How to get pregnant in a long relationship. Whether overweight prevents overwhelming: how to influence overweight for men and women

25% of married couples face the problem of infertility more than one factor impeding successful conception. What affects the ability to realize your parental potential?

There are practically no well healthy people. Some suffer from those or other diseases, others cannot get rid of bad habits. But rarely, who suggests that imperceptible factors associated with well-being can impede conception.

The choice of profession affects fertility: people working
With paints and varnishes, the quantity and quality of sperm changes. In Women
Dentists rises the risk of miscarriage due to the fact that their husbands
Inhale the evaporation of narcotic substances that are injected by patients.

Factor No. 1, Combining the conception: age older than 35 years

The optimal age of a woman for the occurrence of pregnancy is 25-35 years old. Over 35 is already characterized by a decrease in the reproductive function, the accumulation of chronic diseases, genetic defects of egg cells.
In men, the chances of paternity are reduced after the 40th anniversary. The gradual decrease in the content of male genital hormones begins. Testosterone synthesis is reduced by about 1% per year.
We clarify that the chances of natural conception among future mothers over 35 are still there, but we should not forget that pregnancy in adulthood has a higher risk of innate pathology in a child.

Factor No. 2, Combining the conception: sexually transmitted diseases

There are more than 40 different diseases and syndromes that fall under the category of the STD. The most serious and common: genital herpes, gonorrhea, HIV, chlamydia and syphilis. In the neglected state, they are able to cause inflammatory processes of the genital organs, provoking spikes in the windows in the uterine pipes, and in men - inflammation of the prostate gland, appendages of eggs and seed bubbles. Ultimately, the STDs can lead to infertility of one or both partners.

Factor No. 3, Combining conception: Weight Problems

This factor is more often inherent in women, since weight deficit is 10-15% lower than the norm (especially the body weight is less than 50 kg) prevents the reproductive process. Overweight, on the same 10-15% higher than the norm, causes an elevated estrogen level in the blood and becomes one of the causes of the irregularity of the menstrual cycle and disruption of ovulation.

Factor No. 4, Combining the conception: The consequence of reception of contraceptives

Different types of contraceptives pushes a chance to conceive after applying in time from 2-3 months (oral contraceptives) and up to 1.5 years (contraceptive means of continuum: injection drugs, subcutaneous implants).
After using intrauterine helix, the ability to conceive is restored quickly. But to fully restore the function of the uterus and reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, it is recommended to refrain from pregnancy for 2-3 cycles.
Contraceptives of one-time action (spermicid), the basis of which make up substances causing death of sperm, do not affect the ability to conceive already in the next sexual contact.

Factor No. 5 Combining conception: Reception of antibiotics

Antibiotics treatment most often provokes a disruption of the bacterial flora in the vagina. The ability to conceive is restored after some time, subject to the absence of diseases of the sexual system.

Factor No. 6 Combining conception: Harmful working conditions

Harmful working conditions may lead to temporary or final infertility: constant contact with pesticides, toxic substances, elevated level of vibration, high temperature, ionizing radiation. Depending on the negative impact of labor activity, a violation of the process of spermatogenesis in men is possible, in women - obstructing ovulation. Also, representatives of both sexes have a risk of violation in the cell's genetic apparatus.

Factor number 7 Combining conception: Smoking

It is noticed that pregnancy in marriage with smoking man comes later than with non-smoking. And the larger the smoker's experience, the less chance of fast conception. The cause of this factor is in the suppression of spermatogenesis nicotine.

Factor No. 8, Combining the conception: Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol worsens the quality of sperm and increases their amount with chromosomal deviations. It has a negative effect not only during the attempt of conception, but also 3 months before it, as spermatozoa is formed within 72-74 days.

Factor number 9, Combining conception: Stress

The nervous system is in close cooperation with the system of regulating the hormonal functions of the body. Under the action of stress, the number of hormones stimulating ovulation is reduced.

Factor No. 10 Combining Conception: Endometriosis

This is a disease in which the inner membrane of the uterus (endometrium) is located outside its cavity on organs or peritoneum of a small pelvis. As a result of endometriosis, spikes and cysts may form, which prevent the transfer of fertilized egg to the uterine pipes, along which it falls into the uterine cavity. The disease is amenable to treating and revealed at an early stage, avoids infertility.
75% of married couples are able to conceive a child even if there are factors that prevent pregnancy. Therefore, with failures, it is not necessary to despair, but it is better to take active actions, the first of which is to appeal to the gynecologist or urologist.

A number of psychotropic (aminazine, imizine, northriptyline, drugs of lithium, triftatazine),
antibacterial (gentamicin, tetracycline, furadonin) and other medicinal
Tools (anaprilin, metoclopramide) reduces spermatozoa mobility.
Especially strongly oppressing the mobility of the last levamizol.

