How to beat butter. Cream butter

Butter is not as difficult to make at home as it might seem at first glance. The quality of the oil will be no worse, if not better, than the modern store oil. As I mentioned in the previous article on oil, not all oil that is sold in modern stores is. This time I will tell you how easy it is to make homemade butter from whole milk or cream.

Years ago, when we kept goats, one of the foods we made for ourselves was butter. From goat milk, it turned out to be pure white, tasty and aromatic.

The recipe for making butter is simple, but the success and the amount of butter at the output depends to a large extent on the quality of the raw material - cream or milk from which the cream will be collected. Secondly - from the temperature of the cream and good luck.

How to properly collect the cream

How many people, so many opinions, I will describe the way we came to experimentally. In the mid-90s, there was still no Internet in the village, and there was no opportunity to search for special literature. We used those "tools" that were at hand and those "recipes" that worked.

In my case, milk was poured into a glass container and put into the refrigerator (we had three-liter bottles). Usually, after a while (about 6 hours), the fattest part of milk - the cream - rises up and becomes clearly visible visually. The amount of cream directly depends on the fat content of the milk. Usually, from three liters of goat milk, 0.5-0.7 liters of cream was obtained. The cream can be harvested for several days and has a good shelf life. I collected this upper part in a separate bowl (another three-liter bottle). Yes, a three-liter bottle - a very popular container was at that time on the farm.

A more professional approach is to use a separator for these purposes - a special device designed for distilling milk and separating it into cream and skim milk. This thing at that time was very expensive, scarce, and not every rural family had it on the farm! Now with the availability of all kinds of "enhancers" of everyday life and life is a completely different matter.

Whipping the butter

When the bottle is half full of cream, you can start whipping the cream. The cream should be cooled to about 8-10 degrees. Colder cream will take longer to whisk (until hand warms up).

It is easy to beat. We close the bottle with a tight sealed lid to prevent the cream from coming out. Shake the bottle vigorously until the grains of milk fat are blended into grains. The grains stick together and gradually several large lumps are formed, which can already be collected (either by hand, or thrown onto a strainer), squeezed out, rinsed under cold well (or better ice) water.

The liquid left over from whipping cream is called buttermilk... Buttermilk is a highly skimmed milk. It tastes very good, easy to drink, can be used in making pancakes, dough, just drink on a hot day.

Whipping butter in this way is a very good physical exercise for the major muscle groups in the arms. A couple of episodes of your favorite TV series and the oil is ready! The oil yield is small. About 150 grams of butter comes out from 1.5-2 liters of cream. To say that the butter was delicious is to say nothing! Bright white, quickly softening at the temperature of a summer day, sweetish in taste and with a great aroma!

Cow oil, unlike goat oil, is pale yellow in color. The butter yield from cow's milk is slightly lower due to the lower fat content of cow's milk. In general, the tighter the cream, the greater the butter yield.

Now, to obtain butter from whole milk, it is quite possible to purchase a separator at the equivalent price of 5-6 kilograms of butter;). And a food processor (about the same price) will whip butter out of cream in 5-7 minutes. If you do not have a cow or a goat, and you want to try real butter, it is quite possible to whip the butter from high-fat cream of animal origin bought in the store.

Try it! It is simple and uniquely delicious!

And here is a video of "mechanization" of the process of whipping butter :)

How can you make butter at home without special equipment, skills from knowledge? In fact, nothing is easier. Every home has an automatic mixer for sure.

And getting heavy cream or thick country sour cream is also not a problem. And fatty milk can also be found on the market - in fact, this is enough, because butter is essentially well-whipped cream, from which maximum moisture has been removed.

We will tell you in detail how you can do it at home in a matter of minutes right now.

Making butter at home is not as difficult as it sounds. To do this, it is enough to take 400-500 ml of heavy cream (from 33% and above). Actually, this is the only ingredient, because natural butter contains only cream.

You can also add a few pinches of salt or sugar - many people just love salted or slightly sweet butter. And from the equipment we only need a mixer.

Here's how to make butter with this recipe:

Step 1. Pour the cream into a sufficiently deep container and turn on the mixer at the highest power. Passing them in a circle, beat the mixture for 8-10 minutes.

