Avar speech. Avar language: its structural features and history

Namely, to its Avar-Andean branch. It is spoken in Northern Dagestan, as well as in some regions of Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Currently, Avar is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof Dagestan; about 785 thousand people know it, which makes it one of the most widespread in the Western Caucasus. For comparison, in 1989, the Avar language had 535 thousand speakers, and in 1979 - 472 thousand.It is obvious that the number of Avar speakers is gradually growing, but at the same time the number of people for whom Avar is their native language is decreasing. ...

The emergence of the Avar writing

Historical evidence indicates that during the Middle Ages (up to the 13th century) the Avars, along with some other peoples of the Caucasus (Armenians, Georgians), were Christians. However, with the fall of Constantinople and the actual collapse of Byzantium, Turkey's influence on the countries of the Caspian coast gradually increased. The militant policy of the Ottoman Empire led to the fact that by the 16th century. most of the peoples of the Caucasus converted to Islam.

Since in the Christian period the Avars apparently did not have their own alphabet, Muslim missionaries took care of creating a writing system for the newly converted people that would allow the Avars not only to develop their culture, but also to read Arabic religious writings in the original. Therefore, in the XVI century. the representatives of this nation were offered a writing based on the Arabic alphabet (ajam). This caused a wide cultural resonance: the literacy of the population increased, literature appeared in the Avar language, commentaries to the "Koran", helping the Avars to better understand the meaning of the sacred text of Muslims.

Modern Avar alphabet

From the middle of the XIX century. the influence of the Ottoman Empire is weakening, but Russia begins to occupy an important place on the political map of the world. In the 1860s. the Russian military and scientist P.K. Uslar creates an alphabet for the Avars based on the Cyrillic alphabet. However, due to the fact that the Avar language has a complex sound system, the alphabet does not take root.

After the October Revolution in 1928, the Avars, like other peoples of Dagestan, were offered a script based on the Latin alphabet. However, it did not last long either, because it contradicted the desire of the USSR government to create a uniform graphics system for all peoples.

In 1938, on the basis of the Russian letter, an alphabet was developed, which largely conveys the features of the Avar language, but contains many more letters. So, in the modern Avar alphabet there are all 33 letters of the Russian alphabet and 13 more letters that denote sounds that are absent in the Russian language.

Phonetic and structural features of the Avar language

Like most languages \u200b\u200band dialects of the Western Caucasus, the Avar language is distinguished by a complex grammatical system: it has transitive (they may have an object with them) and intransitive (used without an object) verbs, a large number of cases (more than ten), special morphemes that mark the gender of the person about which speech, category of number, gender, types of conjugation, types of declension, etc.

The phonetic structure of the Avar language is also complex: the language contains a large number of consonants and a variety of vowel morphemes. These sounds are transmitted using several letters (digraphs): letters | and the corresponding Russian letter. For example: t | eh ("flower"), x | inc | ("bird"), r | achi("Cows"), r | adan("woman").

The stress in the Avar language can fall on any syllable, and therefore has a meaningful function, as in Russian. For example: g | ia’l -R. p. From the word "sheep" ("sheep"), r | i'yal - pl. hours of this word ("o'vtsy").

Dialects of the Avar language

In modern Dagestan, a huge number of nationalities live with their own cultural customs and traditions. The Avars constitute the largest ethnic group in the region, but the linguistic space of this people is heterogeneous.

The Avar language is divided into nine dialects, including Zagatala, Khunzakh, Antsukh, etc. In the 19th century. The role of the national language is given to the Bolmats dialect, which was understandable to the speakers of different Avar dialects. Subsequently, the Bolmats received the status of a literary language and became common to all Avars. It is studied in Dagestan schools, official documents are drawn up on it, poetry is written, newspapers and magazines are published.

Literature in the Avar language

The recording of Avar folklore for the purpose of its scientific study began in the 19th century. Literature began to develop actively from about the same period. Dagestani writer Rasul Gamzatov writes prose and poetry in the Avar language, as well as historical poems based on Avar folk legends (for example, "The Legend of Khochbar").

The writer and translator Magomed Suleimanov translated into the Avar novel by A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", thanks to which this work can now be read in Dagestan schools not only in Russian, but also in their native language.

The Dagestan government supports the development of the region's multinational culture. The most famous newspaper in the Avar language - ("X | akyikat") "Truth", is published in both print and electronic form.

In connection with the development of the Internet, not only works of art are spreading, but also poems in the Avar language, written by unknown authors on the occasion of birthday, March 8, New Year, etc. This contributes to maintaining interest in the Avar language, because 50 years ago it was on the verge of extinction.

Learning the Avar language

In order to take a lesson in the Avar language, it is not necessary to go to distant Dagestan. Teachers can be found through groups in social networks and translation bureau. In addition, textbooks, Avar-Russian and Russian-Avar dictionaries, textbooks on the phonetics and syntax of the Avar language are in the public domain.

Sometimes some of us hear about such a nationality as the Avar. What nation are the Avars?

It is indigenous to eastern Georgia. Today, this nation has grown so much that it is the main population in Dagestan.


It still remains very vague. According to the Georgian chronicle, their family stems from Khozonikh, a descendant of the progenitor of the Dagestan people. In the past, the Avar Khanate - Khunzakh was named after him.

There is an opinion that in fact the Avars descended from the Caspians, Legs and Gels, but it is not supported by any evidence, including the nationality itself does not classify itself as any of the above tribes. Research is currently underway to find a connection between the Avars and the Avars who founded the Kanagat, however, so far these attempts have not brought the desired result. But thanks to genetic analyzes (only the maternal line), we can say that this nationality (Avar) is closer to the Slavs than to other peoples of Georgia.

