Enterprise (firm) in a market economy. The concept of an enterprise in a market economy Large enterprises in a market economy

Introduction ......................................................................................3

Chapter 1.Theoretical foundations and types of enterprises .................. ... ...... 4

1.1. Basic features and goals of enterprises ....................................... ... 4

1.2. Classification and organizational and legal types of enterprises ... ... 7

Chapter 2. Enterprise in a market economy ........................... ... ... ..18

2.1. The possibilities of a market economy in modern Russia ............ ..19

2.2. Example of an enterprise in a market economy of OJSCWinzavod "Georgievsky"………………………………………………………………..23

Conclusion .............................................................................. ... 29

List of references ......................................................................30


I have considered the topic "Enterprise and its role in a market economy." The purpose of my work is to consider the enterprise as the most important link of the market economy and the state. Consideration of the role and importance of enterprises in the modern economy, identify functions, substantiate the need to improve the functioning of a system of small enterprises in Russia.

Consideration of the production activities of JOJSC Winzaworod "Georgievsky" for 2002-2006 and give an assessment of the economic development of the enterprise as a whole.

The company covers a central place in the national economic complex of any country, it is how it creates a national income. The company acts as a manufacturer and provides a process of reproduction based on self-sufficiency and independence.

The scope of individual enterprises, the social and economic development of society, the degree of satisfaction in the material and spiritual benefits of the country's population depends on the success of individual enterprises.

It is believed that such size enterprises are optimal, which ensure the most favorable conditions for the use of achievements of science and technology at minimal production costs and at the same time effective production of high-quality products is achieved.

The company is a form of organization of the economy, in which the individual consumer and the manufacturer interact through the market in order to solve three main economic problems: what, as for whom to produce.

At the same time, none of the entrepreneurs and organizations consciously decide this triad economic problems (each decides in the elements of the market at an individual level).

In the market system everything has the price. The market economy serves for unconscious coordination of people and enterprises through the price system and markets. If you take all the diverse markets, we will get a wide system, spontaneously providing equilibrium prices and production by samples and errors.

Relationships that are associated with enterprises in Russia are also regulated by law to which tax, customs, currency, financial, investment and other legislation regulating individuals, parties and activities of enterprises in Russia.

Chapter 1

Theoretical foundations and types of enterprises of the functioning of enterprises.

      The main features and objectives of enterprises.

The company is a separate economic structure of the production and implementation of certain goods and services. The company can be created, established by both private entrepreneurs and the state. In developed countries, the world's creation of an enterprise in most cases belongs to individuals. Since the 90s, the process of creating enterprises in individuals began to develop in connection with the transformation of the economy. Support for this process to a certain extent also had the privatization of part of the production capital.

Private entrepreneurs create enterprises, as a rule, in order to obtain cash income in the form of profit. The state, creating enterprises, is usually more diverse objectives: this may be a desire to increase the level of national security or solve some environmental problems, the need to create new jobs in the employmental regions, the need to organize the production of some goods and services that are quite economically beneficial for Business, etc. Between the preferences created by individuals and the state, there are other differences that will be discussed below.

The main features of the enterprise.

The characteristic features of the enterprise include the following:

Economic isolation. It manifests itself, first in property isolation. The company has its own property of owners, and can also rent either on other contractual principles to use various resource elements - land, capital and others. Secondly, the company has a completed reproductive cycle: it mobilizes resources, converts them and receives a finished product, implements it and the resulting revenue uses again to purchase resources. The company in most cases is a self-reproducing institution. Thirdly, the company has independent economic interests. Of course, the interests of employees and entrepreneurs cannot coincide in everything. But, at the same time, all the actors of the enterprise usually unites the presence of a significant overall interest - produce products, sell it and get money income.

Technological separation.

The company has a completed technological cycle of production. This means that its technical or technological "filling" is designed to carry out a technologically completed production process, its result can be a final product or an intermediate product intended for production consumption. The sewing factory, for example, has all the necessary technological equipment for the production of men's shirts, not referring to another enterprise, for example, for helping the sewing of buttons to these shirts. The dairy also has a full technological system, he does not need to charge another enterprise, for example, throwing milk into packages.

Legal registration of isolation.

It finds its expression in the presence of the company's charter (for certain types of enterprises - only the constituent "contract), accounts in the commercial, accounting balance, the availability of the rights of contractual relations and the hiring of workers, certain property responsibility in relations with other enterprises and individual citizens. Many enterprises Also seek to develop and register your trademark.

Participation in the public division of labor. The position of the enterprise is characterized by the presence of close economic environments with other economic structures. The company acts as a specialized commodity producer and therefore in its activities is experiencing a greater dependence on the actions of economic entities. Sales and resource provision are those areas of the enterprise in which it feels its greatest economic dependence on others.

Conditions of enterprises.

Enterprises may have different modes or conditions of activity The difference mainly relates to the conditions for the functioning of private and state-owned enterprises. Typical conditions of the private enterprise in a market environment can be considered:

a) independent implementation of reproduction progress. In other words; The company should provide its reproduction with its own funds with its own funds. The company can benefit from other subjects - get a loan, attract money by selling your own bonds, but it all happens on a borrowed basis, these resources must be returned, and with a certain payment fee;

b) Full economic responsibility for the results of their activities. This responsibility lays mainly on the shoulders of the owners of the enterprise. The distribution between them of this responsibility is determined by the form of the organizational and legal device of the enterprise;

c) Profit, which acts as the main source of funds for the development of the enterprise. The desire for development is natural to the enterprise. The expansion of the enterprise brings as a rule, large cash incomes to its owners. The decisive source of monetary support for such development for most enterprises is profits;

d) an enterprise, as a rule, competes with other enterprises. Competition significantly affects the behavior of the enterprise, its internal organization;

e) state economic assistance is local, exclusively, selective. This assistance aimed at supporting the reproduction of an enterprise must proceed primarily from the interests of the national economy as a whole. The state cannot and should not be a generous sponsor. It should be in these issues "miser", but, at the same time, calculating and far-sighted in determining possible macroeconomic consequences under the "failures" in the activities of specific private enterprises.

In approximately the same conditions, some state enterprises can act. The differentiation of the modes of state-owned enterprises, naturally, is the prerogative of the state itself. As a result, most of the state. Enterprises receive other - non-commercial or not quite commercial mode of operation. Its main distinctive feature is less strict economic responsibility in the first place of managers, for the results of activities: enterprises, less stringent financial conditions, a large number of restrictions established by government structures. Many state enterprises, for example, utilities, electric and gas supply, communications, transport Work in the absence of competition, perform clean monopolies.

1.2 Classification and organizational and legal types of enterprises.

The classification of enterprises is their grouping on a specific feature. The level of profitability, activity, size, organizational and legal device and others may be classification features. The classification of enterprises allows more ordered, systemically approach the study of enterprises. Acquaintance with the main methods of classification allows the various aspects in consistently and in detail, the parties to the enterprise.

Classification of enterprises on the main field of activity.

The scope of the enterprise is not always limited to the framework of one industry. For example, transport enterprise (the main activity is the provision of services for the transport of passengers or goods) can also be engaged in trade and intermediary activities, selling gasoline. However, as a rule, the company has one major field of activity, that is, the one that brings him the greatest share of income. And precisely, according to this circumstance, the company includes in a particular classification group.

The classification of enterprises by activity makes it possible to determine their economic orientation, technological and economic features of reproduction. For example, for an agricultural enterprise, a seasonality is very characteristic, which is shown on the movement of financial resources, procurement of capital to attract labor, credit needs, etc. By the number of functioning enterprises operating in a particular industry, it is possible to judge the level of competition, The preferences in specialization.

Classification of enterprises in size.

First of all, it should be explained that it can be accepted as a criterion for determining the size of the enterprise and its relevant attitude to a particular classification group. Taking criterion can be:

a) the number of workers employed at the enterprise;

b) the volume of economic turnover of the enterprise, i.e. the magnitude of its cash receipts (revenue) for a certain period of time;

c) the cost of capital capital.

The criteria for the classification of enterprises in size are determined by the state, it also establishes their specific quantitative values. There are no cases when it is not limited to choosing one criterion. This is due to the fact that the use of only one criterion for example, the most common - the number of employees does not always accurately convey the actual possibilities of the enterprise with a small number of workers can be equipped with the latest, automated technical systems. Place considerable power.

The main forms of support for small business from the state can be attributed:

a) establishment of privileges in the field of taxation;

b) providing financial support in various versions;

c) the creation of "business incubators" involving training, counseling, transferred capital to novice entrepreneurs and the other;

d) providing assistance in obtaining loans. Of course, the support of small business from the state is an important point. However, it should not, apparently, to overestimate its role crucial in the success or failure of entrepreneurial undertakings, as practice shows, belongs, primarily the personal qualities of the entrepreneur: talent, intellect, education, organizational abilities, the ability to a lot and intensively work, perseverance, purposefulness, ability analyze the situation and risk.

Organizational and legal types of enterprises.

Sole enterprise.

This is an enterprise created and controlled by one entrepreneur. As a rule, it is small in size. The main distinguishing features of the sole enterprise can be attributed:

a) the presence of the only owner of the enterprise;

b) the implementation of sole control over the activities of the enterprise.

In such an enterprise, the entrepreneurial efforts of one person are being implemented. Often it costs even without the involvement of the employee "state" enterprises can consist only of family members of the entrepreneur. The main areas where such enterprises include agriculture (farm enterprises), trade in commercial service, public catering, mediation, repair services. The sole enterprise has both its advantages and disadvantages of such an enterprise are: firstly significant freedom of action by the owner. He has no companions with whom it would have to coordinate various issues of entrepreneurial activity. Secondly, the presence of strong incentives, to economic effectively: both income and losses are not subject to distribution - they completely belong to one person.

The disadvantages of the sole enterprise are considered: first, the limited cash resources. Still, one entrepreneur is usually unable to provide its business with large financial resources, the turnover of its enterprise is usually relatively small, and the development of the enterprise is associated with serious difficulties. Secondly, the full property liability of the owner: he risks not only its own capital, invested in this enterprise, but also by other personal property, including the house, by the machine owned by him with shares, bonds, etc. Thirdly, the sole enterprise is deprived of potential The benefits of specialization in management, as a rule, is also engaged in both technical and resource, and sales, and financial issues. Agree, no matter how talented an entrepreneur individual, he still objectively cannot be equally able to successfully fulfill all entrepreneurial functions. In other enterprises, a special staff of managers are recruited for this.

Economical society.

This is an enterprise in which two or more persons agree on its possession and management in order to carry out joint venture activities.

The existence of economic societies is a natural reaction of entrepreneurs for the shortcomings of the sole enterprise to the desire to overcome the limitations of the latter. The Company can be viewed by the logical development of sole entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurial efforts of several people are combined.

The main features of the economic society:

a) the multiplicity of owners. Partners make shares in various shape. There may be money, physical capital, earth, ideas and more. Each Pai receives the appropriate degree, each participant is determined by its share in the value of the enterprise;

b) joint control of the activities of the enterprise. Owners carry out joint management of society. They must arrange among themselves and reflect this in the relevant documents of the enterprise on the forms of control and on the procedure for managing the enterprise

c) the distribution between profits and loss partners. A specific procedure is established by the constituent documents of chance an enterprise is created for the sake of profit, partners are striving to mostly implement their particular interests in obtaining income in joint activities. Usually, profit and losses are distributed proportional to the nested pairs.

The main types of economic societies can be attributed.

Full society. In such an enterprise, partners are full (unlimited) responsibility for its activities, for the obligations of the enterprise. This is the form of property responsibility, which is characteristic of sole business. Such an association of entrepreneurs, at the same time, leaves each of them the greatest of all societies freedom of activity, but requires the establishment of special confidence relations between partners.

Limited Liability Company. Its the basis of a distinctive feature is that all partners are responsible for the activities of the enterprise only within the limits of their contributions. The loss of the contribution is the limit loss of a participant in terms of limited liability. This is an attractive feature of this type of enterprise. And, apparently, this explains considerable popularity among entrepreneurs of a limited liability company.

Mixed (comdant) society. Its main distinctive feature is the association of partners with different rights and responsibility: valid (full) members whose position is no different from the role and responsibility of partners in full, depositor members who carry the responsibility of the enterprise limited by their contribution.

Society with more responsibility.

Partners are responsible for the obligations of the Company within their contribution to the authorized capital of the enterprise, as well as in the amount of a multiple contribution of each. They act as capital suppliers to calculate the percentage. This type of society allows us to unite the efforts of entrepreneurs who have different degrees of interest in joint activities.

Let us now dwell on the advantages and disadvantages of economic societies. Their benefits should be considered: first, the growth of the financial capabilities of the enterprise, since the number of capital suppliers is increasing and economic turnover is expanding; Secondly, the creation of great opportunities for the development of the enterprise, as society brings big profit, the possibilities of obtaining loans are improved; Thirdly, the emergence of the opportunity to specialize in the management of the enterprise. The society starts working managers who have relevant management specialization, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole.

The disadvantages of economic societies are as follows: firstly, the combined monetary and other partner resources are still quite limited. This is due to the relative limit of the number of capital suppliers and their individual, opportunities as suppliers; Secondly, in economic societies there is always a danger of the emergence of serious discrepancies among partners in the views on the activities of the enterprise, this may noticeably reduce the effectiveness of the functioning of the entrepreneurial structure; Third, the exit from the company of one or several partners can undermine the existence of an enterprise; In general, lead to its liquidation. Therefore, the economic company is not the most sustainable form of the enterprise.

Joint-stock company.

This is a limited liability company of its members of the capital of which is divided between the owners of the PAI in the form of shares.

