The terrible dream of Rodion Raskolnikova. Analysis of the meaning and importance of the Skolnikov Skolnikov on the novel crime and punishment (Dostoevsky f

Raskolnikov and Sonya went to Siberia - where on the shore of a wide, desert river is the city, one of the administrative centers of Russia: the fortress in the city, in the fortress is Ostrog.

The proceedings in the case of Raskolnikova passed without great difficulties. The criminal firmly, accurately and clearly supported his testimony, not confusing circumstances, not softening them in his favor, not distorting facts, not forgetting the slightest details.

The sentence was gracious than it could be expected, judging by the crime. All strange and special circumstances of the case were taken into account ... The painful and plight of the criminal before the crime committed. What he did not take advantage of robbed. The circumstance of the inappropriate murder of Lizaveta even served as an example, supporting the assumption of imperfectly sound state of mental abilities: a person makes two murders and at the same time forgets that the door stands out. Finally, the appearance of the Council ... The criminal was awarded to the cowel work of the second category for the period of eight years.

Documentary photos. Singing the cortex in the shackles in the royal time.

"He looked at his fellow comrades and wondered: how they all loved life, as they treated her! It was him that it seemed that she was even more loved and appreciated, and more value it than in freedom. What terrible flour and torture did not move other of them, such as tramps! Is it really so much for them to mean one of any ray of the sun, a dense forest, somewhere in the unknown wilderness, the cold key, marked since the third year and about a date with whom the tramp dreams, as a date with his mistress, sees it in a dream, Green grass around him, Summer birds in a bush? "

Documentary photos. Tsar's Time Pavor.

He himself did not love and avoided everything. His even began to hate at the end. They despised him, laughed at his crime those who were much crime. "You are a barin! - They talked to him. - Whether you were with an ax to walk; Not Barsky is at all. " "You're a bootiness! You do not believe in God! - shouted to him. You need to kill you. "

The reason for this is ... "The most prominent and unknown killer still knows that he is a criminal, that is, according to the conscience, he believes that he was not good, although without remorse."

Another question was for himself: why did they all be so loved by Sonya? When she was on the jobs, coming to the Raskolnik, - all filmed the caps, all bowed: "Mother, Sophia Semenovna, Mother You are, tender, disease!" - These are rude, stimpleny cores to this little and skinny creating. She smiled and spoke, and they all loved when she smiled them. They even loved her gait, turned around to see her, as she goes, and praised her; It was praised even for the fact that she was so small, even did not even know what to praise. It even went to be treated.

One year staying in the eight katorga was dead:
without repentance for the sodden "Promach Simple".
"He was sick of vulnerable pride."
Ernst Unknown. Illustrations for "crime and punishment."

Oh, how happy he was, if he could blame himself! He would demolish everything, even shame and shame. But he strictly judged herself, and his fierce conscience did not find any particularly terrible guilt in his past, except for the simple mischievous,
Which with all could happen.

And at least fate sent him a repentance - Zaguya Remaining, breaking the heart, who distinguishes the dream, such a repentance, from the terrible flour of whom he will have a loop and outer! Oh, he would have delighted him! Flour and tears - after all, this is also life. But he did not repent of his crime.

He also suffered from thought: why did he not kill himself then? Why did he stand then over the river and preferred the turn on the jaw? Is such force in this desire to live and so hard to overcome it? Challenged Svidrigaylov, afraid of death? "

"He was dreaming in the disease, as if the whole world was convicted of a sacrifice of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented by marine ulcer, which comes from the depths of Asia to Europe. Everyone had to die, except for some, very few chosen.

There were some new trichins, the creatures of the microscopic, which were unominated in the body of people. But these creatures were perfume gifted by the mind and will. People who took them in themselves became immediately launched and crazy. But never, never people did not consider themselves as smart and unshakable in truth, as they believed contaminated. Never considered unshakable their sentences, their scientific conclusions, their moral beliefs and beliefs. "

Fourth Skolnikov's sleep - "Apocalyptic" ...
Jan Van Eyk. "The Last Court." Fragment. 1420-1425.
City Museum of Arts, New York.

"Whole villages, whole cities and peoples have become infected and messed. Everyone was anxious and did not understand each other, everyone thought that in him in one and the truth was, and suffered, looking at others, he beat himself in his chest, cried and broke his hands. They did not know who and how to judge, could not agree to consider evil that good. They did not know who to blame who would justify. "

Fourth Skolnikov's sleep - "Apocalyptic" ...
Jan Van Eyk. "The Last Court." Fragment. 1420-1425.
City Museum of Arts, New York.

"People killed each other in some meaningless malice. They gathered on each other with whole armies, but the army, already in the campaign, suddenly began to distort themselves, the ranks were frustrated, the warriors threw each other, whether each other was broken, they were bodied. "

, Fourth Skolnikov's sleep - "Apocalyptic" ...

"In the cities all day beat in Nabat: they convened everyone, but who and for something calls, no one knew that, and everyone was alarm. Left the most ordinary crafts, because everyone offered his thoughts, his amendments, and could not agree; Stopped agriculture. In some places, people flew into the heaps, agreed together on something, did not part, they immediately started something completely different than now they themselves assumed, began to accuse each other, fought and cut. Fires began, hunger began. All and died everything. "

Fourth Skolnikov's sleep - "Apocalyptic" ...

"The ulcer grew and moved further and further. Only a few people can escape around the world, these were clean and elected, intended to start a new genus of people and a new life, to update and clean the earth, but no one has seen these people anywhere, no one heard their words and voices. "

Fourth Skolnikov's sleep - "Apocalyptic" ...
Jan Van Eyk. "The Last Court." Fragment. 1420-1425.
City Museum of Arts, New York.

