How to choose glasses for a "square" face form? How to choose sunglasses in the form of face the choice of rims in the form of a face.

In the twenty-first century, many people experience some kind of problems concerning impairment. Most frequent of them - myopia (it is called), as well as farcastic (She also knows entitled). A person with myopia has great difficulties when trying to see the object away. If a person has long-sightedness, he will not be able to read normally or perform work with small objects, because it does not see objects near him.

Sooner or later, the day comes when the points acquire the status of a vital object. However, people, to deep regret, do not know how to choose their glasses. They do not take into account many factors and because of this, this item does not simplify, but on the contrary - complicates the life of a person who has defects in terms of view.

It is worth noting that glasses - absolutely not the thing that needs to save. They must be selected correctly. It is necessary to do this in detail and responsibly. So, how to choose correctly? In this article, we will tell how to choose the form of glasses, which must be considered and how the selection procedure passes.

general information

Before you start an article, it is worth noting the main point: selection of points and their components (lenses and frames themselves) should be entrusted to ophthalmologistwhich has significant experience in such affairs. The purchase itself should be carried out in optics stores, where first-class help from qualified personnel will be provided.

Inspection of the eye passes simply and fast enough. Preliminary preparation for the procedure is not required, and it does not deliver pain. The patient, being at the reception at the ophthalmologist, must tell in advance about the presence of any visual problems. After that, the doctor asks questions, thereby collecting anamnesis.

Types of lenses

In the salons of optics, as a rule, a large range of goods, and a person who orders his glasses for the first time, it is difficult not to get lost in the manifold of goods. Lenses should be chosen correctly. They are divided into two types:

  • single-spoken;

The material from which lenses makes, also has its differences. Basically, they are made in two variations:

  • from mineral glass;
  • of the polymers and their alloys.

Lenses from glass Heavier and at the same time more fragile. In addition, they do not completely absorb ultraviolet rays. However, they have pluses - high resistance to physical damage and magnificent optics.

Polymer lenses Today they are made from lungs and durable materials that are safe and universal towards any rim. They have a minus - a vulnerability to the appearance of scratches, which is why protective coating is applied to the surface.

A little about frozen

Earlier, the article has already mentioned the need to verify vision by a doctor and a selection of a suitable rim based on trial. Nothing prevents the patient himself to pick up the rim material for future points. There are a couple of popular options that can end the final imagination on the image of a person and the further quality of the glasses ordered.

So, there are several types of rims.

  1. Metal. Pros: The framing of the glasses in this type of rim is usually durable and light. In addition, this type of rim looks elegant. The price is high, but it is compensated for no less important properties - practicality and durability. Cons: Rim can warm up / cool, as well as rust. On the frame can not be applied patterns.
  2. Plastic. Pluses: the ability to give it different shape. For the price it is cheaper than metallic. This type of rim is not exposed to temperature. You can apply drawings, patterns, enclosures. Cons: fragility and brittle.
  3. Overgrown. Pros: Elegance, style. Lack of bulky elements. It is held due to thin metal towers. Cons: price.

For those who love exotic, rims are made from horns or bones of various animals, as well as from their skin and other unusual materials.

The selection of the right rim comes from a large number of factors: individual peculiarities of the patient, the type of his face, personal wishes of a person. The main rules for choosing are:

  • there is no general discomfort;
  • when head moves, they do not fall;
  • do not give pressure;
  • the asymmetry of the face is not emphasized.

For work and reading, large rims are also well suited, since they are comfortable to look at the near and middle distances.

The process of manufacturing points with multipocal lenses is not so simple, and therefore their cost is significantly higher compared to standard solutions. However, the extreme degree of convenience, their quality and the ability to see objects at any distance - all this justifies the final price. These glasses are selected rounded rims that should not be too narrow. When you first book such glasses, you should choose the rims in which large lenses cost. So the patient will quickly get used to them, which will help reduce the distortions on the sides. If you need to look into the distance, then the rims are taken capable of fully covered the required field of view. They are of various shapes and sizes, but only two things should be considered - a comfortable distance from the eyes to the lenses and the dense position of the rim when the glasses are worn.

Tip! If a person carries large rims, he should not go to narrow, because there will be more discomfort than good.

When choosing half, as well as furious frames, you need to understand that the price of the final product grows at times. In addition, most semi-cable frames are not possible to install thin positive lenses of small diopters. This is possible only with an individual order for considerable money. Bearing rims are known for the lack of a frame, but at the same time they are the same durable as any other glasses. This strength is achieved by the use of dense lenses from polycarbonate or therapes. Yes, it becomes more expensive to make glasses, but they acquire the necessary properties.

