If you ask a sleeping person a question. How to find out the truth from a sleeping person

Is it true that you can elicit all the secrets from a sleeping person? and got the best answer

Answer from User deleted[guru]
It all depends on the person and the depth of his sleep. There are people who in the first phase of sleep (when they just fell asleep) talk. They have not yet all the senses turned off and you can try to talk. There is a very high chance of getting a clear answer to your question. That's just the answer you may not like :) this applies more to very jealous people 🙂

Answer from Yoasha Adiyakov[newbie]
My dad got up at night when I was sleeping and asked me and when I woke up I don't remember anything!

Answer from Mitya[newbie]
All, not all ... but you can find out what the thread is. You just need to talk to a sleeping person in one intonation, calmly ...
I tried that, it's cool...

Answer from Natalia Victorovna[guru]
yeah! and you will find out the most important secret, which organ you should go to in small steps

Answer from Andrey Veryovkin[master]
Not everyone. Only if a person sleeps very soundly (For example, after 18-25 hours without sleep). Then you can. You just need to ask in a very quiet whisper. The thing is that when a person gets very tired and goes to sleep, his brain cells relax so much that the flow of information comes against his will. Sorry for the imprecise wording.

Answer from Dobraja[guru]
eto ne na vsex rasprostraniaetsia,nocju razbudit i sprosit pro to sto interesujet,po idei otvetit pravdu tak kak soobrazat ne budet sto proizoslo

Answer from S.o.V.a[guru]
I know that if a young person is held by the little finger of his left hand and asked questions about the answer is the truth. checked it myself.

Answer from S_r[guru]
I somehow tried to do this, at night they wanted to know if I had a girlfriend, so I kind of didn’t understand anything, turned around so in a dream that I allegedly accidentally hooked my beloved’s lower jaw with my fist)) after that she didn’t ask me anything else at night)) I I don’t advise you to do this either, otherwise you just won’t get off with a bruise))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is it true that you can pry out all the secrets from a sleeping person?

It is important for many that there are close people next to them who can help, support in difficult times and not lie because of personal gain. Unfortunately, not all relatives are ready for a frank conversation, and far from many can be relied upon in difficult life situations.

According to statistics, almost every person lies three times within 10 minutes of a conversation.

Conspiracies for the truth will help you find out all the hidden intentions if you crave sincerity from a loved one and do not want to listen to false excuses anymore.

Features and rules of a conspiracy to tell the truth

A lot of vices are hidden in a person, but one of the most unpleasant is a lie. After all, it gives rise to hostility, a contradiction between close people, and also breaks their destinies. Arguments about lies that were used for noble purposes can go on for hours, but this will not change the situation and will not force a person to confess to a lie. Conspiracies from lies allow magical powers to help in this situation.

Do not ask for help from black magic, because instead of the desired truth, you can invoke grief and misfortune on yourself and your loved one. In addition, in the future, retribution will follow for the desire to know the truth.

After reading a conspiracy that allows you to find out the truth, the secret will become clear much faster. Since the object of the ritual will feel a strong desire to pour out his soul and tell you the pure truth. Very important carry out the ceremony according to the existing rules and not to joke about magical powers, if everything is done correctly, then soon the magic will act on the object.

The subtleties of a conspiracy from lies:

  • Read the spells in a low whisper. Especially when it is necessary to recognize a person who is far from you or that it does not happen immediately, but after a while;
  • It is recommended to perform a conspiracy to reveal lies in the early morning hours before meals, at this time the human energy is very strong.
  • The texts of the conspiracy are read 3, 9 or 12 times, you cannot make mistakes and pronounce the words a different number of times, for example, 5 or 10. Such an oversight will lead to negative consequences and a completely opposite result.
  • Before starting actions, contact your guardian angel, pray and ask for his support.
  • For a true result, perform the ritual on certain days. A woman will only tell you the truth if you perform the ceremony on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  • Think about the consequences before you start ritual actions. Decide if you really want to know the hidden truth and what you will do with it.

Do not perform various magical manipulations on Sunday. For a long time it has been considered God's day, it should be free from rituals.

When can the ritual be used?

If you cannot convince a loved one to stop lying, then by all means use the conspiracy so that the husband speaks the truth. It will help not only teach a person to tell the truth, but also relieve the negative impact of lies. Indeed, over time, lies will begin to negatively affect the physical and mental state of the liar.