Joint-stock company is essentially a business community. In the same time, features and importance that the joint stock company are distinguished, in our opinion, it is advisable to consider it as a separate type of enterprise. Joint-stock company is usually a large enterprise, it has the ability to mobilize significant economic resources and, to carry out large-scale production. The creation of joint-stock enterprises most of the national product is a characteristic phenomenon in the modern world economy.

To get a better idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the joint stock company, it is necessary first to dwell on the characteristics of the shares themselves, the release and circulation of which ensures the existence itself.

The action is a valuable paper without a deadline for applying to make money on the purpose of creating or developing an enterprise and gives the right to its owner on:

Participation in the management of the enterprise;

Obtaining a part of the profit of the enterprise in the form of a dividend;

Participation in the distribution of property in the event of liquidation of the enterprise.

The subject of the promotion is called the issuer. The issuers conduct a subscription to shares in order to attract monetary and other types of funds to create or expand the enterprise.

The one who acquires shares becomes an investor. Customers of shares can be households, enterprises. The state administration authorities can also be in the role of shares.

Investors buy shares, focusing on achieving such goals:

1. Calculate income. This income can be in two basic forms: the first is the receipt of the dividend. Dividend is part of the profit of the enterprise accrued for one share. Do not assume that the ownership of the action automatically provides a dividend. The acquisition of shares is a risky investment here in the absolute majority of cases there are no guarantees of income from what the dividend depends? First, on the total profit received by the enterprise. Secondly, on the procedure for determining the profit, from the investment policy of the joint-stock company. Azbuchny Truth Economy is the need to return a certain part of the profits back in production profit - this is the main source of expansion, the development of the enterprise to what an effective entrepreneur always seeks. In a joint-stock company, as in any other enterprise, decisions are made to distribute profits. If one part is increasing that returns to production, then, therefore, the dividend payment fund decreases, and vice versa. These are the two main factors determining the amount of dividend.

The second form of the shareholder's income may be reached from increasing the exchange rate of the action. The action has a nominal and exchange rate. The nominal value of the action is that part of the authorized capital, which represents this action is also called the facial value, since if its value is affixed, then it is the nominal one. Sale and buying a shares is not carried out strictly at its nominal value, the action is sold at the exchange rate, which is its market value. If the investor bought a share in one price, and after some time I implemented it on another, the more high, the received positive difference would make its income from increasing the course value of the action. The main factor determining the change in the course value of the action is the degree of efficiency of the joint-stock company.

2. Acquisition or expansion of the right to control the activities of the joint stock company. This is another goal that an investor can bet in front of him by buying shares. To understand the procedure for its achievement, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with how management of the joint-stock company is being built.

The management structure of the joint stock company has this kind:

a) The general meeting of shareholders is the highest management body. Its competence is usually the definition of the main activities of the enterprise, approval and changes in its statute approval of the annual activities, election and feedback by the members of the governing bodies and other issues. Decision making is carried out by voting; The number of votes to which the shareholder has, depends on the number of shares belonging to it, it is obvious that the more shares there is a shareholder, the greater its influence on the work of the enterprise. The number of shares, which allows control over the activities of the joint-stock company, is called a test package. Its concrete value depends on many circumstances: the number and distribution of issued shares; statutory requirements; Decided at the meeting of the question, etc.

The acquisition of large packages of shares is accompanied by obtaining significant opportunities for the functioning of the joint-stock company;

b) the Council (Supervisory Board) of the joint stock company is elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders. Its competence includes issues such as monitoring the activities of the executive bodies of the Company, approval of budgets and plans for the development of the enterprise, the announcement of dividends and others;

c) The Board (Directorate) of the Joint-Stock Company is an executive body that is formed from managers hired to work in the corporation. All current, operational management of the enterprise focuses.

An enterprise that owns control packages of shares of other joint-stock companies is called a holding or holding company. And "other joint-stock companies" themselves become in this case subsidiaries. The holding structure has the ability to quickly and flexibly respond to changes in market conditions, mobilize funding for large construction, research and other projects, develop specialization and maintain cooperation links within the enterprise group.

Now it is advisable to get acquainted with the main types of shares. Shares are customary to classify as follows:

1. According to the degree of control over their conversion, shares are divided into nominal and bearer. The appeal of the registered shares is constantly registered, the shareholder register reflects information on the specific owner of the action. Bearer shares have greater freedom of appeal, the transfer of property rights does not require, as a rule, a special registration.

2. By the degree of reliability of obtaining a dividend distinguish between simple and preferred (preferential). Simple shares do not give any guarantees to their owners to receive dividends. Preferred shares provide certain advantages or even guarantees to their owners in obtaining dividends. The privileges themselves can be diverse in their specific filling. The privileges may most often apply in the form of setting fixed dividends (as a percentage of nominal value) or in the form of providing such shares of the priority right to receive dividends.

3. According to the possibilities of participation in the management of the joint-stock company, one-haired, silent and multi-chain shares are usually allocated. Single-haired shares give them owners in one voice in general meetings of shareholders. Sharply shares deprive their owners of voting rights in addressing issues at shareholders meetings. Often, preferred shares are both shameless shares. Many-voiced stocks ensure their holders more than one voice at the general meeting of shareholders.

In conclusion, we briefly note the main advantages and disadvantages of the joint-stock company. The advantages of joint-stock companies can be attributed to:

a) the presence of a fairly powerful mechanism for attracting funds;

b) the limited liability of the owners of the enterprise, spraying entrepreneurial risk among many shareholders;

c) the opportunity to achieve economic advantages, carrying out large-scale production;

d) organizational sustainability of the enterprise.

As for the shortcomings, among them can be allocated:

a) a rather long period of creation of an enterprise (so, in Ukraine, only a period of subscription to the shares can "range 6 months);

b) a significant distance of many co-owners from the real management of the enterprise. Perhaps, among all the pre-government enterprises, joint-stock company is most susceptible to the virus bureaucracy virus. There is a threat that managers will not always properly follow the interests of the enterprise.


This is an enterprise in which the funds and efforts of partners are united in order to fulfill certain economic functions.

Cooperative is also a business partnership. It also represents the economic association of people. Cooperatives have a lot in common with economic societies in the field of organizational and legal constructions ("body"), the main differences between them are detected in order to create, the nature and focus of activity ("soul").

Differences do not look so clearly. Therefore, economists I.Jurists have long been faced with the difficulty of finding a satisfactory definition of a cooperative for legislation. This problem has not bypassed Russia and Russia, where there are still legal approaches to cooperatives are not sufficiently clarified. In general, it should be noted that the legislation of many countries seeks to allocate, to distinguish cooperatives.

The main types of cooperatives can be called:

1. Consumer cooperatives. The object and purpose of cooperation of people in such enterprises is becoming general supply, providing participants with certain goods and services. Probably you know the horticultural, country, housing and other similar kind of cooperatives. Farm consumer cooperatives are very popular in a lot of popularity, which contribute to the provision of farmers with petroleum products, fertilizers, plant protection products, etc.

1. Credit cooperatives. The subject of cooperation is the formation of a cash fund, from which participants can take loans for low interest. Often such cooperatives are called "credit unions", "folk banks", etc., despite the fact that in recent years, initiatives have been made to popularize such enterprises in Ukraine, they did not receive a noticeable distribution.

2. Sales cooperatives. The subject of cooperation is a total sales or processing and sales, or storage of products produced by the members of the cooperative. More opportunities for such cooperation are producing agricultural products.

3. Labor cooperatives. Here, the subject of cooperation is the labor process itself, the labor efforts of members of the cooperative are associated. Participants of such an enterprise jointly own produced products manufactured by products, together participate in the production process. One example of such an enterprise may be called a fishing artel.

Acquaintance with the main types of cooperatives, apparently, helped better understand the goals and some parties to the activities of these enterprises. Now let's try to highlight their main distinguishing features:

a) profit orientation is not such a dominant goal as in economic societies. Reducing the cost of members of the cooperative for the purchase of certain goods, expanding accessibility to some products and services, increasing the income of the members of the cooperative from the sale of their goods or labor services - the list of the main goals of the cooperative enterprise;

b) By the nature of the activities, the cooperative acts as an organization of mutual assistance, self-sufficiency. It is characterized by a special spirit of cooperation;

c) Conducted operations are usually aimed at direct service or participating in their cooperative members.

State enterprise.

This is an enterprise that belongs to the state and is controlled by it. In any modern economic system, the role of such enterprises is rather significant, the public sector of the economy is represented by a significant number of enterprises operating in many areas. In Ukraine, state enterprises are also of great importance. It also seems to be appropriate for us to stop on issues of control of the activities of the state-owned enterprise.

As experience shows, the state uses a differentiated approach to managing its enterprises, applies different forms and degrees of control. Summarizing the approaches used, we can, apparently, designate two modes of control of state-owned enterprises: hard, when the state actually determines the main parameters of the enterprise activity and, thus, in fact, it displays it from the market (commercial) relationship, for example, the mail works so , communal services, power supply and other enterprises; Liberal, when the state determines the enterprise managers, a sufficient degree of freedom for working in commercial mode and more stringent conditions for economic responsibility for the activities of the enterprise - for example, an enterprise for the production of cars, a construction organization and others can work.

Chapter 2. Enterprise in a market economy.

The emergence of the market is a natural historical process, as all prerequisites have been created for this, among them:

Division of labor,

Thermal manufacturers,

Independent of other activities

Freedom of entrepreneurship.

The market economy does not require the setting of goals and objectives, the subject of the market solves its mercenary economic tasks, ultimately acts in the interests of the whole society.

A market economy is an economy based on relations arising from the purchase and sale of goods in the market where demand is faced as a representative of consumption and proposal as a representative of production. In market relations, various economic entities participate. These include individual individuals (entrepreneurs, consumers, investors, depositors) and legal entities (business entities).

2.1 Features of the market economy in modern Russia.

In modern market economy, providing free competition is one of the most important tasks of the state. Many difficulties experienced in the nearby past our country, not least were caused by the weakening of the state machine, insufficiently developed or practical lack of legislative, regulatory framework of economic activity and, respectively, state-administrative and power mechanisms for its provision. The weakness of the state is the main background of the weakness of the economy and its criminalization. From this point of view, the main miscalculation of the first wave of reformators was oblivioned or ignoring them of the obvious truth that the formation of market mechanisms and political democracy is a two-way process in which the state acts as the main guarantor of the viability and effective functioning of the economic system.

Obviously, this complex task can successfully fulfill the strong state.

The revival of the real economy of Russia is a multidimal task. It includes the use of a wide range of factors and, above all, state, for without state policies, all other factors cannot act in real time, contradict each other and generate chaos. The creation of an optimal state regulation model with a highly efficient economy requires the entire analysis of the Russian economy not only as the "economic system", and taking into account the transition to market relations and the presence of an infinitely large number of dynamically changing factors - the "socio-economic system".

In order to analyze the economic system of Russia as a multifactorous elevated complexity, it is necessary to formalize the following main features:

Determine and formulate the integrity of the system, that is, the principal incorrectness of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of the components of its elements.

The presence of goals and criteria for studying a certain set of elements.

Definition and identification of larger, external with respect to this system, the so-called "medium".

The possibility of selection in this system of interrelated parts (subsystems).

The decision of the scientific problem of legal improvement of the entire economic mechanism in market conditions is impossible to the efforts of a separate ministry or department, and even moreover, the country's region. Such a broad setting of the issue requires consolidation of the efforts of scientists of many sectors of the economy and, above all, the creation of a federal program based on the principles for combining government regulation of the economy with market mechanisms. The formed federal program of legal improvement of the economic mechanism, built on the principles of optimal mathematical and logistics models, in my opinion, should consider the following:

Creation of legal mechanisms for state regulation of the economy, taking into account the peculiarities of transition to market conditions, ensuring the balanced functioning of all components of the links.

The use of investment funds, primarily to finance large projects, allowing to create a foundation for the continuous growth of the country's economy competitiveness.

Development of social units of the economy, allowing to ensure the high standard of living of the population, which in turn becomes a decisive factor in the development of the national stock market.

The direction of state investment funds, first of all, on the creation of industries, the main ones on the principles of high informative technology.

The priority formation of state and investment programs for the modernization of national production and social and consumer infrastructure, guaranteeing the development of security systems (economic, financial, food, environmental, technological and human rights).

Justification of a comprehensive program of improving the scientific and methodological foundations of the functioning of the stock market.

Preparation of a large-scale concept of population involvement in the work of Russian securities markets.

Thus, the Federal Program of Legal Improvement of Russia will become an important lever of sustainable growth in the Russian economy, raising the living standards of the country's population. At the same time, favorable conditions will be created for the substantial strengthening of the scientific and technical potential of Russia.

2.2 Enterprise in the market economy of OJSCWinzavod "Georgievsky".

In my example, the enterprises in a market economy analyzed the production and economic activity of the "Grazing" Georgievsky "for 2002-2006, given an assessment of economic potential and sources of its formation, assessing the effectiveness of the use of economic potential, assessment of sustainable development, assessment of profitability and profitability.

The economic potential of the enterprise consists of industrial potential and labor potential. Economic potential for 2002 amounted to 4716708 rubles.

Analyzing the data can be seen that the economic potential for the entire analyzed period increased from 471,6708 thousand rubles. Up to 335,67200 rubles non-informed, i.e. more than 7 times.

For the analyzed period, different growth rates are observed. The maximum growth rate equal to 240.3% was recorded in 2003. In 2004, the growth rate compared to 2003 decreased to 195.8%, and in 2005 compared with 2004 to 120.1 and, finally, in 2006, compared with 2005, a little increased and amounted to 125.9%.

