The initial manifestations of the thermal strike in children. Heat strike: symptoms and child treatment

In the heat, conditions of bad ventilation and at high humidity there is a big risk of getting a heat blow. Due to the high air temperature, the human body quickly overheats, the metabolism becomes much faster, and the vessels swell, while the permeability of the capillaries increases significantly. Therefore, with a heat strike, the human well-being deteriorates sharply and a number of disturbing symptoms appear. This is where questions are particularly relevant: how much does the thermal blow hold, and also how can this state be overcome?

Under what conditions is the risk of getting a heat blow

The thermal blow can overtake not only those who spend time under the hot sun, but also drivers in their cars, workers of shops, athletes and other people of various kinds of activity. In the risk zone, even employees of the saunas and baths or an office employee in which air conditioner broke.

For thermal strike, there are enough 3 components:

  1. Heat.
  2. High humidity.
  3. Excessive heat product.

Also, muscle activity can also lead to thermal impact.

At first glance, the thermal blow does not seem so much serious and dangerous to human health and life, but without timely help, it can lead to a vascular collapse, a coma and even death. A man in a state of thermal impact needs to be assisted and the operational restoration of the water-salt balance. And if you suspected that the symptoms of a thermal impact of a thermal impact of a thermal impact from a close or even unfamiliar person, then hurry to offer him help.

The danger of thermal blows in children

Heat strikes are particularly often children occur, since, taking into account their anatomical features, high heat-producing is often pathological.

This is due to the features:

  • the bodies of children are much smaller;
  • heat transfer and heat products are not stable;
  • the core of thermogenesis is easily annoyed;
  • compensatory mechanisms have an unstable character.

The heat strike manifests itself much stronger than in an adult and can cause:

  • strongest expansion of capillaries;
  • blood clots and arterial venous shunts;
  • the emergence of the pathology of metabolism;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hypoxia and other disorders.

All this is detrimental to the young organism and can lead to the development of kidney disease, liver and heart.

Symptoms of thermal impact and first aid

Determine the thermal impact on the following symptoms:

  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • weakness and lubrication in the body;
  • strongest headache;
  • difficult breathing and stuffiness;
  • painful feeling behind the sternum;
  • permanent pain in the lower limbs and back.

Also, the breathing and the frequency of myocardial abbreviations is also accelerated during thermal impact. Hypothermia leads to the fact that the skin becomes pink with signs of irritation. After some time, the blood pressure begins to significantly reduce and urination is disturbed. Sometimes in children with heat shock, the body temperature reaches 41 degrees, which is very bad for health and is fraught with serious complications.

Symptoms in which urgent hospitalization is necessary:

  • the face looks elapsed;
  • the skin has a cyanotic look;
  • breathing complicated and intermittently;
  • pupils are noticeably expanded;
  • there were alarming muscle cramps;
  • fever;
  • diarrhea and gastroenteritis;
  • the urination ceases.

How much to last the heat punch depends on the set of factors, but, first of all, from its extent. So, the light degree of thermal impact is accompanied by the red skin and temperature to 39, and even 41 degrees. It may hold out this condition for 2-4 days spent in vacation. If the brain neurons were damaged as a result of a heat strike, then even long-term treatment with the use of modern drugs will not help fully restore health.

There is a group of people who are especially exposed to risk to get a heat strike. It includes those who have congenital sensitivity to high temperature, as well as people who suffer over weight, carry excessive stress and are in psycho-emotional overvoltage, have cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, neurological diseases are in the state of alcohol intoxication, smoke, dressed in dense clothing, etc.

Most often, the heat strike manifests itself in the form of the strongest thirst (the person cannot get drunk), weaknesses, muscle pain and gradual acceleration of the pulse. If the disease flows into a more severe form, convulsions appear, involuntary defecation and urination occurs. The state may be aggravated and vomiting and bleeding will begin in the patient. Although children are more adults risk the sun, they are able to heal independently without the need for hospitalization, due to their reactivity. Adults, on the contrary, tolerate even a small thermal impact is much more complicated and at least need immediate mandatory hospitalization.

If the first signs are detected, it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim and carry out such procedures:

  • to drink as much water as possible to stop dewatering;
  • weaken the gate and belt;
  • cool the skin;
  • remove synthetic clothing;

In most cases, it is just enough to make a person into a cool room or shadow, give water and moisten the skin with cool water so that he felt relief. If the symptoms indicate the average or heavy degree of thermal impact, it is worth doing everything too, but also to put the victim, raise his legs and call an ambulance.

Medical care for thermal impact

With a moderate or severe thermal impact, qualified medical care is necessary.

As a rule, the following drugs are used to treat:

  1. Antipyretic (paracetamol and ibuprofen);
  2. Vasoconstrictors (Cavinton, Vinpocetin, Trental);
  3. Package (analgin and infulgan).

