Balls in the penis for enlargement: photo, how they are inserted, for what purpose. What is balls to roll in jail

I rolled the balls into myself, put the Vaseline there, and I planted my friend.© Gaza Strip

As you know, all men value their dignity, bring this adoration almost to the point of deification. The direction of their thoughts is straightforward, monotonous, the longer the dignity, the larger, the more pleasure they are able to deliver to a woman, and therefore female affection directly depends on this dignity. I have repeatedly met such alpha males who claim that no woman will ever leave him if she tries to sleep with him, she will no longer be interested in another virtue.

At the time of my youth, this statement at one time captured the entire juvenile colony where I then happened to stay. Well, what do you want, there was no Internet at that time, literature, newspapers, magazines bypassed this area of ​​men's health, doctors for the most part treated all diseases with analgin, I doubt that they knew more than ours. With a new stage, some guy came, who in the wild managed to take a walk with older guys, worried about this issue, who managed to insert so-called balls into their dignity. When they noticed this decoration in the bath, the guys began to ask, well, and he clearly told everything that he had heard from the older guys, naturally he did not miss the opportunity to boast, they say the girls are going crazy, throwing themselves in batches, ready to do anything just to sleep with him ... In an environment where most of the women have not yet seen, and the second tried, but somehow there in the queue, such information is deadly, the majority suddenly began to cut toothbrushes into cubes, grind balls from them, grind them with toothpaste and rags. What followed was a truly surgical operation, you had to put your dignity on the bedside table, table, pull back the flesh, close your eyes ... and at that moment, the surgeon, put the sharpened stupinator from the boot and beat it on. No one possessed the knowledge of the structure of this organ, and therefore they often interrupted veins, arteries, in this case, the future alpha male was taken to the medical unit with bandaged organ, where they fell on a specialist who put an analgin tablet and a roll of bandage into his mouth. Then there was a punishment cell and it's good if everything healed.

Need for inventions is rich and soon, instead of balls, they began to insert sleepers, then something else, I don't remember all the names. At one time, with the help of a plastic ring, they began to make holes for themselves, insert fishing line into them, calling this invention, antennae,. For some reason, it was believed that the more of this goodness in dignity, the better, and some made several holes and in the end it turned out something like a real mustache. All this creation made it difficult to urinate, but the guys stubbornly endured, waiting for their finest hour on the first date with the girl.
Somehow I came across as an individual who was putting in so much plastic stuff that the dignity was like an ear of corn.

And what helps? I asked him once.
At first he looked at me in bewilderment, not understanding who should help, and finally realizing, began to grovel that not a single woman had left him unsatisfied. And this must happen, a month later I happened to meet his soul mate. The girl turned out to be very talkative and while her husband was sleeping, she said that after one and only attempts to send her to the hospital with ruptures, this is where their sex life ended.

From the Internet...

"Drops", "bars", "balls", "sleepers" - various shapes and sizes of implants that prisoners are ready to install themselves, hoping in this way to become more successful lovers. But many have been sitting after such operations for more than one year, and some for more than a decade, and the meaning of these activities in this case is not entirely clear.

I suffered for love

As far as I know, the craving to improve oneself as a lover with the help of various foreign inserts was widespread in the Soviet zones as well. There is a belief among convicts that with the help of simple additions they will be able to bring their ladies to ecstasy: they say, every time new nerve endings are activated (since the implant is mobile), and a man, almost without straining, will be able to look Casanova in the eyes of his woman. I have a friend who back in the eighties in the zone put himself two "drops", now he is over fifty, and he is sure that these additions helped him a lot on the love front.

All these lotions were usually put on without any anesthesia, so some of the ladies' men fainted.

Although the operation to implant "balls", "rods" and other things is short-lived, preparation for it takes a long time.

To begin with, it was necessary to find a piece of transparent plastic that was suitable in size (the best option was a toothbrush), plexiglass or ordinary glass (in this case, the processing time increased several times). Then this piece was given shape. Here the choice was small: either a "ball", or a "sleeper" or "rod". The name of the device explains the shape - it is an oblong stick with balls at the ends or a "drop". After the prisoner decided what he wanted, the manufacturing process began. It consisted in constant grinding of the product: first, they gave it a shape with coarse sandpaper, and then brought it to perfection with finer abrasives. The last steps were: polishing with a cloth and wearing for several days in the mouth.

Tongue polishing removed the smallest roughness, to which the meat could grow after the implant was installed. It happened that the device grew in, then it was removed. It was generally a second operation: the skin was simply pulled back and slightly cut.

And now, after many days of grinding, the workpiece is completely made and perfectly polished. Day X is coming.

A punch is prepared especially for this case: a sharply sharpened toothbrush or a stainless steel spoon. All instruments are disinfected whenever possible. The client pulls off his skin, the second convict puts a punch against it and, with a sharp blow on it with the heel of a shoe or some other heavy object, tries to make a hole in the skin from one time. Then an implant is inserted into the hole, sprinkled with furacilin and bandaged for several days. While the wound is healing, the prisoner periodically twists a newly acquired "device" under the skin so that it does not grow in and "walk" freely.

