Documents required for customs clearance of goods. Documents for customs clearance shipping Transport documents in customs


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The document flow of each country has its own specifics, and Russia is no exception. Documents for importing goods should be issued in accordance with the standards, otherwise there will be problems with "customs clearance" and the payment of goods - just can not do this. You must be prepared for the fact that most documents will need to be filled personally.

To successfully perform this work, you will need: knowledge of the laws of the Russian Federation and consultation with specialists (for example, with a customs broker). What documents are needed to exercise? What is the procedure for the content of these documents and what can be required to provide in state structures? This will be discussed in our article.

What documents are needed to import goods

In order to be able to import the goods to the territory of the Russian Federation, to undergo customs and certify the cargo, documents are needed to import goods, the list of which is individual and depends on what is for the cargo and what type of entrepreneurship meets your activities. Below is a list of documents that make up the main package - this will help you navigate in the preparation of all documentation.

1. Treaty.

An agreement on foreign trade should be concluded between the interacting parties. The text of the document must be prepared in Russian and English with an indication of the "main" language, understandable and one, and the other side of the contract. The main language will help to avoid misunderstandings that may occur when different. The same applies to additional agreements.

The contract must be specified:

    subject of contract;

    the cost of cargo and the final amount of the contract;

    terms and Terms of delivery by Incoterms 2010;

    terms of delivery of cargo;

    information on the actions with the cargo (about packaging, marking);

    responsibility of the Parties to the Treaty;

    force majeure situations;

    procedure for the occurrence of conflict;

    terms of action of the contract;

    details of the Parties (legal addresses and bank details).

Documents for importing goods may include additional agreements in which:

    description and amount of cargo;

    price for the commodity unit;

    the cost of the entire cargo;

    order of payment;

    production deadlines.

Based on the contract, the transaction passport is drawn up.

1. Passport.

Each fact of imports is confirmed by the document that needs to be obtained in the bank serviced. It is called the passport of the transaction and contains information on the sides of the contract exercising foreign trade operations, banks and the agreement itself (contract).

    details of the parties representing Russia: the name, date of state registration of the company;

    Inn, OGRN, PPC, a bill account in a bank, through which the contract will be paid;

    the details of the parties representing a foreign partner (information is similar to the above);

    bank details in which the transaction passport is issued (serving bank);

    details of the contract: date of conclusion, number, amount and calculation currency, date of completion of the contract and its special conditions.

2. Invoice.

Documents for importing goods should contain an invoice - a payment document containing all the information about the transaction and signs of identification, which are presented with respect to all official financial papers. It is drawn out on the letterhead represented by the manufacturer of the goods, and sign both sides of the agreement (contract). In the invoice indicate:

    type of payment document (Commercial / Proforma);

    date and number of compilation;

    information about the sides of the contract and the freeware;

    date of concluding a contract and its number;

    terms of delivery on Incoterms 2010;

    a description of all types of cargo separately, its cost and quantity;

    the total cost of cargo (in US dollars);

    total weight of cargo;

    target delivery;

    last name responsible person and his signature, print.

The document is prepared independently in two languages \u200b\u200b(Russian and English). In order not to have difficulties with customs services, the same information should be presented in the invoice as in the contract.

3. Bill of lading.

The billion is necessary to confirm the taking cargo for its transportation by sea. In addition, he confirms the conclusion of a shipping contract by sea and acceptance of obligations with the carrier regarding the delivery of cargo to the port of appointing it to the owner of the cavaria, that is, a legitimate recipient.

Documents for importing goods by sea should indicate:

    the name of the vessel (if the cargo is delivered on a specific vessel);

    carrier information (name, location);

    information about the sender and recipient;

    name of the shipment port;

    date when the carrier accepted the load in the shipment port;

    name of the port of load unloading;

    characteristics of cargo;

    description of the appearance of the cargo and the method of packaging;

    the cost paid by the freight recipient (or another indication of the need to pay freight by the recipient);

    date and time when the bill is decorated;

    signature of the person responsible for transportation (captain or authorized representative of the company).

Covenant must be in several copies. All these documents for importing goods are considered originals. If the load is issued one of them, then the rest lose legal force.

4. Certificate of origin of cargo.

This document is confirmed by the country manufactured by the products. Certificate of origin of cargo - a document that is not mandatory for paperwork at customs. Nevertheless, when customs clearance, if there is a certificate, you can get certain benefits if the goods are imported to which they apply.

5. Railway invoice.

If shipping is carried out using, then the railway invoice must be issued. The document stipulates the obligations of the Customer and the Carrier (as the customer shall indicate the parties to the contract: the sender / recipient). The invoice throughout the path is located at the carrier, and after receiving the goods, the document passes to the second side of the contract.

