Lozenges for cough and sore throat. Pharmacy Cough Lozenges and Homemade Lozenge Recipes Cough Candy with Eucalyptus

When a sore throat starts, many people know how to stop it: buy cough drops. Now on the shelves of pharmacies there are many varieties of absorbable drugs that are pleasant to the taste and help to quickly get rid of the problem. Cough and sore throat lozenges are considered completely harmless, because manufacturers claim that they contain only natural products. Let's see if this is so.

How do lollipops work?

The effectiveness of lozenges has been proven for years. When resorbed, they stop the manifestations of pathologies such as laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. When a person has an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sometimes phlegm is produced that needs to be removed, so a cough is necessary. In this case, lozenges help the body to cleanse itself, causing the cough reflex. Absorbing preparations containing chandra, licorice, coltsfoot, and mint oil have a healing effect.

If, with acute respiratory infections, a dry cough occurs, causing severe irritation of the larynx and throat without phlegm, then medicines that have an antitussive effect are needed. Manufacturers thought about this case too, releasing special lozenges for dry cough with the following properties: enveloping, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial.

Inexpensive but effective cough drops

There are lollipops in different directions and with different ingredients. Sugar, herbal ingredients and flavors are always added to the composition of children's cough sucking tablets so that the baby is treated with pleasure. Just remember that lollipops are a medicine, not candy, so they should be given to children only as prescribed by a doctor. The pharmaceutical market offers consumers many of these drugs. Consider the inexpensive, but most effective:


According to the instructions, this is a complex herbal preparation that has an antiemetic effect and an expectorant effect. Lozenges Travesil reduce irritation of the respiratory tract, stimulate the immune system. They can be with citrus, mint, cherry, raspberry and other flavoring fillers.

  • Ingredients: herbal extract from a mixture: watermelon seeds, pepper fruits, fennel, emblica, rhizomes of turmeric, licorice, ginger and others. Excipients: menthol, sucrose, liquid glucose.
  • Indications: cough of any etiology, irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, tonsillitis, asthma, pharyngitis, bronchitis.
  • Application: It is recommended to dissolve until dissolved. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually. Adults are allowed to use lollipops up to 9 pieces / day, children from 3 to 12 years old are not recommended to dissolve more than 5 pieces / day.
  • Price from 70 rubles / pack.

Doctor MoM

Effective lozenges for sore throat and cough with fruit and berry flavor. The drug has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect. The extract of licorice root, which is part of the composition, has an antispasmodic effect, and menthol is antiseptic. Lollipops Dr. Mom is a natural herbal product that is allowed to be consumed by people from the age of 18.

  • Ingredients: dry extracts of ginger rhizomes, emblica fruits, licorice roots. Auxiliary components: levomenthol, citric acid, liquid dextrose, sucrose, flavorings.
  • Indications: therapy of chronic and acute inflammation of the respiratory tract, accompanied by dry cough.
  • Application: slowly dissolve for adults every two hours, 1 lozenge up to 10 pieces / day. It is allowed to take the medicine for 20 days.
  • Price from 100 rubles / pack.


Combined fungicidal and antibacterial drug used in ENT practice and dentistry. Strepsils lozenges are effective against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, providing a bactericidal effect by destroying their membrane. The drug is produced in the original version and with various additives: vitamin C, eucalyptus, menthol, honey, lemon and herbs.

  • Ingredients: amylmethacreazole, dichlorobenzyl alcohol, complex of essential oils of peppermint, anise.
  • Indications: chronic and acute inflammation of the pharynx and oral cavity, caused by sensitive microorganisms to the drug. In dentistry, it is used to prevent infection or the development of inflammatory processes.
  • Application: it is recommended for adults to take up to 8 lozenges / day, for children - up to 5 pieces / day with an interval of 3 hours. The medicine should be absorbed until it is completely dissolved after eating.
  • Price from 95 rubles / pack.


A complex antimicrobial drug that has a bacteriostatic effect on a wide range of bacteria. On the mucous membranes, Stopangin lozenges have an analgesic and enveloping effect. The antiseptic hexetidine, which is part of the drug, has antiviral, fungicidal and weak anesthetic properties.

  • Ingredients: hexetidine, anise oil, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, orange tree oil. Excipients: menthol, methyl salicylate.
  • Indications: various inflammatory processes of the oropharynx, including viral, fungal, bacterial. Candidiasis of the larynx and oral cavity (thrush).
  • Application: for adults, suck lozenges every 3 hours until completely dissolved. The duration of therapy should not exceed 5 days.
  • Price from 125 rubles / pack.


A new cough medicine that quickly gained popularity, judging by the reviews, for its effectiveness and inexpensive cost. It has an immunomodulatory, antiviral, expectorant, sedative effect. Bobs lollipops are used in different variations: honey-lemon, mint-eucalyptus, raspberry tea, wild berries. Available in convenient packs of 10.

  • Ingredients: eucalyptus aroma oil, glucose syrup, sugar, dyes, reinforcing agents.
  • Indications: to relieve the first symptoms of cough, mild forms of respiratory attacks, soften the throat.
  • Application: suck one lozenge every three hours. The daily allowance for adults should not exceed 10 pieces.
  • Price from 350 rubles / pack.