Basically, that's it. The procedure is painful and bloody enough, but not fatal. It is quite possible to endure it, especially since this is done for the sake of love.

Love knows no boundaries

In their striving to become wonderful lovers, some convicts reached the point of absurdity: they “improved” themselves while there was room for “improvement”. What they ended up with was jokingly called "corncob" because of its similarity to cereal. I remember that while still in prison, an elderly stricter (a convict who had served more than one term) told how, during the second trip, after listening to other prisoners, he drove himself twelve "balls." I really wanted to please my wife. The wife did not appreciate the humor. Moreover, after his passionate attempt to demonstrate his skills, his wife jumped out of bed with a cry and rushed off to live with her mother, from where she called and said that she would not return until her husband did everything as it was.

On this basis, many prisoners had a problem of misunderstanding with girls. Sitting for a long time without women, they forgot what they really needed, and tried to make themselves beautiful lovers the way they understood it with their simple and harsh brains. The reality, however, absolutely did not meet their expectations, so at large they had to remove most of their "improvements".

Not quite "in suit"

In our zone, the question was open about who should pierce the skin of convicts wishing to improve themselves.

On the one hand, there is nothing "dumb" in this activity (shameful, scary, something that can be translated into), because a person does not touch anything with his hands, but, on the contrary, helps those in need.

But, on the other hand, without even touching with your hands, albeit through a punch, but still this is a fairly close voluntary contact. The prisoners had a latent feeling of something unhealthy in this activity, so in our detachment with the man who punched holes in the skin for the balls, serious convicts tried not to communicate closely.

In general, such operations could cause great harm to the social status of the prisoner. They were quite specific, and they had to be carried out carefully, because both one and the other side were at risk. I remember being told a case about a guy who inserted himself an underpolished ball. He began to grow in, hurt and swell. Well, the guy quickly cut out his device, washed it with soap and put it in his mouth, so that in a day or two he could polish it to the desired condition. Naturally, this was seen by other prisoners and made the poor fellow "lowered".

Ahead of time

And here's what is surprising: an operation that costs a couple of packs of cigarettes and a little tea in the zone and which convicts have been doing practically on their knees since the Soviet Union, and throughout the entire post-Soviet space, an operation that not every prisoner will go to has now become very popular on the loose!

Various punctures, piercings, inserts - all this is done in professional salons and costs a lot of money.

But if it is still possible to understand the convicts, fooling around from the lack of female warmth, - in my opinion, this is a kind of sublimation, then why do people do this in freedom - neither I nor many of my acquaintances in the zone understood.

I want to tell you today about self-harm. This refers to a member of the male genital.

Periodically, there is excitement and excitement in the huts. Someone wanted to insert a ball or tie into his penis and began preparations. Necessarily this fever begins to spread and covers a significant part of the population. Toothbrushes with thick clear plastic handles jump up in price. Teeth are now brushed with pitiful stubs. People here and there rub balls on the concrete floor, polish, groom and cherish, show each other, compare and bring them to ideal shapes and surfaces.

Here comes the day X. Usually the time is set for the evening, after the evening check, when the whole vertuhai movement calms down. Patients wash, water is boiled, the operating table is prepared, the instrument and the implants themselves are sterilized. And it starts to get wet ... Blow, groan, blood, relieved "Entered!" Laughter through the pain. No one remains indifferent, the audience jokes and makes fun of them, consultations are held on especially difficult cases, everyone tries to give advice. On the occasion of successful, as well as unsuccessful, operations, a strong chifir is brewed ...

Usually everyone came with a request to carry out the operation to me, as to a doctor. If a movement had already begun in the hut, then it was useless to dissuade, and if even more so, friends asked for it, they had to agree. All the same, after all, they will pierce, so I'd rather do it myself properly, with a firm hand and with the necessary aseptic and antiseptic measures. And if he agreed to do it alone, then a whole queue is immediately attached, which also adjusts the production of its balls to the appointed day. Once, in one of the evenings, it was necessary to break through 8 balabases. As on an assembly line. Hit, "Oh!", "Next! Lie here!", Hit again, wild mooing, "next!"

I'll tell you the technology - maybe anyone wants to ... True, I heard that such an operation is now done in some places in private medical institutions. And not for little money. Can you open such a center for yourself, call it, for example, "Balabas" (this is one of the names of a member on a hairdryer) and beat up money? .. In retirement, I will probably do it. :)

So that's it. There are several types of penis abuse in order to make it more stimulating. The most common are balls. Usually one to three of them are inserted under the skin around the head of the penis. The first is usually at the top in the center, if there is more than one, then usually there are three - two others on the side from below on both sides of the main one. Thus, the three balls are at an equal distance from each other and form a ring around the neck of the head. And the member gets in this case the name "corn". Or, if there are two, then the second is on the opposite side.