There was substantial shifts and in the structure of economic potential. The greatest share of economic potential is the main funds equal to 2231199 rubles or 47.3% in 2002. For 2002 - 2006, the cost of fixed assets increases at the expense of both the introduction of new fixed assets and their revaluation. The share of the indicator in 2006 slightly decreased compared with 2002 and amounted to 46.2% and was equal to 155,22,500 rubles. However, in 2006, as in 2002, the main funds occupy the greatest share.

A significant proportion in the amount of economic potential is occupied by working capital consisting of current funds and conversion funds. During the analyzed period, both current funds and circulation funds increase with 452569.5 rubles. up to 5899,000 rubles and from 1606364.5 thousand rubles. Up to 8865,000 rubles, respectively, but the foundations of the appeal always had a greater proportion than revocative funds.

Current funds in 2002 were 9.6% of the amount of economic potential, and in 2006 it was already 17.6%, i.e. They have increased their share in the structure. The share of the conversion funds, on the contrary, decreased from 34.1% in 2002 to 26.4% in 2006; This is due to the fact that the enterprise is trying to send more funds to the sphere of production, protecting them from inflation.

Intangible assets in the composition of economic potential in 2002 were not. They appeared in 2003. Their cost was equal to 20301 rubles and amounted to 0.1%. In subsequent years, not only the cost of intangible assets increased, but their share and in 2006 is already 0.5%. Although intangible assets occupy a minor share. But their very appearance in the composition of economic potential indicates an innovative strategy for the development of the enterprise.

The costs of employment constantly increased from 462582 rubles in 2002, which is 9.0% of the amount of economic potential to 3112,500 rubles (9.3% of the amount of economic potential) in 2006.

Despite the continuous increase in the indicator, its share in different years has changed significantly. Thus, in 2003, the proportion was 12.2%, and in monetary terms increased by more than 3.2 times and amounted to 1377784 rubles. In 2004, the share of labor potential in the total amount of economic potential was 10.5% or 2326313 rubles, and in 2005 - already 11.1% or 29,70971 rubles, respectively. And finally, in 2006, the indicator was 31,12,500 rubles, which is 9.3% in the structure of economic potential. Increased employment costs for the analyzed period is mainly due to an increase in labor costs.

An analysis of individual elements of economic potential gives the right conclusions about the reasons for changing the proportions in its structure. The structure and dynamics of the fundamental means of the enterprise, which make up a significant share in the composition of economic potential.

Namely, the analysis of data allows the following conclusions. The largest proportion of fixed assets belongs to machines and equipment that increased over the entire analyzed period from 44.0% in 2002 to 58.3% in 2003, and in 2006 already amounted to 50.7%, i.e. A little more than half of all fixed assets. A significant proportion of buildings occupy - 35.1% in 2002 and 37.6% in 2006. In third place - vehicles, despite the fact that from the share decreases from 16.8% in 2002 to 8.9% in 2006. Constructions are a minor share of 3.2% in 2002, increase in 2004 to 4.6% and, finally, in 2006 amount to 2.4%. The transfer devices and tools, production and economic inventory - 0.5% and 0.3%, respectively, occupy a less. In 2003, the share of transfer devices increases to 1.4%. In 2004-2006, transmission devices are missing. The share of instruments, manufacturing and economic equipment increases to 0.6% in 2005 and, finally, in 2006, 0.4% is equal, i.e. Reduced again.

The indicators of the motion of fixed assets of the renewal coefficient and disposal coefficients are also important.

The value of the update coefficient in 2002 was 4.0%. In 2003, it decreases to 2.6%, then increases to 15.8% in 2005 and in 2006 it is already 0.7%. In contrast to the update coefficient, the value of the disposal coefficient in 2002 is 6.1%, i.e. more.

In 2003, this figure is reduced to 2.2%, in 2004 - up to 0.4%, and then rises in 2005 to 1.1%. The disposal of fixed assets 2006 was not and, accordingly, the coefficient was not calculated. In addition to 2002, the values \u200b\u200bof the update coefficient are greater than the quotes coefficient values, which indicates the update of the main production facilities.

The degree of wear of fixed assets is determined using wear coefficients and suitability, which characterize the share of worn and inappropriate parts of fixed assets.

There is no apparent tendency to reduce or increase the wear coefficient and the coefficient of shelf life, however, the wear coefficient increases significantly from 4.0% in 2002 to 56.9% in 2006.

And the shelf life is reduced from 96.0% in 2002 to 43.1% in 2006.

In fact, an increase in wear coefficient and decrease in the coefficient of affinity indicates the deterioration of the technological condition of the main production facilities.

The next step in evaluating the economic potential and sources of its formation is the analysis of the structure of working capital and its elements.

The staff of working capital includes circulating funds and foundations of circulation. Current funds, in turn, consist of industrial reserves, incomplete production, expenditures of future periods and IBS (low-value-free spending items), and the funds of circulation - finished products, goods shipped, cash and receivables. Since 2002, working capital increases from 2058934 rubles to 14764,000 rubles, ie, i.e. 7.2 times, which is associated with a general price increase, i.e. inflation.

The larger weight in the structure of working capital has the foundations of the appeal. Their share in 2002 was 78%, and circulating funds - 22%. In 2003, the share of working capital increases sharply more than 2 times and is already 44.8%, and in subsequent years, it is smoothly reduced to 40.0% in 2006. The specific gravity of the collaboration funds, on the contrary, in 2003 it decreases to 55.2%, and then in the analyzed period rises to 60.0% in 2006. In 2003, not only the proportion of working capital increases, more than 6 times their amount increased from 452569.5 rubles in 2002 to 27,20861 rubles, respectively. The amount of current funds also increases in 2004-2005 and, finally, in 2006, it is 5,899,000 rubles in monetary terms and consultations from 1606364.5 rubles in 2002 to 8865,000 rubles in 2006, which is 60.0% in 2006 year from the amount of working capital.

In the structure of working capital, significant changes occurred. If in 2002 the greatest share had money - 29.7% (611925 rubles), then in 2006 their share decreases to 8.5% (126,2500 rubles), i.e. Although this figure increases for the analyzed period (especially in 2003, where the growth rate was 199.4%), but its proportion tends to decrease. The largest share in the structure of current funds in 2006 is occupied by production reserves - 32% (47,17,000 rubles), despite the fact that their share has a tendency to decrease since 2003, and in 2003 compared with 2002 increased dramatically from 16.1 % to 42.2% (more than 2.6 times) and the absolute amount - from 331019.5 rubles to rubles, respectively, more than 7.7 times. In general, almost all indicators in absolute terms there is a sharp increase, regardless of whether their proportion increases or decreases, in 2003 compared with 2002, which is associated with the significant influence of inflation. Goods shipped in 2002 make up 18.4% of the result. The share of this indicator has decreased slightly in 2003 and is equal to 14.4%, in 2004 there was no this figure.

A significant share in the structure of working capital takes birth to receivables - 24.6: in 2002 (506861.5 rubles), and in 2003 it slightly decreases to 22.2% (3285,500 rubles.). This indicator has very high growth rates in 2003 and in 2004 - 293.3% and 233.5%, i.e. It increases from 506861.5 rubles in 2002 to 1486802 rubles in 2003 and up to 3,472,500 rubles in 2004. In 2005, compared with 2004, the growth rate is insignificant, and in 2006 compared with 2005, the amount of receivables from 3600,000 rubles to 3285,560 rubles slightly decreased.

Both the share and the absolute value of the finished product increases from 5.2% (107974 rubles) in 2002 to 14.9% (2196,000 rubles) in 2006, but in 2006 compared with 2005, the proportion of finished decreases slightly Products. The increase in the share of finished products is progressive changes in the structure of working capital.

Incorrect production was 5.1% in 2002, it decreased to 2.1% in 2003, it increases smoothly to 5.3% in 2006.

A minor role in the structure of working capital is MBP, which in 2002 were 0.8%, and in 2006 already 2.1%, that is, the costs of future periods, which were absent in 2002, and in subsequent periods Ace less than 1%.

An integral part of economic potential is an employment potential. In terms of cost assessment, labor potential is taken into account in the form of wages, to increase the qualifying level, leisure and leisure, medical care in the enterprise.

The amount of labor potential for 2002 labor potential is 426582 rubles.

Labor potential (2002) \u003d 417654 + 3194 + 5734 \u003d 426582 rubles.

Similar calculations in recent years.

The dynamics of the indicator has an explicit tendency to increase the period analyzed. In 2006, the amount of labor potential was already equal to 3112700 rubles, which is 7.3 times more than in 2002.

In the structure of labor potential, the bulk share is occupied by salary costs, on average, about 98%, and 2006- 97.6%.

The costs of advanced training in 2002-2004 were absent. In 2004, 1,30000 rubles amounted to (1.4%), and in 2006 decreased to 175,000 rubles and 0.2%.

Less than one percent constitute the cost of medical care in the enterprise. Given the health of employees, this is a very small amount. The greatest medical care costs were in 2004 - 511500 rubles. In 2006, the value of the indicator was equal to 450000 rubles, and the proportion was 0.1%.

Profit from sales for the entire analyzed period (except 2006 g) is the main part of the balance sheet profit. In 2002, the proportion of profits from sales amounted to 93.4%, the share of profits from other implementation of 16.7%, and on non-operating operations (mainly operations with this) losses amounted to 10.1% of the amount of the balance sheet profit.

A significant part of the balance sheet profit is spent in the form of deductions to the budget - 37.0% and 5% of deductions to the reserve fund. Net profit of the company amounted to 13.0%. The consumption fund is4.5%, and the accumulation fund is 10.4%. The remaining 12.8% of profit is spent on other purposes, incl. To repay fines and sanctions.

In 2003, slightly (3.5%) decreases the proportion of profits from sales and equals 89.5%. 2.3% increase the share of profits from other implementation and amounts to 19.0%, and costs for non-deactive operations - 8.9%. However, despite minor structural changes, the balance profit increased in 2005 compared to 2004. more than 3.2 times, i.e. From 2212747 rubles to 7203592 rubles.

The development of JSC "Winery" Georgievsky "is very similar to our life unstable, unstable and unpredictable. Therefore, it is impossible to unequivocally evaluate the activities of the enterprise for the analyzed period, i.e. from 2002 to 2006, because The effectiveness of the activity is due to the action of many factors.

The potential success of the enterprise depends primarily from the balance of labor and production potentials, as components of economic potential and increased more than 7 times from 471,6708 rubles in 2002, up to 335,67,200 rubles in 2006. The growth of the resulting indicators depends on the efficiency of the use of economic potential. , as signs, manifestations of sustainable development of the enterprise. Nevertheless, despite the action of a number of negative factors, both a local scale and the federal, the winery continues to function. The company's products have always been in demand, and will use, because the very type of product is potentially winning. The company has a significant economic potential, which is not fully used completely. But in recent years, the range has been significantly updated significantly, experts from marketing firms have been invited to consult, the appearance of the product has improved, measures to improve quality have been developed. All these are prerequisites for further, successful development. However, the efficiency of the enterprise, the pace of its further development depends on many circumstances, both subjective and objective, and first of all on the degree of adaptation to functioning in market conditions.


After a detailed analysis of the chosen topic, it is necessary to sum up a brief summary that finalizes this work. During the performance of the work, all set goals were completed, formulated in part of the introduction. The role and importance of enterprises in the modern economy, the positive functions performed by this segment of the economic system of society are determined, the need to improve the functioning of a system of small enterprises in Russia is substantiated.

The production and economic activity of JSC "WINZAVOD" Georgievsky "for 2002-200, and a positive assessment of the economic development of the enterprise as a whole is given. Thus, as in enterprises, so, therefore, the state still has a large number of problems, but, despite this, the contours of the modern Russian economy began to determine: the direction of dominance of the private sector, the liberalization of almost all sectors of the economy and intensification of market regulators , localization of crisis foci, orientation for effective demand, that is, the creation of favorable conditions for the rapid lifting industry.

And as for the general and economic situation in Russia, the positive trends are scheduled and hope that the Russian economy will continue to fix and develop a rapid rate on an increasing scale.

List of references:

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    market economy Impossible. The importance of small enterprises also in that ...

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    Coursework \u003e\u003e Financial Sciences

    Topic: "State financial control and his role at market economy " Contents Introduction Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations ... are carried out by control bodies against the subordinate enterprises, as well as various state and non-state ...

  2. Central Bank of the Russian Federation and his role at market economy

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Finance

    Central Bank of the Russian Federation and his role at market economy. To achieve the goal ... Institutions, educational institutions and others enterprises, institutions and organizations, including the institutions of the Bank of Russia, as well as enterprises and organizations included in the system ...

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Enterprise in a market economy


The concept of an enterprise

The role of the company

The concept of the system of the enterprise

Forms of ownership of Civil Code

The main functions of the company


List of sources used


The central level of the market economy, in which decisions are made on the use of a limited number of goods, taking into account the circumstances of the external environment (which cannot be changed by the will of decision makers), choosing options for solving problems (alternatives to the development or non-dependent action options) aimed at achieving the desired end results are business entities. Decision making at the level of each economic entity should be aimed at achieving and continuous support for the sustainable effective development of the economy (desired end results), and not to wear a random nature and not to be a consequence of emotions. In a market economy, the entrepreneur is free to use the options for choosing options for solving problems, alternatives to the development and determination of its goals. However, the existing economic system is "as a framework condition for entrepreneurship." In addition to other conditions, this system determines, "In what amount, individual business entities have the right to make decisions and in which framework vary relations between business entities."