Natural cough medicine containing essential oils of medicinal plants. Lollipops Karmolis have a choleretic, sedative, analgesic, expectorant, antispasmodic effect. The antiseptic components of the oils suppress the growth of bacteria, strengthen the immune system, tuning the body to overcome coughing on its own.

  • Ingredients: a balanced combination of 10 essential oils: mint, anise, nutmeg, lavender, lemon, Indian lemon balm, thyme, Chinese cinnamon, sage.
  • Indications: used to reduce the symptoms of viral and colds, to facilitate breathing when coughing, sore throat, to normalize the nervous system.
  • Application: Adults are advised to take lollipops every 2 hours for comprehensive prevention of colds. Do not dissolve more than 10 pieces / day.
  • Price from 130 rubles / pack.

Dr. Theiss

A popular soothing and anti-inflammatory cough remedy. Lozenges Dr. Theiss have a beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract, reducing hoarseness, clearing coughs, soothing sore throat. Depending on the combination of herbal ingredients, the effects of different absorbable medicines are different. So, sage cough drops have a bactericidal effect, and with echinacea and vitamin C they have a positive effect on the immune system.

  • Ingredients: eucalyptus, mint oil, menthol, sage extract, honey, cranberry juice concentrates, vitamins, extracts of Swiss herbs, citric acid, fennel and anise seed oils.
  • Indications: any symptomatology of painful conditions of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Application: lollipops are shown in the age category from 12 years. The drug should be absorbed until dissolved up to 5 pieces / day for no longer than 14 days in a row.
  • Price from 120 rubles / pack.

Immunovit with sage essential oil

Complex vitamin preparation that increases immunity. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, helps to reduce sore throat and nasal congestion, soothes cough. Immunovit with sage essential oil is a phyto-vitamin caramel made on the basis of pollen with the addition of vitamins C, E, B2.

  • Ingredients: flower pollen containing more than 25 minerals and amino acids, citric acid, sage essential oil, sucrose, molasses, water.
  • Indications: for any inflammatory processes of the respiratory system.
  • Application: adults are allowed to take one candy every 4 hours up to 10 pieces / day. For children from 3 years old, dissolve no more than 5 pieces / day.
  • Price from 60 rubles / pack.

Licorice lollipops

The drug is based on lactitol and licorice root. Licorice cough drops do not contain sugar, therefore they are indicated for use by diabetics. Lactitol promotes the reproduction of bifidobacteria, suppressing pathogenic microflora in the intestine. The substance does not affect insulin levels, it has a low calorie content.

Licorice root, which is part of licorice lozenges, improves sputum discharge when coughing, helps to cope with perspiration, and softens the throat. The medicine is absorbed when painful symptoms occur as needed, but not more than 30 grams / day. If the dosage is exceeded, then blood pressure may increase or allergies to components may occur. For children from 3 years old, licorice lozenges are allowed for use.

Which lollipops are safe for pregnant women

A natural question arises, what can you take cough drops during pregnancy and breastfeeding? A woman, both in the early stages and in later periods, is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the fetus, therefore she has no right to treat diseases on her own. At the first symptoms of a cough, such lozenges are allowed for pregnant women as:

  1. Doctor MoM
  2. Dr. Thais with sage
  3. licorice
  4. Strepsils with lemon and honey.

Use all drugs only after consulting your doctor!

It is allowed to use cough drops for children from 3 years old. If your baby is a little over one year old, then you should give drugs that are easy to grind into powder (Lizobakt, Sebedin). Lozenges that are allowed to be given for sucking to children with coughs and sore throats:

  1. Strepsils.
  2. Tantum Verde.
  3. Septolet Neo

Video: Recipe for making lollipops at home

Homemade cough sugar candies are easy to make with your own hands and can be treated without fear of an allergic reaction to any incomprehensible component. Such a medicine can be safely given to children, since it will be not only useful, but also tasty. Watch the video how to make your own lollipops with ginger, propolis tincture, cinnamon and licorice root.

Cough lozenges are inexpensive but effective medicines that can be used to relieve inflammation, as well as get rid of swelling, etc.

They are an affordable medicine that can be purchased at any pharmacy. These lozenges are used for inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, however, they cannot be used to cure a cold. The main purpose of these drugs is to relieve pain. The positive effect after taking them is achieved by softening the irritation of the throat mucosa.

There are several cases of cough that should be treated with pain medication:

  • With a dry, frequent cough resulting from infection of the respiratory tract with pathogens.
  • With an allergic reaction.
  • With inflammation of the bronchi or trachea.

Lollipop action

Anesthetic medication performs the following functions:

Cough drops relieve airway inflammation

  • Reduces the number of pathogenic microorganisms on the mucous membrane.
  • Relieves inflammation of the airways. It can be quickly removed after taking antiseptic cough drops.
  • Ensuring the removal of phlegm from the throat by stimulating expectoration.
  • Sore throat.