Other versions of the origin of the Avars also do not clarify, but only confuse due to the existence of two different tribes with almost the same name. The only thing that historians mention is the likelihood that the name of this nation was given by the Kumyks, whom they caused a lot of anxiety. The word "avar" is translated from the Turkic as "alarming" or "warlike", in some legends this name was given to mythical creatures gifted with superhuman strength.

Those whose nationality is Avar often call themselves whatever they think is appropriate: maarulals, highlanders and even "supreme" ones.

History of the people

The land occupied by the Avars from the 5th to the 6th centuries. BC e., was named Sarir. This kingdom extended in the north and bordered on the settlements of the Alans and Khazars. Despite all the circumstances playing in favor of Sarir, he became a large political state only in the 10th century.

Although this was the period of the early Middle Ages, the society and culture of the country were very high level, various crafts and cattle breeding flourished here. The capital of Sarir was the city of Khumraj. The king, who was especially distinguished by his successful rule, was called Avar. The history of the Avars mentions him as an extremely brave ruler, and some scholars even believe that the name of the people came from his name.

Two centuries later, on the site of Sarir, the Avar Khanate arose - one of the most powerful settlements, and independent "free communities" emerged among other lands. Representatives of the latter were distinguished by ferocity and strong fighting spirit.

The period of the khanate's existence was a turbulent time: wars were constantly thundering, the consequences of which were devastation and stagnation. However, in trouble he united, and his cohesion only grew stronger. An example of this was the Andalal battle, which did not stop day or night. However, the highlanders achieved success thanks to their knowledge of the area and various tricks. This nation was so close-knit that even women took part in the hostilities, driven by the desire to preserve their home. Thus, we can say that this nationality (Avar) really received the correct name, well deserved by the militancy of the inhabitants of the khanate.

In the 18th century, many khanates of the Caucasus and Dagestan became part of Russia. Those who did not want to live under the yoke of the tsarist government organized an uprising, which grew into one that lasted for 30 years. Despite all the differences, in the second half next century Dagestan became part of Russia.


The Avars developed their own language and writing back in times. Since this tribe was considered the strongest in the mountains, its dialect quickly spread throughout the adjacent lands, becoming dominant. Today the language is the native language of more than 700 thousand people.

Avar dialects are very different and are divided into northern and southern groups, so native speakers who speak different dialects are unlikely to understand each other. However, the northerners' dialect is closer to the literary norm, and it is easier to grasp the essence of the conversation.


Despite the early penetration, the inhabitants of Avaria began to use it only a couple of centuries ago. Before that, an alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet was in use, but at the beginning of the 19th century. it was decided to replace it with the Latin alphabet.

Today, the official writing system is graphically similar to the Russian alphabet, but containing 46 characters instead of 33.

Avar customs

The culture of this people is quite specific. For example, when communicating between people, a distance must be observed: men are prohibited from approaching women closer than two meters, while the latter must maintain a distance of half. The same rule applies to conversations between young people and old people.

Avars, like other peoples of Dagestan, are vaccinated from childhood not only by age, but also by social status. The one who is "in charge" always goes to the right, and the husband is in front of his wife.

The customs of Avar hospitality beat all records of goodwill. According to tradition, the visitor rises above the owner, regardless of his rank and age and can come at any time of the day without notifying him of this in advance. The home owner takes full responsibility for the health and safety of the newcomers. But the guest is also obliged to comply with some rules of etiquette, which prohibit performing a number of actions that are not accepted in the local society.

In family relations, the power of the head of the house was not arbitrary, the woman played a leading role in solving many issues, but at the same time there was some forced alienation between husband and wife. For example, according to the rules, they should not sleep in bed together or live in the same room if there are several rooms in the house.

There was also a ban on communication between girls and boys, so the Avar (what kind of nation, it was told earlier) visited the house of the chosen one in order to leave in it a certain thing, which was regarded as a marriage proposal.

Avar nationality

Thus, we can say that the Avars are an extremely interesting people with a rich centuries-old history and exciting customs, which are far from fully described in this article. These are very open people, not knowing irony, but loving farce. They are extremely emotional, therefore, in personal communication, you should not infuriate the Avar by hurting his sense of patriotism or hinting at physical weakness.

Avars (self-name magIarulal) are one of the most numerous indigenous peoples of Dagestan. Avars inhabit mainly the mountainous regions of Dagestan. Outside Dagestan, Avars live in some districts of Azebaidzhan (Zagatala and Belokansky) and in some villages of Georgia. In addition, native speakers of the Avar language also live in some countries of the Middle East (in particular, only in Turkey there are up to 10 thousand Avars). According to the 1989 census, the total number of Avars in the USSR was 604,292 people.

Avar language ( magIarul matsI) together with the closest related Ando-Tsez languages \u200b\u200bbelongs to the Nakh-Dagestan (otherwise - East Caucasian) group of Caucasian languages. The Avar language is widely used by the Ando-Tsez peoples as a literary language.

Until 1928, the Avars, like other peoples of Dagestan, used a writing system based on the Arabic script called "ajam". From 1928 to 1938, the Avar alphabet used the Latin alphabet with some additional characters. Finally, in 1938, the current alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted.

Currently, newspapers, magazines, translations of classics of fiction, original works of art are published in the Avar language, radio, television and theater are working.

