How to wash the cat at home? How to get a cat if it is afraid of water? How to wash the cat if.

You can wash the cat and even need. But for each pet, its requirements for the frequency of this procedure. For example, domestic cats need washing rarely. But cats that roam in different catches, follow the wash much more often. Consider the peculiarities of washing feline.

Why and how often you need to wash cats

Most pets are exemplary cleansing. Their language is able to clean the wool so that he will envy any urchival. But still over time, the wool can stick together, start staring badly and be covered with a fat layer.

Periodicity depends on the chistrity of the cat, the density of the cover and time of the year. Long-haired rocks are prone to the formation of koltuns, so they need to wash them more often.

Domestic cats can be broken about 1-2 times a year. Cats that walk down the street - 1 time in 3 months.

Wash animals can not:

  • during illness;
  • if indoors are cold or there are drafts;
  • if the cat is too afraid of this procedure - severe stress can lead to severe ailments.

What you need for bathing cats

For washing, shampoos are not suitable for people. PH leather and cats are different. Inappropriate detergent can lead to dry skin, dandruff and even ulcers.

Temperature water is about 37 s °. Also you will need two towels to collect water from wool.

If the animal is panicing water, it is better to get a dry shampoo. Powder is applied to the wool, and then combed. He will collect dirt and fat, and will also retain the friendship between the cat and man.

Short-haired cats can be wiped with a wet towel. It will remove pollution and wool dropped.

How to bathe cats

Before the procedure needs preparation:

  1. Pour the animal 2-3 hours before washing and no longer let me eat. From stress pet can snatch.
  2. Cut the claws to him. It will save you from injuries.
  3. Remove all items from the bathroom that the cat can overturn and smash.
  4. Locate on the bottom of the bath rug or towel. It is necessary that the animal does not slide and felt confident.
  5. Draw a pet and unwrave the chopencies.

When everything is ready, take the cat and take her bath. Put its bottom and keep a confident hand. Weaken the grip, and the animal will immediately use it and pops up. But in no case do not hurt!

Carefully wet the wool weak water pressure out of the shower. Strong pressure and noise frighten your pet. Water can be water from the pelvis. It is important that the fluid does not get into the nose and ears. The latter can be fused with cotton balls.

Then wash the cat's body and massage. Chin and paws are in the last place. Carefully rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the injection.

At the end of the procedure you can apply air conditioning. It will help wash off the remains of shampoo and make wool soft and shiny.

It is important during washing gently talking to a pet. Movements must be neat, but confident.

Upon completion of water procedures, press the water from the wool, wrap the cat with a towel and remove from the bathroom. Then put it on the second towel, wrap and skip wool gently.

Dry the cat is optional. She perfectly dried herself. You can use the hairdryer in case:

  • an animal is not afraid of him;
  • the house is cold;
  • on the eve of the exhibition.

The jet of air from the hair dryer should be a temperature of about 40 s °. It is impossible to blow in the face - for the cat is a threat.

First bathing kitten

It should be started to bathe a kitten in a 4-month age, not earlier. The kids are extremely sensitive to temperature drops, and incorrect bathing can lead to serious consequences.

You can start teaching 2 weeks after a complete shift of the teeth. In order for the process to go smoothly, you need to convince the kitten that water is not hazardous. To do this, put a basin with water in the room and throw rubber toys there. The kid will be interested and try to play with them.

Then you can wash your paws, under the crane or in the pelvis. Pour into it some water and put the kitten. If the baby does not run away in a panic, it is already ready for water procedures.

If the fear is present, during washing, you can distract the baby to the sakes toys. If you have an assistant, ask to inflate his soap bubbles. While the kitten will observe them, you can have time to wash it completely.

First bathing adult cat

An adult cat can bravely respond to attempts to put it into the water. Therefore, you need patience. It is advisable to introduce a pet in advance with a fitting in the bathroom. To do this, drop it into a dry bath and throw your favorite toys there. When the animal stops to run away in a panic, you can proceed to the first wash.

