Erogenous zones of fish. Pisces: Joanna Woolfolk's sexy horoscope Erogenous zones in women by zodiac signs

Astrologers are convinced that the location of the erogenous zones on the body depends on the person's belonging to one or another Zodiac Sign. With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can find out about the most sensitive areas of your partner and, thereby, surprise him in the process of love games.


The erogenous zones of the representative of this Zodiac Sign are the face and head. Aries are quickly excited by gentle touches on the earlobes, the back of the head and lips. Biting, light tickling and gentle kisses in these places will bring true pleasure to Aries.


The erogenous zones of Taurus are the neck and shoulder blades. He just loves relaxing massage in this area of ​​the body. Stimulation of the neck and upper back first acts on the representative of this Zodiac Sign relaxing, and then leads to excitement. Stroking the neck and back, turning into passionate kisses, will drive Taurus crazy.


The erogenous zone of Gemini is the hands. According to the erotic horoscope, this is the most sensitive part of the body of this Zodiac Sign. Caresses for Gemini must be gentle and soft, turning into more confident and passionate.


The erogenous zone of Cancer is the chest. He quickly gets excited about touching, kissing and stroking the area. In the process of caresses, Cancer can get indescribable pleasure from any touch in this zone.

a lion

The erogenous zone of Leo is the lower back. Massage in this area can quickly excite a representative of this constellation and awaken a real predator in him. The hollow at the spine has a special sensitivity. It can be included in the love game, for example, by passing a piece of ice over it.


The erogenous zone of Virgo is the belly. Partner Virgo must know that caressing his lover of this Zodiac Sign's stomach, he not only gives him pleasure, but also helps to relax and get rid of that stress.


Astrologers do not distinguish certain erogenous zones on the body from representatives of this Zodiac Sign. According to the sexual horoscope of Libra, the body of a person born under this constellation is completely covered with sensitive points. The whole skin of Libra is very receptive to touch and caress, so it is very easy to excite a partner of this Sign.


The erogenous zones of Scorpio are the buttocks and genitals. The sensitivity of these body parts in Scorpio is several times higher than the sensitivity in this area in other constellations.


The erogenous zone for Sagittarius is the hips. The inner thighs are considered to be a particularly sensitive area. Active stimulation of this part of the body will reveal a passionate and irrepressible lover in Sagittarius.


Erogenous zone of Capricorn - knees and elbow joints. Kissing and caressing in these parts of the body will increase the desire of the partner of this Zodiac Sign and make him lose control of his feelings and emotions.


The erogenous zones of Aquarius are the feet and ankles. Massaging these parts of the body will make Aquarius more sensitive in sex and reveal a passionate lover in him.


The erogenous zone of Pisces is the legs. Stroking and kissing from heels to thighs will awaken real passion and strong desire in Pisces. The only thing you need to know about this erogenous zone of Pisces is that caresses should be very gentle and slow.

With the help of a sexual horoscope, you can determine your erogenous zones, as well as the erogenous areas of your partner, which will help you better understand and feel each other in bed. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press and

21.03.2014 13:39

What is the sexiest zodiac sign according to the horoscope? Astrologers have long found the answer to this question and ...

A sexual horoscope will tell the fair sex how to seduce any man. We will tell you about the weaknesses...

Men are unique creatures who, on the one hand, are considered the stronger sex, but on the other hand, become defenseless puppies before the charms of a woman.

Therefore, today we will learn how to excite a man so that his brain turns off and our female charms begin to work. it is also worth reading the article about who she is, the ideal woman for a man.

Well, perhaps these secret means are enough, but as you understand, the main rule is to love men and be sexy with them. And your man will always want only you.

Not always a woman wants to flirt before intimate relationships, sometimes you just want "play" with a man, flirt, fall in love with yourself. Basically, girls have such a desire when the relationship is just developing, and in order to keep a man “on a short leash”, you should use some tricks.

As you know, excitement can be not only for sexual relations. Exciting a man with her beauty, a girl will most likely become an ideal of beauty for him.. And if you can attract a man in this regard, believe me, you have already achieved 50% success.