* * *

This phrasebook consists of thematically united sections, each of which is devoted to a specific topic and includes the words and expressions most commonly used in everyday communication, as well as the necessary minimum dictionary and reference materials. This will help anyone who is fluent in Russian to build their conversation with the interlocutor on the most elementary already formed phrases in the Avar language. Of course, it is not designed for people who are going to fully study the Avar language, because the phrasebook gives elementary forms of the spoken language of interlocutors in certain situations: on a visit, on the street, in a store, in a theater, etc.

To create convenience when using the Russian-Avar phrasebook, headwords are highlighted. Such a structure of the sections and the “List of headwords” at the beginning in the alphabetical order of the Russian language with the indication of pages are intended to facilitate and speed up the search for the necessary words and phrases in the phrasebook. The Concise Russian-Avar Dictionary is also arranged in the alphabetical order of the Russian language. Substituting words from the given situational-thematic lists and the dictionary into phrases, you can vary the sentences given in the phrasebook, thereby significantly expanding the possibilities of communication. True, it must be remembered that the word order in the sentences of the Russian and Avar languages \u200b\u200bdoes not always coincide, and therefore, when building a new phrase, one should pay attention to the place of the replaced word in the given sample and place the new word in the same place. When using the phrasebook, it should be borne in mind that not all expressions of the Russian and Avar parts are in literal correspondence, since the author sought to convey only situational correspondence.
* * *

When using the phrasebook, one must bear in mind that it is impossible to convey all the features of the Avar pronunciation with the help of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Therefore, for more or less correct assimilation of specific Avar sounds (the explanation of which in the transcription is simplified for practical reasons), it is necessary to carefully listen to the Avar speech.

Regarding the Avar alphabet, based on a Russian graphic basis, it should be remembered that there are double letters in it that have their own specifics, namely: gb, gb, gI, kb, kb, kI, lb, tI, xb, xb, xI, cI, chI - only 13 characters. They (with the exception of I) are ordinary characters of the Russian alphabet, which are used as basic letters in the Avar alphabet. Н with the addition of second characters ( b, b, I) the main letters denote specific Avar sounds, which need to be explained.

The so-called specific Caucasian sounds (abruptive or occlusive-guttural consonants) are indicated in writing by the combination k, t, c, hwith Roman unit (stick): kI, tI, cI, chI(kIul - key, tyor - ear, cIa - Fire, chIor - arrow). When they are pronounced, the organs of speech take the same starting position as when they are pronounced k, t, c, h... But at the same time, the tongue is pressed more tightly against the posterior palate, forming a more energetic shutter. At the same time, the outlet air pressure is increased to the utmost. A sharp clicking sound is produced with an epiglottis explosion.

rb - corresponds to the German h (in the word haben - have). Examples: gyan - meat, gyogyen - cool.

hh - pronounced as soft x, but with great wheezing (in the word Houston). Examples: hyag - boiler, rehyed - herd.

xb - is formed in the larynx. To pronounce xb try to pronounce the guttural several times kx, and lingering, you get a long wheezing sound. Examples: hosh - hut, rakh - channel.

to - also formed in the larynx. Try again several times to pronounce a drawn-out laryngeal kx... Then, pronouncing another drawl kx, suddenly close the larynx completely and break this closure with the force of the retained air. You will get a sharp, guttural "creak" sound, in other words "wheezing" kx with an explosion. Examples: k'o - day, tank - the sun.

lb - one of the specific side sounds. Pronounced something like aphid. lb this is l without a voice, with aspiration. Examples: ral'ad - sea, nil - sickle.

kh - when pronouncing this sound, an extremely narrow, intensely vibrating gap is formed. Consists of side aphid with a characteristic "creak". The place of the lateral slit at kh located deeper - in the region of the posterior molars. Examples: kyo - bridge, mikgo - eight.

rb - reads close to Ukrainian rbut with a deeper guttural pronunciation. Close to burnt r... Examples: guvetI - wood, tIagur - cap.

rI - guttural voiced slit. Articulation is associated with stress at the site of the crevice. Corresponds to Arabic " ain". Examples: gIech- an Apple, ragIi - word.

xI - laryngeal deaf slit. Articulation is associated with tension at the crevice site with free exhalation. Examples: xIan - cheese, swing I - smell.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Avar w, w, l pronounced softer than in Russian ( rages - garlic, shagiar - town, mali - stairs).

x - more “rude” than in Russian, pronounced with a big “wheeze” ( khalich - carpet) at

in - reads like English w ( lizards - camel).

e - like Russian e ( kiert - foal, messed - gold).

In all positions, the vowels sound equally distinct.

In addition, when using the phrasebook, you should remember:

1. There is no category of grammatical gender in the Avar language. But in it the category of grammatical class is widely represented, which manifests itself in all parts of speech. Many lexical and grammatical meanings are associated with it. The grammatical classes are far from the same as the genders of nouns in the Russian language. Each class has its own special grammatical class indicator:

Class I (class of men) - indicator in;

Class II (class of women) - indicator th;

III class - indicator b.

The plural of all classes is r or l.

The class indicator is included in all adjectives, participles, most verbs and pronouns, many adverbs. It is rarely found in a noun.

Class I men (indicator - in!) includes all males ( you « boy» , in-ats « brother» , huh « there is» );

In the II class of women (indicator - th!) includes all female persons ( th-ace « girl» , th-ace« sister» , y-yoke« there is» );

In class III (indicator - b!) includes all words denoting or characterizing animals, inanimate objects, natural phenomena, etc. ( b-ats « wolf» , piri« lightning» , gIech « an Apple» , cIar « name» , b-huh « yes, yes» , ljikIa-b « good» etc.).