How to wash the cat for the first time in her life:

  • Pour water into a bath for several centimeters.
  • Confident take the animal and smoothly lower it.
  • Pour wool with water, drawing it out of the bathroom. If the cat is calm, it can be made of the shower.
  • Mock the fur shampoo and smash thoroughly.
  • Wrap a cat in a towel, get blocked, and then dry it with a second towel.

The first bathing should not take a lot of time. An affordable and unfamiliar procedure will bring a lot of stress.

How often to bathe different breeds of cats

Any animal should be bathed every 2-3 months if it walks through the yard.

Cats of the furious breed (sphinxes, elves, etc.) can be broken more often - once a month, and in winter - every two months. As a rule, these cats adore water and do not mind to swim at all.

Frequent bathing is needed by cats of white, beige and peach color. They wash their special shampoo for light wool.

  • Do not bathe a pregnant cat, and if she feeds kittens.
  • An adult dishonored cat needs a more frequent car wash. Because of its allocated secrets, its wool is faster, it becomes fat and sticks out.
  • After the operation, at least two weeks should pass, and only then the animal can be soldered.
  • If you took a pet from the shelter, you should not wash it in the first few days. Moving and swimming together - wild stress.
  • During the period, the washing helps to get rid of dead hairs faster.
  • Do not wash the animal during his illness.

So, the frequency of swimming is the conditional indicator. It depends on the pureliness of the cat, the features of its lifestyle and content conditions. The attentive owner will always understand that his pet needs additional care and will hold water treatments with maximum comfort.

If you do not take into the attention of the fact that cats every day yourself lick their wool and thereby make it clean, there are situations when the animal begins to smell or pet comes in a dirty after a walk. Based on this, the owner makes the solution to wash the pet to refresh its appearance. As soon as you catch your fluffy friend and try to carry out a bathing procedure, immediately risk getting a lot of scratches, listen to the "Arias" of the cat and get a spill-up apartment. This reaction to the water is quite natural, because, unlike dogs, which are glad to float in water, the feline family is considered not waterfowl. In order to wash your cat and this procedure brought as little stress as possible for an animal, and for you minimized the number of wounds in the hands and spilled water, there are small tricks, how to wash the cat, if it is afraid of water and scratched?

Preparation of bathing items

Before starting to bathe animal, it is necessary to carefully prepare for this process so that everything you need is at hand. A pet will not sit, and wait obedient in the bathroom while you are looking for a towel or another item.

Take advantage of the next list and cook everything you need to wash the cat if it is afraid of water:

  • Several dry towels to wind the trembling wet cat after bathing. A couple of them can be displayed on the floor so that the water does not spread along the floor covering.
  • Special shampoo corresponding to the type of animal wool.

Important! Shampoo, which people enjoy, is categorically prohibited for washing cats and dogs. Their composition negatively acts on the fur and animal skin.

  • Two small pelvis for swimming. In the first - he flooded with warm water and it passes the process of cleaning wool from dirt, the second is designed to rinse the wool from the shampoo.
  • Water poured into the pelvis must reach the animal abdomen.

Important! The water temperature should not exceed 36-37 degrees, as well as be less than the specified one.

  • Mug or skeleton. It is used to water the cat with clean water.
  • For security reasons, prepare 2 small cotton balls - put a cat in the ears to prevent water from entering them. In this case, the more likely probability is that you will be able to calmly wash the cat if it is afraid of water and scratches.

Important! If water gets into the ear in the animal, inflammation can begin.

  • Plock and peroxide, if fluffy favorite still scratches you.
  • Before you begin to batten the cat, put on a long sleeve sweater, so that the scratches are not very deep, or just cut the pet nails.
  • If there is an opportunity, call for help comrade. With a friend, you will greatly facilitate the adoption of the bath for you and your pretty.
  • Hide all unnecessary jars and cosmetics. The cat can overturn them when it will break.

We select the right cat wash

Prepare all the necessary baying items will not be much difficulty. But what to wash your fluffy friend? Definitely exclude the economic soap and shampoos for people, as well as shampoos for animals concentrated color and smell. In the pet shop, consult with a specialist and pick up the tool, based on the breed and wool of your oat friend.

There are several varieties of cathery care products that we will consider in more detail.