It is known that a man loves with his eyes. And no conversation, no touch will excite him like a “beautiful picture” in the form of you.

What to do and how to behave in order to "wrap" a man in just a few minutes? There are several secrets that work on almost all men:

Thus, if your goal is to “fall in love” with a man, then you should arouse him carefully so that he does not understand that you are seducing him.

How to excite a man
Sooner or later, every woman is faced with the question of how to excite a man. Men love variety, and we want to stay with it for the rest of our lives.. Therefore, it is worth thinking about..

How to win a fish man?

Getting to know such a man is quite simple - just start a conversation about books or movies, and then everything will go on as usual. Such people have a very clearly traced craving for mystical phenomena, something unidentified, supernatural.

The sign of the zodiac is represented by two types - strong and weak. In fact, they equally attract the attention of women. But, each type has its own preferences.

A strong man is always looking for stability and tries to swim against the current. And only by making the right choice, a man will be able to achieve fame, success and recognition. A weak man submits to the flow of the river, which carries him throughout his life.

Let's look at how to win a strong-type fish man. Pretend that you are against starting your relationship. Light flirting with potential competitors will add sensuality and passion to the fight for your heart. The man will be hurt, and will try in every possible way to achieve your location. It is worth noting that the stubborn struggle for his chosen one will make him fall in love "to the very ears."

If you want to attract the attention of a less powerful fish, then you will have to take all the initiative. Such a man, even dying of love, will behave passively. Do not waste time in vain - turn his head and excite his senses. All in your hands!

How to understand a fish man?

Such men need grateful listeners who understand the essence of the conversation and support it in every possible way. Happiness for fish is to be understood by people around them.

A man chooses his future wife according to certain criteria that will not disturb his quiet island of an unreliable world. A woman should be strong, emotional and reliable, able to stand up for herself, keep comfort and peace in the family. It is better for a weak, defenseless woman not to associate her life with such a sign.

What kind of women do Pisces men like?

Men rave about a romantic, impressionable woman who can spark interest and dominate relationships. It is the predominance of leadership qualities in a woman that will help unite the future union.

Support your chosen one, show love and care, this is what will help him in the implementation of his plans. This type of man is constantly looking for notes of approval in the eyes of his chosen one, which give him strength and self-affirmation.

How to win a fish man through sex?

In intimate relationships, Pisces men like proactive women. Most of all in sex, they are attracted to romantic natures with sadistic inclinations. Do not reveal yourself completely, keep the atmosphere of mystery and expectation of the unknown. It is this feeling that will give mystery and the highest peak of excitement.

How to win a fish man with your attitude?

Pisces, like any other water sign, is quite emotional. He regularly arranges various tests for his beloved, proving love and dispelling invented suspicions. A beloved woman should not give any reason for jealousy. Share with your man his hobbies. After all, this is a sure way to be alone and give him boundless happiness.

The fish man strives to see not only his wife, but also a true friend who, in difficult times, will lend a shoulder and give the necessary moral path, but support. Remain a reliable partner and faithful companion for your man.

How to win a fish man?
Don't know how to conquer the man you like? How to attract his attention and make him think about you? One of the ancient but most effective methods is astrology. It is enough to find out under what zodiac sign your chosen one was born, and you can find out not only preferences or bright character traits, but also reveal all his wishes.