The company is an independent, organizationally separate economic entity of the production sector of the national economy, which produces and sells products, performs industrial works or provides paid services. The main goal of the creation and functioning of the enterprise is to obtain the highest possible profit by implementing consumers of products (work performed, rendered), on the basis of which the social and economic requests of the labor collective and the owners of the production facilities are satisfied.

1. The concept of an enterprise

Business activities- Initiative independent activities of citizens or legal entities aimed at making a profit.

The status of the entrepreneur is purchased after the state registration of a legal or individual. Without registration, entrepreneurship cannot be carried out.

Rights, responsibilities, responsibility and guarantees of entrepreneurs are governed by law.

Entrepreneurial activity can be carried out with education and without the formation of a legal entity. Entity- An organization that owns, economic management or operational management of separate property, is responsible for its obligations with these property, maybe on its own behalf, to carry or carry out property and personal non-property rights, carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court. The legal entity has an independent balance or estimate.

Legal entities are divided into commercial and non-commercial organizations.

Main formentrepreneurship organization is an enterprise.

Companyit is a deliberate economic unit, organized to achieve any economic goal, i.e. This is an economic unit that: independently makes decisions; really uses production factors for the manufacture and sale of products; She strives to receive income and implement other purposes.

The company is commercial organizationthose. aims to receive profits.

2. The role of the company

The new concept of the enterprise cannot be developed only by theoretical surveys. It is necessary to widely use the latest toolkit, including an analytical nature.

An important role in this regard can be played by the strategic organizational concept of an enterprise, which should be based on new factors, main of which: maintain effective feedback from the market, the use of modern information about logistics and a unified system "task-goal" containing three solutions - property tasks, time; Basic structural trends: from centralization to decentralization, from the hierarchical system to the system structure; Long-term target orientation; Improving the reliability of the system.

One of the current schemes for creating new regulatory mechanisms is the idea of \u200b\u200b"enterprise priorities", when they are "bones", the basis of the emerging system.

This is the expression that independent internal control links are allocated (more often without the rights of a legal entity); Enterprises create a network of subsidiaries and although in some cases "grinding" occurs (which cannot be assessed positively), the number of the apparatus in enterprises is gradually decreasing, and more and more often, modern analysis, marketing departments are created on them. It should be noted that at a number of enterprises are made attempts to simply transform sales departments in marketing departments. This, as a rule, does not give proper result.

Most enterprises are gradually adapted to new conditions, taking not at the level of declarations, but in practice, new "rules of the game", which arise as society.

In the current Russian conditions of formation on a new basis, large organizational and economic structures, in addition to the rise of the competitiveness of industrial production, will allow the investment process to revive and move the structural restructuring, to stop the fall of scientific and technical potential and begin, finally use it in the interests of improvement Life of the people. Creating Holding, PFG will help support the defense capability of the state, while at the same time promoting the conversion of the MCC. All this will allow for the region:

stabilize intraregional connections, preventing the decline in production;

develop the external competitiveness of industries to the region;

reduce investment risks;

strengthen the regulation of the economy of the region and others.

The output of enterprises from the crisis state depends on its causes and the presence of time to eliminate them. We are talking about the need for a flexible response to sudden changes in the medium. Such properties have management based on ranking strategic problems on weak signals and in strategic surprises. The boundaries of the planned maneuver can be significantly expanded here. This system allows you to react at the beginning in the most general form to the first symptoms of the resulting crisis situation, and then, as it approaches it to specify management solutions. As a result of such early diagnostics, the horizon of active management increases to implement strategies in the management process.

To determine the composition and content of the management strategies, we consider a system of functional strategies in which the general intention of the enterprise's exit from the crisis state is specified. Depending on the causes of the crisis, the sets of functional strategies should also change. For example, if the main reason for the crisis situation in the enterprise is the incompetence of its leadership and the ineffectiveness of the organizational structure, then strategies should be aimed at modifying the enterprise management system. If the main reason for the crisis state is the insufficient knowledge of the true requests of consumers, the decisive role in the output of the crisis will play a marketing strategy. Finally, in the case when the crisis is generated by a variety of factors, then it is necessary to use the entire spectrum of functional strategies. In other words, the system of functional strategies during the exit of the enterprise from the economic crisis has a variable composition depending on the nature of the causes of its causes.

Following the development of functional strategies, the indicators of the benchmarks are adjusted and accept the status of the control.

Marketing strategy includes the results of the macro and micro-segment of the market, the enterprise commodity policy, and also determines the methods, means and time of entering the market. The inspection on the feasibility of strategic design (including the plan aimed at ensuring the survival of the system) begins with clarifying the magnitude of the part of sales and profits, which can be obtained by issuing produced in the production of products and implement the results of completed R & D.

A more complex situation occurs when it turns out that one of the main reasons for the crisis of the enterprise is the inconsistency of its products to the market requests. This inconsistency can be two types: a complete rejection of the market for the production of products or the inconsistency of the part of specific models of consumer requests for design, quality, after-sales service, etc.

The first type of inconsistency requires the removal of such goods from production. The second way implies the development of new modifications of basic products. Finally, the inconsistency of goods can be not only consumer, but also economic. In this case, it means the goods whose demand does not reach the critical value and (or) their prices do not provide normal profitability. If it is not possible to carry out measures to reduce the cost of their manufacture, then they are also subject to removal. After that, a product and market strategy is formed, which allows to determine the range and assortment of goods provided by demand, the volumes of their sales and the magnitude of profits over the years of the planned period.

In this way, the amount of profit is compared with its total value scheduled in the global strategy, as a result of which the gap between them is revealed. This gap can be liquidated by implementing the development strategy. At the first stage, its main content is usually aware of the restructuring of the management system and the implementation of a rigid economy regime and only the second deployment of capital-intensive areas of production, R & D and the introduction of new technologies.

The R & D strategy reveals the most relevant to the consumer that meet the objectives of the organization and its potential of research and development and forms their portfolio, sufficient to obtain in the perspective of control values \u200b\u200bof the profit.

As a result of the development of functional strategies, the needs for capital investments, the size of production and overhead costs and the components of future profits are specified. This information enters the "input" of the financial strategy, which in the "deployed" form is intended for the final balance of financial needs and the possibilities of enterprises, determining the most appropriate forms of attracting borrowed funds and clarify the numerical values \u200b\u200bof strategic efficiency indicators. For crisis conditions, strategic efficiency is measured by the dynamics of the net value of capital. However, at the first stage of the exit from the crisis, the financial strategy often has a rolled appearance and contains only measures to financial rehabilitation of the enterprise economy.

When disclosing the content of functional strategies, specific strategies are not described explicitly. Depending on the specific situation and financial capabilities of the enterprise, as well as the state of other functions, various types of strategies can be selected for the conclusion of the enterprise into crisis periods.

The crisis situation and the unfavorable investment climate in Russia forces enterprises in the management process to choose the least capital-intensive strategies.

3. The concept of the enterprise system

Organization- This is the target community of people whose activities are integrated and appropriately ordered. The organization is created by society to solve a certain circle of social problems and implement certain purposes. The objectives of the organization are set from outside or produced inside it, taking into account these purposes the form and device of the organization are selected. The organization includes its participants, members, employees, since the organization is not one person, but the community of people, and people not just interconnected, but interrelated, where the actions of one are due to the actions of the other and cause them. People unite in the organization because the goals they put in front of themselves and that are important for each of them cannot be achieved by none of them apologize. Only integration of the goals of individual members of the organization will achieve the goals of the organization itself.

Systemit is called an organized complex integer, a combination or combination of objects or parts forming a complex, one.

In other words, under the system means the presence of many objects with a set of connections between them and between their properties. With such a interpretation, systems are:

) Machines collected from a variety of details and nodes;

) Human organism formed by cell combination;

) Enterprise, uniting and connecting in a single whole set of production processes, teams of people, cars, etc.

Consider such terms as "objects", "properties", "communications". Objects- These are parts or components of the system. Such a complex system, as an enterprise, includes shops and plots, machine park, people teams, etc. Properties- This is the quality of object parameters, and the quality is an external manifestation of that method by which knowledge is obtained about the object or which the object is entered into the system. Properties allow you to describe the object quantitatively, expressing it in units that have a certain dimension. Communication- This is what connects objects and properties into one. Without connections, the system cannot function.

Production organization- This is a combination of people, mechanisms, materials and other resources integrated into a single social system, which is aimed at the production of material goods. In a single system of the enterprise, hierarchical, functional, cybernetic systems are allocated, each of which, in turn, can simultaneously be considered both as a step of hierarchy, and as functional, and as a cybernetic system. The company is a complex hierarchical system in which production, shop, plot, workplace are performed as the steps of the hierarchy. Functional systems can be allocated at all levels of the hierarchy.

At the enterprise can be allocated private functions in the form of relatively separate complexes. The activities that implement these features have a certain independence and target orientation, which allows them to merge into the following functional subsystems:

1) subsystems of the production process - preparation of production, main production processes, production infrastructure processes, logistics production, marketing and sales of products;

) Subsystems that determine the composition of the elements of the production process - the functioning of labor instruments, the organization of labor, the movement of labor objects, the organization of information flows;

) Subsystems that ensure the integration of all production processes - the formation of a production structure, the organization of operational planning of production, organization of internal production relations.

Production organizations, despite their diversity, are inherent in some common properties:

1) Orientation of activities for social needs. Production organizations are created to meet the needs of society in material benefits;

) The focus as a property of the manufacturing system determines that the system can have several goals (external and internal). The organization's activities are built in such a way that the goals have been achieved;

3) the integrity of the production organization is considered as a property that ensures the relationship of people, tools and labor items in the production and implementation of goods and services;

) The integrated nature of the system - the production organization includes various units united by the Combined Communities and the General Development Program;

) The availability of the management facility is a set of participants in the production process, guns and labor items operating in the production of material goods;

) The presence of a single center (subject) of the control, the role of which is to coordinate the activities of the participants in the production process through the control influences;

) hierarchical system structure;

) The ability to solve emerging problems.

4. Forms of ownership of the Civil Code

The form of ownership is based on the legal status of the enterprise. According to property forms, private, state, municipal, ownership of public organizations and other enterprises are distinguished.

In all countries with market economies, most enterprises are privately owned.

State enterprises are along with private firms counterparties in the economic turnover. Under state-owned enterprises are understood as purely state and mixed, or semi-state. In purely state-owned enterprises, the state belongs to the entire share capital, obtained as a result of nationalization or newly created.

State industrial firms occupy a fairly strong situation in the production of different countries. According to individual countries, their share in the production of industrial products fluctuates in the range of 20-25%. Most of the state enterprises are concentrated in the extractive industries.

The transition to the market organization of the economy entails a change in strategy and tactics in managing a separate enterprise. This is especially true of those enterprises that come out from under state control. State structures act in the old manner and less efficiently, do not solve problems that are in the field of their competence. The situation is complicated by the fact that organizational, technological, economic relations are broken as a result of crushing large industrial structures and carrying out ill-conceived monopoly measures. All these processes are held against the background of an ongoing decline in interregional relations and destabilization of economic relations.

Currently, the enterprise management system of any form of ownership is experiencing a transformation period. But it is already obvious that the organizational forms of the new management system are quite diverse, from forms with direct participation of states (holdings, industrial and financial groups (PFG), corporations, joint ventures) to forms with indirect effects (trust and investment companies, leasing, etc. .). In the emerging indicative regulation system, various trends are manifested in the use of organizational forms.

The crisis situation and the unfavorable investment climate in Russia forces enterprises in the management process to choose the least capital-intensive strategies, which is not always effective in the long-term development strategy. This contributes only to the survival of the enterprise into certain crisis periods, but not as its growth and development. For the growth and development of the enterprise, the competitiveness of products manufactured by the enterprise is a prerequisite. Ensure the competitiveness of products contributes to the use of capital-intensive strategy - Strategies using an innovative product and with modern information equipment management process. All this will ensure extended reproduction at enterprises of all forms of ownership.

There are different points of view on why state-owned enterprises should be less effective than private.

So, according to the Schift and cherries, private firms are less susceptible to political intervention (political point of view). In their opinion, political interference with the activities of the company leads to excessive employment, non-optimal choice of products and placement, lack of investment and fuzzy defined incentives for managers. State Enterprises are more susceptible to pressure from interested groups, while private firms can focus solely on maximizing profits.

Indeed, in his study, Monsen and Walters argue that a single case of dismissal of the Supreme Manager of the European nationalized company is not possible for the inability to ensure the required rate of profit. And, on the contrary, there are weights when managers left their posts or were dismissed due to serious disagreements with the government on the policy issues.

Private investors are usually a longer time horizon when purchasing assets that can then be sold, while the electoral interests of politicians are less durable.

There are opposite arguments: in the absence of the necessary legislative protection of property rights, the interests of private owners become short-term and speculative. In this case, political intervention may be long-term and preferable to improve enterprises.

A number of authors believe that privatization leads to more effective incentives in the work (stimulating point of view). So, Vickers and the Jarrow, who studied privatization processes in the UK, concluded that statements of state-owned enterprises may not have sufficient incentives for efficient work or they are poorly controlled. Government supervision is characterized by a greater bureaucration, inflexibility, interest in following the prescriptions, and not to use existing opportunities. In addition, the state may succumb to political pressure to establish and maintain privileges for insiders (primarily in the form of high and stable employment, high salary compared to the efforts attached, etc.), which leads to the loss of incentives for workers. Participated shareholders are observed for private firms. Obviously, private owners have stronger incentives to maximize profits than managers appointed by the state, as they own property and carry financial responsibility for their decisions. There are also opposite arguments: according to the theory of agency relations, the government as the owner of the test package can tougher controlling enterprises managers than owners of private corporations with sprayed property. In addition, during the transformation of the property form, managers are often out of all control. In the absence of an appropriate legislative framework and legal nihilism, new owners, having received a former state ownership for a scentual, often strive not to maximize profits, but to turning this property to the liquid form and its final privatization by transferring foreign banks (examples of agreed in the post-Soviet space). Private owners choose the best managers (the point of view of the theory of human capital). Managers of state firms are appointed taking into account the ability to take place with politicians and lobbying the interests of the enterprise. Managers of private firms, on the contrary, choose the ability to effectively manage firms. Opposite arguments: if new owners are not interested in improving the efficiency of the enterprise, but in rapid personal enrichment, then managers will choose their respective.