The antipyretic drugs are used only if the temperature exceeds 39 degrees. Basically, small doses of paracetamol are used, antipyretics are prescribed for children in the form of candles. In very difficult cases, infulgan intravenously is used. Antipiretics make it possible to reduce the timing of the disease and normalize blood supply. The patient does not proceed in rare cases using hydrocortisone and prednisone. You need to enter these drugs very carefully, gradually increasing the dose and reducing them when canceled it. Also, patients put cleaning belly and recommend daily cool shower to remove overheating.

How to treat a thermal impact at home

Certain with the symptoms of thermal impact at home can be used by a number of methods:

  • apply cool compresses to the head in order to facilitate headache and reduce the temperature;
  • apply cold compresses on trunk vessels and liver to reduce temperature and prevent complications;
  • rinse the stomach;
  • do warm enemas;
  • wrap it in a cool sheet or diaper.

Cooking into the cool fabric is one of the simplest and oldest ways to cope with a thermal impact. In particular, children often wrap in diaper, because it is possible to quickly lower the body temperature, calm and reduce the unpleasant sensations caused by a thermal impact. You can also take a cool shower, in as long as possible in water. With a light form of a blow of cool overturn and compresses, it is usually enough to feel relief. Several procedures and rest will allow you to quickly forget about thermal impact and return to normal life rhythm.

If all these actions do not bring results and improving the state is not noticeable, medications needed.

In order for complications, it is worthwhile to use in addition to physical methods. Special preparations and mixtures. So, safer to prepare a lithic mixture (mixed aminazine, dibazole and pipolfen in novocaina), which is effectively struggling with the effects of thermal impact.

For an even greater result, it is possible to use droperedol, and sodium oxybutirate and sadocent will help with muscle cramps. It is not necessary to use antipyrticities when the temperature slept up to 37.5 and conduct active drug treatment if there is no weighty reasons for this. Special caution must be shown when handling children. Do not hurry to apply therapeutic procedures and "knock down" temperature. With thermal impact it is important to prevent complications, and the temperature is only one of the symptoms and not be the object of treatment.

When it starts and how long does the heat blow

It is difficult to determine the duration of the thermal impact, since its first symptoms always manage to notice at the very beginning. Often dry mouth, a feeling of thirst, weakness and headache already say that you got a heat blow. However, these symptoms may not pay attention, and only when arrhythmia appears, the temperature rises and other symptoms are expressed, it becomes clear that the case is in thermal impact. Further, it can go to a heavy stage, and even become the cause of damage to the nervous system.

The heat impact and fever that accompanies it, there are stages of development and a decline:

  1. Promotional (often proceeds almost imperceptibly);
  2. Lifting (Critical or lyrical);
  3. Stability;
  4. Reverse lysis.

At the beginning of the thermal blow, as if he was heated. The nervous system is in an extremely elevated tone, but there are no peripheral artery, at the same time blood flow is "centralized". Due to the problems with peripheral microcirculation, the so-called "goose leather" appears, the chills are joined, trembling and a sharp feeling of cold. Without missing this moment and starting to act already at this stage, you can prevent unpleasant consequences and to overcome the thermal blow. In different people, symptoms at this stage are manifested in their own way with different degrees of force. Someone clearly feel changes, while others begin to understand that they got a heat strike only at the stage of lifting fever.

The development of the disease is critical when the rise temperature up to high marks is very quickly (on average, for 40-45 minutes), but also quickly decreases, if taken measures and conduct treatment. The lyric course of the disease is much more dangerous and longer. It is largely tightened and may not be accompanied by constantly high temperatures, but it is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, pressure drop and accelerated heart rhythm. It is important to rest all this period and do not try to move the disease on the legs, because serious complications are possible.

Resting and taking proper treatment, you can quickly go to the phase of stability, when the deterioration is no longer observed, and go into the stage of reverse lysis. In this stage, you will feel a noticeable decline in temperature and improving well-being.

How to avoid heat impact

As already mentioned, there are people predisposed to thermal impacts, but they can avoid danger if they are attentive. It is important to avoid dehydration, small stuffy rooms, do not be long in the sun and do not wear heavy dense tissues in hot weather. Feeling malaise, try to go there, where the shadow and coolness, drinking water, moisten the face and head with cold water.

Behind the children need to carefully monitor, always wear a headdress, water and not give a long time to play the sun. Even if you or your child in the risk zone, only attentiveness and caution determine whether there is a real chance to get a heat blow. Avoid treatment and severe consequences are very simple, you just need to stick to simple rules. If it was not possible to protect yourself, it is necessary to take all possible measures so that the thermal punch lasted as little as possible and did not give you serious reasons for concerns.

Arises due to the overheating of the body, are subject to multi-time people, but in particular kids up to the year. It is connected with the immaturity of the thermoregulation system. As a result of overwork and long staying in the sun without a headdress, a thermal strike occurs in a child. It is necessary to negotiate, otherwise it can cause irreversible processes in the structure of the brain.

