Helminths in kitten excrement species and names. What do worms look like in cats: useful information for every owner

And it doesn't matter what lifestyle the cat leads: goes outside or lives only within the house. Both the first category and the second have the possibility of infection. This is due to the fact that the eggs of worms can be in the soil and easily penetrate the house on a person's clothes.

Attention: you should be wary if the animal eats large quantities without adding weight or is actively losing weight with a normal diet.

If there is the slightest suspicion of the presence of worms, there is no need to hesitate, it is advisable to immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

First of all, the doctor will establish the exact cause feeling unwell... After all, the above symptoms can indicate a number of other diseases, and buying the drug yourself, you can aggravate the situation. Dead worms will begin to decompose and poison the body of the cat.

Types of helminths

The cat's body can be affected by three types of worms: round, tape and flukes.

Tape worms, live up to their name. Their body is sealed and equipped with many suction cups and hooks. All species of this group pose a serious danger to humans.

Suckers are not characterized by a large body size, but they actively reproduce.

Attention: read the instructions carefully before giving the medicine to an animal. It is important to respect the dosage and frequency of administration.

What to do with a pregnant cat?

The ideal option is to prevent the problem, that is, to deworm before planning her pregnancy.

If infection with worms has occurred, then the treatment must be carried out as much as possible safe drugs... For example, in the first weeks of pregnancy - Milbemax, at the final stage - Drontal.

Preventive measures for worms in

No remedy will give a 100% guarantee. However, the risks of infection can always be reduced.

The animal should regularly take drugs for worms. For cats that live exclusively at home, it is sufficient to take the pill once every four months, and for those who have access to the street, it is recommended to take it every three months. Babies are given a remedy for worms for the first time at 3 weeks.

Attention: 14 days before the next vaccination, it is necessary to deworm the pet. Before buying pills, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Necessary hygiene measures:

  1. Timely cleaning of the tray, after which the owner must wash his hands without fail.
  2. It is not recommended to include raw meat and fish in the cat's diet. Accordingly, the animal should not be allowed to hunt rodents or birds.
  3. After each walk, you should wash your cat's paws. After all, the eggs of worms can be brought in with sand and dirt.

Symptoms of worms in cats

The presence of certain symptoms of worm disease can vary depending on the degree of damage to the cat by helminths, in other words, on the number of worms in the body. With a weak invasion (defeat), signs of the disease may be absent altogether.

The main symptoms that may indirectly indicate a possible infection of the cat with worms:

  • depression, poor or perverted appetite, weight loss, fatigue, if it is a kitten, then stunted growth and development;
  • ruffled coat;
  • the presence of yellowness of the mucous membranes and enlargement of the liver (with trematodes) or their anemicity (with cestodes);
  • indigestion (constipation followed by diarrhea, and vice versa, vomiting);
  • a cough may periodically appear (this occurs at the time of the migration of round helminth larvae through the body);
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • itching in the anal area;
  • in severe cases, symptoms of body intoxication may appear: cramps, paresis of the legs, etc.;
  • miscarriage or premature birth;
  • the presence of blood, mucus in the cat's feces.

Diagnosis of worms in cats

In order to make an accurate diagnosis for the presence of helminths in the body, it is necessary to conduct a scatological examination of feces (feces analysis) to determine the eggs of the worm. It is not always possible to detect the presence of eggs in the stool of a cat the first time, this is due to the period of development of the worm.

If an animal has recently become infected, then there are immature individuals in the body that do not yet release eggs, so research results may be false negative. To avoid such a situation, feces should be donated at least 3-4 times a month.

By and large, if you do not need scientific discoveries and there is no need to know the exact name of the helminth, conduct this study not necessary.

If segments of worms or whole individuals are found in feces, then the question of whether there is a disease or not is no longer necessary. This is a sign that directly indicates that the cat is affected by worms.

How to tell if a cat has worms if their eggs are not found in feces

Pulmonary worms cause coughing, but coughing can be a symptom of other illnesses. Based on this, the only real way to protect an animal is to prevent helminthic invasion.

This procedure is absolutely painless, in addition, now there are tablets that are taken once and not necessarily on an empty stomach. Fleas are carriers of some types of worms, so if you find fleas in a cat, there is a high probability that worms are also present.