About face form

Wanting to choose the most appropriate eye glasses, it is impossible not to mention one important factor - the glasses must be not only useful, but also beautiful, emphasize the beauty of the one who wears them. Therefore, it is important when choosing to look not only on the performance of optical power, but also how glasses look at the man. For example, you can take glasses or suitable in the form of the face, or vice versa - noticeably contrasting with it.

In the table below you can see, one form is suitable for this or that frame.

Table # 1. Face form when selecting points.

The most difficult thing in a situation where a person has a different meaning of diopters in the left and right eye. In this case, it is almost impossible to find suitable corrective glasses. It is easier to spend treatment with drugs, give corrective gymnastics courses or assign a surgical operation.

Tip! Do not underestimate the natural data of each person during the selection of points.

In conclusion, give some tips to help in choosing this subject.

  1. If the selected frame delivers inconvenience, it is not a fact that it can change it strongly. The only thing that can be done is to straighten the nasal stops and towers.
  2. The length of the towers is also important. If she is small, then there will be pressure on the whiskey, which gives discomfort. If she, on the contrary, is too big, then the points will not be held in place.
  3. If you want to order glasses with glass lenses, then you need to take into account the change in the weight of the finished item.
  4. If the edges of the lenses are slightly thicker than usual, it is better to take a rim that thickens. So you can achieve aesthetics and beauty.
  5. To take a rim that the distance between the pupils will vary greatly with the testimony in the recipe, it is not necessary, otherwise it is so possible to spoil your eyesight.

Choosing points - a difficult thing. Many factors affect how points will look like in the end and whether they will benefit. Observing the prescriptions given by the doctor in the recipe, you can make such glasses that will be perfect and from the point of view of medicine, and from the point of view of aesthetics.

The ability to correctly pick up a frame for glasses for your face form is the first step to look glamorous and bright, even if you wear glasses because of poor vision. But many of us have vision problems. Someone may have a myopia, someone has farsightedness. Perhaps someone needs truly thick lenses, and someone can do the most minimal. Sometimes problems with eyesight exist from birth, and sometimes our work and lifestyle have a detrimental effect on vision. In general, most people need any vision correction to see as much as possible. It is in this case that the glasses are needed, and not pink, but with rim and lenses. Of course, instead of glasses you can pick up contact lenses, but we believe that if you choose the right frame, you will look very elegant and attractive.

Glasses are so important an accessory that even ladies with perfect eyesight may want to buy a couple of themselves, just to look like a more fashionable, intelligent or just more professional. Numerous studies show that if two candidates with the same qualifications undergo a job interview, employers are likely to take the work of a person wearing glasses. But not all the rims look good on any face, and not every style is suitable for any person. When choosing glasses it is very important to take into account the shape of your face. This is not a bag or scarves, which are in one size, but at the same time are suitable for everyone. Selection of glasses requires great concentration. You need to understand what glasses are suitable for your style. If you find it difficult to choose the right points for you yourself, then your optics should help you. If this person knows your character and understands the peculiarities of the structure of the face, the chances of the fact that he can pick up the rim suitable for you, like no other, very high. In the end, this is his work and they are perfectly disassembled in the presented collections.

Selection of glasses according to face form

There are seven types of face and you need to determine which one belongs to yours. The face can be round, square, oval, rectangular, triangular, heart-shaped or pear-shaped (trapezoidal). Looking at the contours and proportions of your face, try to determine its shape. When choosing points, make sure that you wear them, and not vice versa. If the glasses are too highlighted and do not look very good on the model in the log, choose something more elegant.

Round face glasses

Kruglole ladies need to try to visually lengthen the face. You are suitable for angular glasses of an unoccupied form. Rectangular glasses and classic trapezoidal shape glasses, also known as « waifarer "(Wayfarer) is the best choice for you. Such points will add some sharpness to your soft face, emphasizing his features, but at the same time they do not distract attention from the person himself. Choose more bold, thick rims that are more stand out than the usual. Also choose polycarbonate lenses with scratch protection and anti-reflective coating. Such glasses look amazing and, most importantly, perform their basic function.