The lack of fluid in the body of children instantly makes itself felt, because the kids have more water content than adults. In medical data, in 30% of cases there is a fatal outcome with a strong overheating of the baby. If the child was not rendered ambulance, then in its body, with a thermal impact, there is a violation of metabolic processes and the accumulation of toxic substances that poison vital internal organs (heart, kidney and brain).

Main reasons

First of all, the impact of high air temperature causes a thermal strike in a child. Treatment is aimed at cooling the body: the baby must be transferred to the cool place and put the ice wrapped in the cloth. Another reason is wearing synthetic or too warm (not by weather) of clothing, which prevents air penetration and natural heat exchange. It also contributes to a long stay in a very wet and stuffy room.

The child has

The heat stroke can flow in light, medium and extremely heavy form. A light shape is manifested by a common weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache and rapid breathing. With moderate severity, vomiting is observed, an increase in temperature to 40 ° C, as well as severe pain in the temples, and impaired motor activity. A severe degree arises suddenly. The child loses consciousness, pale sharply, hallucinations and convulsions are noted. Serious danger represents a thermal strike in a child. Treatment is carried out in specialized medical centers, but first aid must be carried out at once.

First of all, the adult will need to unbutton the gate of the clothes, wrap a child into a cold fabric, put on the Lobik ice compress, under the head - roller. Lifting to consciousness will help the ammonia alcohol. The treatment of thermal impact in children is aimed at eliminating the cause. All these primary events can be held before arriving soon. If the baby does not come into consciousness, you need to do with direct heart massage.

How to prevent a thermal strike in a child?

Treatment can only be assigned a doctor, but not to bring to this state, you need to adhere to simple rules. In hot weather, walk with the baby in the shade and until 11 o'clock in the morning. Buy clothes from natural materials so that it allows the baby's body to breathe and stopped moving. Light panama or cap will help protect your head from scoring rays.

Be sure to take water with you. Do not wrap your baby in warm clothes, try not to be near the air conditioning system. In the child's room there must be a comfortable temperature, more often ventilate the room to avoid negative consequences.

The heat blow occurs not only when exposed to direct sunlight. Overheating of the body is formed under the influence of high ambient temperature.

Long stay in the bath, sauna, under the influence of direct sunlight - factors leading to a violation of the work of the central core of thermogenesis - hypothalamus. This body is responsible for interaction between heat generation systems and sweating.

Manifestations, signs and symptoms

Long-term walks in the fresh air, visiting the beaches, work in hot conditions can cause a thermal impact.

It is impossible to allow long overheating of the body. In children, unstable thermoregulation systems, therefore, even minor overheating can contribute to a brain edema - this is a life-degrading state. Against the background of hyperthermia, dehydration, loss of electrolytes, disorder of the water-salt balance occurs. With a long existence of such pathophysiological disorders, the formation of fatal outcome is likely.

It is advisable not to launch a thermal strike in a child so that there is no dangerous consequences.

Early and Late Signs of Heat Strike in Children

Against the acceleration of biochemical reactions, dehydration of the body comes, accompanied by excess liquid loss. Early signs of fluid loss:

  1. Thirst;
  2. Dry mouth;
  3. Sticky saliva;
  4. Weakening urination, the appearance of yellowish discharge from the urethra.

With the highest extent hyperthermia, the following signs of the disease appear:

  • Tear;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Thirst;
  • Brown urine;
  • Headaches and dizziness;
  • Restless behavior;
  • Irritability;
  • Muscle cramps;
  • Cooling limbs;
  • Heart palpitations.

With the appearance of the signs described above, the patient's hospitalization is necessary. Correction of disorders requires the use of resuscitation equipment. High qualifications of the doctor are needed to prevent life-focused complications in children.

With a severe stage of the disease, the following features arise:

  • Impossibility of walking;
  • Attacks of anger and embarrassment;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Weak pulse;
  • Dry and hot skin;
  • Lack of urination;
  • Loss of consciousness;
  • Starting breathing.

To eliminate the full dehydration of the body, it is necessary to influence the saline and detoxification (eliminate the accumulation of toxins in the blood) of solutions. To saturate the oxygen of vital organs, a challenge of emergency care is required.

Minor dehydration can be treated at home, but when signs of severe intoxication, an immediate hospitalization of the patient is required.

Loss of liquid is particularly dangerous for newborns. The rapid rise of temperature, a significant loss of water is a danger, a decrease in the concentration of mineral substances, vomiting and diarrhea pose a danger to life.

Mineral complexes (electrolytes) are natural complexes, are necessary for the flow of biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium are minerals, without which normal cellular vital activity is necessary.

Electrolytes are involved in the formation of bones, the work of the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal tract. Dehydration of the body can provoke the following symptoms of thermal impact:

  • Muscle cramps;
  • Fainting;
  • Acceleration of heartbeat;
  • Red leather;
  • Strong sweating;
  • Hot, dry skin;
  • Ulcerative formation.