Expert:Irina Isaeva, doctor obstetrician gynecologist
Elena Nersense Brytkov

In the material used photos owned by


One of the biggest irony of our lives is that we are trying to prevent pregnancy for years, and then when we are ready for this, we can no longer. For those who plan to conceive a child or is already trying to know about the factors that can prevent this natural process. Here are the most common things that affect our ability to conceive:

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Who is influenced by: for men

Enzymes that are needed to generate spermatozoa are very sensitive to high temperatures. Men who are often visited by a sauna or jacuzzi, are closely underwear, a whole day is sitting or standing in front of a hot slab can unintently expose the testicles warmth, which leads to the fact that the production of spermatozoa is disturbed. The reason why the testicles are internally, is that they maintain a lower temperature than the body temperature, which is necessary for the formation of sperm.

What can be done?

Avoid overheating reproductive organs, limiting visiting saunas and jacuzzi, and also do not keep the laptop on the knees. If your work requires a long seating, get up more often and move and do not sit, crossed legs. Wear loose underwear and clothing.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

If you are both engaged in building a career, it happens quite difficult to carve time for two at the desired period of the month.

What can be done?

Follow the basal body temperature or use special tests that predict the offensive of ovulation to know when the period is favorable for conception. Try to have sex, at least one day a week before ovulation. As soon as ovulation came, it happens too late.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

There are several common drugs that affect the ability to conceive. Men who take medicines containing cimetidine or heart cure with digitalishave a low number of sperm. Some drugs that are used with elevated blood pressure can affect the ejaculation, the mobility of sperm and their ability to move to the egg, and antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infections can suppress the production of sperm. Women using bare agents can unintentionally contribute to drying mucus secreted by a cervix, which is important for conception, although it rarely becomes infertility.

What can be done?

Talk to your doctor about any medicines that you and your partner are taking, including non-prescription drugs. It may be so that the means of alternative medicine prevent you from getting pregnant. You may also need to temporarily stop the reception of some medicines.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

The egg and spermatozoa need a relatively free way to meet. If a woman has uterine fibroids or polyps, endometriosis or scars on reproductive organs, and the man has such a congenital anomaly, as the absence of a seed-wheeling flow, then it makes it difficult to meet egg cells and spermatozoa.

What can be done?

If you fall into this category, then, most likely, you have already appealed for help from a specialist. But if you tried to conceive a child and you did not work, you may not know about your condition, since these violations there are no symptoms. It is worth consulted with a doctor to identify the problem.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

Egg cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in men aged 15 to 45 years. While the cancer itself does not lead to infertility, treatment from cancer can do it. Cancer treatment, such as lymphoma and leukemia, can cause temporary infertility.

In women who are treated from cancer with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, early menopause may appear, which prevents pregnancy.

What can be done?

If you are treated from cancer, discuss with your doctor the possibility of freezing sperm, eggs or ovarian fabrics that can be used to conceive in the future.

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Who is influenced by: for men

Varicocele is varicose veins of the seed rope. Extended veins contribute to blood cluster, which increases the temperature in the scrotum, and this affects the production of sperm. This is the most common cause of male infertility. Approximately 15 percent of men have this violation, and the majority does not know about it.

What can be done?

Varicocele is corrected using a small surgical procedure, during which the surgeon ships varicose veins.

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Who is influenced by: for women

The middle menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. At the same time, it is worth noting that the cycle consisting of 23 to 35 days is considered normal. Ovulation, during which the egg cell moves from the phallopyan pipe to the uterus, occurs approximately 14 days before the first day of the next menstruation. But there are a number of diseases that cause irregular ovulation, such as ovarian polycystosis, hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function) or hypothyroidism (reduction of the thyroid function), hormonal imbalance (for example, the presence of too much male hormones), disadvantage or excess weight, stress , diet, perimenopause and others.

What can be done?

Watch out for the basal temperature of the body to know when ovulation comes and when it is better to have sex. You can purchase tests predicting ovulation. Most of them analyzes a splash of luteinizing hormone in the urine, which indicates the upcoming ovulation. Of course, if you have one of the above violations, then you should consult a doctor, since there are several methods of treatment to help stimulate ovulation.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

Alcohol is "gonadotoxin", which means that it is a "poison" for the testicles that affects the production of spermatozoa. Men should limit alcohol consumption to two drinks per week. Women who want to get pregnant should also refrain from alcohol and generally abandon him as soon as they learn that pregnant.