There were enthusiasts who could not stop in any way and put 5 - 6 balls each - also along the shaft of the penis. In prison, it is usually not possible to experience the possibilities of such an ear, but in the camp, when the wives arrive, the reality, as a rule, is not as attractive as the imagination, and many begin to carve them out. However, one or two are still usually left, unless their size was too huge.

In size, it is usually slightly larger than a pea. It is oblong in shape, like a rugby ball. This shape is also needed so that in the process of wound healing after implantation of such a ball, it can be rotated so that it does not adhere to the flesh. For this, the ball must also be perfectly polished - this takes the bulk of the time - sometimes several days required to make the ball in a prison cell.

The balls are usually made of thick plastic (plexiglass or the like), for which the handles of toothbrushes are ideal. It is desirable that the material be transparent, otherwise it will shine through and the bolt in an erection state will look like a multi-colored Christmas tree toy. If there are no suitable brushes or similar things, then the ball is poured, making a small indentation in a bar of soap and dripping molten plastic there from the burnt cases of fountain pens or ordinary plastic bags.

Rough processing of the material until it is given the desired size and shape is carried out by rubbing it against the concrete of the floor. Then I start sanding - first, rough sanding with whitewash or plaster from the walls, which is scraped off onto a piece of usually flannel cloth. Finer processing is done with the same cloth, only without any abrasives. The last stage is usually in the mouth. The ball is worn behind the cheek for several days, constantly moving the tongue. If you approach the process responsibly, then it takes 3-5 days. Although they did it for one, but there is no need to rush here - after all, such an important organ can be spoiled in vain.

Glass is considered the ideal material for a ball, but this is possible only in the zone, and even then it is very problematic to find such a thick one - usually a glass block is used for this. In this case, the manufacturing process can take 3-4 weeks, most of which will be spent on grinding, including in the mouth. Although, here it is already possible to use machines and tools that are often available in the industrial zone.

In addition to balls, so-called sleepers are also used - oblong, about a centimeter in length and 3-4 mm in diameter cylinders. Sleepers "fit" along the back of the penis in the amount of 3-4 pieces at a distance of about 1.5 cm from each other - just like sleepers, turning this body into a kind of washboard. Often they are combined with balls - a small main ball is placed on top near the head itself, then several sleepers go. Or balls from the bottom to the sides, sleepers from above.

To punch holes in a puzak (another name for a member), a "breakdown" is used - for example, a handle from a spoon, but not aluminum, but more durable, made of an aluminum-based alloy. Usually, such spoons are not allowed into prison, but, nevertheless, it happens. Toothbrush handles are a more common tool. A straight handle is selected, the brush itself is sawn off (plastic is cut well with thin ropes), and the edge is sharpened at an angle of 45 degrees. It is important that the width of the breakdown is sufficient for the manufactured balls (the sleepers are made thin, so any size is suitable for them).

All this, including balls, is sterilized using available methods - since it is usually impossible to boil plastic, because it loses its shape, then usually furacilin is used for this, which can be obtained in the medical unit in the presence of purulent wounds (and there are always enough of them) or from home. The balls and the breakdown are thrown there for several hours, or even the whole day. If several people need to do an "operation" with one breakdown, you still have to dip it into boiling water for a short while between procedures. The "patient" washes his household with Furacilin, or simply with hot water and soap, if the first one is not available.

True, it should be noted here that these methods were mainly introduced by me, observing how people expose themselves to the risk of purulent complications and infection through the blood with hepatitis or HIV. Usually, safety technology has a rather primitive form, or even do without it altogether.

The operation itself takes place like this: the "patient" takes off his panties and sits on the bench in the riding position (on his towel, so as not to finish the bench with his tukhes). A thick book covered with toilet paper serves as an operating table, which lies between the legs on a bench and on which a poor, shrunken and wrinkled penis is laid out. Its owner pulls the skin in the right place, pressing it to the book, a breakdown is placed on top and with a sharp blow breaks through so that it enters the book. The percussion instrument is a metal mug with a bag of sugar or salt inside for weight, or a heavy book. Then the operated person inserts a ball into the wound himself. Well, if the blow was good, the breakdown is sharpened and of the appropriate size - then it is not difficult to insert it. If the size turns out to be insufficient, the most "interesting" begins - the ball is crammed in, which can sometimes continue with interruptions all night long. They made a hole, it was in vain that he suffered, he had to suffer a little more.

After a blow, very few people usually succeed in immediately starting to insert - there have been cases of loss of consciousness, or just a state close to shock or stupor. Or heavy bleeding. Sometimes the "patient" does not dare to put his sausage under the knife, or it happens from the second or third attempt under the influence of ridicule and jokes of others, many feel bad even before the procedure or at the sight of others' blood.

But I must say that the majority is still decided. There were also cases of unsuccessful strikes, when the skin did not break through to the end, or the size of the breakdown was not guessed. What can you do - production costs ... Cases of infection were extremely rare, the biggest is a slight suppuration. The skin in this place is very rich in blood vessels, and heals very quickly.

Usually one ball or tie is inserted at a time. More - when it heals. But there were also such daredevils that at once, in one evening, they made two holes.

