Laws of prosperity: how to change your life in a week. How to change your life for the better in just a week How to change your life in 7 days

What do you know about yourself? What are you strong in? What qualities would you like to improve? Can you look at yourself from the outside in order to appreciate everything "as is"?

These questions are offered to you by Eric Bertrand Larssen, starting with them his new book "On the Limit", which was released by the publishing house "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber". And this is not a theoretical course from the category “How to become happy”, but a very specific methodology for self-development lasting 7 days. Her name is Hell Week.

hell week

Eric Larssen is a personal trainer for businessmen and Olympic champions in Norway, who has "outgrown" the scale of his country and is now practicing all over the world. In Russia, the book "On the Limit" launched a whole super-marathon: in two months, more than 3,000 people have already completed "Hell Week" and now share their experience in social networks under the tag #hellweek. Why has it become so popular and what is the essence of innovation? About everything in order.

Special forces psychotherapist

When we hear something new, we must first believe the narrator in order to experience it for ourselves. Otherwise, the information will remain empty. Eric Larssen is believed. Firstly, his numerous "pupils"-athletes really stood on the pedestals of the Olympic Games. Secondly, Larssen knows what he is talking about: special forces training and deep knowledge of psychology give a powerful joint effect.

Unit of personality

The Hell Week course originates from Larssen's military service. He, as a future officer, had to endure a very difficult test: a week of hard physical exertion with almost no breaks for sleep and food. In such conditions, units "survive". But later they become full-fledged units-personalities, and not some 25% of themselves. Because they cease to be afraid of any difficulties, having learned what their body and character are really capable of.

To become better

Larssen realized in just one week that he had always lived in his own comfort zone and used only a tiny part of his internal capabilities. He also saw that most people live their lives the same way. Therefore, taking the special forces course as a basis, Larssen created a unique intensive, focusing on ordinary "non-military" people: from housewives and students to office workers and businessmen. They all have one thing in common: if you want to become better, you can become better. Even the most successful people have a huge potential for further development. The ceiling does not exist. It's just that a lot of people don't know about it.

Out of comfort zone

The main difficulty of any introspection is not to realize, but to correct. Each change is an inevitable way out of the notorious comfort zone. Therefore, it is easier to come to terms with some of your traits than to fight them. But on the other side of the scale - fully lived every day of life! And here you can already think: is this comfort zone so inviolable and precious? Or is it worth trying to go beyond its limits, look at yourself from the outside and wake up your strength?

Action plan

Hell Week consists of seven days for which you do not need to take a vacation or completely change the daily routine. The highlight of the course is that it fits perfectly into everyday life, no matter what a person does. But it is natural that very important adjustments are made every day.

The general rules are:

Wake up at 05:00, hang up at 22:00

Morning run/exercise

Healthy food

TV ban

Restrictions on calls, SMS and chats with friends during business hours

One day for one problem

In addition to the general rules, each of the seven days has its own program, the essence of which is to work on one of your problematic qualities. You can stick to Larssen's schedule, but it's entirely possible to create your own based on your own knowledge of what needs to be improved or replaced in your personality. Let's go through the days of the week and see what the author offers.

Monday. We pay all attention to our habits - all the actions that we perform from day to day. First you need to identify them: write down on a piece of paper absolutely all your habits that you remember - both useful and harmful. You can even ask relatives and friends about them. Purpose: to get rid of bad and develop good habits.

Tuesday. Dedicated to focus. How to tune in to the right thing and not be distracted by dozens of secondary ones - this is the main message of the second day of hellish week.

Wednesday. You know the situation when everything falls out of your hands or you don’t know what to take on? The third day of the intensive is work with the distribution of your own time. In other words, time management. It is important not only to be able to make a plan for the day or even for the year, but also to put it into practice.

Thursday. When a person thinks that he is extremely exhausted, he must ask himself - in relation to what does he evaluate the level of his fatigue? Thursday changes those standards and raises the bar: what used to be a forced march will now seem like a walk in the park. This is the coolest day, which, in terms of discomfort, approaches the military source of the “hell week”. The feature of Thursday is that sleep at 22:00 is canceled! Instead of seven hours of sleep, do the things you've been putting off for a long time, like writing letters to relatives and getting your papers and files in order.