In the third dream, Skolnikova all poured the moonlight. The deadly shade was reminded of the "last day of mankind", which is getting better and will certainly be accomplished, as a fact, an inevitable, irresistible, and the forever ...

The fourth sleep was able to deal with the dead dream of an idea that someone "took someone's" arithmetic "," took the tail and shakeped to hell. " Otherwise, it could not be, because four are the number of harmonization of the universe and everything that is in it.

Having survived in the dream of a world-scale catastrophe, which showed how naive, dead and empty hope for an arithmetic device of public life, when all personal - nothing, Raskolnikov recovered ...

For the revival of the soul left seven years, as requires a mythological account of time. And what, the splitters of the progress of God? No, already because he said something else ...
Ernst Unknown. Illustrations for "Crime and Punishment"

"Once in the evening, the solicitals had fallen at the same time at night, and suddenly saw Sonya away. She stood and as if she was waiting for something. Something like pierced at that moment his heart: he shuddered and quickly moved away from the window. The next day, Sonya did not disturb him with anxiety.

"Early in the morning, at six hours, he went to work, on the bank of the river, where in Sarah there was a calcined oven for Alabastra and where it was interpreted. Raskolnikov left the barn to the onshield ... and began to look at the wide and desert river. "

"Suddenly, Sonya found him cluttered ... They wanted to say, but could not. Tears stood in their eyes ... But in these sick and pale faces, it was already shining a dawn of an updated future, full of resurrection to a new life. They resurrected love, the heart of one was the endless sources of life for the other of the other. "

Love is the phenomenon of God?
In the novel, in my opinion, Raskolnikov
This thought has not yet opened ...

View of the plain coast of Irtysh with the "Mountains", on which Tobolsk stands - the capital of the endless Siberia. Hood - Tobolchanin
G. S. Bochanov. 1976.

"From the high shore, a wide neighborhood was opened.
From a long-range other shore, a song came a little heard. There, in the sun-dressed steppe in the sun, slightly noticeable points were stuck nomadic yurts. There was freedom and other people lived, not quite similar to the local, there, as it were, the time of Abraham and her student were not passed, the student of Abraham and her studies were not passed. "Raskolnikov sat, looked still His thought passed into the contemplation of the lives of people who stay in the harmoniously arranged world, where everything, as the sky, earth and water, are coented, balanced, commensurate with each other. Destination has seen him in St. Petersburg, but the other is deaf, dumb, dead, Inseparable with the void that his cold soul kills his cold. Here, eternity was different - that very, which is peculiar to the "Golden Age" with his complete merger with space - the immeasiest of the Earth - and the time subordinate to the movement of the sun in the sky.

They say, after the cowor, Dostoevsky wrote the best novels.
Well knowing these places, I think his imagination, I am struck by the natural primacy of Siberia - endlessly, free.
View of Tobolsk with the floodplain of Irtysh. Hood G. S. Bochanov. 1992.

"Seven years, only seven years old!
At the beginning of his happiness, in other moments,
They both were ready to look at these seven years,
As seven days.

He didn't even know that a new life is not in a gift he gets that it is still expensive to buy, pay for her great, future feat ... But here the new story begins, the story of a gradual renewal of a person, the story of the gradual rebirth, gradual transition From one world to another, dating new, accommodated completely unknown reality.

It could make the topic of a new story, -
But our current story is over. "

View from the mansard window at home in St. Petersburg Dostoevsky.
Our friends were offered to live here in the White Nights of 2008,
to be able to shoot two cities on the Neva,
by catching the "rays of the setting, calling sun," where Dostoevsky lands.

We did not have a power running around the dial time, because it was not necessary to hurry anywhere, to be afraid to miss something. We lived in full fusion with sunrises, twilight, sunsets, as representatives of that future mankind, for which Dostoevsky wrote his sad and terrible novels.

We shot two cities on the Neva, there were two: Marina Breslav - my friend is beautiful - and me. We were all marked, united and checked, then Marina went to shoot. As a result, 22 mileage was made in St. Petersburg. Imagine how we were happy, simply impossible.

As the working material was gathered, I proposed it compositely, twisted in color, collapsed collages. My long-standing, miraculously surviving film photos, too, used, because they are rarities - determined what was done now.

The book of St. Petersburg Dostoevsky about the "eyelid gold" was made quickly, but crisis hit; Book trading quickly rebuilt, I had to close my publishing house "Time - Space - Architecture", nothing more to print, because the demand for books dried and dried.

Marina believes that everything will change with time.
I believe that the fate of a person is determined by over.
In the meantime ... Thanks to all participants, groups that were so actively come to me ...

Under the portico of St. Isaac's Cathedral.
And yet, I can not keep about it ... go and coming reforms in education, in which no one will take into account that children need to "bring up beauty", from which the direct path leads to the search for good and truth ...

Work plan
1. Entry. Dreams of heroes in the system of artistic aid writer.
2. The main part. Dreams and dreams Skolnikov in the novel.
- the first dream of the hero and its meaning, symbolism. Polarity images.
- The image of a horse and its meaning in the plot of sleep.
- The image of the father and its meaning.
- Scene-forming function of the first Sleep Skolnikov.
- The first Guest of Raskolnikova and its meaning in the novel.
- The second vision of the hero and its meaning in the novel.
- Third vision of the hero and its meaning in the novel.
- Second Skolnikov's sleep and its value in the novel.
- Third Skolnikov's sleep. Culmination in the development of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero.
3. Conclusion. Functions of dreams and visions of the hero in the novel.