And marijuana and cigarettes lead to sperm anomalies. In smoking women, the eggs of eggs are depleted faster than non-smoking, and smoking also affects the production of estrogen. Estrogen plays an important role in the development of the cervix mucus, which helps the spermatozoa to move towards the egg. Nicotine in the cereal mucus of a woman kills spermatozoa, reducing the chances of conception.

What can be done?

If you smoke or take drugs, it's time to stop. Limit alcohol consumption to rare, and better stop at all.

© Ryanking999.

Who is influenced by: for women and men

Women who have the weight below normal and those who have above the norm may suffer from hormonal imbalance. In men with a lack of weight, there may be a lower level of testosterone, and both the disadvantage and excess weight are associated with a lower amount and concentration of spermatozoa.

What can be done?

If the indicators of your weight differ from the norm, make changes to bring it to healthy parameters. Moderately do physical activity and make sure that your nutrition is full.

© Diego Cervo.

Who is influenced by: for women and men

In men, stress affects fertility, reducing the volume of sperm and increasing the number of abnormal spermatozooids. In women suffering from chronic stress, less gonadotropin-release hormone is produced, which leads to a number of changes in a hormonal background associated with ovulation.

What can be done?

Learn to cope with stress with physical exercises and meditation. Take at least 15 minutes a day for yourself to relax and throw out all the problems from the head.

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Who is influenced by: for women and men

If you do not treat such infections like chlamydia and gonorrhea, it can lead to scars on phallopy pipes, the uterus and ovaries, which will prevent the sperm and will get to the egg cell or will prevent the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus. Scars on the pipes can also lead to ectopic pregnancy. In men, scars in ducts of appendages of eggs and seed-milling glands can block the spermatozoa path to the egg and prevent fertilization.

What can be done?

If one of you have sexually transmitted infections, tell your doctor about it. In many cases, scar cloth can be removed surgically, which will lead to the desired pregnancy.

© DigitalSkillet.

Who is influenced by: for women and men

By the time when a woman reaches 35 years old, it loses many viable eggs through menstruation and natural exhaustion. The optimal age to conceive a child, at least from the point of view of biology, is age from 20 to 30 years. And although men can technically become a father and in old age, the risk to conceive a child with chromosomal anomalies, especially with Down syndrome, increases after 35 years, as well as in women.

What can be done?

If you have not yet turned 35 years old, most doctors will not direct you to a specialist for treating infertility until you tried to conceive a child at least during the year. If you are 35, it is worth consulting with a specialist as early as possible. The sooner you contact, the higher your chances of conception.

Excessive weight does not just give discomfort and aesthetic inconvenience. Often he acts as conception.

Many wonder how an overweight affects the conception of a child in women. Each unnecessary kilogram negatively affects the overall health condition, is a prerequisite for serious diseases. Extra kilograms impede conception, negatively reflecting on the menstrual cycle.

Overweight prevents woman to get pregnant because adipose tissue is hormonally active. Estrogens are produced in it (sex hormones).

With an increase in the amount of fat, the level of hormones increases, and the "much" becomes absolutely opposite to the concept of "good". In 25% of cases of infertility in the family, the cause becomes obesity in a man.

In men

Additional kilo is adversely reflected on the ability to work offspring and in men. Overweight and conception - two interconnected concepts in the field of male fertility. Unnecessary kilograms lead to a decrease in the normal number of spermatozoa, worsen their motility, because the fatty tissue is an endocrine body that produces estrogens. The excess of data of hormones contributes to the formation of a small number of men's genital cells. Medicine has been established that overweight in men reduces the chances of conceiving a child.

Among women

Increased body weight prevents woman to get pregnant. In the complete lady, pregnancy occurs 30% less frequently than the girl with a normal mass.

Such representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are often risky to interrupt pregnancy - spontaneous miscarriage happens in the first trimester.

Full girls who are in an interesting position are often subject to the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • disorders from the function of the kidneys.

With an increased weight of the body, the contractile activity of the uterus is broken and much more difficult to give birth to naturally. Patients with obesity predominantly recommend caesarean section. To diagnose a condition, a woman needs to consult with a reproductist and a nutritionist.

Effect of adipose tissue on hormones

Fat cells play a significant role in the hormonal regulation of the menstrual cycle. Girls with obesity, the level of men's hormones is almost three times higher than the norm. As a result, women are often not capable of conception, their menstrual cycle is disturbed, there is a masculine-based extension.

The first menstruation in girls occurs when the mass of fat cells reaches the required level. This is happening during puberty.

Early start of menstruation from the girl - "bell" about unnecessary kilos in the future.

Favorable weight before pregnancy

Excessive fat deposits as well as insufficient may cause failures with conception. Therefore, childbearing is only one of the problems caused by superfluous kilograms. There is such a concept as a favorable weight in which men and women without problems will "make a" child "(if there are no other violations).