When a person absorbs this drug, his throat becomes covered with a specific film that cannot be seen. Its main purpose is to prevent the spread of the inflammatory process. To achieve a positive effect after resorption of the drug, it is not recommended to drink or eat for half an hour.

These drugs stimulate expectoration. Already in the first hour after their resorption, the patient will begin to sputum.

This drug has practically no contraindications or side effects. It is this property that makes it a universal cure for colds.

Keep in mind that pain relievers do not cure coughs. It is used as an aid to combat this ailment.

The use of cough drops for children

Today pharmacists offer a wide range of medicinal products for resorption with antiseptic properties. For small patients, there are also cough drops, inexpensive and quick-acting.

The main elements that the children's pain relieving lozenge contains are:

  • sugar;
  • flavoring additives;
  • natural herbal ingredients.

Thanks to this composition, children's ailments are treated not only effectively, but also pleasantly.

Parents of young children should not forget that an absorbable product is, first of all, a drug, not a candy. It is recommended to give it to a sick baby only after prior consultation with a doctor.

In order for the child to cough quickly, it is necessary to block the spread of the infection. Therefore, you need to buy him a lozenge for resorption, which has an antispasmodic effect. And also these medicines help get rid of redness of the throat, relieve inflammation and provide a local analgesic effect.


There are several effective baby pastes available.

This drug has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Strepsils is prescribed for acute sore throat and inflammation. The maximum number of such lozenges that a child can take in 1 day is 8. It is not recommended to dissolve Strepsils for more than 3 days.

The main purpose of Anti-angina is to relieve the throat. This medication should be taken several hours before meals.

This medication contains extract and lemon balm. Due to its antiseptic properties, the medication is able to quickly numb the throat of a child. Angi Sept Dr. Taissa for discomfort in the throat.

Natural cough drops

Herbal cough drops are used to treat many colds. These medicines not only help to quickly and effectively relieve pain, but also disinfect infected areas of the throat. After their resorption, the sick person disappears from the discomfort localized in the throat, and the voice is restored.

This drug is used primarily to relieve spasms. And also Dr. Mom quickly stops the inflammatory process and stimulates expectoration. The main active ingredients of Dr. Moma are emblik, licorice and ginger. After treatment with this remedy, the expectoration becomes less intense.

It also contains medicinal plant extracts. This drug allows you to stop the disease due to its antiseptic and antiviral properties. Sage soothes sore throat.

These lozenges help reduce respiratory irritation by stimulating the immune system. Travesil has antiemetic and expectorant properties. This drug should be used to treat colds.

Lozenges for dry cough

After resorption of these medicines, the patient begins a productive cough. Dry cough drops are used to stimulate phlegm production. They have antimicrobial and emollient properties.

These lozenges have an expectorant effect. Due to its antispasmodic and bactericidal properties, Linkas Lor actively reduces the intensity of attacks.

This preparation contains an extract and basil. With its help, you can remove the inflammatory process of the throat mucosa. After resorption of the Broncho Veda lozenges, the patient's discomfort disappears.

This drug is prescribed for severe inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It can help relieve redness and swelling of the airways. The patient who used Septolete to treat airway discomfort regains the ability to swallow painlessly. It is not recommended to take this drug for more than 7 days.

Wet Cough Lozenges

It is possible to relieve inflammation of the airways and reduce the viscosity of the secretion using wet cough lozenges.

With the help of such medications, sputum production can be stimulated quickly and effectively. They have anti-inflammatory effects. Bobs Lozenges can be used to treat colds of any etiology.

Verbena preparation can be used not only as a medicinal product, but also as a prophylactic agent for discomfort in the throat. With the help of this medication, you can anesthetize the respiratory tract for a cold that has arisen for various reasons.

In most cases, this medication is prescribed for infectious and viral diseases. It is used by patients who have difficulty breathing due to swelling of the mucous membrane.

Karmolis contains more than 10 medicinal herbs, which makes it an effective remedy for colds. These lozenges have a mild sedative effect as they contain ascorbic acid and menthol. With the help of their resorption, it is possible to significantly reduce the intensity of expectoration attacks.

Antibiotic lozenges

Such drugs are prescribed to patients whose form of the disease is chronic. It is not recommended to assign them to yourself on your own. Before taking an antibiotic medication, you need to consult a qualified professional. The antibiotics in the lozenges can be harmful to the patient's health. In addition, if the ailment did not arise due to an infectious infection, then there is no need to take antibiotics.

The most famous lozenges containing an antibiotic:

A drugA photoPrice
from 276 rubles.
from 258 rub.
from 148 rub.

There are a lot of cough drops on sale now. Let's see what you need to know when choosing this product, and which of these tools are the best and most effective.

The composition of the effective and best lozenges

As an adjuvant in the treatment of cough, almost all effective treats of this type contain extracts of medicinal plants:

  • Mint.
  • Eucalyptus.
  • Anisa.
  • Licorice.
  • Shandra.

If this symptom haunts you for a long time, sage lollipops will help you, which perfectly remove phlegm. Licorice candy works well to relieve irritation and soothe the throat. You should be careful when choosing these products with menthol, because often there is so much of it that it takes your breath away, and it feels like you have a piece of ice in your mouth.