Friday. The next day is devoted to how to properly relax, using every free minute for this. Indeed, after a sleepless night, you still have to spend eight hours at work and you need to maintain a positive attitude and cheerfulness. As Erik Larssen says, vacation has a lot of faces. Changing activities, for example, can also be a great form of relaxation.

Saturday. This is a day of inner dialogue. Learn optimism and life-affirming thoughts! How to control your own thinking, weed out negative and obsessive thoughts, how to choose the right words and what questions to ask yourself - this is dedicated to Saturday.

Sunday. Take a break and take your time to think about everything that happened during these seven days. The experiment is over. You overcame difficult obstacles and in many cases acted very unusually for yourself. What has changed within you and around you? Do not rush to answer, awareness is not instantaneous, it comes gradually, like dawn.

The feeling of self-satisfaction from the difficulties you have gone through is a very valuable store of experience and knowledge that you can take with you and use it in the future when you need it. In the book "On the Limit" many saw the opportunity to "pump" themselves and multiply their own abilities in just 7 days.

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Do you want to test yourself? Pass a real test and find out your capabilities? Publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber presents a book by Norwegian coach Eric Bertrand Larssen called "On the Limit". This is a full-fledged intensive on personal development, which will forever change your attitude to life. Ready to live seven days at the limit of your ability? Getting started!

The first day

The first thing you need to do is deal with your habits. Each of us has daily rituals, but not all of them have a positive effect on our lives. And worst of all, some habits are hard to change.

However, research suggests that an action becomes a habit after a certain number of repetitions. It becomes an integral part of the reaction, and you no longer have to make a conscious effort, you just act. But during the period of formation of a new habit, it is extremely important to be extremely careful.

Remind yourself of new habits and note the positive results each time. Make sure that you have as many correct rituals as possible, and that negative habits disappear from your life.

Second day

The best results will help you achieve the right attitude and focus. Focus is a wonderful state. Any person is able to fully surrender to the process and apply all his strength to the task. Yet most people put in only 30 percent every day. Many never reach a hundred.

Plan what and when you will do. Do only one thing at a time and try not to get distracted. Concentrate on what you are doing here and now. There is nothing good in appearing busy trying to solve several tasks at the same time. Create the right mood.

Day Three

The next step is time management. Perhaps never before has time management been as difficult as it is today. Our professional and personal lives are affected by a myriad of external factors, and we need the highest level of self-discipline to stay focused. Previously, any work was understandable: everyone knew exactly what their day consisted of. Today, many find it difficult to determine when to stop, when to rest, and when enough has already been done. Tasks flow one into another - and so on ad infinitum.

To learn how to manage to do as many things as possible and at the same time allocate time for family, creativity and proper rest, you cannot do without a well-thought-out time management system. And start by making a to-do list. To do this, take a piece of paper in the morning and write down all the tasks that you need to do during the day. Prioritize and start with the most difficult task. If you act in this way, you will notice that with a well-planned plan, tasks are completed faster and you have enough time not only for work, but also for rest and communication with loved ones.

Day four

On this day you must complete all projects you are working on and also to do what they have been planning to do for so long. This is the best time to finish an annual report, figure out a new program, or prepare a strategy for the next month. To create your own project, learn a foreign language or read your favorite books.

But there is only one way to have time to do everything in one day - to give up sleep. You read it right, on the fourth day of hell week you should get out of your comfort zone as much as possible and stay awake for 24 hours.

This will allow you to finish unfinished business, as well as look at yourself and your strengths from the other side. Sketch out a to-do list and make coffee, you've got a productive night ahead of you.

Day five

After a sleepless night, it will not be easy to work in the same mode. If possible, change your activity throughout the day. You can get some sleep, exercise or meditate. On this day, it is very important to understand how your body tolerates stress and give it a rest.

Day six

Today your task is learn to think positively. As you know, feelings determine actions. Vigorous activity, the right choice of activities and a positive attitude towards what you do fills us with energy. Thanks to positive emotions, we take constructive, correct actions, which, in turn, bring us closer to the goal. This is indeed a wonderful approach, because the one who knows how to control his thoughts, to a large extent, knows how to control his feelings. And since feelings dictate to us what to do and what not to do, as a result we gain the ability to control our actions.

Days go by. Weeks pass. Years fly by. If you are lucky, you will live to the age of eighty, and you will have 4160 weeks at your disposal. Most of them follow the “home-work-home” scenario. What if one week was enough to change your life for the better?