Classification of worms in cats

  • nematodes: roundworms, nematodes;
  • trematodes: flatworms, trematodes;
  • cestodoses: tapeworms, cestodes.

Worms of cestodosis in a cat

Photo of worms in cats. Cats become infected with these worms while eating raw meat, mice, fish, fleas are their carriers. Diphyllobothriasis - the invasion is caused by a long, up to one and a half meter flatworm.

Animals lose weight, they develop diarrhea with mucus and blood. Failure to treat worms in cats can have serious consequences.

Alveococcosis is caused by a small worm that lives in the small intestine. It is not very dangerous for the animal, but these worms in cats are transmitted to humans.

Worms nematodosis in a cat

Photo of worms in cats. Toxocariasis is caused by small worms that live in the intestines and biliary tract. They are transmitted either through food or in utero. Signs of worms in a cat are manifested in the form of weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and sometimes anemia.

If such worms start in cats, treatment, drugs must be used, because they often cause blockage of the biliary tract and intestinal obstruction... Ankylostomiasis is associated with a roundworm, about 2 mm long. It feeds on blood, if kittens have such worms, the symptoms will manifest themselves in the form of anemia.

Fluke worms in cats

Photo of worms in cats. Paragonimiasis or pulmonary worms. Infection occurs while eating raw fish and seafood.

When these worms are present, the symptoms in cats can appear general - loss of appetite, fever, snoring during sleep, shortness of breath. In some cases, frothy vomiting and diarrhea are observed.

The most common of which are:

  • ascariasis or toxocariasis: nematodes;
  • hookworm infection: nematodes;
  • dirofilariasis: nematodes;
  • opisthorchiasis: trematodes;
  • alariasis: trematodes;
  • diphyllobothriasis: cestodes;
  • dipylidiosis: cestodes.

What do roundworm worms look like in cats

With a strong concentration in the body, roundworms cause significant harm to the host, damaging the intestinal mucosa, causing allergic reactions with toxic waste products, forming intestinal blockages.

Sexually mature individuals are characterized by active egg production. Ascaris eggs go out with animal feces into the external environment, heavily seeding it. Ascariasis belongs to a group of diseases that are dangerous to humans.

What hookworms look like in cats

Hookworms are small round helminths (about 1-2 cm in length) with characteristic formations in the front of the body, resembling a fish hook.

Infection of cats occurs with the ingestion of eggs or penetration through the skin of larvae, which, falling under the skin, are introduced into the lumen blood vessel and, with blood flow, enter the lungs, causing inflammation and coughing.

What do dirofilaria worms look like in cats?

Photo of worms in cats. A feature of the species is the viviparity - live larvae are born, bypassing the egg stage. Animals become infected through the bites of blood-sucking insects, which are intermediate hosts of dirofilaria.

What do cat fluke worms look like in a cat?

The main clinical picture in opisthorchiasis is yellowness of the mucous membranes, allergic manifestations, liquid feces, often light yellow in color.

The death of the animal occurs as a result of severe infestation, the result of which is blockage bile ducts and hepatitis. A person can get sick with opisthorchiasis when eating poorly cooked fish.

What does the worm alaria look like in a cat

A distinctive sign of lesion in diphyllobothriasis is the squeezing of the spleen through the intestinal wall with a strong concentration of cestodes in the lumen small intestine, which causes acute anemia. A person is also susceptible to infection with diphyllobothriasis.

What does a cucumber tapeworm worm look like in a cat?

Often the death of an animal occurs from a ruptured intestine. The intermediate hosts of dipilaria are fleas and lice, when they are swallowed and infection occurs. A person can also be ill with dipilariasis.

What does the echinococcus worm look like in a cat

Echinococcus is localized in the intestine. To securely anchor, it pierces the walls of the organ with hooks, causing mechanical damage.

Uncinariosis in cats

Piziform teniosis in cats

The intermediate hosts of the tapeworm are herbivores - hares / rabbits, from which, when eating raw meat, other animals become infected.

Hydategyrosis in cats

Domestic animals become infected by eating the intermediate hosts of the worm - rats, moles, mice, muskrats, squirrels, and bats.