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caressing with the hands is nothing compared to what can be achieved when caressing the mouth, lips, tongue. The ear is always sensitive and easily responds to caresses. When the tongue touches the ear or gets inside, when the lips are pressed against the ear, when the lips, teeth or tongue play with the earlobe, all this causes a great desire in a woman, she even finds it difficult to breathe. Women who respond easily to ear caresses are the easily excitable type of women. The rapid emergence of desire is a sure sign of a highly excitable and very passionate woman, which takes a fairly long period of time to satisfy.
However, some women may resist attempts at ear caress for a while.
As the feeling of pleasure intensifies to a certain limit, the body of a woman of this type is covered with "goosebumps". Under the influence of feelings, a woman has a desire to merge with a partner with a passionate kiss. She removes her ear, immediately turns her mouth and exposes it to her partner. It can be considered that this type of women is slowly excitable, although this does not mean that they are less passionate than others. It's just that their desires do not manifest themselves as quickly as those of the women described above.
The last type of women does not always immediately respond to the caress of the ear. It may take up to a minute before a sensitive spot or an appropriate manner of caressing the ear is found in order to get the desired response. In this case, the warmth of the breath penetrates deep into the sensory area and enhances its sensuality. But there are times when even a woman does not resist, but this kind of caress does not reach the goal.
This should be emphasized, since most men expect an immediate reaction to their actions. If, for example, they start
love game with a woman's ear, and their partner does not respond, then, considering this place insensitive, the man begins to look for another sensitive place. This should not be done, since the appropriate love game with the woman's ear and nearby areas is one of the options for love play and, in the end, always contributes to the excitation of the woman. This should not be neglected.
Another area of ​​the female body, as well as the ear, which contributes to the development of female feeling, is the neck area. The most sensitive part of the neck is the area from the shoulder to the ear, from the shoulder to the middle of the neck on the back. The throat, the area immediately adjacent to it, and the places along the neck are not so sensitive as over the depression there. A woman reacts to kisses or a light touch of the tongue in these sensual places of the neck in the same way as she would react to caressing her ear.

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Pisces erogenous zones, love points

Erogenous zones of Pisces:

Particularly sensitive for Pisces are the arches of the feet, toes and heels. Even the lightest touches to these places will cause a violent reaction that can culminate in an orgasm.

When it comes to the moment that calls for the perfect setting for lovemaking, keep the following in mind: Pisces loves a warm place and the movement of water. So try a heated blanket and waterbed, or look for a bathroom that's comfortable enough for two.

Feet. Pisces will respond to gentle massage and stroking of the heels and feet, soft stroking of the feather on the soles and kissing of the fingers. With your fingertips, make circular movements, starting from the ankle, along the instep and to the fingers, stroking the toes with your hands or lightly biting them, you will give Pisces a lot of pleasure.

Pisces women love to masturbate men with their feet. She does this by gently squeezing his cock with her feet. Pisces men get a special extra arousal by sticking their toe into the vagina or simply stroking the perineum with their foot.

The excitability of Pisces increases if they soar their legs before having sex.

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Aquarius erogenous zones, love points
Erogenous zones of Aquarius:

The most sensitive area for Aquarians is the calves and ankles. Any positions that provide contact with these places multiply the sexual satisfaction of those born under this sign.
Sensitive areas are calves and ankles. Any posture in which you touch these places will greatly increase the desire.

As if casually stroke the leg from the ankle to the game, very carefully. You will be delighted to see the reaction of Aquarius.

Try to make love standing up, when a woman wraps her legs around a man under her knees, touching his calves. During the act, there will be a natural friction of the erogenous zones. (Especially effective in the pool.) Other positions that allow contact with the calves and ankles will always increase sexual satisfaction.

Aquarius is receptive to gentle touches.

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Capricorn erogenous zones, love points
Erogenous zones of Capricorns:

Particularly sensitive areas of this sign are the knees and popliteal fossa. In addition, both Capricorn men and women will react violently to a back massage, especially if it is carried out with light strokes from the waist up, along the spine on both sides, backed up with slow circular movements around each vertebra.
Capricorn men love a woman to touch her nipples to his face, mouth, chest, abdomen, groin with slow sliding movements. It drives him crazy.

The passion of a Capricorn woman will turn into a hurricane if her partner kisses her on the stomach or under the knees. The skin around the navel is especially sensitive in women born under this sign. And the skin under the knees is easier to stimulate than the thighs of other women.

Both the Capricorn man and woman will respond to a massage from the lower back to the top if you slowly touch the body with your tongue, making circular movements.