Male weight

Proper attention will be paid to how excess weight affects the conception of the representatives of the strong half of humanity. It is mistaken to believe that unnecessary kilograms of the male body do not affect the ability to fertilize.

Excess body weight is a significant obstacle to childbear: the amount of sperm and mobility of spermatozoa is reduced. Extra kilograms are negatively reflected on a hormonal background. Fat pending on the stomach overheats the scrotum area, which is destructive for spermatozoa. Men with a large body weight in 95% of cases face erectile dysfunction.

According to statistics, in half of fruitless pairs, a man has extra 10-15 kilograms.

Women's weight

It is impossible to name what should be the perfect mass for girls should be, because each has a different body mass index (BMI - the ratio of body weight and human growth). It is he who is a determining factor in the question: How to get pregnant with overweight?

Gynecologists advise girls to adhere to the indicator of the BMI between 19 and 25. This should be thought about it in advance - to establish proper nutrition, resume sports, if necessary, consult with a nutritionist.

How to get pregnant with completeness

If there are unnecessary kilograms, how to successfully become pregnant with overweight? First of all, contact a specialist who will determine the BMI and make some recommendations. To conceive the baby, you need to normalize weight, since overweight affects the conception of negatively.

With the problem of conception, the kid face, unfortunately, quite a lot of couples that dream of a long-awaited child. This article will tell you why it is impossible to get pregnant and that in such a situation to do.

Calculator calculating ovulation

Duration of cycle

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

Specify the first day of the last menstruation

Ovulation occurs 14 days before the start of the menstrual cycle (with a 28-day cycle on the 14th day). The deviation from the average value is often, therefore the calculation is approximate.

Also, together with the calendar method, it is possible to measure basal temperature, investigate cervical mucus, use special tests or mini microscopes, take tests on FSH, LH, estrogens and progesterone.

It is possible to unambiguously establish an ovulation day by folliculose (ultrasound).


  1. Losos, jonathan b.; Raven, Peter H.; Johnson, George B.; Singer, Susan R. Biology. New York: McGraw-Hill. PP. 1207-1209.
  2. Campbell N. A., Reece J. B., Urry L. A. E. a. Biology. 9th Ed. - Benjamin Cummings, 2011. - P. 1263.
  3. Tkachenko B. I., Bryn V. B., Zakharov Yu. M., Nedospair V. O., P Pyatin V. F. Physiology of a person. Compendium / Ed. B. I. Tkachenko. - M.: Goeotar Media, 2009. - 496 p.

Possible reasons

Many couples faced with the problem of infertility flow into the real panic. Multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive the kid lead to the fact that future parents begin to experience despair and even fear. This problem often contributes to the fact that relations between partners are spoiled, and in some cases even leads to parting.

Statistics also show a rather sad picture. So, according to American scientists, with the problem of infertility in the United States, approximately 20% of the pairs are facing, which are unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child in a natural way. In Russia, statistics are somewhat better. According to statistics, only 10-14% of pairs in Russia are faced with the problem of infertility.

The reasons that can contribute to the development of difficulties with the natural conception of the baby are currently a great set. In practice, it often happens that there are several simultaneous causal factors to develop infertility. Each couple has reasons that contribute to problems with natural conception, different.

It often happens that problems with the natural conception of the baby are "written off" only on a woman. Many men even if they have some pathologies categorically do not want to take it, saying that the problem is not at all in them. Such a "shift" of responsibility, unfortunately, is found quite often. However, it is worth noting that far from always the reason for infertility is to a woman.

Doctors note that infertility problems in women and men have the same often. So, many experts believe that men's infertility, exactly as female, is found in 40% of cases. In this case, the combined infertility (when there is a problem in both partners) is registered in approximately 20% of cases.

Thus, it becomes clear that the examination follows both a woman and a man. In this case, the probability of natural conception in a pair is significantly increasing.

Gynecological diseases

Problems with the onset of long-awaited pregnancy in women can be for different reasons. Doctors highlight a huge number of a wide variety of pathologies that may cause female infertility. Usually they are associated with different reproductive bodies.

So, one of the frequent problems that may contribute to the unaccompanies of the long-awaited pregnancy are diseases of the ovaries.

These pathologies are dangerous by the development of dormriconal disorders, as the ovaries are the main female sex glands that produce hormones. The pathology of these bodies often contribute to the disruption of the menstrual cycle. In such a situation, the natural process of ripening follicles is disturbed, which leads to the fact that the fertility (the ability to continue the genus) is reduced by a woman.