Treatment of worms in cats

Worms in cats, symptoms and treatment at home, can be done independently, with the help of pills. Don't count on folk methodsbecause they are ineffective. Modern medicines able to rid the pet of helminths in one application.

Make sure that the drug is appropriate for the cat's age. There are different medications for adults and kittens. Before starting treatment, be sure to read the instructions for using these funds.

Among the most popular medications the fight against worms in a domestic cat can be called Polivercan, Pirantel, Dirofen, Profender, Kaniquantel, Troncil K, Febtal and Prazitel for cats. Remember that due to the high demand for such drugs, they are very often counterfeited. Therefore, purchase worm pills for cats only at veterinary pharmacies.

How to give medicine to your cat

There are several ways to give a pill to a pet:

  1. add powder from crushed tablet to liquid feed;
  2. holding the paws of the animal, open the jaws and put the pill in the mouth. Then you should pinch the jaws with your fingers, and stroke the throat to induce the swallowing reflex. After swallowing the pill, release the jaw;
  3. mix the powder from the crushed tablet with a little water. Pour the syringe into the pet's mouth. The syringe must be without a needle;

The harm that worms do to the cat's body

Worms living in a pet's body harm it in different ways:

Since there are many ways and sources of infection of cats with helminths, it is necessary to follow some rules that will help prevent infestation.

Prevention measures against worms in cats:

  • never give a cat raw fish and meat, they must be thoroughly boiled;
  • frequent change of litter, the contents of the cat litter box, maintaining their cleanliness, periodic disinfection;
  • periodically carry out preventive deworming of a cat: at least once every 3 months (especially for animals that often walk in the fresh air in the yard, park and other walking places), 2 weeks before the intended mating and 10 days before delivery;
  • thorough disinfection of places visited by animals after prophylactic and therapeutic deworming;
  • treatment of cats with drugs against fleas, which can also be sources of infestation.

Find out more:

Thus, if it suddenly turns out that a cat has helminths, then in 90% of cases they are roundworms, nematodes.

Moreover, only intestinal nematodes, once in the external environment, are able to live in it for a relatively long time. In the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, they are retained due to "maneuvering" in the thickness of semi-digested feces; as a rule, they do not have devices for fixation on the walls of the intestines.

Their other feature is a rather complex life cycle, often including several intermediate hosts. For the same cestodes, this is much easier: their species are preserved due to insane fertility and extreme simplification of the body. And now it is necessary to describe several of the most common species, ubiquitous in veterinary practice.

Note that traditionally roundworms are also called "ascaris".

The following life cycle is considered "classic":

It should be noted that the pulmonary stages of development of ascaris have an extremely negative effect on the health of the cat. The fact is that the larvae migrating from the intestine to the pulmonary alveoli carry a huge amount of conditionally pathogenic microflora, which should not be in the lungs under any circumstances.

Several species are “hidden” under this term, but due to their external similarity and similar features of the life cycle, they should be considered together.

Most often, two representatives are identified in animals:

  • Toxocara cati.
  • Toxacaris leonine.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

All ascariasis are quite easily treated, for which the animal is prescribed drugs based on pyrantel or praziquantel.

Heart worms

If the larvae of the worm, which have not yet passed the "maturation" in the body of a mosquito or a mosquito, are introduced into the body of a healthy cat, infection will not occur!

The whole cycle, i.e. the time from the "sucking" of the larvae into the mouth of a bloodsucker, to the appearance of an adult worm in the heart of a cat, can take as long as several weeks or a couple of months. It all depends on the physiological state of the animal, the season, the hormonal background of the body, and other factors.

Veterinarians have long noticed that adult worms of this species (they are also pulmonary, they are also called heartworms, helminths) in the body of cats, for some reason, extremely rarely live to a "decent" age. In addition, in the body of cats is vanishingly rarely more than one worm.

Symptoms and treatment

The clinical picture of the disease is no less interesting. As we already wrote above, this disease is uncharacteristic for cats, and therefore there may not be a stable “clinic”. Some cats show no signs of pathology at all.

In other cases, there may be observed:

  • Cough, sometimes leading to vomiting.
  • Shortness of breath, hoarse breathing.
  • Chronic, progressive wasting.

The main consequences are visible not in the case when the worm is alive, but in those situations when it died!