Square glasses

The owners of the square face should not underline the corners, but, on the contrary, they need to soften. Therefore, the rounded rims will suit you the most, although some fashionists still prefer angular rims. The rims of oval shape and the model in the style of "cat's eye" you will be perfect. You need to visually lift your eyes and emphasize the contours of the face. However, if you still prefer angular glasses, choose a "cat's" model more square, even pentagonal shape. Such glasses, despite their angular shape, beneficially emphasize the form of your face. Also perfectly look at the rims made of light metal, as they do not eclipse your individuality, but only add you intelligence. Of course, you can always stop your choice on huge round glasses that can also be sunscreen. Such points will give you chic and add playing your image.

Oval glasses

The owners of the oval face form make it easier to pick up glasses. There is almost any model. Just make sure that the glasses you choose do not protrude for the contours of the face. But consider that square and rectangular rims emphasize the features of the oval face. Points are oblong, rounded form also looks awesome. The "cat's eye" model always looks like, and the same, but a more voluminous model, definitely won't let you stay unnoticed. Square glasses are better to choose bigger, but be careful with them. They are not suitable for everyone.

Heart-shaped glasses

At the owner of such a face a wide forehead and acute chin, so you need a frame with an angle at the bottom. This means that classic "aviators" will be suitable. You can also wear glasses without a rim, they even more emphasize the merits of your face. Choose metal rims with pads on the bridge, which look great, and at the same time provide the necessary comfort. Points with a fine rim - a wonderful choice for you, the plastic frame "revitalize" your face. Such glasses are universal and may look very sexy. Just make sure that the lower part of the lens is wider upper.

Points for a triangular face

The face of the triangular shape can be very interesting and attractive, you just need to choose the right glasses. The most successful choice is the pool-eyed glasses. Massive chin should be softened. Rounded corners will greatly cope with this task and make a person more attractive. Choose bulky sunglasses in the form of "cat's eyes" and you exactly get a lot of compliments.

Points for a rectangular face

The owners of such a form of the face will suit horizontal frames of "Feline Eye", which are slightly rounded face. You can also stay on round rims, experimenting with geometric shapes and decorative design on handles to refresh the face. With such a form of face, it is necessary to visually shorten, so choose horizontal rims. Choose glasses without a rim can be quite difficult, it is better to stay on the glasses with a half-rim. The combination of a rectangular shape with a "cat's eye" model is an excellent solution, especially with the original rim.

Glasses for a pear-shaped (trapezoidal) face

There is an angular, sharp, but attractive features of this form. You need a frame that has the upper part of the bottom. The best solution for you is the "Waifarer" rim in the style of the 60s, which can be said are classics for the owners of the pear-shaped face. Sunglasses in simple frames are also perfect for you, especially if lenses are narrowed to the lower edge. The bends will add softness to your features, and the image as a whole will be chic.

The most profitable shades of frames

Details of the rim and its color are also very important. If you have dark hair, then the glasses of the dark shade will further emphasize the color of the hair. And blonde fashionables it is better to choose cream shades, they will emphasize the tone of your skin and hair. Pale skin holders should choose darker rims to create a contrast, while the rims of calm tones will add warmth to your face. And, of course, choose lenses that are best suited for your vision: ranging from plastic and polycarbonate and ending with shockproof or ultra-thin polyurethane lenses.

  • Best colors of frames for a round face : If you have a round face and you chose a rime angular shape, then let it be black, but not brighter. Universal olive color will suit almost any clothes, and at the same time it always looks luxurious. This is not a traditional color for the rim, but it is worth trying. Oliver Rib Color can be the main highlight of your image! Of course, you can experiment with different tones, especially with their matte shades, which will add contours of a round face. Wooden rims are also gaining popularity. Such an alternative to the classic trapezoidal glasses is great to combine with casual outfits, especially if you select glasses with polarized lenses to protect your eyes from sunlight. This is an excellent option that combines originality and simplicity of style.
  • Best color frames for square : If you have selected suitable glasses in the form of "cat's eye" or oval glasses, make a bet on bright colors to raise yourself mood and look stylish. Blondes should choose gray shades, especially with massive round glasses. With a square face form, you can afford almost any shades. Just make sure that the color of the points is harmonized with the tone of your skin and hair.
  • Best color frames for oval : Dark blue shades look very impressive at oval face form. Wide massive glasses "Feline Eye" in a gray shade with stripes - an amazing combination. Translucent thick frame looks great on blondes with slightly tanned skin. Such points most often have a trapezoid shape and look charmingly.
  • The best colors of the heart-shaped face : Light shades and elegant rims slightly emphasize the wide forehead, but perfectly combined with the rest of the face. Metal rims will create the necessary form, and spring tones will ensure comfort. The combination of metal with plastic is an excellent idea, while let the upper part of the rim be darker, in this version of Aviators look amazing. Plastic frame allows you to experiment, so choose points with black and white stripes that will add peppercorn to your image. You do not miss, choosing Ray-Ban classic glasses. You can safely choose glasses with greenish, reflective lenses. This option is not for each face form, so you can enjoy how harmonious they look at you. They really go to ladies with a heart-shaped face.
  • Best colors of triangular frames : Bold rims in dark colors look most beneficial on the owners of a triangular face form, making the top of the face more massive and smoothing the width of the chin. Rims-retro in the style of "cat's eyes" - a wonderful way to emphasize the top of the face and make an emphasis in the eyes. Strips are an excellent addition, especially if you select a sea blue shade. Points with such bold contrast will really stand out.
  • Best colors for rectangular frames : Ladies with such a form of face can safely experiment when choosing points. Choose bright colors: red, pink, yellow or green. The catchy handles are also suitable for you, especially on the "cat's eye" glasses of a rectangular shape. You can play a little with handles: they can be with a horizontal strip, combine bright and dark tones, be in polka dot or any pattern that you taste.
  • The best colors of rims for pear-shaped(trapezoidal) persons : Half-rims are suitable for you, and as for color, you can not modest. Half rim in a strip or peas at the top, emphasizing the contours of your face, will create a wonderful image. The glasses of catchy tones can also bring brightness to any wardrobe. So choose the shades of red and purple, they are suitable for everyone.
Alena Baltseva | 02/10/2015 | 75782.