Use the ritual under the circumstances:
  • The head of the company needs to find out which employee betrayed him, and who continues to serve him faithfully. This will help restore order and increase productivity among staff.
  • Conspiracies so that the husband does not lie will help to talk and bring to light a spouse who previously did not want to talk with his wife sincerely. And it will help in the future to build a harmonious and fruitful relationship.
  • Quite often, parents are faced with children's lies, before a complaisant child begins to lie at every turn. This is especially evident in adolescence. Then such a conspiracy will allow you to find out the reasons for lying and adjust your own behavior in order to improve relations with children and eliminate their lies.
  • If you know that friends or relatives are trying to hide the truth from you in order to protect you, but you still want to know the whole truth.

A lie will travel half the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.

Remember that before embarking on magical rites, you need to carefully consider everything and weigh the possible pros and cons for the situation.

Find out the truth in a dream

If you need to find out the truth from a very close person, then a conspiracy to tell the truth at home will help. This option is very convenient when the object lives nearby and it is possible to observe it during sleep. That is how, without knowing it, the man will tell the whole truth. You just have to decide what to do with it.

  1. On the growing moon on a bright starry night, when the husband is fast asleep, whisper the following words: I praise the great Lord, whom everyone knows, whom everyone glorifies. He helps his creations on earth, gives life to each of them. I ask the Lord to put a grain of truth into the mouth of the servant of God (name). Let it grow in him, speak on his own. Let that grain break through in the dreams of the servant of God (name) with a great flower of truth. Let him tell me everything that I want to know, I am a servant of God (proper name). And I want to know everything. Key. Lock. Amen».
  2. At the end, you can go to bed and not wait for the truth.
At the moment when the words of truth pour out of the mouth of your spouse, you will wake up and be able to hear all the information of interest, such is the peculiarity of the action of the conspiracy, which allows you to find out the truth in a dream.

Conspiracy on the truth of her husband

Another of the effective conspiracies so that the husband does not lie.
  1. Wait for the moment when the man falls asleep soundly, stand at his head.
  2. Crossing his mouth, say the following in a low voice:

    « I fly with the banner of the cross from lies,
    With a banner (name) I will wean you from lies.
    At any time of the day or night
    He will not utter (name) the word of the cunning and unrighteous.
    And if you try to lie again,
    Let your tongue go numb, it will suddenly darken in your eyes.
    And the Lord himself judges you. Amen!»

Conspiracy of water to the truth

There is another simple but effective way to tell you how to get the truth from a person who does not want to share it with you.

  1. In order for a person to be sincere, use a conspiracy to water the truth.
  2. Add the saint to a glass of clean running water and say the following words 3 times: Water is water, you flow everywhere, you know everything in the world, you open secrets, you clean it from dirt! Drop by drop the innocence of thought in the actions of the servant of God (name). Amen!»
  3. Give the charmed water to drink to the person from whom you expect the truth.
In the near future you will know everything, but be prepared for the truth.

Conspiracy from lies to knots

In order for the liar to tell the truth, use a different method.

The tie on the tongue is known to many for its ability to quickly affect the object.

  1. Prepare a small piece of natural thread and the text of the plot.
  2. Now you need to impose three knots on it, while knitting each of them, recite a spell.
  3. Three nodes - three readings. Conspiracy text: " Bridles with bridles, knots with knots. I am a servant of God (proper name) tying three knots, I hook them to the stirrup, I bridle the month, for the whole year, for the whole eternity. My knots will not allow to lie to the servant of God (the name of the liar) to anyone. Key. Lock. Amen».

Conspiracy with a mirror

Popularly known ritual "mirror of truth" reveals the true nature of the troubles occurring in life. For execution, additional attributes will be needed, they must be new:
  • Mirror without frame (30*40);
  • A piece of black fabric (50 * 50);
  • 2 tbsp. l. wormwood;
  • 1 st. l. sage;
  • Candle;
  • Matchbox;
  • A lock of your hair;
  • Metal container.