Then the balabas is bandaged and it remains to wait (nothing at all, a couple of years ...) the application of the acquired advantages in practice. At first, while the wound has not healed, you must make sure that the ball does not fall out. It was such that at night he fell out, and in the morning he had to stick it into an already swollen and slightly healed wound.

A special thrill is also to jerk off after a few days, when the wound is already beginning to heal and itches pleasantly. It’s almost impossible to hold on. Yes, however, and why? At least test a new structure in this way, experience new sensations. Roosters, however, do not really like such adaptations - they say that it is very painful to enter and they try to avoid such partners.

Another type of enhancement in the nature of the male genital organ available in prison is the ring. More precisely, a ring is a device with which a hole is made in the bridle. A ring is cut out of a piece of plexiglass - a donut, with a diameter of about a centimeter or slightly less and a thickness of about 1.5 mm. It is sanded a little and then gently splits in one place with a sharpening blade. It turns out an open ring, which, stretching by the strings, is put on the bridle in such a way that the thin skin is compressed between the edges of the break. So they leave it for several days - the skin at the place where the ring closes gradually dies off and after 3-4 days it breaks out. The ring, like an earring, hangs on the bridle. The procedure is also not pleasant, but, of course, it cannot be compared with balls. This is left for another week to allow the wound to heal, and then the ring is broken and removed. A hole is formed that no longer tightens - like in the ears. Then, before using the penis for its intended purpose, antennae are inserted into this hole, which are made from fishing line or horsehair and ... forward, to the heights of orgasm!

These are the passions. There are other ways - petroleum jelly under the skin, but I have not seen such "originals". Yes, and in a prison it is difficult. "Rosette" - a head cut into four parts. Brrrr! This is clearly only a sick imagination could come up with. Moreover, without anesthesia.

These are the torments men can endure in order to impress the opposite sex. Without anesthesia, with a primitive instrument, in unsanitary conditions ... And many still had to sit and sit for years ... Where there is epilation and plucking of eyebrows - a mosquito bite. So, women, take note of what unused reserves are. Lubof is a great power!

And towards the end, I will only say that for those who have tried such improvements in their minds, it will not be superfluous to recall the well-known adage: "The main thing is not the size (as well as the shape) of the steering wheel, but the ability to use it."

Balls inserted under the skin of the penis are implants designed to give the male reproductive organ additional volume and relief. Men decide on such an operation to thicken the penis in order to give their beloved maximum pleasure during an intimate act.

Why do men insert balls into the penis?

Ball implants are the easiest and most inexpensive way to thicken certain areas of the penis. The procedure is quick and requires only the consent of the patient.

Men who are dissatisfied with the size of the reproductive organ or who want to satisfy their partner as much as possible during sex, bring her to orgasm, go to the operation.

Many patients decide on the procedure because they know that the woman they love previously had a sexual partner with balls in the penis or with a thicker dignity.

Currently, the installation of implants in the penis is a popular and safest way to increase male dignity.

After the operation, the man is able to more effectively stimulate his partner during sex. The procedure is completely harmless to the male reproductive system, and is also reversible.

The patient can remove the implant at any time, and removal is easier and faster than installation. The balls inserted into the penis have absolutely no effect on erectile function, the work of the urinary system.

What are penis balls made of?

In expensive commercial clinics, beads made from natural pearls are used. Each pearl is 9-10 mm in diameter. The patient himself chooses what the implant should be.

But for quick healing of a surgical incision and a comfortable state of the penis, doctors advise men to choose smooth, medium-sized balls.

Some clinics offer to insert balls of medium hardness prosthetic material. Implants made of plastic, glass, silicone are also produced. The patient can choose according to his taste and budget, or he can follow the advice of a medical specialist.

How is the ball installation procedure carried out?

Before the operation, the following manipulations are performed.

  1. The patient chooses how many balls he wants to place in the penis, how big they should be. The doctor does not interfere in the selection process, he can only advise in which places of the penis it is better to insert balls. The optimal insertion points are determined based on the positions in which the man usually performs intercourse.
  2. The patient can choose up to 10 clitoral balls.
  3. The balls are allowed to be inserted into the upper, lower and lateral sides of the male reproductive organ. Depending on the location of the implants, the stimulation of the clitoral region or the upper, lower, lateral vaginal lining is enhanced.

When the patient is determined with the number and size of the balls, the doctor proceeds to the surgical procedure. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes.

Implants are sterilized before insertion into the penis... Below is a step-by-step description of the operation.

A week after surgery, the patient needs to return to the clinic to have the stitches removed. Also, the doctor must make sure that everything is normal, there are no complications. The recovery period is short, but it is strictly forbidden to enter into intimate intercourse within 15 days after the operation.

Installing clitoral balls at home

Some men run the risk of inserting balls into their penis at home. The procedure is safe only if it is carried out correctly.

Self-insertion implants can be purchased at any sex shop. All stages of the procedure are described in detail below.

