Secrets to the game port royale 2. Passage of the game port royale

The business approach of German developers can only be envied. Usually game number N is taken, in which 4-5 new fighters are added (in this case, ships), a new type of landscape, 2-3 scenarios and a new video (and sometimes it is left old - why fix what is not broken?) . It remains only to correct the number to N + 1 and put the game on sale to the deafening applause of the fans. And what, exactly, is the point? They will trade in any case, so what difference does it make to them what has changed?

But today everything is completely different. Nothing has changed (with a skeptical look at the cover), the strategy suddenly showed dissatisfaction with the GeForce 4 MX video card slipped into it. In the end, she agreed to work, but without much enthusiasm. However, further changes shocked me no less - there were unusually many of them. And who is to blame for this? Yes, we are with you, the fans who expressed their wishes to the creators of the game and got something that was really worth waiting for. Of course, in “Port Royale 2” there is still quite a lot from the previous part of the game, so do not expect a retelling (the description of Port Royale is, for example, on the “LKI” disc No. 12 (37) / 2004). But I will definitely tell you about what has changed!

Cities and construction

Cities have ceased to be the same - simple and diverse. Now they are divided into administrative centers and colonial cities, and are also usually in a state of extreme poverty and underdevelopment. Governors sit in the administrative centers, who are always ready to give you a task and send you to battle with the enemy. Production is operating in the administrative centers, colonists and imported high-tech goods from Europe are brought here. Colonial cities are simpler. They only produce colonial goods, raw materials and essential goods (read - food). The residences of the viceroys of each nation can also be attributed to the administrative centers (that is, a total of 4).

This is interesting: it seems that the easiest way to lay a route between several colonial cities and the administrative center - however, there is a trick here. As a rule, colonial cities on the same island produce almost the same thing. Then - the longer the trade route, the more real it is to earn something.

Construction has become much more difficult. It used to be very difficult to get a license before, but now it’s just a guard. Not only does each construction license cost a lot of money in itself, but in order to get it (and you can get no more than 6 licenses in total), you need to have a certain level and please local residents for a long, long time with deliveries of goods to them at extremely low prices. prices. Trust me, it's not easy. Then they, so be it, will agree and let you see a local architect. Hence the moral - building from an occupation for the rich has become entertainment for the strong and breathtakingly rich. And I was about to spin the trade carousel between the three cities again ...

But when you reach directly to the buildings, then everything is quite simple. The cost of any enterprise is unified to 30 bricks, 30 logs and some money. Everything is built equally long, in the sense - you will not wait. If a house is especially monumental, then it is knocked out of the general row by the double cost of building materials. Otherwise, everything is the same - in each city you can only produce your own resources, so you won’t be able to live on self-service, you still have to buy something.

This is interesting: agricultural houses are allowed to be placed close to each other. They say it saves space...


The most important change in trading is that captains have learned to trade on their own. That is, now there is no need to give them an accompanying document, in which it will be written in black and white “this is to buy here and here and not more expensive than so many, and this is to be sold not cheaper than so many wherever possible.” He can deal with this nonsense himself. Only one problem - a captain from the second level and above can do this. And for some reason only captains of the first level are sold. Here's an ambush! You have to educate him. Well, pre-lay the route.

However, not everything is so scary - sometimes they give out a task to find a teacher. We definitely take it - this very teacher will easily teach the captain who found him a new level of knowledge.

And without captains now in general in any way. It wasn't possible without them before. fight. Now you can't go out to sea without them. For each individual ship - a captain (but the caravan will cost one). It's good that first-level captains can be easily hired at any tavern on the coast.

The attack on the city begins!

The next change concerns more convenient trading mechanisms. Remember how you used to wrinkle your forehead, trying to assess whether what you are going to buy is expensive, and what else is produced in this city? Everything has become easier. Produced goods are marked in the corner with the letter “P”, and for what the city needs, the cell of the amount of goods is painted over in red. Really, great? Already by these same letters, you can easily figure out which category the city belongs to. Administrative centers produce 3 types of food, 2 types of finished goods and have a stock of cheap imported goods. The colonial city produces 2 types of food, 2 types of raw materials and 1 type of colonial goods.