Alena Baltseva 02/10/2015 75782

Regardless of whether you wear sunglasses for beauty or glasses with diopters on the prescription of the doctor, putting them on, you should look like a hundred.

Points - a cunning accessory. They can be rejuvenated, so for several years, both to balance the proportions, and emphasize the shortcomings (and even add those whom you have not had no). Follow these tips to pick up your perfect pair of points.

Determine the face form

Come to the mirror and answer yourself what part of your face is the biggest.

Facial forms

  • Forehead. If the forehead is noticeably wider than the cheeks and chin, apparently, you have a triangular face form. She is also called the "heart of a heart."
  • Cheeks. Large cheeks mean that you have a round face.
  • The chin. Massive chin testifies to the square form of the face.
  • No. If neither the cheeks nor the chin nor the forehead do notably differ in width, it means that you have an oval face form.

And now we'll figure it out, the glasses in which frame should choose to women with a different form of the face.

Round face glasses

As we have already decided, the round face "calculate" is very simple: the owners of such a form of the face are wide cheeks and forehead and rounded chin.

Many owners of this type of face considers it their drawback, and in vain! In the team of the Kruglithic celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Emma Stone and many, many others. Agree, the round cheeks do not spoil them at all!

Cameron Diaz, Drew Barrymore, Emma Stone

What rods to avoid?

Choosing the "your" frame shape, remember that your main goal is to balance the large amount of smooth bends in the form of the face with more acute rim corners. You categorically fit small round glasses in the style of Cat Basilio (if you, of course, do not consider it your style icon). However, massive round glasses will not decorate you too.

1 - Round glasses; 2 - Massive glasses

Take an example from the model "Victoria's Secret" Miranda Kerr, which is known as an avid lover of large sunglasses. Please note that it chooses clear geometric shapes.

Miranda Kerr

What rims will fit?

You will decorate the Wyfarers ("Wayfarer glasses" - "Wanderers' glasses"), "Feline eye", rectangular or square glasses. In addition, pay attention to the classic aviators - this model goes without exception to everyone.

1 - rectangular; 2 - Wyfarers; 3 - cat eye; 4 - Aviators

Oval glasses

The oval form of the person by default is considered a beauty benchmark. After all, we are not in vain, we are talking about the perfect oval, not a circle or square of the face! True, not everything is as simple as it seems. Oval face has a tendency to be visually stretched, so your task is to maintain the correct proportions, without extending it.

Celebrities with this type of face

This form of the face of Liv Tyler, Kate Blanchett, Charlize Theron.

Liv Tyler, Kate Blanchett, Charlize Theron

What rods to avoid?

The only thing you should fear are too massive glasses, visually pulling face. To balance the oval face too thin, choose non-fragile rims (points should not be wider than the person himself).

Wide afraid

What rims will fit?

You can wear almost everything: and round glasses, and rectangular, and "cat's eyes", and aviators, and drifariers.

1 - round; 2 - rectangular; 3 - cat eye; 4 - square; 5 - aviators; 6 - Vaifarmen

Square glasses

If you have a square face form, it means that you have well-selected cheekbones and a clear chin line. Your task is to balance the geometry feature of the face with a rounded form of glasses.