To prevent the complications described above, it is necessary to provide first aid immediately after detecting at least one sign of pathology.

Treatment of thermal strike in a child

If the organism has overheated, the most important procedure is the transfer of the victim to a cool place. Providing opportunities for fresh air access. If a person is conscious, he needs to drink strong tea. At the head, attach a compress based on the salted towel (for the preparation of the solution, add a 0.5 liter of water a teaspoon of salt).

In the overheating of the body, congestive changes in cerebral tissue arise, the flow of oxygen to the heart muscle is disturbed, hypoxia of internal organs is formed. Similar changes negatively reflect on the work of the internal organs.

Timely cooling, wrapping of the child's body sheet, allows you to normalize local blood supply, prevent swelling, restore the permeability of the vessels.

When developing the average degree of cooling overheating is not enough to normalize health.

If the victim is "loaded", pay attention to his breathing. When weave the language or falling back mass into bronchi, air and fabrics are violated to test oxygen starvation. It is especially dangerous to the condition for the work of the brain.

Treatment of thermal impact with similar features requires restoration of passability. To purify the oral cavity, you can use a handkerchief or bandage. With the weakness of breathing, the absence of the pulse, an emergency heart massage is required.

Artificial ventilation of the lungs without medical skills is difficult to spend. Prevent a real threat to a person's life with an average or serious degree can be used only when using medicines. Therapy is carried out in resuscitation conditions, where there are all the necessary equipment for artificial ventilation of lungs and direct massage of the heart.

Features of hyperthermia in children

There are some features of the organism overheating in children. Frequently observed a feverish reaction, but the total temperature with it is different.

So when overheating and presence in the organism of the hearth Bacterial infection body temperature does not rise above 41 degrees. For such features, the "central thermostat" is responsible. The hypothalamus is iron located in the brain. It regulates the process of heat generation and heat transfer.

Fever is a favorable situation. Hypertermic syndrome in children - a dangerous situation. It develops at a temperature of more than 41.7 degrees. Under nosology, the functionality of the hypothalamus is disturbed, which does not allow the body to rationally balance between the process of heat formation and the selection of sweat.

Fever is under full control of the kernel. Only with an increase in temperature over 38.5 pediatricians recommend starting treatment for the disease. The scientists did not establish a reliable connection between increased thermogenesis and infectious diseases. Nevertheless, most children with heat blow and fever with peaks 38-39 degrees scientists detect an acute or chronic bacterial infection of a certain organ.

Hyperthermia Over 38.4 degrees is never observed from 6 months to 6 years. Only with the attachment of the bacteria, the temperature increases to 40 degrees.

There are regularities of feverish syndrome when bodies overheating:

  1. 4% of children appear muscle cramps, therefore the use of relaignium, sybazone is recommended;
  2. The probability of musculature spasms increases according to the rapid rise in the temperature curve;
  3. Palsy formation is observed in children with congenital abnormalities of the bone-articular system, a lack of calcium in the body.

In children with pathologies of the central nervous system, respiratory diseases, high hyperthermia are formed by pathological symptoms associated with the low efficiency of antipyretic drugs.

Recommended nurofen pediatricians in such a situation is inffective. The drug is safe, so it can be used with any diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature. Nevertheless, the pathological manifestations of heavy heat strike in the child does not remove the drug.

According to clinical research, the effectiveness of nurofen's use during febrile cramps in children increases by 20%. To eliminate the convulsive syndrome, anticonvulsants should be applied (Sibazon, relaignation, Seduksen).

After the treatment of febrile convulsion, against overheating, dynamic observation of the patient should be carried out in order to prevent repeats of convulsion.

Scientific experiments found that the probability of pathology increases with the following signs:

  • Hypertermia in children up to 3 months;
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Hypoxia in childbirth;
  • Muscle rigidity navel in a child;
  • Difficulty breathing in neurological disorders;
  • Perinatal therapy with antibiotics;
  • Reduced number of leukocytes;
  • Meningitis.

In the first years of life, a fever may be observed over 38 degrees Celsius. Against the background of pathology, the manifestation of clinical symptoms of internal diseases may be observed. The exacerbation of sinusitis, otitis, tonsilitis, colitis is traced in children under 2 years, which is associated with the instability of the regulation system.