Neoclassical economic theory suggests that the link between the form of ownership and the results of activity is insignificant. It is believed that efficiency is more determined by the market structure and development of competition than those who own asses. However, privatization enhances competition (competitive point of view). Poorly working state-owned enterprises if there are many more them, slow down the private sector growth and weaken competition.

The government often blocks the penetration of private firms that could compete with state enterprises. In addition, private enterprises are displaced from financial markets, since bankers tend to assume that loans for state-owned enterprises have implicit government guarantees, and this worsens the position of the private sector.

In general, the arguments in favor of a competitive point of view are true only if private firms are more efficient than state-owned, which is not obvious.

Thus, from a theoretical point of view, it is unclear whether the form of ownership is determined by the effectiveness of the enterprise.

5. Basic functions of the enterprise

As a rule, in the conditions of a market economy, the economic activity of the enterprise is aimed at carrying out systematic work and appropriate savings to fulfill the three main functions of the enterprise:

obtaining raw materials and resources for use in the enterprise (acquisition);

processing of raw materials and resources to the level of the finished product or semi-finished products and its component parts (production);

investigation of the demand and sale of finished products (selling).

In order to optimally perform the basic functions of the enterprise, additional functions are:

determination of the direction of business of the enterprise and its component parts (managerial management);

providing information, control and relationships between the components of the enterprise (general management, using the principle of coherence, organization of product production, control the movement of working capital).

These basic functions of the enterprise and additional functions form a single integer in the field of organizational structure of the enterprise.

The main manufacturers of goods in the market farm Most countries are private enterprises.

Using the possibilities of operational maneuvering with their own or borrowed means and rapidly restructuring and overlapping production, the main functions of the enterprise are independently adjusted to their plans, focusing on the market demand and price of goods, what is the purchasing power.

entrepreneurship Property Production Management System


In the conditions of the market management system, the company acts as its main link. It is it that determines the business activity of the national economy, it is here that the creation of products, the immediate connection of the employee with capital occurs. The enterprise focused the most qualified personnel, issues of economical use of resources, the use of high-performance equipment, technology are solved. At the same time, the enterprises, creating jobs, ensure the employment of the population, by paying taxes participate in the implementation of social programs.

From a legal point of view, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the enterprise is an independent business entity established in the manner prescribed by law, for the production of products and providing services in order to meet public needs and profit. Industrial enterprises include factories, factories, mines, combines, other manufacturing organizations.

Enterprises specializing in the production of homogeneous products form the relevant industries of material production: industry, agriculture, transport, construction, etc. They constitute the structure of industries, determine their profile and scope. In addition, enterprises and organizations form and territorial specialization of cities, regions in which they are located. Thus, enterprises, their teams are the main elements from which both industry and territorial complexes are formed. Therefore, enterprises act as the main links of the national economic complex.

In terms of market relations, the company is the main link of the entire economy, since it is at this level that the products needed by society are created, the necessary services are provided.

Company - this is an independent, organizationally separate economic entity that manufactures and sells products, performs industrial works or provides paid services.

Any enterprise is a legal entity, has a finished accounting and reporting system, independent accounting balance, settlement and other accounts, printing with its own name and trademark (mark).

For the purpose and nature of the activity, two types of enterprises can be distinguished: entrepreneurial (commercial) and non-admirational (non-commercial)The existence of which is ensured by the budget financing of the state.

There are various factors, in accordance with which enterprises are divided into groups. The following classification factors are most significant:

¨ Used resources

¨ sectoral affiliation

¨ Location,

¨ enterprise size,

type of ownership,

¨ Organizational-legal form.

In accordance with the peculiarities of the resources used by the company are divided into:

· Using mainly labor resources (labor-intensive),

· Intensively using production facilities (donkey),

· Intensively using materials (materials).

For labor-intensive enterprises, a high proportion of labor costs in the aggregate production costs is characterized. These enterprises, as a rule, have a high degree of labor separation. The labor separation has positive and negative consequences (see Table 1.1).

Table 1.1.

The negative consequences of specialization and division of labor have led to the emergence of the concepts of humanization of labor, restrictions on the division of labor, enriching the content of labor activities, in groups.

Four art enterprises have a particularly large amount of production tools. A significant part of production costs is depreciation. Technical progress leads to specialization, mechanization and automation of production. Mechanization involves the replacement of manual labor with machinery. Automation takes place in the case of the use of computing technology, to control the production process. With a high degree of mechanization and automation of production facilities, the production process is not flexible enough, the cost of production and the enterprise increases to solve the problem of the most efficient use of the means of production.

Materials intensive enterprises have high costs of resources. These enterprises have to solve the task of efficient use of resources and environmental problems associated with the disposal of waste disposal.

In accordance with the sectoral affiliation, PP are divided into:

1) Industrial enterprises that carry out the production and processing of minerals and the production of goods;

2) trading enterprises that themselves do not produce goods, but perform distribution functions;

3) banks that collect funds and provide loans;

4) transport enterprises that are engaged in transportation using various vehicles;

5) Insurance organizations that carry out insurance against various types of risks;

6) Enterprises in services, such as hotels, consulting firms and others.

The most convenient location is when the maximum possible profit and profitability of production will be provided with other things being equal. It is impossible to forget the environmental principle of the enterprise.

The choice of the location of the enterprise is determined on the basis of the following criteria:

¨ Orientation on materials - in order to reduce transportation costs for materials, this is especially important for materials intensive enterprises.

¨ Orientation for labor resources - two circumstances are taken into account: the number of labor resources in the region and the price of labor.

¨ Orientation for the sale of goods and taxes - in cases where various taxation systems, financial support, tax policies operate in different regions. The company is located where these conditions are most beneficial.

¨ Orientation for vehicles - the choice of such a location that provides the enterprise the most profitable guaranteed transport services. It is convenient to locate the enterprises near the transportation hubs (ports, airports, highways).

¨ Orientation on energy sources, which is especially important for energy-intensive enterprises. However, this is not currently not as important as before, thanks to wider use of electricity.

¨ Environmental orientation has an increasing importance in recent years and makes it impossible to build some enterprises in certain regions for considerations of environmental safety.

¨ Customer orientation is especially important for trading enterprises.

¨ Orientation on the features of the terrain plays a significant role for transport enterprises, which should take into account the characteristics of the landscape and climate.

¨ Orientation on foreign partners - in cases where the enterprise is directly related to foreign providers or customers.

Enterprises can be attributed to small, medium or large depending on the following factors: the number of employees, the annual turnover, the size of the fixed capital, the number of jobs, labor costs, the use of raw materials.

The system of organizational and legal forms of economic activity, which introduced mainly by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, applied in Russia today, includes 2 forms of entrepreneurship without the formation of a legal entity, 7 species of commercial organizations and 7 species of non-commercial organizations.

At its base, it is quite close to systems operating in many European and other countries (France, Germany, Spain, etc., to a lesser extent - United Kingdom, USA, Japan).

Fig. 1.1. Organizational and legal forms of entrepreneurship in Russia

The main goal (mission) of the creation and functioning of the enterprise is to obtain the highest possible profit by implementing consumers of products manufactured (work provided, rendered), on the basis of which the social and economic demands of the labor collective and the owners of production are satisfied.

Based on the general mission of the enterprise, sociological goals are formed and established, which are determined by the interests of the owner, capital sizes, the situation within the enterprise, the external environment and must meet the following requirements: to be specific and measurable, time-oriented, reach and mutually supported.

Each enterprise is a complex production and economic system with multifaceted activities. The most clearly distinguished the directions that should be attributed to the main:

1) comprehensive market study (marketing activities);

2) innovative activities (research and development and development, the introduction of technological, organizational, managerial and other innovations in production);

3) production activities (production of products, work and provision of services, the development of a nomenclature and an assortment of adequate demand in the market);

4) the commercial activities of the enterprise in the market (organization and stimulation of the sales of manufactured products, services, efficient advertising);

5) material and technical support (supply of raw materials, materials, components, provision of all types of energy, equipment, equipment, tara, etc.);

6) Economic activities of the enterprise (all types of planning, pricing, accounting and reporting, organization and payment of labor, analysis of economic activities, etc.);

7) after-sales service of production and consumer and consumer purposes (commissioning, warranty service, provision of spare parts for repair, etc.);

8) Social activities (maintaining on the proper level of working and life conditions of the labor collective, the creation of the social infrastructure of the enterprise, including its own residential buildings, canteens, medical and wellness and children's preschool institutions, vocational schools, etc.).


1. Introduction.

Enterprise- Home Economic Unit of Market Conducting.

· Essence and form of the enterprise. Labor team enterprise.

· Types of enterprises. Small enterprises and their role in economic progress.

2. Enterprise management system in market conditions.

· Management of the enterprise and self-government of the labor collective.

· Enterprise and state.

· Outdoor structure of the enterprise.

· Economic problems of entrepreneurship and ways to solve them.

3. Conclusion.


Company- Home Economic Unit of Market Conjuncture.

Entity and form of the enterprise. Labor team enterprise.

The company covers a central place in the national economic complex of any country. This is the primary link of public division of labor. It is here that the national income is created. The company acts as a manufacturer and provides a process of reproduction based on self-sufficiency and independence.

The scope of individual enterprises, the social and economic development of society, the degree of satisfaction in the material and spiritual benefits of the country's population depends on the success of individual enterprises.

The company as an independent economic unit owns the rights of a legal entity, that is, it has the right to be free ordered by property, to receive a loan, to enter into contractual relations with other enterprises. It has a free billing account in a bank where funds are used to settle with other enterprises, on a salary.

It is believed that such dimensions are optimal that provide the most favorable conditions for the use of achievements of science and technology with minimal production costs and at the same time effective production of high-quality products is achieved.

The company is a form of organization of the economy, in which the individual consumer and the manufacturer interact through the market in order to solve three main economic problems: what, as for whom to produce. At the same time, none of the entrepreneurs and organizations consciously deciding this triad economic problems.

In the market system everything has the price. Various types of human labor also have the price - the level of salary, the tariff for services. Market economy for unconscious coordination of people and enterprises through the price system and markets. If you take all the diverse markets, we will get a wide system, spontaneously providing equilibrium prices and production by samples and errors.

For the means of coordination between buyers and sellers (supply and demand) on each of these markets, the market economy solves all three problems at the same time:

1) what to produce? - determined by everyday voting through money (by choosing a buyer of goods and its purchase);

2) How to produce? - It is determined by competition between manufacturers. Everyone seeks to use the latest technology, win price competition and increase profits, reduce production costs;

3) for whom to produce? - determined by the ratio of supply and supply in markets, production factors (labor and means of production).

These markets determine the level of salary, rent, percentage and profits, that is, the sources of which revenues are developing. The manufacturer sets its prices by moving its capital in the industry with high profits and leaving unprofitable production of goods. All this determines what to produce. Profit here is a decisive factor in the functioning of the market economy.

In accordance with the forms of ownership, enterprises of the following types may operate:

1) individualbased on personal property and on its work (without hiring);

2) family, based on property and labor of citizens of one family living together;

3) private an enterprise based on the property of an individual citizen with the right to hiring labor;

4) collectivebased on the ownership of the labor collective, cooperative or another authorized society;

5) state or communalbased on the property of administrative and territorial units;

6) state enterprise based on nationwide ownership;

7) a jointbased on the basis of the association of property of various forms of ownership (mixed form of ownership).

Depending on the volume of production, the number of working enterprises can be small, medium, large. Small enterprises - up to 200 working (in industry and construction), up to 50 people (in other industrial sectors), up to 100 people (in science), up to 25 people (non-production sphere), up to 15 people (retail).

Enterprises have the right to unite their production, scientific and commercial activities and create the following associations:

1) association - contractual association established for the purpose of continuous coordination of economic activities; The Association does not have the right to interfere with the production activities of any of its participants;

2) corporation- contractual association on the basis of a combination of industrial, scientific and commercial interests with delegation of individual powers, the central regulation of the activities of each of the participants;

3) consortium- temporary statutory association of industrial and banking capital to achieve a common goal;

4) concern - the authorized association of enterprises of industry, scientific organizations, transport, banks, trade, etc. Based on a complete dependence on one or group of entrepreneurs.

Each enterprise to solve problems related to the production and sale of goods and the provision of services must be staffed by a certain number of people who can perform these works. Employees and employees engaged in public labor in the enterprise form labor collectives of these enterprises. Labor team is a cumulative employee of the enterprise and at the same time a subject of economic relations, which carries out overall activities in state, collective, cooperative, private enterprises aimed at meeting both personal and collective, social needs.

Labor team is a complex organizational and socio-economic structure, which includes workers of shops, brigades and other enterprise units. For coordination, the appropriate management system is created between them.

The transition from a command and administrative management system to economic methods at all levels requires the broad democratization of the entire system of economic activities, the implementation of management through interests, the comprehensive activation of employees - members of the labor collective. Therefore, the introduction of self-government at the enterprise is of great importance.