An unusually large number of Capricorns prefer to replace the vagina (as a source of pleasure) with the armpit. Don't agree.

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Erogenous zones of Sagittarius:

A special erotic zone for Sagittarius is the lower back, which is best caressed in a circular motion, and the hips, which respond to vertical strokes. For women of this sign, it is also hair, and for men - the area next to the genitals.
For the ninth sign of the Zodiac, the most erotic zones are the hips and thighs. But in Sagittarius women, hair also belongs to them. Play with them, stroke, comb. She will purr like a kitten. If it lasted long enough, it might awaken her sensuality.

His vulnerable area is near the genitals. Kissing the inside of the leg or lightly touching the tongue from the knee to the crotch will give him pleasure. The same can be said about the gentle stroking of the thighs. Homosexuals like to have their partners smear Vaseline on the inside of their thighs. After that, the mere insertion of a member between tightly clenched legs can lead to orgasm.

Scorpio erogenous zones, love points
Erogenous zones of Scorpions:

The most sensitive area in Scorpions is their genitals and everything that surrounds them, including the anus. Any stimulation of these zones creates an unusually erotic tension in women and men born under the sign of Scorpio.

The most sensitive places of Scorpios are their genitals. Even a light touch with your fingers can turn a man into a volcano. Why not? A woman of this sign is able to get excited just by crossing her legs, and in this position rub her “lips” against each other. (Some other approaches to Scorpio's sensitive spots have already been discussed.)

Nothing brings a Scorpio man to such pleasure as light touches of her tongue on the tip of a penis. Do I need to add that women are especially delighted with cunnilingus?

When you play with the sexual organs of a Scorpio, you can literally say that your partner is in your hands!

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A complete collection of materials on the topic: how to excite a man fish? from experts in their field.

Everyone can become an ideal lover for a Pisces man if she matches his sexual preferences. To please him, you need to be as active as possible. Of course, in this case, you do not need to spend much time on words, as this may scare him away. It is enough for you to be in beautiful underwear, sneak up from behind and start petting. It’s not worth being a passionless, unemotional doll - try to take the initiative as much as possible. Especially for women who have a Pisces man, I wrote this article. So, first things first.

Behavior in bed is influenced by the environment, this is recognized by most Pisces men. Calm is important for them, and a slightly romantic atmosphere will make intimacy especially vivid and memorable. And at the same time, it is absolutely impossible to delay sex, as this can cool his ardor.

Women's activity and initiative!

The most important advice is to be proactive. This quality must be shown to the maximum. Of course, you should not rush at him as soon as he came home, but you can not be a passionless and insensitive doll. It is unlikely that Pisces will appreciate this.

Usually a Pisces man loses his head from a woman who herself provokes sexual intercourse. Of course, he will lead himself, but she should not lie passively, but actively showing her feelings and emotions. You do not need to become a leader with him, just be proactive and active. He really likes the activity of his partner, as it stimulates him even more. If the partner does not show herself during intimacy, he may take this as an insult. It can also greatly lower his self-esteem.

He prefers a simulator who will simulate an orgasm than a lazy person who does not want to show her feelings. If you behave passively, he is unlikely to want to repeat intimacy. In fact, intimacy for him is a proof of love and a game at the same time, in which two people participate. Agree that playing in a team is much more pleasant.

If you are active and proactive in intimacy, the Pisces man will feel that for her, intimacy is pleasure and joy, which is a special communication between them.

Tell him about your desires!

You need to tell him about your desires. He appreciates sincerity, which will help both to enjoy. You need to help him understand where your erogenous zones are and what you don’t like. You can also sit down and draw up instructions on erogenous zones, your preferences. This will help both improve the quality of sex. In addition, he will like to talk about his desires, because he has many of them. And as a result, he will understand exactly what you like and what is not, your every breath and groan will become clear.

However, many women for some reason refuse to have this conversation with him. And this is in vain, because if you want to have fun, just put it in words. Believe me, Pisces will definitely appreciate your sincerity. And your intimacy will become complete and pleasant every time, because now he does not need to guess the desires of his partner.