Heat strike in a child: treatment with medical and physical methods

After providing first aid, a challenge of ambulance is required, regardless of the degree of severity of the disease. After arriving at the patient, the pediatrician must leave parents a number of recommendations:

  • Wiping is carried out only with an increase in the temperature of over 41 degrees;
  • Fabry convulsions are treated only by drugs;
  • Wiping is carried out only with warm water;
  • Cold water causes discomfort and crying;
  • Ibuprofen antipyretic agent is prescribed only after an increase in the temperature curve;
  • Washing should be carried out by heat-insulated water, but not alcohol. Water causes crying, capable of aggravating the cold, so it is necessary to use it with caution. The procedure is canceled during chills, cramps, limb paralysis;
  • To increase the efficiency of the procedure 30 minutes before its use, an antipyretic drug should be given;
  • Water wiping during heat impact should be immediately immediately;
  • A fevering child need to give a lot of drinks;
  • Evaporation of fluid from the surface of the skin increases heat dissipation. To activate it, it is necessary to expand skin pores by applying cool compresses to the places of intensive blood supply (head, chest, spin);
  • It is impossible to give children aspirin to prevent Sindrome Reia;
  • The use of acetaminophen is allowed only at temperature indicators in the armpit depression above 39 degrees Celsius;
  • The first line preparation is ibuprofen. Its effectiveness is longer than in paracetamol, but the effect occurs gradually. The use of drugs based on data ingredients (Ibucklin) is optimal.

The use of any medicinal product in a child must be consistent with the pediatrician. If necessary, emergency procedures need to be hospitalized kid.

Effect of external temperature on health

According to the severity of clinical symptoms, the following degrees of the disease are distinguished under the influence of the external temperature:

  • 1 The degree of thermal impact occurs under the influence of ambient temperature closer to 40 degrees Celsius. With this state, the heat transfer is enhanced, the evaporation of moisture from the respiratory tract, the skin is increased. The patient feels lethargy, reluctance to move, drowsiness. The general condition is satisfactory;
  • 2 The degree (adaptive) occurs at an external temperature of about 50 degrees. Thermal load is compensated by the evaporation of moisture. At a temperature of above 38.5 degrees, an increase in the diastolic pressure is traced at 15-20 mm mercury pillars, systolic - by 10-15 mm. The increase in the pulse is 50-60 shots. Against the background of the disease, there is a sweating (profuse), redness of the skin;
  • 3 Degree accompanied by a breakdown of adaptive reactions. In pathology, there is an increase in temperature more than 60 degrees. At the same time, the body temperature can reach 40 degrees. Systolic pressure increases by 30 mm of mercury pillars, diastole - by 40 mm Hg Art. An increase in heart rate up to 150 beats. Against the background of pathology, an increase in the ventilation of the lungs is activated. Skin covers are sharply hyperemic. When examining the patient, the strengthening of sweating is traced, the pressure in the temples occurs, anxiety appears, excitement;
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All the summer months beloved without exception, the time of the long-awaited rest and the possibility of obtaining such a deficient in our northern country of vitamin "D", pays not only good, but also a certain proportion of danger. Prompless and bubbling on the sun, people are trying to draw as much natural heat as possible, which often ends with a solar or thermal blow. Especially dangerous uncontrolled stay in hot weather under the open sun for children of the first years of life and adolescents during puberty. Overheating relates to the states that can become catastrophic to the child's life, if the help is late. There are slightly adults who know the symptoms of a heat strike in children who own first aid skills, and to provide it competently. Information on how to quickly recognize the symptoms of pathology and prevent the misfortune will help many parents.

In clinical practice, the thermal impact is called violation of the balance between such processes in the body, as heat product and heat transfer. Representatives of the children's age category are most sensitive to overheating. Of these, groups of high risk are the children of the first year of life and adolescents.

This is explained by the physiological characteristics of the body into these periods of life. The kids appear on light with not fully formed sweating glands and outputd ducts. Potting in the baby is quite scarce, which becomes an additional reason for holding heat by the body.

Teenage age is characterized by significant hormonal restructures. The constant hormone balance failures reflected in the state of the skin and the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands create serious obstacles to normal sweating. And the cooking hobby at this age diets, attempts to get acquainted with the action of alcohol, as well as an increased emotional sensitivity, become additional provoking factors to obtain a thermal strike by a teenager.

Allocate two main types of overheating, it is:

  • The thermal strike is a pathological condition, developing against the background of high ambient temperature with high humidity. The symptoms of a heat strike in a child may appear when visiting a bath, long stay in a hot tub or a highly sprinkled room, as well as in crowded transport or wearing too warm clothes that does not allow the skin to "breathe."
    Many moms and especially grandmothers are trying to wear a child as warmer, fearing that he is catching up. In fact, good intentions turn into heavy harm, as overheating is much more dangerous than any cold.
  • Solar strike is actually a kind of thermal pathology, but experts identify it into a separate state, since unpleasant symptoms are developing under the action of direct sunlight on open areas of the skin, especially head. Unprotected head fabrics are beginning to overheat quickly, there is a natural extension of vessels. As a result, an excessive amount of blood comes to the brain, which is negatively reflected, first of all, in the state of the nervous system, and can lead to a brain edema.

Despite the fact that the restoration of the body after sunshine is slower, the practitioners consider the child overheating more cunning pathology. In most cases, parents do not associate the cause and condition, and the symptoms are similar to poisoning. The kid can complain at the same time on pain in the stomach and on headaches, and nausea may appear, and clouding consciousness.
Often even doctors are mistaken. Based on the signs and poll of parents, try to seek the pathology of the digestive or cardiovascular system, without suspecting the violation of thermoregulation.