Step 2. After this time, it will be noticeable how the cream thickened noticeably and has almost turned into butter. At the same time, a little liquid forms on the surface - it must be drained.

Step 3. After that, turn on the mixer again and continue beating for literally 5 minutes. The resulting liquid is removed again.

Step 4. And we will work with the mixer for 1-2 minutes. We get a hard, dense lump, which should lie down for half an hour. A little more liquid may come out of it, which also needs to be drained.

Step 5. Actually, this can be finished, but if you like salty or slightly sweet butter, it's time to add these spices. Previously, the product is laid out on parchment in an even layer so that the salt is evenly dispersed throughout the entire volume. You can also add herbs or some garlic at this stage.

Step 6. Let the product rest for an hour in the refrigerator, after which it can be served. Decorate with herbs.

How to make butter from milk at home

Let's make a reservation right away that butter is made from cream and only from cream. But cream, in turn, can be obtained from milk, but, of course, not from everyone.

Regular purchased milk, as a rule, does not differ in sufficient fat content, therefore, it is better to purchase country milk (cow or goat). Although on the net you can find reviews of housewives that some brands supply such milk from which you can get cream. However, experience shows that in most cases this is not possible.

First of all, we need to make a calculation based on the fact that about 40-50 ml of cream is obtained from a liter of milk. Accordingly, you need to stock up on 4-5 liters, or even a lot of this drink. That is why butter is much more expensive than milk: the whole point is not even in the production technology, which is quite simple, but in the amount of raw materials.

Step 1. Take 1 large or 2 medium containers and pour the milk there, put it in the refrigerator and leave it overnight (preferably 12 hours).

Step 2. If the milk has sufficient fat content, then the next morning a layer of cream is formed, which has a fairly thick consistency. Of course, a separator can also be used to separate them, but such a technique is not found in every city apartment, so you have to wait 1 night.

We remove this layer with a spoon in a separate container.

Step 3. Further "production" technology is exactly the same. Beat the cream with a mixer several times until the liquid is completely removed.

The resulting lump can be held in cold water for several minutes, while kneading it, as if kneading dough. Then homemade oil will last much longer and at the same time retain its original freshness.

Step 4. Now let him rest in the refrigerator and serve. From 4 liters of milk, you will end up with about 100-150 g of the finished product. Expensive, but tasty, healthy and natural.

Sour cream butter

Lovers of pleasant sourness can try to make butter from sour cream, which is also possible at home. The manufacturing technology is exactly the same - the sour cream is whipped several times with a mixer, the excess liquid is constantly drained. Here are just sour cream, of course, you need to choose the fattest, ideally - the village.

Homemade butter on a churn: a retro recipe

Perhaps someone else still has a churn, and someone probably remembers such units that were kept by their grandmother in the village. In fact, the churn is a regular mixer, but only in large sizes. And the technology for making butter at home is exactly the same - beat and remove the liquid.

You can clearly see the whole process in the video.

Hello everyone! Today I prepared a wonderful and delicious recipe for butter from milk at home, all in an article with a detailed description and photos. Be sure to try it, and I am sure that in the future you will refuse the purchased one.

Butter - benefit or harm prevail? This question worries many, and I can confidently say that the adequate use of quality and fresh oil has a beneficial effect on the body.

It is necessary to limit its consumption for those who suffer from atherosclerosis and some other pathologies. In general, oil is an irreplaceable and delicious product! If it is made with cream of sufficient thickness or with milk from your own cow, the taste and quality will be noticeably improved!


1. Cream - it is better to choose those with a fat content in the range of 33-40% - 1 liter

2. Salt or granulated sugar - 0.5 tsp. It is not necessary to put it, it all depends on your desire

Therefore, you can make homemade butter from only cream, which is desirable to make yourself from cow's milk. This is not difficult.

Cooking method:

1. If you have unpasteurized cream and there is no special leaven for sour cream, then you need to pasteurize it and pour it into a bowl, where it will ferment, and leave it in a warm place for 24 hours.