In his novels reveals complex processes of internal life of heroes, their feelings, emotions, secret desires and fears. In this aspect, characteristics are especially important. However, Dostoevsky's dreams often have a plot-forming value.
Let us try to analyze the dreams and dreams of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment". The first dream hero sees in the Petrovsky island. In this dream, the childhood of Rodion revives again: along with his father on a festive day, he goes outside the city. Here they see a terrible picture: a young man, a Molka, coming out of the Kabaka, fucking his "skinny ... Savrai Klyachonka", which is not under the power of the unbearable WHO, and then finishing it with iron scrap. Pure Children's Nature of Rodion protests against violence: With cry, he rushes to the scored Savra and kisses her dead bloody face. And then jumps up and rushes with fireplaces on the Molts. Raskolnikov experiences a whole range of various feelings here: horror, fear, pity for the unfortunate horse, malice and hatred of Molka. Sleep this dream is so amazing Rodion, which, waking up, he rents "from his damn dream." Such is the meaning of sleep directly in the external action of the novel. However, the meaning of this sleep is much deeper and significant. First, this dream precedes future events: red shoes of drunken men; red, "like carrots", the face of the Molka; Baba "in Kumachah"; The ax that can be finished with the unfortunate klyche - all this predetermines future murders, hinting at the fact that the blood is overcome. Secondly, the dream of this reflects the painful generation of the hero consciousness. If we remember that the dream is the expression of the subconscious desires and fears of a person, it will turn out that the splitters, afraid of their own desires, still wanted to death scored an unfortunate horse. It turns out that in this dream, the hero feels like a Molka, and a child, clean, the good soul of which is not a cruelty and violence. This splitness, the inconsistency of the Skolnikov nature in the novel is subtly noticed by the deformity. In a conversation with Pulcheria, Alexandrovna Raulumihin notes that Rodion "Gords, gloomy, shift and proud", "cold and insensitive to inhuman", and at the same time - "generous and kind". "For sure in it, two opposite characters are alternately replaced," Rasschin exclaims. On the painful splitness of the Skolnikov also testify the two opposite images from his sleep - Kabak and Church. Kabak is what people are ruined, this is the focus of debauchery, recklessness, evil, is the place where a person often loses his human appearance. Kabak always produced a "unpleasant impression" at Rodion, there was always a crowd, "so they screamed, laughed, they swear ... Ugly and sizzle sang and fought; There are always such drunken and terrible faces with a kabak's circle. " Kabak is a symbol of viciousness and evil. The church in this dream personifies the best that is in human nature. It is characteristic that the Church of Little Rodion loved, he went twice a year with his father and mother for lunch. He liked the vintage image and the old priest, he knew that the memories were served here on his dead grandmother. Cabac and church here, therefore, metaphorically represent the main guidelines of a person in life. It is characteristic that in this dream, the Raskolnikov does not reach the church, does not fall into it, which is also very significant. It delays the scene near the Kabaka.
There is meaningful here and the image of the skinny peasant Savra, which does not withstand the unbearable Neshi. The unfortunate horse is the symbol of the unbearable suffering of all the "humiliated and offended" in the novel, the symbol of hopelessness and a dead end of the Skolnikov, a symbol of the disaster symbol of the marmalade family, the Sony position symbol. With this episode of the Hero's dream, the bitter exclamation of Katerina Ivanovna in front of death: "Klyachu sat! Sleelled-AB! ".
It is significant in this dream and the image of the deceased Father Skolnikov. Father wants to lead Rodion from Kabak, does not tell him to look at the violence. Father here seems to be trying to warn hero from his fatal act. Recalling the mountain, which has comprehended their family, when the brother of Rodion died, the father of Raskolnikova leads him to the cemetery, at the grave of the deceased brother, towards the Church. This is exactly what, in our opinion, the function of the Father Skolnikov in this dream.
In addition, we note the plot-forming role of this dream. It appears as "a peculiar core of the entire novel, its central event. Focusing the energy and strength of all future events, sleep has a formative value for other storylines, "predicts" them (sleep is dreaming in the present time, talks about the past and predicts the future killing of the old woman). The most complete representation of the main roles and functions ("sacrifice", "tormented" and "compassionate" in the terminology of Dostoevsky himself) sets a dream about the murder of a horse as a plot kernel, subject to text deployment, "notes G, Amelin and I. A. Piliers. Indeed, the threads from this dream are drawn throughout the novel. Researchers stand out in the work of the character "Troika", corresponding to the "torching" roles, "victims" and "compassionate". In a dream, the hero is "Molka - a horse - a splitter-child", in real life it is "Raskolnikov - the old woman - Sonya." However, in the third "Three" hero himself acts as a victim. This "Troika" - "Raskolnikov - Porfirya Petrovich - Molka Dementiev". In the development of all plot situations, the same motives sound here. Researchers note that in all three plots, the same text formula is beginning to be deployed - "sorrify" and "volat to the pattern". So, in the dream, the Skolnikova Molka scrap "sobs his poor horse with the scope." Around the same hero kills Alain Ivanovna. "The blow fell in the most thorough ...", "here he struck his whole strength and the other, everything is overall, and all by the pape." The same expressions use Porphyry in a conversation with Rodion. "Well, who, tell me, of all the defendants, even from the very prevailful man, does not know that it, for example, will first stand on unauthorized issues to sleep (according to your lucky expression), and then suddenly and grieved in the very topic, With ... ", - notes the investigator. In another place we read: "I, on the contrary, followed<…> To distract, so you are in the opposite direction, yes, suddenly, like a volat to the pattern (according to your own expression), and sorrify: "And what, they say, sir, you learned in the apartment killed to do at ten o'clock in the evening, but almost also Not at eleven? ".