Celebrities with this type of face

Perhaps you are complex because of too massive chin. Not worth it! Pay attention to the first beauties of the world: Angelina Jolie, Kiru Knightley, Heidi Klum, Sandra Bullock - All these women face square shape. In fact, you are extremely lucky - it is this type of person, by observing photographers, the most photogenic one.

Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley, Heidi Klum, Sandra Bullock

What rods to avoid?

You should refuse large square frames that repeat the shape of your face, as well as from oval and overbreak points (models without lower rim).

1 - square; 2 - oval; 3 - Abbrovny

What rims will fit?

Choose rectangular glasses, "cat eye", aviators, drifars, massive glasses in style, as well as models that imitate the shape of protective glasses.

1 - rectangular; 2 - cat eye; 3 - aviators; 4 - Wyfarers; 5 - A la Jake Kennedy; 6 - Protective

Points for a triangular face

The "heart face" has a wide forehead and a narrow (often pointed) chin and resembles an inverted triangle in the form.

Celebrities with this type of face

Such a form of a person in well-known actresses Jennifer Love Hewitt and Reese Witherspoon.

Jennifer Love Hewitt, Reese Witherspoon

What rods to avoid?

Do not wear outbreaks, "feline eye" and models with all sorts of decorations on the rim.

1 - abrasion; 2 - cat eye; 3 - with decorations

What rims will fit?

Waifarkers, aviators, oval, round, rectangular and square glasses will be declared.

1 - Wyfarers; 2 - aviators; 3 - oval; 4 - square; 5 - rectangular; 6 - Round

Love yourself and emphasize your advantages!

Definition type face

Properly selected glasses are the same full-fledged style attribute, like, for example, wrist watch or handbag. But even the most trendy models can reduce the perfect image to zero if they are absolutely not suitable for you.

To understand what form of your face you have, you can take your own photo, where you are depicted in the FAS, and circle it along the contour (this can be done mentally). If there is no photo at hand, sculpt the hair so that they do not interfere, go to the mirror, lean to it and circle the face with a soft pencil.

  • oval: It is considered the reference, the lines smooth, the chin is just a little wider than forehead and narrowed the book, the cheeks are not allocated too;

  • round: has smooth transitions and soft lines; The width and height of the face are almost the same;

  • square: The face is more angular, the jaw acts significantly, the forehead is wide, the line of the forehead, cheeks and cheeks are approximately equal dimensions;

  • rectangular: The type of person is similar to the previous one, but the face is more elongated;
  • triangular (heart): The forehead is much wider than the chin;
  • pear-like: Larba line already than the cheekline;
  • rhombid: the jaw and forehead have an equal width, but the forehead, like the chin, is a little eager.

Council. Any glasses must be comfortable in the sock. Right, noseoporas and towers should not be too squeezed and be overgrown with rigid. In high-quality glasses, all screws that fix the arms are tightened enough to tightly and are not smooth even with a long-term sock.

Basic rules of choice

To adjust the form of the face, when selecting points, use the following tips:

  • Never purchase a rim that completely repeats its outline. That is, with a round face, stop the glasses with a rectangular, square or even triangular, but in no case are not a round form.
  • Small glasses or glasses with a thin rim on a round face will also look ridiculous. Only volumetric rectangular models with a fairly thick frame are suitable. Moreover, the larger the features, the larger, there should be a massive massive.
  • Points should be slightly wider or almost equal to the widest part of the person. Too pressed to the temples, they will make the cheeks only more noticeable.
  • So that the points do not look on the face of the foreign object, but created the effect of integrity, their lower part must repeat the contour of the soccer.
  • They must be accurate in size, do not put pressure on the ears and not move from the nose.
  • If you need to visually shorten your nose, you should not choose glasses, too highly sitting on the nose; Their jumpers should be located closer to the middle.
  • The color of the rim must be combined not only with the selected style, but also with the type of skin and the color of hair and eye.

Important! In order not to spoil your eyesight, you should not acquire glasses from questionable sellers. Wonderful if they have the "CE" icon - the European quality standard.

Shape of the rim

As we have already mentioned, when choosing points, you should give preference to frames of a square, rectangular or triangular form, that is, models having a minimum number of rounds: only straight lines and sharp corners. Rubbing should be quite large, but not massive. Otherwise, the face will be too rude.