The idea of \u200b\u200bself-government of labor collectives is related to the need to democratize the management system of the manufacturing process in the enterprise. While the labor team does not have sufficient authority of the owner, he only acts as a host, without being real. And he will not become them until all the acts are canceled, which secure the alienation of the employee from the means of production.

Types of enterprises. Small enterprises and their role in economic progress.

The three main types of enterprises are defined: state, collective and individual. At the same time, the latter group has the ability to create an individual, family and private enterprise.

If this question is more widely considered, the following types of enterprises can be distinguished:

1. Rent and collective.

Rent is the primary mechanism of the privatization of property, a means of education and multiplication of collective ownership.

In accordance with the Treaty, the state may transfer for 10-15 years to rent for an appropriate fee for temporary use and ownership of the employment team, production funds and working capital. In the Rental Enterprise, the founder becomes a labor team, which is registered as the organization of tenants, that is, as an independent legal entity.

Rent is a type of economic calculation, while the tenant of the enterprise has the right to independently distribute the economic settlement income, to use it on the development of production, social needs and remuneration at its discretion (rental is a form of management, and not a type of property). Rent is a fixed landlord value, the installed fee of the tenant for a certain period.

The lease team seeks to improve and develop production. It has more independence compared to the rental company.

2. Joint-stock partnerships and limited liability partnerships.

In a socially oriented market economy, joint stock ownership can perform the following functions:

It allows you to expand the sources of accumulation at the expense of cash of the population through the purchase and sale of shares;

Joint-stock entrepreneurship contributes to the democratization of the enterprise's management, promotes the creation of a material and technical base, strengthening the interest of working in the best use of production, working time;

Eliminates the imbalance in the economy between supply and suggestion,

The amount of money is more efficient, and this form promotes the development of commodity-money relations.

There are such types of joint-stock partnerships: Open joint-stock partnerships, where stocks are distributed by open subscription, that is, by selling sales on the stock exchange; Joint-stock partnerships of the closed type, whose shares are distributed only among their founders.

Promotion is the main attribute of the joint-stock partnership. This is a security paper without a prescribed date of appeal, confirming the shareholder's equity contribution) in the authorized capital of the joint-stock company, confirming membership in it and the right to receive profit in the form of dividends. The action gives the right to participate in the division of property in the elimination of the partnership.

Types of stock: nominal, bearer, privileged, simple. If the share is nominated, the statements about each nominal shares must be made to the registration book: the owner, the acquisition time, the number of such shares from each shareholder.

When registering shares on the bearer, only statements about their total quantities are entered into the book.

Unlike a simple, a preferred share gives its owner a preferential right to receive dividends, as well as on priority participation in the distribution of the property of the joint-stock company in the event of its liquidation. The owners of preferred shares do not participate in the management of the joint-stock company.

Dividends of the joint stock company are paid only by the end of the year due to the profit, which remains after paying taxes and interest for a bank loan.

Disadvantages of joint-stock companies:

1) Millions of small shareholders suffer bankruptcy, especially during the economic crises;

2) Joint-stock companies can carry out various financial fraud on stock exchanges.

3. Contractive partnerships.

They are created by legal entities and individuals when they are looking for in joint activity in the market, but do not want to lose their independence.

These are closed partnerships that are created by the association of mutual contributions. Here shares are not issued, dividends are not established, and profits are distributed proportionally to the contributions of founders, which are responsible for the obligations of the enterprise only the value of nested capital. This is what makes this form of an attractive and comfortable enterprise.

Prior to the registration of the partnership, each founder should make at least 30% of its contribution to the bank account. Only after that it is registered in the executive committee of people's deputies at the place of its location.

Small enterprises include newly formed and existing enterprises:

In industry and construction - with the number of workers to 200 people;

In other industrial sectors - with the number of workers to 50 people;

In science and scientific services - with the number of workers up to 100 people;

In the branches of the non-production sphere - with the number of workers to 25 people;

In retail - with the number of workers to 15 people.

The company is created in accordance with the decision of the owner (owners) of property or authorized by them (by them) the body, the founder's enterprises, the organization or solving the labor collective in cases and procedure provided for by law.

The company can be created as a result of the exit from the existing enterprise, the organization of one or several structural units, as well as on the basis of a structural unit of existing associations, according to the solution of their labor collectives, if there is the consent of the owner or authorized by him.

The enterprise receives legal entities from the day of its state registration. The state registration of the enterprise is carried out in the executive committee of the district, the city council of people's deputies on the location of the enterprise.

For state registration of the enterprise, the Executive Committee of the relevant Council of People's Deputies shall submit a statement, the decision of the founder on the creation, the Charter and other documents.

In the absence of a small enterprise at the time of registration of its own premises, it is carried out at the legal address of one of its founders.

The company has the right to create branches, offices, branches and other separate divisions with the right to open current and settlement accounts.

The company is valid on the basis of the Charter. The Charter is approved by the owner (owners) of property, and for state-owned enterprises - the owner of the property with the participation of the labor collective.

The company's charter identifies the owner and name of the enterprise, its location, subject and objectives of the activity, its management bodies, the procedure for their formation, competence and powers of the labor collective, the procedure for the formation of the property of the enterprise, the conditions for the reorganization and termination of the enterprise.

The property of the enterprise is the main funds and working capital, as well as other values, the cost of which is displayed in the independent balance sheet of the enterprise.

Sources of the formation of enterprise property are:

Monetary and material contributions founders;

Revenues received from sales of products, as well as on other types of economic activities;

Income from securities;

Loans of banks and other creditors;

Capital investments and subsidies from budgets;

Receipts from the denationalization and privatization of property;

Acquisition of the property of another enterprise, organization;

Free or charitable receipts, donations of organizations, enterprises and citizens;

Other sources not prohibited by legislative acts.

The company has the right to issue its own securities and implementing them to legal entities and citizens.

The employment team of the enterprise is all citizens who take part in its activities on the basis of an employment contract (contract, agreements), as well as other forms regulating the employee's labor relations with the enterprise.

Labor team of the enterprise with the right to hire labor:

Considers and approves the draft collective agreement;

Considers and decides according to the authority of the enterprise the issue of self-government of the labor collective;

Determines and approves the list and procedure for providing employees with social benefits;

Takes part in the material and moral stimulation of productive work, encourages inventive and innovation activities.

The labor collective of the state and other enterprise, in which the share of the state in the value of the property is more than 50 percent:

Considers together with the founder of the change and additions of the Company's Charter;

Together with the founder of the enterprise, determines the conditions for hiring a manager;

Takes part in solving the issue of exit from the company of one or several structural units to create a new enterprise;

Together with the owner, solves questions about the entry and exit of the enterprise from the association of enterprises;

It makes decisions about the rental of the enterprise, the creation on the basis of the body of the body for the transition to the rental and redemption of the enterprise.

With a partial redemption of the enterprise, the labor collective receives the rights of the collective owner.

The collective agreement should be to enter into all enterprises that use hired work, between the owner or by the authorized body and the labor collective. In all enterprises, the main common indicator of financial results of economic activity is profit (income). The procedure for the use of income determines the owner of the enterprise or the authority authorized by him in accordance with the company's charter.

The state impact on the choice of directions and sales of profit (income) is carried out through taxes, tax breaks, as well as economic sanctions.

The company independently determines the foundation fund without limiting its increase by state bodies. The minimum wage amount cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which is established by legislative acts. Enterprises can use tariff rates, salaries as landmarks for wage differentiation depending on the profession, qualifications of workers, complexity and conditions of work performed by them and services.

The company sells its products, property at prices and tariffs, which are established independently or on a contractual basis, and in cases provided for by legislative acts - at state prices and tariffs. In calculations with foreign partners, contract prices are applied, forming according to the conditions and prices of the global market. On the products of enterprises that occupy a monopoly position in the market of goods that determine the scale of prices in the economy and the social security of the population. At the same time, public prices should take into account the average industry cost of products and ensure the minimum level of profitability of products to which they distribute.

Social development issues, including improving working, life, health, guarantee of compulsory medical insurance, insurance of members of the labor collective and their families, are solved by the labor team with the participation of the owner according to the company's charter, a collective agreement and legislative acts of Russia.

Losses (including expected and not received income), brought by the enterprise as a result of the execution of government or other organ directives or their officials who violated the rights of the enterprise, as well as due to the improper exercise by such bodies or their officials provided by the legislation of obligations in relation to enterprises, are subject to Reimbursement for their account. Disputes on damages are solved by a court or arbitration, respectively, their competence.

The state helps the development of the market, carrying out its regulation with the help of economic laws and incentives, implements the antitrust program, ensures the social security of all workers. The state provides preferential conditions by the enterprise, which introduce progressive technologies, create new jobs, use the work of citizens requiring social protection. The state should stimulate the development of small enterprises in Russia: to give benefits for taxation, receiving state loans, creates funds for assistance to small enterprises.

Under a commercial secret enterprise is understood by statements related to production, technological information, management, finance and other activities of the enterprise, which are not a state secret, but disclosure (transmission, leakage) of which can bring harm to his interests.

The company is obliged:

Protect the environment against pollution and other harmful effects;

Compensate for the relevant Council of People's Deputies losses caused by the irrational use of land and other natural resources and environmental pollution;

Ensure the safety of production, sanitary and hygienic standards and the requirements for protecting the health of its employees, population and consumers of products.

Control over the individual parties to the activities of the enterprise is carried out by the State Tax Inspectorate, the state bodies for which the safety of production and labor, fire and environmental safety are entrusted.

Liquidation and reorganization (compound, section, output, transformation) of enterprises are carried out by the decision of the owner and with the participation of the labor collective or by the court decision. The company is also eliminated in cases:

Recognition by bankrupt;

If a decision is made to prohibit the activities of the enterprise due to non-compliance with the conditions established by the legislation, and in the period provided for by the decision, the fulfillment of these conditions is not ensured or the type of activity has not been changed;

If the decision of the court will be recognized by invalid documents and the decision to create an enterprise.

Enterprise management system in market conditions.

Enterprise Management and Labor Collective Self-Government.

An administrative apparatus is created for the implementation of production and economic and social functions of the enterprise. The number of divisions, organizational structure of the enterprise, the states depend on the specifics of production and are determined by the enterprise themselves.

The basic principle of management of state-owned enterprises was the principle of democratic centralism. Its essence is to combine the centralized management with the provision of a certain independence. Under the conditions of the command-administrative system, there was an excessive centralization in the management, and the independence of the enterprise was limited and was fictitious.

An important principle of management is a single leadership, that is, the subordination to the head of all divisions of the enterprise, all members of the labor collective. This also means that the head of the enterprise or the relevant division personally leads, organizes and is responsible for the effective activities of the enterprise and its labor collective. Such a guide is carried out by him through their deputies and heads of the relevant enterprise units (department of personnel, planning and economic, legal departments, accounting, office), which are functionally submitted only to the director of the enterprise.

The effective work of the enterprise is largely depends on the quality of leadership personnel. It is from the leader, its economic and technical awareness, the success of the enterprise activity depends on the team.

Management is powerful relationships, and their content is determined by the nature of property. As part of its property and rights, the owner of the host itself determines the methods and management system. It is a monopolist towards managing his property. If the enterprise is state, then the corresponding management functions carry out a state through its authorized managers. And the team at the same time is only organized by the combination of hired workers who are partly, at the request of the owner to a greater or lesser extent may be allowed to manage production.

If the owner of the enterprise is an employment team, a joint-stock company, a cooperative, then the leaders of such enterprises are elected. The highest governing body of such enterprises are common fees of property owners. Executive functions for managing a collective enterprise carries out the Board.

The board of the enterprise is elected by the owners of the property in the general charges of secret voting on an alternative basis. From its composition, the Board elects the Chairman and its deputies or their role is performed alternately all members of the Board.

In all enterprises where hired labor is used is a collective agreement between the owner and the labor collective. This contract is regulated by productive, labor and economic relations of the labor collective with the administration of the enterprise, the issues of labor protection, social development, the participation of employees in the use of enterprise's profits, etc.

The employment team considers and approves the draft collective agreement, decides in accordance with the company's charter issues of the self-government of the labor collective, determines and approves the list and procedure for providing social benefits to employees.

Enterprise and state.

No limited activity of the enterprise generates serious social injustice, but often an environmental danger. Therefore, the company must fulfill well-defined requirements from the government, consumers and environmentalists. The most advanced foreign enterprises respond to this development of social programs in order to assign the status of a responsible member of society. At the same time, enterprises use targeted actions to prevent the adoption of laws that limit entrepreneurial freedom. The most important for the work of those enterprises that do not want to stop their existence is to adapt to the requirements of society.

The success of the company's activities is largely depends on who and how regulates and controls relationships with the regional environment. Soviet experience has shown that the full-scale control of enterprises from above is undesirable, since he makes them ineffective. The experience of developed countries, in turn, shows that with minimal control from above, it creates more products and more efficient. But due to the fact that national wealth is constantly increasing, and the distribution remains uneven, this increase is accompanied by the destruction of the political, economic and social environment, indifference to emergency problems of enterprises.

The traditional areas of the control of entrepreneurial behavior by government bodies are: products, production technology, behavior in competition, profits, resources, ownership and organization of intra-industry management.

It is not allowed to occupy the entrepreneurial activities of the following categories of citizens: military personnel, officials, prosecution authorities, courts, state security, internal affairs, state arbitration, state notaries, as well as government bodies and management designed to monitor enterprises.

Persons who have forbidden to engage in certain activities cannot be registered as entrepreneurs with the right to implement the relevant activity before the expiration of the term established by the court sentence.

Entrepreneurs have the right to make decisions without restrictions and independently any activities that do not contradict the current legislation.