Doctors highlight a huge set of a wide variety of ovarian pathologies that develop with such functional disorders. For example, follicular cysts or polycystic content can be attributed to such diseases. With these pathologies, the process of natural ripening of eggs in the ovaries is disturbed, which contributes to the fact that the onset of long-awaited pregnancy is postponed indefinitely. Without properly selected therapy in such a situation, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to achieve natural conception.

The following group of pathologies, which can also contribute to the development of problems with natural conception, is associated with diseases of the appendages of uterine - uterine (phallopy) pipes. The inflammatory process as a result of various diseases contributes to the fact that the epithelium, lining the mucous membrane of the uterine pipe from the inside, is damaged. Because of this, a healthy and even mature egg, published in ovue from the ovary, can not meet with spermatozoa. In such a situation, it is also impossible natural fertilization.

Spikes and scar changes that are localized in the uterine pipes can also be a serious cause of the formation of female infertility. These pathologies can develop as independently, but most often formed after conducting any operations on reproductive bodies. Spike is a mechanical obstacle on the way between sperm and egg. The presence of such a "barrier" is also a predisposing cause of infertility.

Various inflammatory uterus pathologies are another reason that contributes to the emergence of serious problems related to the difficulties with the conception of the baby. Chronic endometrite flowing with the development of a strong inflammatory process leads to a change in the thickness of the endometrium (the inner wall of the uterus). In such a situation, a fertilized egg cannot normally attached to the uterine wall. If implantation does not occur, the course of pregnancy is impossible. In this case, the pregnancy is interrupted almost immediately after its beginning.

Problems with infertility may occur in women who still could initially become pregnant. For example, difficulties with natural conception may appear in women after miscarriage or even frozen pregnancy. In this situation in the feminine body, the hormonal background is significantly changing. Such "failures", as a rule, contribute to the fact that the menstrual cycle is broken. This leads to untimely ripening of eggs in the ovaries, and therefore displacing the date of ovulation, which contributes to difficulties with natural conception.

Perhaps it is worth saying about the drug interruption of pregnancy. This situation is also quite often found in gynecological practice. Medical abortion is one of the possible reasons that can contribute to the development of problems with the natural conception of the baby. The abortion in this case is carried out using special drugs that significantly affect the operation of the ovaries and the menstrual cycle as a whole. After an abortion in the female organism, hazardous pathologies may develop, affecting the possibility of repeated pregnancy in the future.

Another very cunning disease can also lead to female infertility - endometriosis.Statistics of the incidence of this pathology, unfortunately, quite sad. Doctors also note that endometriosis is currently "growned", that is, it began to meet in women of all young age. This pathology causes violations in the work of the reproductive bodies in a woman, which can also lead to development of infertility.

It often happens that a woman has problems with the onset of long-awaited pregnancy, there are several gynecological diseases at once. Each pathology can be exacerbated during the other. In this situation it is very important that the treatment of such combined diseases should conduct an experienced and qualified doctor.

The correctness of the selected therapy plays a very important role in order for a woman, despite her hazardous diseases of the reproductive bodies, was still able to become a mother.

Consequences of operations on female genital organs

In the development of female infertility, the so-called peritoneal factor takes place. It contributes to the fact that spikes and various arrangements of connective tissue are formed in the feminine body. They can be localized in different zones. So, scars and spikes can be in the abdominal cavity, as well as in a small pelvis. They occur most often due to previously transferred operations.

Doctors did not come to a single opinion that it was still the root cause of the development of adhesive disease. Currently, there is a huge number of diverse theories and hypotheses, but they all wear only approximate value. The presence of adhesions in the field of ovaries, uterus or uterine pipes is a serious problem for the implementation of natural conception. In some cases, such pathology is the first "step" on the way to female infertility.

Various invasive interventions conducted inside the uterus can also be an obstacle to the offensive of long-awaited pregnancy. Often this situation is promoted by scraping, which are held in different medical reasons. The impaired integrity of the endometrium contributes to difficulties with the onset of natural implantation. The fertilized egg can not attached to the fallopian wall, and hence the pregnancy does not occur.

Men's diseases

As already noted, the doctors note not only female, but also male infertility. Pathology that may contribute to the appearance of difficulties in a man with conception can be the most diverse. Diseases of intimate organs, accompanied by a spermatogenesis impaired (the process of the formation of men's genital cells - spermatozoa), are one of the most frequent reasons who lead to the development of infertility in men.

Many of the pathologies that are found from strong sex representatives are associated with infectious infections. One of the possible reasons for this - sexually transmitted infections. It is believed that men lead a more active sex life than women. This causes the fact that the risk of the development of genital infections is higher than among women.