Dry shampoos

They are mainly produced on the basis of talca with the addition of antiseptic components. Dry shampoo has a powder structure. It is applied directly to the polluted segment of the wool, it is carefully rubbing and completed with a special brush. In fact, it is a great tool to wash the cat, if it is afraid of water and scratches.

But the dry shampoo has a number of negative factors that should be considered when purchasing it:

  • The duration of the processing of animal's wool will take about one hour. And if the animal is restless, it can last and longer.
  • To wash such a shampoo a cat entirely, you will need at least a few approaches, because it should be applied to small sections.
  • Fresh and brilliant look Wool has long, so it will have to wash it much more often.
  • In case of powder in the respiratory tract, a number of diseases may occur.

Spray shampoo

This type of shampoo has its advantages and disadvantages and is excellent for almost instant result, when you need to wash the cat, and it is afraid of water and scratches.

Important! The shampoo has a perfumed smell, so use it carefully to not harm animal smell receptors.

Emulsion shampoo

These are specially designed tools that bestly clean the animal wool from various kinds of contaminants. You only have to choose the right shampoo, based on the type of wool and the breed of your pet.

Important! Soaps should not be applied in large quantities, as in the future it will be difficult for you to wash it completely.

Similar funds have the following characteristics:

  • Emulsions have moisturizing components that have positively affect the cover of the animal.
  • Dear shampoos after applying are covered by a cat caller with a protective thin film, which contributes to the rapid restoration of the skin from water exposure.
  • Special components in the composition of the shampoo have properties whiten and eliminate the yellowness of wool.
  • When a mustache friend's mucous membrane does not cause irritation.

But in this case you will have to find the right approach to your pet, to fully wash the cat if it is afraid of water.

How to wash the cat, if it is afraid of water? - Instructions for the implementation of the procedure:

  1. When all cooking cooking is ready, catch a cat, tenderly consolidate him, calm the quiet voice.
  2. Keep the cat tightly, slowly lower in the water.
  3. When the cat is completely immersed in warm water, he can start breaking down, scream. Do not blame him, but especially beat.

Important! If you constantly, confidently, gently talk to the animal, his alarms will become less, he will understand that you will not hurt him.

  1. Take the prepared balls from the wool, try to shut up your ears so that the water does not get into them.
  2. Skill type water, wet the animal.
  3. Apply a small amount of shampoo on wool, thoroughly fooled, avoiding getting into the eyes, mouth, nose.
  4. Rock the foam formed in the same pelvis. When you delete it most, transfer the cat in the prepared second pelvis.

Important! Applying the shower, take it as close as possible to the animal so that it does not scare noise from the water.

  1. After complete cleaning of the wool from the shampoo, wrap it in a towel. As soon as the towel gets wet, replace it dry.

Important! When you take a cat from the bathroom, make sure that there is no draft. Wet cats are very sensitive to cold and are subject to the disease.

Now that you know how to wash the cat, if it is afraid of water, the process will not scare you. And after a few swimming, you will adapt and wipe your neat-striped friend without help.

Sooner or later faces that it must be bathed. And here there is a number of difficulties, since everyone is known to the terrible dislike of the pre-bath procedures. Previously, a cute and fluffy purr creation with the first touch to water seems to be replaced, and it turns into a fierce, loud and dangerous beast that can cause serious wounds to their owner. We will give a few recommendations how to wash the cat, if it is afraid of water and scratches. We hope that after reading them, your swimming will no longer be stressful for both of you.

Washing cat

First, let's figure it out, whether it should be bathed with an animal in nature at all, and if it is, how often it is necessary to do.

If necessary?

Everyone is perfectly known that cats bathe themselves, licking the tongue. Therefore, homems not very much and need this procedure conducted by a person.

The exception can be long-haired and miserable; individuals, which are exhibited at exhibitions; Either in some cases when the animal flashes out on the street or hesitually, hesitually licks himself and is silent from it, as well as in the presence of fleas.

Did you know? In Cyprus, with archaeological excavations, the most ancient remains of a domestic cat were found - they are dating 7500 a year BC. e. That the cat was homely, testifies to her burial together with a person.

If you do not quote the cat, do not export it to nature, then, most likely, it is not necessary to arrange bath days for him. Many owners talk about what, for example, for 16 years of life, a pet has never had to wash.