The plural of all classes, whether the word means men, women, animals or inanimate objects and phenomena, is r-, or at the end of adjectives and participles -l (p-huh « yes, yes» , r-achIana« came» , ljikIa-l « good ones», wasa-l« boys» , yasa-l « girls» , tsIalara-l« have read».

Classroom indicators are a means of expressing the connection of words in a sentence. So, the definition is consistent with the defined word by class and number, which manifests itself in a change in the class indicator depending on the semantics, for example:

bercina-in-v-as« a handsome boy» ;

bertsina-y yas« beautiful girl» ;

bertsina-b chu« a beautiful horse» ;

bercina-l l'imal « beautiful children» .

2. The plural of nouns, as a rule, is formed by adding the following endings:

-al (you-al« boys» , gioral « rivers» );

-bi (tsa-bi « teeth» , mine-bi« building» );

-ul (gund-ul « ears» , bulld-st « shovels» );

3. The Avar language does not have a polite form of address in « you» ... When addressing elders, Avars use the form « you» .

4. An adjective in the Avar language is always placed in front of the noun it defines and is consistent with it in class and number (ljikIa-in v-as « good boy» , ljikIa-yas« good girl» , ljikIa-b chu« good horse» , lyikIa-l lyima-l« good kids» etc.).
* * *

The phrasebook is not designed for people wishing to compose a complete conversation in Avar. For complete assimilation of the language, after mastering this material, those who wish can proceed to the study of other available aids (textbooks, books for reading, self-study guides and etc.).



a be ve ge ge ge ge ge ge de

e yo ze ze and y ka ka

kyo kIa el el em en o pe

er es te te te u f ha hya

hya hIa tse tsIe che hIe sha scha

eer ery eer e y i

Avar cuisine - MagIarulazul kven-tIeh

Bus - Bus

Car - Car

Address - Address

Pharmacy - Pharmacy

Aul - Rosu

Library - Library

Gratitude - Barkala

Household services - RukIa-rakhinalye huluh gabi
Age - GIel

Questions - Sualal

Doctor - Tokhtur

Dentist - GIusazul tokhturasuh

Ophthalmologist - Berazul tokhturasuh

Time - Zaman

Seasons - LagIalil Zamanabi

Temporary concepts - Zamanalul bayanal

Exhibition - Exhibition
Newspaper - Newspaper

Verbs - Verb

Year - Dream, lagIel

City - Shagiar

Guests - Gyalbal
Money - GIarats

Days of the week - Ankyil koyal

House - Ruk

Houses - Rocjob

Friendship - Gyudulli
Railroad - Mahhul nuh

Women's names - Ruchabazul TsIaral

Animals - HIayvanal

Wild animals - GIalkhul HIayvanal

Pets - Rukalul hIayvanal

Magazines - Magazine

Health - Sahli

Acquaintance - L'ai-h'way

Knowledge of languages \u200b\u200b- MatsIal l'ai
Learning languages \u200b\u200b- MatsIal lazari

Personal names - Hasal tsIaral

Nouns - Subject matter

Art - Art

Cinema - Cinema

Class - Class

Climate - Climate

Bookstore - Tiahazul tukada

Concert - Concert

Cultural goods - Cultovaral

Kitchen - Bogoruk
Personal data - Napsiyal hIuzhabi

Love - Rocky

Shop - Touken

Mathematical actions - HIisabalul gIamalal

Mera - Rocen

Pronouns - TsIarubakIal

Months - MozIal

Male names - Bihinazul tsIaral

Museums - Museum
Inscriptions - TIadkhvayal

Adverbs - Adverbs

People - Halk

Insects - XIutI-humur

Science - GIelmu

Nationality - Millat

Like it - Recie giese, bokyise
Education - L'ai-kyei

Appeal - HitIab

Shoes - Hital

Custom - GIadat

Vegetable garden - PastIan

Clothing - RetIel

Approval - TIad Rekyei

Optics - Optics

Human body - GIadamasul laga-cherkh

Answers - Javabal

Rest - HIalkhyi ghabi

Refusal - NakhchIvay

Vacation - Vacation
Fee - Fly

Weather - Giava-bak

Congratulations - Barki

Mail - Mail

Holidays - Celebrated

Greetings - Salam Kyei

Invitation - AhIi (gjobolluhye)

Adjectives - Adjective

Nature - TIabigIat

Grocery store - Quen-tIehalul touken

Industry - Industry

Request - Gyari

Birds - Xianchi

Farewell - Ko-meh likI gabi

Travel - Sapar
Work - ХIалтIи

Radio - Radio

Joy - Rohel

Talking on the phone - Telefonal kIalay

Relationship - GIagarliyalulab gyorkyobl'i

Pisces - ChchugIbi

Market - Bazaar
Garden - Ah

Airplane - Airplane

Family - Khizan

Condolences - Zigara Bai

Consent - Razilyi

Regret - RekIekalyi

Empathy - CancerIgurkhIi

Specialty - Makhshchel

Sports - Sports

Account - RikIkIen


Theater - Theater

Television - Television

Telegraph - Telegraph

Phone - Phone

Temperature - Temperature

Fabric - Hham

Trade - Daran

Toast - L'l'ar borhi

Herbs - Khurdul

Transport - Transport

Tourism - Tourism

Lesson - Dars

Educational institutions - Tsialul idarabi

Colors - Kjeral

Flowers - Tyugdul


Man - GIadan, insan

Numbers - RikIkIenal
School - School
Language - MacI

Comrade! - Gyalmag!