The danger of sexually transmitted infections is that they can be "sleeping" for a long time, that is, it is not necessary to manifest clinically. For a fairly long time, a man is practically nothing bothers. He does not arise any problems with erection or natural excitation. Such imaginary "well-being" contributes to the fact that an infected man late appeals to the doctor. It also happens that the first appeal is already consulting a reproductologist due to the appearance of difficulties with conception.

Infections - a very strong risk factor for the development of testicular pathologies, penis and prostate gland. The pathogenic microbes are also quite easy to "settle" and in the seed-to-binding tubules. Chronic inflammation is dangerous in that the full functioning of the reproductive organs in a man is broken. In this case, as a rule, spermatogenesis is disturbed. Spermatozoa becomes less active and movable, and therefore the possibility of natural fertilization is reduced at times.

It is worth noting, the development of pathologies leading to infertility can contribute not only to sexually transmitted infections. Even some "ordinary" child infections can lead to the emergence of problems associated with the difficulties of natural conception. Such diseases include, for example, vapotitis (pig). If the boy suffered this disease with the development of certain complications, then in adulthood, he can develop problems associated with the difficulties of natural conception.

Related pathology

It should be noted that not only the pathology of the reproductive bodies are the reason leading to infertility. Diseases of internal organs can also lead to the emergence of problems with natural conception.

Doctors note that one of the possible reasons leading to infertility is the diseases of the thyroid gland. This endocrine body plays a huge role, producing specific hormones that affect the work of the whole organism as a whole. If the work of the thyroid gland for some reason is violated, the probability of developing problems with conception increases. In this case, in order to cope with the violations that have arisen, it is necessary to first conduct the treatment of the underlying disease.

Without accessing the endocrinologist and conducting specific treatment, it is impossible to improve the fertility indicators, unfortunately.


In reproductive medical practice, there are cases when both partners dreaming of a child have any diseases of the internal organs, but the problem of infertility exists. For a long time, doctors could not find the causes of this. They told couples that they are completely healthy, and the conception of conception will happen somewhat later. However, with the development of science and genetics, scientists have established a number of circumstances related to genetic pathologies, which can also contribute to the development of problems with the onset of long-awaited pregnancy.

These pathologies include genetic and chromosomal breakdowns. During the merger of the sperm and egg cell, a new organism is formed, which has a new unique set of chromosomes. During the merger of sex cells, a genetic device breakdowns. Some of them are, unfortunately, incompatible with further life. In this case, the fertilization of the egg takes place, but then it does not develop, but simply dies.

Genetic pathologies are a very complex and difficult diagnostic problem leading to infertility. That is why all the pairs of referring to the reproductive medical clinics are appointed by the consultation of genetics.

It is especially important to take advice to people who have burdened anamnesis for the development of chromosomal and genetic diseases. Also, visit the genetics doctor follows pairs, in close relatives of which were cases of stilling or spontaneous miscarriages.

Immunological incompatibility of partners

Many couples who faced the problem of infertility, unfortunately, had heard the word "incompatibility." Usually this term is used in cases where to determine the exact cause of the impossibility of the natural conception of the child for some circumstances is impossible. Such a "diagnosis" pair often put familiar people or even close relatives who learn about their problem. Doctors use the term "incompatibility" only in certain cases. The concept of incompatibility of partners may be associated with certain immunological disorders. The presence of this feature has become known relatively recently with the development of modern instrumental diagnostic methods.

For a long time, doctors did not know about the existence of antibodies - special protein molecules in the blood. So, in men's, as in the female body, specific antibodies that prevent natural conception can be developed. Men can appear antispermal antibodies, and in women - antibodies in the cervical canal mucus. The presence of such protein particles contributes to the development of the immunological conflict.

In this situation, the likelihood of natural conception is reduced at times. It is possible to determine the immunological conflict only when conducting an extended diagnosis, which is usually appointed by a reproductist doctor.

Wrong lifestyle

The health of future parents is a very important criterion for the implementation of a normal conception. The correct way of life plays a huge role in this. Doctors pay great importance to this seemingly a primitive factor.

Different food-related problems can lead to the development of infertility. For the normal functioning of internal organs, including those responsible for the reproduction, a certain amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is required. And they must do daily. Also for the full work of the body requires vitamins and minerals. Without them, the internal organs of the human body also cannot fully function.

Modern rhythm of life often contributes to the fact that rational nutrition is broken. Increasingly, to quench the hunger, people use fast food. Such food does not affect the human body. Violation of the receipt of a full protein, as well as all the necessary nutrients, contributes to the fact that the internal organs begin to work "incorrectly". The longer such violations occur, the higher the risk of developing various pathologies.

Many couples, referring to doctors, think about some dangerous pathologies that are caused by the development of infertility, and the reason may be quite a banal - an unhealthy lifestyle. Doctors note that the correction of the mode and the menu often contributes to the fact that the long-awaited pregnancy comes finally.

