How to organize your homework. Organization of work from home, or how not to save in a crisis

Alexandra Savina

Ability to work from home- in pajamas, according to a convenient schedule, without the need to go to the office in a crowded transport twice a day - it seems to many to be the ultimate dream. In practice, everything is not so rosy and working on the couch, alas, is not suitable for everyone: if you are more motivated around other people and you are more productive than alone, it may be worth choosing a traditional office. But even if you are sure that this is your option, the pitfalls cannot be avoided - we will tell you how to get around them.

Set a clear schedule

Working from home does not always mean less work compared to the office - even though you don't waste time commuting. Most likely, you will have to set your own schedule to meet the deadlines. The good news is that you don’t have to stick to the standard nine-to-five pattern: if you’re more productive in the evening, there’s nothing stopping you from starting at two or, for example, breaking the day into several blocks when you need to go somewhere. The main thing is to stick to the plan, and then it will be easier to get down to business.

Combat distractions

Don't forget to communicate with colleagues and superiors

If you are not a freelancer working independently of others, but part of a team, you need to be aware of the company's affairs and understand how things are with common projects. For those who work from home, this can be difficult: it is faster and more habitual for colleagues to discuss some of the questions out loud, and they may simply forget to tell you about some important announcements. In such a situation, the responsibility to monitor the situation partially falls on you: talk with colleagues and superiors more often and find out how you are doing so as not to fall out of the process.

Consider nutrition

Another important point to think about if you decide to work from home is food. Everyone who has at least once stayed for a whole working day in their own apartment knows how likely it is to spend it with tea and cookies, or to constantly break away from business to look in the refrigerator again. Remember that at home you decide what food you end up with on your plate, whether it's your main meals or snacks.

To limit the number of visits to the refrigerator, you can try setting an alarm or setting a reminder in your smartphone that it's time to take a break (for lunch or for a snack). It's better than eating right at the computer: while you work, you can quietly eat more than you would like, and that makes it harder to pay attention to the taste of food.

Another problem is to find time for lunch and cooking (do this right in the middle of the working day? And when to wash the dishes?). There is a way out: you can, for example, prepare lunches for the week ahead on weekends, or you can go out to dine near your home - the fact that you are not in the office does not mean that you cannot afford a break.

Avoid isolation

Potential loneliness dares many people from working at home: the option when you only manage to talk to your own cat for the whole day is not suitable for everyone. Even if you are comfortable working alone, complete isolation should still be avoided - otherwise there is a chance to quietly stop leaving the apartment. Don't forget to chat with people outside of messengers and go for walks periodically to warm up and get some fresh air. For a change, you can try coworking spaces or work in a cafe.

Organize your workspace

In order to quickly tune in to the working mood, experts advise to allocate a special zone. Just sitting on the couch with a laptop and a dog is not enough, but a separate surface is enough - the main thing is for you to feel that a new stage of the day begins when you rise from the table. “By creating clear space, I create boundaries between work and home. When I'm in my office, I don't think about home. When I'm in the home zone, I don't think about business, ”says Virginia Ginsburg, owner of Swell Strategies, a business consulting and coaching company.

For the same reason, those who work from home are often advised to change from pajamas to work clothes. This, of course, does not mean that it is imperative to sit at the computer in a jacket - you can choose any one in which you will be comfortable.

Understand household chores

Many people believe that working from home will help them to do twice as much - to complete work tasks, and at the same time to do household chores. But, most likely, everything will be the other way around: if you are trying to solve a serious issue, household chores will only be distracting - at least because you will not be able to focus on one thing. Although, of course, you can try to find a balance - for example, thinking about a project while loading the washing machine, or taking breaks for mechanical tasks. The main thing to remember is that during working hours it is work that should remain a priority - and that it is impossible to be in time for everything at once.

Ask everyone to leave you alone

If you are not home alone, the number of distractions only increases - remember the story of Professor Robert Kelly, who was interviewed live on the BBC when his children suddenly rushed into the office. In order not to find yourself in the same situation, try to draw clearer boundaries: yes, in fact you are at home, but this does not mean that relatives and neighbors can contact you on any non-urgent issue, or that you can always interrupt for a half-hour conversation on the phone. Business hours are business hours, no matter where you are.

Don't work day and night

This item is especially difficult for those who, even leaving the office, cannot stop checking their work mail. Some experts believe that getting rid of workaholism for those who work from home is more difficult than defeating a lack of motivation. If this is your case, build clear boundaries - otherwise you yourself may not notice how you sit at the table from ten in the morning until late at night. You can come up with a special ritual that will help you understand that the work is over, for example, make a circle around the yard - walk the dog or just walk.

Let's take a look at the most common difficulties women face when choosing to start working from home.

We'll start with the distractions.

They can prevent you from completing work on time, efficiently, affect productivity, which, in turn, will not have the best effect on your professional prestige.

1. Inability to concentrate, someone constantly distracts and demands attention to themselves. Especially if the family has small children.

How to deal with this problem? Determine for yourself and your relatives the working hours during which you are inviolable. If you have a small child, learn how to manage time correctly, for example, you can work while the child is sleeping. Maybe someone from relatives, older children will come to the rescue and will take your child out for an hour's walk in the yard every day. You can hire a nanny who would release you for 2-3 hours.

2. Lack of work space. It is better to arrange it in a separate room. If it is difficult to do this, you can select an "isolated corner". Install some kind of sliding-sliding partition if you are distracted by extraneous movements. Headphones can be worn to minimize exposure to ambient noise. It is necessary to put things in order at your workplace so that a pile of papers scattered in a mess, things do not interfere with concentrating on business.

3. The woman herself is distracted by household chores. You have to cook lunch, dinner, wash, iron, do cleaning, etc. It echoes point 1. If you have problems with self-discipline, keep a diary in which you write down your work schedule. Try not to deviate from this regime. Make notes in this diary, do not miss important details, for example, how much you managed to adhere to the work schedule, what still distracted you from work, how long were you distracted, etc. And then, in accordance with your observations, make up the final mode of work and accustom the body to work according to this mode. In a month, you will already begin to get used to a certain rhythm, and in the future, the daily routine will become your usual ritual: sit down to work at a certain time, make the planned number of calls, pages, and creative works.