With these questions, Eric Bertrand Larssen begins his new book "On the Limit", which was released by the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house. And this is not a theoretical course from the category “How to become happy”, but a specific methodology for self-development lasting 7 days.

After the book came out, 13 countries joined the Hell Week, including Russia, where 3,000 people are already taking the course: from young mothers to entrepreneurs.

Here are some helpful tips from Eric to help you become more efficient.

Make a decision to change

Making a decision is the first step to change. The most effective strategy for assessing whether something in your life needs to change is to ask two questions. First: “If I continue to live the way I live, what will my life be like in 5 years? Will she like it? What kind of people will I be surrounded by? If you don't like the picture, then it's time to change something.

And the second question: “If right now I start living differently - more consciously, effectively and every day to the maximum, what will happen to my life in 5 years?”. How do you like this picture? Already more fun, right?

Eric came up with Hell Week just to let people see what their ideal week could be and how much can be done in just 7 days.

higher purpose

Very often we lose heart because the purpose of life disappears from us. Eric tells that this was the case with one of his clients, the lawyer Karl. Karl had a successful business, an apartment, a car, a wife, and children. It would seem, what to dream about? But Carl was dejected as he should be.

And Eric realized that he needed a Higher Goal. We all need a higher purpose. And it has absolutely nothing to do with any material things. In a sense, the Higher Purpose is our mission on earth.

Carl chose to help people with cancer as his highest goal. His mother died of cancer and the desire to help people with the same problem filled his life with meaning. What is your highest goal? Maybe you also want to help people? Or create something great?

Write down the phrase “My Highest Purpose is…” on paper right now.

Spend a day in silence

Many people know that there is such a practice as vipassana. This is a 10 day meditation course. People come to vipasanna centers and stay silent for 10 days, meditating for several hours a day. Many who have taken this course admit to themselves that their lives have changed completely.

Give yourself a day of silence. Don't talk to anyone, don't read books, don't social media, don't write anything, don't watch TV. In general, spend the day completely on your own. You will be surprised how it will change your life. You will feel how many unnecessary and useless thoughts are in your head. You will understand how much we attach importance to our feelings and emotions, and how much they control you.

Your task on this day is to calm your mind and let your thoughts flow as they please. Your mind should be like the flat surface of water.

Don't sleep for 41 hours

Hell Week has its own rules. For example, you will have to get up at 5.00 and go to bed at 22.00. There is only healthy food. Do sports every day. Be energetic. Live according to plan. Exclude empty talk, TV and social networks during working hours.

Ultimate Week aims to show you that your possibilities are only limited by your imagination, that's all! One of the tasks of the week is not to sleep for 41 hours. That is, you get up at 05.00 am on Thursday and go to bed only at 22.00 Friday.

This is a great technique to show you that you will have a few second winds during this 41 hours. You will understand that the body takes strength from somewhere, even when it seems that there is no strength at all.

Don't stop asking

At least once a week, you need to ask questions that most people don't have time for. Asking questions at the right time helps keep your finger on the pulse of awareness. Ask yourself:

Is my life really going the way I want it to?

Am I going my own way?

How can I be even more efficient and productive?

- Am I giving 100%?

Am I doing my best for my career?

Do I solve problems to achieve what I want?

"Hell Week" is not just another "marathon of success", it's an attempt to test yourself for strength. You will see what your life can be like if you live every week to the fullest. You will see how much time you really have and how much time you spend on nonsense. You will learn to be focused, concentrated and aware. You will learn to love yourself, appreciate loved ones and relax without gadgets. You will find your optimal mode of operation, which will help you become more efficient in every action. You are a deliverer from bad habits and replace them with good ones. You will finally understand what you want from life and what is your Highest goal.

And all this in 7 days.

Want to test what you are capable of?

Sometimes a person finds himself in a dead end in life. Nothing goes well and nothing works, everyday life is full of problems, and happiness and luck have long forgotten the way to his house. This means only one thing - it's time to change something, but quickly! Not tomorrow, but right now, start living differently, make sure that today's difficulties do not remain in a week! How to change your life in 7 days? There are rules, following which every day you can change something in yourself, which means that the world around you will also change. This is a truth proven by many: if you want to change something or someone, you need to start with yourself!

Change week rules

First, you should learn a few basic rules, and strictly observe them all this week.