  1. The man takes a bath or shower, thoroughly washes the genital area.
  2. It is necessary to treat the palms, penis, scrotum, pubic area with a disinfectant solution to prevent the penetration of infection.
  3. On the penis with a marker, you need to mark the places where the balls will be inserted. But it should be borne in mind that the implants should not touch, the distance between them should be at least 2 cm.
  4. A syringe with a thin needle and an injection solution of novocaine in an ampoule are taken. It is necessary to inject into the selected site, being careful not to touch the large blood vessels.
  5. When the penis loses sensitivity, an incision of up to 8 mm should be made.
  6. From the incision to the selected place under the skin, the syringe makes a stroke no longer than 5 mm.
  7. A Streptocide tablet is taken, ground into powder, pushed into the course by means of a syringe.
  8. The ball must be rolled into the course, pushed to the selected place.
  9. The incision is processed with brilliant green. A sterile bandage soaked in an antibiotic solution is applied to the penis.

Dangers of the procedure

The operation to thicken the penis with clitoral balls is considered safe. But sometimes unpleasant consequences are observed. Usually problems arise after the procedure at home.

In order not to run into trouble, it is necessary to contact well-known clinics with a good reputation. Most often, men after a poor-quality operation have the following problems:

It should be noted that implant rejection can occur even after the correct operation. This happens if the tissues of the penis do not adapt to a foreign object.

With rejection, a man feels intense pain in the genitals. You have to forget about having sex in this situation.

If, after installing the balls, the above problems arise, then you should immediately contact a medical specialist. Usually, doctors recommend that patients remove the implants from the penis.

It is unacceptable to carry out the procedure without observing sterility, without disinfecting the genital area and balls. With a careless operation, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid the penetration of infection into the tissues of the reproductive organ.

When pathogens enter the penis, the man experiences the following symptoms:

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor.

The surgeon will remove the balls from the inflamed penis, prescribe medications to relieve the inflammatory reaction and prevent blood poisoning.

Other methods of penis enlargement

Penis enlargement with a vacuum pump

Besides the clitoral balls, there are other methods of enlarging the penis.

An effective and popular penis thickening and lengthening device -.

The device includes a cylindrical flask, a pump, and, in some models, a bulb.

The penis is placed in a flask and air is pumped out of it, resulting in a low pressure.

Being in an airless space, the male organ begins to lengthen and thicken. The vacuum pump has many advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety with careful use;
  • low cost;
  • a variety of models;
  • the ability to use at home;
  • with minimal or no side effects.

But it must be borne in mind that it is safe only if it is used correctly. When pumping up the penis with a device, a man must follow the instructions, do not exceed the procedure time. If you ignore the instructions, inflation may result in the following problems:

  • swelling of the penis;
  • hematomas;
  • redness of the skin of the penis;
  • expansion of capillaries.

The above complications are not dangerous for a man's life and the state of the reproductive system, but they cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Some representatives of the stronger sex naively think that with a prolonged stay in a vacuum, the penis will become as long and thick as possible. In fact, on the contrary, excessively long pumping of the penis inhibits its growth.

Surgical penis enlargement

Men who are dissatisfied with sexual relations decide for a surgical operation.

Surgical intervention helps the patient get rid of complexes, increase self-esteem, and feel courageous and desirable.

Currently, the thickening of the male organ is carried out by three surgical methods:

  • transplantation of skin and fatty tissues from the buttocks to the penis;
  • transplantation of muscle tissue of the abdomen into the penis;
  • transplantation of muscle and vascular tissue.

The only contraindication to the transplant is the patient's mental insanity. Therefore, on the eve of the operation, a psychologist must talk with a man. The healthcare professional confirms or denies that the patient is mentally healthy.

The surgery takes about three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The process of penis enlargement on the operating table is described in stages below.

  1. The surgeon cuts the prepuce. The skin of the penis is pulled back to the pubic area.
  2. From the selected area of ​​the body, skin and fat or muscle and vascular tissue is cut off.
  3. The cut piece of tissue is wrapped around the shaft of the penis, the vessels are connected.
  4. The skin of the penis returns to its original position. The operation ends.

As a result of surgical intervention, the penis is noticeably transformed: the thickness increases up to 5 cm, and the length - up to 2 cm. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for about 5 days.

It is allowed to enter into an intimate relationship 60 days after surgical procedures. Usually, operations are successful, but sometimes complications develop:

  • swelling of the penis;
  • infectious lesion;
  • rejection of tissues.

Rejection is extremely rare, as the patient's own skin and adipose tissue is transplanted onto the penis. To avoid complications, after surgery, a man must carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Penis enlargement with an extender

- an orthopedic device that allows you to increase the length of the male organ.

This device was originally intended to be worn after penis enlargement surgery.

It contributed to the preservation of the new length of the reproductive organ. Today, medical specialists confirm that an orthopedic device has an increasing effect even without surgery.

There are several rules for wearing an extender.

Men began to install small balls under the skin of the penis a long time ago. One of the first to do this was the Red Army in Soviet Russia. Over time, the technology of this operation has not significantly improved: today, surgeons carry out the installation of clitoral balls in almost the same way. The difference is only in the quality of the materials used and the use of anesthesia. The presence of balls does not in any way affect the erectile, reproductive, and urinary functions of a man.