    In the railway invoice indicate:

    point of shipment and purpose of cargo;

    information about the sides of the contract;

    information about the cargo (name, characteristics, cost, etc.);

    delivery date.

Railway invoice - a document confirming the availability of contractual obligations between the parties and their implementation.

Additional documents for importing goods

The above list of documents may be unfinished, because imports may be needed:

    authorized documents of the company importing goods;

    payment documents indicating the payment of customs fees;

    transport overheads (depending on the type of transportation used: automotive, air transport or other);


    account for transportation;

    customs Declaration of Exporting Countries;

    contracts with all the subjects involved in the transaction;

    accounting documents;

    accounts for payment of broker services or commission payments (if it took place when making a transaction);

    receipts from the warehouse where the goods were temporarily stored;

    information about the price of goods of the manufacturer (or calculation of the cost of the commodity unit);

    packing list containing information about the characteristics of the transported goods.

It is not necessary that you will need all the listed documents for importing goods. This list is approximate because when importing a specific product requires special, additional documents that can be samples, booklets, etc., while preparing the packet package, do not forget about the competent design of each individual document. If everything is executed in accordance with regulatory requirements, no "customs" problems will not arise.

What difficulties can be encountered when preparing documents for importing goods

Confirm that imported products complies with the requirements prescribed in regulatory documents, it is very difficult. Only experts can pass this customs procedure quickly from beginning to end.

When designing goods at customs always arises many different nuances. It is very important that you are ready for them. To do this, at the preparatory stage of the transaction you will need consultation on the import of the goods you are interested in on the territory of Russia. You must master the following information:

    product Nomenclature code for imported products;

    regulatory requirements of the TC to this product;

    a detailed list of documents required for customs inspection;

    terms of design and approximate cost.

Owning these information, the importer when concluding a contract for foreign delivery will accurately know the order and timing of the delivery of the order at the destination located in Russia.

There are a number of circumstances affecting the deadlines of the commodity of customs procedures:

    whether there is a need to declave this product;

    are there any need for a certificate of conformity;

    is there any need to pass the goods of mandatory state registration.

In technical regulations, the decisions of the Customs Union can be familiar with the list of goods subject to one or another method of legalization in the CU member countries.

    If you are going to import products that include drugs or their precursors, then documents for importing goods should include permission of the Federal Service for Drug Control (FSKN) (its goods owner).

    If you import the equipment of telecommunication systems, a software product or radioelectronics, then it will be necessary to undergo a notification of the FSB.

    If you import mineral fertilizers, forests, precious metals, etc., the documents for importing goods should include a license issued by the Ministry of Industry.

This list is incomplete. There are still quite a lot of items that must be accompanied by certain confirming documents necessary for importing for customs.

Not always the problems of customs clearance depend on how carefully and fully prepared documents for the import of goods or on the level of responsibility of participants in foreign economic activity. As a rule, difficulties arise due to the installed risk profiles that include additional costs.

For example, during the passage of the customs inspection procedure, it may be necessary to pay for the discharge-loading of goods, work associated with measuring or weighing the cargo, the recovery of packaging, etc. Also on customs may require additional documents for importing goods.

In addition, often emerging problems are a consequence of the lack of experience and knowledge necessary for the conduct of foreign economic activity:

    customs servants have the right not to accept documents that are drawn up with violations of regulatory requirements;

    constantly or temporarily prohibited the import or export of any products;

    recalculation of customs payments due to the need to make adjustments to the customs value or in connection with the fallacy of determining the code of classification of goods on the TN EESA;

    temporary ban on the export of goods with trademarks and service signs, if the right holder is not presented;

    confiscation of the goods or the application of penalties in connection with the presentation of incorrect information about the cargo in the accompanying documents.

Naturally, the difficulties listed above may entail additional costs associated with paying additional customs duties, a warehouse for temporary storage of cargo, fines and a downtime. Therefore, if you do not know the regulatory database, then you risk spending more than planned.

Documents for importing on "white", "gray" and "black" schemes

If the documents for importing goods are compiled according to the "white" scheme, then everything goes strictly in accordance with the "letter of the law": the price, trade codes of the WED and other information about the cargo are indicated. Such a scheme is considered the safest, but, as a rule, it is most expensive.