How often?

Even if there is a need to wash a cat, then do it necessary to do it. The fact is that the animal wool is covered with a special natural lubricant required to maintain its normal state.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to bathe a cat, for her it will be a huge stress. If there is a need for washing during this period, it is better to use dry shampoo and make it a special brush.

It appears as a result of the operation of the subcutaneous glands. With each wash, this protective lubricant will wash off, which is not good for the animal, since it is fraught with the development of various skin diseases and the appearance of dandruff.

When asked, how often you can bathe cats, veterinarians most often answer that as necessary and rarely. For a kitten, water procedures should be carried out no more than 3-4 times a month, for an adult cat - no more than once every 6 months.

How old are bathing?

Comfortable bathing directly depend on the age of the kitten met water and how stressful this situation was for him.

Therefore, the first bathing is very important and forms the subsequent behavior of the animal during this procedure.

You can travel to the water of the kitten from 3-4 months and 2-3 weeks after it settled at your home (the required period for the adaptation of the baby). And about how to bathe the first time, we will tell below.

Preparation rules

The battery process can be divided into 3 stages:

  • preparation;
  • bathing;
  • drying.
Before washing procedure, you must prepare a bathroom and an animal itself.


In the bathroom should be removed all hanging towels, because if the cat will break out, then it will cling to them, can break, pull the tightening, throw on the floor.

You also need to remove the winds, shampoos, washcloths - everything that can get under the paw pussy. Bathing the animal is better in the bath, on the bottom of which to lay a terry towel or a rubber mat so that his paws do not slip through the bottom.
For a small kitten, the bath sizes will be great and will cause fear, so it must be placed in a bowl or in the sink. Since the body temperature of a cat is 38-39 ° C, then a comfortable water temperature for it will be 38-40 ° C. The air temperature in the bathroom should not be below 15 ° C.

Water needs to be gained in advance so that its noise is not afraid of the sucted. In terms of its volume, it should be so much so that it reaches the belly of the animal - approximately 15-20 cm.

Important! Shampoo for bathing a cat must be purchased special, taking into account the characteristics of its wool. Soap it should not be washed, as it dries the skin.

Also in advance should be prepared all the necessary accessories for swimming: shampoo, brush, washcloth, towels, laying them in a row. Shampoo should be in an open state, because then open it will simply fail - the hands will be occupied by Holding Murki. All accessories must be nearby, so that they do not need to be far away.
For washing, you should invite yourself an assistant, since it is better to produce this procedure in 4 hands.


Before washing a cat in the bathroom, you need to cut it.

If there are hair lumps on his wool, then they must be carefully removed by their hands. Before bathing, it is desirable to play with a sissy to relax. It is also important to prepare affectionate words for her and gain patience.

Bathing the animal after visiting the tray.

After all the preparatory procedures, you can already start swimming.

Bathing process

There are several recommendations how to put it into the water. Some advise to do it by taking her for the withers, "so she will not be able to reach you with the paws. Others - fixing her paws with their hands. The process of placing into the water should be gradual.

In water, the position of the cat may also be different. It is recommended that either put it on the side, holding all the paws, or put on the hind legs, and the front is fixed.

In whatever position you have not placed Kisu in the bath, the main thing is that water does not get into her ears. After you entered the bathroom, the entrance door must be closed in order to avoid the shoot of the animal.

Did you know? The biggest homemade cat in the world listed in the Guinness Book of Records is the animal breed of Savanna. His name is Trabl, it has an increase of 48 cm and weight of 9 kg. With his mistress, Trabl lives in America.

Watering wool needs to start from the back, then moving to the pelvis. And after that - on the front of the body. Head should be wetted, gently pressing the ears. The process of wool cooking should be accompanied by affectionate words that will allow the animal to understand that you do not want him evil, and perhaps a little calm down.

After the wool has become wet, you need to apply shampoo. You can wash both hands and a specially designed brushed. I should not apply shampoo on my head. After washing, the foam is neatly combed with a brush.
I need to flush the shampoo very carefully, since the remaining detergent can cause skin irritations, or the cat can simply lick it, which will lead to poisoning.

