The affect is short-lived. Affective states: concept, types, signs

States of affect - a violation of conscious control over actions, as a result of which uncontrollable actions can be performed. States arise without will, conscious control over their actions is not possible.

The concept is mainly found in judicial practice. The actions of such a person can carry social danger and be asocial in nature. Medicine considers affect as a loss of control over emotions during psycho-emotional arousal.

An unrestrained attack of anger, burst of tears or flushing of the face - each of us experienced such a situation in the company of other people, then would like to return to the past and change our behavior. As it happens, there is no need to be ashamed of it. Some emotions are reflected on the physical level. The normal reaction to what is happening suggests a conceptual connection between affect and control over action.

Symptoms of a state of passion

There are several types of states of psychological affect:

Classical physiological affect - a sharp emotional reaction, accompanied by mental disorders, but not associated with any mental illness.
Pathological affect - the cause of the occurrence is a violation of the activity of the nervous system, brain structures, the presence of a mental illness.
Cumulative affect (abnormal affect) - the affective reaction does not come immediately, according to the principle of the “last drop” it accumulates over time.
Affect under the influence of surfactants (psychoactive substances) - violation of mental activity under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.

The manifestation of affect is:

Physical - bodily disorder.
- Mental - disorders of mental, intellectual activity. Impaired memory for current events.
- Emotional - inadequate emotional response.
- Behavioral - an uncontrollable situation (a fight, or other illegal acts).

Signs of a state of passion

There are certain predecessor signals. "You need to know the enemy by sight" in order to prevent a state of passion in time, you do not need to ignore warning signs.

Temporal gaps of affect - fast start and short duration.

Physical signals:
General pain.
Muscle tension.
Sweaty palms.
Fatigue, tiredness.
Trembling in the body.
Stomach upset.
Diarrhea or constipation.
Nausea, dizziness.
Chest pain, palpitations.
Increased frequency of urination.
Increased acidity of gastric juice.

Mental and Emotional Signals:
Impaired perception and thinking.
Propensity for certain activities.
Difficulty making decisions.
Poor memory for current events.
Inability to concentrate.
Irritability or frequent falling into a rage.
Uncontrollable fear, anxiety.
Panic attacks and mood swings.
Irritability, anger.
Inability to relax
Feelings of overwhelmed, lonely, isolated, powerless, and helpless.
General dissatisfaction with everything.

Behavioral signals:
Inducing or performing any action during an emotional reaction.
A critical, zealous attitude towards others.
Explosive reactions to what is happening.
The tendency to act impulsively (out of control).
Increased consumption of alcohol or drugs.
Sleep disorders.
Nervous behavior (nail biting, tics, leg jerking, eye blinking).

The completion of the affect is usually characterized by fatigue, sleep, amnesia.

Causes of the state of passion

Diseases that can affect the development of the state of passion

1. Emotional lability (violation of emotional balance).
An emotionally unbalanced person cannot sense the moods of other people, and, above all, understand their emotions, thereby provoking unnecessary conflicts.
Self-confidence is the foundation of emotional self-control. The self-confident person consciously experiences his emotions.

2. Pathology of the amygdala. This structure is located in the brain and processes impulses that are related to emotions. In other words, it is a primitive emotional brain, responsible for making quick decisions in an emergency.

3. Pathology of the hippocampus - Underdevelopment or damage to the brain structure that is responsible for emotions and long-term memory. In order to quickly obtain the desired action, the brain needs a kind of archive accumulated over the course of life, which is controlled by the hippocampus.

4. Mental retardation (mild, moderate and severe). The affective reaction is not always conscious, reflex.

5. Chronic mental illness such as schizophrenia.

6. Temporary clouding of consciousness when taking psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs). Interfere with the ability to correctly interpret the threat.

7. Damage to the nervous system (meningitis, flu). Signals cannot be fully processed due to damage to the nervous system and the brain by these diseases. Actions are mostly automatic.

8. Mental impact (hypnosis, the use of neurolinguistic programming practices). When the psyche is affected by something from outside. Uncontrolled action is suggested by hypnosis or other methods.

How to prevent the development of a state of passion

1. try to relax;
2. Feel all the emotions you are experiencing, and also assess the willingness to take action in response to these emotions;
3. try to concentrate, see and hear what is happening;
4. ignore unpleasant memories;
5. do not associate what is happening at the moment with negative experiences in your life;
6. Imagine that everything that is happening now is a film, in a “bad” situation feel like an observer, not a participant;
7. remember something very positive from your life;
8. do not blame yourself for what happened, the affective reaction is encoded in the brain and occurs in a split second;
9. ignore stressful situations;
10. Accept a chronic irritant if it cannot be eliminated;
11. Reflect more pleasant emotions on your face, for example, smile;
12. become more active;
13. in unpleasant conflict situations, adhere to the opinion of a respected person or someone close to you;
14. If you are a believer, then pray, it works like meditation.

Diagnostics of the state of passion

To prove the presence of such a phenomenon as a state of passion, it is necessary to highlight several symptoms, conduct laboratory tests, and also consult with different specialists.

Here are some of the characteristic features:

1. The short duration and transience of affective reactions.
2. The suddenness and unexpectedness of action in a certain situation.
3. Perception of what is happening in parts (fragments) with a predominance of more important experiences.
4. Loss of self-control over actions (aimlessly repeated movements, taking action directly).
5. The affect itself is a strong emotional release, which can be accompanied by uncontrolled actions.
6. The state of apathy, physical weakness after the end of passion.

Survey data.

General analysis of urine, blood, biochemical blood test, determination of blood sugar, hemoglobin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hormone analysis - will characterize the general condition of the body, help to identify latent diseases.

Magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography will establish whether there are abnormalities in the brain structures.

Consultation with a psychiatrist is carried out to collect data on the presence of other mental illnesses.

A neurologist's consultation is needed to identify pathology from the nervous system.

Treatment of states of affect

Traditional methods are extremely effective and, above all, they are a natural weapon in the fight against affect. Recommended herbs: lemon balm, ginseng, mint, relaxing blend of plant extracts (ashwagandha, brahmi, gotu-kola). Aromatherapy: You should add a few drops of essential oil to your hot bath. Sedative oils: valerian, lemon balm, lavender, orange, patchouli, rose, bergamot, grapefruit, gerant, sandalwood, sage, clove, thyme, basil, cumin, chamomile. They block uncontrollable behavior and improve emotional well-being. It is very useful to eat colostrum - the first milk of a mother after the birth of a mammal. It contains substances that can suppress severe stress.

Regular exercise increase the body's resistance and prepare it for unexpected situations that can cause affect. Daily tips for increasing physical activity:
- Walking to the store instead of driving.
- Use the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Move during breaks at work.
- Get off the bus one stop early.

Yoga is a special form of physical exercise for the body and mind, which is especially often recommended for the treatment of pathological affective reactions. Tai chi is an exercise associated with the implementation of smooth movements that relax the body and mind, improve blood circulation and breathing.

Stretching for all those whose affective reaction is manifested by a strong muscle tone.

Exercise for the lower jaw - moving it from side to side, relaxes the muscles involved in chewing movements, which can reduce mental stress.

Exercises for the chest - increased tension of all muscles at the time of the passion makes breathing difficult. Practice taking deep breaths to improve ventilation. Deep breathing (diaphragmatic breathing) will help keep you calm.

Relaxation help reduce feelings of mental stress. Begin to relax the body from the head, and then slowly move to the shoulders and neck, chest, hips, legs. Relaxation in the face of everyday hustle and bustle creates a sense of control over the situation and reduces the risk of developing a state of passion.

Massage helps in relaxation of the body, gives a feeling of emotional stability and deep relaxation, reduces stress, anxiety and headaches, relieves tension around the neck, back and shoulders. The massage can be performed by a specialist or your partner. You need to learn massage techniques and, if necessary, massage each other.

To self-massage, you must lie down or sit down, close your eyes, and gently massage your face, head, neck and shoulders for about 15 minutes. Massage also relieves headaches and makes you feel better after a busy day.

Very effective in preventing affective states reflexology... It includes: acupressure or massage combined with aromatherapy and hydrotherapy. Even simple pressure on the points at the temples will relax the muscles in the neck.

Hot tub hydrotherapy... The warmth relaxes tense muscles and restores proper blood circulation. Before the bath, it is better to use a relaxing salt - scrub, Dead Sea mud wrap.

Meditation - distracts, reduces feelings of fear and other affective reactions. Relaxation methods include various forms of meditation that allow you to withdraw for a while from the surrounding reality and stress provocateurs.

Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. For example, to relax, look better at a candle flame, imagine a quiet place. The goal is to achieve a state of absolute peace and the absence of any emotion.

Suggested exercises:
- Select a word or phrase such as calm.
- Sit quietly, close your eyes and relax.
- Repeat the selected word / phrase in accordance with the breathing rhythm, with each exhalation, for 10 to 20 minutes.
This exercise should be done at least once a day with complete calmness and concentration.

Autogenic training exercises with the psyche using self-hypnosis. The technique includes repeating sentences. For instance:
- No problem.
- It was not important to react immediately.
- It is very important for me to relax.

Relaxation programs are an excellent way to treat the state of passion. They are available in audio form (relaxation music), video (relaxation movies), or as text, which is the least effective of these. Music and films are mainly based on natural sounds of nature (splashing waves, wind, heartbeat). Films can be found on YouTube - search for "relaxation".

Color therapy improves mood and soothes. For example, try green in the interior, dominance in the wardrobe, and so on.

Homeopathy selected individually. It can effectively ease emotional problems and affective reactions. This treatment causes a lot of controversy among specialists, but in order to make sure of its effectiveness, in some cases, you can try.

Psychotherapy. Talk about your problems and feelings with friends and family. If you want to better understand your difficult life situation and the reasons for recurring affective states, it is better to use the services of a psychiatrist or psychologist.

In the therapy of the affeta state, a choice must be made in favor of behavioral psychotherapy with a self-control technique.

First step - identification of a long-acting stimulus. Solution of problems. Determination and elimination of erroneous behavior, introspection.
Second phase - Situations are analyzed that induce and stimulate to commit inappropriate action.
Stage three - working with a psychotherapist to create a plan or contract for self-control. Departure from this plan is punishable by "fines", which are prescribed by the therapist.
Stage four - the goal is set to be achieved.

Drug therapy prescribed only by a doctor - treatment with drugs from the benzodiazepine group (Gidazepam, Diazepam, Clobazam, Clonazepam, Chlorazepat, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Medazepam, Nordazepam, Oxazepam, Prazepam, Lorazepam, Midazolam, Chlorazepam, Alrazepam, Chlobazepam. The use of medications can help you survive the period of passion itself, smooth out its symptoms, but will not eliminate the causes that caused it.These drugs are strictly prescription and addictive.

Psychiatrist N.A. Kondratenko

Affect (from Latin affectus - emotional excitement, passion) - strong emotional excitement, characterized by disorganization of consciousness, a sharp activation of impulsive, involuntary defensive and aggressive reactions.