To reduce fertility can also lead irregular sleep.For the full work of the body, doctors recommend sleeping at least 8 hours a day. In this case, the internal organs can recover, which means it is better to work. People experiencing problems with sleep should be advised to consult about this with their attending physician.

Another reason that may contribute to the emergence of problems with natural conception are Stress. Sometimes the exhausting rhythm of modern life contributes to excessive overwork. The stronger stress, the higher the risk of developing problems with the implementation of natural conception.

The organism weakened under the action of stressful factors as it were, "not ready" to continue the genus. In this case, doctors recommend to reduce the stress load, revise the working schedule, as well as include relaxing procedures into their routine. Perfect breathing practices, yoga, relaxing massage, as well as aromatherapy.

Separately, it is worth saying about bad habits. Scientists have proven that alcohol, more precisely, the ethyl alcohol, which is contained in it, has an extremely negative impact on the genitals. Moreover, it is equally harmful for both men and women. It is believed that even 30 ml of ethyl alcohol can reduce spermatogenesis. Alcohol also affects the ripening of women's follicles, which can lead to problems with timely and full ovulation.

Smoking- Another risk factor for the development of natural conception problems. Nicotine and other no less harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes have not only a harmful effect on the sex system, but also on the heart and blood vessels. The disorder of the internal organs contributes to the fact that the probability of conception of conception is significantly reduced.

Psychological barriers

The state of the nervous system can also affect the offensive of the long-awaited pregnancy. Psychologists note that the psychological incompatibility of partners can cause the conception of conception. They note that if a woman does not finally trust her partner and does not "see" the father of his future children in it, then this may lead to the fact that pregnancy will not come.

In order to eliminate this factor, the Consultation of a psychologist is necessarily appointed to consult a medical clinic. During the conversation, the specialist should determine how partners treat each other and are they ready to truly become parents.

If a psychologist reveals some problems, then in the future it may be necessary to conduct psychological consultations. During such techniques, the specialist will work out the problems that have arisen, contributing to their decision. As a rule, even if there are any beliefs from one of the partners to visit a psychologist to both.

It is considered that such paired consultations bring together partners and even contribute to improving relations in a pair.

Idiopathic infertility

Unfortunately, despite the rather intensive development of medicine and science, currently doctors still do not know all the reasons that can lead to the development of problems with the onset of long-awaited pregnancy. Still, there are cases when both partners are healthy, and the diagnosis of "infertility" is exhibited. This situation is also not a reason for despair. The impossibility of fertilization naturally does not mean that the couple will not be able to become parents.

At present, fortunately, there are auxiliary reproductive technologies. The most famous method for today, with which almost everyone is familiar is familiar, is Eco (extracorporeal fertilization).

Western and domestic "stars", politicians and ordinary people who dream of babies are increasingly resorted to this technique. Eco helped many people find out what means happiness to have a child.

When should it be worried?

The process of natural conception is a real natural sacrament. For the successful occurrence of pregnancy, a wide variety of factors should "work". It does not always work so that the fertilization of the egg takes place from the very first attempt. If it did not happen to conceive the kid from the first time, then you should not worry about it at all. This situation is quite normal and does not indicate that partners have some problems.

Pay attention to difficulties in multiple unsuccessful attempts.So, a couple who is purposefully "engaged in" the toddler conception, it is worth visiting doctors in 5-6 months after unsuccessful attempts. Some partners turn to the clinic faster, as they are greatly worried that the long-awaited pregnancy does not come. Cases of appeal to medical institutions for couples dreaming about the baby are found already 2-3 months after the decision to conceive the child.

Who to contact?

Params that experience difficulties with the natural conception of the baby should first be addressed to doctors. It happens that for some reason partners are not solved to visit the doctor, thereby pulling the diagnosis and purpose of treatment. At this time, they tend to use the advice of their loved ones and friends or recommendations posted on the Internet forums on how to accelerate the conception of the baby through the methods of traditional medicine. For example, in the network you can find a wide variety of recommendations on how to influence ovulation and male reproductive abilities.

It is worth noting that many of these "recommendations" are far from modern representations of science. They not only do not contribute to conception, but in some cases they can lead to the exacerbation of the situation. The opinion of the doctors in this matter is a couple of pairs that cannot conceive the baby after multiple attempts, you should first of all seek advice from medicine. Currently, there are modern reproductive clinics that specialize in infertility pathology. Experienced personnel who have passed special training and has enough work experience, tries to help each pair that appeals for help.

Some couples, despite all attempts, can not become parents. Often the causes lie in the improper work of the body of one or both partners. However, sometimes the problem is in the psychological state of the woman itself. How to cope with it and what measures can help in determining the causes of unsuccessful attempts of conception?