Which cough to use effective lozenges

A cough is a symptom of a respiratory illness. It indicates a disorder with the bronchi, trachea or larynx. In fact, it is the body's defensive reaction that allows it to get rid of germs and phlegm in the throat. Therefore, with the so-called "wet" symptom, even the best and most effective drugs of this type are unlikely to help.

But if the cough is dry, it hurts and sores in the throat, you cannot do without their help. They will help relieve inflammation and remove phlegm. They will also help you out in the evening or at night if frequent coughing interferes with sleep.

Cough lozenges - which are better?

There are several brands of herbal candies, recognized by experts as the best and most effective:

While many of the best and most effective cough drops are advertised as food by manufacturers, you shouldn't give them up. The main thing to remember when buying is that good candies should be made on the basis of natural plant materials and contain a minimum of sugar.

Cough drops are not a panacea, of course, but they are a good remedy that helps alleviate pain in the throat and chest. They can also help stop seizures. Cough lozenges are used as an additional remedy. They are used in combination with anti-inflammatory, antitussive or expectorant drugs.

What are throat and cough lozenges?

Reviews of throat and cough lozenges are in most cases positive. After all, almost all of these products contain herbal ingredients. These are extracts of useful medicinal plants. There are other sweets for sucking, which contain extracts of lemon, honey, and raspberry. They are considered by many to be the best cough drops. These include Doctor MOM lozenges and Halls candies. The price of these funds ranges from 60 to 120 rubles. Therefore, everyone can afford to buy such cough drops.

Candies designed to soften the throat are most often prescribed for dry coughs. After all, this type of symptom is the most painful and debilitating. When wet, they are recommended for use only if the sputum has a thick consistency and does not come off well.

The best herbal cough drops

According to reviews, herbal cough lozenges are considered the most effective. Here is a list of the best herbal lozenges.

Cough drops - This is first aid for sore throat. Such tablets and lozenges can quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms and alleviate a person's condition. Of course, they are not able to cope with the underlying disease, for example, with bronchitis or laryngitis, but such drugs are quite capable of making them feel better.

How to choose the “right” cough drops?

To get the maximum effect from the therapy carried out with lollipops, you need to understand the mechanism of their action, as well as the mechanism of the cough itself.

    A cough can occur when the throat and tonsils are inflamed due to the entry of germs and toxins into the airways.In this case, the person suffers from a dry cough without sputum discharge. In this case, a sore throat will be felt. Anti-inflammatory lozenges help to cope with such a cough.

    Moist cough with sputum separation develops with inflammation of the bronchi, trachea and lungs.The glands of the lower respiratory tract produce mucus in order to remove pathogenic flora from the body. In this case, a person's throat most often does not hurt or sore. Such a cough is called "chest cough", it is often not possible to suppress it by an effort of will. In this case, you need to take funds that facilitate the discharge of sputum and contribute to the transfer of dry cough to wet.

    The cough can be allergic in nature. Allergy sufferers begin to suffer from such a cough after inhaling plant pollen, perfume, house dust, household products. Sometimes an allergic cough develops in people against the background of inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system. In this case, it will be paroxysmal, with the separation of a small amount of clear sputum. A person has watery eyes, rhinitis may begin. In this case, you need to take antihistamines. Cough drops are minor remedies. You can choose any lozenges, but taking into account that the person is not allergic to the components that make up them. Thanks to such lozenges, a person will begin to produce more saliva, which will help moisturize the mucous membranes and relieve coughing attacks.

    Sometimes a cough is a residual phenomenon after suffering from bronchitis or pneumonia. It can be treated with lozenges, which are designed to suppress the cough reflex. Taking them allows you to reduce the activity of the cough center in the brain. In the composition of such drugs, dextromethorphan or folkodin is present.

When the cough is moist and accompanied by mucus, it will indicate inflammation of the lower respiratory tract. It will not be possible to cope with such a cough with the help of lozenges; it will be necessary to connect drugs with an expectorant and mucolytic effect.

It is forbidden to combine the use of drugs for thinning sputum with drugs that suppress the cough reflex. Otherwise, large amounts of mucus will accumulate in the bronchi, which will provoke increased inflammation and make breathing difficult. Therefore, if a doctor has prescribed a person such drugs as: Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Fluditec, ACC, Acetylcysteine, then he should not take lozenges containing dextromethorphan, such as Tussin, Coldrex, etc.

Anti-inflammatory cough lozenges

Some lozenges are sold in pharmacies, and some in regular stores, as they do not belong to medicines.

The composition of natural pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical lozenges for coughs may include such components as:

    Honey. It contains phytoncides, which act like antibiotics, destroying microbial flora. Honey reduces inflammation and even fights allergy symptoms. However, drugs based on it are not prescribed for the treatment of children under 2 years of age, since the risk of poisoning remains high.

    Lemon. It contains organic acids that help to reduce the inflammatory process. Lemon also contains zinc, which has a positive effect on the condition of the throat. Lemon is a source of ascorbic acid, which perfectly strengthens blood vessels, enhances immunity and acts as a natural antioxidant.