Comrade Suleimanov! - Gyalmag Suleimanov!

Comrades! - Gyalmagzabi!

Friends! - Gyudulzabi!

Dear! - Hiriya in!

Expensive! - Hiriya th!

Dear Dad! - Hiriya in emen!

Dear mom! - Gaziza th ebel!

Respected! - Chemistry in!

Dear! - HIurmatia th!

Dear comrades! - Chemistry l gyalmagzabi!

Dear friends! - Hiriyal Gyudulzabi!

My dear ... - Deer Hiriya in...

My dear ... - Deer Hiriya th...

My dear ... - Deer Hiriya l...

Brothers! - Vatsal!

Sisters! - Yatsal!

Friends! - Gyudulzabi!

Mum! - Baba!

Dad! - Yes Yes!

Father! - Emen!

Mother! - Ebel!

Girl! Girl! - Yasa th!

Boy! - Vasa in!

Children! - Limal!

Uncle! - Daci!

Aunt! - Hell! Unkacho!

Uncle Ali! - GIali-datsi!

Grandmother! - KIodo! DahIababa! KIubaba!

Granddad! - KIudada! DahIadada!

Hey! - ( to husband.) vernacular. - Le!

Hey! - ( to wives.) colloquial Yo!

Sorry, can you tell ...? - TIasalugya, nuzhetsa (dutsa) bicinarisch ...?

Excuse me, you don't know ...? - TIasaluga, need (duda) lalarisch ...?

Excuse me, if I may ... - TIasalugya, beguleb batani ...

Tell me if you can ... - Beguleb batani, bice ...

Can I ask you something...? - Duda gyikyze fugitives ...?

May I ask you...? - The need for the gyikyze refugees ...?

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasaluga, quarigIun in-you ...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugia, que quarigIun th-yoke...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugia, que kvarigIun b-you ...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugia, quarigIun r-you ...

Hi! Good morning! ( to husband.) - INhorches!

Hi! Good morning! ( to wives.) - Thhorches!

Hello! Rhorches!

Salaam Alaikum! (greeting) - AsalamgIalaikum!

Waaleikum Salam! (answer) - VagIalaikum salam!

Hello! - Salam!

Welcome! ( to husband.) - LjikI shvara in!

Welcome! ( to wives.) - LjikI shvara th!

Welcome! ( pl. h.) - LjikI shvara l!

Welcome back! ( to husband.) - ЛъикI inussara in!

Glad to be in good health! ( to husband.) - ЛъикI inatara in!

Welcome back! ( to wives.) - ЛъикI thussara th!

Glad to be in good health! ( to wives.) - ЛъикI i amcontainer th!

Very glad! - ЦIакъ inohara in inhuh!

I am very happy! - ЦIакъ thohara th thyoke!

And I'm glad! - Dungi inohara in inhuh!

And I'm glad! - Dungi thohara th thyoke!

How do you feel? - Shib hIal bugeb?

How are you? - Ish kin bugeb?

How are you? - Dur ish kin bugeb?

Thank you, good - Barkala, ljikI bugo

How is your health? - Sahli kin bugeb?

Good health - Sahli kvesh giechio

What's the news? - TsIiyab khabar shib bugeb?

No news - TsIiyab khabar giechIo

What's new? - TsIiyab jo shib bogeb?

Nothing new - TsIiyab jo giechIo

How's the family? - Khizan kin bugeb?

Like children? - Limal kin scolded?

Thank you, not bad - Barkala, kvesh giechio

I am glad to meet you - moon vihiyaldasa dun voharav wugo

We are also glad to meet you - Moon vihiyaldasa nizhgi roharal rugo
Goodbye! - Nahya ljikI rhyagi!

Farewell)! - Ko-mech likI!

Bon Voyage! - Nuh bitIagi! (1)

Nuhal rityagi! (2)

Happy to stay! - Rohalida tagi!

Be healthy! - Sahliyalda tagi!

Good luck! ( pl. h.) - LjikIgo rukIa!

All the best! - L'ikIgo tags!

We'll see you again - Nil zhegi rikhila

Don't forget (those) us! - Bottom kiochon toge

Come (come) again to us! - Burn the rachIa lower!

Call us! - Lower kIalay!

Write (those) letters to us! - Lower kagatal huay!

I came to say goodbye to you - Dun inachIana nijergun k'o-mech l'ikI gabize

Say hello to your husband - Salam Bitse Rosasda

wife - chIuzhuyalda

I wish you a good ride home! - Rokyore lyikI shvagi!

Goodnight! - Sordo ljikI!

(Answer) - Radal ljikI rhyagi!

Good news! - Khabar ljikIab ragIagi!

It's time for me to go home ( husband.) - Die roco ine yin fur schwana

(wives) - Die roco e Ine fur shvana

Thank you, they are waiting for me - Barkala, dikh raagun chIun rugo

Well, let's go! - Gya, niz anakha!

Goodbye, come (come) to us again! - K'o-mech l'ikI, rachIa burn below!

Say hello to your - Nuzherazda salam bitse

Thank you bye! - Barkala, k'o-mech l'ikI!

Thanks for all! - Kinalukhgo barcal!

I have a request for you ... - Dir dudehun gyari bugo ...

A small request ... - GyitIinabgo gyari bugo ...

Tell (those), if you can, ... - Bice, beguleb batani ...

Explain (those), if possible, where is ...? - Bice, begyuleb batani, ki- b b-yu- b...?