Prepare all the items and proceed to the full moon.
  1. Light a candle by its light, perform all actions.
  2. Put the herbs and strand in the container, then set it on fire. The resulting ashes will be useful in the future.
  3. Start reading the plot: Flame the candle, burn the grass, burn not the body, but the unclean thing. On the bearer of misfortune, the hat burns, and the mirror only speaks the truth. So be it!»
  4. Then sprinkle ashes over the entire surface of the mirror.
  5. On the surface of the ashes, draw scales with bowls, like the Greek goddess Themis, without overweight. Drawing on the surface should be done with the index finger of the right hand.
  6. Then cover the entire surface with a piece of fabric and mark the mirror so that its mirror side is directed towards the east.
  7. Leave it for 9 days.
  8. After the indicated days, remove the fabric. If you saw:
  • Libra unchanged (in balance) - then there is no damage;
  • The picture has changed - damage has been induced. You can get rid of it by carefully cleaning the mirror;
  • The appearance of additional characters is an indicator that you are the source of your own troubles. Understand yourself and the signs they will help you understand the true state of affairs.

If you do not observe every subtlety, then the ritual will not work correctly.

All of the above conspiracies from lies begin act instantly and you can see the result of their work already in the first days after the event. Maximum term the impact of magical rituals is considered up to 40 days. These days you will hear or learn the desired truth, prepare yourself mentally for it. After all, you can’t say anything about the depth of a puddle until you get into it.

In this article:

As the Russian proverb says: “The less you know, the better you sleep.” This is true. But not in all cases. Sometimes it is ignorance of the truth that does not allow you to sleep peacefully and even live a full life. Does the desire to know the truth drive you crazy? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.

How to find out the truth in a dream

Fast for three days, after which arm yourself with a long black cloth and lay out a pentacle from it. With a burning candle, draw two circles so that one is in the other. In a small circle, write the name: Rafael. After the corners of the pentacle, draw crosses. Turn the rag over and draw the same circles on it, writing your name in a small circle, and drawing crosses in the corners of the rag. You can't talk to anyone until morning. Going to bed, read the spell below, and put the pentacle under the pillow. Important! You should sleep alone. Spell:

“O glorious name of the Lord the living God,
Which is from the creation of time.
All earthly things belong.
And I, Your servant (name).
Oh Eternal Father,
I beg you to send me
your angel,
whose name is written in a circle,
To show me everything
What I want to see and know
Through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let it be so. Amen".

For a person to tell the truth

Watching the nose bridge of a person, you need to repeat the following conspiracy to yourself three times:

“Go, Judas, do not be cunning. Go, Jesus, and save me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His arrogance and cunning are figurines. Cunning (name), I won't buy it! Amen".

So that the husband does not lie

When the person hiding the truth from you falls asleep, stand next to him, and, crossing his mouth, whisper a conspiracy from lies:

“I’m flying a lie with the sign of the Cross,
With the sign of the cross (the name of the spouse) I will wean from lies.
Neither in the morning, nor in the afternoon, nor in the evening, nor at night
You will not speak a word that is cunning and unrighteous.
And if you want to lie
Let your tongue go numb
And your eyes will darken.
The Lord Himself will be your judge.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

truth spell

For those who wish to know the truth,
Who longs to open hearts and minds.
From now until memory runs out.
Those who are in this house
Let them hear the truth from other lips."

How to Increase Your Ability to Recognize the Truth

Repeat the following conspiracy three times, which will help to recognize the true nature of a person and his deeds:

“The Lord who is in heaven, who lives in me, open my heart, open my clear eyes and make me see in the true light what is hidden behind the veil of darkness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Magical ritual "Mirror of Truth"

This ritual helps to identify the cause of your problems and troubles, and if there is a negative program, completely neutralize it. For the ritual you will need: a rimless mirror (30 x 40 cm), a black new cloth slightly larger than a mirror, dry wormwood (2 tablespoons), dried sage (1 tablespoon), a lock of your own hair, a candle, a metal bowl, a box new matches.

Be sure to use natural fabric

The ritual should begin on the full moon. A candle is lit, herbs and hair are thrown into the cauldron, which are burned to ashes, while the conspiracy is read:

“Burn a candle, burn grass, burn not a body, but a dirty deed. The guilty hat is on fire, the mirror tells the truth. Exactly!"