Confidence is sexy!

Girls often worry that they do not have an ideal appearance. And the most painful topic is the extra centimeters. And this is all wrong, because the Pisces man does not try to look for flaws in you. And ideal girls simply do not exist, each is unique with all its shortcomings. And the interesting thing is that this man just wants to enjoy the process, get pleasure from communicating with you, and will not look for figure flaws. He is unlikely to want to look out for appearance problems when something more than unpleasant criticism awaits him.

She tends to turn the boudoir into a theatrical stage. You can be sure: every gesture and every word she utters will testify to her impeccable taste. It will certainly create the necessary atmosphere. She learns the wisdom of sex early, and her innate desire to please her partner prevents her from saying no.

She is a sexually liberated person, she likes all kinds of erotic games. It will not be difficult for you to "get" a woman born under the sign of Pisces. Watching a porn movie or reading excerpts from a modern novel will quickly awaken her sensuality. Because of her high suggestibility, she is likely to want to do some of the sexual acrobatics she has seen on screen in the bedroom. Most likely the first textbook on sex was written by a Pisces woman.

Her innate penchant for theatricality helps her convincingly portray passion, whetting her partner's appetite with this game. If your fantasies coincide with the fantasies of a woman born under the sign of Pisces, hot love battles await you. She will take care of impressive scenery and props - provide appropriate lighting, perfume with exciting perfumes, wear black silk lingerie, stock up on vibrators of various sizes and Chinese dildos, and will try by any means to satisfy the lover's requests. After studying his whims, she will use her imagination to make the play brighter.

One of the few times a Pisces woman likes being on top is sex on a waterbed. The fluctuations remind her of the surface of a calm sea. At the same time, she takes the position of a swimmer and is able to maximally adapt to the situation physically and psychologically.

During the period of menstruation, her sexual principle becomes unusually strong. Perhaps this is due to self-hypnosis. Pisces are highly susceptible to such influences. On such days, the Pisces woman kindles a sexual passion in herself, which is difficult for her to control.

A Pisces woman can realize her sexual energy without sexual intercourse in the following way: having aroused her lover, the partner licks his naked body with her tongue, paying special attention to the erogenous zones - the inner thighs, navel, lower back. Having inflamed the passion of a man, she begins to kiss the genitals and inguinal region. When a partner is on the verge of orgasm, she can have oral sex and experience ecstasy at the same time as a man.

She easily enters into a "master-slave" relationship and agrees to have anal sex more willingly than women born under other signs. She rarely refuses unusual offers from her partner. Playing with handcuffs, using a gag, being tied to a bed or table, faking a rack - all this seems to her acceptable. Such accommodatingness is perceived by sadists and pimps as a serious advantage. The pliability of the Pisces woman liberates the instincts of men with hidden cruelty. The victim will express his protest only when his suffering becomes unbearable. Case in point: Pisces women often enjoy being spanked.

She is predisposed to fetishize toilets and jewelry. She likes to have sex in earrings (preferably long ones that caress her neck when her head shakes from side to side), with rings on her fingers and large bracelets that slide over her forearms during violent passion. Some outfits can excite not only herself, but also her partner, such as long nylon stockings, gloves, French bras with holes for the nipples and panties with a cutout against the genitals. If the lover is predisposed to sadomasochistic games, she will put on a leather jacket, miniskirt or shorts, high-heeled boots to awaken his interest.

You can count on her willingness to engage in what is commonly referred to as "abnormal behavior". Some Pisces women I know claim to enjoy the "golden shower" (consisting of a man urinating on his partner). To please a lover, Pisces will agree to play the role of "mistress". One of my clients, born under this sign, told me an interesting story related to her latest novel. She usually puts on her best dress, does her hair, and goes out to her naked lover in this form. He hands her a whip and asks her to hit her buttocks. She complies with the request until he gets an erection and continues to whip him until he has an orgasm. The red buttocks of her partner ignite her passion, and she climaxes at the same time as him!

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