How to profitably buy goods without trying to remember their optimal cost? There is nothing easier! We switch the number of products from units to tens. If the price has not changed or has changed insignificantly, the goods are at the lowest price and you have to grab them before they are stolen by local hucksters. If the price jumped up sharply - better not touch it, you will still find a good deal.

As we well know, it is terribly unprofitable to trade only someone else's goods (the exception is imported goods, but there are never many of them). So, you still have to build your production houses. But there is a chance to buy someone else's cheaper. It appeared in connection with the introduction of bankruptcy. To do this, you need to flood the market of the city with the goods that are produced in it. Prices for products will fall below their cost. The owners of the enterprises will slowly dismiss the workers, and then they will put up a “for sale” sign altogether. This is where you should not get lost, but buy up all the enterprises in bulk, while they are cheap. But! In order to ensure such a catastrophic decline, a lot of money must be spent on falling prices. Of course, for the sake of a competitor's only coffee plantation, this is not worth arranging - you will spend more on falling prices than you will receive on the rival's bankruptcy.

Well, again - do not forget that, since a warehouse has already been built, then let it trade to the fullest on its own. Buys and sells. This is especially true for buying imported goods - let it be done as soon as they are brought to the city for sale.


All the old ships remained safe and sound. But four new ones have been added. At the same time, the characteristics of the old ships changed slightly and a mysterious “draft” appeared. There are no rivers in the game - so where are the ships with shallow draft going to go? However, all the characteristics of the ships are in the table (see it in the section "According to the magazine").

A pirate barque, a corvette, a military corvette and a military galleon have been added. The first one, at a cost like that of an ordinary barque, has combat power actually a class higher. The disadvantage is that it is hard to find in the game. It is found, as you can understand, only among registered pirates, and they still need to be found before this treasure can be taken away. Corvettes are distinguished by high speed and maneuverability, although their armament is not very serious. Well, a military galleon - and what else should the Spaniards escort the convoys? The British will ruin them on their battleships!

Shipyards are no longer the same. There are small ones, on which you can only repair ships and change the names of caravans, and large ones, on which you can build and buy ships. There is an opinion that ships should be repaired not one at a time, but in large batches - this way they are repaired much faster.

Naval and land battles

What they did with the old battles is hard to describe in words! What can I say - learn to fight in a new way!

Quiet, peaceful city.

So, forget about nightmarish crowd-to-crowd battles. Here everything has been thought of for you. Each side, regardless of its size, can include no more than 5 ships in the belligerents. The rest goes to the winner. This means that the enemy can have 10 ships of the line, but if you defeat the 5 assigned to the battle, you will get another 5 unscathed. True, it will not be easy to do this - you can put up only 1 ship for battle at a time. The exception is when one of your ships boards and you switch to the next one. However, most likely, this boarder can already be considered temporarily lost, so it is not worth building combinations with this exception. But now at least there is no need to chase the merchants scattered in all directions.

How, then, to fight in the new conditions? The first is to walk in a squadron of 5 ships. Second, buy so many knippels and shrapnels. Your first ship must meet the following requirements: fast, maneuverable, large crew. Ideally, a battleship is suitable (although its maneuverability is not the best). Speed ​​and maneuverability will allow the ship to move away from opponents for some time, and a large number of sailors will not be allowed to immediately rush to board if the enemy nevertheless “grabs” your ship. If there is no linear - bet on speed. Without it, the ship can't do anything. The task of the first is to break the enemy's sails as much as possible. Don't even expect more. The task of the second is the same, but he can already shoot shrapnel (if the first point of the plan is successfully completed), and he is also capable of boarding. And then, if everything is so successful, at least galleons can go - it will not be difficult to finish off those cripples that will sluggishly crawl to the sides as you approach.