The therapy is carried out by introducing into the body of an animal ... organic compounds of arsenic. Pharmacists have not yet created anything more effective. It takes two to three injections; the cat's body is hard to endure the treatment process.

For the prevention, as well as the destruction of young (very young) individuals of worms, preparations based on ivermectin are used.


It is due to the presence of hooks that dig deeply into the intestinal wall that the disease is difficult, and its treatment is often complicated.

Infection can occur in one of three scenarios:

Usually mild cases of hookworm infection occur without a clear clinical picture... The animal may be a little more lethargic, its appetite may decrease, the condition of its coat and skin may deteriorate slightly ...

But these signs will be so faded and blurred that not every veterinarian will pay attention to them, not to mention breeders.

  • Worms of this species actively feed on the mucous membranes of the intestines of the host. Over time (more precisely, very quickly), such a "buffet" leads to the development of inflammatory pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Since adults feed not only on pieces of mucous membrane, but also on blood, anemia inevitably develops in the animal.
  • Accordingly, the condition of the animal gradually worsens, depletion develops, in severe cases, it can be fatal.

For treatment, products based on milbemycin and praziquantel, as well as ordinary pyrantel, are excellent.

The life cycle of many cestodes is quite remarkable.

  • First, many of these worms are hermaphrodites (but there are exceptions).
  • Secondly, the entire body of many adult cestodes is like a "chain" of interconnected segments, tightly packed with eggs. Even one individual casts many hundreds or even thousands of eggs into the external environment in just a day. Fertility is fantastic.

If the owner has the opportunity, feces are best burned! When this is not possible, the contents of the tray should be packed in double-duty plastic bags.

In intermediate hosts with such a number of eggs, the need does not arise very often, but nevertheless some species (for example, alveococcus and echinococcus, as well as many tapeworms) still need additional "vessels" for the maturation of the larvae.

A particular danger is precisely the lack of its own digestion: the body of cestodes is only able to absorb ready-made nutrients and assimilate them through an anaerobic cycle (i.e. anoxic).

The waste goes to the same place where the nutrients came from, that is, back into the intestinal cavity. During the anaerobic cycle, a huge, catastrophic amount of strong toxins is released. All of them end up in the bloodstream of the animal, which does not lead to anything good.

Invasion of flatworms is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, sometimes leading to serious consequences. (like a fatal outcome against the background of cerebral edema due to severe intoxication). At the slightest suspicion of her, you must immediately contact a veterinarian.

Important! Echinococci and alveococci are deadly for humans! Their larvae can form cysts in our body. Therefore, we strongly advise you to be careful when caring for a sick pet, to constantly wash your hands and be sure to burn his feces!

Cucumber tapeworm (dipylidiosis)

One of the most common cestodoses in domestic animals worldwide is cucumber tapeworm.

In addition, the "seeds" have another feature that has nothing to do with their appearance: the segments of the body of the worm are able to move independently for quite a long time. When the "seed" crawls, eggs are squeezed out of special holes on its sides, seeding the entire surrounding space.

If you suddenly notice that strange "seeds" of cucumbers constantly appear around your pet's litter box, it's time to show the animal to the veterinarian.

Development cycle

They feed on organic matter, including eggs from cucumber tapeworms. The problem is that a worm's egg, once it has entered the body of a flea larva, is not processed by the latter's body. The larva emerges from the egg shell, after which it “takes root” in the tissues of the future flea. There, it matures to an invasive (i.e. capable of infecting) form.

A cat becomes infected when, during the toilet process, it licks its fur, swallows "special" fleas. The likelihood of this is very high, since infected bloodsuckers become more lethargic, inactive, sit in one place for a long time and do not jump too much. It should be borne in mind that in a similar way, small children can easily become infected, constantly pulling into their mouth everything that is in their reach. True, this will not lead to serious consequences, since in human body tapeworm does not survive.

Symptoms and treatment

The clinical picture is rather blurred, there are no specific signs of infection:

For treatment, drontal, melbemax, prazicide, and similar drugs are used.

Wide ribbon

This cestode has several features:

Trematodes (hepatic flukes)

The reason is the same as in the case of diphilobotriosis described above. This trematode needs an intermediate host (more precisely, two), in the form of a fish. Considering that cats do not boil or fry tasty fish before dinner, it is not surprising that opisthorchiasis is widespread in areas of large rivers and other bodies of water.