Pasteurization is carried out quite simply: you need to pour them into a saucepan with thick walls and leave them in a water bath over the fire, stirring, for half an hour at a temperature of 60 degrees or for 20 minutes at 70 degrees. When the cream has cooled to 33 degrees, add a special sourdough culture or leave it for a day.

2. When the cream turns into sour cream, which can already be eaten and prepared with the addition of many goodies, it will need to be put in the refrigerator for a short time (or on the windowsill, if it is winter outside) so that it cools down to 16 degrees.

3. Now transfer it to a blender or food processor (you can also use a mixer) and beat until little yellow pieces of butter, about the size of rice, appear. This usually takes 6-8 minutes. Stop the whipping process and leave for 5 minutes. At this time, a special liquid will separate - buttermilk, also used in cooking. To prevent butter from "escaping" along with the buttermilk, place cheesecloth and a fine mesh strainer.

4. Next, put the butter in a bowl of cold water (you can even put ice cubes in it) and crush it using a fork or special accessory for making puree. Drain the water and repeat the procedure again, but in a clean one.

5. It remains only to add salt or sugar if desired and put the butter on a plate, shape it and pack it in wax paper, in which you need to store it.
That's all, bon appetit!

6. At the exit, we get a very tasty, healthy and GOST-compliant product with a fat content of 72.5 to 82.5%, then you can use it to make cheese. This oil has a shelf life of several weeks. And if you include salt in the composition and pack it hermetically, and before that you rinse it thoroughly, then the shelf life increases to 7-8 months.

This oil is great both for sandwiches and for adding to the dough, cooking various dishes and snacks.

On its basis, you can prepare a lot of "sweets", the recipes for which you can find on our website. Do not be afraid to experiment and do something new, because masterpieces are born in experiments!

Use only high quality and fresh ingredients. Discuss recipes, share them with your friends and win cash prizes! Until next time!

Many people use butter every day. They prepare sandwiches with it, use it as an addition to porridge or pancakes. And although you can buy butter at any store, some people still cook it at home - simply because it tastes so much better. Such a product is made from ordinary homemade milk or cream.

How to get cream from milk?

To make cream from cow's milk at home, you need only one component - this is whole milk. You can make cream in two ways: manually and using a separator.


To begin with, the milk must be filtered and poured into a prepared clean container, which can serve as a deep bowl or glass jar. After that, you need to put it in the refrigerator and let the product stand for 24 hours.

After this time, the milk must be taken out and very carefully remove the cream formed on the surface using a regular spoon. Then they can be put back in the refrigerator or used for their intended purpose. If you collect the cream in this way, then their fat content will be approximately 28%.


If there is a separator at home, then it is much more efficient to use this particular apparatus. It must be placed on the very edge of the table and fixed on a specially made stand for this. It is important that the separator itself is vertical.

Since only warm milk is suitable for this procedure, it must be warmed up to 40 degrees and filtered thoroughly. After that, it must be poured into the milk receiver and the separator must be turned on. Then you need to start rotating the knobs and slowly build up speed. After the sound signal, you need to open the tap. The milk will flow into the drum. Accordingly, the cream will go to one vessel, and the milk to another. This will already be a fat-free product.

Before the end of the separation, add some more separated milk. This is to ensure that the cream comes out of the drum completely.

Cooking recipes

There are many ways to make butter at home. Usually, a mixer is used for this, but you can beat a delicious product by hand.

Using a mixer

To cook properly tasty and high-quality butter at home, you need a mixer, a deep bowl and a sieve. Only one component is needed for butter - cream.

When manufacturing, you must clearly follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Before starting work, you need to cool the cream a little. Their temperature should be 8-11 degrees.
  2. Pour the chilled cream into the prepared container and beat it, turning on the highest speed. The procedure itself will take very little time - 8–12 minutes will be enough.
  3. When the mass begins to thicken and liquid comes out of it, the whipping speed can be reduced.
  4. After the liquid ceases to be released, the mixer can be stopped. The finished oil must be filtered through a sieve. The liquid that drains out is perfect for making any baked goods.
  5. The oil must be transferred to a prepared bowl and mixed so that it turns out to be very soft in the end.

You can put the oil in the refrigerator or freezer.