Since we need to visually pull out the face, too narrow products are categorically contraindicated. Just like Lenona (chapels) with completely round glasses. With caution, you should approach the type models:

  • aviator: Dropped shape with slightly convex lenses;
  • crescent glasses: Overly narrow, they only visually expand her face;
  • panto: with almost round lenses, slightly elongated in the corners;
  • a la foxes: with small pointed corners;
  • dragonfly: with round lenses, aligned with the handle.

Council. By purchasing several frames of different models, you can completely change your image at any time - from the vigorous lady to the sophisticated elegant lady.

Balance the proportions and driving round lines when wearing the following types of frames:

  • fully square or rectangular;
  • made in the form of a trapezium or a non-rigorous triangle;
  • it is possible to look at the polls, slightly raised to the temples ("Fine"), they will give the face a special piquancy;
  • in the form of butterfly wings;
  • type Faphafer in plastic trapezoid rims;
  • clubmaster: with dark arcuate lines in the upper part;
  • frames with bright large decor, preferably with an emphasis at the top.

Council. Points in metal rims are more combined with strict classic clothing. Single or colored plastic with the most different types of inserts can be easily combined with any other style.

Frame material

Motarous materials can be used for making frames: from traditional single or multilayer plastic and metal to bone and leather. As we have already decided, we are categorically not suited for thin rims. Therefore, if we do not suit plastic or tree, you can choose a model of silver or non-ferrous metal with sufficiently large decorative plastic or leather lining. Plastic models with metal inserts look original.

A significant part of plastic products is made from a mixture of cellulose acetate - mixtures of cotton and wool treated with a special way. Such glasses are enough plastic, pleasant to the touch and are produced in a wide variety of color shades.

The kevland has proven well - a very durable type of plastic, from which not only glasses are often manufactured for vision correction, but also sunscreen patterns. If you have seen on the counter of the product with different inclusions - pieces of fabric or metal - this means that the glasses are made of optometr, material based on epoxy resins.

Metallic rims are most often made on the basis of copper alloys (non-zealbera or mono-metal), nickel, light aluminum, and stainless silver titanium. To protect the skin, they are covered with varnish or inert metals.

Council. In the presence of allergies, it is better to stop on a nylon-based frame frame. Recognize such products is easy - they have increased flexibility. Allergies can cause nose-resistant overlays. It is desirable that they were made from medical silicone.

Choice of colors of the rim

To look bright, effectively and give the face originality, you should carefully treat not only the choice of shape of the rim, but also its color. After all, the "wrong" shade can spoil all the impression: make the skin dimly, and the eyes are absolutely not expressive.

The greatest difficulty represents the choice of frames for blonde blondes. Too light colors will turn even the most spectacular woman in a colorless mouse, and the dark will make the face overgrown with rough and aggressive. Moreover, the bright colors "full" even face, so they are simply contraindicated with round forms.

Ideally, glasses for a round face should be as dark as possible. But if there is a tender porcelain skin, it is better to stop on dark beige, purple, burgundy or grayish brown colors. The skin type "Autumn" (yellowish-golden) is perfectly combined with warm reddish, reddish-yellow or brandy shades.

Dark silver, blue, purple or plum tones are perfectly suitable for cold-colored possessors: girls or women with beige-olive skin. Darkness can afford brighter paints: black or dark brown, intense blue.

The shade of the rim must perfectly harmonize with the style of clothing. And absolutely not necessarily choosing color-in-color glasses with dress, blouse, shirt or jacket. Enough so that it does not contrast with them too sharply.

Council. When closely planted eyes should be avoided too large frames. On their background, this drawback will be only stronger to rush into the eyes.

View of glasses

When choosing lenses, it is necessary to navigate not only on their color and design, but also on the material of the manufacture. Glass (mineral) have less than that of plastic, refractive factor, which is especially important with great loss of vision. After all, even with serious impact problems, they will look on the face much thinner, careful and graceful. However, there is glass and a serious drawback - it is very easy to smash, so you should handle such glasses as carefully.

Plastic lenses are more practical and safe. They are not fighting, very easy and almost not feels in front. In addition, they are much easier to be molded, so you can make lenses of almost any geometric shape. True, the model from this material is recommended to change more often - after all, plastic is quickly covered with scratches even with the cooler handling itself. Plastic lenses with a special reinforcing coating are more durable and scratched less often.

Council. Points with tinted gradient, multi-colored or photochromic (darkness only with bright lights) can only be purchased in the event that they are used on occasion. For permanent wearing, it is better to choose a product with completely transparent or slightly tonned glass. This option is more practical and perfectly combined with any style.