4. Phone calls, email, social media, TV- these are additional factors devouring our precious time. Set clear rules for yourself - all of this is monitored and listened to outside of working hours. Get yourself a separate e-mail box that will relate to your immediate work, and only in it you will be allowed to look. Buy a phone that will only accept calls from the people you need - clients, employers. Warn your family that only serious cases are allowed to call during your working hours. Outside of working hours, you can talk “about life” with all your relatives and friends as much as you like.

Apart from this, there are other distractions such as a long sleep, constant trips to the kitchen, a beloved cat, tea drinking, an exciting book, smoke breaks, etc.

The most important thing is self-discipline and the ability to draw a clear line between work and family responsibilities. Learn to keep your weaknesses, distractions from work, under strict control. And then you will succeed!

How to organize work from home 2016-12-14T08: 23: 51 + 00: 00 admin Favorite work favorite job, Tips and tricks, work from homeLet's take a look at the most common difficulties women face when choosing to start working from home. We'll start with the distractions. They can prevent you from completing work on time, efficiently, affect productivity, which, in turn, will not have the best effect on your professional prestige. 1. Inability to concentrate, someone constantly distracts and demands attention ...admin

Hello. In this article, we will talk about small home business and present the most working and relevant home business ideas. And we would like to ask you to supplement this list in the comments, suddenly we missed something.

In a difficult economic situation, everyone is looking for additional sources of income. In this article, we'll take a look at today's hottest ways to make money at home by starting a home based small business.

I would like to say a few words about the demand for such ideas. The crisis is a difficult time for any citizen of the country. Decreased purchasing power, layoffs, layoffs. Any person can become a victim of the system, but in no case should you be upset and give up, because there is always a way out, you just need to try to change your life for the better!

For some, the idea of ​​a business at home will become an additional source of income, for others - the main place of work. The main thing is not to be afraid, to act and choose for yourself what really suits you! Listen to yourself and take action!

Home Business Benefits

I would also like to mention the advantages of this kind of work. These include:

  • Independence. You yourself plan your day, draw up a work schedule. You can always leave time for urgent matters.
  • Saving time. You work for the result, there is no need to "sit out" the set hours. You yourself are the blacksmith of your day.
  • No need to pay rent, allocate funds for employee salaries or pay for travel to work.
  • Own independence. There is no need to coordinate your actions with anyone. You decide what to do and when.
  • Great opportunities. Of course, a lot depends on you. With concentration, great efficiency, you can count on a high financial profit as a result.

Let's get down to considering the possibilities.

Earning money or business on the Internet

Today, working on the Internet is a common thing. Although only 10 years ago, this seemed impossible to many. Working on the Internet surprises with its variety. So, we present you the most relevant ideas for making money on the Internet:


Writing texts. You don't need much for this job. Today you don't have to be a philologist to write. If you have a great desire, at least average knowledge of the Russian language, then such a job may suit you. Do not forget that today you can check yourself for mistakes using Word, special sites such as and Spelling. All of them are free and do not require any investment. You do not need any initial capital either, but enthusiasm is highly desirable. There are many exchanges where you can get started. There is no registration fee. When you reach a certain level of income, you can. Here .

Placing your own literary works in various article stores and online magazines

No start-up investment is required here, but writing skills will be required. Unfortunately, it is hardly possible to earn a lot on such resources without a well-promoted name. There are no licenses or restrictions here either. If you have the talent of a writer or poet, this option will help you not only get income, but also realize yourself!

Electronic libraries, where you can publish your work, can be attributed to the same type of earnings. In this case, the author receives a certain income from each view.

Creation, promotion and filling of sites with the necessary content

In this case, special skills are required. So, to create a website, you need programming and design knowledge or skills in using specific platforms. For promotion, you need at least a starting understanding of what seo optimization is, what it is for and how to use it for website promotion. But almost everyone can publish content. Here you just need to be able to work with the site through the admin panel. I must say that such work is especially relevant today, because the number of users is constantly growing, which means that you can make money on sites.

Creation of your own information site or blog and their promotion

This process is more laborious than working with someone else's site. Here you must either have the appropriate knowledge yourself, or involve content managers, programmers, designers, seo optimizers in the work. If you do all this yourself, then the initial investment will require small, they will all go to the promotion of the site, its advertising. At the same time, you need to understand that it is unlikely that you will be able to get big profits right away. But if you work with professionals, you will have to spend a lot of money on the creation and promotion of the site. You can't get by with 20 thousand. You will first have to accumulate a certain amount, and only then start building a website. Here is a selection of articles on.

Content manager, moderator

Such work today can be found in groups of social networks, in various forums. No initial investment is required, but without an appropriate portfolio, you are unlikely to be hired for such work. In the first case, you need to be able to select content suitable for a specific target audience, and in the second - to be restrained, to have certain knowledge. The moderator usually deals with discipline (removing spam, preventing abuse, editing messages, etc.), and can also answer questions from visitors. Naturally, no licenses and permits are needed to carry out such activities.

Opening your own online store

Approximate investments: from 70 thousand rubles.

This is more about creating one-page websites. It is with these that it is better to start. What do you need? Actually a website with a catalog of goods, suppliers of goods (these can be both Russian manufacturers and suppliers from China, for example), a well-functioning delivery system. The latter will not be necessary if the work is carried out in a certain territory or there are not so many orders and you yourself will send the desired product. The initial capital will largely depend on what area you work in. But you will need 70-100 thousand for sure. For many niches, this amount may be several times higher. Here is a selection of articles on.

Earnings on affiliate programs

Approximate investment: no investment.

Earnings on YouTube


Here we are talking about various kinds of video courses. Moreover, they are in demand in very different areas. Who can record videos like this? Anyone with knowledge and skills in a particular field. Here, success will depend on the presentation of the material and the promotion of your own videos. This can be done simply through YouTube and through the site (a free promotional video will attract potential customers and they will want to buy a video course). The initial capital will be needed to purchase consumables and promote sites. Who can shoot video tutorials like this? It can be an experienced lawyer, an accountant, or just a woman who loves to cook, sew, make crafts, who knows how to take care of herself. In a word, everyone can be realized here. This type of business is very relevant, but at the same time it is not easy, as it will have to face high competition.