With your own hand

Back in the old days, when there was no modern technology at all, butter was whipped by hand. This method will not appeal to those who like to do everything quickly, but the oil turns out to be very delicate. To prepare it, it is enough to take 1-2 liters of heavy and heavy cream.

  1. If in the previous recipe the cream had to be cooled, then here, on the contrary, they must be put in a warm place. Then they must be poured into a deep bowl and stir well. This will take a long time, but the result will exceed all expectations.
  2. When the grains of oil begin to appear, you can exhale - the process is almost over. Another couple of minutes of stirring, and these crumbs will turn into a thick oil mixture.
  3. It must be well squeezed out of excess moisture and placed in the refrigerator.

After a while, the oil will solidify, and it can be used for its intended purpose.

In the churn

Very often in villages, people did not have enough time to produce large quantities of oil. To make their work a little easier, people cooked it in special churns made of wood. Cooking such oil in this device is as simple as possible.

  1. First, the container must be doused with hot water, and then immediately doused with cold water. Then it must be wiped dry. This should be done so that the fat from the oil is not absorbed into its surface.
  2. Next, pour the cream into the churn. They should only fill half of the entire container.
  3. After they are ready (the whipping procedure usually takes no more than 1 hour), the separated liquid must be drained. You can use an ordinary sieve for this. The resulting oil must be placed in a cold place.

When it cools and thickens, it can be used as directed.

How to give the product the desired shape?

To give the oil a beautiful shape, you can take a fairly deep vessel and roll it on it for a while. A little later, you can get a smooth oval piece out of it.

Alternatively, you can simply pour the oil into a silicone mold and leave it to harden.

To properly prepare homemade butter and preserve it for a long time, you need to choose quality products. As you know, it is quite difficult to find out the quality of a store product, so it is better to cook it at home. But choosing good products is much easier. The fat content of such oil will be much higher, and accordingly, it will be tastier.

The separated liquid can simply be drunk like milk, or you can bake something from it. This is also very beneficial.

The shelf life of such a product is short if you just put it in the refrigerator. To extend it a little, you need to wrap the finished oil in a film, and also put it in a container. If everything is done correctly, then this product can be stored for up to 8-10 months, but only in the freezer. However, it is even more convenient, because it is easy to lubricate baking dishes with frozen oil, for example.

As you can see from all of the above, anyone can cook butter at home. This can be done in different ways, the main thing is that the chosen option should be liked both by the simplicity of preparation and by the taste.

To learn how to make butter at home, see the video below.

Making butter at home is not that difficult. There are many options for creating it from sour cream, cream, etc.

I was lucky, literally a few stops away from me a nice grandmother lives, from whom I gladly buy fresh sour cream, cottage cheese and milk. I asked her to set aside 500 g of fresh cream for me, and she selected the fattest for me. Honestly, I don't know the fat content of this dairy product, but it is definitely more than 33%, since the cream was so thick that even a spoon in it was difficult to remove.

I put the cream in the refrigerator, and my family ate 100 g, so I had to cook butter from 400 g of cream, but this practically did not affect the yield - it turned out about 350-380 g of fresh butter.

Remember: the fatter the cream, the less you need to whip the product, and the more oil comes out of it.

Use these items to make homemade butter.

Transfer the cream to a high-rimmed container so that the entire kitchen is not oily stains during whipping, and whip the cream with a mixer at medium speed.

After 3-4 minutes, you will notice how the mass begins to thicken, and the liquid slightly separates from it. If you beat thick sour cream, then you will need more time for this effect.

By the way, the secreted buttermilk is very aromatic, and whipping sour cream produces much more of it at the exit. Take your time to pour it out, buttermilk is a great ingredient for baking pancakes, pies, etc.

Buttermilk cream turned out to be about 1-2 tablespoons, and therefore there was no point in bothering with its storage - I just drained it!

Once the buttermilk has been separated, add salt to the butter and beat again with a mixer - 1-2 minutes.

The resulting homemade butter has a mildly salty flavor. I put it in two bowls: one for food, and the second, which is larger, I sent to the freezer in reserve.

This dairy product is best savored with black bread - the taste is simply incredible. I recommend trying to make butter at home on your own - both cheaper and healthier!

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