Mechanism of lesion

The thermoregulation system of our organism is constantly in operation, it provides internal organs and tissues comfortable conditions for normal operation. To resist overheating, such protective mechanisms are helped as:

  • Expansion of the vessels of the subcutaneous layer;
  • Reinforced sweating;
  • Changes in respiration.

All this makes it possible to withstand sufficiently high temperatures, protecting intracellular proteins from coagulation, that is, it allows them to maintain their structure and functionality. But the long-term impact of heat can provoke a failure in the normal operation of the heat exchange system, and then pathological reactions come into effect. The mechanism of lesion during thermal impact is developing in such steps as:

  • Compensation Stage. This is a fairly short period when protective mechanisms from the last forces hold the situation under control;
    Further heating leads to a breakdown of the thermoregulation, and the internal temperature begins to grow. Trying to balance the inner and outer temperatures, the body is trying to keep the balance. But gradually the forces of the adaptation system are depleted, and the next stage of pathology occurs.
  • Stage of decompensation. The patient appears symptoms of general intoxication, the level of pH (acidosis) changes, increases blood density in vessels (DVS syndrome), the signs of cardiac and renal failure are developing. There is a violation of water-salt and protein exchanges. In severe cases, the nutrition of the brain cells can be interrupted, which will lead to a brain either or hemorrhage.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of thermal impact does not differ from the symptoms of the solar strike in the child. Distinctive features change more depending on the age category. For example, the kids up to 3 months of age almost do not sweat, and the overheats correspond to a uniform increase in temperature over the entire surface of the skin. At the same time, the baby has no hyperemia (blood overflow of the body area), the skin becomes on the contrary pale, the pulse is readier and practically does not fit.

N.B! It is important to know that in the solar and with thermal impact in children up to the year the body temperature may remain normal. But, due to the lack of separation of the secret from the sweat glands, the state of the baby can deteriorate sharply.

Symptoms and signs of thermal impact in older children have a more diverse picture of manifestations. So, the symptoms, that is, the child's personal complaints will be approximately such:

  • severe weakness, dizziness;
  • ringing in the ears and darkening in the eyes;
  • stomach ache;
  • headache and nausea.

At the same time, parents can objectively notice such signs of a thermal strike in a child as:

  • severe redness of the skin, and a significant decrease in its temperature;
  • droplets of cold sweat on the temples, above the upper lip and back;
  • significant expansion of pupils;
  • frequent but weak pulse;
  • high indicators of the total body temperature;
  • uncertain, staggering gait and attempt to find an additional support;
  • in the launched case, you can observe nasal bleeding, cramps or loss of consciousness.

With solar strike, the child has hyperemia only on open areas of leather. Unlike heat impact, the skin will be hot with severe pain syndrome. It should be remembered that the baby may need only 15 minutes outdoor in the open sun without panama, to get a sunshine.
According to the predominance of characteristic features, the thermal impact in children is divided into such forms as:

  1. Hypertermic - the presence of fever with critical indicators reaching 41 * s.
  2. Gastroenteritic - the presence of dyspeptic manifestations, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea ().
  3. Cerebral - the first place is the disorders of a neuropsychic character, which is expressed in convulsions, dizziness, confused.
  4. Asphixic - at the same time, the functional actions of the central nervous system will slow down, the breath is oppressed, a strong shortness of breath is noticeable.

First aid rules

To eliminate the severe effects of thermal impact in a child only with timely provision of competent assistance. All the actions of parents must be performed quickly, but not fussy, be coordinated and operational. If your mother or grandmother are attached to panic, they are better to isolate them, and the child to do a calm family member.
The first aid algorithm for thermal impact is:

  • Eliminate irritating factor
    If the reason in thermal impact, the child needs to be taken out of the roast room, sit and give access to fresh, cool air. With solar strike, the victim is transferred to the shadow or covered with a cloth.
  • Ambulance call
    Alone to evaluate the severity of the child's condition is very difficult. Even if it seems to you that there is no reason for serious concern, an inspection of a specialist is necessary. Internal violations, no matter how manifesting themselves at the moment can affect the difficult consequences in the future.
  • Cooling events
    After the liberation of the baby from dense clothes, reinforcing heating, it must be put so that the head is on the hill and was turned on the side. Watch with cold water and at the same time foaming with any girlfriend, capable of replacing foaming. Be sure to give the cool water. The ideal option will lower the child in the bath with the water temperature of about 25 * p. But all this is satisfied, provided that the crumb is in consciousness.

If the child is unconscious, nor pour water into the mouth, nor ignore in the bathroom. It is necessary to carefully give a sniff with the Vatka with the ammonia alcohol, and abundantly wet the caller with cool water or wrap the cloth completely into the wet towel.
Generally accepted temperature reduction techniques with ice bubble, applied to the forehead or head in the case when the child received a thermal impact, is not suitable. The skull bones have a low thermal conductivity, and at the moment you will spend vain precious minutes.

