Lumbar hernia: symptoms and treatment

Many people are faced with the problem of the occurrence of a lumbar hernia, which is associated with a prolapse outside the vertebral segment of the disc, which is located between two adjacent vertebrae.

The symptoms of a herniated lumbar spine are significantly affected by the area occupied by the bulging disc and the way it is located. The most serious trouble for the patient is delivered by central hernias, which are oriented to the region of the human spinal cord, which can provoke the onset of real disability in the future.

Possible symptoms of a lumbar hernia

In order to take the required measures in time in a situation of the appearance of such a hernia, it is necessary to navigate the symptoms and treatment of lumbar hernia that occur due to compression of the nerve roots, due to a protrusion of the disc between the vertebrae, or an unstable state of the vertebrae.

The cause of a hernia is most often unwanted changes in the body, usually of a dystrophic and degenerative nature, due to insufficient blood supply and impaired intake of essential nutrients. Along with the prolapse of the disc, experts also ascertain the presence of other spinal defects in the patient, which include scoliosis and osteochondrosis. There are symptoms belonging to the category of vertebral and extravertebral.

Signs of intervertebral hernia of vertebral and extravertebral character

Vertebral symptoms are associated with disorders in the human spine of a local plan. In a certain place, there is a stretching of the muscles and ligaments, the prolapsed formation compresses the soft tissues. The patient in such cases feels pain provoked by the irritated state of the ligament receptors. Such violations are easy to identify in the process of local palpation.

Signs of the existence of a hernia, which are extravertebral in nature, are due to where a certain protrusion is located and what size it is. The main clinical signs of the presence of such a problem include lower back pain, which can be chronic, aching, dull, and usually worsens with coughing, sneezing or physical work. The ability of the spinal axis to move is extremely limited, it hurts a person with any attempt to bend or turn. Further, some numbness of the limbs, weakness in the legs, extremely undesirable neurological symptoms are often observed, there may be no Achilles or knee jerks. Problems with other organs are also possible; for a person, the administration of the most ordinary natural needs becomes a problem.

Due to the fact that the nerve roots are infringed, a patient suffering from an intervertebral hernia is able to suffer from too high pressure, frequent pain in the head, dizziness. In such a situation, only the correct treatment of a hernia of the lumbar spine can help, the use of conventional pharmaceutical preparations by the patient will not give the proper result, since the protrusion of the disc, which is the root cause of the problems, will not be eliminated.

Symptoms that are characteristic of the presence of an intervertebral hernia in a person can also appear as a result of other diseases of the spinal column, in particular, they can be triggered by osteochondrosis. Due to the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs, it increases the likelihood of a number of protrusions. This situation causes many very unpleasant problems, among which there are heart rhythm disturbances, pain in the hypochondrium, high blood pressure, too frequent need to stool and urine.

Based on statistical data, it is osteochondrosis, together with the presence of an intervertebral hernia, that most often causes patient complaints about the presence of back pain. Before prescribing a course of treatment, specialists always carefully diagnose the patient's condition, with appropriate pain symptoms, it is categorically not recommended to self-medicate, in this way a person is able to cause great harm to himself and significantly aggravate the situation.

Treatment for intervertebral hernia

After the presence of a hernia is determined in a patient, doctors select an individual set of therapeutic measures in each case. Modern medicine offers several fairly effective methods for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. First of all, a sick person must refuse any stay in uncomfortable positions, it is also strictly forbidden to turn around sharply. Useful thermal procedures that improve blood circulation.

In order to relieve inflammation, special drugs are used, which include diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and special novocaine blockades are also widely used to reduce pain syndrome. The process of further curvature of the spine is able to prevent a special supporting corset.

Not the last place in the necessary activities is occupied by massage and therapeutic exercises for hernia of the lumbar spine. In this way, the muscular frame is strengthened, and the holes located in the segments related to the spinal column increase.

In a hernia situation, massage is important, but it is categorically contraindicated to carry out during a period when the patient's pain syndrome is in the acute stage. Before proceeding with the procedure itself, it is necessary to carefully examine the condition of the back; massage becomes more effective after taking a hot shower.

The massage therapist must be fluent in the appropriate technique, the entire procedure should be carried out very carefully and gently, sharp and too strong movements can cause swelling of the nerves and ruptures of the intervertebral discs. Before performing a complex of gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbosacral spine, massage will serve as a very useful preparatory stage.

In cases of disc prolapse, various types of massage can be used, cupping, segmental, acupressure, Thai options are popular. At the end of this procedure, it is recommended to rub the damaged area with honey in combination with fir ointment, the effectiveness of honey in the fight against such protrusions has long been proven. After the massage, you should also use a warming ointment or a similar gel, thanks to these measures, back pain can disappear after a week, and even a day later the patient's condition will improve significantly.

Therapeutic gymnastic complex for protrusion of the disc

With the above problems with the spine, it is necessary to prevent further displacement of the disc, gymnastics is necessary for a hernia of the lumbar spine. It serves as an excellent tool for strengthening the muscular corset of the back. However, the patient must be clearly aware that it is impossible to perform exercises at home on his own, it is necessary to first consult with professionals. Doing gymnastics on your own initiative will not only not help in the treatment of a hernia, but will almost certainly cause complications and can quickly make a person a real invalid.

If there is a protrusion of the disc, the patient should take up swimming, but first it is necessary to work out in detail the entire complex, which simultaneously includes elements of various swimming styles. Other exercises are recommended for a hernia of the lumbar spine. It is worth regularly walking around the room around the perimeter, being on all fours, but violations in posture should not be allowed.

You can pull up the legs to the stomach, while the patient lies on his back, the best option would be to touch the chest. Twisting the torso in different directions from a lying position on its side is also useful. A video of gymnastics for a hernia of the lumbar spine will help a person to correctly carry out all the required exercises, thanks to the presence of visual instructions, the patient will be able to effectively practice at home.

Intervertebral hernia has long been recognized as a rather serious and dangerous disease for a future person, it is unacceptable to ignore alarming symptoms and hope that everything will work out by itself. Much depends on the competent treatment of the disease, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient's back. A timely medical examination and immediately taken measures can save a person from the occurrence of extremely serious problems in the future that threaten the onset of disability.

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