Better wash can be achieved, of course, with the help of a soul. If it is unpleasant, it is resorted to the bucket or a circle.

After all the shampoo is washed away, the cat is removed from the bathroom, wrap a towel and gently press to themselves, holding it for about five minutes, during which he must calm down and come to normal.

We also give a few recommendations, how to wash the kitten for the first time. To do this, the baby must first be placed in an empty bath, and then gradually add water so that it reaches him to the tummy.
Do not regret the gentle words for a pet, it will help him relax and calm down. You can distract it with various toys.

If he is not afraid of the soul, then use it. If the noise of water will be unpleasant for the baby, just bathe it in a bowl. It is better to water the head with a sponge, and not water water.

Shampoo for a kitten is better to choose a hypoallergenic with a balanced pH level.

The washed baby needs to be treated with delicacy.

The last stage is the drying of the animal. To quickly dry it, you can use the hairdryer, but only if the cat is not afraid of his noise, which is very rare.
In order not to apply an additional stress to your homely pet, it is better to dry it with several towels, just wrapping it in them and alternately by changing them.

Did you know? There is a breed of cats who love to swim, is Turkish van. The fact is that their wool waterproof.

It is necessary combing after the wool is dry. On the street to produce an animal only 12 hours after swimming.

Many owners complain that they cannot wash their cat or a cat, because they are panicly afraid of water. Of course, if your cat makes a vertical to the bathroom with a turn and crashes from there, as a fighter for a combat task, then buy a cat will not work and have to choose an alternative option - to determine the cleansing agent that does not require flushing. But sometimes it happens that it is impossible to avoid washing, which means you need to look for the most sparing method for this execution. Sparing not only for a cat, but for you. By the way, the answer to the question "How to get a cat if it is afraid of water" will be exactly the same, there are no differences in sexual sign.

Why is your cat afraid to swim?

For a start, let's understand the causes of this fear. Most often, cats are afraid of not the water itself, but an unusual situation, noise and sharp movements of a person. In addition, animals experience fear when their movements and opportunities are constrained, they do not feel a solid support and cannot be closed to claws for safety purposes, and at the same time they hold for violence.

And they are afraid of the soul, which in the presentation of the cat is a living, aggressive being. Also, most cats are sharply reacting to too high water temperature. We make out of the above conclusions and pre-prepare for the procedure.

What you do not need to do to wash your cat?

  • No need to open the crane to the entire coil and lower the cat in the bath when the water is poured there.
  • No need to turn on the full power and direct it to the animal.
  • No need to use for washing cats shampoo for dogs, and even more so means for washing dishes.
  • No need to pour the shampoo from the bottle directly to the wool, especially dry.
  • No need to lay wators in the ears, it will only annoy.
  • No need to give sedatives, they bring more harm than good.

How to prepare for the procedure?

It is desirable that you had an assistant, four hands much better than two! Then one of you can fix the animal, and another to do washing.

Disarm the cat in advance - tonside him claws. This measure will serve you a good service if he is afraid of water. Savesting from the hated wash procedure, the cat will try to swing their paws and climb on you. Cutting claws will apply less injury.

Buy a hysterical cat will help a special net bag that is sold in pet stores and costs approximately 1300 rubles. Actually, it is not even a bag, but a mesh bag of durable polyester with a retainer on the neck. A cat, placed in it, can no longer scratch you, or jump out of the bath, besides, limited in motion, it behaves more calmly, and your left hand is released. If you do not have an assistant and bags, then everything you need to do, that is, pour water out of the bucket, add shampoo, rinse and rinse wool and manage the shower, you have to do with your right hand.

On the bottom of the bath bed, a soft rug that will fit tightly to the surface. Prepare two plastic buckets with warm water and dissolve in each of them a specialized shampoo. On the water bucket you need 50-100 ml of concentrated shampoo. Thai in our case will not fit, and the shoulder must be wide and deep enough. It is convenient not round, and rectangular vendors with a volume of 10-15 liters.

Turn on the shower barely barely, let the warm water pour out of it a little heard. Put the shower nozzle on the bottom of the bath on the right of the bucket with shampoo. In order to wipe the animal after the procedure, you will need 2-3 old sheets. They perfectly absorb water, better than towels.