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Professional services

We are talking about services for the implementation of which you need knowledge in a particular industry and experience in it. So, here are the most relevant ones:

Locksmith, plumber, electrician, turner

We have combined these specialties into one group due to the similar specifics of work. What do you need? Knowledge in a specific area, work experience, tools necessary to carry out the work. If there are no tools, then you will have to buy them. On average, this will have to spend from 10 to 30 thousand rubles. Similar services can be provided to neighbors, relatives, friends. If there are not enough clients, then you can place advertisements on the Internet, post advertisements on the nearest houses. Another option is to provide one-time services to companies (for example, those involved in renovations). These types of work are always relevant, because people are constantly breaking something, they make repairs. This ensures a high demand for the service.


Approximate investment: no investment.

Special knowledge is required to work as a tutor. Today they are in demand among schoolchildren, students and adults. Their main task is to improve their own skills. It is important to navigate the taught subject perfectly in order to transfer your knowledge to others. In this case, you can not only teach yourself, but also assemble a team of tutors and be their intermediary. Today, there are plenty of opportunities. It is not necessary to invite students home. Courses can be delivered via video communication, for example. This method is in great demand at the moment.

Performing work for students

Approximate investment: no investment.

This type of work has always been in demand. To provide such services, you need a fairly in-depth knowledge of the individual disciplines. Higher education is also necessary, especially if you work through an agency (they always collect this kind of data). You can carry out similar activities through special sites, freelance exchanges. Although, of course, it is more profitable to work directly with students. If one person likes your work, he will certainly advise you as an excellent specialist to his classmates and friends. In this case, you will not need capital investments. To reduce your risks, it is worth asking for an advance payment or payment in installments for the work done for the work.

Music lessons

Approximate investment: no investment.

This kind of work is not suitable for everyone, because professional skills are required. There can be several formats at once - singing lessons, lessons on playing certain instruments. Today, the most sought-after instruments are the guitar, piano and violin. For work, a special education is required (a music school, at least a conservatory is an ideal option) and talent. If you are good at something, then you probably already have this instrument. This means that no costs are required. But it will be necessary to compose lessons for your students. Such activities can be done at home. You can earn from 500 to several thousand rubles per hour, depending on your skills, education and client's trust.

Translation services

Approximate investment: no investment.

Here you cannot do without knowledge of the language. Moreover, their level will vary depending on the complexity of the source texts. Here you need to be not only literate. Knowledge of specific vocational terminology is encouraged. What can be translated? These are articles in specialized magazines, news for websites, and documentation. Such work will not require initial investment, except for deep knowledge of the language. The cost of remuneration largely depends on the rarity of the language, its exoticism. So, for the translation of 1.5–2 thousand characters (about a page), you can get about 500–1,000 rubles, sometimes more.


Approximate investment: no investment.

This is a rather specific and very creative profession. In addition to knowledge and skills, you will need a natural sense of style, artistic taste and the ability to draw. Experience in various graphic editors is also a plus. This profession has a lot of opportunities. What can you draw? Advertising brochures, banners, various posters, business cards, logos. When working with various ateliers and stores, you can create sketches of clothes, shoes, accessories. You can also do simple photo processing, but here you need to be proficient in graphic editors. The chances of getting a good and highly paid job is greatly increased if you have a detailed resume and portfolio of completed work. This will allow the potential customer to assess the level of skill.


Approximate investment: no investment.

To work, you will need a professional camera, different lenses, knowledge of photography, skills in working with graphic editors in order to process the resulting images. Here you can go in several ways. Conduct photo sessions, exhibit photographs of nature, animals, the city and other things on special photo stocks. One photo session costs about 1000-2000 thousand rubles, or even more if the photographer is famous. If you work with a bank of photographs, then you won't be able to earn a lot right away. There, the price for a photo increases over time. So, for the first photos you will receive about 60-80 rubles, and after 100 sold images, the cost can reach 150 rubles.

Layout designer

To work, you will need skills in working with either publishing packages (if you work with a print edition), for example QuarkXpress or AdobeInDesign. If the layout is carried out on the Internet, then you need to be able to work with the CMS. To find clients, it is worth acquiring a portfolio, this will increase the chances of getting high paying orders. This work is mechanical, no creative skills are required. Only accuracy and perseverance are important. Layout designers are required in various media. The average cost for one article on the Internet is 200 rubles. If you have experience in this area, you can typeset about 20 articles per day.


Approximate investment: no investment

This profession is similar to copywriting, but requires deep knowledge of the language, ideally a philological education. You will also need MSWord skills. Today a professional editor can get about 30–70 rubles for 1,000 characters. But here you need a good portfolio, resume and proof of education, but you will not need to obtain any licenses. You can work with your favorite topics. If these are highly specialized articles, then additional knowledge or experience (construction, for example) may be required. It is better to work in one direction, improving your skills over time.

Online consulting

Approximate investments: required, depending on knowledge, skills and capabilities.

What can you advise people about? The most popular niches are: legal, accounting and medical. You will need professional knowledge, education, theoretical and practical skills. Initial costs include promotion of your own website, blog, page. A consultation can cost from 300 to 3-4 thousand rubles. It is very important to prove yourself in front of potential clients. This also includes work as a personal nutritionist or fitness instructor. In the latter case, you can also conduct video communication classes.


It is no coincidence that we have separated outsourcing into a separate group. Today it is beneficial for many companies. They do not have to hire employees for a specific position and pay insurance premiums for it. Only provided services are paid. And the entrepreneur himself pays taxes and insurance premiums for himself. At the same time, he can work with several companies at the same time, which significantly increases his income. Let us dwell separately on the most popular forms of outsourcing:


Approximate investment: no investment.

This form of outsourcing is ranked first in popularity. In this case, the responsibility lies with the customer himself. To work in this area, you need the education of an accountant, knowledge of the latest changes in legislation. It is very important to keep abreast of developments in order to do your job correctly. No initial cost is required. It will be important to have the skills to work with professional programs, such as 1C Accounting. Today there are the following options for interaction with customers:

  • preparation of reports for the enterprise;
  • accounting of the organization;
  • full service (it is the most expensive and energy-consuming).