    Strepsils has restrictions on its use: it is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, children under 5 years of age.

    The price of the drug is high. With the expectation that one pack of 16 lozenges is enough for only 2 days.

    Short-term effect: the effect of the drug ends after 2 hours from taking it.

The cost of a drug containing 16 tablets is 160 rubles, for 24 tablets you will have to pay 370-400 rubles.

The drug contains flurbiprofen, due to which there is a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used to treat children over 12 years old.

Do not prescribe lozenges to pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding. It should not be taken by people with stomach ulcers, bronchial asthma, and colds (if the person is being treated with other anti-inflammatory drugs).

Do not take more than 5 tablets per day. The break should not be less than 2-3 hours. During the resorption of the tablet, you need to move it all the time around the oral cavity so that inflammation of the mucous membrane does not occur. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 days.


    The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect will be provided within 2 minutes after the start of the tablet resorption.

    The main active ingredient belongs to the group of NSAIDs, its reception allows at the local level to reduce the production of prostaglandins, which provides a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

    The action of the drug is prolonged up to 4 hours.

    The tablets are aimed at eliminating inflammation in the throat, they reduce tissue swelling, relieve irritation, and relieve pain.

    The drug can be taken along with antibiotics.

    The tablets taste good.


    An extensive list of contraindications: arterial hypertension, stomach ulcers, renal and hepatic failure, hemophilia, etc.

    The drug is not suitable for treating young children. Elderly people can use it only after medical advice.

    Lack of natural ingredients in the composition of the drug.

You will have to pay 350-370 rubles for 24 tablets.

On sale you can find candy with cherries, honey, sage, lemon and sea buckthorn. Dichlorobenzyl alcohol acts as an antiseptic component. The healing effect is due to peppermint oil, menthol and anethole.

The drug can be prescribed to children over 6 years of age, but during pregnancy and breastfeeding it is not used for treatment.

The drug is taken 1 tablet every 2-3 hours. In this case, the daily dose should not exceed 6 pieces. The maximum duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 days.


    The possibility of using the drug for the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, tonsils and larynx.

    The drug is prescribed for the prevention of flu and colds.

    Angi sept not only eliminates the symptoms of the disease, but also has an antiseptic effect, destroying the pathogenic flora. Thanks to its intake, separate groups of endorphins and peptides are released in the body, which reduces the pain threshold, reduces vascular permeability and speeds up the healing process.

    It is possible to choose tablets according to your own taste preferences.


    The drug is prescribed with caution to people with diabetes mellitus, since each tablet contains about 0.20 XE.

    It is forbidden to use it to treat children under 5 years of age.

    Overdose is dangerous for problems with the digestive system.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction, so you need to take the pills with caution.

For 24 tablets, you will need to pay 160-200 rubles.

The tablets contain Chlorhexidine, which has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Tetracaine acts as an anesthetic. The drug is supplemented with ascorbic acid, which contributes to the speedy recovery of a person.

The drug can be used to treat children over 3 years old. However, it is not prescribed for lactating and pregnant women.

The method of taking the drug depends on the patient's age: 1 tablet 2 times a day is prescribed for children over 3 years old. Three times a day, 1 tablet should be taken by patients over 6 years old. Adults and adolescents over 14 years of age can be sucked 1 tablet every 2-3 hours (but not more than 6 tablets per day).


    The drug not only stops the inflammatory process, but also acts on the cause of the disease, destroying bacteria. This is possible due to the fact that it contains Chlorhexidine.

    Vitamin C enhances both local and general immunity, strengthens blood vessels and promotes a speedy recovery.

    The pain goes away quickly, the effect lasts for 3-4 hours, which is possible due to the tetracaine contained in the drug.

    Anti-Angin can be used to treat children from 3 years of age.

    The cost of the drug is low.


    The drug is a multicomponent drug, which increases the likelihood of developing allergic reactions and complications.

    It cannot be used to treat diabetics or people with fructose intolerance.

    If you take Anti-Angin very often, then there is a possibility of damage to the tooth enamel.

    The drug interacts with various substances, for example, with sulfonamides and aminosalicylic acid, so you cannot prescribe it yourself.

    It is forbidden to take the drug with other medicinal products containing iodine.

For 20 tablets you will need to pay 160 rubles, for 12 tablets - 120 rubles, and for 24 tablets - 190 rubles.

Septolete, Septolete D

The tablets contain thymol and benzalkonium, which have an antiseptic effect. Reduction of tissue swelling is due to eucalyptus. Sore throat recedes due to the fact that the composition of the drug includes peppermint oil and menthol.

The drug can be used to treat children over 4 years old. In this case, the dosage must be observed. More than 4 lozenges per day are not prescribed for children 4-10 years old. Six lozenges a day can be offered to patients aged 10-12 years. Up to 8 lozenges can be taken by adults and children over 12 years old. Do not exceed this dosage.

Septolet is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


    The lozenges do not contain sugar, so they can be prescribed to people with diabetes. The sugar-free environment, which is created in the oral cavity, enhances the activity of the antiseptic components that make up the Septolete.

