Valery Bolshakov. Swordsman from the future

Valery Bolshakov is known for his remarkable stories about hitmen. His books immediately become bestsellers. Why? Probably because the author has the talent necessary to create them. Despite the fact that all the writer's books are written in the style of heroic fantasy, the stories he creates are always different and interesting. By reading, you get the opportunity to learn something new and unusual. The characters in the books go either to the past or to the future. Always and everywhere they find their place in life, as they have a variety of talents.

If you have never read the writer's books, start with the novel The Sword of Prophetic Oleg. A swordsman from the future." The main character of the adventure story is Oleg Sukhov, a desperate time traveler. He managed to visit the most incredible alterations, but he always came out of them with honor and dignity. And now, in the vastness of the new story “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future "he is waiting for a string of amazing adventures.

Oleg found himself in the distant 9th century, when the situation in Russia was difficult and unstable. But Oleg's knowledge will help put things in order here. After all, he is an athlete fencer, which means he can give odds to any enemy. And at that time Ancient Russia had a huge number of them. The main character, along with new companions, will have to face the Normans and Swedes, evil and powerful tribes. With weapons in hand, he will go through the most dangerous ambushes, overcome difficult obstacles, following all the instructions of the commander. For this, Prince Rurik will reward him, and also call him "Prophetic." It is in this respect that the main character will be, he is our contemporary, among the mighty Rus. It is better to read about all the exploits of Oleg in the open spaces of the book “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. A swordsman from the future." Watching the incredible adventures of the hero, you will spend many magical hours.

And after reading the historical fiction novel “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the Future”, you will immediately become a fan of the writer. Valery Bolshakov writes in a beautiful artistic style. Reading his time travel novels is always exciting. The author is a very funny and positive person. His books exude special warmth and sincerity, despite the mass of heroic deeds of the main characters. There are no scenes of violence in the novels, so reading causes only pleasant emotions. In the vastness of the book you can find a lot of historical information that will expand your horizons. After reading the work, you will have a desire to get acquainted with other adventures of Oleg Sukhov. Why restrain yourself! Read for health. Valery Bolshakov created many stories about a tireless traveler for each of you.

On our literary site, you can download the book by Valery Bolshakov “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the Future" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always follow the release of new products? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern science fiction, literature on psychology and children's editions. In addition, we offer interesting and informative articles for beginner writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting.

Valery Bolshakov

Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future

© Bolshakov V.P., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2016

Chapter 1

Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2007

... A sharpened arrow struck Oleg on the shoulder, slashing the skin and bleeding. Nonsense, a matter of life. Not before!

They took his girlfriend away! A shaggy Viking, knee-deep in water, dragged the captive by the scythe, cackling loudly, and the captive thrashed her hairy paw with small fists. Oleg rushed to the pirate, drawing his samurai katana sword. The Viking saw Oleg, but he did not let the girl go, he only wound a braid around his hand. The beauty could not resist and fell to her knees in the churned water. The swords crossed. Repulsing the blow, Oleg, in a rage, slashed the robber on the hand, clinging to the scythe. The katana sliced ​​off the limb cleanly, as if the steel hoop hadn't been there. The girl fell on all fours, sobbing, untangling a bloody stump from her hair in an iron glove and looked, looked at Oleg, without turning away her sobbing face, without tearing her huge pleading eyes.

* * *

... Oleg Sukhov was awakened by the cat Onufry. Kotyara yelled under the door, demanding to immediately let in, feed and warm.