This is interesting: sailors prepare for boarding for a long time. But if you suddenly failed to board the enemy, then you can switch to a volley of cannons, which will not linger at all. The main thing is not to change the charge (for example, knipple to cores). That is - going on boarding, charge your guns with what you may shoot in battle.

Land combat has also changed a lot. Now you do not just land a crowd of thugs ashore, which robs everything that comes to hand. Depending on how many “paratroopers” we have, you can create up to 10 mobile groups that will capture enemy defenses. The purpose of these comrades is simple - to destroy the central gate in the enemy's city. Then it will be possible to break into the city and plunder it. In battle, surprise attacks are allowed when your squad is sent to the opponent's squad by double-clicking. An unexpected attack is carried out by running, but it greatly reduces defense and stamina. You can also attach one squad to another, then the attached one will support its “leader”. In any case, a limited amount of time is allotted for the capture of the city, and it is not worth squandering it. Otherwise, your people will lose faith in the commanding abilities of their leader and return to the ships.

Another news was the introduction of duels. In order to avoid losses among the soldiers, the governor or the captain of the enemy ship can challenge you to a duel. The winner either takes all (if attacking) or does not lose his (if defending). Although the duels are somehow “bloodless”, the loser does not die in any case.

How is the duel going? We select a point on the body of the enemy and use the left mouse button to inflict an injection there. If you are lucky, you can try to immediately try again, then it will inflict an enhanced blow. But for this you need to accurately guess with time, otherwise the second blow will not pass. In order not to be pierced by an enemy sword - defend yourself with blocks on the right mouse button. A duel for the lazy is to defend against the blows of the enemy until his stamina runs out (blue bar), and then calmly make holes in him (a tired enemy defends worse).

Pirate bar.

What is the Caribbean without pirates? Yes, none, none at all. In the first part of the game, finding a pirate was a breeze. Now the pirates hid in their burrows, and one can only find echoes of their presence in the form of a pair of especially harmful ones (or at least somehow manifested, present in the “black lists”). However, they prefer not to give a reward even for these rare pirates. So in order to acquire valuable fur in the form of a pirate barque, you will have to sweat a lot. In search of a pirate, of course.

This is interesting: privateers harm not only by capturing ships and caravans. They can enter the city in disguise and buy the necessary goods there or start a riot among the workers. This will also be a pirate sabotage.

Mighty powers

No matter how you turn it, it’s impossible for us to pass by strong maritime powers. First, because piracy has become very profitable. Piracy without a letter of marque is suicide. But with him - we choose a “victim” country, and no one takes offense at us for this, we only manage to hand over the stolen goods and captured ships.

Also, the viceroy of the country, with a strong superiority over the opponent, may ask you to capture one of the enemy cities. And this is not a robbery, but something completely different. After the assault, the city changes its national identity, and the balance of power in the Caribbean changes even more. But for such tasks, states must be at war with each other, and “your” nation must be tangibly stronger than the enemy nation. If you want to speed up the onset of the war - show patriotism and give your nation several caravans with ships (preliminarily taken from the enemy). If only there was a war!

There was a cunning opportunity to sneak into enemy ports. Probably for situations where you want to switch sides. At the same time, you enter the port informally and you can get an audience with the governor in order to improve your attitude during it. For money, of course!

Pleasant trifles

But what pleased me the most was that the sea ceased to be a desert surface, on which ships sometimes met. It is possible not to trade or piracy anything at all. It is enough to swim in the sea and search - previously simple decorations, objects on the sea came to life and make sense. So, you can save the shipwrecked, who invariably turns out to be a rich merchant and thanks for the salvation. Apparently, the poor are the first to drown, because they understand that they have nothing to thank the savior with. Or a treasure chest will be found among the waves. 25-30 thousand local coins - yes, easily. You can also pick up a shipwreck or find a bottle with a map piece. Treasure maps, of course.