Diagnostic signs of affect:

Subjective suddenness of the onset of affect;

Short-term, explosive nature of emotional release;

The intensity, tension of emotional experiences, manifested in muscle tension, motor excitement, in the form of impulsive, stereotyped actions;

Specific changes in consciousness, its "narrowing", concentration of thinking on affectively colored experiences, as a result of which the subject is aware of only the immediate goals and inadequate decisions are made to the situation that has arisen to the detriment of his own interests and plans, without taking into account the possible consequences, which he himself usually later regrets;

Disorders of mental cognitive processes (fragmented perception, partial amnesia of what happened, etc.);

Outwardly observable signs of a disorder of the autonomic nervous system (discoloration of the skin of the face, affectively colored facial expressions, interrupted speech with impaired articulation, altered voice timbre, slow rate of pronouncing words in the decay stage);

Decrease in emotional-volitional regulation of behavior, self-control;

Post-affective exhaustion of the nervous system, loss of strength, decreased activity, stunnedness, apathy, lethargy in the recession stage.

For the correct solution of the question of whether the accused (defendant) was in a state of passion, in addition to establishing the above signs, it is necessary to investigate:

The nature of the affectogenic situation;

Individual psychological characteristics of the personality of the accused (defendant);

His psychophysiological state on the eve of the crime;

The nature of the actions of the accused at the time of the crime;

Features of the behavior of the perpetrator immediately after the crime, his reaction to the words of those around him, his attitude to his illegal actions and the consequences that have come.

Usually, affectogenic situation is unexpected, acutely conflictual, accompanied by real threats, violence, insults against the subject or his relatives. Moreover, the strength of the impact of negative stimuli is determined primarily by the subjective meaning of events and situations in which a person acts.

TO individual psychological characteristics of the subject's personality, predisposing to affect, include: a significant predominance of excitation processes over inhibition processes, emotional instability, increased sensitivity (sensitivity), vulnerability, resentment, a tendency to get stuck on traumatic facts, high, but unstable self-esteem.

The emergence of an affective reaction is also influenced by the age-related characteristics of the subject, his temporary functional psychophysiological states that violate the stability of the psyche to the effects of an affectogenic situation (fatigue, insomnia, post-traumatic mental disorders, which were mentioned above, etc.).

Stages of affect:

1. Preparatory - an increase in emotional tension. The development of this stage is determined by the time of existence of conflict relations: from psycho-traumatic actions to an affective explosion. The first signs of emotional disinhibition, neurasthenic symptoms may not appear immediately.

2. Climax, or explosion (the shortest). The transition to the second stage occurs suddenly, depending on the individual psychological characteristics of a particular person.

It manifests itself in the form of sharp, disordered, repetitive, stereotyped actions of an aggressive nature. Associated signs: "narrowing" of consciousness with fragmented perception, inconsistency, "discontinuity" of thinking (decisions made are inadequate to the situation, the processes of goal formation, motivation are inconsistent, confused); volitional regulation of actions, self-control sharply decreases.

A large number of injuries inflicted on the victim often creates an outwardly deceptive picture (from the point of view of the objective aspect of the corpus delicti) that the perpetrator acted with particular cruelty, although in fact he was in a state of passion. Sometimes this leads to an erroneous qualification of the deed, for example, as a murder committed with extreme cruelty, and not in a state of passion (a sudden strong emotional excitement) with the appointment of a criminal punishment disproportionate to the guilt of the defendant.

3. Stage of decline in emotional stress with depletion of affective arousal (final). There is a fading away of affective arousal, there is a sharp decline, inhibition of physical activity. In view of the significant expenditure of internal energy resources of the body, active forms of behavior are abruptly replaced by passive ones, fatigue, apathy, confusion, lethargy appear.

Often, the accused, who committed a murder, caused bodily harm in a state of passion, then sincerely regrets what happened, seeks to help his victim himself. Moreover, this assistance is also often chaotic, inadequate to the situation and the nature of the deed.

Varieties of affect:

1. Cumulative (cumulative) physiological affect - the affect arising from multiple repetitions of negative influences.

2. Abnormal affect (affect due to simple alcoholic intoxication) - an affect that develops against the background of mild alcohol intoxication, when the changes in perception and behavior are not so significant that one can speak of a complete deformation of mental processes, of a significantly distorted semantic perception of reality.

The presence of data on the consumption of alcoholic beverages by the accused in the period preceding the affective tort does not relieve the experts of the obligation to thoroughly analyze all the circumstances of the case in each specific case in order to conclude on the presence or absence of affect.

3. A kind of abnormal affect - affect that develops in psychopathic personalitiesin whom deviations from the mental norm do not reach a pronounced pathology, but at the same time do not exclude certain defects in the emotional-volitional, motivational sphere. It should also be borne in mind that the type of psychopathization of such persons in each phase of the development of affect gives it a characteristic emotional coloring. So, for example, for psychopathic personalities of the excitable circle, the most typical is the directly explosive nature of the reaction, for the inhibited - cumulative-explosive, for the hysterical - a demonstratively emphasized, outwardly exaggerated affective discharge. A characteristic feature for all of them is that affects in persons of the psychopathic circle arise easily and in their strength do not correspond to the cause that caused them. Affective irritability in such persons often reaches such a degree that even an insignificant contradiction can cause a violent outburst of anger in them.

Affect has a criminal legal significance not only in the investigation of crimes under Art. Art. 107, 113 of the Criminal Code, but also when assessing the mental state of the perpetrator. Affect can also be of particular importance in assessing the mentally helpless state of a victim in rape cases, as well as as a circumstance mitigating punishment in other categories of criminal cases, for example, in a situation of exceeding the limits of necessary defense, for some military crimes, etc.