N.B! Child cooling should be carried out by reasonable pace. Excessive diligence can lead to the fact that in the blood vessels in response to a sharp cooling, a protective reaction will appear, that is, the spasm of smooth muscles. In this case, a pronounced pallor of the skin appears, but the accumulated heat does not go out, and the internal organs and tissues continue to suffer from heat.


Do not allow a thermal blow to a child completely forces of any parent. It is enough to wear a baby, respectively, the weather in the heat to ensure that the baby drank as much simple water as possible. During walks, it was always in Panama or handkerchief, and did not know with active games.
Constantly to air the room where the baby is located, and in a timely manner to cure any internal diseases. And, in addition, to pacify the good gusts of the Collusal Grandmothers, who believe that the more the baby is scattered, the better.

With the onset of summer, many people spend a long time in the fresh air, so parents need to know the basic symptoms of a thermal impact in a child. If the baby sharply deteriorated well-being and it became sluggish, it means that it overheated, and he needs urgent help.

This disease is called a painful state, which is caused by a long-term exposure to the heated environmental conditions. It arises at any time of the year, but most often in the summer. Exacerbates the situation of the presence of warm or multilayer clothes, synthetic tissues, high humidity, abundant food, physical activity.

There is a concept of a sun blow - it arises if a person does not carry a headdress in sunny weather. Symptoms and prevention are similar. Sunshine is a form of thermal. Nevertheless, there are differences.

These diseases occur for various reasons. Parents should know what is happening in the body when overheated to provide their child to first aid in case of thermal impact symptoms.

First aid for thermal and sunshine is the same.

Development mechanism

The human body is adjusted to various weather conditions and maintains its constant temperature. If the air is strongly warmed, the body begins to actively sweat - so heat goes into the environment. The hotter on the street and above the humidity of the air, the stronger the person sweats. With particularly hot weather from then it turns out to 1 l of liquid in 1 hour.

Most often, infants, children, elderly and people with chronic diseases suffer from overheating. In this case, heat generation processes are amplified, and heat transfer processes decrease. The heat is saved in the body and does not go out.

If a person is hot, he starts sweating - so warmly goes into the environment. In particularly hot weather in 1 hour with then the body can lose up to 1 l of fluid

With overheating, the vessels are narrowed, heat does not go to the skin, but remains inside. With dehydration, blood becomes thick, the blood circulation in the internal organs is broken. The blood goes to the skin (the face is blushing), it is not enough in the bodies (weakness appears).

The person begins the heat, there is no intoxication of the body, heart failure, which can even lead to the stop of breathing and death.

Normally, thermoregulation occurs at 37 ° C (± 1.5 ° C). When climatic conditions change, the heat transfer process changes. In this case, the following consequences are possible:

  1. At the compensation stage, the human body struggles with overheating.
  2. Compensatory reactions violate thermoregulation.
  3. If the symptoms are not eliminated at the previous stages, heat appears.
  4. The stage of decompensation comes.
  5. Acidosis (a form of disorders of acid-alkaline balance) occurs at the last stage of overheating.

Thus, when overheating in the body, processes occur, which can lead to irreversible consequences.

The reasons

Allocate two forms of overheating:

  • overheating during physical activity (in young people, athletes, those who work in a stuffy room);
  • classic heat punch caused by increased air temperature.
Insufficient use of fluid in the heat may result in thermal impact

Contribute to overheating the following reasons:

  • long stay on the street in hot weather;
  • changing climatic conditions;
  • the presence of multi-layered or synthetic clothes in hot weather;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • weetchiness;
  • heart disease (including suffered heart attack or stroke);
  • overweight;
  • application of diuretic medicines (read O);
  • insufficient use of fluid;
  • use of alcoholic or narcotic substances.

If you do not give timely help, a person can seriously suffer.


In order to give the first help to the victim, you need to be able to recognize the symptoms of the thermal impact of the child and adult.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell what a heat strike is and how to avoid it.

In Brasnikov

The thermal impact in children is manifested by the following signs:

  • the complexion is changing: first the skin is blushing, then palenet;
  • the temperature is sharply rising to 38-40 ° C;
  • behavior changes: the first time the baby is in an excited state, after which it becomes sluggish, yawns; This is because the body loses fluid, and it cannot cool himself;
  • cold sweat appears;
  • the work of the digestive system is violated: nauseous, buried bumps and frequent chair;
  • face cramps, hands and feet may appear (in this article you will learn about and prefigure).

The kid can be capricious and cry for a long time, he does not understand what is happening to him, he is bad.

In children older than a year

With thermal impact, children become sluggish, they increase the temperature

Children in 1 year and older have similar main signs with heat shock:

  • lethargy, weakness;
  • fainting;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting (go to to learn how to stop vomiting in a child);
  • the rapid pulse, fastening weakly;
  • noise in the ears and darkening in the eyes;
  • cracks on lips from dehydration;
  • bleeding from the nose.