The mirror is evenly covered with ashes, and scales with bowls in balance are drawn on it with the index finger of the right hand. After that, the mirror is covered with a black cloth and the reflecting side is turned to the east and left in this position for 9 days, after which the cloth is removed.

If, having opened the mirror, you see the scales in balance, there is no damage on you, but if the image has changed, then the damage can be easily removed by simply washing the mirror. If additional signs appeared on the mirror, then it is you who are the cause of your troubles and misfortunes, for example, your constant lies. Look for answers in symbols and yourself, this will help you discover the truth about the state of your affairs today.

The “tell the truth” conspiracy will help you find out the truth from a person who, for reasons unknown to you, is hiding it. Sometimes, knowing the truth is “more expensive for yourself”, but in most cases this is the only way to solve the problems that have arisen and restore justice.

What sometimes the truth means to us. Knowing the truth helps to understand how you are treated in the team, whether your loved one is faithful and honest with you. And how many times, not knowing the truth, we make mistakes in raising children. Such problems are solved with the help of psychologists who help people understand themselves and find out the true state of affairs.

But what to do if the person from whom you expect the truth and an honest attitude towards yourself does not compromise. To correct the situation, magic is used, which acts more gently and does not put pressure on the human psyche. With her conspiracies and rituals, more than one difficult problem has been solved since ancient times. And in this case, there is also a whole arsenal of ways that will help bring anyone to clean water.

One proven way to tell the truth is the people in stock. It is necessary to get a person drunk, as they say: "What a sober man has in his head, then a drunkard has it on his tongue." But this method of finding out the truth is not suitable for everyone and everyone. Therefore, the rituals proposed below will make it possible to find out the truth without pressure.

Such rituals should be carried out very carefully. If a person starts from “the bitter truth is better than the sweet lie”, then one must be prepared for someone, that one can hear such facts that will not fit in one's head. Usually this leads to a break in relations, to major scandals and simply not wanting to live with such a “truth”.

But there are also positive aspects, learning the truth, too. The information received helps people to better understand each other, which greatly strengthens relationships. A husband who has wanted a child for a long time, and his wife is silent, for some unknown reason, can find out about this secretly.

As a rule, conspiracies for a person to tell the truth are quite simple to carry out at home. Without drawing on the strengths of magic.

In what cases are rituals performed to obtain the truth

  • To obtain information about competing firms that are trying to ruin your company with the help of full-time employees;
  • To resolve conflict in the work team;
  • If the wife suspects her husband of his campaigns "to the left";
  • When children, especially teenagers, often hide the truth from their parents;
  • When friends are silent about the truth, which can greatly upset or even unsettle life.

To know the truth in a dream

When you need to find out certain information, and the person does not make contact, then perform the ceremony and read the plot for the truth.

The time for the ceremony when the moon is in its ascending phase. The chosen night for finding out the truth should be clear so that the moonlight penetrates the room. After the person is sound asleep, go to the window, open the curtains and say:

“I call on you, Lord our God, glorious and praised. Giving life to all living things and guiding it. I ask you, Lord, open the mouth of your servant (name), put a petal of truth in them so that it blooms with a flower of the truth that I want to hear. Amen"

After the spoken words, go to bed. As soon as a person starts talking, be sure to wake up and hear what he will talk about. Be sure that the person will not even know that he was talking last night in a dream.

Conspiracy for a conversation

In order to find out the truth and call the opponent to a frank conversation, a conspiracy to talk will help with this. Before. How to call a person to a conversation, prepare for it.

The night before, write the name of the person you plan to meet on a piece of paper. Light a church candle and holding a sheet of paper high above the flame so as not to set it on fire, read the plot:

“The servant of God (name) will tell the whole truth, may he lay out the truth to me, the Servant of God (name). Don't be afraid to open your mouth and talk to me with your soul. Your Lord is true on a universal scale, and among it is a drop of the truth of my interlocutor. Let us conduct a conversation with hearts open to the truth, and not with deceitful thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Fold the spelled sheet of paper and put it at your head. After the conversation, burn the leaf and scatter the ashes in the wind. You need to know that the rite works in two directions, that is, the person who conducts it is also exposed to it. What makes the future conversation honest and frank on both sides.