How to wash the cat?

Take an animal on hand. With the right hand, lock the rear paws, while maintaining the body from the bottom, and the left hand lock the front paws, supporting the palm under the breast. Calmly start the cat in a bucket with water. An animal must fully immerse themselves in the water and rely on the rear paws about the bottom. Usually cats calmly carry the immersion.

Now you can let go of the back paws and start washing the cat as if you erase a wool sweater. Remember that the left hand constantly fixes the front paws and holds the animal so that it is immersed in the water. Hand slightly massage the animal wool so that the solution impregnate it throughout the case, especially where it is thick. This process will take on average five minutes. I do not advise you to wash the head of the cat, which is afraid of water. Usually it is not very dirty.

After you have finished "washing" in the first bucket, carefully transform the cat to the second and continue to "wash" in fresh water. If the cat is still afraid of water, do not weaken the control and quietly talk to him.

While the cat will mock in the second bucket carefully pour dirty water from the first and lower the shower there. Let the water are recruited there in order to crawl wool.

What to do next?

To wash the cat two vests with shampoo, you will definitely have enough and then you need to start rinse. Clean water has already gained in a bucket, and you can add air conditioning there, if, of course, the cat calmed down enough and you have such an opportunity. If he is still afraid of water, then you can do without it. Wechite wool carefully, transplanting a cat from one bucket to another, filled with clean water, two or three times. After you have finished, turn off the shower, put a cat on the bottom of the bath on the rug and press the wool's hand. Cover the animal with a sheet and remove from the bath.

How to dry a cat?

If your cat is afraid to swim, then dry dryer he will definitely endure. Therefore, blot it with several sheets, changing the wet on dry. Old thin fabric has good hygroscopic properties and will be well absorbed by moisture, so wool will quickly dry. You may need 3-4 sheets to finally dry the cat. And even better, get it, take it on the hands and go to watch TV. So you will rest, and the cat will dry in warm and rest. If possible, if the cat will endure it, you can calculate the dried wool.

Important! During the period, it is impossible to bathe, Ural Recks, oriental cats. Water procedures can lead to propellers on the body of cats, as they are very much linen.

Some circumstances can disrupt the bathing schedule. This is a strong pollution of chemicals or mud, participation in exhibitions and other demonstration events.

When you should not swim

Veterinarians are recommended not to carry a bathing of a cat in the process of the disease or when the animal has not yet been restored after a transferred infection. It is prohibited to carry out detergent procedures in the postoperative period, as well as for 2 weeks after vaccination. Contraindication to bathing cats is the late term.

What you need, and what is unnecessary to do in the battery process

Before the veterinarian procedure is recommended carefully, remove chatins. Then insert cotton balls into the ears of cotton balls or put on a special hat on your head. After that, the massage mitten is wetted in water, and it is applied to her surface to wash. After foaming the shampoo neatly, massage movements rubbed into the animal wool. It is not necessary to pressed much, otherwise it scares an animal even more, and then it will be much more difficult to keep it.

If you have thought of batting a cat in the pelvis, then install it in the bath. At the bottom of the pelvis, it is better to ax a terry towel or a rug so that the cat slid. The room in which bathing is made, you need to be released from foreign objects, otherwise they risk being in the bath (Tazu) or, worse, on the head of the cat.

Water is also of great importance when bathing an animal. Its temperature should not exceed 40 ° C and be at least 36 ° C. Veterinarians pay attention to the proper water level. It should not be higher than the level of pet belly. Therefore, there is no need to fill the bath (pelvis) to the top. If the cat does not feel the bottom under the paws, it can be strongly frightened.

Be sure to arrange an animal claws. It is very important. So you will protect yourself from possible scratches and damage.

Attention! The cat is not afraid of how much water itself, and its noise. Therefore, it is better not to include water during the pet, but fill the bath in advance. Rinse the shampoo should be under the thin jet of the soul or manually.

No loud sounds, screams, pressure should not be. Try to be calm and affectionate.

It is more convenient to bathe a cat together. Immediately distribute the role - who will keep the animal, and who to bathe. Better the process of bathing to trust the one who loves the cat anymore.