Repeat (those), if it's not difficult - Takrar gabe, zahImalichIoni

If possible, ... - Beguleb batani, ...

Translate, ... - Boussinabe, ...

Write, ... - Khvay, ...

Give, ... - Kie, ...

Help, ... - Kumek gabe, ...

Wait for me, ... ( husband.) - Dun in-achIinegian chIa ...

(wives) - Dun th-achIinegian chIa ...

Wait (those) a little, ... - Dagyal l'alkhe, ...

Please ... - Gyaruleb bugo ... Gyarula ...

May I ask? - Gyikize retreats?

Could you (you) ...? - Need (duda) kIvelarisch ...?

I ask you (you) ... - Gyarula nuzheda (duda) ...

Let (those) me come in ( husband.) - I will wear out kye que zhan- in-e lugine

(wives) - zhan- th-e lugine

sit down ( husband.) - gIodo in hIeze

(wives) - gIodo th hIeze

Let me ask (those) - gyikyze

take a look - khal gabize

learn - laze

log off ( husband.) - quatIi inno

(wives) - quatIi e not

Could you (you) help me? - Die kumek gabize kIvelarisch nazheda (duda)?

May I ask you (you) for one favor? - Tso gyitIinabgo ish gyarize runaways nazheda (duda)?

May I sit with you (you)? ( husband.) - Nuzhgun (mungun) gIodo in of the dong refugees?

If you can, accompany me ( wives) - Beguleb batani, tIo thitie dun

Could you (you) take (take) me to ...? ( husband.) - Nuzheda (duda) kIvalarisch dun shveza inize ...?

Take (take) me, please ... (husband.) - Beguleb batani, dun shveza ine, ...

Do not bother me, ... - Die kvalkval gabuge, ...

I will fulfill your (your) request - Nuzher (dur) gyari tIubala ditsa

Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your (your) request - Kigian bokyanigi, didda nujer (dur) gyari tIubase kIolaro

Unfortunately, I have no opportunity ... - Kigian bokyanigi, dir res giechio ...

A request to you: come with me (with us) ( to husband.) - Gyari bugo dude: vil'a dida (nizheda) tsadakh

Please wait for me here ( to husband.) - Gyaruleb bugo, dikh balagun chIa gyani in

If possible, bear with (those) a little - Beguleb batani, sabru gabe tsodagyal

If possible, wait (those) a little - Beguleb batani, tsodagyal l'alhye

Thank you - Barkala

And you (you) thank you (answer) - Nuzhegi (duiegi) barkala

Thank you very much (you) - Nuzhee (due) kIudiyab barkala

Thank you from the bottom of my heart - Cancer I-Cancer Ialul Barkala

Allow (those) me to thank you (you) for everything - I’m kye que kinaljuhgo need (doe) barkala chiese

Happiness to you (you)! - Due (well) talikhI kyogi!

Good luck in everything! - Gyabuleb dande bil'lagi!

May your dreams come true! - Anischal tIuragi!

Long time to live! - GIumru halalagi!

Joy to you! - Dur cancer I bohagi!

Thank you for your attention - Barkala gIintIamuralukh

invitation - ahIaralukh

help - kumekaluh

congratulations - barkiyaluh

gift - saigataluh

meeting - dandchIvayaaluh

refreshment - gjobollyiyaluh

You (you) helped me a lot, thank you! - Dutsa (nuzhetsa) que qIudiyab kumek gabuna, barkala!

Let me shake your hand - Dur quer bachine iznu kye

So glad! - Bugeb lazat!

How glad I am! - Dun inoohun inuhge in short!

I'm so glad! - Dun thoohun thyoke th short!

It is very good! - Gieb tsIak ljikI bugo!

Good. Very good - LjikI bugo. TsIak ljikI bugo

I won't forget it - Dida gyeb kyochon telaro

(Avar writing)

Language codes GOST 7.75–97 ava 014 ISO 639-1 av ISO 639-2 ava ISO 639-3 ava WALS ava Atlas of the World’s Languages \u200b\u200bin Danger Ethnologue ava IETF av Glottolog See also: Project: Linguistics

At the heart of the literary Avar language is the so-called. bolmac ("The language of the army") - an interdialective language formed on the basis of the northern dialect.


Distribution and number

According to the notes of the General of the Russian Army A.A. Neverovsky for 1847:

Since the Avars were always the strongest tribe in the mountains, always occupied the middle of Dagestan, then their language also became dominant among the inhabitants of the described region. Almost all mountaineers know how to speak Avar and use this language in oral communication with each other.

Currently, the Avar language is widespread among the Avars living in Dagestan, northern Azerbaijan, northeastern Georgia and Turkey. The number of Avar speakers in Russia is 715,297 people. (2010). This number includes many speakers of the Ando-Tsez languages, using Avar as a second language. The approximate number of speakers of Avar as a native is 703 thousand people. (2010).


Avar dialects are subdivided into northern and southern groups (adverbs). The first includes Salatavskiy, Khunzakhskiy and Eastern, the second - Gidskiy, Antsukhskiy, Zagatala, Karakhskiy, Andalalskiy, Kahibskiy and Kusurskiy; the Batlukh dialect occupies an intermediate position. There are phonetic, morphological and lexical differences between individual dialects and dialect groups in general. Modern Avar was formed on the basis of the Khunzakh dialect literary language.