The tasks came to life. If earlier everything was limited to offers to take something somewhere and the loss of a wife kidnapped by evil pirates, now, if you go to taverns, to the governor and wife, you can receive tasks all the time. And very varied.

Well, remember the first lines of this text. But what about without a new landscape? So, pretty fields of algae appeared on the waters of battles. They do not affect anything, but they are pleasing to the eye.

Table 1
Speed guns Team Hold Ship payment per day Strength Maneuverability Masts Price
Pinnace 6-8 8 30 60 30 5 100 2 9000
Sloop 6-11 14 40 60 30 5 100 1 17100
Brig 5-11 16 50 80 50 8 95 2 24300
Barque 5-12 20 60 80 60 8 90 3 32400
flutes 4-10 16 80 200 40 12 80 3 36000
Corvette 5-12 22 80 140 100 14 80 3 55500
pirate barque 5-13 24 80 80 60 - 90 3 -
Frigate 5-11 26 100 160 100 15 80 3 63000
Trading flutes 4-10 8 100 250 40 18 70 3 45000
military corvette 5-14 32 120 120 150 16 85 3 90000
military frigate 5-13 40 120 140 150 16 85 3 108000
Galleon 4-10 36 120 180 100 18 75 3 135000
Karaka 4-12 40 140 140 200 - 75 3 -
Caravel 5-12 40 160 160 200 - 75 3 -
military galleon 4-13 46 180 160 250 - 60 3 -
Battleship 3-14 50 200 170 300 - 50 3 -

For absolute beginners of the Port Royal game, I have prepared a walkthrough guide for the game. It contains existing articles, as well as other articles will be added.

For an interesting game, choose interesting starting positions. What is an interesting position? - for example, playing for Spanish patronage in some Veracruz will be of interest only to a merchant, and in general, playing for the Spaniards is interesting only to merchants.

If you are familiar with such a science as Geography, then you should know that you will be surrounded by Spanish cities, and therefore it will be difficult for you to look for ships to attack, since you will not be allowed into your own ports for attacking your own.

But the attack on trade caravans is one of the most profitable ways of passing the game. The easy level of passing in this case means playing for any other nation. But if you are interested in the trading path, then Spain is ideal for you.

I remind you that the game has a governor of the Spanish king, British, Dutch and French governors. These governors, by the way, are not averse to making trouble for their neighbors. I mean the various missions given to the player by the governors.

You have to sail under the flag of any state until you make a rash act. It can be an attack on the ship of one's own nation, an attack on the city of one's own nation, the constant failure to fulfill the missions of governors, the cleansing of their cities from food products.

As you can see, there are many reasons, and the consequence is only one - the enmity of their patrons. You will not be allowed into the cities of your own nation, unless of course you have hostile relations with other races.

But the main thing for the player is the ship and the sailors, the principle of the game is based on your development as a person. You don't get experience for every fight, you get experience for every experienced fight. It can be a complete defeat due to the destruction of all your ships or partial destruction, running from the battlefield, boarding.

Important in the passage of port-royal is a systematic and balanced spending of funds, as in any strategy with an economic nature, you will be broke if you do not follow the success of financial transactions. And if you plan to become a trading giant, then you will have to monitor financial transactions very often.

And if you just want to engage in robbery of enemy ships, then this fate is nothing more complicated than going to the park.

Once you have started earning enough money and collected a few caravans, although 1 is possible. You have the money and the necessary materials. At this time, you need to find your shelter, how to find it is written in the pirate development article in Port Royal.

Also at this time you will need to find and destroy the pirate Exmit, who destroyed the entire family of the protagonist. It will be easy to kill a pirate, but he has many children who are also involved in the pirate trade.

When you have killed at least one Exmit, and there will be really a lot of them. That's when the reflections will begin, the fact that the game starts to bother. When caravels, frigates, galleons will sail faster and faster, and it will seem to you that the grass is not as green as you would like.