Activities for the manufacture and sale of narcotic drugs, military weapons and ammunition to it, explosives can only be carried out by state enterprises.

Without a special permission (license) cannot be carried out:

Search and operation of mineral deposits;

Production and repair, realization of sports, hunting, firearms and ammunition to it, as well as cold weapons;

Production and sale of medicines and chemicals;

Manufacture of beer and wine;

Production of alcohol, vodka, liqueur and brandy products;

Making tobacco products;

Medical practice;

Veterinary practice;

Legal practice;

Creating and maintaining gambling institutions, organization of gambling;

Alcoholic beverages;

Domestic and international transportation of passengers and goods by air, river, sea, rail and road transport;

Manufacture of securities and postal payment signs;

Mediation with privatization papers;

Provision of services for the protection of state, collective and private property;

Installation, repair and preventive maintenance of security alarm;

Mining, production and use of radioactive substances and sources of ionizing radiation, processing and disposal of radioactive waste;

Mining of precious metals and precious stones, the manufacture and sale of products with their use;

Collection, processing of solid and liquid waste productions containing precious metals and precious stones, and their scrap;

Performing aviation and chemical works and aerial photography;

Design, construction and operation of nuclear power facilities, as well as providing services for their maintenance;

Audit activity;

Insurance activity;

Manufacture and sale of veterinary medicines and drugs;

Construction and maintenance of nationwide data networks and documentary;

Construction and maintenance of transmission stations of satellite ties;

International and intercity postal transport;

Postal correspondence processing;

Issuance and reception of money transfers;

Use of radio frequencies;

Production and repair of measuring and control tools;

Performing topographic-geodesic, cartographic works and cadastral filming;

Outdoor enterprise structure.

The main task of the enterprise is to satisfy in any other social need for this region, while receiving profits, at the expense of which the social and economic interests of this team and the owner of the property of the enterprise are satisfied.

Each enterprise, firm, association, regardless of the forms of ownership, is valid based on the economic (commercial) calculation. PRINCIPLE OF HOUSSCHET:

1) self-financing;

2) self-sustainment;

3) material interest;

4) economic responsibility;

5) freedom of economic activity;

6) Competition between commodity producers, control over their economic activities.

Commercial calculation is an economic category of commodity production, which reflects a complex system of economic relations arising in the process of using the means of production, sales of products, with the distribution and use of the income received, profits.

The transition to market relations of the management exacerbates the problem of searching for ways to increase the stability of enterprises. The most important stabilizing and at the same time as a small factor is the creation of an intra-economic (relative to the enterprise) infrastructure that meets modern requirements, which are nominated to the conditions and nature of labor, the relationship of the interests of individual workers and teams, socio-psychological situation. Insufficient attention to these requirements, both when creating new and in the process of organizing the functioning of existing enterprises, leads to the fact that the equipment of enterprises with high-performance equipment is often characterized by low economic efficiency.

Analysis of the experience of prosperous firms in developed countries leads to the conclusion that their consistently high results are determined by ensuring the interaction of technological, organizational and social elements of production, which is achieved through the implementation of the new concept for the development of the economy. The basis of this concept is the orientation of human management, in contrast to the methods used for a long time, in which the main objects of the controls were complexes of machines and technological processes.

The integration of technological, organizational and social processes is achieved through the creation of an intra-economic social infrastructure, the basis of which is a set of factors forming as a result of the implementation of the Social Requirement Complex. By its economic nature, the structure of the enterprise is an integral part of the Company's production forces, which fulfills the functions of ensuring the conditions for the effective development of this manufacturing system.

As is known, in any process of production, independently of its public form take the participation of material and personal factors of production - means of production and people.

From the material and technical side, manufacturing funds of the enterprise are characterized by a certain structure. Thus, production funds are divided into productive and consumption funds, main and circulating funds, monetary, productive and commodity parts, and fixed assets - on active and passive parts, etc. The material and technical structure of the enterprise is different depending on the industry, technical progress and is an important indicator of the development of the productive forces of society.

The socio-economic nature of the enterprise is determined by the form of ownership of production funds. Property may be state, communal, private, collective, mixed, shareholder. Based on this, the production funds should consider real and personal factors of the production, which are owned or the disposal of the enterprise and serve as the material basis of its production activities.

Production funds are in constant motion. They pass three stages, change three forms - monetary, productive and commodity - and each of them perform the appropriate function.

The first stage of the circuit lies in the transformation of cash funds into productive, that is, in the means of production and production personnel. This stage lies in the purchase of means of production and hiring workers and occurs on the market.

The second stage of the circuit of production assets lies in the transformation of productive funds into finished products, goods. This stage occurs in the sphere of production. At the stage of the circuit, manufacturing funds operate in a productive form, that is, in the form of means of production and manufacturers.

The third stage of the circuit of production assets lies in turning the goods in money. It happens in the service sector. At the third stage, productive funds go into the form of goods. From the goods purchased in the first stage, this product is characterized by both its genuine form and cost, as it includes, besides the cost of the workforce and the cost of the extensive means of production, also additional cost.

The circulation of production funds is called their movement, in the process of which they pass three stages, three forms and in each of them they perform the appropriate function.

Economic problems of entrepreneurship

and ways to solve them.

Among the whole range of various economic growth factors, the most significant is considered to be the cleaver implementation of the entrepreneurial potential of citizens of the country, effective use in the economic mechanism of an independent economic initiative of a person, recognition of entrepreneurship by an indispensable force of economic dynamics, competitiveness and public prosperity.

To enhance efforts in this direction and a more complete understanding of the entire complex of existing problems, first of all, it is necessary to dwell on the theoretical aspect of the problem of entrepreneurship. Despite the large number of works on this topic, to the present, a clear, based on the scientific theory, the unequivocal definition of the concept of entrepreneurship has not yet been developed. The concepts for today concepts characterize entrepreneurship in three directions:

2) effective management and organization of the production process with constant and widespread use of innovations;

3) the special innovative, creative behavior of the economic entity, its enterprise, which is the driving force of the economic process.

The main condition for the possibility of the existence of entrepreneurship scientists and practices see in the creation of a competitive environment and the provision of economic freedom to the business entity. Already such an understanding of the essence of the problem allows you to explain the important feature of the development of the modern world economy - an increasingly increasing role of small businesses. His high-quality criteria are:

Predominance of private ownership of the means of production;

Legal and economic independence in decision-making;

Simplified management system;

Professional interchangeability of employees;

Direct participation of the owner in the management of the enterprise;

Initiative, search nature.

It is easy to notice that the principles of activity of these firms are close to the characteristics of entrepreneurship. Indeed, there is almost everywhere to identify entrepreneurship with small business, widespread use in the domestic science and practice of the term "small entrepreneurship".

The reason for this phenomenon is also obvious - the wide distribution of entrepreneurship in the fields of small businesses. It is this sector of the economy that represents the most effective system of selection of talented and enterprising people, allows you to create the necessary competition atmosphere, contributes to the rapid solution to a number of problems that cannot be resolved by larger economic structures.

Competition is the underlying condition in which market mechanisms are working, generating incentives that form a market abundance, a variety of assortment and high quality goods and services.

Russia, as well as other countries with transition, inheritance from the Soviet state-monopolistic system, got a set of relationships between enterprises, not compatible with the competitive environment. In a system based on universal population and superchangealization, large and largest enterprises have significantly dominated. In the former USSR enterprise with the number of more than 1000 people working. They produced almost 3/4 of all industrial products, concentrated 80% of the main industrial and production facilities, consumed more than 90% of all electricity. Such a concentration level was adequate to the planning-directorial system, the theory and practice of which proceeded from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe economy as a single complex. Small number of large enterprises are conveniently managed, to establish them planned tasks and standards, distribute resources between them, assign and displace managers, etc.

The monopolism of the planning-directorial system is mainly a departmental monopolism, the nature of which, in essence, is not related to the size of enterprises and their number. Meanwhile, the destruction of the departmental monopolism in itself does not form a competitive environment, because in most industries there is a high level of production concentration, that is, the predominance of a small number of large enterprises. Only a certain shift in the structure of monopoly is occur - monopolism conducted by the monopolism of enterprises. According to their negative consequences, the latter is not better than the departmental monopolism. On the contrary, if the departmental monopolism leaves some possibility of control over the excessive "appetites" of monopolist enterprises, the monopolism of enterprises in its pure form generates price lawlessness, creates the ability to "press the wall" of buyers in the sense of product range and its quality, to postpone the technological time Production update.

Of course, the competitive environment can also be created under these conditions on the basis of liberalization of links with an external market, in particular by the weakening of customs restrictions for foreign goods entering the domestic market, while improving control over their quality. But this way of forming a competitive environment with the deepest economic crisis is extremely dangerous. The competitive environment created in this way is capable only to strengthen the effect of forces destroying the national economy. It is impossible not to take into account that the goods produced on most of the Ukrainian enterprises compared with the world market goods are uncompetitive. Most of the Ukrainian enterprises of this competition will not stand it, which can aggravate and without that difficult position.

It is believed that the decision of this problem lies in the technological update of production, which should make products of enterprises competitive. However, this decision is doubtful, primarily due to the conditions of its implementation. Galoping inflation makes innovation unlikely, since normal entrepreneurship is not able to give the necessary funds for investment. It is also doubtful of the receipt of funds for this purpose from the outside, since the conditions of the same inflation and instability of the economy force investors to look for such capital premises that are able to give immediate returns, meanwhile, as investments in production are always conjugate with a significant period of time and risk.

But even if large enterprises and it is possible to update the technology, in many cases they are doomed to remain uncompetitive in the global market. This is not least due to the peculiarities of their structure that established under the Command-Administrative System.

Enterprises (primarily large, but not only they) were created on the principle of the maximum closed complex of units. It was dictated by real conditions for enterprises and was legalized by regulatory acts regulating their standard structures. The composition of the main production divisions was formed in such a way as to minimize the dependence of enterprises from suppliers. At each enterprise, a broad nomenclature of subdivisions of the auxiliary and servicing industries was created. The control apparatus, as a rule, included numerous departments, groups, bureaus, laboratories.

Such an approach to the formation of the structure of enterprises was dictated not only by the desire to maximally limit links due to interdepartmental barriers, but also because the payment of third-party services, as a rule, was more expensive compared to the maintenance costs of their respective units. In addition, this approach to the formation of the structure of enterprises was also facilitated by the adopted procedure for remuneration of managers depending on the category of enterprises.

The market economy has reacted with certain trends on this structural feature of the "traditional" enterprises. Over the past years, in countries with modern market economies, a distinct desire of enterprises is distinguished from many functions that have previously performed by their internal units, primarily those that differed by pulsating loads. It is at the expense of this factor that the number of industrial giants is reduced and, at the same time, the number of small enterprises increases. Contrary to the theoretical dogma on the inevitability of the production concentration process, the average size of enterprises detect an obvious tendency to decrease.

This process makes the market economy more dynamic, mobile, susceptible to innovation, increases its ability to respond quickly to market demand and changes. At the same time, the growing part of the entrepreneurial risk is transferred to small businesses, and the work of large enterprises remaining the foundation of a market economy and its export potential becomes more sustainable. It should be especially noted that the development of small entrepreneurship is accompanied by the expansion of the competitive environment, the invasion of competition in spheres, which were previously represented by non-competitive relations between the internal divisions of enterprises.

Of course, characterizing the increase in the role of small enterprises in a market economy, not only their importance should be taken into account in the entire infrastructure of enterprises, but also the social side of the process, in particular, the role of small enterprises as a factor in changing the structure of ownership, as a regulator of employment regulators and in general, as a buffer zone of market Economy capable of mitigating the consequences of structural shifts occurring in it.

Various options for the formation of a network of small businesses can be called, performing infrastructure formation functions in the entire totality of enterprises. First of all, small businesses can be created by reciprocating units, there are allocations from a larger enterprise with the provision of appropriate rights (legal entities, opening a settlement account, self-balance, etc.). At the same time, a small enterprise is able to independently form a portfolio of orders, which puts its income into direct dependence on the results of its own activity. However, numerous problems and difficulties are inevitable on this path. In particular, they are associated with the formation of ownership of the property of small enterprises, with the material and technical support of production and, therefore, the distribution and use of its income. These problems do not disappear in the event that the creation of small enterprises is carried out on the basis of the transfer of property for rent.

The creation of small enterprises by their reciprition from larger ones can be associated with incorporation, for example, by making units of forms of small joint-stock companies whose shares can be distributed both among the labor collective of the enterprise (large and small) and through free sale. But with any embodiments, the main problem remains. Getting independence from the hands of a large enterprise, small enterprises become independent subjects of market relations. Therefore, the question inevitably arises how these newly educated subjects of production activities are able to reliably and qualitatively carry out their functions as elements of the infrastructure of other enterprises, including in relation to those that they separated, as well as - what their products and services will cost to enterprises, remaining without relevant units.

The above problem arises due to the fact that in itself the way to create small enterprises based on disintegration is not able to create a competitive environment and, therefore, mechanisms affecting the activities of small enterprises, the quality of their products and services, as well as prices their implementation. That is what explains the failures of many attempts to form small enterprises on the basis. There were cases when the allocation from the composition of large enterprises of a number of small few not only did not succeed, but also became an additional factor in reducing output, reducing its competitiveness.

The correct conclusions suggests the experience of large companies in countries with a developed modern market economy. It is known, for example, that enterprises of such a largest company, as "General Motors", serve 32 thousand suppliers that form its infrastructure (mainly in the form of small enterprises). Products of the company sell 11 thousand independent dealers operating in many countries. The same data can be brought by Japan companies - electronic, automotive, construction and others. A characteristic feature of such systems is the mobility of the composition and structure of small enterprises. Significant part of them there is only a short time, and then disappears or changes the generation. At the same time, new small businesses arise, offering their products and services. And as a result, the system, including large, medium and small enterprises, function steadily and in accordance with the developing market conditions.