  1. You have to get up early and go to bed early.
  2. Each task is carried out with full concentration of attention on it.
  3. Eliminate social networks and TV from your life this week, except for the day when you need to do the cleaning.
  4. There should be physical activity every day.
  5. Eat healthy and balanced meals every day.

So, a start has been made. Let's get started!

The first day

This is the day to change your thoughts. After all, it all starts with them. They are clothed in words and become actions that shape our lives. There is no need to think that our being is some kind of separate substance that does not depend on us. This is not true. We ourselves draw our life, creating pictures in our head and transferring them to reality.

If every day, "train" your mind with negativity, then it will not take long to wait. All these “life is terrible”, “spouse is unbearable”, “everything is bad at work”, “no money”, and so on, will only lead to someone from above saying, “I understand, I’m writing it down! Well, strange desires! This is all a joke, of course. But it is not far from reality. We only see what we want to see!
To solve the question posed - how to change your life for the better in just 7 days - today you need to do what we are saying. Notice every word you say. And weed out those that have a negative connotation. For example:

  • "Nightmare!"
  • "Horror!"
  • "I cant"
  • "I don't know" and others.

Positive is something that should always be present, in everything and everywhere. This is one of the best ways to change your life in 7 days. Be sure to find something positive in any situation and write it down. And, in general, all good things need to be written down. Because such moments are quickly erased from memory, and the paper will save them. These "joyful notes" should be re-read more often. They will warm the soul for a very long time.

And on this wonderful day, you need to do your favorite habits. They form character, and character, in turn, is the life of a person. It is necessary to write down all, all, all your weaknesses and strengths. It is good to think and cross out what should be eradicated in yourself. And add what you need to educate yourself.

Second day

Gratitude. Ah, this bright, warm feeling! It carries a very strong life energy. It is only worth experiencing it, and you already become different, and life changes. It is necessary today and all subsequent days to thank God, people or higher powers for everything that is or is happening at the moment. Whatever and whoever. But you must definitely do it! For example, in the evening, at the end of the day, going through everything that happened in my head, mentally say thank you for life lessons, for moments of happiness, for life!
And you should also devote this day to cleaning the surrounding space. Throw away everything you don't need. And do not regret and think that it will definitely come in handy sometime. So, let's throw it away:

  1. Dresses that are waiting for the hostess to lose weight. They should go to the one to whom they are in size. If the owner really loses weight, she will buy herself new clothes.
    And those things that just occupy the shelves in the closet, but will never be worn, what do they do there?
  2. Broken items. It is worth recognizing that no one will fix them.
  3. Old newspapers and magazines.
  4. Things that have not been used for some reason for a long time. Or those that it is not clear why they exist at all. Get them out of your space!
  5. Extra useless utensils.
  6. All the files that have accumulated over two hundred years in the computer, as well as clean up social networks.
  7. Anything that irritates and inspires melancholy.

If one day is not enough for this, then we must continue this work to the bitter end. It is necessary to release such necessary energy for a new life!

Day Three

Today we are compiling a list of our desires, but better. If there are a hundred of them, then you need to write down a hundred. Even the most incredible ones! Only their own, and not inspired by someone. Yes, few people know what they really want. How to distinguish a real desire from a false one? When it is true, the thought that it will come true brings pleasure.
Write about all areas of your life. All the little things should be captured on paper. It helps a lot to define and understand your real aspirations and dreams. And life goals will already be formed from them. All successful people know what they want.

On the third day, you need to continue cleaning. Only now we pay attention to our affairs and obligations. It is necessary to remember everything that I wanted to do, but for some reason was put off in a long (well, very long) box. Maybe learn English, take driving courses or other things that are in the plans, but not carried out. And also to pull out from the depths of memory three boxes of promises, once given to yourself or someone. Here we act with all strictness. Either we cross it all out forever, or we do it right now. There is no need to carry such a heavy burden of dissatisfaction with yourself all your life.

Day four

How is Winnie the Pooh?
- What day is today?
- Today.
- My favorite day!

This should be the slogan for life. Waking up in the morning, you need to firmly know and believe that the best day has come, that everything will work out today! And if not, then there is tomorrow for this, also a great day. The main thing is to believe. Because faith helps to realize any goals and dreams.

And also today - cleaning the environment. It is necessary to categorically break all ties that pull back, drive into depression and are simply a heavy unnecessary burden. Stop communicating with those who have long been untrustworthy or constantly criticize every action. But if there are problems in relations with parents, then they need to try to solve them urgently.