In addition to dreams, the novel describes three Skolnikov visions, three of its "dreams". Before committing a crime, he sees himself "in some oasis." The caravan rests, peacefully lie camels, there are magnificent palm trees. Nearby rumbles, and "wonderful-wonderful such blue water, cold, runs through multicolored stones and for such a clean with gold sparkles of sand ..." And in these Gresses again denotes the aging generation of the hero consciousness. As notes by B.S. Kondratyev, camel here - a symbol of humility (the Raskolnikov came to accept, renounced the "damn dream of her" after the first sleep), but Palma is "the main symbol of triumph and victory", Egypt is the place where Napoleon forgets the army. Having renounced his ideas in reality, the hero returns to them in a dream, feeling like a winner-Napoleon.
The second vision visits Skolnikov after his crime. It seems to be heard that the quarterly warden Ilya Petrovich is terribly beating him (Skolnikova) an apartment hostess. Vision is exposed to the hidden desire of the Raskolnikov to harm the apartment hostess, the feeling of hatred, the aggression of the hero in relation to it. It was thanks to the apartment hostess, he found himself in the plot, was forced to be explained with the assistant of the quarterly warder, experiencing a deadly feeling of fear and almost never owning himself. But the vision of Skolnikova has a deeper, philosophical aspect. This is a reflection of the painful state of the hero after the murder of the old woman and Lizavets, the reflection of his feeling of alienation from his past, from "former thoughts", "former tasks", "former impressions." The apartment hostess here is obviously a symbol of the past life of Raskolnikov, a symbol of what he loved so much (Hero's relationship story with the daughter of the apartment hostess). Quarterly warden - the figure from his "new" life, which put his crime. In this "new" life, he "as if scissors cut off himself from everyone," and at the same time from his past. Raskolnikov is unbearable in its new position, which in the subconscious it is captured as damage, harm caused by the last hero of him hereby.
The third vision of Raskolnikova occurs after his meeting with a motive, accusing him in murder. The hero will wonder the faces of people from his childhood, the bell tower of the church; "Billiard in one restaurant and some kind of officer at the Billiard, the smell of cigars in a basement tobacco bench, a sawing, a black staircase ... somewhere comes Sunday ringing bells ...". The officer in this vision is the reflection of the actual life impressions of the hero. In front of his crime, Raskolnikov hears a student talking with an officer in the restaurant. The images of this vision themselves are echoing with images from the first sleep of Rodion. There he saw the Kabak and the Church, here - the bell tower of the church, the ringing of the bells and the tavern, the smell of cigars, sipping. The symbolic meaning of these images is preserved here.
The second Solution of Raskolnikov sees after his crime. He dreams that he again goes to the apartment Alena Ivanovna and tries to kill her, but the old woman, as if muddling, poured a quiet, silent laugh. Laughter and whisper hear him in the next room. Skolnikova surrounds suddenly many people - in the hallway, on the site, on the stairs, is silently and waiting, they look at him. Hiring horror, he cannot move and soon awakens. This dream reflects the subconscious desires of the hero. Raskolnikov is illustrated by its position, wanting to open their "secret" to someone, he is hard to carry it in himself. He literally chips in his individualism, seeking to overcome the state of painful alienation from others and himself. That is why in the dream of Skolnikov near him many people. The soul rifles him to the people, he wants community, unity with them. In this dream, the motive of laughter appears, accompanying the hero throughout the novel. After committing the crime, Raskolnikov feels that "he killed himself, not the old woman." This truth is as if opened to people surrounding the hero in a dream. An interesting interpretation of the Sleep Hero offers S.B. Kondratyev. The researcher notes that Laughter in Solution Skolnikova is the "attribute of the invisible presence of Satan," the hero of the demons laughs and tease.
She sees his third dream of the Raskolnikov already at Katorga. In this dream, he, as it were, rethinking the events that occurred, his theory. Raskolnikov seems to be as if the whole world was convicted of "terrible ... by marine ulcer." There were some new microscopic beings, Trikhins, infecting people and making them tricky. Infected not hear and do not understand others, considering only their opinion is absolutely faithful and the only right. Leaving his classes, crafts and agriculture, people kill each other in some meaningless malice. Fires begin, hunger, digest everything around. Only a few people, "clean and elected" can be saved all over the world, but no one has ever seen. " This dream is the extreme embodiment of the individualistic theory of Raskolnikov, showing threatening the results of a detrimental effect on the world and humanity. It is characteristic that individualism is now identified in the consciousness of Rodion with a launion and madness. In fact, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero about strong personalities, Napoleons, which "everything is permitted," is now present to him the disease, madness, turbidity of the mind. Moreover, the spread of this theory around the world is what causes the greatest concerns of Skolnikov. Now the hero is aware that the idea of \u200b\u200bhim is opposed to the human nature, mind, divine world order. Understanding and accepting all this with his soul, the splitters are experiencing moral enlightenment. It is not for nothing after this dream, he begins to realize his love for the Son, who opens his faith in life.
Thus, the dreams and the visions of the Skolnikov in the novel transmit its internal states, feelings, intimate desires and secret fears. Composite dreams often finish future events, become causes of events, drive the plot. Dreams contribute to the mixing of real and mystical alignment plans: new characters grow from dreams of the hero. In addition, the plots in these visions echoes the ideological idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, with the author's assessment of the Raskolnikov idea.