    The drug does not damage tooth enamel.

    The drug is used to treat young children.

    The lozenges taste good.

    The therapeutic effect is due to the antiseptic included in the lozenges (benzalkonium chloride) and is enhanced by active natural substances (thymol, peppermint, etc.). Eucalyptus essential oil reduces the production of inflammatory secretions in the airways and makes breathing easier.


    The drug is not prescribed for people with fructose intolerance.

    Septolet is not taken with milk, as well as before and with meals. This condition must be observed without fail. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the treatment will be minimal.

    There is a possibility of developing side effects in the form of nausea, vomiting, allergies and diarrhea.

    Failure to comply with the dosage regimen will lead to overdose. In this case, medical attention is required.

The cost of the drug is 180-200 rubles.

The preparation contains cetylpyridinium chloride, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect. On sale you can find pastilles with apple, lemon and cherry flavors. Septolete Total and Septolete Plus are similar medicines. But the latter drug can be used to treat children over 6 years old, while Septolete Neo is prescribed for children from 4 years old. The drug is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers.

4 lozenges a day are prescribed for children 4-10 years old, 6 lozenges a day are prescribed for children 10-12 years old, 8 lozenges can be taken for children over 12 years old and adults.


    The drug can be used to treat viral infections of the throat and mouth, as it has a virucidal effect.

    Cetylpyridinium chloride destroys not only bacteria, but also fungi. It is prescribed for pharyngitis and various etiologies. You can take the drug for stomatitis and gingivitis.

    The drug is used in pediatric practice.

    The lozenges can be taken by people with.


    The drug contains mannitol, which, if the dose is exceeded, can cause diarrhea in children.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction and indigestion, which requires refusal to continue taking the drug.

    During treatment, you need to stop consuming milk, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

    u Cetylpyridinium chloride slows down the healing of open wounds in the mouth.

Septolet Neo costs 150-200 rubles (18 lozenges). The price for 16 Septolete Total lozenges is 250 rubles. The cost of the Septolete Plus is 180 rubles for 18 lozenges.

This medication contains ambazone, which acts as an antiseptic. Pharingosept can be purchased without any flavors, and also in mint, cinnamon or lemon flavors. It is prescribed for the treatment of children over 3 years old. A distinctive feature of the drug is the possibility of its use in nursing and pregnant women.

Patients 3-7 years old are prescribed no more than 3 tablets per day, and adults no more than 5 tablets.


    The tablets not only relieve sore throat, but also fight viral and bacterial infections, preventing further reproduction of pathogenic flora.

    The main active ingredient is active against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative flora.

    The medicine can be purchased with or without flavor.

    The drug can be used to treat children from the age of three, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.


    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction of the body.

    Sometimes there is an orange staining of the tongue and enamel of the teeth.

    During treatment, there may be a feeling of tightness in the mouth and dryness of the tongue.

The cost of the drug is 120 rubles for 10 tablets without taste. For Faringosept with mint and cinnamon, you will need to pay 170 rubles (20 pcs.), And 180 rubles for tablets with lemon.

The main active ingredient is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. The drug is not prescribed for children, lactating and pregnant women, as well as people with diabetes.

The maximum daily dose is 10 lozenges.


    During the absorption of the drug in the mouth, a pleasant sensation of coolness is created, without a feeling of numbness, since the tablets do not have a drying effect on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

    Tablets eliminate irritating, unproductive reflex cough.

    Taking the drug quickly eliminates pain and has a pronounced antiseptic effect.


    Tablets are prescribed with caution to people with diabetes mellitus, since 1 tablet contains 0.03 XE.

    The drug cannot be prescribed to children, it is only suitable for the treatment of adult patients.

    There is a possibility of allergic reactions.

    The high price of the drug.

For 25 lozenges, you will need to pay 220-225 rubles.

Sage (Verbena) lollipops

The preparation contains sage extract. The tablets can be used to treat children over 3 years of age. If a pregnant or lactating woman suffers from a cough, then taking lollipops is possible only after a medical consultation. They dissolve 1-2 tablets every 2-3 hours.


    Low cost of the drug.

    The drug can be used to treat dry and wet coughs, as it improves expectoration and soothes seizures.


    As an independent remedy, the drug is not used, since it has a weak antiseptic effect.

    The drug is a dietary supplement.

    Dragee is forbidden to be taken by people with diabetes.

You will need to pay 60 rubles for lollipops. Analogs are: Sage Dr. Taiss's lollipops (130 rubles), Sage lozenges No. 12 (120 rubles) and No. 24 (200 rubles), sage tablets for resorption 600 mg (120 rubles).

Lozenges are herbal remedies. They are forbidden to be taken by people with individual intolerance to the components that make up them. Lollipops can be found in various flavors: sage with lime, propolis with mint, fir with menthol, wild berries, raspberry tea, and honey-lemon.


    The drug has a low cost.

    Lozenges create a pleasant coolness in the mouth.

    You can choose from different flavors of candy.

    Lollipops have practically no contraindications.


    Bobs is not a drug, he does not cure a cough, but relieves it as a symptom.

