Physiotherapy for a hernia in the lower back

Lumbar hernia is mainly found in people over 40 years old, but recently this disease has “rejuvenated”. The main reason for the early onset of the pathological condition is the modern limitation in movements. In an effort to maximize comfort, people choose sedentary work, exclude long walks, eat fast food, etc. All this negatively affects the structural segments of the spine, and in this case the lower back receives an excessive load.

How is a lumbar hernia treated?

Before embarking on a radical method of changing the pathological condition (surgery), doctors use conservative treatment, which in 80% of cases has a positive effect. Classical treatment includes drug therapy and restorative procedures (exercise therapy, gymnastics, manual therapy, traction, yoga, etc.). Only an integrated approach allows you to get rid of this disease. Treatment with drugs is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating inflammation, and physical exercises can restore muscle tone and correct posture.

After the exacerbation phase is completed, physical exercises are prescribed that help:

  • Restore muscle tone.
  • Return the spine to the correct anatomical position.
  • Redistribute the load from the lower back.
  • Remove spasms.
  • Normalize blood circulation and access of nutrients to the affected segment, etc.

Physiotherapy as a method of recovery after treatment of spinal hernia

Physiotherapy procedures are aimed at stimulating the body to self-healing. The main effects that can be achieved by this technique:

  1. Metabolism improvement. It is this process that is disrupted in the area of ​​inflammation, while not only the area of ​​hernia localization suffers, but also nearby tissues and organs.
  2. Stimulation of regenerative processes. In this pathological condition, the discs are significantly damaged (cracks, abrasion) and require emergency restoration.
  3. Regulation of microcirculation in tissues. Disrupted blood supply affects the supply of nutrients to important body systems, because of this, the cells starve, and the organs do not cope well with their basic functions.
  4. Anesthesia. Some methods use drugs or exposure to certain points, which significantly reduces the level of lumbalgia.
  5. Relieve muscle tension. Excessive tension or "stiffness" of the muscles can lead not only to increased pain, but also greatly affect the supply of nutrients to the problem area.

Physiotherapy procedures are effectively used to treat a variety of diseases. Professional studies and practical application have proven the effectiveness of this method in the treatment of various diseases of the spine. Physiotherapy is based on the influence of several factors:

  • Cold or warm air.
  • ultrasonic vibrations.
  • Water.
  • A magnetic field.
  • laser radiation.
  • electrical impulses, etc.

Features and benefits of electrophoresis, phonophoresis and electrical stimulation

Physiotherapy for a hernia of the lumbar spine is mainly designed to restore muscle tone and reduce pain. Electrical stimulation is based on the impact of an alternating electric current. The process itself can be considered passive training, as it causes involuntary muscle contractions. At the same time, the muscles subjected to such stimulation work at 100%, which is much higher than with arbitrary contractions during physical exertion (30%).

Electrical stimulation leads to:

  • Muscle relaxation.
  • Elimination of fatty deposits.
  • Strengthening blood circulation.
  • Stimulation of inflow and outflow of lymph.
  • Improving tissue nutrition.
  • Removal of toxins, etc.

This method cannot be used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy, epileptic seizures, the presence of heart apparatus, tumors, etc.

With the help of electrophoresis, the active components of medicinal substances are delivered. Direct current is used for local administration of drugs. The usual ways of taking drugs distribute the active substance throughout the body, and this method allows you to deliver the necessary components directly to the site of inflammation. Electrophoresis features include:

  • Specific action without toxic effect
  • Ability to deliver multiple drugs simultaneously
  • Safe to use anywhere on the body
  • Painlessness, etc.

Phonophoresis is an alternative to electrophoresis, only in this technique ultrasound is used to deliver active components. Mechanical vibrations can be attributed to a kind of massage that stimulates the body to:

  • Improving cell metabolism
  • Reparations
  • Puffiness reduction
  • Removal of inflammation
  • Lymphatic drainage etc.

Fundamentals of magnetic and laser therapy in the treatment of lumbar hernia

Magnetotherapy can be used as an auxiliary technique during conservative therapy, and as a rehabilitation procedure after surgery. The magnetic field has a positive effect on the compensatory-adaptive mechanisms of the body, activating and stimulating them. The main tasks of this method:

  • Improvement of blood circulation.
  • Saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Immunity boost.
  • Normalization of blood sugar.
  • OVR normalization.
  • Restoration of all functions of internal organs, etc.

Laser therapy now occupies a leading position in rehabilitation practice. With directed polarized radiation, all processes of self-regulation are activated in the tissues. As a result, this effect:

  • Eliminates pain
  • Promotes regeneration
  • Stimulates metabolic processes in joints and cartilage tissues
  • Relieves inflammation and pressure on affected areas
  • Boosts the immune system etc.

The effectiveness of this method has been experimentally proven, and no associated complications and adverse reactions have been found. Infrared and red radiation are now available. The first one penetrates deep into the tissues and works at the cellular level, while the second one is used for superficial treatment. The need for one or another type of laser radiation is determined by a physiotherapist who first studies the clinical picture, the prescribed treatment, the stage of the neoplasm, etc.

Doctors can prescribe several physiotherapy procedures that will help you cope with recovery after surgery or promote a speedy recovery during an exacerbation of a pathological condition. All dosages and exposure times are selected individually, and there may be changes in the appointment as the treatment progresses. To date, such procedures can be attributed to the safest methods of rehabilitation, but at the same time, physical exercises must be applied. They help to fix the therapeutic effect and prevent the occurrence of relapses.

A progressive hernia of the vertebral section can cause disability, so preventive and therapeutic measures should be applied in a timely manner. All appointments must be strictly followed, and procedures should be carried out only in specialized institutions under the supervision of specialists.

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