Indications for surgery

  • The patient's desire to bring more pleasure to the partner during intercourse

Contraindications to surgery

  • Inflammatory diseases at any stage of the genitourinary system
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Increased body temperature
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Venereal diseases
  • Immunodeficiency diseases
  • Mental illness

Preparing for surgery

If you are planning to undergo an operation to install clitoral balls, you must first make an appointment for a consultation with a plastic surgeon specializing in male intimate plastic surgery. In the course of communication, it is necessary to ask the doctor a number of questions about possible intervention, preparation for it and subsequent rehabilitation. Find out what exactly to ask your surgeon here. If you cannot decide which of the specialists to choose for a consultation, or do not have the opportunity to visit the surgeon in person, use the specialized online consultation service. Thanks to his work, you can receive prompt answers on the topic of the installation of clitoral balls from the surgeons performing this operation. Before undergoing this intervention, it is necessary to be examined and tested - read their detailed list.

Operation progress

The operation begins with the implementation of incisions about 5 millimeters long on the dorsal (dorsal) and, in some cases, the lateral surfaces of the penis. Then the surgeon inserts the required number of balls into the holes, redistributes them and fixes them in the correct position. Next, the incisions are sutured in such a way that the balls are held in place. This operation is relatively easy to perform, but the penis is a sensitive area of ​​the body, therefore it is recommended to devote sufficient time to choosing a specialist.

Duration of surgery: 15-30 minutes

Anesthesia: local

Rehabilitation after surgery

As a rule, you can leave the clinic one hour after the procedure. During the operation, self-absorbable sutures are applied, so they do not need to be removed. Thus, over time, the scar will be almost invisible. In the first days after the operation, you need to treat the suture area with antiseptics. What exactly and what exactly needs to be done - the surgeon will tell you. You can have sex only 2 weeks after installing the balls, at least.

If you wish to remove or replace the clitoral balls, it is not recommended to do it yourself. In this case, it is imperative to contact a specialist.

Photos before and after surgery

You can talk about the effectiveness of the installation of clitoral balls under the skin of the penis after viewing the photos before and after this operation. You can evaluate the results of this type of intimate correction by visiting the site of a plastic surgeon providing services in male intimate plastic surgery. We would also like to draw your attention to the useful section "Before and After Photos" located on the portal.

Operation prices

For the installation of 1 clitoral ball today you will have to pay from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles. If 2 balls are installed, the price is about 20,000-40,000 rubles. A more accurate cost of this operation can be found after an in-person consultation with a specialist. The prices shown are valid for Moscow. In the regions, the cost of installing clitoral balls may be lower. If you want to go through this procedure with a discount or free of charge, the exclusive Russian service "Plastic for free" is at your service. On this portal, domestic plastic surgeons post information about their promotions for certain operations.

Who has the surgery done?

To obtain a high-quality postoperative result, you should contact a plastic surgeon who has sufficient experience in carrying out this intervention. Valuable data from the rating of the best plastic surgeons in Russia and the list of laureates of the Diamond Beauty International Prize in the field of beauty and health can make it easier for you to choose a specialist in male intimate plastic surgery.

Balls inserted under the skin of the penis are implants designed to give the male reproductive organ additional volume and relief. Men decide on such an operation to thicken the penis in order to give their beloved maximum pleasure during an intimate act.

The device includes a cylindrical flask, a pump, and, in some models, a bulb.

The penis is placed in a flask and air is pumped out of it, resulting in a low pressure.

Being in an airless space, the male organ begins to lengthen and thicken. The vacuum pump has many advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • safety with careful use;
  • low cost;
  • a variety of models;
  • the ability to use at home;
  • with minimal or no side effects.

But it must be borne in mind that it is safe only if it is used correctly. When pumping up the penis with a device, a man must follow the instructions, do not exceed the procedure time. If you ignore the instructions, inflation may result in the following problems:

  • swelling of the penis;
  • hematomas;
  • redness of the skin of the penis;
  • expansion of capillaries.

The above complications are not dangerous for a man's life and the state of the reproductive system, but they cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Some representatives of the stronger sex naively think that with a prolonged stay in a vacuum, the penis will become as long and thick as possible. In fact, on the contrary, excessively long pumping of the penis inhibits its growth.

Surgical penis enlargement

Men who are dissatisfied with sexual relations decide for a surgical operation.

Surgical intervention helps the patient get rid of complexes, increase self-esteem, and feel courageous and desirable.

Currently, the thickening of the male organ is carried out by three surgical methods:

  • transplantation of skin and fatty tissues from the buttocks to the penis;
  • transplantation of muscle tissue of the abdomen into the penis;
  • transplantation of muscle and vascular tissue.

The only contraindication to the transplant is the patient's mental insanity. Therefore, on the eve of the operation, a psychologist must talk with a man. The healthcare professional confirms or denies that the patient is mentally healthy.

The surgery takes about three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. The process of penis enlargement on the operating table is described in stages below.