"Black" The scheme provides for a targeted violation of the law, which is manifested in the following: In the customs instead of one (real imported), the goods are drawn up completely different (for example, the documents are toys, and actually medical equipment is imported), indicates the undersized weight of the goods, give bribes to the customs officers "Did not notice" smuggling goods. Of course, in this case, customs clearance becomes much cheaper (sometimes 10 times!), But do not forget that this is a violation of the law of the Russian Federation, and any crime can be detected.

Using "Gray" Schemes, importer optimizes costs, but does not break beyond the framework of the law. In this case, the role of the buyer's importer is not a customer, but a logistics company. When the cargo passes the procedure of customs inspection and will be delivered to the country, the customer receives goods on the basis of an agreement of the supply concluded between compatriots companies.

Documents for importing goods include in their list of declarations, which are most often used to implement "gray" schemes, indicating them the low cost of cargo. Such a move makes it possible to reduce the cost of paying customs duty. Tangible difference is observed if it comes to industrial supplies or import of expensive electrical appliances. The price can be underestimated by several ways, including an agreement with the exporter, which then receives a transaction difference or cash (such a scheme is often used for deliveries from China).

The meaning of the "gray" scheme is that the documents for importing goods are drawn up when safely optimizing expenses. Such a reception is most often used by entrepreneurs in order to preserve the competitiveness of prices for their goods.

If businessmen prefer work on the "black" scheme, they may threaten very serious accusations:

    under Article 188 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (smuggling), which provides for a punishment in the form of imprisonment under 12 years;

    under Article 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (tax evasion of customs fees), which provides for a sentence of imprisonment to two years;

    under Article 180 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal use of the trademark) with a punishment in the form of imprisonment to six years.

The term of imprisonment can be increased by adding and amounted to 20 years, if the investigating authorities will be able to collect evidence of a multiple articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Of course, it is possible to avoid conclusion and get rid of a fine, but in this case the costs will be simply huge. Moreover, the use of black schemes is fraught with their consequences not only for the owner of the cargo, but also for the carrier. Therefore, they are almost not practiced.

The greatest popularity is "gray" customs clearance schemes. Analyst experts have different opinions on this matter, but most of them agree that 70-80% of Chinese products imported to Russia are imported through "gray" schemes. In this case, the documents for importing goods draw up the logistics company and the customer does not spend time and strength at this time. Cargo delay at customs, penalties and other troubles from the participants of the transaction will not arise, because the goods are imported on legal grounds. In addition, with the tax authorities, too, problems, as a rule, does not happen, since the customer receives on his arms and a copy of the declaration, and closing documents.

Despite the fact that the "white" schemes are the safest, their popularity is quite low for two reasons:

    The cost of goods is very much increasing. Quite often novice entrepreneurs, small firms faced with financial difficulties, simply unable to pay customs fees and other payments related to the design of documents in full.

    During customs clearance, many bureaucratic "obstacles" must be overcome. In order for the goods to cross the border, the documents for importing goods should include authorized, tax, banking and foreign trade, specification, invoice, technical description of products, certificates, etc.

Competent registration of such a volume of documentation is only a professional who knows all foreign trade nuances. Naturally, the customer of the cargo is forced to contact such specialists, and their services are not suiced.

That is why the "white" scheme is most often used by large and medium-sized companies who have reached financial stability. In addition, on the "white" schemes, companies have entered into agreements with large "networks" or existing on the basis of a prisoner of the state contract.

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The prerequisite for the implementation of international transport is considered to be issuing documents. All of them have their own features of filling, applications and advantages. Customs clearance for Jurlitz involves the premises of goods under a certain customs regime. The effectiveness of foreign economic activity depends on the execution of all established rules and standards. An important role in the export of goods plays compliance with customs legislation, decrees and decrees.

General list of documents required for customs clearance

the contract

The foreign trade contract is drawn up in English and Russian, indicating the basic language that is understandable for both parties. This is the main commercial business paper deal.

  • Payment order - is issued by the owner of the bank account, the document is necessary for cash operations;
  • Extract from the personal account - is needed to confirm the transfer of funds and fulfilling payments;
  • Receipts on the payment of taxes;
  • Bank statements;
  • The deposit is drawn up when conducting a prepayment.

Documents for imports to Russia

Customs value declaration

The customs declaration is necessary for transporting goods across the border, it is invalid without the declaration of the customs value, where the corresponding cargo price is indicated and its calculation method.

Transit declaration

The transit declaration is a business paper required for internal customs transit. It is carried out on the basis of the packaging sheet and invoice.

Full information on documents for customs clearance imports.

Documents for export

Stages of export design:

  1. Registration of the foreign trade agreement;
  2. Opening of the passport of the transaction (when the amount of the transaction is exceeded 50 thousand US dollars.);
  3. Registration of a certificate in the form of ST-1 (if the goods are produced in the CIS) or in form A (if the manufacturer is one of the EU countries).