The diagnosis of affect has its own characteristics, which are determined primarily by the fact that the state experienced by a person cannot be reproduced either in fact or for ethical reasons. The main methods used by specialists-psychologists to establish affect are:

Psychological analysis of the situation in which the crime was committed, based on the materials of the criminal case;

Study of anamnestic information about the person who committed the unlawful act;

Conversation with the accused, his relatives, relatives, who know well the conditions in which he grew up, lived, was brought up;

Psychological testing of the subject using various psychodiagnostic test methods;

Retrospective analysis of the behavior of the subject in a criminal situation using the results of his psychological testing, anamnestic information, information about the event that happened based on the materials of the criminal case.

Suffering, being a purely psychological concept, has now acquired a fairly relevant legal meaning, understanding the essence and disclosing the content of which, when considering a number of criminal cases, civil disputes, becomes an indispensable condition for the legally correct application of the law.

Suffering is feelings, the emotional state of a person in the form of negative experiences that arise under the influence of events traumatizing his psyche, deeply affecting his personality structures, mood, well-being, health.

Suffering in its pure form is extremely rare. Usually, suffering is accompanied by: fear, tension (stress), anger, impulsivity, affect, guilt, shame and other negative emotions. The most common link between suffering and fear, suffering and stress.

A very close relationship exists between suffering and fear, stress, emotions of anger, affect. Therefore, the establishment in a subject with the help of a forensic psychological examination of strong emotional stress, affect can serve as confirmation, proof that he really experienced suffering.

Characteristic signs of suffering:

Sadness, detachment from current events, isolation from people;

A person experiences loneliness, isolation;

Feels like a failure, unhappy, defeated, unable to achieve previous successes;

Despondency, discouragement, thoughts appear about their professional incompetence, about the loss of the meaning of life;

The general physical tone decreases, functional disorders appear, sleep, appetite, etc. are disturbed.

The depth of suffering depends not only on what happened, but also, at least, on our attitude to it, on the individual psychological characteristics of the victim's personality, on his attitudes, social expectations.

The suffering a person experiences has a negative effect on his professional activity, cognitive activity, which usually does not go unnoticed by his immediate environment.

The law mentions two varieties of this class of emotions:

- moral, mental suffering - are directly related to personal, deep structures that are attacked, which causes such a strong emotional response in a person in the form of negative experiences called suffering;

Physical suffering.

The legal profession places high demands on his psyche, intellect, emotional and volitional qualities. In whatever area of \u200b\u200blaw enforcement he works, his working day is often full of various problem situations, various kinds of conflicts that require prompt decision-making of a legal nature, which in itself, to a much greater extent than in other professions, contributes to increased fatigue. excessive irritation, stress.

A huge number of publications are currently devoted to relaxation methods, a lot of special, including translated, literature on psycho-training has been published, in which, if desired, you can always find a large number of various useful tips, various kinds of physical relaxing exercises. However, despite all these methodological developments and recommendations, first of all, one should remember about simple and accessible ways to overcome negative mental states in the professional activity of a lawyer:

1. The correct mode of work, its reasonable alternation with active rest. Sometimes it is worth even slightly changing your lifestyle, giving up some bad habits in order to sharply raise the threshold of resistance to neuropsychic overload.

2. Taking into account your individual psychological characteristics, you should know how to most reasonably behave in stressful situations, how you can relieve yourself of the state of excessive anxiety, emotional tension, fatigue, while increasing the efficiency of your work, improving your well-being and mood.

3. Timely prevent the growing state of emotional tension. Usually, the most common harbingers of an impending mental deterioration are more and more frequent feelings of fatigue and irritation. The acuity of perception decreases, memory, attention, and the effectiveness of mental activity deteriorate.

If conditions permit, you can take a short, unscheduled break for 20-30 minutes during work, and ventilate the room.

Lean your head back in the chair. Try not to think about anything disturbing. Take advantage of the selectivity of your thinking, using the mechanism of repression from the consciousness of all that worries at the moment. Reassure yourself that "all the same, you can't change everything," think of something pleasant, evoking the most significant values \u200b\u200bin life in your consciousness, compare them with how much you have that others do not have.

Hello friends ... Sasha is on the air. As I recently realized, not everyone understands what a state of passion is. Many believe that a person becomes a fool for a while and goes to kill.

Those. it does not defend itself, but it purposefully goes to something. Like "I'm a fool now, I can go do something."

And in general, most people associate the phrase "state of passion" for some reason with the aforementioned act (I do not want to repeat this word).

And it could be anything. For example, he broke the pen of a classmate ... or ran away from danger when he seemed to run somehow as usual.

For example, you sit as a victim and to any question you say “I don’t know I don’t remember”. But they don't understand you and say "was (was) drunk?"

Also in many other situations. When, for example, you are trying to get a detailed story from a child about an incident at school or something else. Psychological pressure begins, due to which, by the way, a person can again enter a state of passion or fall asleep, especially a child!

I'll try to explain briefly ... as I understand it.

Each of us has psycho-traumatic situations in our life. Many become victims of criminals and terrorists. Someone grows up in a family of alcoholics and is periodically subjected to "domestic" violence!

Participants of hostilities for a long time are in situations that are dangerous to life ... Someone is constantly "brought" by colleagues at work or classmates. Many women were raped or beaten.

The child's psyche is especially sensitive to emotional trauma. A child cannot respond to violence to an adult! Psycho-traumatic memories last a lifetime ...

Some people become victims of various natural disasters. Someone has to go through mass unrest and revolution ...

What happens to a person

Sudden violence can put the psyche in a state of "alert". The affect "activates" the physical and mental forces of the body. Consciousness is narrowed, reality is perceived in fragments.

