Description: Elena Mikhalkova was born in Nizhny Novgorod. There she graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University. Lobachevsky. During my studies, I started working. At one time she worked as an assistant investigator in the police department. Then she began to write diplomas and dissertations to order, doing this for about five years, because in her hometown it brought income incomparable to the earnings of a lawyer. Moved to Moscow. Once one summer in a remote village without children's books ...


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Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Elena Arsenieva
Year of issue: 1984-2016
Genre: Historical romance novels, detective story, fantasy
Publisher: various
Russian language
Number of books: 166 books
Description: Elena Arsenyeva, this is a literary pseudonym, real name: Elena Arsenyevna Grushko, nee Vasilyeva - A well-known Soviet Russian writer, journalist, philologist and screenwriter. Member of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. Author of numerous love-adventurous, historical and crime novels. It is considered the founder of the unique genre of the Russian ladies' novel. Born September 17th...

Milena Zavoychinskaya

Irzhina. Destiny can not be avoided

Only the gods are open destiny.

Yesterday's casual acquaintance in a tavern with a trinity of elves continued quite unexpectedly. I, like a decent girl, dressed up in the expectation that the same decent young elves - two of whom, by the way, are the prince's heirs, and the third is the son of the prince's adviser, will take us on a pleasant walk to show ... What exactly Armand wanted to show me, junior prince, I did not know. Yesterday, he did not reveal this secret, he only swore an oath that it was very interesting and unusual there.

Unusual is not the right word. And how extraordinary!

We walked along an underground corridor lined with stones. My fiery demoness Ruby ran ahead, followed by one of our bodyguards - Gasten. Behind them is me. The trinity of elves and Gregorian chatted and therefore trudged behind, and our second bodyguard, Lalin, brought up the rear.

This corridor began from a tiny grotto, located not far from the fountain in the center of the seaside town of Solineli. The one that is located near the imperial villa. Immediately after the meeting at the agreed time, Armand, Andre and Eric took us on the promised excursion, saying that they had found an old underground passage. Like, it is in good condition, the lighting is natural, as there are small cracks in the ceiling through which sunlight penetrates. And today they were going to investigate where the course leads. And they took us with them.

When I learned about the upcoming journey, I was upset at first, because I dressed in bright clothes and already imagined what kind of scarecrow I would look like after walking through the ancient underground catacombs. But, to my surprise, it turned out to be quite clean. Either because not only sunlight, but also rainwater penetrated through the cracks in the ceiling, thus washing away dust and dirt, or because magic took place that kept this passage clean. But be that as it may, so far we have not had time to get dirty.

- Irzhik! Wait a minute! Greg called to me, and I obediently stopped.

Ruby and Gasten also froze and turned around.

- Irzhik, could you return to us? the brother asked.

Looking around, I saw with bewilderment that the guys had fallen behind and were now standing about twenty steps from us.

- Why? I asked.

“No, you come back first, and then I'll tell you,” Greg demanded with an intriguing look.

Shrugging my shoulders, I walked back to them. She approached and looked at him.

- Here! Seen? And I told you! - with an incredibly pleased look, the brother turned to the elves.

– And what does that mean? Armand asked, and there was such anticipation in his voice that I felt uneasy.

- A trap? - with a serious look, his older brother Andre said.

"I don't feel anything," Eric replied calmly.

- And I say that if Irzhik smells, then one hundred percent - there is something there! Gregorian exclaimed, rubbing his hands.

- So! Do you want to explain anything to me? - I could not stand it.

- Now! My brother looked at me with burning eyes. - Irzhik, go ahead again, to Ruby.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting for an explanation.

- Well, please! the shaggy monster whined, ignoring the chuckles of the elves and the serious look of Lalin standing behind him.

“First an explanation,” I said.

“Honestly, I’ll tell you everything as soon as you pass.

Realizing that he would not give up so easily, I took a deep breath, reached Ruby and Gasten and turned to the guys.

“Yeah…” Andre drawled. - This is the first time I've seen it. Irzhina, are you sure you don't want to enter the academy of magic?