Preparation of documents for submission to the customs authority should start long before the customs clearance itself occurs. First of all, it is necessary to specify a list of mandatory documents with a supplier or seller, whom you will acquire a product. And already from this stage, you should attract a specialist who can control the correctness of documents for customs. The presence of the competent in these matters of the customs broker will provide preparation and collection of documents for customs clearance. Only after certain steps and calculations of profitability and profitability of the enterprise together with the customs broker, you can make a deal. What documents are needed for customs clearance? The main document for customs clearance is the cargo customs declaration or GTD, which the broker must fill.

Documents for customs. It will be necessary to provide an agreement on the basis of which a broker operates. In any case, the account of the account of the subject of external economic activity will be required (VED). Documents required for customs clearance include the following list:

    a contract that contains product information, payment and other data;

    invoice. (invoice) - a commercial document contains information about the seller and the buyer, the purpose of sending cargo and its description;

    transaction passport, decorated in the case of a currency transaction;

    packing sheet - a commodity document containing product information;

    certificate for customs - a document in which the cargo producer is confirmed.

Help for customs. Depending on how the goods will be delivered, it is necessary to submit either an exhibition (for marine freight) or railway invoices. In addition, in different cases, specific documents may be required for customs clearance of goods (cargo). To identify the cargo on TN EDAD, they are examined at customs. But often customs workers do not have sufficient knowledge to carry out reliable expertise, therefore, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, expertise can be carried out by independent experts or a non-state expert center. In this case, the applicant may submit a certificate to the customs authority for customs or an expert opinion.

Expert's conclusion for customs Included in the list of documents for customs clearance and confirms the technical condition and wear of the vehicle. The letter for customs is drawn up in the center of certification in the event that this type of goods cannot be identified. To import goods to customs paper shipments, which is not subject to mandatory certification in Russia, should be a refusal letter. Very close in its sense to a refusal writing and a certificate for customs. In the case when it comes to voluntary certification, the certificate of conformity for the goods for presentation at customs is made. In documents for customs clearance, a car may include a certificate for customs. This document is issued in the case when doubts arise in the stated engine volume and the release date of the car. Preparation of documents for customs should occur in advance. Trust this process to experienced specialists.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, when exporting or importing goods requires its mandatory customs clearance. We offer a full range of customs clearance of goods to the import of goods to Russia (imports) or export of goods from Russia (exports), provide operational and timely passage of all operations related to the customs clearance of goods, and provide a complete set of documentation confirming its legal import to Russia or export. Our solid experience of interaction with government agencies allows us to guarantee customs clearance Cargo without delay and deferment, in the most optimal deadlines.

Our company offers customs clearance services to an absolutely legal basis. Customs brokers will provide execution of documents at any stage of cargo - from preliminary operations to the main customs clearance. Providing a complex of services that includes transportation and customs clearanceThe advantages associated with a clear control of the delivery of cargo to customs terminals, which avoids the cost of temporary storage of goods in HAX and transportation of transport in the customs control zone. We also carry out timely control of transport documents during the carriage of goods. Due to this, we can carry out 100% preliminary declaration of goods before the arrival of the cargo to the customs terminals.

Our customs brokers will help you significantly simplify the procedures for passing customs clearance of documents, reduce costs of paying customs duties and fees. Our experience, professionalism and responsibility saves your precious time and money. Our clients fully trust us by customs services as part of the order delivery order, as they know that we do it at an optimal time and with minimal costs. We help your business achieve your goals.

    List of necessary documents for registration of an enterprise in customs as a member of the WED
  1. The statute of the enterprise (and changes to it with certificates of their registrations in the registration chamber).
  2. Certificate of state registration (OGRN).
  3. Certificate of registration with the MNS of Russia (INN).
    List of documents for customs clearance
  1. International contract with all applications.
  2. Full technical description of goods, technical passport, operation of operation, etc.
  3. The transaction passport (opens if the amount of the contract is over $ 50,000).
  4. Invoice in Russian (or translation invoice into Russian certified by the enterprise).
  5. Packing sheet in Russian (or transfer of packaging sheet into Russian certified by the company).
  6. Certificate of conformity (Declaration of conformity) on goods (for import).
  7. Conclusion of an independent identification examination of goods for export / import control (for dual-use goods).
  8. Credit Avizo (copy of currency payments for goods).
  9. Customs payment (customs collection, customs duty, VAT).

This list should be provided in electronic form and can be supplemented depending on the CT VID code.