When choosing women's sunglasses for a round face, you should be guided by the same rules as when buying conventional correction points. Right for them can be more than usual, size and have more intense color.

By type of protection Sunglasses can be manufactured:

  • with glasses of gray, brown and green colors; Gray color is able to absorb almost all light waves, so it is most comfortable for the eyes;
  • brown and green soothing eyes and remove tension from them;
  • yellow improves contrast, so motor enthusiasts are ideal; But fashionable pink or purple glasses are more decoration than serious sun protection;
  • anti-reflective coating;
  • a mirror coating that protects against the effects of UV rays (marking from UV380-400);
  • hardening or hydrophobic coating;
  • mirror protective spraying.

Celebrities with a similar type of face

Most of the owners of this type of person consider it a serious disadvantage. However, among the rounds there are many famous beauties, who conquered even Hollywood: Remember at least about the sophisticated Cameron Diaz, the unscrewing Drew Barrymore or the perky Emma Stone. Agree, the cheeks even to face.

However, among the rounds there are many famous beauties who have conquered even Hollywood: Remember at least about the sophisticated Cameron Diaz, the nonsense Drew Barrymore or the perky Emma Stone
Agree, cheeks them even to face

You have ever paid attention to the fact that Miranda Cerr model representing the most famous sales company women's linen Victoria's Secret, never breaks up with sufficiently massive sunglasses? With the help of a large rim for a clear geometric shape, it rather well corrects its very very pretty rounded lurch.

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Recently, the bulk of people believes that glasses are not only an optical product, but also a fashionable accessory, which emphasizes the personality of a person and is an addition to his image.

The most important criterion for solving this problem is the selection of glasses, taking into account the individual parameters of the form and configuration of the person. It is from this that it depends on how elegant, one or another model of glasses will look.

How to determine the form of a face?

First method

Ensures the definition of a form with visual observation.

For this you need:

Second way

It is also not difficult, but has its own nuances (it is necessary to produce measurements).

The first thing to do is to be measured:

After that, comparing the resulting dimensions, the face form is determined:

  • In the event that the second-size data, in relation to the fourth, is 55-90%, It can be said that the face has the form of oval, rhombus, or a triangle.
  • Little difference 2 and 4 distances, indicates that the person has a round or square outline.
  • If the second measurement does not exceed 50% in relation to the fourthThe face form has an extended, rectangular view.
  • With relatively equal parameters 1, 2 and 3 measurement, It can be said that the face form has a square, elongated or rectangular view.
  • Large Length Second Sizeposes face configuration shape rhombus, circle, or oval.
  • Trapezoidal outlines, It is observed at small sizes of 1 and 2 segments, relative to 3.

How to pick up glasses in the form of a face for women?

Oddly enough, but women, even with visual dysfunction, belong to points as to the fashion accessory.

First of all, they are focused on the beauty of the rim, paying increased attention to its design, and the decorative type of optical lenses.

The possibility of selecting the necessary points is sometimes associated with the appearance of some difficulties that arise due to the configuration of the face outlines.

Women whose face resembles the form of oval, it is not difficult to choose the right shape of the glasses.

However, representatives of the weak gender, with another type of person, should not worry about this, since there are many different forms of this optical product that are fashionable and in demand.

Rules for choosing points

There are basic provisions to follow, acquiring glasses:

Communicated female face forms

Basically, a certain geometric figure is guessed in the form of a female:

Selection of glasses

By selection of points, it is necessary to take into account the anatomical features of the face form, which externally resemble geometric shapes.

Points for face form resembling triangle

This type of face is not a reference to appearance, and as a result, when choosing a rim, it must be considered. A wide forehead area is a significant disadvantage that can be visually reduced using a thin rim preferably light tones.

Right glasses should have a wide top with a gradual narrowing to the bottom. It is best not to use square or round models.

The best solution in this case will be:

  • Rounded glass.
  • Raming with a narrow jumper and low fit.
  • Options without frame.

Square type of face

This type of face is inherent in rigidity, and sometimes, due to excessive angularity, the coarseness can be expressed.

This is due to the fact that the horizontal line in the frontal, checale and maxilla part has almost the same dimensions.

In order to visually soften the flaws of this type of face, it is best to use rapid or oval frames.

For this purpose, it is good:

  • "Feline" frames or glasses "Butterflies".
  • Big glasses.
  • Rims with a patterned frame on the upper edge or on the handles of the glasses.
  • Glasses without a rim.

With this configuration, the width of the optical model must be comparable to the facial parameters.