Conspiracy from the one who lies

The conspiracy that is offered is of great power and in the future the person will no longer have to doubt the truth of the words spoken by the interlocutor. It is read at home when:

  • Feel that the child ran away from the lesson, or got a bad mark, while carefully hiding the truth;
  • Bring to clean water a person who for a long time pretended to be a friend, who actually started nasty things against you;
  • So that colleagues at work do not lie and do not deceive, thereby substituting for the failure of some business;
  • For a husband to be frank and honest with you.

“If someone goes against me, but decides to lie to me, let his mouth close in a sick bite, and so it will remain. Let it be".

If a person intends to tell a lie, then say the following conspiracy:

“As soon as you lie, you immediately stutter and choke on saliva.”

“On the way, along the path, the satellite will not deceive, the conversation will not decorate with a lie. Truth will be in his words and truthfulness.

How to get someone to tell the truth

The magic conspiracy and ritual that takes place on the eve of the meeting will help to find out the true purpose of the conversation with colleagues, friends or buddies.

To conduct this ceremony, you need to prepare. What do you need:

  • Round mirror of medium size with a clean surface without cracks and scratches;
  • Sheet of white paper;
  • church candle;
  • A box of matches.

Above the flame of a candle, drive a piece of paper with the name of the opponent of tomorrow's conversation written, make everything reflected in the mirror and read:

“Lord God, help me open my heart, and open my eyes so that the truth can be seen, hidden behind a black veil of lies. Amen".

Roll up the sheet and hide it in an inaccessible place. As the conversation takes place, it must be destroyed.

So that the husband does not lie

So that a person does not lie. And even more so if this is a husband, you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I conjure you (name), tell me (name) only the truth, in the name of our Lord, who will not tolerate lies and knows the whole truth. Forever and ever. Amen".

When the spouse goes to bed, cross his mouth and say:

“Lord, help me your servant (name), save your servant (name) from lies and lies. So that neither in the morning, nor in the evening, nor in the afternoon nor at night, no words of lies were uttered. And if he tells a lie, let his tongue stick to the sky, let his mouth go numb, and his eyes darken. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on a liar

A conspiracy uttered on a liar in order to isolate himself from his lies is a good alternative to medical methods of treatment. The fact is that in medicine they use pills that help the liar correct his situation. They act on the subconscious, and the eternal liar begins to tell the truth. But this is a radical way that can affect human health.

Therefore, it is enough to arm yourself with a photograph of a liar and learn the words of the conspiracy:

“It’s bad for you liar. From the truth. Which sits inside you, it turns you inside out. You live well without her and calmer. But as soon as you look into my eyes, the truth will pour out of you like a frantic stream that has been sitting in you for years. And you will free your soul from your lies and it will be easier for me to live with your truth. Let it be so, and not in another way. Amen".

After that. A person will start telling the truth as soon as he looks you in the eye. Direct eye-to-eye contact always causes a person to be frank, especially since he is backed up by a conspiracy.

As the people say: "Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself." This also applies to the fact that before demanding from someone truthful words and an honest attitude, look at your behavior. conclude whether you are honest enough with people and whether you always tell the truth. Therefore, before requiring someone to speak the truth, try to speak it yourself always and everywhere.

Throughout life there is a struggle between truth and lies. To avoid trouble, condemnation, problems, it is easier to tell a lie, in this way offending someone or substituting. It's one thing when it comes to a person's feelings, but if the situation carries global problems, due to which there is a loss of numerous capitals or even lives. Everyone, in any situation, always wants to know the truth. Whatever she was. In most cases, this truth becomes painful, insulting, sad and even scary, and yet everyone always wants to know it. Sometimes a situation, an act, a result depends on the truth.

Magic will help you find out the truth

Is it necessary to know the truth?

Often, having learned the truth, we stop communicating with someone, we leave someone, we change our lives. Well, how to find out the truth if they don’t tell you it, they try to hide it in every possible way, or this is a question of your future. Maybe in this case it is necessary to conduct a rite of passage for the truth?

Magic will help to know the truth

And who thought what a dream means? After all, with its help you can understand a lot. The main thing is to take into account the day and remember the plot. After all, it has long been known that dreams from Thursday to Friday or dreams that occurred on the night of the New Year and Christmas are prophetic. A person can not only find out his future, but also find an answer to a question that concerns him or deal with a particular situation. Do not forget that such dreams are not for everyone, or no matter how strong the desire, but the person cannot remember what he dreamed about. And sometimes I had a dream on a certain day, the plot was well remembered, only the forecasts are negative and not encouraging. Then, after waking up, say -

"Where the night is there and the dream, the night is behind the door and grief is out."