- C-brine! Oleg hissed, sitting up in bed. After all, ten minutes more could have been lying around! He rubbed his eyes, touched his forehead with his hand. The forehead was wet. F-fu! Well, a dream! An action movie with elements of eroticism, as they say in the annotations for films. And how bright! As if not a dream at all ... Oleg got up from the ruined bed and slapped to the carpet on the wall. A collection was hung on the carpet - a pair of daggers, a real trihedral misericord, which was used to finish off knights, punching through armor, a wavy Malay kris, a sword of the Carolingian era. And on the stand-katemoto reclined a katana - the same one from a dream. Sukhov ran his hand lovingly over the black-lacquered magnolia-wood scabbard of the saya, clenched the long three-and-a-half-fist handle wrapped in a sharkskin strap, and pulled out the blade. The metal, polished by the ancient master, seemed transparent, like silver-gray ice. A pattern showed through the blade, depicting thousands of forgings. The frosty shine of the sword was mesmerizing…

To tell the truth, Oleg had already forgotten when an avid interest in "striking steel" woke up in him. In the class, probably the third ... Yes, then the timid Olezhek, “mamsik” and “sneaky-snag”, himself crossed the threshold of the Espada club, where the ex-fencing champion of the region taught the boys to fight with swords. Oleg no longer remembered the name of the ex-champion, but his name was Boris Borisovich. But everyone reduced this appeal to Bor Borich. “Bor Borich, tell Oleg! Why is he fighting without a mask? - "And you?"

In high school, Sukhov was engaged in the section of saber fencers, even earned the first youth category, but gave up the sport. Some kind of dissatisfaction with weapons lived in him, something was missing for complete happiness. And in the first year of the institute, Oleg enrolled in a kenjutsu group, saw a katana and was struck by its cold, deadly beauty. The katana stabbed like a sword and cut like a saber, and at the same time it was a sword. And in Olegova’s soul everything worked out, everything grew together ...

* * *

Onufry, sensing the owner, yelled a good obscenity.

- Right now! Oleg barked.

Passing into the hallway, Sukhov clicked the lock. The door opened, and the cat, purring gratefully, entered the room. And quickly, quickly trotted in the direction of the kitchen.

- You are a dog! - called Sukhov, but the cat did not react to the insult. - You only know what to eat, eat, eat!

Onufry barked in the sense that yes, of course, we stand on that.

“Think about the spiritual, animal! Oleg admonished the cat, walking into the kitchen.

Opening a jar of Whiskas, he generously poured out a treat. The soulless animal twirled right there, poking its nose.

While Oleg washed, shaved, dressed, the cat managed to devour everything clean.

- Meow! Onufry declared, licking his lips and squinting. They say it would be nice to add ...

“You’ll manage,” Oleg muttered, sitting down on a stool. - Mice must be caught!

Onufry, having learned that the second portion did not shine for him, jumped onto Oleg's knees and lay down in their entire length, releasing contentedly.

Mar 3, 2017

Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future Valery Bolshakov

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Title: Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future

About the book “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future" Valery Bolshakov

"Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. A swordsman from the future is the first book in Valery Bolshakov's Law of the Sword series. In 2008, the book was published under the title The Law of the Sword. Trilogy”, and in 2016 it was re-released for some reason under a new name.

The plot of the story about Oleg Sukhov and his friend Shurka Donuts who fell into ancient Russia is simple and banal. However, from the title of the book “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. A swordsman from the future ”, we immediately understand that Oleg, who, together with the doctor Shurka, initially falls into the lowest class, will soon get out of the rags to riches. After all, Prophetic Oleg was the Prince of Novgorod, and then the Great of Kiev. And the author of The Tale of Bygone Years called him the Prophet for his ability to foresee the future.

Of course, Oleg Sukhov, a hitman, comes out precisely on the ability to foresee the future, which he allegedly knows from a history textbook. But be careful! If you are seriously interested in the history of Kievan Rus, read “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future "you should not. Valery Bolshakov handles history more than freely, missing some events by a century or two.

However, the genre of alternative history itself does not imply either exact dates or a scrupulous study of history. That is why it is called "alternative" - ​​each author can deviate from the real story as much as his own fantasy allows him. Bolshakov confused history buffs precisely by the fact that he gave free rein to fantasy within the framework of well-known events. If his Prophetic Oleg flew on a dragon to America, everyone would immediately understand that this is a fantasy. And the campaign of the Varangians against Constantinople is a real fact, although it did not happen during the time of Prince Oleg, but two hundred years later ...