This kind of outsourcing is also in great demand. You will need a higher legal education, work experience, knowledge of legislation. Organizations can be consulted by phone, on the Internet or in person. In the beginning, you will have to spend money on promoting your own name. The amount here will depend on how effective the promotion tools are. About 20 thousand for the first time will be enough. You can not only answer questions and help resolve difficult situations, but also draw up legal documents. This includes statements of claim in court, lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements and many others. Such services are very relevant today.

Operator or call center

Approximate investment: no investment.

Such services are not as often needed as the previous 2. It is better to look for clients yourself. You can call cleaning companies or those involved in transportation. Your job will be to accept orders, complaints, and advise on emerging issues. At the initial stage, you will have to devote a lot of time to studying the specifics of the industry. Professional skills are not required, as well as education. Ability to speak, pleasant speech and voice are encouraged.

Services provided at the client's home

This group requires detailed consideration. The services presented differ in that they are provided at the clients' home. So, here are the most interesting and popular ones today:


Approximate investment: no investment.

This kind of work is more suitable for women. The undoubted advantage will be the presence of:

  • pedagogical or psychological education;
  • their children;
  • work experience;
  • opportunities to work in the evening or on weekends.

You do not need to issue any licenses or obtain permits. But getting recommendations from past employers will be useful. For an hour of such work, you can earn about 150-200 rubles. With additional skills and a high level of professionalism, you can get many times more.

Personal Santa Claus

Approximate investments: from 50 thousand rubles.

This name is conditional. The point is in an interesting way of spending leisure time, not only for children, but sometimes also for adults. You can also include the presenters at the events. Professional knowledge is not required, but artistry, the ability to speak, present oneself are the key factors of success. Initial costs will include purchasing the necessary merchandise and promoting your own services. Capital in the amount of 100 thousand will be quite enough, you can get by with smaller investments.

We must not forget about work planning - you will definitely need to keep a diary. If you don't want to work yourself, you can find your own mini-group that will hold the holidays. In this case, you will have to spend a little more on the props. If you do not have creative skills, then you will have to spend money on writing a script. A good program is not cheap (at least 3-4 thousand rubles). Large-scale work will require the purchase of sound equipment and a car in which it will need to be transported. In this case, the costs will seriously increase (about 300-450 thousand rubles). In principle, an office is not needed. All negotiations can be conducted on neutral territory, on the Internet or by phone. Be sure to pay attention to quality, satisfied customers can become regular users of your services!


Approximate investment: no investment.

This includes cleaning not only the home, but also the surrounding area (for example, washing the exterior glass of a high-rise building). You can start working yourself. Here it is important to determine the possibilities and conduct targeted advertising. Work with a specific contingent, do the job efficiently and then the clients themselves will show interest in you. Additional knowledge and skills are not needed, only diligence and attention to detail. For the simplest work, you will need consumables and household chemicals. These costs will amount to about 5 thousand rubles. In the future, you can acquire additional tools (vacuum cleaner, for example) to increase the range of services provided. Today, people often use the services of cleaning companies, since they themselves do not have time to do the cleaning due to the workload. Such cleaners are in demand in large organizations.

Home Services

Here we have included services that you can provide without leaving your home.

Services for animals

Approximate investments: from 20 thousand rubles.

This niche is very wide. This includes beauty salons, short-term shelters and tailoring of designer clothes for cats and dogs. Some will require professional skills (experience in beauty salons or tailoring). You will also need funds to equip your workplace, to purchase materials. Capital will be needed here on the order of several tens of thousands. Additional costs can be advertising costs. Initially, you can get by with pasting ads on nearby houses.

Atelier for the repair or tailoring of clothes

You can consider this business as a home business and provide services at home. It is enough to have knowledge, work experience and the necessary equipment. You can carry out business only in your area by pasting advertisements at the entrances about your services with your phone number. You can come directly to the clients of your house and neighboring houses on your own to the entrance and pick up clothes for repairs and also return them back.

Soon all residents of the area will know about you and contact you constantly. Thus, you will receive a large flow of orders.

Cooking courses

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

Beauty saloon

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

Today this type of business is gaining more and more popularity. This includes manicure, pedicure, hairdressing, tattooing, eyelash extensions, training courses. For any of them, you must have professional skills (passing training courses), experience will also be needed to attract customers. You will also need special devices. So, for a manicure you need a special lamp, files, varnishes, gel varnishes, tips.

The hairdresser will need to spend a little more on the purchase of appliances. This is a hairdryer, curling iron, scissors, combs, hairpins, varnishes, paints.

A permanent make-up (tattoo artist) will also need special equipment: a tattoo machine, a permanent tattoo handpiece, pigments, various needles and equipment for sterilizing instruments.

A manicurist can cost 10-15 thousand rubles, and a hairdresser and a tattoo artist will need about 20-30 thousand rubles.

It is costly to go to a beauty salon, so more and more brides, on the eve of the wedding, turn to private makeup artists and stylists who have a good portfolio. How to attract customers? The most common way is through social networks. There professionals create their own page, fill the album with their works. Plus, it's great to communicate with potential customers and keep them up to date with your work schedule.

Let's stop separately on shugaring at home, since today it is especially popular among ladies. Another name for this procedure is sugar hair removal. For such work, you will need to purchase a special couch, skin care products, professional spatulas, napkins, and more. It is important to have experience in this area of ​​business. You can promote yourself using social networks. The first customers can be found among friends. The average initial cost is about 20-25 thousand rubles.

Training courses. Having a decent experience in the field of beauty, you can safely offer training services for young professionals. This is a higher level of earnings. Of course, for this you will have to rent a room and prepare workplaces for the students.


Approximate investments: from 1000 rubles.

This business is almost cost-free. You will only need special elastic bands, a comb and everything. Of course, your skills are required. Be sure to study new items, learn to weave more and more new types of braids. To do this, you can study video courses on the Internet and other materials. Pay great attention to the originality and quality of the braids. The first clients can be found from the immediate environment, and then the reputation itself will work for you. The initial costs will be no more than a few thousand rubles, which will pay off in the first month of work.