Many women are most worried about how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Proper use of contraceptives for them is a very relevant topic. But for others, everything is the opposite: even with the most favorable circumstances and optimal physiological state, some women cannot become pregnant. What is sometimes interferes with some couples to become happy parents?

Common physiological reasons

There are many myths and incorrect ideas about conception that complicate this task for a pair. For example, some try to calculate the perfect day to conceive when ovulation occurs. Also, some believe in the myth, as if to get pregnant to a woman, a certain pose is needed. Such a judgment also does not have any reason.

When are the obstacles to a successful conception?

  • Initially, it is worth mentioning about age in which the process of conception occurs more smoothly. In recent years, scientists have recorded a decline in the age of partners, for the successful conception of the child. In men, this figure decreased from 45 to 30 years, and in women from 35 years to 27.

  • Also, a complex of women has some influence on the process of conception. Specialists were noticed that for some women, the only deviation that is important when trying to get pregnant is weighing problems. At the same time, it is implied not only overweight, but also excessive harness. More than ten kilograms of excess weight and 3-4 kilograms of missing, can be a problem with conception.
  • A common cause of unsuccessful attempts of some steam is the fact that a certain period could take hormonal drugs that violate the menstrual cycle. It is for this reason that ovulation may not occur every month, which will make attempts to be pregnant in unsuccessful.
  • Also, the cause of unsuccessful attempts can be the presence of health problems both in a man and a woman. If we consider that they may arise from both at once, and even several, to determine the cause that prevents the conception of the child, it is rather difficult. One of the common problems is diseases transmitted by sexually affecting them.
  • A much less common cause of pair failures than the above, the phenomenon becomes, in which a very large number of spermatozoa fall into the egg cell. As a result of such an effect, the embryo dies.

Psychological reason for unsuccessful attempts

". What does this term mean? When a woman passionately wants to get pregnant, often she cannot think no more about anything, pregnancy. It is constantly overcoming doubts and anxiety about unsuccessful attempts to have a child. As a result, waiting for pregnancy, the woman simply utters himself with constant experiences, which even resemble neurosis. On the basis of such a psycho-emotional state, most of the human bodies cease to work normally. There are no exceptions and organs directly involved in the conception of children.

Knowing these facts becomes a clear phenomenon in which, already losing any hope of conceiving a child and ceasing to perform permanent visits to those skilled in the art, a woman gets pregnant. The menstrual cycle is regulated by the nervous system of the body, so attentive concern for a comfortable mental state can contribute to the early conception of the child.

Determination of the causes of lack of pregnancy

To carry out the full diagnosis of the body, the ability of a woman and a man to conceive. Thanks to modern equipment, it becomes possible for 2-3 months. Such a period is necessary because some analyzes should be taken on a specific day of the menstrual cycle.

Some types of tests and testing that are conducted by experts to identify conception problems:

  • determination of the proper operation of the ovaries, thanks to which it turns out whether ovulation is regularly;
  • spermogram is a complete sperm analysis, evaluating the abilities of a man to fertilization. This test identifies the quantity and quality of spermatozoa;
  • the study of the hormonal background of a woman occurs through blood and urine tests. Experts pay attention to the level of the hypophiz hormone regulating the correctness of the operation of the ovaries. Also under the closer look there are hormones of the ovary itself and the thyroid gland;
  • x-ray and endoscopy of the uterus and uterine paths helps determine how much these organs are capable of performing the role that they are assigned to ensure fertilization and transfer of the embryo. Such an analysis is intended to determine whether there are congenital or acquired pathologies that may interfere with conception;

  • in some cases, doctors use ultrasound uterus and uterine paths to effectively detect the vices of this organ or ovaries;
  • infections in infections transmitted through sexual bonds. Some of such diseases may not appear until the last, but they continue to interfere with the woman to get pregnant;
  • examination showing genetic problems. Some people are carriers of genetic diseases, as a result of whose actions, a pair cannot have a child;
  • testing for the presence of antibodies - proteins produced by the body of women interfering with the correct functioning of spermatozoa. Such proteins destroy spermatozoa, as a result of which attempts to get pregnant to fail. This phenomenon in science is called the immunological incompatibility of partners.

Alternative ways of conception

It is worthwhile that, despite all the problems that prevent the conception of the child, there are modern methods that make it possible to achieve such a desired result. The basis of such methods is the technology of extracorporeal fertilization (ECO), which contributes to conception, despite the pair non-treatable problem.

If a married couple wants to conceive a child and all attempts were not crowned with success, do not despair. A great desire and patience will be rewarded and nothing can prevent a wonderful baby.

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