  1. The surgeon cuts the prepuce. The skin of the penis is pulled back to the pubic area.
  2. From the selected area of ​​the body, skin and fat or muscle and vascular tissue is cut off.
  3. The cut piece of tissue is wrapped around the shaft of the penis, the vessels are connected.
  4. The skin of the penis returns to its original position. The operation ends.

As a result of surgical intervention, the penis is noticeably transformed: the thickness increases up to 5 cm, and the length - up to 2 cm. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for about 5 days.

It is allowed to enter into an intimate relationship 60 days after surgical procedures. Usually, operations are successful, but sometimes complications develop:

  • swelling of the penis;
  • infectious lesion;
  • rejection of tissues.

Rejection is extremely rare, as the patient's own skin and adipose tissue is transplanted onto the penis. To avoid complications, after surgery, a man must carefully follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Penis enlargement with an extender

- an orthopedic device that allows you to increase the length of the male organ.

This device was originally intended to be worn after penis enlargement surgery.

It contributed to the preservation of the new length of the reproductive organ. Today, medical specialists confirm that an orthopedic device has an increasing effect even without surgery.

There are several rules for wearing an extender.

Men have invented several ways to modify the phallus. The craftsmen drove the first balls and sleepers into the penis with metal balls back in the army, but in not so distant places. The victims of these self-made "surgeons" are countless! That is, the sense from such clumsy methods was incomparably less than from self-harm.

Risks of the procedure

The main risk is the lack of engraftment, which happens with all other prostheses. You must understand that foreign material is transplanted into the penis and how the body will react is unknown.

Have you tried enlarging your penis?


All risks:

  • the appearance of bedsores- a very unpleasant thing, necrosis. Requires careful care with brilliant green, potassium permanganate, zinc ointments, bandages;
  • rejection - the body's immune response to the implantation of a foreign body. In this case, the balls are removed immediately;
  • the development of scar tissue around the balls- the result of implantation of a low-quality product, irregular in shape and size. A thick film forms around the stimulator, pain and deformities occur. The whole thing is removed with a surgical knife, in advanced cases, together with balls;
  • inflammation, decay, temperature, sepsis, death- we will not wish such a connection to anyone, but there is a risk.



The balloon installer warns:

Reviews of women and girls

We talked with beautiful nymphs who had a partner with implants. Meet their controversial assessments.

Lisa, 48 years old

My husband and I decided to diversify our sex life. I persuaded my husband to insert balls into the penis. We came to the clinic, passed all the tests and implanted pearls. The operation was surprisingly fast.

The husband recovered for about a week, there were no complications. Now we seem to be 20 years old, sensations, emotions - everything is on top.

Lilia, 29 years old

My boyfriend was very proud when he inserted the balls into his household. The operation took place quickly, in one of the private Moscow clinics. Even before they met, he told his friends about his miracle and offered to experience multiple orgasms.

In general, when I saw the penis, it was a little disgusting. The two balls on the front side looked, to put it mildly, abnormal. However, if you close your eyes, you can experience unusual sensations, especially at the start.

Marina, 25 years old

In my opinion, stimulants help out men who do not refine their performance technique. I had such a passenger. He looks modest, but the phallus is studded with balls to the maximum. I counted 6 pieces. It hurt in bed with him - horror! Personally, I have not experienced any joy. It's much cooler to make love with an experienced craftsman and sex toys.

Vasilisa, 32 years old

I really don't like these things. During intense frictions, they interfere and rub the most delicate places. Some positions are painful at all.

You remember such sex with a shudder and immediately drain such a man. I strongly advise you not to "drive" on a member with balls.

Evgeniya, 26 years old

I also ran into such a handsome man in the club. Fell head over heels in love, but endured it a couple of times. In bed, either nothing at all, or it hurts.

I do not understand who invented that women squeak from balls and similar tinsel. I generally keep quiet about oral sex. A penis with such things looks very unpleasant. Any beautiful phallus is disfigured.


We think, after negative female assessments, it makes sense to look for ways with more rosy prospects. If you are concerned about size and want to work on this issue, look at the advances in the pharmaceutical industry.

Titan gel

Top product,

The cost of installing a ball in the penis is 10 thousand rubles

Why put balls in the penis

Balls in the penis or subcutaneous penile implants - the easiest and cheapest way to locally enlarge (thicken) the penis. To perform this operation, only the desire of the partner to enlarge his penis and give more pleasure to the partner is required.

An incentive for a man laying down cock balls- an increase in the penis and maximum and quick satisfaction of the partner. Penile ball implantation is a procedure for men who think about their sexual health and the comfort of a woman hoping to get an orgasm.

Why is the insertion of balls into the penis a popular operation for men?

Recently, (penis) has become the most popular due to the lack of a safe and effective method of thickening the penis, which is often performed with one goal - to give a woman pleasure during intercourse. Many patients come for implantation balls in the penis to stimulate the clitoris at the request of the partner, if she has previously had a man with "balls" in the penis or a thicker penis.