Important! It is impossible to wash the nose and ears with purr. This can lead to inflammatory reactions and attachment to infection. If a lot of sulfur accumulated in the hearing organs, and a turbid liquid flows out of the eyes, it is better to use special drugs. About, we already wrote. The physiological solution is suitable for the same purposes.

Video - Bathing Cats in Bath

The process of bathing itself

When all preparatory actions are completed, the driver is typed, the most responsible moment comes - the dive of the cat into the water. It is not necessary to squeeze the cat's paws from all his strength, fuss, shout. All this can hurt the purr. And the likelihood that you will be scratched, your cat will break out and ride under the bath, will increase in geometric progression. Therefore, try to be affectionate and calm.

Immerse it in the water gradually, starting with the rear legs. If the cat is diligently resist, and you started the procedure alone, call for the help of the second person. When all four paws are in the water, you can proceed, actually, to swimming. Do not forget to close the door to the bathroom, otherwise escaping, the cat will run around the apartment that adds you extra work.

Here is the algorithm of action:

  1. Crouch the brush water and a small tricky start watering a pet.
  2. It is better to start with the area of \u200b\u200bthe buttocks, the back. So the cat will get used to the water, sounds and sensations.
  3. Gradually move to the head. Street near the ears and the eye is better to wet manually, so as not to sneeze the animal.
  4. When the coat wool is completely wet, you can apply shampoo with the help of foam wash or hands (avoid getting tools in ears and eyes!).
  5. According to the instructions, leave the shampoo on the body of the animal for a while. Do not need a muzzle. Pet and well copes well with her cleansing.
  6. Carefully, also with a muscker or a thin wearing a shower, wash the shampoo (from top to bottom).

Attention! Shampoo need to thoroughly flush, otherwise its particles can remain on the animal skin and cause the development of allergic reactions. In addition, the tool can get into the stomach of the cat when lining, which will lead to its poisoning.

At the end of the procedure, carefully remove the cat out of the pelvis and get into the coat with a towel. Then shove it and, if necessary, dry the hair dryer. The cat must be protected from drafts and cold.

Wipe wool after swimming

Attention! If it is planned, it is better to get it up to the operation, since it is impossible to wash the seam in order to avoid the infection - only to process with antiseptic preparations.

Cat with a second towel

Take care of personal security. If you are afraid to stay scratched, it is better to arm in thick or winter gloves. The clothes should also be dense (which is not sorry later to throw out). It's not a joke! Stories that testify serious damage after bathing cats, in medical practice abound.

How to bathe kitten

So that the kitten did not remember the flow procedure as something frightened, it should be accepted to the water gradually. Try to make it so much to enter the bathroom and heard the sounds of flowing water. Start recommended with paw washing. If the kid resists, do not insist.

Take it on your hands and show the water flower. Perhaps he will want to play with a new funny "toy".

Attention! Bathing should be started from 4 months of age.

Since small fidgets are dirty more often than adult cats, then it is necessary to bathe it as it is contaminated (if it was inaccurately went to the toilet, the flea, ticks were swollen or started. Too often carry out the procedure without needing is not recommended, so as not to wash off the protective layer.

Important! If the kitten is very afraid of water, then you can buy a dry shampoo in the store. This is a good alternative to the usual means. It is a dry powder resembling powder. The shampoo is rubbed into the strip, then small particles are removed using a brush for deduction.

Veterinarians recommend bathing a kitten 3-4 hours after eating. So that the bathing happened in a more favorable setting, take a baby's favorite toy in the bathroom or lead before his facet of rope to give him to understand that the procedure is absolutely safe and there is no reason for excitement. It would be nice after bathing praise the kitten and give him a favorite delicacy.

Attention! So that the process does not scare the baby, start taking water procedures in a less frightening place for it, that is, in the room where he likes to play.

Can I bathe a pregnant cat

Veterinarians strongly recommend not to do this in the last period of pregnancy. At the beginning, water procedures can be carried out, but only if the cat normally applied to this earlier. If before pregnancy, the swimming process led to the present stress or became a test for an animal, then with manipulation it is better to stand up to.