It's time to end the company. And for this you need to develop your city to a high level. Make sure that the city has enough food and population. Then come to the governor and tell him about the shelter. Now you are the governor of your own city in the service of the king!

Game Description

Strategies suggest that they will need to use at least some of their intellect, that is, you need to build some plans and think through your moves in advance. And the game can be proof Port Royale 2 from company Ascaron Entertainment. In 2003, the first part of the series was developed, and it received a lot of applause, but there were also reproaches. Based on the comments of the players to the first part of the game, the developers have improved the game by making a large number of changes.

For a strategy game, the graphical capabilities of the game are not bad. Fights take place in three planes, but most of the time will have to be spent in two. But do not despair, although the models are not made with a bang, but the textures are worked out on highest level. In addition to high resolution textures, they are also full of "juicy" colors. The audio accompaniment didn't disappoint either. The graphic effects (in combat) are very high quality and will make you think that the player is actually at sea on a ship.

Since the game does not have such a plot, it is a kind of simulator in which you must first choose the direction of your game. That is, there are three areas, but there is an opportunity to engage in all three:

Piracy. The player can buy a couple of warships, assemble a team and become a bad side, but a fun one. The player will have to rob the ships of wealthy merchants, and sell property somewhere on the other side of the world. But that's not all. Before you become a pirate, you will need to familiarize yourself with the political situation. You will need to buy a letter of marque from the governor in the residence of a certain city. And a dismissive attitude to the letter of marque will doom the career of a pirate to death, because the authorities of all countries will declare a hunt for you and all ports will be closed to you. When robbing, it is better not to make unnecessary movements, that is, it is preferable to shoot with buckshot, because on the enemy ship there is “good” that should be taken away from the merchant, and if his ship sinks to the bottom of the ocean, then it will turn out that you started the battle in vain.

Trade. You can become a merchant. And buy somewhere cheap goods and sell them somewhere three times more expensive. This is the excellent difference between this game and all the others. The same product is valued differently in different places. Unfortunately, many cannons will not fit on board the ship, because you need to carry goods with you, but you can hire several combat legions to serve you.

Real estate. The last option is to purchase a certain number of buildings in a certain city and produce your products to earn money. But in this "direction" there is a very big hassle with the documents, that is, the point is not in the documents themselves, but in the price. First, you will need to buy a license from the governor, then build a warehouse for storing products, and only then it will be possible to build the actual production itself.

Of course, the player has the right to choose not only one "direction" of the game, but even all together, as already mentioned, but it will be harder to keep track of everything. In addition to his affairs, the governor will give the player instructions (quests), upon completion of which the player will receive various gifts, not only gold.

What can be said about the combat system, it has become quite difficult due to smarter AI. And the difficulty lies in the fact that although you have acquired several ships, you will have to manage one, just like fighting. Until the player's first ship is sunk, the second will not spawn. And the AI ​​has the ability to use all of its ships at the same time. There is another combat system - this is the battle of two captains. Sometimes the winner of sea ​​battle it will be possible to get out by defeating the enemy captain in a sword fight. There is nothing difficult in this battle, but it is quite interesting, because if you win, you can get an enemy ship with a cargo without damaging it at all.

The game has a piece RPG. The player is given the opportunity to improve the skills of their ships, weapons, capacity of ships, there is also an improvement in buildings.

If you are ready for sea battles, then go ahead and recruit a team of brave fellows.

You are on the page of Port Royale 2, a game created in the genre of Strategy, where you can find a lot of useful information. The game was released by Ascaron Entertainment. The passage of the game Port Royale 2 found with us will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, for the game Port Royale 2, codes and cheats are simply necessary for anyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Port Royale 2 in Russia was localized by Akella, but this does not negate the need for localization, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you understand if the game is worth your time. Given that the game was released on 2004-09-23, we can say that it belongs to the category of classics.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand the standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix the gameplay. You can download them in our file storage.

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