Photobook Printing

Approximate investments: from 100 thousand rubles.

For work, you do not need skills or special knowledge, but you will have to shell out an impressive amount for the purchase of equipment. In the list of services provided, you can include:

  • making a layout;
  • the actual print;
  • pruning and assembling books.

Some of the work can be done manually or production can be made fully automated. To work you will need:

  • a special machine for the production of covers;
  • creasing;
  • rounder;
  • cutter;
  • a special assembly table and some other devices.

The total costs will be about 100-150 thousand rubles. They will not pay off immediately, which must be taken into account when choosing such a job.

Clothes for rent

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

This is a rather specific type of business, in our country it is not yet as developed as in the West. If your wardrobe is full of things, then you can really make money from it! In addition, you will not have to spend money on anything. True, it is unlikely that you will be able to earn much on this, but it is ideal as an additional income.


Growing various vegetables and fruits

Approximate investments: from 500 rubles.

This type of work is seasonal. It can be used as an additional type of income. It is especially suitable for lovers of summer cottages. Many pensioners are engaged in this kind of fishing. The competitive advantage is that you grow your food without the use of various nitrates. The main costs will be for the purchase of seeds and the arrangement of the site. In addition, you will need equipment for plant care (shovels, hoes, rakes, watering cans, etc.). If you plan to sell products to stores, then you will need to register your company and contact Rospotrebnadzor to obtain the necessary documentation (declarations, certificates, manuals, etc.). This also includes the cultivation of flowers. If your growing scale is impressive, then you will need special equipment (tractors, combine operators), which is not cheap. It is better to start with amateur cultivation, and only then, having received a client base, expand your production.

Homemade jams and pickles

Approximate investments: from 6000 rubles.

At the same time, it is better to use your own products. This will significantly increase the profitability of production and income. It is most profitable to sell such products in winter. You can start cooking in your own kitchen. For work, you will need products and consumables (cans, lids), as well as a seaming machine. On average, you will need about 6 thousand rubles to roll 60 cans, but here a lot will also depend on their contents. When expanding the scale, production will have to acquire a separate workshop.

Livestock breeding

Approximate investments: from 50 thousand rubles.

You will need a sufficient area for breeding animals. It is best to do this outside the city. It is important to understand that such a business is very difficult. You will need a lot of strength, diligence, knowledge. In addition, you will immediately need to stock up on funds to buy feed, pay for veterinarian services and other things. If you breed cats and dogs, you will have to pay a big sum for participating in exhibitions. Buying young animals will also require quite serious investments. We will not talk about a specific amount, because it all depends on what kind of animals you want to breed. We will dwell on some varieties in detail.

Fishing. Here, in addition to buying food, you will have to spend money on renting a reservoir. It is important to understand that this type of business is very complex. This is largely due to the fact that fish is a perishable product, so you need to sell it immediately.

Rabbit breeding. Here, special attention should be paid to the construction of cages and sheds. You will need various drinkers, feeders, storage space for food. For official work, registration of a peasant farm will be required. You can enlist the support of the state, which will partially cover the initial costs.

Making fish food

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

It is no coincidence that this type of business is considered very profitable. You will not need to keep fish. You just need to find a reservoir with live food. Tubifexes, cyclops and other types of fish may come up here. You will have to buy a freezer to store your finished products so that they last as long as possible. You can find out recipes on the Internet, although you will also have to devote a lot of time to this. It is best to engage in the production of food for aquarium fish. People trust direct producers more than industrial ones.

Own pastry shop at home

Approximate investments: from 15 thousand rubles.

You won't be able to work legally at home, but you can try to trade from under the counter. This type of business is very profitable. It is only important to find your customers. In this case, you yourself can choose what exactly you will cook. For a start, it is better to stop at a small assortment and cook to order. Then, having built up a portfolio, you can start making custom-made wedding cakes, birthday cakes and children's parties. In addition, during the New Year holidays and on the eve of February 14 and March 8, gift sets from confectionery products (macarons, muffins, cupcakes, muale, etc.) are very popular. For comfortable work you will need: mixer, blender, deep fryer, special forms, pastry syringes. Everything else is probably already in your kitchen (bowls, knives, etc.). In general, you will have to spend about 15-20 thousand on equipment. You may already have everything you need.


Accessories and furniture for pets

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

When it comes to cats, they usually buy special furniture and toys for them, and clothes for walking dogs are also bought. If you will be sewing, then you will need a sewing machine, materials, threads, buttons and other accessories, such as zippers, stickers, inserts, ruffles.

If you have chosen the manufacture of furniture for yourself, then you will need fabric, foam rubber, plywood, possibly boards, a special construction stapler, an electric jigsaw. You may need sticks, ropes.

You can get ideas for both classes on the Internet, and take sketches from there. In addition, collars, elastic bands and other accessories for animals can be additionally made. Do not forget that animals are very fond of various toys.

The first copies are best done as exhibition materials. They will help you advertise the services you provide. It is best to create your own group on a social network and inform potential buyers about new products in it. Later, you will make custom-made products, taking measurements.


Approximate investments: from 5 thousand rubles.

This area includes a huge number of opportunities. This is the creation of postcards, jewelry, candles, flower arrangements, artistic modeling, making wedding accessories, decorating document covers, handmade cards. We will focus on the most popular types of handmade today:

Handmade soap. Such a business is considered highly profitable and quickly paid off. In Russia, such soap is often presented to relatives and friends on various holidays. Therefore, when choosing a gift, special attention is paid to appearance. The demand for home-made soap only increases every year. Do not think that this business is so easy. You will need to purchase the necessary equipment. These are special molds, and the essence for making soap, and various ingredients (aromatic oils, dyes, breathlessness), decorative elements (this can include shells, glitter, coffee beans and much more), beautiful packaging (bags, ribbons). All this can pay off in an average of 4–5 months.