A number of physiological changes take place in the body. Blood pressure rises, heart rate increases, adrenaline is released, muscle tone changes, even skin color can change color.

Motor excitement and impulsive actions are often observed. In a state of passion, a person acquires unusual strength and endurance ... Affect lasts a short time and is explosive.

The result of the "affect"

After resolving a conflict situation, a person feels physical weakness and emotional exhaustion. After an affective outbreak, chronic diseases may worsen.

A general deterioration in well-being may occur. A person does not always remember past events (!!).

Therefore, if you are next to a person who has just experienced this state, you may not even try to get something out of him. Now he is a squeezed lemon! His consciousness is so confused that he may not even understand where he is, what is with him and why.

First of all, you need to give him a rest. Do not load or crush under any circumstances! A little time will pass and the person himself will begin to speak ...

Moreover, the person will most likely speak, even if you do not listen to him.

Here is such a short post. I hope I managed to convey my idea. If not, then we can discuss it ... And by the way, by discussing any of the topics with me and all the friends of the blog, you can also win cash prizes! Join!

That's all for now ...

Always with you, Sasha Bogdanova

Affect in psychology: features, signs and causes of manifestation


Snezhana Ivanova

Affect in psychology is considered as a certain form of manifestation of human emotions ...

The life of each person is colored by a variety of emotional states that are manifested in his actions, activities and behavior. Such a reflection of the experiences of the individual is possible thanks to emotions that reflect the reaction of the human body to the effects of a wide variety of stimuli (including reactions to a change in the surrounding reality and to other people).

Among all the variety of human emotions, positive and negative, sthenic and asthenic, adequate and pathological are distinguished. The pathological manifestation of emotional reactions can be expressed both in a decrease (for example, depressive states) and in an increase in mood. It is to the last option that affect is attributed, in psychology which can be characterized as a pathological emotion, and as a very bright emotional reaction with increased non-verbal manifestation.

The concept of affect in psychology

Affect in psychology is considered as a certain form of manifestation of human emotions, as a relatively short in duration, but at the same time a rather strong emotional state. A person most often experiences such a state if he cannot find the desired solution to some problem (traumatic, stressful), or when he has a feeling that there is no way out of a critical, threatening situation. This expression of emotions is accompanied by bright, well-expressed motor (external) and organic (internal) manifestations.

Also under the affect ( in the lane. from lat.affectus means passion or emotional excitement) in psychology they understand a certain type of emotional reaction, which is characterized by strength, brightness, short duration. A distinctive feature of affects is that they suppress and reduce the degree of manifestation of other mental processes of the personality, imposing certain types of responses on it.

The concept of affect in psychology is explained as a kind of "emergency" way for a person to solve a difficult and sometimes even dangerous situation. Such a behavioral reaction arose in the course of evolutionary development, which is why the cause of affect in humans (as opposed to animals) can be not only associated with biological and instincts, but also act as a reaction to social relations and contacts.

Ancient thinkers were still engaged in the study of the characteristics of affects. So, the concept of "affect" along with passions were basic in the study of the affective sphere of a person in the works Aristotle ("On the Soul") and Descartes (The Passion of the Soul)... Then Spinoza in his "Ethics"Reflecting on the nature of affects, I saw in them the states of the human body that can increase / decrease, favor / limit the body's ability to act.

Among foreign researchers who have devoted their scientific work to the study of the features of the manifestation of affects, it is worth highlighting:

  • Sigmund Freud (he argued that the most powerful affect is anxiety, he saw in affects the manifestation of drives unconscious by a person, but eventually came to the conclusion that affects play the role of warning signals that work together with protective manifestations of the personality, performing the functions of the Ego);
  • David Shapiro (considered affects from the point of view of the symptomatology of neurotic styles);
  • Roy Schaefer (he owned a fairly serious clinical analysis of human affective states);
  • P. Knapp, who argued that affects are experienced directly, very vividly and range from minor sensations to emotional reactions of a huge scale.

A significant contribution to the development of this problem was made by well-known minds of Russian psychology - A.R. Luria (diagnostics of traces of affect), Ya.M. Kalashnik (study of pathological affect) and S.L. Rubinstein, who emphasized that affects can be considered the most powerful emotional reaction of a person to various stimuli.

Today, in psychological science, affects are attributed to a special type of emotional processes of the human psyche that develop at critical moments for the personality, especially when they arise unexpectedly.

Distinctive signs of affect are that it is a violent, intense emotional response, which causes disorganization of human behavior and disruption of many mental processes and states. So, in a person who is in a state of passion, his facial expression changes sharply, chaotic movements (disorganized motor skills), disturbances in thought processes and (especially in his distribution, concentration and stamina) are observed. The manifestation of affect is also observed in a sharp decrease in conscious control over one's behavior, actions, or in the difficulty of making decisions (it is almost impossible to cope with one's emotional state). The main characteristics of this condition are:

  • by the time of manifestation - short duration;
  • according to the level of awareness - the least conscious emotional state;
  • by the dominance of mental processes, by complexity and arbitrariness - a state with the dominance of emotions.

A feature of affect is that this form of manifestation of emotions is characterized by more primitive reactions (and with a much higher degree of intensity), in contrast to the adequate human behavior, conditioned by social norms and the level of cultural development in a particular society. Affects have a special effect on the human psyche, imposing on him certain actions (stereotypical, stereotyped) which become a habitual way of reaction in situations similar in strength and impact (for example, aggression, flight, stupor, numbness, etc.). Despite the fact that such affective reactions have developed and developed in the process of biological evolution and find their manifestation only in similar conditions, their content and features of manifestation may undergo some changes under the influence of certain external and internal conditions (education, self-education, autogenous training, meditation etc.).