From the above, it is necessary that it is impossible to create systems based on one of the babies alone, optimally combining enterprises of different sizes and various functions. One of the most important conditions for the release of Ukraine to the level of competitiveness with foreign countries is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the formation of such a mass of small enterprises, which in their combination are capable of performing infrastructure functions on a competitive basis.

These must be small businesses with a wide range of social orientation, size and sizes. It can be enterprises with a minimum number of hired workers and without hired workers in general - family enterprises. Small businesses can specialize in the manufacture of relatively simple elements of products, the composition and the nomenclature of which are changed in accordance with the requirements of the market. Companies are also needed that, on a contractual basis, carry out maintenance and repair of equipment, computing equipment, devices and equipment.

All this extensive small business zone should be such that all enterprises, and first of all, large and medium, have the opportunity to choose suppliers and partners, products and services of which are distinguished by high quality, reliability and stable prices, thereby proving the advantages of this system compared to With a number of enterprises of the closed complex, which were inherited from the command and administrative system. Naturally, the creation of such a small business network requires certain material and technical, financial and credit and organizational prerequisites.

Giving the process of creating small maintenance enterprises leads to the emergence of a small business zone capable of successfully entering the infrastructure of enterprises. Meanwhile, this process faces many difficulties and problems.

In recent years, in particular, there were generally favorable changes in the mechanism for creating new enterprises, including small ones. The procedure for passing documents related to obtaining permits for entrepreneurial activities is significantly simplified. This led to a significant reduction in the deadlines necessary for this. If the numerous visas of officials were required, which was delayed the time of paperwork for many weeks and even months, now this time has decreased to several days, and the deadline for execution is practically limited only by the frequency of meetings of the executive bodies that give the final decision. True, it should be noted the overestimation and complexity of filling out the necessary documents. But this difficulty is easily overcome, because companies have arisen, for a relatively small fee that take over the entire process of design.

With all this, however, there are numerous factors that prevent the development of small entrepreneurship as a special buffer zone of the market economy. Moreover, it refers to the production range and the part of its part, which is capable of performing the functions of the infrastructure of enterprises. The intensity of this process is completely insufficient. At the same time, there are obvious deformations in its directions that do not meet the needs of the formation of a modern market economy.

The current procedure for the creation of enterprises is (as before) permits. Legislative acts lists activities regarding which enterprises are allowed to create enterprises. As a result, if one type of activity is not envisaged in the list of permitted, that is, it is extraordinary, the executive body of the executive authorities receives ample opportunities for unreasonable prohibitions. Meanwhile, the essence of the market economy corresponds to such a form of regulatory acts when prohibited activities are listed.

The creation of new enterprises, including small, is hampered by the practice of charging fees related to the design of documents and permits. The permit fee is diverse. It is necessary to pay, both for permission to engage in entrepreneurial activities in general, and for the right to engage in every type of activity. All these contributions ultimately increase the costs of enterprises, reduce their income and profits.

It should be especially noted that in the way of the development of entrepreneurship there is a valid order of taxation of enterprises. Formally, in accordance with this procedure, only enterprises are subject to tax. Moreover, the amount of the tax is 30%, which corresponds to the presentation adopted in the market economy on the optimal level of income taxation. But it is only deceptive visibility. Enterprises are required to include deductions to various funds (five), which, in essence, are part of the value added. Thereby, the level of costs are substantially overestimated, and profit is reduced accordingly.

Such an order of taxation contains a deep internal contradiction. It involves the absence of a competitive environment, the monopoly position of the market economy subjects, their ability to set prices on cost-based basis, that is, in essence, the emergence of non-working mechanisms of market pricing. If the same enterprises acted in normal market conditions, in which prices are not established on cost-based basis, but as the equilibrium prices of the mechanism of market competition, then most of the enterprises would have lost weight, would lose the main motive and the basis of their activities - profits. In real economic conditions, the monopoly overestimation of prices does not so much ruins the existing enterprises as it hinders the creation of new and, which is particularly significant, inevitably leads to a reduction in production due to inconsistencies in the purchasing power of the population. Price levels.

The adopted system of taxation of profit and included in the costs of deductions not only inhibits the development of entrepreneurship, but also deforms its directions. Free capital clearly avoids the production of goods and services where relatively large capital initial investments are needed with problematic payback prospects. It rushes mainly in trade and intermediary activities. It is significant that the registered individual labor activity, a significant part of which has the basis of the so-called "shuttles", mainly fixed in the same sphere.

In a modern market economy, tax levers are considered the most effective tool for its regulation. These levers, in essence, are practically not used to develop entrepreneurship, nor to regulate its directions. Currently, new enterprises, including small, do not receive rights to tax breaks. There is no differentiation of the level of taxes on the profit and the amount of deductions, depending on the species and destinations of entrepreneurship, as well as from the use of profit. No tax discounts if the profit is used to create new jobs, technological renewal of production, etc. (We note that these and other tax benefits were canceled in early 1995). There is no such form of state support for small enterprises, as the preferential conditions for their lending (for example, by providing state guarantees to banks providing loans to the creation of enterprises and the development of entrepreneurship).

Wide and moreover, the regulated process of the development of entrepreneurship, especially in the field of small business, it becomes possible in its synchronous connection with the yield of the national economy from the crisis state on the basis of the bodies of inflation and the introduction of a stable national monetary unit. Only on this basis, the development of entrepreneurship is able to stop the fall in production and gross national product, to achieve their stabilization, and then growth.

Mass entrepreneurship requires the preparation of people capable of this kind of activity. Such a task should be solved at all levels of education and training. The legislative framework, regulating relations related to the creation and functioning of small businesses, must be formed, providing its protection against monopoly structures, arbitrariness of officials and raceta.

In turn, the program created at the state level should be based on the scientifically developed conceptual builds of the development of entrepreneurship in individual areas and fields of the economy. Only this approach can help avoid major errors in the process of creating a small business support system, ensure the sequence of its formation and ensure the practical implementation of all its elements.

The world experience in the development of small business structures indicates that their greatest effectiveness is achieved in the context of the existence of private ownership. The formation of its legal framework should include a number of measures:

Improving legislative acts regulating mass privatization;

Establishing a long-term prospect of the development of private entrepreneurship, approving the right of inheritance and selling property;

Providing reliable political and administrative guarantees from unlawful encroachments to the state from the state, other individuals and legal entities.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that there is some uncertainty in the regulatory acts on regulating entrepreneurship in the understanding of the terms "Small Enterprise", "Small Entrepreneurship", "Small Business", insufficient delimitation of organizational, organizational and legal and economic forms of economic activity . In world practice, the prevailing majority of small enterprises are legally and financially independent, independent, small in the number of busy firms based on private ownership of one or more citizens who directly manage and work at their enterprise. Only the specified qualities allow us to attach such forms to small business and give them the right to significant support from the state.

The main problem for a small enterprise is difficulties with financing. The lack of sufficient capital in most people, complexity, disadvantage, and sometimes the impossibility of obtaining borrowed funds inhibit the development of small businesses. The objective of the state is to create prerequisites that encourage investment and entrepreneurial energy investment in this sector of the economy.


The company is the main production link of the economy. If you present the economy as a building folded from individual blocks, such blocks are enterprises in the broad sense of the word.

The company is any organization that produces goods, services, information, knowledge that carries out economic activity in a wide variety of forms. The company can call the plant, factory, construction plant, car park, repair shops, collective farm, state farm, shop, studio, stock exchange, etc.

Forms and management methods, the structure of the enterprise management bodies substantially depend on its scope and profile. Each enterprise carries out certain basic activities, this is its main goal, the meaning of existence. It follows that the company's production process is placed on the head of the enterprise, regardless of what the enterprise is produced.

To create any economic product, you need to use production resources: labor, fixed assets, raw materials, materials, information, cash. Consequently, the management of the enterprise includes employee management, manufacturing facilities, material resources, finance. For the operation of production at the enterprise, it should receive starting materials and implement released products. Hence the need to control the supply and sale, to have the relevant services at the enterprise.

The combination of all types and forms of management of the enterprise is customary to relate to the part of the management, which is called management, and enterprise management managers - managers. Of course, the leading role in the management of the enterprise belongs to his owner, the owner. But also private owners, owners, not always manage all the affairs of the enterprise. And prefer to hire qualified, experienced managers who transmit many functions of operational management.

In the management of the enterprise, all parties of management are important, but the leading place is undoubtedly belonging to personnel management, personnel. Therefore, management can be called "art to get the right things by managing people."

In the economic practice of the concept of "enterprise" and "firm" have some difference. The company expresses technological and organizational aspects of the economic activity of the subject. The company is a more general concept that includes other aspects and legal. It acts as a legal entity with property and producing goods and services to the market. The company may include one or more enterprises. The system-forming factors of determining the enterprise as the main level of the national economy and as an independent economic entity is cooperation based on the internal division of labor, as well as the implementation of the functions of individual reproduction and the separation of capital circuit (resources).

In the developed market economy, enterprises are diverse. They are engaged in the production of goods, their implementation, the provision of a wide variety of services - financial, intermediary, information, advisory, research. In the fields of business activities, they can be industrial, agro-industrial, agricultural, construction, transport, telecommunications, trade, intermediary, venture, advertising, engineering, legal, etc. Depending on the size, the smallest, based on personal labor producers; Small (the number of employees is 10-15 people); average (number 50-500 people); Large (500 people, as a rule, joint-stock companies).

The diversity of possible provisions of individual firms in a particular economic situation on the market is determined by various fame of their functioning. This may be desire to survive with unfavorable economic conditions, minimizing losses, conquering a new market segment or profit maximization, etc. In the most general form of the model, the company's activities can be represented as the following table.

Table 15.

The adoption of broad long-term measures to implement the goal is the content of the strategy (business policy) of the company.

The planning of the company's commercial activities is included in the management system of the management and determines its purpose. With the factors of production and connecting them in various technologies, the company produces ready-made goods and offers them in the market. Dependence between any set of factors of production and the maximum possible amount of products produced from this set is called a production function:

Where q is the yield of products,

L, K is a different combination of production factors.

Modification of the production function is isochvant. Isokvanta - a curve, a geometric location of points corresponding to all variants of production factors, the use of which provides the same amount of output (scheme 30).

The graph on which the set of isochvant is represented is called an isochvant card.

The specifics of the analysis of the activities of the company depends on the period of time during which the production function is implemented. The short-term period is during which production functions remain fixed. The long-term period is a segment of time, sufficient to make changes to all factors of production.

The following indicators are used to analyze the activities of the company in the short term:

General, medium and limit product;

Common, medium, limit, constant and variable costs;

Cumulative, medium and marginal income.

The total product (Total Product) is the amount of economic benefit produced using a certain amount of production factor. Dividing the overall product on the spent quantity of the variable factor, you can get the average product (Average Product):

AP \u003d Q: F.Pr. product (Marginal Product) is defined as an increase in the total product obtained as a result of infinitely small increments of the amount of used variable factor:

With an increase in the use of any production factor, with other things being equal, it is sooner or later, such a point is achieved in which the additional use of the variable factor leads to a decrease in the relative first, and then the absolute volume of production. This is the law of decreasing limit performance. Therefore, in determining the size of the enterprise, the fact that the expansion of production is advisable until the limit product is greater or equal to the average product.

Production costs - the cost of purchasing factors of production.


Production costs can be classified not only depending on which resources are used, be it resources of the company or external owners. It is possible to classify depending on the effect on them increase the scale of production (Table 14).

Table 14.

Cumulative income (Total Revenue) is a general revenue received by the company from sales of its products:

Marginal Revenue - increment to the general revenue of the firm caused by an increase in its sales to an additional unit of goods:

In whatever conditions, the company has been operating, it should strive to maximize profits or minimize damages. When solving these problems, the firm should be guided by the following rules:

1. The company must stop production, if T tr from the sale of any volume of its products does not exceed the VC production of this number of goods and services. In other words, to p
2. To achieve maximum profit, the firm should produce such a volume of products at which Mr \u003d Mc.

In the market of perfect competition, none of the firms affect the price of their products, a p \u003d Mr, therefore maximizing the total profit (PR \u003d MR-MC) is achieved when p \u003d ms. At the same time, if P\u003e MS, then production can be expanded. If R.

On the market of imperfect competition to get the maximum profit, production volumes and implementation should be increased as long as MR\u003e MC, if MR
An important part of the cost of manufacturing company is fees for production factors or resources. The price of resources in the market economy is formed through the interaction of supply and proposals as similar to the prices of finished products. However, resource markets have their own characteristics. So, the demand for resources is secondary or generated, since the entrepreneur is interested in itself, but only as a means of profit. The offer of resources is inelastic at a price, since it cannot be increased in the short term. The fact that the company acts as a buyer in the resource market. Manufacturers are the owners of resources, so the price of the resource will be the income of its owner: the price of natural resources - the rent, the price of labor is the salary, the price of production capital, or investment resources, percentage. The firm seeks to choose such a combination of resources used, which will provide it with minimal costs. This is possible if the maximum profitability of each resource (Marginal Revenue Product) is proportional to its price:

Pricing in the resource market depends on the set of factors, the main of which are reflected in Scheme 34.

The cardinal solution to the problem of reduced costs is possible only in conditions of stable economic growth, active investment and innovation activities, structural transformations. In these processes, not all depends on the enterprise. A huge role here is given to the state

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