The signs of infection are as follows:

  • The cat's appetite is disturbed or perverted.
  • Even comparatively early stages the disease already manifests itself a well-pronounced pain reaction in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium. Even with a slight palpation, the cat can react inadequately, scream loudly and try to scratch the owner (but this picture is more typical for advanced cases).
  • Since the liver is already affected, all the signs that indicate its malfunction are clearly manifested. This includes, and yellowing of all visible mucous membranes and even the skin.

The problem is that with a strong helminthic invasion, the ducts of the gallbladder are completely blocked.

Because of this, the bile pressure constantly increases, the secret begins to enter the bloodstream. A pathological condition called cholemia occurs. It leads not only to extremely dangerous intoxication, but also fraught with nervous seizures.


It so happens that a beloved pet receives as a gift from nature neighbors in the body - worms. Not the most pleasant neighborhood, from which the animal's body will suffer for a long time, if the owner does not undertake deworming. Worms in a cat - serious illness, which oppresses all systems of the body: the animal loses weight, eats poorly, gets very tired.

Where did such an attack come from? Such unkind guests easily enter the body, but go out reluctantly. If there is a suspicion of unwanted neighbors, it is better to visit the veterinarian and find out who decided to lime the cat from the inside.

Types of worms in cats and cats

Have different sizes and various forms, eat and reproduce in different ways. They have long been classified into three categories: flukes, tapeworms, roundworms. Let's study the enemy!



Symptoms in a cat

This infection gets into the cat, if he drinks from a dirty source, eats crustaceans. Tape worms destroy the lungs with cystic formations

  • heat;
  • refusal to eat;
  • fever;
  • wheezing and frequent coughing.

Pet vomits, he loses weight, irritable. The stomach is constantly rumbling and diarrhea appears.

  • diarrhea;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting;
  • weight loss.

The sucker has chosen the liver as his home, does not disdain the pancreas and gallbladder... To acquire such a neighbor, you can eat raw fish.

Vomiting is colored in shades of yellow, there is no appetite, the animal is weakened. Diarrhea appears and the temperature may rise. Here apply complex treatment, in view of the ineffectiveness of standard treatment.

Causative agents of alveococcosis

There are no symptoms.

Symptoms are not observed

The size of these guests of the feline organism does not exceed 1 cm. Hookworms choose the intestines as a place of residence, and blood as a source of food. Helminth eggs can enter the body with food, the larvae are able to penetrate even through the pet's skin.

Appetite is reduced, the animal is lethargic and apathetic to everything. The stool is liquid, blood is noticeable in it.

The cat vomits and he coughs a lot.

Is it possible to get infected with worms from a cat

There are approximately 32 known varieties worms in a catwho will not deny themselves the pleasure of settling in the human body. The consequences of such a neighborhood in an animal and in a person can manifest themselves in different ways. If the pet's body can easily coexist with some types of helminths, then the consequences for humans are in some cases serious.

Worms are transmitted not only from direct contact with the cat, but also through his belongings and the tray.

Worms dangerous to humans

Let's analyze the helminths that are transmitted from cat to person and are dangerous:

  • wide tapeworm of the cestodosis group causes diphyllobothriasis. The worm occupies the small intestine and grows up to 10 meters. Develops gradually iron-deficiency anemia and dyspeptic disorders. Raw freshwater fish can also be a source of contamination;

  • echinococcus in the larval stage is capable of seriously affecting internal organs person. Also, the cat carries to the person dangerous disease alveococcosis. Contact with a sick animal can be fatal for humans.

Hygiene remains the main barrier to transmission of these diseases.

Signs of worms in a cat

Worm infestations do not manifest themselves immediately: the development of symptoms is directly proportional to the amount of infection in the body.

Symptoms of worms in cats include a number of signs:

    oppressed and apathetic state;

    problems with appetite;

    loss of body weight;


    slow development in kittens;

    unusual condition of the coat, its tousled appearance;

    noticeable yellowness of the mucous membranes;

    on palpation, an increase in the liver (trematodosis) is noticeable;

    anemic mucous membranes (cestodosis);

    constipation gives way to diarrhea, vomiting;

  • frequent licking of the anus due to itching;

    intoxication in the form of convulsions, paresis of the extremities;

    premature birth and sometimes miscarriage;

    blood in the stool.