But if you are determined to read a military science fiction action movie and are not going to catch the author on historical mistakes, then the book “The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the Future”, most likely you will like it. Valery Bolshakov writes easily and tasty, he is good at stylization. Prophetic Oleg Sukhov is also a pretty nice character. Mainly because everything is not given to him as easily as the average hitman. He often makes mistakes and gets into a mess, trying to fit into the surrounding reality.

If you like the book "The Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the Future”, then pay attention to the entire cycle “The Law of the Sword”. Valery Bolshakov wrote ten more books about the adventures of Prophetic Oleg in Ancient Russia: “Swordsman”, “Master”, “Bagatur”, “Boyarin”, “Caesar”, “Musketeer”, “Captain”, “Commander”, “Pirate”, "Barbarian Coast"

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book “The Sword of Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the Future" by Valery Bolshakov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

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Valery Bolshakov

Sword of the Prophetic Oleg. Swordsman from the future

© Bolshakov V.P., 2016

© Yauza Publishing House LLC, 2016

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2016

Chapter 1

Saint Petersburg, Russia. 2007

... A sharpened arrow struck Oleg on the shoulder, slashing the skin and bleeding. Nonsense, a matter of life. Not before!

They took his girlfriend away! A shaggy Viking, knee-deep in water, dragged the captive by the scythe, cackling loudly, and the captive thrashed her hairy paw with small fists. Oleg rushed to the pirate, drawing his samurai katana sword. The Viking saw Oleg, but he did not let the girl go, he only wound a braid around his hand. The beauty could not resist and fell to her knees in the churned water. The swords crossed. Repulsing the blow, Oleg, in a rage, slashed the robber on the hand, clinging to the scythe. The katana sliced ​​off the limb cleanly, as if the steel hoop hadn't been there. The girl fell on all fours, sobbing, untangling a bloody stump from her hair in an iron glove and looked, looked at Oleg, without turning away her sobbing face, without tearing her huge pleading eyes.

“To the trolls, you nidinga!” Oleg growled.

Spark. Rebuff. Spark. Shadow. Hit! The katana slammed into the bell-roaring pirate's bull neck, shattering the leather shell and opening the veins. The roar turned into a scream and choked. The sea robber's knees buckled, the last spark of consciousness died out in the light gray eyes, and the soul flew off into the gloomy Hel ...

* * *

... Oleg Sukhov was awakened by the cat Onufry. Kotyara yelled under the door, demanding to immediately let in, feed and warm.

- C-brine! Oleg hissed, sitting up in bed. After all, ten minutes more could have been lying around! He rubbed his eyes, touched his forehead with his hand. The forehead was wet. F-fu! Well, a dream! An action movie with elements of eroticism, as they say in the annotations for films. And how bright! As if not a dream at all ... Oleg got up from the ruined bed and slapped to the carpet on the wall. A collection was hung on the carpet - a pair of daggers, a real trihedral misericord, which was used to finish off knights, punching through armor, a wavy Malay kris, a sword of the Carolingian era. And on the stand-katemoto reclined a katana - the same one from a dream. Sukhov ran his hand lovingly over the black-lacquered magnolia-wood scabbard of the saya, clenched the long three-and-a-half-fist handle wrapped in a sharkskin strap, and pulled out the blade. The metal, polished by the ancient master, seemed transparent, like silver-gray ice. A pattern showed through the blade, depicting thousands of forgings. The frosty shine of the sword was mesmerizing…

To tell the truth, Oleg had already forgotten when an avid interest in "striking steel" woke up in him. In the class, probably the third ... Yes, then the timid Olezhek, “mamsik” and “sneaky-snag”, himself crossed the threshold of the Espada club, where the ex-fencing champion of the region taught the boys to fight with swords. Oleg no longer remembered the name of the ex-champion, but his name was Boris Borisovich. But everyone reduced this appeal to Bor Borich. “Bor Borich, tell Oleg! Why is he fighting without a mask? - "And you?"

