Gymnastics with coxarthrosis - how it will help the hip joint

Therapeutic gymnastics is an integral part of the treatment of coxarthrosis, it allows you to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the hip joint weakened during the disease. But a positive effect can only be achieved with proper exercise. It is better to do physical education with an instructor, but if this is not possible, then it is allowed to do gymnastics at home.

Ideally, gymnastics should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist in physical therapy. The trainer will select the best complex for the patient, show how to perform the exercises, and make sure that they are done without errors.

If it is not possible to contact a trainer, then gymnastics is allowed to be done independently at home. The complex with coxarthrosis will help articles with instructions and videos.

Self-study requires careful preparation. In order not to make mistakes, you will have to study all the rules of gymnastics, precautions - if you follow the recommendations from the videos and articles, the result will be similar to classes with an exercise therapy instructor.


The duration and complexity of gymnastics depends on the form and stage of the disease. For example, with small lesions of the hip joint, you can ride a bicycle (with coxarthrosis of the 1st degree, an exercise bike is allowed). In case of exacerbation, exercise therapy should be abandoned and more relaxed therapeutic measures should be chosen. For varying degrees of arthrosis, their exercises are selected.

Therapeutic exercises for the first degree of coxarthrosis:

  • Lie on your back. Gently lift your straight leg up, making light swaying. In the first lessons, the amplitude is small, then gradually increase the amplitude. Repeat the movement with the second leg. Listen to your sensations in the hip joint, determining the intensity and pace.
  • Lie on your back. Raise and lower the straightened leg (to a comfortable height, do not force it). We perform 7-10 repetitions (increase their number gradually).
  • Lie on your stomach (if it is difficult, you can sit on your back), put a roller under your feet. Do light pelvic rocking. No need to chase speed, do it slowly and listen to the sensations in the body.

Improving gymnastics for the second stage of coxarthrosis:

  • Sit on a chair, hands on your knees. Lean forward trying to reach your toes. The back is straight (do not round, do not bend), the stomach rests on the hips. We perform 10 slopes.
  • Sitting on a chair, make swaying movements with your legs to the sides (spread and bring your knees together), the amplitude is small. This exercise massages and reduces pain in the hip joint.
  • From the same position, we tear off the heel by 1-2 centimeters and lower it back (keep the toe pressed to the floor).
  • Lying on your back, perform movements that mimic cycling. Do it for 10 seconds, rest and repeat again.
  • Standing, holding on to the back of a chair, one foot on a stand (bar, brick). We swing the free leg back and forth. First, we increase the speed and amplitude, then we decrease it. We make 10 swings on each side.

Gymnastics for the third stage of hip disease:

  • Sit on a sofa or ottoman. Lift the lower limb, bent at the knee, by 10-15 centimeters. Slowly lower it back to the floor. Change side. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Sitting on a chair, spread your legs and slowly spread and bring your knees together. Repeat 10-15 times.
  • Lying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest. Start spreading and bringing your legs together, increasing the stretch each time. Start with five reps and work up to 10-15.

All exercises should be done slowly. If severe pain occurs during training, then you should stop gymnastics and consult a doctor.

You can not perform exercises abruptly and vigorously. Exercising that causes pain should be completely eliminated.


Yoga can be used along with or instead of traditional gymnastics. During the performance of asanas, tissues are more actively saturated with oxygen, blood supply to the joints improves, muscle elasticity increases, and pain decreases.

Asanas useful for the hip joint:

  • Warrior pose.
  • Crownchasana.
  • Shivasana.
  • Chaturanga dandasana.
  • Sitting and standing tree pose.
  • Gomukhasana.
  • Butterfly pose.

After training

After gymnastics, it is necessary to fix the therapeutic result. At the end of training, it is useful to swim in the pool, this will help relieve tension in the muscles. Warm baths with herbs will be effective. Experts also highly recommend going for a massage, as it:

  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Strengthens ligaments.
  • Relieves tension in the muscles.
  • Increases the mobility of the hip joint.

Therapeutic massage for coxarthrosis is performed carefully, with slow movements, without much effort. The duration of manual procedures should not exceed 15 minutes.

The duration of manual procedures should not exceed 15 minutes.

When performing a complex of gymnastics or yoga, it is important to follow the rules. This is a guarantee of a therapeutic effect and the absence of complications. The most important rules:

  • Gymnastics and yoga are performed slowly, without jerks, the pace of therapeutic exercises can be accelerated as fitness increases. The intensity and duration of charging depends on the degree of damage to the hip joint.
  • Training with coxarthrosis begins with a small number of repetitions, usually five. But if it’s hard to do the exercise, then limit yourself to 2-3 movements, adding a couple of additional repetitions weekly (maximum 10-15).
  • Listen to the sensations in the hip joint. They will tell you how best to do the exercises.
  • As you move, don't hold your breath. Breathe evenly and deeply.

Exercise therapy for coxarthrosis excludes a strong load on the hip joint. The best in this case is the supine position, with a small pillow under the lower back and a roller under the knees. The more severe arthrosis of the hip joint, the thicker the roller is required.

Important: in the treatment of arthrosis, do not stop only at physical education. Remember that gymnastics is only one of the components of the medical complex. It should be combined with medication, diet, massage, heating and other procedures prescribed by the doctor.

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