The list is rather big, the symptoms do not appear separately, it is a whole set of symptoms.

Treatment of worms in cats

Anthelmintic treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after testing. It is required to accurately identify the enemy and find the source of defeat.

The treatment regimen is simple: the drug for worms is given once in the morning, then the dose is repeated after 10 days. Also, deworming is carried out before vaccination for 10 days. Worms of cats 2-3 weeks before and 3 weeks after birth.

Remedies for worms in cats

If there is a suspicion that the cat has worms, then you need to study the list of means with which you can ward off the animal. These are drugs that are effective in many cases.

Effective drugs for worms include:

    sugar cubes (Polivercan) at a price of up to 50 rubles per piece;

    kaniquantel pill, which can be bought for 55-65 rubles;

    Drontal with a price of up to 70 rubles;

    Milbemax, which is sold in the form of two tablets from 350 rubles;

    Dirafen (35-100 rubles per package);

    Alben (35-75 rubles per package).

Sugar cubes are convenient to use - they dissolve easily in water, the cat willingly drinks the medicine through a syringe. To give your cat the right pill, you need to know how to do it. Otherwise, the agent will enter the body in the wrong dosage or will not enter at all.

Suspension from worms for cats

Suspensions are also used to remove worms from a cat. They are given orally to the animal using a syringe dispenser.

The list of excellent effective suspensions includes the following drugs:

    Dirofen (150-180 rubles);

    Prazicide for adult cats or kittens (140-150 rubles);

    Pirantel (in suspension, from 50 to 60 rubles);

    Prazitel (120-145 rubles).

The suspension is easier to give to the animal, its taste is pleasant, and the cat will not protest as much as with the introduction of a bitter tablet. Suspensions are prescribed to kittens from the age of three months. Reception is carried out strictly according to the dosage indicated on the package. 6 hours after taking the pussy give activated carbon to prevent the development of intoxication.

Drops from worms for cats

Drops - comfortable remedy for worms in cats, which also act on fleas, lice and ticks.

Popular anthelmintic drops:

    Stronghold (from 200 rubles);

    Lawyer (1100 rubles);

    Profender (450 rubles);

    Dironet (from 320 to 350 rubles).

Since the drops are applied to the withers, there is no chance that the animal will lick them and get poisoned.

Worm injections for cats

Cats for helminths can be treated at home not only with tablets, drops or suspensions. Injections from worms also act quickly.

Veterinarians usually prescribe these medications:

    Novomek (50-70 rubles);

    Ivomek (150-200 rubles);

Injections are not used without consulting a specialist.

How to give a cat a worm pill

Giving a cat a pill is not easy. No matter how hard you try to persuade the beast to open its mouth and swallow the "delicacy", there will be no result. There is a standard algorithm of actions that will help feed a cat with a medicinal product.

It is best to crush the pill into powder and roll it into a ball with a tasty treat, put the animal with its back to you and open its jaws. The medicinal ball is pushed into the pet's mouth and closed, stroking the pussy on the throat. As soon as the swallowing movement is made, you need to make sure that the medication has been swallowed.

There are other ways to give your cat a pill.

If a pregnant cat has worms

If the cat is pregnant, then the owner will clearly be concerned about the health of the expectant mother and her offspring. To this end, preventive measures are taken three weeks before mating, processing both the groom, if necessary, and the bride. However, if the pussy is preparing to become a mother and has managed to catch helminths, then you need to check with the veterinarian what treatment is advisable to prescribe based on the test results. There are anthelmintic drugs, where there are no contraindications for pregnant cats, but there are instructions on taking medication regarding the period. Some preparations for cat worms are indicated for the initial period of pregnancy, and some can be taken in the last weeks.

Prevention of worms in cats

Better than treating worms in cats, do everything possible to prevent unwanted guests from settling into the pet's body. If you approach the maintenance of a cat responsibly, then such a threat of invasion is minimized:

    the animal should not be treated with raw fish, and neither sea nor freshwater. Raw meat is also excluded: all products should be boiled well;

    it is important to change the litter often - helminth eggs also remain on it;

    preventive deworming is carried out every three months. At the same time, special attention is paid to those cats that have the opportunity to walk;

    deworming is also carried out 2-3 weeks before mating, 3 weeks before childbirth and, if necessary, 3 weeks after.