The rite for the truth is the knowledge of the truth or an attempt to avoid deception

Lies, whatever they were, never brought anything good. Even if you argue for a long time about what is a lie for good, it's all nonsense. It does not matter who is in front of you a relative, friend, colleague, loved one, when too much depends on the truth, then it is necessary to achieve the desired result with all your efforts.

How to find out the truth in a dream

This rite can help to understand almost any situation, transferring it to a dream.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct this ceremony, you must:

  • long black fabric;
  • candle;
  • pen.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. To do this, you need to choose a day before which you need to fast for three, purchase a long black cloth and use it to make a pentacle.
  2. You should end up with a magical item that will show a five-pointed star placed in a circle. Any of its lines contains five concepts - Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Spirit.
  3. Next, you need to set fire to a candle, with which to depict two circles, in such a way that one is placed in the second.
  4. In an environment that is less required to write the name: Raphael. Further on the corners of the pentacle draw crosses.
  5. Transfer the black bundle to the reverse side, depicting the same circles on it. In a smaller circle, you need to write your name, and draw crosses in the corners of the fabric.
  6. The main thing before sunrise is not to talk to absolutely anyone and be sure to spend the night alone. The pentacle should be placed under the pillow and this spell should be spoken:

“O glorious name of the Lord the living God,

Which is from the creation of time.

All earthly things belong.

And I, Your servant (name).

Oh Eternal Father,

I beg you to send me

your angel,

whose name is written in a circle,

To show me everything

What I want to see and know

Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let it be so. Amen".

The rite can help to understand almost any situation, transferring it to a dream

The desire to know the future is a way to avoid disappointment

Much, almost everything, depends on how the future will develop. This is a family, a career, sometimes there are very risky deals, in which a lot is at stake. And it is important to know the course of events in advance. If we are talking about buying your own home or starting a business, if it concerns the health of your personal or relatives.

It is not necessary to visit fortune-tellers and psychics to know the future, it is not necessary to spend money and time on this. You can independently, without owning any magical powers, and knowing the correct rite, to know what lies ahead.

Find out the truth in a dream through a mirror

With the help of a mirror, you can transfer the future into a dream and recognize it.

What is needed for the ritual

To see what is coming in a dream, you can use a small mirror, the shape of which should be round, it is desirable that it be new and used only for a conspiracy and not used until the ceremony itself. In cases where it is not possible to buy a new mirror, you can use the old one.

How to conduct a ritual

  1. For this, it is necessary, if an old mirror is used, be sure to wipe it with alcohol - this procedure is necessary to remove any foreign energy and will help free the area for the future.
  2. Just before going to bed, place the prepared mirror under the pillow, immediately go to bed and say this spell:

    “As the darkness is now reflected in this mirror, so the light will be reflected in my mind. Let the mirror show me the future. So that I dreamed about it on a dark night, a moonlit night. For my dream to be true. Amen!"

  3. Repeat the plot at least seven times and then do not talk to anyone else. It happens when in the morning you don’t always remember everything that you dreamed about.

All the subtleties of this dream in any case will be remembered at lunch or the next day. The mirror must be hidden so that outsiders do not see it and do not take it, and after the magical rite, it cannot be used in everyday life.

Learn the truth about the future

After all, at any age a woman wants to get married, believes in fate, knows that there is only one, destined only for her. Your desire and interest can be satisfied with the help of several ceremonies.

The rite "dream on the future husband"

You can see the betrothed in a dream and learn about future events with him.

What is needed for the ritual

To conduct the ceremony, you must have any item from the list below:

  • scallop;
  • a thimble of salt and a thimble of water;
  • four card kings.

How to conduct a ritual

Depending on the presence of a component for the rite, a spell of the following kind is pronounced:

  1. If a scallop is selected, speak over it:

    "My betrothed mummer, come to me in a dream and comb my head."

  2. If a thimble is chosen, say:

    “Whoever is my betrothed, mummers, will give me water to drink”

    (before going to bed, mix salt and water and eat).