    Lozenges do not have instructions for use, and there have been no studies on their effectiveness.

    It is advisable to use bobs not to treat cough, but to give fresh breath.

    Lollipops cannot cope with bacteria, viruses and fungi.

The cost of a package of 32 g is 90 rubles. For 10 pieces of lollipops you will need to pay 20-35 rubles.

This tool belongs to complex phytopreparations. It can be taken by children over 6 years old. During pregnancy and lactation, lollipops are not prescribed. The daily dosage should not exceed 3-4 tablets.


    The lollipops contain natural ingredients: basil, ginger, pepper, Chinese cinnamon.

    The drug is prescribed for the treatment of dry cough. It can be taken by people with bronchial asthma and ARVI.

    The drug is well tolerated by both children and adults.

    You can choose a preparation with your favorite taste: with ginger, lemon, orange or herbs.


    Broncho Veda is a drug based on the Ayurveda system, that is, official medicine does not recognize its medicinal properties.

    The drug has not undergone clinical trials.

    The price for a product with unproven efficacy is quite high.

The cost of 12 candies is 110-150 rubles.

On sale there is Grammidin for children and Grammidin neo. Lidocaine acts as an anesthetic component, and gramicidin C acts as an antibacterial component. Excipients are menthol and eucalyptus.

Grammidin for children in pediatric practice is prescribed to patients from 4 years old. Children 4-12 years old are offered 2 tablets per day. Adults should not take more than 4 tablets per day.


    Possibility of use in childhood.

    The active substance of the drug destroys bacteria, thereby affecting the cause of the cough. In addition, it can be used to treat viral and fungal infections.

    The drug contains an anesthetic component, so the discomfort in the throat passes quickly.

    There are no flavoring tablets.


    The high price of the drug.

    The drug should not be taken when there are open wounds in the mouth, as it slows down their regeneration.

    Grammidin can cause allergic reactions.

The cost of Grammidin Neo No. 18 is 200 rubles, and Grammidin for children is 230-240 rubles.

Inexpensive drugs include:

    Lollipops Bobs (35 rubles) and Halls (50 rubles).

    Licorice candies - 45-70 rubles.

    Suprima-lor - 90-110 rubles.

    Verbena lollipops with sage 60 g - 60 rubles.

    Linkas Lor - 90-110 rubles.

    Faringosept - 120 rubles for 10 pcs.

    Doctor Mom - 110-130 rubles.

    Doctor Theiss - 120 rubles.

    Anti-sore throat - 120 rubles.

    Adjisept - 130 rubles.

According to patient reviews, the best and inexpensive drugs are Suprima-Lor, Anti-angina, Hols and Linkas lozenges.

What are the most effective cough drops?

If we consider the effect of the use of drugs, based on the opinions of people who took them, then they were distributed as follows (in decreasing order of effectiveness):

Lozenges for converting dry cough to wet

There are herbal remedies that help to get rid of a dry cough by converting it to a moist one - these are licorice, eucalyptus and menthol.

Lollipops for converting a dry cough into a wet one include:

The drug contains several herbal components, each of which has a specific effect. Licorice relieves inflammation and makes it easier to pass phlegm. Ginger has anti-allergic effects. Menthol is a pronounced antiseptic that allows you to reduce the intensity of painful sensations. The emblica is responsible for vasoconstriction and removal of puffiness.

Lozenges Dr. Mom can be prescribed to children over 3 years of age, as well as pregnant women (after consulting a doctor). During breastfeeding, the drug is not used.

Available in raspberry, lemon, strawberry, orange and pineapple flavors.

Children are prohibited from taking more than 5 lozenges per day, and adults - more than 10 lozenges.


    The drug contains herbal ingredients. Their unique combination allows you to liquefy phlegm and facilitate its discharge without harm to the body.

    Lozenges not only reduce pain and make breathing easier, but also allow you to cope with the disease, speeding up recovery.

    You can choose the pastilles according to your taste preferences.

    Low cost of the drug.


    There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction.

    The lozenges contain sugar, which should be taken into account by people with diabetes.

    The effect of taking the drug is not long-term and does not exceed 2 hours.

The cost of the drug is 110-130 rubles.

The product contains a combination of herbs and menthol. It can be prescribed for children over 3 years old, as well as for pregnant and lactating women (after consulting a doctor).

Children are prescribed 1-2 lozenges 3 times a day, and adults 2-3 lozenges 3 times a day.


    The preparation contains exclusively plant components in the form of extracts (fruits of long pepper, rhizomes of ginger, black pepper, licorice, rhizomes of turmeric, emblica, basil seeds, etc.). In combination, these substances have a pronounced analgesic, expectorant and mucolytic effect.

    Resorption of the lamellae helps to reduce inflammation in the throat.

    The course of treatment can be long (up to 3 weeks).

    The drug can be used to treat young children, as well as to treat pregnant and lactating women.

    It is possible to choose lozenges of different tastes: with honey, lemon, mint or orange.


    Maximum effectiveness in the treatment of dry cough can be achieved only when Travesil is used in a complex therapeutic regimen with other drugs.

    The drug contains sugar, so it is prescribed with caution to people with diabetes.