Day five

On the fifth day, the task is this: you need to get out of your comfort zone. Face your fears face to face. Do something that makes your knees tremble or just do some unusual action. For example, if there is a fear of the boss, then on the same day you need to go to him with your suggestions. Jump with a parachute if you are afraid of heights. Hitchhiking somewhere instead of taking the train, etc. Stepping out of your comfort zone will break down the fences inside your brain that have been built up for years, and open, albeit painfully, the way to a new way of thinking, and therefore life. If you refuse this experience, you may never know yourself and never realize your goals.

Day six

It is today that you need to determine your main goal. Find out here and now what you want to do in the future. Write down your highest goal on paper. Develop an action plan to achieve it. And today, take the first step forward towards your dream!

Day seven

You need to think about yourself. Draw conclusions about what this difficult week has brought. Notice even the smallest changes. They must be. Especially if each step was worked out in practice, and not just read.
Well that's all. Instructions on how to change your life in 7 days have been received, now it remains only to apply it. It is not enough to sit and nod, agreeing that all this will help make life better. We need to act! The main thing is to defeat the fear of change that is in every person.

Usually it is customary to start a new life on Monday, but all psychologists have recognized this position as a failure. Imagine you are making grandiose plans, dreaming of starting a million new interesting things ... and all this collides with everyday life, with the most difficult first working day of the week - Monday. How to avoid it? Just! Start changing your life from Sunday, because most people can completely devote this day to themselves. So, how can you change your life in 7 days?


Spend this day with benefit, both moral and physical, because it should become a guarantee for your future new life. Everyone knows that people who permanently live in a place are often completely unfamiliar with its attractions, which are so popular with tourists. So correct your mistake! Dedicate your Sunday to walking around the city with a camera: take a fresh look at familiar streets, visit famous places in the city and enjoy the rhythm of its life, which has become so familiar and familiar. You will see how much you miss in the whirlpool of everyday life and this will be the first step in order to make a list of places that you want to visit in the evening. These can be city museums, monuments, squares, do not forget about nature, because after leaving the city for only a few tens of kilometers, you can find yourself in a stunningly beautiful forest or on the shore of a magical lake.


Monday is a hard day, as the saying goes. How to turn work into a holiday? Start from your workplace: put things in order, sort out the accumulated papers, make a plan for urgent matters. You should not be limited only by taking care of cleanliness and order, you need to bring some bright element, a desktop decoration that will bring a good mood - it can be a vacation photo, a souvenir donated by a loved one or a funny figurine, the main thing is that you like it!


Having dealt with work, it's time to take up household chores. Walk around the apartment and note what does not suit you, it can be an uncomfortable chair, a poorly working switch, wallpaper that is too gloomy, etc. After making a list, try to find an opportunity to change it: replace the switch with a more modern one, sell the old chair and get a new one that is more comfortable and fits into the interior in return. In a word, start doing what will bring you closer to your dream home.


Wednesday is the middle of the working week, the day when you want to somehow relax and get extra energy. Gather your closest friends and go to a cafe: cozy gatherings over a cup of coffee and a delicious dessert will cheer you up, and by sharing your impressions of your Sunday walk, you can find like-minded people and make the next cult trip together.


Dedicate Thursday evening to watching movies: it can be a trip to the latest premiere at the cinema or a cozy home movie show. Cinema is a whole world, acquaintance with which will bring a lot of positive emotions and expand your horizons. Using numerous lists of the best melodramas, Oscar-winning films, the most anticipated new films, etc. you can make your own viewing plan and set aside one or two evenings a week to enjoy the masterpieces of world cinema.


Yesterday you enjoyed the movies, and today it's the turn of the books. What book are you reading now? What was the last thing you read? In the fast pace of modern life, many people sometimes do not find time for reading, losing the opportunity to join the world and domestic culture, as well as replenish their knowledge base. Are you unable to buy books? There is a choice - sign up for the nearest library or exchange with friends. Reading is not only the best pastime, but also the path to self-improvement.


Dedicate Saturday to yourself - this can be interpreted in any way, from self-care to hobbies. This day should be a worthy end to the first week of your new life!

So, the rules of a new life: walk, learn new things, communicate, watch movies and read books, and most importantly - love yourself!

Balloons are becoming almost an invariable attribute of any holiday in our time. This is an inexpensive, but at the same time a bright and memorable design element.

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