In childhood, the disease is dangerous to the occurrence of a critical state.which can lead to a fatal outcome. It is necessary to urgently cause ambulance and deliver the baby to the hospital. In addition, it comes sharply, so it is important to notice overheating in the early stages.

In adults

The main symptoms of thermal impact include headache, lethargy and elevated temperature.

In adult signs of thermal impact are:

  • lethargy, drowsiness, weakness (I want to lie down or lean, a person cannot stand on his feet);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • facial redness;
  • increase temperature up to 40 ° C;
  • intestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea).

After that, the person falls into the delusional state, hallucinations arise, the patient loses consciousness. The color of the face of red becomes white (blue), there is plenty of sweating. Next, the work of the cardiovascular system is disturbed (pulse is studied, but it is listening weakly). In this state, death is possible.


Almedy three severity, depending on which treatment is prescribed.
Easy degree is manifested by headaches, nausea, extended pupils, weakness and lethargy, rapid pulse and breathing. Red face, abundant sweating, possibly bleeding from the nose.
The average severity is characterized by severe weakness, passivity: the child is sluggish, all the time lies, it is disturbed by vomiting the urge, the loss of consciousness is possible. A heat appears (up to 40 ° C), tachycardia occurs, breathing frequent and difficult.
A severe degree is considered the most dangerous. A convulsions are possible, the man "burns" (temperature to 41 ° C). The state of nonsense, fainting, blood circulation and breathing are broken.

In medical sources, you can find a division of a disease for 4 varieties:

  • asphyxia is a breath disruption, an increase in temperature to 38 ° C;
  • hypothermia - fever, heat (39-41 ° C);
  • cerebral shape - mental disorders arise and neurological phenomena (convulsions, nonsense, hallucinations);
  • gasroenteral form - violation of the digestive system (vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, broken chair).

Most often, there is not one form of heat impact, but several minutes.

With thermal impact it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body. It is manifested by the fact that the thirst arises, dry mouth, the lips are cracking. It is also important to determine the signs of thermal and sunshine.

First aid

With the first suspicion of overheating, parents must cause a doctor and provide first prefigure help.

First the victim need to be transferred to a cool place

It is important to know what to do with thermal impact:

  1. A victim to move to tenaks or cool premises.
  2. Remove the upper clothes (with infants - diaper).
  3. Put a cold compress on the head, wipe the body with cool water (adults can be woven with alcohol or vodka). This will help cool.
  4. Giving drinking cool water often, but gradually. When fainting, drinking can not be given, as water can get an inhalation path! It is better to drink clean non-carbonated drinking water.
  5. If the vomiting began, a person needs to put a side, raise his head and tilt it.

You also need to know what you can not do with thermal impact:

  • Giving antipyretic drugs.
  • Giving alcohol and drinks with caffeine.
  • Quickly cool the victim (for example, dip in cold water).

If we have these actions on time, you can avoid deposits. With a light degree of prefigure assistance, as a rule, it is enough to restore the body. If it did not make it easier - urgently cause a doctor, it will prescribe treatment with heat shock.


Most often rudnichki and children up to the year on the thermal blow react with vomiting and diarrhea, increasing temperature. If you do not provide a trial assistance, the condition can be critical:

  • the body temperature increases to 41 ° C;
  • breathing slows down or disappears at all.

In particularly difficult cases, there is a nonsense, loss of consciousness, convulsions, a person can go to whom. The longer the body is overheated, the higher the risk of fatal outcome.

If the ailment has arisen in physical activity, it can provoke the development of various complications.


To avoid the consequences of hot weather, it is necessary to comply with a number of preventive measures:

  1. With hot weather, walking with children up to the year in the shade of trees. The best time for walking is to 11 hours in the morning and after sunset in the evening. The most dangerous is the period from 12.00 to 16.00. At this time you need to be at home, in a cool, well-ventilated room.
  2. Choose clothes for baby from cotton or linen fabric (avoid synthetic fabrics). The child should be in the headdress. It is better to buy clothes of light tones. On your eyes you can wear sunglasses.
  3. For a walk to take water with you. It is necessary to drink two times more than usual. It is not recommended to feed on the street.
  4. The food add more vegetables and fruits (as they contain water) and reduce the amount of oily food. Do not walk immediately after making food.
  5. If the baby was taken to the resort, it is necessary to alternate bathing and games on the shore. It is impossible to let him fall asleep in the sun.
  6. Quickly wipe the face of a baby with a wet handkerchief or wash cool water.
  7. Adults do not recommend consuming plenty of coffee and alcohol in hot time. Thirst it is better to thicken with a cool non-carbonated mineral water.

See the following video to learn about the prevention and first aid with thermal impact.


The heat blow can affect serious harm to health. To avoid unwanted consequences, you need to comply with precautions. If it was not possible to avoid overheating, it is necessary to determine the symptoms of the thermal impact of the child and provide first aid.

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