Scented bath bombs. It is very important to study the production technology here. It is important to test the bombs repeatedly before selling them to customers. Remember that this job takes patience and time. The ingredients for making can be different, here you need to study the recipes that can be found on the Internet. In general, the business is like making soap. The only difference is the target audience. These bombs are most often bought for children. First, it is better to master one type of product, and then use several production recipes at once.

Polymer clay jewelry. This type of handmade is also popular today. It is very difficult to find something interesting and unusual in stores. In addition, real fashionistas always want to have something exclusive. What do you need? Fantasy for creating extraordinary masterpieces and skillful hands. Here, the ability to draw will be an additional plus. To work, you will have to purchase:

  • special surfaces on which you will sculpt products;
  • blades and knives of different sizes and thicknesses;
  • sandpaper;
  • knitting needles and needles;
  • glue;
  • extruder (with the help of which polymer clay is squeezed out) and nozzles for it.

Today, many different accessories can be made from polymer clay. These are pendants, beads, rings, earrings, key chains, even photo frames and figurines.

In addition to polymer clay, you will need various decorative elements and bases (for fasteners and brooches, for example).

Wedding accessories. On the eve of the wedding, all brides are looking for where to buy original wedding accessories. Of course, all of this can be found in the store today. But the most popular are custom-made accessories in the color of the wedding day. It can be wine glasses, bottles, locks, suitcases, boxes for rings, bonbonnieres, etc. How to implement? You can display your products in wedding salons, online stores, and wedding exhibitions. In addition, you can negotiate with several wedding decorators, they already have a reputation and they will bring clients to you. The most popular is the sale of wedding products through social networks. To work, you will have to purchase all kinds of materials for decoration: wine glasses, decorative material, glue, colored cardboard, ribbons, etc.

Candle making

Approximate investments: from 7000 rubles.

This is not an easy business, but it is quite profitable. You should immediately think about the details of the job. It is better to work in the garage, there will be just enough space for installing a special machine and storing finished products. The room must have ventilation and an exhaust hood so that the temperature is low, otherwise the candles may melt. Be sure to take care that the room is clean, especially if your candles will be used to decorate cakes and pastries. Average costs will be about 7-10 thousand rubles. This amount also includes the cost of consumables for the first batch. Don't forget to include special forms in your expenses. You do not need assistants to work. You can carry out such activities in your free time from work. You will receive the maximum profit during the general holidays. This must be taken into account when purchasing raw materials.

Sweet bouquets

Approximate investments: from 10 thousand rubles.

We're talking about bouquets made from sweets. Education is not necessary here, but talent will be needed. You will make all the bouquets by hand, so you must have a sense of style, understand the combination of colors and their shades. All work should be beautiful and graceful. You can come up with compositions yourself or draw inspiration from the Internet, especially since there are plenty of master classes on this topic today. For work, you do not need large investments, on the contrary. You will need:

  • paper;
  • the cloth;
  • tapes;
  • scotch tapes;
  • wire;
  • sticks;
  • glue;
  • various decorations;
  • baskets;
  • candy.

These costs will cost several thousand rubles.

DIY bean bags (doughs)

Approximate investments: from 2000 rubles.

This is what soft chairs are called. These interior items are very popular today. They are used not only at home but also in offices. The cost of one such chair is about 6 thousand rubles, the cost of its production is about 1 thousand rubles. The profitability is 500%! You can make them yourself right at home. And to do sales with the help of the Internet. For work you will need materials, scissors, a sewing machine, threads, needles and some other accessories for decoration.

Organization of joint purchases

It is no coincidence that we have singled out this type of business into a separate group. For such work, organizational skills will be needed. The profit is based on the receipt of the organization fee. The essence of such a business is the purchase of goods at wholesale prices and their subsequent transfer to end consumers. At the same time, products are purchased much cheaper than in ordinary stores.

To work, you will need to register on a special website and become an organizer of joint purchases. Next, you should decide on the field of activity, find a supplier and start looking for buyers.

Organizational fees are usually around 15% of the order. At the same time, you need to understand that from this amount you will have to deduct transportation costs for delivery and collection to the owner of the resource. You end up with about 10%.

No special skills are required here, but the desire to work and activity will be necessary. Such work is preferred today by mothers on maternity leave. There are no expenses here, but the income is about 20-25 thousand rubles. Although, everything here is individual and depends on your enthusiasm. This type of income can be additional income or main, it all depends on your desire and ability to attract a client!


In conclusion, I would like to ask you to supplement the list with your ideas, if any! Write your ideas in the comments, and I will add them to the article. Thus, we will collect the largest and most relevant collection of ideas about business at home.

You can also look for ideas in sections and articles:

How is your morning going? You jump up half an hour after the 25th alarm clock rings, turn on the kettle with your eyes closed and convulsively wake up a child who needs to be in the garden in less than an hour? After 5 minutes, after the collective washing, are you having breakfast at the same time, feeding your baby and trying to put on the first clothes you come across?

Obviously, you can't live like that. Therefore, the morning of a difficult day must begin ...

In the evening of a hard day

Remember your highchair by the bed, on which your mother taught you to fold everything you need in the morning? Benefit from this pedagogical know-how. Prepare clothes for the baby in the evening, and he will put together a backpack with toys for the kindergarten "for tomorrow." so that in the morning you can just take it and go. If you constantly lose your keys, arrange for them a cute hook or shelf in a conspicuous place in the hallway. take my tie? ", then there is a persistent feeling that the whole family needs their" bedside chairs ".

Good morning

If everything is ready in the evening, then you no longer need to put in your schedule a certain number of minutes for the morning rush and hassle. Divide the free time in half - for yourself and for cleaning. It would seem a trifle, but if you spend an order of magnitude 10-15 minutes every morning, the house will always be clean. After all, you can also wipe the dust with a cosmetic mask on your face. Now calmly wake up the heir - it's time to wash up and go to the kindergarten. Start an hourglass in the bathroom - while the colored dust streams down in a thin stream, the kid is brushing her teeth, and you are preparing breakfast. Before leaving the house, remember that you have to cook dinner in the evening. Transfer the necessary food from the freezer to the refrigerator - while you are away, they will have time to defrost by themselves.