1. Amelin, Piliers I.A. New Testament in "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky. Electronic version.

2. Ibid.

3. Kondratyev B.S. Dreams in the art system of Dostoevsky. Mythological aspect. Arzamas, 2001, p. 111, 191.

4. Kondratyev B.S. Decree. cit., s. 79-80.

The role of dreams in the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Dreams in Russian literature were repeatedly used as an artistic technique. A. S. Pushkin in the "Eugene Onegin", M. Yu. Lermontov in the "Hero of our time", I. A. Goncharov in "Oblomov".

Roman Dostoevsky is a socio-philosophical work. This is a brilliant polyphonic novel, where the author showed how the theory and reality merges, forming unity, as well as various types of consciousness, giving birth to multifacene. The deepest psychologist of Dostoevsky in "Crime and Punishment" manifested itself in many things, and first of all in how the author encounters his heroes with many values \u200b\u200bof reality, as he reveals their souls by describing the difficult life situations in which heroes fall. Thus, the author allows the reader to see the most essence of the heroes, it opens up implicit conflicts, mental thoughts, internal contradictions, versatility and paradoxicality of the inner world.

To create a more accurate psychological portrait of Rodion, Skolnikova, the author resorts to the use of different artistic techniques, among which the dreams play an important role. After all, it is in a dream that the essence of a person is exposed, he becomes himself, resets all the masks and, thus, he exhibits his feelings and expresses his thoughts. The disclosure of the character of the hero by describing his dreams - the reception that allows you to deeper and more accurately disclose the characteristics of the character of the hero, show it as it is, without embellishment and without false.

In the V Chapter of the first part of the novel, a description of the first sleep of the main character appears. This dream resembles a poem from the Nekrasov cycle "On the weather". The poet draws a household urban picture: the skinny horse dragged a huge WHO and suddenly stood up, as she had no strength to go further. The driversman mercilessly beating the horse whip, then takes it to be fully taken and continues at the atrocities.

Dostoevsky in the novel strengthens the tragedy of the scene: in a dream a completely disgusting portrait of the charter named Molka, who scores a little horsenate to death. Dostoevsky specifically calls the Hero of Sleep the same name as the dyesman who took the guilt of Raskolnikov. Both of these hero bear the name of St. Nicholas and symbolize the two moral poles, between which Raskolnikov rushes, "the pure faith and cruel" right "." The killer, who scored a horse, voiced the essence of the Raskolnikov theory, but here this theory is opposed to the hero's children's consciousness. Dostoevsky emphasizes the relationship between the Skolnikov, which is preparing for a crime, and seven-year-old. This is achieved by a special artistic admission - the repetition of the pronoun "he" ("He wars his father with his hands," he wants to translate his breath, "he woke up all in the sweat," "Thank God, it's just a dream!" He said ").

Before you introduce the reader with the second bed of Rodion, Dostoevsky says that the hero, "the whole trembling, like a drunk horse. Lit on the sofa. " And again the reader sees an image of an animal from sleep, emphasizing the duality of the hero nature: he and the executioner, and the victim in relation to himself and to the world.

The second Skolnikov dream reminds more of oblivion: "He dreamed everything, and all the strange such dreams were." The hero seems to be "in some oasis" "drinks water, straight from the stream," which seems to him wonderful. The link between this passage and the poem of Lermontov "Three Palms" is clearly seen here. After describing idyll in both works, the reader sees the murder. But the connection is not only the story: here the thirst for a clean life of the hero symbolize the images of the oasis and the stream.

In the II chapter of the second part, the author depicts the third Skolnikov dream. He is very remotely similar to sleep, rather resembles hallucination. The hero seems to be his mistress cruelly beating an assistant quarterly warder Ilya Petrovich: "Ilya Petrovich here and hits the hostess! He hits her legs, kogotit her head about the step.! " When Raskolnikov ask Nastasya, for which the hostess beat, he receives the answer: "This is blood." It turns out that no one has hit the hostess that it all seemed to Rodion, and Nastasya meant only the fact that it is blood in Raskolnikov "shouts" because "she has no way out." But the splitters do not understand that Nastasya invests in these words a completely different meaning than he himself, that it means a disease, he also sees a symbol of blood sliced, sin, crime. For him, the words "blood screaming" mean "conscience tormented." In this passage, Dostoevsky shows that, since the hero is tormented by conscience, it means that he has not lost a human face.

Describing the fourth Hero's sleep, Dostoevsky seeks to show how the theory of Skolnikov eases the wall between him and society: " Everyone left and fear him, and only occasionally, a little bit of the door to look at him, threaten to him, they say about something between themselves, laugh and tease him. " It is clear to the reader that the splitters cannot find a common language with the surrounding people. It can be seen that for the hero, it is very painfully to establish relations with people that he pulled away very much from everyone.

The next, fifth Skolnikov dream, as well as the first, nightmare. In the fifth dream, the hero is trying to kill Alain Ivanovna, but unsuccessfully. It seems to him that he quietly released an ax and hit the old woman by the pattern, once and the other. But strange: she did not even move from shock, precisely wooden. He was frightened, bent closer and began to look at her; But she stopped her head even lower. He stuck then at all to the floor and looked at her from below in his face, looked and sacrificed: the old woman sat and laughed. "

Dostoevsky seeks to show how the Raskolnikov turned out to be not a lord, not by Napoleon, with the right to easily cross through other people's lives for the achievement of his own goal. Fear of exposure and flour conscience make it pitiful. The image of a laughing old woman teases Skolnikov, completely subordinates him. During this nightmarish sleep, or better to say - Brad, Svidrigaylov seems to be Skolnikov, which is also very important. Svidrigaylov becomes part of the Raskolnikov theory, disgustingly embodies the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanity. Arguing about this last dream of the hero, you can see a distinct start of the crash of his theory. Raskolnikov dreams, as if "the whole world was convicted of a sacrifice of some terrible, unheard of and unprecedented by marine ulcer coming from the depths of Asia to Europe." There were some new "Trikhins, the creatures of the microscopic, which were allocated in the body of people", and the people who took them in themselves became "immediately bare and crazy." Dostoevsky, with the help of the image of this sleep, wishes to emphasize the consequences of the spread of the individualistic theory of the main character - the infection of mankind of the spirit of revolutionary rebellion. According to the writer (convinced Christian), individualism, pride and peculiarity is madness, and it is from this that he is so painful and slowly liberated by his hero.