Since the dialects of the northern dialects - eastern (Buinaksky, Gergebilsky and Levashinsky districts of Dagestan), Salavsky (Kazbekovsky, Gumbetovsky and some other districts of Dagestan) and Khunzakhsky (Khunzakhsky and Untsukulsky districts of Dagestan) - are quite close to the literary norm (it is possible to indicate only the literary conformity) , east. at - salad. about; transition p < rb, ringing out b in the intervocal position; the tendency to loss of class indicators in Khunzakh; the use of a finite form instead of a participle in a compound predicate in Salavsk, etc.), only the features of the southern dialects will be noted here.

  1. The Andalal dialect (Gunibsky district, Gergebilsky district; as well as the villages of Arkas and Manasaul, relocated in the middle of the 19th century to the Buinaksky district) unites ten dialects - Bukhta, Rugudzhinsky, Keger, Kuyadinsky, Sogratlinsky, Obkhsky, Gamsutlinsky, Hotch-Khindinsky Kudalin, Chokh: suffix ergativa -d, suffix infinitive -de, suffix of past participle -mo and etc.
  2. Antsukh dialect (Tlyaratinsky district, includes Chadakolob, Tash, Antsrosunkhadinsky, Bukhnadinsky, Turinsky and Tlyanadinsky dialects): short abruptive lateral къI, voiced affricates dz and j, absence c; cool dative forms: vehiassi I, vehiassi-b-e III "shepherd"; auxiliary verbs bachan(and), bohӏa-n(and) and etc.; past tense suffixes -and (хӏва "Died") and -ri (bek-ri "Plowed"). There is a significant amount of [ how much?] borrowings from the Azerbaijani language.
  3. Batlukh dialect (Shamil district): no short whistling c, cI, c, s and long sizzling , u, h̄I, short lateral lb and posterior lingual affricates to; more productive indirect stem affix -al̄ъ-; plural indirect suffix numbers -d-; quote particle -lo.
  4. Gidsky dialect (Shamil district): no c, , , lI, xb, to, Availability j, ki; suffix ergative -d; infinitive suffix -le; past tense suffixes -and, -about, -y; adverb suffix -mo; the ergative and the nominative of the 1st and 2nd person pronouns coincide in plural. number.
  5. Zakatala dialect (Belokan and Zakatala regions of Azerbaijan; significantly influenced by the Azerbaijani language): palatalized кI ’, hi ', t ', tI ', n '; voiced uvular affricate kg, corresponding to lit. rbas well as vowels s, ah, oh, uh in Turkic-Persian borrowings; lack of lateral and labialized; loss of III and IV series of localization; marking of verb forms of the 1st person with a suffix class indicator.
  6. Karakh dialect (Charodinsky district): affricates къI and j, absence lI; past tense suffix -ur, present -on the, future -la .


Famous Avar poets are: Zayed Hajiyev, Rasul Gamzatov, Mashidat Gairbekova, Fazu Aliyeva, Adallo Ali, Mahmud from Kahab-Roso.

Of the fairly well-known works, one should note the folk “Song of Khochbar”, the novel “Heroes in Fur Coats” by the writer Rajab Din-Magomayev.


Apparently, no later than the 15th century, the Arabic script penetrates into Avaria, but only in the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. it has become widespread. The first version of the Avar writing on the Cyrillic basis was created by P.K. Uslar in 1861 in Tiflis. In 1928, a decision was made to translate the Avar language into Latin, and in 1938 a new alphabet was introduced on the Russian graphic basis.

Ah B b In in G g Гъ гъ Гь гь ГӀ гӀ D d Her Her F f
Z z And and Th y K k Къ къ Кь кь КӀ кӀ L l Лъ лъ M m N n
Oh oh N n P p With T t TӀ tӀ U u F f X x Хъ хъ Hh hh
XӀ xӀ C c ЦӀ ЦӀ H h H hӀ W w U u B b Uh uh Yu yu I am

Linguistic characteristics

The structure of the Avar language is characterized by a complex system of consonants, the presence of nominal classes, numerous local cases, and an ergative construction.

Phonetics and Phonology

The consonant system of the Avar language
Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Central Lateral
weak strong weak strong weak strong weak strong weak strong
Explosive voiced
abrup. kʼː
Affricates deaf t͡s t͡sː t͡ɬː t͡ʃ t͡ʃː q͡χː
abrup. t͡sʼ t͡sʼː (t͡ɬʼː) t͡ʃʼ t͡ʃʼː q͡χʼː
Fricative deaf ɬː ʃː χː
The approximants

In the beginning and in the middle primordially avar words, consonant concatenation occurs only with sonorous m, n, p, l: burtina "burka" kalbal "roots" anky "a week", imgIal "uncle". In borrowed words, the consonant sequence is preserved: gIilla "cause", xIuzha "argument, proof, cash, group".

IN avar there are seven types syllables (two types of open and five types of closed). An open syllable consists of: one vowel (G): and (imperative of the verb not "go"), at "yes" (affirmative particle); from consonant and vowel (SG): k'o "day", kyo "bridge". A closed syllable consists of a vowel and a consonant (GS): oh "garden", its "mole", from a vowel, a consonant and two consonants (СГСС) - as a rule, one of the last consonants (previous) is sonorous ( m, n, l, r or th), eg: k'verk "frog", pinky "blister", pagma "memory"; from consonant, consonant, vowel, consonant (SSGS): experience, table... The first four types of syllables are the most common.