How is the installation of balls in the penis

The number of balls to be inserted into the penis is chosen by the patient. The doctor advises how to correctly position them and implant them into the penis, taking into account the man's favorite postures. On average, 3 - 8 clitoral stimulator balls are installed. Balls under the skin of the penis can be located on the back or lateral surfaces of the penis and, with frictions, directly stimulate the partner's clitoris and the side walls of the vagina. Sexual activity can begin two weeks after surgery.

Carrying out the installation of balls in the penis

The operation of implantation of balls into the penis is performed on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia. Duration 10-15 minutes. Under local anesthesia, a tunnel is formed subcutaneously through which a sterile ball is placed under the skin of the penis as far as possible from the incision. A 0.5 cm wound is sutured in two layers to prevent the displacement of the ball. The incisions are 0.5 cm in size, cross the length of the penis and after healing, the scars are lost in the natural folds of the skin of the penis. Usually one or two sutures are applied to the wound with an absorbable suture, the sutures are completely absorbed after 2 weeks. After 20 minutes, the patient leaves the clinic.

What are balls for implantation into the penis made of?

We install natural pearl stimulating balls. The size of the pearls is about 9-10 mm. When choosing balls for installation in the penis, the wishes of the patient are taken into account, but for normal wound healing and the functioning of stimulants, their shape should be streamlined, smooth, without corners and of adequate size, in order to avoid bedsores and rejection.

Do the balls in the penis increase the size (thickness) of the penis?

This is the only harmless method of local thickening of the penis with the possibility of targeted sexual stimulation of the partner. And most importantly, this procedure is reversible without harm to the patient. If the patient needs to remove the implant from the penis, it is even easier than installing it. The implantation of balls into the penis does not affect the quality of erection, urinary and reproductive function.

The cost of installing clitoral balls into the penis in our clinic is 10 thousand rubles. for one ball. The cost of installing balls into the penis includes a pearl ball, implantation of the ball under the skin of the penis, local anesthesia, and postoperative observation. After the installation of the balls into the penis, no complications are observed. The implantation of balls under the skin of the penis takes about 30 minutes.

Men have invented several ways to modify the phallus. The craftsmen drove the first balls and sleepers into the penis with metal balls back in the army, but in not so distant places. The victims of these self-made "surgeons" are countless! That is, the sense from such clumsy methods was incomparably less than from self-harm.

Risks of the procedure

The main risk is the lack of engraftment, which happens with all other prostheses. You must understand that foreign material is transplanted into the penis and how the body will react is unknown.

Have you tried enlarging your penis?


All risks:

  • the appearance of bedsores- a very unpleasant thing, necrosis. Requires careful care with brilliant green, potassium permanganate, zinc ointments, bandages;
  • rejection - the body's immune response to the implantation of a foreign body. In this case, the balls are removed immediately;
  • the development of scar tissue around the balls- the result of implantation of a low-quality product, irregular in shape and size. A thick film forms around the stimulator, pain and deformities occur. The whole thing is removed with a surgical knife, in advanced cases, together with balls;
  • inflammation, decay, temperature, sepsis, death- we will not wish such a connection to anyone, but there is a risk.



The balloon installer warns:

Reviews of women and girls

We talked with beautiful nymphs who had a partner with implants. Meet their controversial assessments.

Lisa, 48 years old

My husband and I decided to diversify our sex life. I persuaded my husband to insert balls into the penis. We came to the clinic, passed all the tests and implanted pearls. The operation was surprisingly fast.

The husband recovered for about a week, there were no complications. Now we seem to be 20 years old, sensations, emotions - everything is on top.

Lilia, 29 years old

My boyfriend was very proud when he inserted the balls into his household. The operation took place quickly, in one of the private Moscow clinics. Even before they met, he told his friends about his miracle and offered to experience multiple orgasms.

In general, when I saw the penis, it was a little disgusting. The two balls on the front side looked, to put it mildly, abnormal. However, if you close your eyes, you can experience unusual sensations, especially at the start.

Marina, 25 years old

In my opinion, stimulants help out men who do not refine their performance technique. I had such a passenger. He looks modest, but the phallus is studded with balls to the maximum. I counted 6 pieces. It hurt in bed with him - horror! Personally, I have not experienced any joy. It's much cooler to make love with an experienced craftsman and sex toys.

Vasilisa, 32 years old

I really don't like these things. During intense frictions, they interfere and rub the most delicate places. Some positions are painful at all.

You remember such sex with a shudder and immediately drain such a man. I strongly advise you not to "drive" on a member with balls.

Evgeniya, 26 years old

I also ran into such a handsome man in the club. Fell head over heels in love, but endured it a couple of times. In bed, either nothing at all, or it hurts.

I do not understand who invented that women squeak from balls and similar tinsel. I generally keep quiet about oral sex. A penis with such things looks very unpleasant. Any beautiful phallus is disfigured.


We think, after negative female assessments, it makes sense to look for ways with more rosy prospects. If you are concerned about size and want to work on this issue, look at the advances in the pharmaceutical industry.

Titan gel

Top product,

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