In addition, the pet should be regularly treated for fleas, since they are also carriers of helminths.

It should be borne in mind that they are all infectious to humans. Therefore, we will consider all types of worms in cats in more detail.

Once in the lungs, they are excreted when coughing oral cavity, from where they are re-swallowed and returned to the intestines, where after 3 weeks they develop into an adult.

If your cat is a carrier of Ascaris, then on initial stage this will manifest itself in the appearance of rashes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose, which are accompanied by itching. It is possible that the animal will begin to cough. This is how it appears allergic reaction for the appearance of worms in cats.

In the future, the manifestation of more obvious symptoms of helminthiasis is possible:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy.

In severe cases, a blockage of the intestinal lumen develops, which can lead to the death of the animal. If you show symptoms that indicate the appearance of cat worms, you should immediately show your pet to the veterinarian. After conducting an immunogram, an ultrasound scan and taking an analysis of feces from an animal, the doctor will be able to accurately establish the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Usually, when infected with this type of helminths, drugs are prescribed such as:

  • Pirantel
  • Levamisole
  • Azipirine
  • Ivermectin.

The regimen and dosage are set by the veterinarian. Together with anthelmintic drugs, antihistamines can also be prescribed in order to exclude the appearance of allergic complications.

Hookworms are another type of nematodes. This type of helminth is distinguished by its characteristic hooks in the mouth capsule. They are transmitted to animals in two main ways:

  • Through the skin
  • Orally.

With the second method of penetration into the animal's body, the larvae of the helminth enter the lumen of the intestines, where they are further transformed into an adult. This process takes about 3 weeks.

With transdermal implantation, the larvae immediately find themselves in circulatory system... Migrating along it, they penetrate the bronchi, and from there they enter the animal's mouth. The re-swallowed larvae are attached to the intestinal walls with hooks. They feed on blood, releasing substances that prevent clotting. After 20 days, they turn into sexually mature individuals capable of reproduction.

The main symptoms of these worms in cats are:

  • The appearance of blood in the stool;
  • Alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • Hypoanorexia.

From the cestode family, cats most often have two types of helminths:

  • Diphyllobothriasis
  • "Cucumber" tapeworm.

All of them are referred to as tapeworms. The former are passed on with raw fish. That's why domestic cat best is to give cooked food. Diphyllobothriasis larvae, once in the animal's body, grow into a sexually mature individual within 2 weeks. The life span of the latter reaches 1 month, during which it can lead to mechanical damage intestinal mucosa, causing an inflammatory response.

Symptoms of infection with this type of helminth are:

  • Depressed general condition
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea.

And if the diagnosis is confirmed, the cat should be treated with one of the following medications:

  • Azinox
  • Drontal
  • Fenasal
  • Lopatol.

Cucumber tapeworms are comfortable in the cat's body and so in the human body, carriers: lice and fleas

As soon as the animal swallows them, the helminth eggs end up in the intestine, where their further development takes place.

Symptoms of this disease:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Weight loss.

Scatological examination of the feces of a sick animal will allow an accurate diagnosis. And if he indicates the presence of helminths, then the cat is given one of the following drugs:

  • Fenasal
  • Mebendazole.

  • Xixol
  • Hexachloroparaxylene.

You can become infected with worms from a cat by caring for it, since their larvae are excreted outside with feces. And if you do not follow the basic rules of hygiene, then they will easily enter the human body. This is why it is so important to get children to wash their hands after every contact with an animal.

The cat should not be allowed to lick your face, hands, eat from your plate, and jump on the kitchen table.

Most of the worms that live in the cat's body can be transmitted to humans. You can get infected from a pet with the following types of helminthiases:

  • Opisthorchiasis
  • Echinococcosis
  • Toxocariasis.

Interesting video:Identifying worms in a cat and treating it

Prevention of helminthiasis in cats

We examined what worms are in cats and now it remains only to figure out how to avoid infection with them.

The most important aspect to guarantee your pet's health is adherence to preventive measuresexcluding:

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