Cunning: each time you put things in order in different places, then gradually all parts of the apartment will receive your attention and shine. Dirty dishes in the sink can multiply. Therefore, it is better to rinse the cups of morning coffee and a plate of baby porridge immediately!

Good evening

Everything is ready in the morning, now spend 15 minutes cleaning where you need it. Immediately send dirty clothes to the laundry basket (aerobatics - store light and colored separately). If enough things have accumulated, you can start the wash without waiting for the next day. And finally, the final "household" chord - wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, including the stove with the sink, and throw some disinfectant into the toilet bowl - everything will clean up by itself overnight. So, the house is clean, the children are asleep, the well-fed spouse is peacefully watching TV - it's time to make yourself a fragrant bubble bath.

Cunning: if you "on the fly" go through the plumbing and stove at least once every two days, they do not need any serious efforts at all.


Children love the circus. Plus a zoo, cinema, museums and feeding ducks in the park. And of course, Saturday and Sunday are best spent with a child, and not with mops, rags and vacuum cleaners. Small steps throughout the week - and now on the weekend there is no such devastation that requires a lot of time to rake. And if cleaning cannot be avoided, attract a child to it as much as he can - to lay out toys, dust and vacuum his room, a 5-year-old person is quite capable. Is the husband taking time off? Remember, big boys have serious games. Let him load the dishwasher (dear, I'm afraid of this thing!) And solve the most difficult task of optimizing "the purchase of the entire list of necessary products, so that there is left for drinks labeled" for adults. " the rest of the time can be devoted entirely to the family.

Clothes and toys - cleaning

How much time do you spend to:

  • neatly arrange children's things in the closet, from which the child has already grown?
  • to collect toys that are no longer relevant for the baby in a box?

It seems that in five minutes you are unlikely to be able to cope with these tasks. The way out is simple - you need to quickly get rid of the trash: fewer things - fewer problems. Go through baby clothes, wash anything out of season, and pack in special boxes. Get rid of what has become little: if the hand does not rise to throw it away, hand out things to friends whose children are younger than you, post announcements on forums and in communities like "give it away". Ask the parish of the nearest church if they take clothes there for distribution to those who need it. Try to sell something that has retained its presentation on the Internet. If the subconscious mind bombards you with arguments like “maybe we’ll give birth to another one” or “and if in five years the child will be with the sister? clothes.

Cunning: clothes packed in vacuum bags take up much less space!

As for toys, if right now you distribute to your friends everything that the child is already tired of, throw away what has long been broken, and hide away half of the rest, it will become much freer in the nursery! In a month or two, you will give the offspring a "long-forgotten old" and send those cars and babies that are in circulation now for a well-deserved rest ... did not see! And what a savings!

We need to quickly get rid of the trash. Fewer things, less problems.

Cunning: large baskets for toys are extremely inconvenient - in order to find some trifle at the bottom, a child will inevitably dump all the contents on the floor. Shallow (ideally - with transparent walls) boxes are much more practical. Beautiful stickers on each of them will help the kid figure out where to put the dolls, where - the animals, and where only the parts of the construction set or the railroad. "Go and collect your toys" is too global and boring task for a preschooler. Break it down into small, easy-to-do things like "Put all the soldiers in this box / park all the big cars under the bed."

After getting rid of the trash in the nursery, the most important thing is not to save it up again. Every time, trying to bless the heir with a gift, ask yourself if he really needs this thing so much. One simple rule saves you from unnecessary littering: how much profit - so much and disappeared. Have you brought a new toy into the house? Move one of the old ones away!

Washing baby clothes

Some parents argue that there are children in nature who never plant stains on their clothes, do not fall into puddles and do not rip their pants on tree branches. They say a lot about such children, but no one has ever seen them. If you regularly deal with stains from paint, markers, fruits and soup, congratulations - you are the mother of a normal living child! Therefore, if the child has brought a "present" from the kindergarten, pour the stain remover on this place right away, and not after a week during the wash.

Cunning: do not skimp on goods for children's creativity! The strokes of Chinese felt-tip pens are washed off children's clothes worse than traces from branded water-soluble ones. Cheap plasticine makes cleaning more hassle and leaves nasty greasy stains on clothes, floors and furniture. Gouache is very poorly washed, therefore, before giving out paints, it is worth taking off the young artist's branded T-shirt.


You have no problem with this item if you love ironing. And if not? Just stop doing it - most things hardly need an iron.

Can't look at your five-year-old daughter in crumpled jeans and suffer from insomnia on an unfinished sheet? Try ironing every day for literally 15 minutes while watching TV, then the process will seem less hopeless and exhausting.

Cunning: modern washing machines squeeze the laundry so hard that it turns out to be too wrinkled. Use the "no crease" mode or set a lower spin power. After that, the clothes must be carefully straightened on the dryer so that you do not have to iron it afterwards. If you dry things in the machine, take them out a little damp - it is better to iron shirts in this state.

Remove freshly ironed items before the children have time to jump on it, scatter it or fill it with juice.


If you really don't have time for anything, cleaning, washing and ironing can be postponed, oversleep in the morning, and in the evening - do not wipe the surfaces in the kitchen. You can even go hungry if you live alone. Men can be kept on ready-made dumplings for some time, although they wither away from this, dry up and irresistibly rush "to the left." But if there is a child in the house, you need to regularly feed him fresh food, even if you work 58 hours a day. There are mothers in nature who preach the principle "a glass of juice replaces a bowl of soup", but we are not on our way with them.

So how do you fit delicious and healthy food preparation into your busy schedule?