I'm waiting for an explanation! - she said loudly to them, as they remained standing at a decent distance.

“Jiri, you see, you go around this section in an arc,” Arman finally deigned to explain.

- In terms of? - I did not understand.

“Right, sis. You passed this segment of the corridor three times, and all three times you carefully skirted something that only you can smell. At the same time, I was clinging to this wall all the time,” Gregorian intervened and pointed with his hand to the wall, closer to which I kept. – So, there is something dangerous or unpleasant over there, – and pointed his finger in the opposite direction.

I looked with interest at the place, which, it turns out, I was trying to bypass without even noticing it.

“Lady,” Gasten activated. “I'm sorry, but if it's dangerous here, we need to get back. The Emperor will execute us if even a hair falls from your head.

- Gastin, don't be nervous. With us is a firehound, two battle mages and two warriors. What can happen?

“Lady, I beg your pardon, but it is my job to protect you,” the young man remained adamant.

The elves began to exchange glances, but did not interfere in the conversation, and Gasten quickly showed something on his fingers to Lalin. He nodded and pulled out a linker.

The boy frowned, adjusted his weapon, but nodded.

- Hey! Will we check? - Armand nodded at the gap in the corridor where I tried to bypass something invisible.

Andre, Eric, Greg, and a visibly alarmed Lalin all shouted out at the same time:

- In no case!

- Do not dare!

Lords, I...

“Boys, come to me along this wall,” I affectionately called them.

“But nothing happened when your dog and bodyguard passed,” Armand said, looking into my eyes.

I shrugged my shoulders, since I didn’t understand magic and traps at all, and looked inquiringly at Andre. It's them with Eric graduating from the academy of magic, and even at the combat faculty.

– Armand, there are traps that work only if you step on a strictly defined point. One brick or pebble, and - bang! And if you step on it, nothing will happen. It is quite possible to assume that now everything happened just like that - the first two did not step on the place of activation of the trap, - the elf explained to his younger brother.

We continued our way in the same order, but I saw that Lalin was talking to someone on the linker. And I asked Gastin to walk beside me and adjust to my trajectory. Of course, he tried to argue and prove that he should go ahead, but I convinced him, explaining that the fire hound was going first. And she, of course, will be able to do more than he, if some sudden danger happens. And I… Well, I am me. And since I intuitively feel that it can be dangerous, it is I who, in theory, need to go ahead of the group. So the guy, although gritting his teeth, had to put up with it, but he began to move more collectedly and was clearly on his guard.

The corridor was surprisingly long. We walked for another ten minutes, and Gregorian called to me three times. It turned out that I again began to go around some gaps in the path, clinging to one wall or the other. Gastin walked beside me and could not see this, as he adjusted himself to me. And the elves walking behind, Greg and the increasingly nervous Lalin could clearly see this.

Finally the corridor ended and ran into a carved double door.

- Wow! What's this? - Armand exclaimed cheerfully and rushed to feel the bas-reliefs.

We peered into the bloody paintings depicted on the doors. An ancient master carved living creatures with pinpoint precision. People on horseback, elves sitting on large fanged felines, orcs and trolls on armored fighting muratonds, foot gnomes and ligrass... And they all fought. And judging by the fact that two camps, equally composed of mixed races, fought against each other ... I am sure that what we have just seen is the Great Schism in the form in which the woodworker who worked on this battle scene remembered it.

- Great Schism? Armand asked in a reverent whisper.

“Looks like it,” Andre replied. - And the work is clearly elven. If it were made of metal, then it would be gnomes, but it is an enchanted oak. So exactly our masters carved.

With spiritual trepidation, I examined the terrifying bloody drama that the ancient master depicted. Everything turned out to be worked out so carefully that one could see the pupils of the elves' riding cats, the tusks of the muratonds. Thin raised lines indicated the flowing manes of horses, and drops and streams of blood flowing down the armor of warriors looked like real ones, only tiny.

What do you think is behind the door? Greg was the first to ask the question that interests all of us.

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