Dostoevsky was able to very thinly, deeply and brightly describe the psychological state of the hero, using such an artistic technique as the disclosure of the character by describing his dreams. There are very different dreams in the novel, and they have a common purpose - as fully as possible to reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, refute the idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov, to prove the inconsistency of its individualistic theory.

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  • the role of dreams in the novel crime and punishment
  • dreams in the novel crime and punishment
  • the role of dreams in the novel of Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment

In the composition of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's dreams occupy the most important place, being an integral part of building a work. Dreams in the novel are the reflection of the inner world of the hero, his ideas, theories, thoughts hidden from his consciousness. This is an important component of the novel, which gives the reader the opportunity to penetrate the Skolnikov, to understand the essence of his soul itself.

Dreams in psychology

The study of a person's personality is a very subtle science that is balancing between accurate installations and philosophical conclusions. Psychology often operates with such mysterious and ambiguous categories as "consciousness", "unconscious", "psyche". Here, for clarification of a person's actions, his inner world is dominated, hidden sometimes even from the patient himself. He drives his immoral thoughts and feelings deeply inward, I am still confessed to them not only around them, but even myself. This causes a mental imbalance, contributes to the development of neurosis and hysteries.

To solve the state of a person, the true causes of its moral sufferings, psychologists often use hypnosis or breakdown of dreams. It is a dream in psychology - this is the expression of a person unconscious in the psyche, his depressed "I".

Sleep as a reception of psychoanalysis in the novel

Dostoevsky is a very subtle psychologist. He seems to turn inside out the soul of his heroes in front of the reader. But it does not clearly, but gradually, as if drawing a picture in front of the audience, on which everyone should see special patterns. In the work of "Crime and Punishment", a dream is a way to disclose the inner world of Raskolnikov, his experiences, emotions and a doom. Therefore, it is so important to determine the content of Raskolnikov's dreams, their semantic load. It is also necessary in order to figure out both in the novel, and in the identity of the hero.

Church and Kabak

Throughout the work, Rodion Romanovich sees dreams five times. More precisely, three sleep and two semi-breeds occurring on the verge of consciousness and unreality. Skolnikov's dreams, the short content of which allows you to catch the deep meaning of the work, allow the reader to feel the inner contradictions of the hero, its "heavy reflections". This is happening in the case of the first bed, in which the internal struggle of the hero is going to some extent. This is a very important point. This is a dream before the killing of the old woman. It needs to focus on it. This is a system-forming episode, from which, as from a stone, flew into the water, the waves are diverged on each page of the novel.

The first Skolnikov dream is the generation of the painful imagination. He sees him in his "room" after he met a drunken girl on the boulevard. Sleep returns Rodion in distant childhood when he lived in his hometown. Life is so simple, usual and boring, that even on holidays nothing is able to dilute the "sulfur time." Moreover, Dostoevsky's sleep was depicted in gloomy, repulsive tones. Contrast creates only green and red and blue shirts that belong to drunken men.

In this dream there are two places that are opposed to each other: Cabaccy and church in a cemetery. The church in the cemetery is a specific symbol: how life begins his own man in the church, and ends it in the same place. And Kabak, in turn, is associated with Rodion with anger, lowness, hospitality, drunkenness, mud and depravity of his inhabitants. The fun inhabitants of the Kabaka like the surrounding and the smallest bullies cause only fear and disgust.

And the two of these cores - the Kabak and the Church are not by chance at a short distance from each other. This Dostoevsky wants to say that a person whatever he is disgusting can at any time stop low life and turn to the long-life God. To do this, just need to start a new, "clean" life, life without sins.

Old Children's Nightmare

We now turn out not to the symbols of this sleep, but to the very Rodion, which in a dream plunged into the world of his childhood. He again experiences a nightmare, whose witness was in early childhood: Rodion, along with his father, heads on the cemetery to visit the grave of a small brother who died at 6 months of age. And the path they ran through the zabak. Kabaka stood that was harnessed in the cart. A drunk owner of the horse came out of the Kabak and began to invite his buddies to ride on the cart. When it did not move, Mikola began to whip it with a whip, which he then changed into scrap. After several blows, the horse dies, and Rodion, seeing it, rushes on him with fists.

Analysis of the first sleep

It is this in the novel "Crime and Punishment" a dream is the most important component of the whole novel. It allows for the first time to see the readers of the murder. Only the murder is not conceived, but real. In the first dream, the meaning is laid, which carries a huge semantic and symbolic load. He clearly demonstrates where the hero has evolved a sense of injustice. This feeling is the generation of the quest and mental suffering of Rodion.

Only one in the work of "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's sleep is the millennial experience of oppression and enslave each other. It reflects the cruelty, which is managing the world, and with nothing comparable longing in justice and humanity. This thought with affecting skill and clarity F.M. Dostoevsky was able to show in such a short episode.