  1. Make an approximate menu for a week and send your husband for groceries on weekends - this saves time and money: men buy strictly according to the list and never bury themselves on "that vase with a discount." You can even buy bread seven days in advance - put the loaves in the freezer and take them out as needed.
  2. Cut meat, poultry, fish into portioned pieces and freeze separately - this is for soup, this is for goulash, this is frying. If there are cutlets in your plans, you can immediately make minced meat, mold it, and then freeze it.
  3. Cereal porridge cooks very quickly, and sometimes it does not need to be boiled at all: it is enough to pour boiling water or milk over everything and let it stand for a while. Breakfast is ready in literally three minutes - and the children are full and time is saved.
  4. Ideal mothers prepare colorful food for babies in the shape of animals and artistically paint mashed potatoes with carrots. Buy colorful pasta and do not suffer from the fact that you do not have time to sculpt edible bunnies three times a day. There is a simple way out even if you still crave a feat and exclusive food for your baby: on one of the weekends, stick small dumplings with your husband and child (spinach or a little beetroot juice will color the dough). Multi-colored self-made dumplings are a wonderful dinner.
  5. The longest time when making a soup is to make a broth. To save time, a large pot of good broth can be poured into several containers and frozen for future use, and then only fill the soup at a time for a week.
  6. There is a practice of freezing ready-made meals in separate containers - mashed potatoes with a cutlet, soup, meatballs with buckwheat. Try, perhaps sometimes these blanks will help you out.

Cunning: put only frozen food in the freezer, in tightly closed containers. Defrosting such food is easy - just move the boxes you want in the refrigerator overnight (quick "thawing" in the microwave can change their taste).

There are many people and professions in our world who work from home.

These are freelancers, programmers, creative people, and entrepreneurs. These are mainly people whose activities are related to the Internet.

There are many benefits to working from home:

  • flexible free working hours;
  • saving time on the way to the workplace;
  • no need to wake up too early;
  • you can always dine with homemade food, and not some fast food or business lunch;
  • other.

Do not forget about the negative sides of the home office.

If you have a habit of constantly being distracted by other activities and entertainment, or constantly putting things off for later, at home this will further interfere with your work.

What is just the habit of going to social networks for a short time, absorbing a person for a long time.

Recently I wrote myself the phrase of the editor-in-chief of LifeHacker Slava Baransky:

You can't put it more correctly!

As the consequences of spontaneous sitting on social networks - projects, blockages and problems delivered at the wrong time.

If you work from home or plan to switch to a home schedule in the future, then the tips in this article will help you organize this process and make it as productive as possible.

The main and primary task if your workplace at home is to properly organize and correctly distribute your working time.

The biggest challenge we face when working from home is a relaxing home atmosphere. How difficult it is sometimes to tune in to a working mood.

What will help us to work as productively as in the office, as well as in the presence of a boss.

1. Get ready for work.

Even if you just need to sit down at the computer to start your home work day and that's it.

You should not put on a business suit at home, but all other rituals must be observed unconditionally: change from pajamas, take a morning shower, comb your hair, change clothes.

Get ready for work

In general, tune in as soon as possible to a working mood.

Think very carefully about where and what will be in your home office.

Make sure that you have everything you need for work at your fingertips:

  • Computer;
  • Telephone;
  • A printer;
  • Notes sheets;
  • Pens, markers, pencils;
  • I even control that there is a bottle of drinking water next to it.

Think even about such trifles as whether the sun will shine on your monitor or whether you will be distracted by shouts from the playground and cars passing near your house.

The more nuances and little things you take into account, the better you will be working at home.

How to organize working hours at home (photo)

Plus, all your loved ones should know that your workplace is an untouchable zone, to which no one has the right to access.

Make them accustomed to this, otherwise, as they say in Odessa, "you will have nerves."

3. Try to start your work day earlier than you planned.

In your MyLifeOrganized profile, you can do this by highlighting the main 3 workday tasks as favorites.

Now you can use your favorite tasks as a beacon and as an indicator of the efficiency of your working day.

Before starting a productive work day, check your email so that you don't get distracted by such trifles later.

Try to start your work day earlier than you planned.

I am often asked, when can a productive person afford to watch the news or some kind of entertainment portal?

If you really need it, do this activity for yourself as a reward for some completed section of work, or for performing four tomatoes with maximum efficiency (4 tomatoes - using the Pomidoro 4 technique for 25 minutes of full concentration). Again, this is limited in time.

4. Know your productivity peaks.

It has long been known that depending on whether a person is by type - a lark or an owl, there is a time of day when he is most productive.
Be sure to calculate this time for yourself. Determine empirically.

Do anything to get to know him, but at this time you only need to do the most important things. The activities that you have identified as favorite tasks, as beacons of your work day.

Know your productivity peaks

Thus, the most difficult tasks will be solved much easier (they still need to be solved). And you can solve less complex and important tasks the rest of the time.

Get to know your productivity peaks!

5. Stick to your work schedule

In any conditions, place, office or home, the working day should consist of successive, alternating phases of concentrated work and rest.

Sticking to the same schedule all the time will make it a habit for you and it will become natural for you.

It can be either some kind of strict schedule in the form of a table or diagram.

I'm more comfortable using:

  • 25 minutes of work - 5 minutes of rest;
  • 4 to 25 minutes of work - 15-30 minutes of rest;
  • Somewhere between them an hour for lunch;
  • Ingenious and simple.

The main thing is in the work schedule so that it does not happen like this:

How to organize work and rest during working hours at home

6. Chat with colleagues during the working day

In order not to feel distant from other employees, you can keep in touch with them using Skype: carry on correspondence, answer video calls, hold conferences, and discuss joint projects.

Chat with colleagues during the working day

Just beware that Skype will become a distraction and communication will not be of a working nature.

You and your colleagues can control each other via Skype. You will always be aware of all the things others are doing, but at the same time you will not let them be distracted from the project.

7. Finish your working day, like in the office, on time!

Always, if there are no urgent matters, work only on schedule. Resist the temptation to get carried away and earn money. The working time is over - we turn off the computer, put things in order on the desktop and switch to another type of activity: recreation, sports, family, chatting with friends.

Finish your working day, like in the office, on time

Our life does not consist only of work. We do not forget about other areas of our life either.

On weekends, if possible, try not to work at all. Get high out of life. Choose for yourself the item you like from the folder "Brightness of life" and complete it!

What to do if you can't independently organize work and workplace at home

Answers on questions

What to do?

At MyLifeOrganized, we will list all your tasks and projects, who exactly, what and when should be doing.

When to do it?

In coaching sessions, I help people find time not only for work, but also for even distribution among all areas of life balance.

How to do?

We can work out any question of your effectiveness during coaching sessions, which will allow you not to waste your strength, time and energy, but concentrate on your goals and desires.

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