You should not choose glasses:

  • Resembling geometric shapes (square, rectangle).
  • You should not give preference to miniature models, since on their background, the face is enlarged.
  • It is better not to use a frame that acts beyond the facial.

Oval face

Such a type is characterized by the absence of straight lines. The width of the frontal line slightly exceeds the width of the jaw region, the chin has a rounded shape, the zicky areas are widely form. This type is compared with an inverted chicken egg.

When choosing glasses, you must select a frame that will emphasize and save the perfect lines of this form.

To do this, you should not use too large and massive glasses models, and do not resort to miniature products.

The best solution will be:

  • Retro glasses.
  • Middle, round optical products.
  • Non-standard models (hearts or asterisks).
  • Glasses "Butterflies" or "Feline Eye".

Type "Pear" or the face of a trapezoidal form

Such a form is often called an inverted triangle.

It occurs infrequently and is characterized by a massive chin, an expanded maxillage area, and a uninformed frontal part.

To achieve effective appearance with such an appearance asymmetry, you need to switch attention from its lower part.

For this you need:

  • Select wide rims, giving preference to the thickened top.
  • You can use glasses without frames, different color bands.
  • Use the rim "cat's eyes".

Models having a proper geometric shape (square, rectangle), or narrow miniature forms, can attach sharp or coarse faces.

Round face

This form sometimes fulfills a woman, and gives children's expression. To avoid this, it is necessary to visually achieve the effect of an oval person.

Do not use:

  • Round glasses, especially if they are in a narrow frame.
  • Wide jumper.
  • Low planted arms.

To do this, it is necessary to abandon the wearing rim of the light color of the rounded form. It is best to use a dark color gamut of the rim. The form must have straight lines and sharp angles (rectangular, triangular, square).

Also a good solution will be wearing the "cat's eyes" glasses, or in the shape of a butterfly. Take the use of glasses with a narrow jumper and subtle handles.

Rectangular face

This form of the face, the length exceeds the width, it is distinguished by an angularity and a wide chin.

Such signs are the main disadvantage of this type.

To externally change the configuration, and smooth the difference in the ratio of length and widths should not be applied miniature models of the rectangular shape.

It is best to stop the choice of products with a round and large rim, or use Aviators' glasses.

Rhombid face form

The appearance of the facial region resembles a diamond. The frontal part and chin have a pointed shape, the scoop area has a wide line.

When choosing points, it is necessary to achieve a visual decrease in the checale part, and the forehead is more wide and open.

Therefore, the best option will be to use:

  • Oval or square frames.
  • Models of glasses having an extension to the bottom, or without a rim.

The width of the optical product should not be for the contours of the face. Points with sharp angles that protruding outside the face does not match this type.

Selection of glasses for men

There are basic rules that need to be followed by choosing glasses by the male half of the population:

Both women and men exist, the types of persons resembling one or another geometric shape. According to this, the rim is selected.

Oval male face

Given the anatomical characteristics, the holders such indicators have an ideal appearance. And in order to emphasize this, it is necessary to give preference to frame with wide edges, which will slightly perform in the widest area of \u200b\u200bthe face.

To avoid the visual effect of high forehead, you should not choose models with low arrangements.

Round face form in men

For such an appearance, you can use a large number of diverse models. The only limitation is not to stop the choice on the round form of the eyepieces. It can be full of a person.

Well, when the product in the horizontal plane seems wider. Compared, with vertical.

Square face

Unlike women, a man with such parameters of the face has a courageous and volitional look. To emphasize the charisma and the style better to give preference to massive rims, not a rectangular shape.

Oval and round shape, on such a face it will look perfect.

Triangular face and shape of glasses

Such a face form, requires switching attention from the lower, narrow part of the person (the lack of a volitional, courageous chin does not adorns man). Aviator glasses, or any big frame, visually eliminates this defect.


Wearing massive, or too small models is not recommended. In this case, it is better to use the optical products of the average size, square shape, which has rounding at the bottom.

Rectangular face and selection of glasses

With this form of a face, the cheeks and nose have an extended appearance, and therefore it becomes necessary to use high frames having round features. It should have any low landing towers.

Inverted triangle

In such an appearance, the small forehead and high chin are combined. An expanded frame, which has a high landing, will help, visually eliminate this problem.

If bad eyesight?

When a person appears visual dysfunction, it must be eliminated, and it is necessary to do it as early as possible. Since it does not have tendency to independent recovery.

To do this, you can use:

Tips when choosing glasses:

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