Second Sleep Skolnikova

Interestingly, after the Raskolnikov saw the first dream, he no longer sees dreams anymore, except for his visiting vision - a desert, in which there is an oasis with blue water (this is a symbol: blue - color of hope, color of purity). The fact that splitters decides to get drunk from the source, indicates that not all is lost. He can still refuse his "experience", to avoid this terrible experiment, which must confirm his crazy theory that the murder of the "harmful" (bad, gravily) person will certainly bring relief to society and makes the life of good people better.

On the verge of unconscious

In a feverish fit, when the hero is not much concerned about nonsense, the splitters see how the owner of his apartment allegedly beats Ilya Petrovich. It is impossible to allocate this episode that occurred in the second part of the novel, in a separate dream, as it is more "nonsense and auditory hallucinations." Although this to some extent suggests that the hero is to prefers, which will be a "renewent", "outcast", i.e. At the subconscious level, he knows that he is waiting for punishment. But also, perhaps this is the game of the subconscious, which speaks about the desire to destroy another "trembling creature" (hostess of the apartment), which is also like an old-year-older, is not worthy of his theory, live.

Description of the next Sleep Skolnikov

In the third part of the work of Rodion, who was already dealt with Alena Ivanovna (also killing the innocent Lizaven Ivanovna), another dream is dreaming, gradually turning into nonsense. Another dream of Skolnikov is like the first. This is a nightmare: the old woman in a dream is alive, and for fruitless attempts to kill himself, she meets the Raskolnikov laugh, laughter "sinister and unpleasant." Raskolnikov trying to kill her again, but Homon crowd, which is clearly tuned unfriendly and viciously, does not allow him to do a matter. Dostoevsky this shows the torment and throwing the main character.

Psychoanalysis of the author

This dream fully reflects the condition of the hero, which was "was broken," since his experiment showed him that he was not able to overtake through human lives. The laughter of the old woman is laughter over the fact that the Raskolnikov was not "Napoleon", which can easily juggle with human destinies, and an insignificant and funny person. This is a peculiar triumph of evil over failing to destroy the conscience of Raskolnikov. Purely composite this dream is a continuation and development of the reflection of Raskolnikov over its theory, according to which he shared people on the "creatures of trembling" and those who "right". This inability to step over through a person and will bring Rodion to the drawing, to the possibility of "reborn from the ash".

Last Son.

The last in the novel "Crime and Punishment" Skolnikov's dream is another peculiar half-hearth, in which you need to look for hope for the possibility of moving the hero. This dream eliminates Rodion from doubts and searches, so tormented it all the time after the murder. The last Skolnikov dream is a world that should disappear due to illness. As if in this world there are perfumes that are endowed with the mind who possess the will, capable of subordinate to people, making puppets, stand-noted and crazy. And the puppets themselves after infection consider themselves truly smart and unshakable. Infected people kill each other like spiders in a bank. After the third nightmare, Rodion is healed. It becomes moral, physically and psychologically free, healed. And he is ready to follow the advice of Petrophry Petrovich, is ready to become the "Sun". It approaches the threshold for which a new life lies.

In this dream, Raskolnikov looks at his theory with completely different eyes, now he sees that she is inhuman, and regards it already as a dangerous for human race, for all mankind.


Many writers used dreams in their works, but few could achieve what F.M. Dostoevsky. The way it is fine, deeply and at the same time brightly described the psychological state of the character with the help of sleep, strikes not only the average man, but also the true connoisseurs of literature.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is a very talented psychologist. In his works, he puts heroes into complex, extreme life situations in which their inner essence is exposed, the depths of psychology and the inner world are revealed. To reflect the psychological state of the main character in the novel "Crime and Punishment", Dostoevsky used a variety of artistic techniques, among whom the dreams play an important role, because in an unconscious state, a person becomes himself, loses all the apparent, someone else, and, therefore, his thoughts show freely and feelings.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment", the reader brightly describes only three sings of Rodion Raskolnikov, although this hero is so immersed in itself that the line between sleep and reality here in principle practically erased. However, without these dreams it is impossible to fully understand his mental state. They are not only an understanding of the vital character of the hero, but also foreshadow the coming changes in life.

The first Skolnik's sleep sees shortly before the murder, falling asleep in the bushes in the park after the "sample" and a heavy meeting with Marmaladov. Before falling asleep, he wanders for a long time in St. Petersburg and thinks about the utility of the murder of the old-year-old age, which has tested his age and "hesits" to someone else's.

Raskolnikov will dream of his childhood, in his hometown. He walks with his father and passes by Kabak, from which drunken men run away. One of them, Molka, invites others to ride not his cart, which is injected "Little, skinny, saving peasant swirl". Men agree and sit down. Molka beats a horse, forcing her pull the cart, but she cannot even go a step due to weakness. Then the owner begins to beat Klyach with distervection and as a result kills her. Raskolnikov-child at the first moment looks at everything that happens in horror, then rushes to protect the horse, but too late.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis episode is the rejection of the murder of man in nature, and in particular, Okolnikov in particular. Thoughts and care for mother and sister, the desire to prove their theory about "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people in practice prompted him to think about the murder, drowning the flour of nature and will ultimately lead the old women in the apartment.

This dream is symbolic:

· Skolkolnikov-boy loves to go to the church, personifying the heavenly beginning on Earth, that is, spirituality, moral purity and perfection.

· However, the road to the church passes by Kabaka, who does not like the boy. Kabak is something terrible, worldly, earthly, which is ruined in man man.

These symbols show that inside the hero there is a constant struggle of the soul and the mind, which will continue for a long time after the crime and only in the epilogue of the soul's novel won.