Since the beginning of foreign economic activity, the question often arises: "Registration of customs or accreditation of customs, what is it?"

Registration of the VED participant before the submission of the customs declaration is not required.

The legal entity automatically becomes a participant in foreign economic activity when paying the goods outside the Customs Union or is a recipient of imported customs load.

In order to become a member of the WED, the so-called registration or accreditation of the company at customs.

Registration in the customs authority occurs automatically at the time of the adoption of the customs first declaration ("Declarations on the product").

From January 1, 2014, the customs declaration is not accepted on paper. Customs accepts only electronic declaration according to the ED-2 scheme. For registration of the customs authority of the Customs Declaration requires formalization of documents - transform them into a specialized electronic format, which is used on the customs server. Therefore, documents for completing the customs declaration are provided in text format (Word, Excel) or in the picture format (PDF).

Customs, to register in customs authorities, has the right to demand to provide a properly certified constituent documents to the archive of the Customs Department, the original certificate from the bank, the final financial statements and documents for renting a legal address.

Documents for registration at the customs of the first declaration include constituent documents. The procedure for adopting the first customs declaration can be conventionally called registration in the customs authority. The main thing is that the list of constituent documents is in the right amount and in full.

Documents for submitting a declaration on goods at the new customs post are necessary in electronic form.

General list of constituent documents for LLC.

Name of documents.

Picture with print.

Text in Word.

Certificate of outgrown (assigning the codes of OGRN)

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Existing (concluding) certificate of registration of a legal entity in the tax authority (INN / CAT)

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Help from the State Statistics Committee (assignment of OKVED codes, etc.)

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Primary protocol of the meeting of founders or decision on the creation with the appointment of the Director General of the legal entity

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf


Valid (final) charter

single file in pdf


If there is a founding contract

single file in pdf


If the company had re-registers related or not related to changes in constituent documents, then all evidence or forms of change for the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation are attached (reflected in the statement of the register)

no more than 1 MB, for each document in PDF

not necessary

and the protocols of the meeting of founders or decisions with changes

single file in pdf


Extract EGRUL, validity of no more than 1 month

not necessary

Order on the appointment of the Director-General

single file in pdf


Order on the appointment of the chief accountant

single file in pdf


Final Protocol Meeting of the founders or decision on the authority of the director

single file in pdf


Copy of the passport of the Director-General (turn with the photo and turn with the place of registration)

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Copy of the passport of the chief accountant (turn from the photo and turn with the place of registration)

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Help from the bank to open accounts, validity of no more than 1 month (Help should contain the following information: name, actual and legal address, telephone, OKPO, TIN code, and bank bik, correspondent account, account numbers).

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

Copy of the balance for the last reporting period (forms 1 and 2), with a copy of the document on sending to the tax authority

no more than 2.5 MB, a single file in pdf

not necessary

The lease agreement for non-residential premises to the legal address, with all applications and, if there is, on office and storage facilities

no more than 2.5 MB, a single file in pdf

not necessary

Certificates for ownership of the legal address specified in the lease agreement

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

If the sublease contract is provided, then the lease agreement is also needed.

no more than 2.5 MB, a single file in pdf

not necessary

copy of the last PP on payment under the lease agreement, if there is

no more than 0.5 MB, in pdf

not necessary

The powers of the person submitting the Customs Declaration are confirmed, according to the order of GTC of Russia No. 1356 of November 28, 2003, "On approval of the instructions on the actions of officials of customs authorities, carrying out customs clearance and customs control in the declaration and production of goods" in the instructions on the actions of the officials of the customs authorities carrying out customs clearance and customs control in the declaration and production of goods, section II "Actions of authorized officials when monitoring compliance with the conditions for the adoption of the customs declaration", paragraph 14.


a) Personal authorities submitting a customs declaration that are confirmed by the following documents:

- passport or other document certifying the identity of the customs declaration;

- a customs broker agreement (representative) with a declarant if the customs declaration is submitted by the customs broker (representative);

- a document confirming that the person who meets the Customs Declaration is an employee of the Declarant (employment contract, an order for the appointment);

- powers of attorney on behalf of the Declarant, if the customs declaration is filed by a declarant employee, or a document confirming in accordance with the Civil Law of the Russian Federation, the powers of the Declarant Head, if the Declaration is submitted by the head of the Declarant;

- Predustability for action on behalf of the Customs Broker (representative), if the customs declaration is filed by a customs broker employee (representative), or a document confirming in accordance with the Civil Law of the Russian Federation, the powers of the head of the customs broker (representative), if the Declaration is filed by the head of the customs broker (representative);

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