Main functions, types and phases of affect

Affects, despite the fact that they are characterized as rapid and "explosive" emotional processes, like any other forms of manifestation of human emotions, perform a number of specific functions, among which a special place is occupied by the function of accumulating affective experience. This is a kind of deposition of traces of affect in the unconscious, that is, the so-called affective memory is triggered. It finds its manifestation in similar situations, having been in which a person experienced a state of passion. If this happens at regular intervals, causing negative emotional experiences and contributing to the appearance of an affective state in a person, its accumulation may occur. As a result, a person can again experience a state of passion, even without the influence of a threatening situation or other negative factors. Such accumulated affect in psychology is often called an affective explosion, which occurs not at the critical moment itself, but after a certain period of time.

It should also be noted that many researchers see in affect the fulfillment of the protective function of the body and the human psyche, unless, of course, this leads to the emergence of neurotic disorders. Indeed, the manifestation of affect sometimes arises as a defensive response to an extreme situation or incident. That is, the affect that always arises in the already existing circumstances, being an impetus for the mobilization of the human body, can also organize behavior and actions to ensure the fastest response in specific circumstances.

Of course, one should not forget that the main signs of affect are that it limits a person's ability to realize the nature of his actions and actions, which can create a certain danger for the people around him. Most often, this is exactly the effect that affects have, since they are always accompanied by strong excitement of the nervous system and mental activity in general. As a result of this effect, a person significantly loses control over his actions and deeds, his ability to think rationally decreases, which as a result can lead to inappropriate threatening behavior.

Signs of affect depend primarily on its type. In the psychological literature, the following types of affects are most often distinguished:

  • pathological;
  • physiological;
  • cumulative;
  • interrupted;
  • negative;
  • positive.

Each of these types of affects has its own characteristics, which are described in more detail in the table.

Types of affect



Physiological This is the so-called sane state (emotional), which is characterized by the presence of serious limitations in a person's consciousness. So a person in a similar state can give account of their actions and actions, and, of course, they can be controlled. Most often as a result of a single traumatic effect.
Pathological The short duration of manifestation, leading a person to a clouding of consciousness and a complete loss of control (lack of will). Such a person is considered insane, with the inability to control their actions and actions.
Cumulative This condition arises as a reaction to prolonged exposure to a situation traumatic for the human psyche, or their repeated repetition (a kind of affective explosion occurs).
Interrupted The affective state is interrupted by external influence (it unfolds according to specific psychological mechanisms).
Negative This affect causes serious disturbances in the emotional sphere of a person, since such conditions contribute to the cessation of actions and a decrease in mental activity.
Positive People in this state tend to significantly decrease analytical processing of information, based mainly on heuristics and initial judgments. They are also characterized by shortened decisions and simplified strategies of behavior, a tendency towards stereotypes is manifested.
The affect of inadequacy Overreaction of defenses to failure. It is generated due to the collision of an overestimated level of self-esteem of an individual with its real capabilities. Finds its manifestation in aggression, anger, anger, hysteria and is accompanied by a high level of anxiety and strong emotional stress

Consideration of the concept of affect in psychology is impossible without an analysis of its features and phases of flow. In the scientific literature, there are three main phases that affect passes (most often referred to as the pathological type):

  1. preaffective (or the preparatory phase), where the preservation of consciousness is still observed, perception undergoes gradual changes, but violations in the ability to observe, awareness of the course of mental processes and related experiences are manifested;
  2. affective explosion (process of reaction), when the affect performs the function of a strong tone (emotional), which requires an immediate response. Disorders of the volitional sphere are observed, impulses are enhanced against the background of a weakening of the inhibitory apparatus, mental activity can be characterized as disorderly, with impaired consciousness and a loss of its clarity. Here, a person can choose one of two response options - reflection and attack, or flight and the desire to take cover.
  3. post-affective (final, initial) phase, the main feature of which is the significant depletion of all human resources (mental and physical forces).

The main features of affect are manifested in strength, time, intensity, degree of expression and level of awareness (they are described in more detail in the table).

The main features of affect



By time rapid onset and short duration of exposure
By strength high intensity of experience
By severity violent expression and increased expressiveness
By the degree of awareness characterized by irresponsibility of actions and deeds, a decrease in the level of control, lack of will, impulsivity of behavior and deeds
By level of care diffuseness is observed - decreased switching and concentration of attention, narrowing of the field of perception, focusing on the object that provoked this state

So, affects do not give in to the conscious control (volitional) of a person, achieve their discharge in his actions and deeds, while playing the role of a disorganizer in his consciousness and activity. A person in a state of passion can act contrary to the existing norms of society and at the same time loses the ability to control his actions.

The main signs of affect

The manifestation of affect, like other emotional reactions, is accompanied by a number of specific signs. They, in turn, depend on the type of affect. So, for example, the main signs of pathological affect are as follows:

  • disorganized behavior;
  • violation of the course of mental processes;
  • the spontaneous nature of motor reactions and changes in facial expressions;
  • organic disorders (symptoms from the cardiovascular and digestive systems, changes in breathing, impaired blood circulation, oxygen starvation of the brain, etc.);
  • subsequent depletion of physical and mental resources;
  • the presence of amnesia.

But along with individual features characteristic only of a particular type of affect, there are also general manifestations that can be divided into two categories: mandatory and additional signs of affect. So, the mandatory signs include:

  • the unexpected impact of a traumatic event that is experienced subjectively;
  • the same sudden manifestation of passion;
  • emotional response is violent (explosive);
  • there is a narrowing of consciousness (characterized by fragmented perception, an incomplete picture of the incident itself, as well as an abrupt perception of both one's actions and the surrounding reality);
  • partial violation of control over their activities (inability to predict results, decrease in control over actions and behavior);
  • physical and mental exhaustion.

