Physiotherapy for hernia of the lumbar spine

Physiotherapy is a method of treatment through the impact on the body of various physical and natural factors - waves, rays, pressure, water. Similar directions have long been used in official medicine. They are constantly evolving and improving to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Since ancient times, doctors have known that heat, light has a beneficial effect on soft tissues, restoring them, reducing inflammation. Relatively recently, wave technologies began to be used.

They have a stimulating effect on the body. Irritating tissues and organs, waves of a certain range provoke natural processes of tissue regeneration, due to which the body recovers faster after a serious illness.

Types of physiotherapy for hernia of the lumbar spine

There is a huge variety of types of physiotherapy that are prescribed for intervertebral hernia of the cervical, thoracic or lumbar regions:

  • Laser exposure;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Pressotherapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • Ultrasonic technologies;
  • Acupuncture;
  • Thermal effect;
  • Massage;
  • Baths enriched with useful substances.

This is not a complete list of procedures that are prescribed for hernia. Technologies in this branch of medicine are constantly developing, the latest methods of influencing the body are being introduced, which give amazing results. Physiotherapy for intervertebral hernia is prescribed both with conservative non-surgical treatment and after surgery for the speedy healing of tissues.

Where to get a course of physiotherapy treatment

There are physiotherapy rooms in many outpatient clinics, inpatient neurological, traumatological departments. Sanatoriums that specialize in the treatment of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal, musculoskeletal system are equipped with modern devices and complex systems.

To receive such treatment, you must first obtain a referral from your doctor. He will describe in detail all the recommendations and contraindications.

Many sanatoriums are located in recreational balneological areas, where the process of recovery and restoration is influenced not only by physical, but also by natural factors. Getting a ticket to the sanatorium, you can fully relax and recuperate, improve your well-being.

Even if you came here with a specific referral from a doctor, it is advisable to pay a visit to local specialists, undergo a comprehensive examination in order to adjust the upcoming therapy.

Physiotherapy is also offered in dispensaries based on ordinary city hospitals. Vouchers here are often issued free of charge to patients who are registered with a neurologist.

Here, too, you can undergo complex treatment in order to eliminate the residual manifestations of the disease.

The main concept of the treatment of this pathological condition is the elimination of the pain symptom. Often the patient tries to get rid of pain in this area on his own, not knowing the true cause of the etiology.

In such cases, analgesics are often used, which only relieve lumbodynia, but do not treat the cause. After a while, the inflammation intensifies and the patient simply cannot tolerate the pain.

After that, they turn to a doctor who finds it very difficult to treat an advanced and complicated form of the disease.

In any case, the specialist will begin adequate treatment:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The appointment can be made in several dosage forms (tablets, ampoules, ointments). These funds are aimed at eliminating inflammation at the site of the dislocation of the problem disc, reducing swelling and pain relief.
  2. Analgesics. NSAIDs do not always give the proper analgesic effect, since changes in the area of ​​localization of the pathological neoplasm do not allow drugs to reach a therapeutically effective amount. Increasing the dosage of NSAIDs can lead to side effects, so analgesics are prescribed, which enhance the analgesic effect.
  3. Muscle relaxants. Often, pain is caused by muscle spasms, while the patient can “freeze” in one position, which minimizes discomfort. The action of muscle relaxants is aimed at relaxing muscles and relieving spasms, which significantly enhances the effect of other anesthetics.
  4. Chondroprotectors. This complex helps to repair damaged joints and often plays a supporting role in pain relief. Using these funds, you can adjust the dosage of the above groups down.

To date, the pathogenesis of such a disease as osteochondrosis is well understood. Despite this, the treatment of osteochondrosis presents a number of problems. Traditionally, the disease is treated with medication, using various drugs that relax the muscles and neutralize the spasms that cause pain.

As a rule, after the end of the procedure for taking the drugs, the pain can return, often with renewed vigor. This is due to the fact that the drugs only stop the pain, but do not treat the original problem, the condition of the back muscles, intervertebral discs remains the same, which invariably leads to a new wave of illness.

For the treatment of cervical, thoracic, lumbar and other types of osteochondrosis, various hardware methods of treatment have long been used.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis


Acupuncture is a traditional Eastern practice, which is increasingly being used in our country. There are thousands of active points in the human body, when exposed to them, recovery processes are launched. Only an experienced physiotherapist can carry out such procedures. If the needle is inserted incorrectly, important processes inside the body can be disrupted.

Physiotherapeutic activities also include swimming in the pool, exercise therapy, massages.

Such methods of influence can be used in combination or separately from each other. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment after it is completed. Many of the applied technologies are characterized by a cumulative effect. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, you can get rid of most of the manifestations of intervertebral hernia, reduce its size, and eliminate the development of negative consequences of the disease.

Is physiotherapy effective for lumbar hernia? Myths and reality, from the practice of a neurosurgeonAuthor

Scientists have found that the body of a sick and a healthy person differs significantly in wave performance, so the action of EHF is aimed at "tuning" the necessary wave. Under the influence of a certain range of intensity, a resonance occurs, which stimulates the response of the body, aimed at self-healing.

Treatment involves the impact on certain biologically active points.

In total, there are several dozen methods of physiotherapy, but only six of them have proven themselves in the treatment of vertebral hernias and protrusions. Also, one procedure is controversial (acupuncture), as acupuncture helps half of the patients with hernia, and the other half does not (even minimally).

Physiotherapy for hernia: a list of procedures used

Physiotherapy for hernia of the lumbar and neck can be applied as follows:

  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • exposure to the affected area by a high-frequency electromagnetic field (UHF);
  • paraffin applications;
  • acupuncture;
  • interstitial electromyostimulation.

What physiotherapeutic procedures are most often used to treat vertebral hernias and protrusions? We have described all the available techniques, but most often only three procedures are used: magnetotherapy, electrophoresis and laser therapy.

What procedures apply

Conservative treatment is selected by a specialist for each patient individually. What changes occur during the treatment with physiotherapy?

1. Restoration of damaged tissues.

2. Removal of muscle spasm.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are the key point of the entire medical complex, which in 90% of cases show high efficiency of their use. These include

Lumbar hernia has recently significantly “rejuvenated”: if people over 40 years old suffered from this disease, now they are over 25 years old. Scientists attribute this to limited mobility, as many prefer sedentary work, moving in transport, relaxing at the computer, etc.

That is why doctors advise to listen to your body and seek qualified help in a timely manner. After all, delay in this matter can lead to disability.

Indications and contraindications

The indication for undergoing physiotherapy for intervertebral hernia is the very fact of the presence of the disease. The earlier the patient seeks help, the higher the effectiveness of treatment.

It is advisable to start therapy even at the stage of osteochondrosis or protrusion, when the disease has not yet become severe. Often, dystrophic destructive processes in cartilage tissue cannot be completely stopped.

They can really slow down, restore all the functions and systems of the body, but the patient will have to reconsider his usual way of life. Now you always have to monitor the health of the back.

If you undergo a full range of physiotherapeutic sanatorium treatment once a year, then a hernia will not bother you.

Over time, you will be able to return to a fulfilling life with minimal restrictions. Such a positive prognosis is given subject to all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Despite the high efficiency, versatility, physiotherapeutic methods of exposure have many contraindications. This category includes:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Autoimmune processes;
  • The underlying disease in acute form;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, other neurological disorders.
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