Is it possible to dry the fader with a hairdryer

Drying hairdryer is another procedure that causes stress from a cat. Imagine when a pet just moved away from water procedures, he immediately has to overcome a new obstacle. Therefore, if you can do without drying with a hairdryer, it's better not to do that. Another thing, if in the house is cold, in the yard of winter, and the cat is completely fine, rare wool.

Drying feline wool using hair dryer

Can I bathe a cat with shampoos intended for a person

Many owners prefer not to spend money and use their shampoos for washing cats. Hurry to disappoint such bravery. Human means for washing are absolutely not suitable for animals. The main reason is a different water-alkaline balance, the likelihood of the development of an allergic reaction and deterioration of the condition of the cat's skin.

Important! The human pH of the skin is 5.5 points, and the pH of the cat is 7.5. Therefore, more alkali add to human shampoos. And what will happen if you wash the cat to the to wash the hair of people? It will aggressively act on the skin of the pet, and therefore the animal will be strong. And inflicted injuries, abrasions are an excellent guide for bacteria, fungi and microbes.

Wash cats with soap and "human" shampoo not recommended

The same applies to soap. Veterinarians are skeptical about this tool. When used by cats:

  • washed off the protective layer from the skin, which leads to the loss of local immunity;
  • the skin becomes dry and dehydrated;
  • wool ceases to glisten and becomes rigid;
  • allergy may appear;
  • arrives dandruff.

Therefore, it is not necessary to save on a fluffy pet, then not to spend even more money for his treatment. It is better to go to the pet shop and pick up a suitable means for washing animals.

Means for bathing

Shampoos for cats are made in powders (dry), sprays and in liquid (gel) form. The most popular is the latter. However, they are often not allowed to use, otherwise you can wash off the protective layer from the skin.

Dry shampoos are considered an optimal option if the animal completely refuses water procedures. Everything that is needed is to apply to wool, and then comb her brush. In addition, it is preferable to use this kind of shampoo during the cold season, when there is a chance after bathing to shine a pet.

Sprays are anhydrous tool that are most often used for pets with long wool. This option is good in its own way. However, not all animals are withstanding the notorious "PCHIKA". Therefore, for cats with a bustling nervous system, it is better not to use this tool.

Washing agents for cats

Conditionally, all feline shampoos can be divided into four types:

Attention! If you are supposed to wash your cat with shampoo and balm, then it is preferable to choose the means of one brand.

Table 1. Shampoos for cats.

NameVarietyPurposeVolume, mlprice, rub.

Chris Christensen Jungle Apple with Apple's Aroma (Concentrate 1:50)

CosmeticDesigned for deep wool cleaning355 930

Shampoo Trixie Trocken.

CosmeticSoft Care of Wool250 265
CosmeticTo wash off pollution from wool180 90

Perfect Coat Sed Control & Hairball

SpecializedAgainst molting and chatins with tropical aroma295 320

Provitamin Shampoo Anti Tangle

SpecializedFrom Koltunov. Provitamin shampoo specially created for soft cats for cats with long wool.295 425

Elite Professional

SpecializedFor long-haired breeds. Recommended for sensitive skin.270 509
SpecializedFor oily wool305 109
SpecializedBasic shampoo for the preparation of the animal to the exhibition237 1300

Dr. Gudman.

HealingFor animals with problem skin250 267
250 139

Biovaks for fatty wool

HealingFrom allergies and itching - cosmetic and hygienic tool for skin care and animal wool, prone to allergies200 290

So that the pet has more chances to win at exhibition events, you need to prepare for them as it should.

In the bathing of thoroughbred exhibition cats there are nuances.

Attention! In order for the fighter of a white cat look beautiful, it needs to be broken by specialized shampoos 1 time per month. Threaded rocks need bathing procedures no more than 1 time in 3-4 months.

In addition, the hosts of exhibition cats use various compositions based on protein and powder to impart silkness and attractiveness of wool.

Bathing cat is a very responsible moment that requires careful preparation. Especially if the procedure is first time. Any trifle, any incorrect step can lead to the fact that the pet is not close to the bathroom. Therefore, all the nuances must be observed.

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