Additional signs of affect include:

  • a feeling of hopelessness (a purely subjective feeling);
  • characteristic negative psychophysiological conditions, such as increased fatigue, chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances, some diseases;
  • partial narrowing of consciousness (distortion of perception (or illusion), partial loss of a sense of reality, a feeling of the alienness of one's actions);
  • violations of the arbitrariness of activity (motor, speech, as well as personal characteristics and its orientation);
  • disorganization and partial disturbance of consciousness (there is no complete understanding of what is happening).

Affects find their manifestation in external and internal signs:

  • external - facial expressions, appearance, posture, physical activity, micromimics, speech speed, timbre of voice and intonation, etc.);
  • internal sensations (a kind of feeling of detachment from reality, loss of a sense of time and perception of space, violation of communication with consciousness, a sense of fear and anxiety).

So, the most striking signs of affect are in their violent manifestation (high dynamics) and the duration of the aftereffect (weakening of vital resources). They affect all mental activity of a person, disrupting cognitive and emotional-volitional processes, manifesting themselves in poorly coordinated movements (motor disorder).

Causes of affect

The impetus for a person to experience a state of passion can be both a traumatic situation and negative emotions, or an unpleasant conversation with another person. But among the huge number of factors that can affect the appearance of this condition, psychologists single out the following most common causes of affect:

  • a dangerous, sometimes extreme and threatening situation that can cause significant harm to a person (this can be not only a direct, but also an indirect threat);
  • a serious protracted or overly emotional conflict situation;
  • significant lack of time (the need for a quick response in a difficult situation);
  • the presence of a conflict between the need to act and the subjective feeling of the impossibility of this (or the desire for something and the impossibility of satisfying these needs);
  • unexpected exposure to a strong stimulus in the event that a person does not have a plan (or program) of action;
  • systematic repetition of a traumatic situation (accumulation of affect);
  • actions and actions of other people that could affect the self-esteem of the individual and traumatize his feelings;
  • individual characteristics of the nervous system (strength, stability, mobility of nervous processes) and the human psyche;
  • hard memories that destroy a comfortable existence;
  • increased emotionality of a person and his impulsivity.

It should be noted that some types and forms of affect can be controlled, but for this you need to train your mind, as well as educate yourself and self-regulation. At the moment when a person is already on the verge of affect, but can still think clearly, the following can help:

  • you need to try to focus on something other than the object causing the affect;
  • take measures to change the situation or change the activity;
  • try to tighten (delay) your motor reactions a little (you can count or do breathing exercises).

But in especially difficult cases, the usual autogenous training may not work, so psychotherapy is prescribed, and sometimes drug treatment.

In certain life situations, the behavior of people shows high emotionality. It is expressed by irritability, aggressiveness, rudeness, screaming and loss of control. It is these signs that are the most common manifestations of the state of passion. According to doctors, there are cases when a person in a similar condition needs immediate medical attention. An unstable emotional state makes an individual potentially dangerous to others. In this article, we propose to consider what affect is and its manifestations.

Affect in psychology is considered as a certain form of manifestation of human emotions

What is a state of passion

In order to find ways to take control of your behavior, you should pay special attention to the question of what a state of passion is. In medicine, this term is used to refer to intense experiences that are accompanied by an increase in physical activity. It should be noted that such a state occurs in a condition of danger to human life or other critical situations. In Latin, the word "affect" is used to refer to passion or emotional excitement. While in this state, a person performs various motor actions, which are closely interconnected with a decrease in mental and intellectual abilities.

Being under the control of emotions, a person loses the ability to control their actions. Narrowing of consciousness and suppression of will are integral companions of this state. Some people, unable to cope with their feelings, do not have time to fully realize the cause of this condition. Man turns into a kind of beast that is guided only by his instincts.

Many people have repeatedly encountered situations in which an affective state manifested itself. According to experts, the development of affect conditionally consists of three transient stages:

  • a critical situation that “has no way out”;
  • an emotional impulse that precedes affect;
  • performing various actions that are not controlled by consciousness.

Affect from a psychological point of view

Affect in psychology is an emotional impulse that occurs under the influence of external stimuli. A person is constantly under the control of his emotions. Emotions are one of the types of defensive reactions to external influences. It is emotions that are an integral part of all mental processes that determine the personality of each individual. Based on this, we can say that all human life is under emotional influence.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that it is emotions that have a negative color that are the cause of affect. But the affect itself is not considered an emotion. According to experts, human feelings are one of the components of consciousness. But affect manifests itself as unconscious actions that are carried out without control. These actions are caused by severe stress, which contributes to the narrowing of consciousness and the development of pathological reactions.

The affect is relatively short in duration, but at the same time, a rather strong emotional state

A number of different emotions are included in the structure of emotional excitement, which are a protective mechanism of the psyche against the action of various stimuli. The launch of this mechanism leads to the mobilization of all the resources available in the body. In most cases, the affective state is accompanied by short-term memory loss. After the emotional outburst ends, the person cannot remember the events that occur during the stay in the affective state. The second specific sign of an affective state is a complete loss of control over behavior. This leads to the commission of unlawful and criminal acts that the person is unable to realize.

Signs of an affective state

All signs of an affective state can be divided into two conditional groups: sensations and behavior. Changes in facial expressions, physical activity, speech, and appearance are attributed to the behavioral group. Signs related to sensations are expressed in short-term memory loss, unreality of what is happening and loss of control. Specialists in the field of criminal law are engaged in a deep study of the issue under consideration. It is here that an urgent need arises for an exact differentiation of the state of affect from other types of clouding of consciousness.