The cost of the drug is 160-180 rubles.

The candy contains the sweetener lactitol and licorice root extract. They can be prescribed to children from birth if the child does not have an intolerance to the components of the drug. The dosage is 5-6 lozenges, 4-5 times a day.


    Low cost of the drug.

    Its safety, which allows the use of lozenges to treat children of any age, as well as prescribe to pregnant and lactating women.

    Children do not refuse to take them, as the lollipops have a pleasant taste.

    Natural lollipop base.


    Low efficiency. For the treatment of dry cough, you will need to supplement the treatment regimen with other drugs.

    It is forbidden to use lollipops to treat people with adrenal diseases, hypertension, etc.

    Lozenges, taken in large quantities, can provoke the development of diarrhea, which is especially true for children.

    The drug has a diuretic effect, so it can remove potassium from the body. Although, subject to the indicated dosage, there is no such threat.

The cost of the drug is 45-70 rubles.

On sale there are lollipops Eucalyptus, Swiss herbs, Sage, Cranberry juice, etc. Depending on the chosen product, its composition will differ. Lozenges may contain menthol, peppermint and eucalyptus oil, or sage with honey, or cranberry juice with vitamin C, etc.

Lozenges can be used to treat children over 12 years of age. If there is a need to take the drug in a pregnant or lactating woman, then you must first get a medical consultation.

With diabetes mellitus, you should not take lozenges with echinacea and fir. The maximum daily dose is 3-5 lozenges. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.

For a package of 50 g, you will need to pay 50 rubles.


    A wide selection of candies of different tastes.

    Low cost of the drug.

    Natural lollipop base.

    Multiple healing effects: reduction of inflammation, softening of cough, bactericidal action. Some lozenges are a source of vitamin C, which a person needs during illness.


    The effect in the treatment of dry cough can be achieved only if the drug is used in a complex therapeutic regimen.

    The drug should not be used to treat children under 12 years old, and some forms - for children under 14 years old.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

    Lozenges do not belong to medicines - they are dietary supplements, which means that their therapeutic effect has not been proven.

Strepsils with menthol and eucalyptus

The preparation contains amylmetacresol, levomenthol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol. It can be used to treat children over 5 years old. If a pregnant or lactating woman needs therapy, then first you need to get medical advice.

You cannot take more than 8 lozenges per day.


    The drug not only relieves sore throat, but also destroys bacterial microflora.

    The essential oils included in the preparation facilitate nasal breathing.

    The effect occurs within 5 minutes after the start of treatment.

    The lozenges have a pleasant menthol taste.


    The high cost of the drug.

    The drug is prescribed with caution to people with bronchial asthma.

The price of Strepsils pastilles is 210 rubles (24 tablets). An analogue of the drug is Ajisept lozenges, which cost 130 rubles.

These lozenges are not a drug, they contain eucalyptus oil, menthol and glucose syrup.

They should not be taken while breastfeeding. There is no data on the use of lozenges for the treatment of children. Before the first dose, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction. Do not take more than 10 lozenges per day. They dissolve every 2 hours.


    Hols freshens breath well and makes it slightly easier.

    You can choose from different flavors of candy.

    Lollipops are inexpensive.


    Lozenges are not a drug, so they can only be used as an adjunct to make breathing easier.

    There are no instructions for the use of the drug.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

The cost of lollipops is 50 rubles.

The candy contains a mixture of essential oils. You can buy sugar-free candies, with honey, with honey and vitamin C, with cherries and vitamin C.

There is a form of release for children "Karmolis for children". They can be taken from the age of 3. The maximum daily dose is 10 lozenges. They dissolve every 2 hours.


    The drug has a natural base.

    Lozenges not only make breathing easier, but also reduce pain, relieve inflammation, thin viscous phlegm, and increase immunity at the local level.

    There is a children's form of release, as well as sugar-free lollipops, which is important for the treatment of people with diabetes.


    The high cost of the drug.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

    Lozenges are not used to treat pregnant or lactating women.

    To achieve recovery, you need to take lollipops in a comprehensive treatment regimen, since they have a weak antiseptic effect and are not able to destroy the pathogenic flora.

The cost of 75 g of candy is 230-320 rubles.

These lozenges contain a complex of medicinal herbs. They can be prescribed to children over 5 years old. If it is necessary to take candy to pregnant and lactating women, prior medical advice is required.

It is forbidden to use lozenges to treat people with diabetes mellitus and those who are allergic to the components that make up them.

Do not take more than 8 pieces of lollipops per day.


    The drug has a vegetable base, contains licorice, long pepper, fragrant violet and other components.

    Lollipops have a complex effect on the human body: they make breathing easier, reduce pain, thin phlegm, and relieve inflammation.

    The price of the drug is not too high.


    The therapeutic effect can be achieved only if the drug is used in a complex scheme with other drugs.

    The pharmacokinetic effects of the drug are unknown.

    There is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

The price for Linkas ENT (16 pieces) is 90 rubles.

Expert editor: Mochalov Pavel Alexandrovich | d. m. n. therapist

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. IM Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational Diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

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