In high school, Sukhov was engaged in the section of saber fencers, even earned the first youth category, but gave up the sport. Some kind of dissatisfaction with weapons lived in him, something was missing for complete happiness. And in the first year of the institute, Oleg enrolled in a kenjutsu group, saw a katana and was struck by its cold, deadly beauty. The katana stabbed like a sword and cut like a saber, and at the same time it was a sword. And in Olegova’s soul everything worked out, everything grew together ...

* * *

Onufry, sensing the owner, yelled a good obscenity.

- Right now! Oleg barked.

Passing into the hallway, Sukhov clicked the lock. The door opened, and the cat, purring gratefully, entered the room. And quickly-quickly trotted in the direction of the kitchen.

- You are a dog! - called Sukhov, but the cat did not react to the insult. - You only know what to eat, eat, eat!

Onufry barked in the sense that yes, of course, we stand on that.

“Think about the spiritual, animal! Oleg admonished the cat, walking into the kitchen.

Opening a jar of Whiskas, he generously poured out a treat. The soulless animal twirled right there, poking its nose.

While Oleg washed, shaved, dressed, the cat managed to devour everything clean.

- Meow! Onufry declared, licking his lips and squinting. They say it would be nice to add ...

“You’ll manage,” Oleg muttered, sitting down on a stool. - Mice must be caught!

Onufry, having learned that the second portion did not shine for him, jumped onto Oleg's knees and lay down in their entire length, releasing his claws contentedly. Sukhov stroked the cat, and a loud purr filled the kitchen.

Military fantasy action movie. Abandoned in the IX century, our man becomes the Prophetic Oleg. In our time, he was an athlete-swordsman, and the art of hand-to-hand combat is honored by the Rus, who live by the law of the sword. Popadanets will win freedom in the battles of the Russian Vikings against the Normans and the Swedes. He will burn the enemy drakkars and break through the Litvinian ambushes. He will become a Grid in the squad of Prince Rurik and will earn the honorary nickname "Prophetic"!

Yauza, 2016
Series: In the vortex of time
Exit according to plan: November 2016
Circulation: 2500 copies.
ISBN: 978-5-699-92693-0
Pages: 448
Cover illustration by A. Rudenko.

Cycle Law of the Sword

Sword Law (2008)

Book 1

Military fantasy thriller from the author of the bestsellers "Call Sign" Colorado "and" Saboteur No. 1 ". Abandoned in the IX century, our man becomes the Prophetic Oleg. In our time, he was an athlete-swordsman, and the art of hand-to-hand combat is honored by the Rus, who live by the law of the sword. "Popadanets" will win freedom in the battles of the Russian Vikings against the Normans and the Swedes. He will burn the enemy drakkars and break through the Litvinian ambushes. He will become a Grid in the squad of Prince Rurik and will earn the honorary nickname Prophetic!

Valery Bolshakov. Sword Bearer (2009)

Book 2

Oleg Sukhov, who ended up in the 9th century, where he was nicknamed the Prophet, almost believed that he was the very historical figure who was going to "take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars."

It turned out, however, that the true prince, comrade-in-arms and heir of Rurik, is called Khaleg Vedun.

No problem! Sukhov has become a real warrior and is quite capable of earning fame for himself!

He will find new comrades and new enemies, meet his beloved, and the emperor of Byzantium himself will raise him to the rank of a swordsman ...

Valery Bolshakov. Law of the sword - 11

Oleg Sukhov, a native of our time, an excellent fighter and pirate captain, left the Caribbean. He is no longer a pirate. Now he serves the king of France, exterminating the pirates from the Barbarian coast, Algerian and Turkish, who keep the whole of Europe in fear. Question: Why does Sukhov need the Barbarian Coast? Answer: there, near the border of the Sahara, stands the mysterious Ifrit Fortress. That's what our hero needs! But it's not easy to get to her.

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