The affective state is characterized by impulsive behavior, sudden development and profound changes in the psyche.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that all processes take place in the sphere of emotional perception, which has a deep structure. There are three main signs of the manifestation of affect:

  1. Formation of emotions closely related to feelings of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
  2. Neurobiological processes associated with various factors of autonomic, secretory, somatic or hormonal nature.
  3. Psychic energy combined with human instincts, requiring immediate release.

A feature of affects is that they suppress and reduce the degree of manifestation of other mental processes of the personality

Types of affective state

There are two conditional types of affective state:

  1. Physiological affect - uncontrollable behavior that goes beyond normal, provoked by stress factors and emotional overstrain. This mental reaction is developing rapidly. A feature of this condition is the short duration and the absence of pathological changes in mental perception.
  2. Pathological affect - This is a protective mechanism of the psyche, caused by the action of traumatic factors. The severity of this state is closely related to the degree of clouding of consciousness. The pathological affect is characterized by such features as acuteness and brightness of manifestation. The course of a pathological affect can be divided into three conditional stages: preparation, emotional outburst, and ending. Excessive and uncontrolled aggression is a specific sign of a pathological condition, which indicates a violation of the functionality of the central nervous system.

Understanding the features of the topic under consideration, it should be noted that inappropriate behavior is provoked by negative emotions. Most often, such emotions arise against the background of the inability to satisfy certain needs. According to experts, this trait is typical for young children who have not yet been trained to control their behavior. Thus, affect is a consequence of internal and external conflicts caused by the problem related to the satisfaction of incentives. Psychologists note that in the absence of proper upbringing, an installation about the correctness of the chosen model of behavior can be created in the child's mind. This will lead to the appearance of such qualities as resentment, a tendency to aggression and irascibility, negativity and excessive irritability.

Forensic psychiatry

In the field of criminal law, a state of passion is a loss of flexibility in thinking, which leads to a decrease in intellectual activity, which is responsible for controlling behavior. In this state, the individual concentrates his attention only on the stimulus. This leads to a loss of control of one's own actions, which becomes the cause of chaotic, inappropriate and unreasonable actions.

The concept of affect in psychology is explained as a kind of "emergency" way for a person to solve a difficult and somewhere even dangerous situation

Forensic psychologists say that while in this state, a person ceases to be aware of the consequences of his actions. That is why, when passing a sentence, this factor is a mitigating circumstance. In forensic psychiatry, there are clear descriptions of the various circumstances that can trigger an affective response. Such circumstances include acts of violence, insult or bullying, immoral or unlawful behavior of the victim, as well as the long-term influence of psycho-traumatic factors.

A similar reaction to the action of stimuli occurs under an outburst of emotions. It has a sudden development and impetuous flow, both for the person in a state of passion and for his environment. The formation of an affective reaction is preceded by a single exposure to a strong stimulus, which is characterized as having high significance for a particular individual.

The affective state is formed under the influence of certain stimuli that are caused by traumatic circumstances. In criminal law, there is a long list of factors that can trigger the development of affect. These factors include an indirect or direct threat to life, internal conflicts that are of high importance for a particular person, as well as the influence of others on a person's self-esteem through words or actions. Often, the formation of affect is preceded by conflicting desires and goals that cannot be satisfied. Overestimated demands of others, which the individual is unable to fulfill, can contribute to the emergence of an affective reaction.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that each person has individual reactions to the action of various stimuli. Therefore, it is almost impossible to predict which of them can provoke an affective state. Being in the same life situation, some people demonstrate phenomenal calmness, while others show a quick temper. The form of the severity of the mental reaction depends on many processes occurring in the region of the brain and central nervous system.

Examples of affective reactions

Many are interested in the question, how long does a state of passion last? Staying in this state is very short-lived and depends on the speed of getting rid of the stimuli. In order to understand in what situations an affective reaction occurs, the following examples should be considered:

  1. A husband returning from work sees his wife with her lover, resulting in physical abuse.
  2. A person who does not have fighting skills beats a professional wrestler who has committed abusive actions in his direction.
  3. At the moment of fire, a person is able to knock out an oak door with just one blow.

The formation of an affective reaction is accompanied by a loss of control over actions that are aimed at eliminating the influence of the stimulus. At such times, the ability to analyze the situation and organization decreases. In some cases, complete memory loss is observed.

According to experts, the development of an affective reaction can be stopped at the initial stage. At the moment of the very outburst of emotions, it is impossible to cope with the overwhelming feelings. Keeping negative feelings in check takes a lot of effort. Not everyone is able to pass such a test. The affective reaction is accompanied by feelings of delight, despair, confusion and euphoria. These feelings are expressed in the form of chaotic movements filled with strength, screams and rage. It should be noted that in such situations, a person demonstrates extraordinary strength, which is not characteristic of a calm mood.

With affect, a person loses control of himself

Therapeutic effects

The need for medical intervention arises in cases where a person's health condition differs from the norm. Of no small importance in this matter is assigned to the causes of affect and provoking factors. To prevent the emergence of an uncontrolled mental reaction, psychotherapeutic techniques based on modeling extreme situations are used. In the case of the presence of mental disorders, there is a need for clinical treatment. The most common diseases that lead to the onset of an affective state are depression and psychosis. To eliminate such mental reactions, the patient is prescribed "Aminazin", which is a potent neuroleptic.

In addition, the complex treatment includes the use of antidepressants from the group of atypical drugs. In addition to medications, electroconvulsive effects and other physiotherapy are used.

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