  3. If cards are selected, read on them:

    "Who is my betrothed-mummer, he will dream."

    The king of spades is an aged groom or jealous, a red king is young and rich, a cross king is for matchmakers from a military or businessman, a diamond means a desired groom.

You can see the betrothed in a dream and learn about future events with him

We learn the truth about the name of the betrothed through the rite

There are times when a person seen in a dream becomes recognized. Acquaintance with him has already taken place for a long time. With the help of rituals, a person becomes more confident and, knowing the truth, can independently accelerate the course of certain events. And how often, when you wake up in the morning, you realize that the person you saw in your dream is unfamiliar to you and over time you can forget his features. In such cases, you can conduct a ceremony in the name.

Rite in the name of the future husband

The most unpretentious, harmless ritual that will help recognize the name of the future husband.

What is needed for the ritual

For this ritual, you need to prepare several pieces of paper. The number can be unlimited, but it will be better if it is eleven.

How to conduct a ceremony

  • Each sheet must be signed with a male name, you can choose any names both among friends and those who have not even met throughout your life.
  • Leave one leaf blank. When everything is done, place the sheets with names in the hollow, in the header.
  • Shuffle the papers and pull out one. The name that is written on the stretched out leaf will be the name of the future spouse. An empty leaf will come across - the name of the betrothed will remain secret and it will take a long time to recognize him.
  • If, after the ceremony, in a dream the girl did not see her betrothed, this does not mean that celibacy promises her life or she will be alone.
  • It must be remembered that before performing the ritual, it is always necessary to tune in to receive information about future marriage.
  • During the day, try not to think about anything else.

Once and for all, to find out who your destiny is and see it in a dream, you can perform the ceremony on a certain day. December 13 is the most auspicious day to find out the truth in a dream. On this day, a big holiday is the day of St. Andrew the First-Called. On the eve, it is necessary to fast and read a prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called and ask for a good groom.

There are times when deception can be prevented, but what if you have already been deceived. Often, it is specifically known who, when and under what circumstances committed an ignoble deed. You can independently try to talk to a person, bring him to clean water. But more often than not, most attempts can again lead to lies, because few people can repent or confess to deceit.

It will help to force a person to confess a lie and not to commit it in the future.

How to conduct a ritual

It is necessary three times, looking at the bridge of the nose, to read the following:

“Go, Judas, do not be cunning. Go, Jesus, and save me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His arrogance and cunning are figurines. Cunning (name), I won't buy it! Amen".

You can use magic to make a person repent.

It will help to force the person who committed the deceit in your direction to confess to his deed.

What is needed for the ritual

The ritual requires the following magic set:

  • cup;
  • water;
  • church candle;
  • adhesive tape;
  • matches;
  • several coins.

The rite of repentance will help confess what you have done

How to conduct a ceremony

  1. Take a glass, put adhesive tape on the bottom.
  2. Take a thin church candle and stick it on the tape so that it is in the glass.
  3. Pour half a glass of water.
  4. Light a candle with matches.
  5. While the candle is burning, you need to read the plot. Do this until the candle burns down to water. Take the water out to the crossroads and pour it out there.
  6. At the same intersection, leave a few coins. Hide the candle in the house, from prying eyes.
  7. After the ritual, the person who deceived you and thereby offended you will appear, this does not mean that he will come, he can call and confess if he has weak energy.

    “Until the sinner (name) repents, he will suffer from my candle. Amen!"

  9. Read in a whisper, do not do it too loudly. Especially if a person is at a distance or requires recognition to occur after a while.

All conspiracies related to finding out the truth must be read on an empty stomach and in the morning. Because it is then that a person has the strongest energy. You need to repeat the spell 3, 9 or 12 times. It is imperative to ensure that there are no mistakes, because it is possible, due to inattention or negligent attitude, to lead the actions of the spell to irreversible and negative consequences. Regardless of which ceremony will be performed, you should always pray to the guardian angel. This will make it possible to protect your own bioenergy field.

It is necessary to pay attention to the gender of the one who needs to be forced to tell the truth. If this is a woman, you need to choose the following days for the ritual: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Regardless of the situation and the need for the ritual, be sure to remember that Sunday is God's day. On this day, in no case should rituals be performed or conspiracies be read, as this is a day free from manipulations with others.

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