· Raskolnikov, shuddering before he conceived, still kill the old woman and still Lizaven, the same helpless and scored as Klyach: she will not dare even raise his hand to protect his face from the killer's ax;

· The dying Katerina Ivanovna will breathe together with the caring blood: "Klyachu sat!";

· Hiding under the stone stolen from the old women of jewelry, the splitters will argue home "trembling, like a drunk horse";

· Meeting Raskolnikov Zabatchik Dushkin will tell "Babushkin Sleep" and at the same time "lie like a horse" ...

All these mimolent instructions sound like an annoying note, however, do not reveal deep symbols of mysterious sleep.

The first dream of Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov is also a prophetic. This dream is an omnation that he should not follow the crime that he will not succeed. Just as in a dream, a little genus is trying to protect the horse, but it turns out to be powerless against cruel drunken men, in his life he is a small person who is not able to change the social system. Listen to the splitters not to the call of the mind, but to the call of the heart, which sounded in a dream, - a terrible crime would not have accomplished.

Thus, in the first dream, the Raskolnikov not only shows the true spiritual qualities of the hero, but also an omnory of an imminent mistake, the prophecy of the coming death ("I killed myself or an old woman?").

Between the first and second dreams, immediately before the murder, the Raskolnikov comes a vision: a desert and in it an oasis with blue water (traditional color symbolism is used here: blue - color of purity and hope, elevating man). Raskolnikov wants to get drunk, it means that it is not all lost for him, it is possible to abandon the "experiment on yourself." However, again, without taking into account the call of the heart, the splitters still go to Alena Ivanovna with an ax chatting in the loop under the coat ...

The second dream of the Raskolnikov sees after the murder, immediately before the arrival of Svidrigailov - the image of the demonic and peculiar personiform evil. In front of a brookolnikov, he thinks about the jewels hidden in the courtyard of the old house under stone.

Raskolnikov will have already experienced events: it goes to the old woman. "... an old woman sits on a chair in a corner, all, loosen and tilting his head, so he could not see the face, but it was she. He stood in front of her: "Afraid!" - He thought, quietly released an ax and hit the old woman by the pattern, once and the other. But strange: she did not even move from shocks, precisely wooden. He was frightened, bent closer and began to look at her; But she stopped her head even lower. He stuck at all to the floor and looked at her back in his face, looked and quitted: the old woman was sitting and laughed, - so fell by a quiet, inappropriate laughter ... The rabies overcame him: He began to beat the old woman in his head, but with Every blow of the ax, laughter and whisper from the bedroom was heard all the stronger and more heard, and the old woman was dried away from the laughter. "

This dream is amazing for its psychological accuracy and artistic strength. Dostoevsky pumps, thickens paints (laughter at the old woman "sinister", Gomon Crowd behind the door is clearly unfriendly, evil, mocking), so that it is clearly and reliably reflected by the state of the desperate soul of the hero, especially intensified after the failure of the "experiment on themselves".

Raskolnikov turns out to be not by Napoleon, not the rule of law, with the easiest to overcall through other people's lives for the achievement of its goal; The flour of conscience and fear of exposure make it a pitiful, and laughter an old woman is a laughter and the triumph of evil over failing to kill the conscience to Raskolnikov.

The second dream of Rodion Romanovich is the dream of a man who made sure that he did not kill the old woman, but he killed himself. And the murder is as in vain, as attempts to kill the old woman. The Sleep Episode gives the answer to the main hero and the reader that the experiment was expensive in vain; The premonition of the fact that in vain murder will entail a punishment.

In fact, the punishment came into force long before the commission of the crime and continues immediately after the awakening of the main character - Skolnikov expects a meeting with Svidrigailov ...

Svidrigaylov - a man standing on the other side of good and evil on the verge of a normal and sick psyche. Its image is a twin line of Raskolnikov. Svidrigaylova has a lot of sins, but he does not think about them, because for him a crime is a normal phenomenon. After the death of his wife he is prone to visions: Marfa Petrovna is everywhere, talking to him; He is constantly dreaming a dream in which his wife reminds him of unaccustomed hours. Svidrigaylov cannot bear suffering and decides on the last in his life, the most terrible sin, - suicide.

The image of Svidrigaylova is also very deeply shown by Dostoevsky through dreams and visions and personifies the path to which the splitters could go if it was weaker soul.

But the splitters turn out to be higher and, supported by the Soncho, marmalade, is recognized in his crime and goes to the cautious.

The last one, the third dream of the protagonist sees at the Katorga, already on the way to moral revival, looking at his theory with other eyes. Raskolnikov sick, lies in delusion. Under the pillow - the gospel brought by Sonya for his (!) Request (however, they have never accounted for open).

He is shot by the paintings of the apocalypse: "Whole villages, whole cities and peoples have become infected and mad. Everyone was anxious and did not understand each other, everyone thought that in him in one and the truth was, and suffered, looking at others, he beat himself in his chest, cried and broke his hands. They did not know who and how to judge, could not agree to consider evil that good. They did not know who to blame who would justify. People killed each other in some meaningless malice ... "

In this dream, the Raskolnikov looks at his theory in a new way, sees her anti-imagination and regains it already as a possible reason for the emergence of a situation threatening in its consequences (this apocalypse - and there are consequences of the embodiment of the Raskolnikov theory in life). It is now, with the understanding of the third sleep, there is a rethinking by the hero of the meaning of life, the change in his worldview, the gradual approximation to spiritual perfection - that is, the moral revival of Skolnikov, difficult, painful, but still a cleansing and bright, bought cost of suffering, but it is through Suffering, according to Dostoevsky, a person can come to the present happiness.

Dreams in the novel have a different content, mood and artistic function, but their common purpose, one: the most complete disclosure of the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work is to refute the theory killing in a person man when aware of this person the ability to kill another person to them.

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