Root types:

  1. Monosyllables: Г ( and - the imperative mood from the verb "to go"; at "yes" is an affirmative particle), SG ( bi "blood", cIa "fire"), GS ( them "Spring", oh "garden"), SGS ( gIor "river", ched "bread"), GSS ( anky "week"), SGSS ( k'verk "frog", pinky "blister"), SGSS ( experience, table).
  2. Bisyllabic: SGSG ( ragIi "word", mate "mirror"), GHA ( bump "low", alat "weapon"), GSS (G) ( urgyi "thinking" unti "disease"), SGSGS ( lugIel "end", ragIad "shadow"), SGSSG ( sordo "night", proudly "window").

Roots with a large number syllables are less common.

Stress in Avar - misplaced and weaker than in Russian. In most cases, the stress is on the first or second syllable. It does not depend on the number of syllables in a word. From moving the stress in some cases, the meaning of the word changes, for example: ragIi "word" - ragIu "fodder, feed". The stress also changes the grammatical meaning: rugnal "wounds" (plural), cursed - genus. pad. from rugun "wound".

Basic phonetic patterns:

  1. Vowel alternation, which occurs during word formation, inflection and shaping: a / and: booga "bull" - active. pad. bugitsa, a / y: khala "fortress" - pl. h. hulbi, а / о: gIashtIi{!LANG-a0d25b4e63eb2c1c919f7505bc74484f!} {!LANG-7cfca1914cc8c16b0b8479ae4704e480!}{!LANG-588d2fce4de0d8bf28783d272715bd54!} {!LANG-c270d59b76fb1272c4bb1fc4c9819306!}{!LANG-e1dd86b9fc04bff417b1f1ce2c3d5f3c!} {!LANG-22f404058948a20c8153dda7e665b9e2!}{!LANG-783d08f083701339fbb9e1a7119f8684!} {!LANG-3ac2fdbadc51afde979306feaaf7b6be!}{!LANG-3cd49b00ea1e375cb0dd241a13f7c61c!} {!LANG-6253181e5a8f6a16089aedd9b0f0bc45!}{!LANG-91d6405256e14e6aad6fceeb47916b82!} {!LANG-fc9aaabc3189914515fdeb59a474dad5!}, {!LANG-5a292f6dd1d715fc4b2ed98a1f8f52e1!}{!LANG-2c66636085847ae35511fef77baf4d47!} {!LANG-bd459aab27e908c7160daed456e931e9!}{!LANG-f177689a814c2b0cbd8ad72f267dc054!} {!LANG-038351f102fcd7805847ed8b6c6f826f!}{!LANG-2b15fc19eeb1d5b56600a9ef1957a622!} {!LANG-ca4cb9cef4ada695091517115a5dad6f!}{!LANG-abca20597b7350bd9245ccd96b9710d1!} {!LANG-c22003707480ef8de4fb14a633d2147a!}{!LANG-029aebce53410e3ef22778c5919b3827!} {!LANG-e203c75424279960a1085ec625cedb50!}{!LANG-5c5921b845ffc2c3d419bc1fca1c0317!} {!LANG-14ed2cb7be00850e49cbca53cc36e386!}.
  2. {!LANG-093223e70b90a7698df2ce3bd4404dca!} {!LANG-ee9cd9988420f0de3fb42f65125424ed!}{!LANG-7c9eded07f4d4df3c388bb1abfb6a8bd!} {!LANG-345b60e147d2ad5ea20264060faeab64!}{!LANG-e7ae244875c713c598e2bf4d80fd6e64!} {!LANG-4c250448fe2c3aab2f6dca5faeca2f38!}{!LANG-352aea67d11a8dcf7f2810178b271985!} {!LANG-14942f5b2a2ba314bf3a762f3ba32fca!}{!LANG-f9b2cf4a3b86574d4a34626bde6533d1!} {!LANG-595e36babffa75bbdefac9a03baec2ff!}{!LANG-f6aaa26d0ed23163a8683c028b6aa1e8!} {!LANG-25c579e4f05e26024b0d9f9a788d53ac!}{!LANG-5379c42cdc0e7c8b752ac054d0192e6f!} {!LANG-43243443e19c8b351ead413521601723!}{!LANG-648776b1f8a4dee62724adbb87fc6e3b!} {!LANG-6c9ec241b3d1bb8a6ed027c093a197b2!}.
  3. {!LANG-11e44a4600b1da6e91d7fa737184d336!} {!LANG-569bb25f32e1e5d2b2f884fbd34b70e9!}{!LANG-207435a5720a45c4bcba2b246b356779!} {!LANG-f031f877b7ccfd8761b072cbbb107cea!}{!LANG-2ac1643bea5f5dbd3b5c60668bf4d08e!} {!LANG-988527ab0a1295451defa4cdaed22c76!}{!LANG-98e4faab4690c01cf5e0d47688e936c8!} {!LANG-5cccbb6e39cbba7c3b47ab43b4e72394!}{!LANG-d3a8f25ad9ef6b15b526310b1da54d95!} {!LANG-175916afe9da3bdd01c0a5b6ab8241ac!}{!LANG-746b21c5f81b5222e4cb1cbbb203ae05!} {!LANG-39a772d9b33fd7e18ef3dd323dfde93e!}{!LANG-8b9fa16f1cee28510ec81919450c10e1!} {!LANG-6dff75690ef52db10ee698fd9b2d1809!}{!LANG-7f6f84736f318653971c53d906229c39!} {!LANG-40dff48937b523e7f744c45c2bd5e152!}{!LANG-c6476250031508065c4723d51441210e!} {!LANG-92dd93df94032f82c95ffcfc74940370!}{!LANG-025743dbad097e4723ad79975cfa7384!} {!LANG-288cae093e085dcafde8ab8d252e5a41!}{!LANG-3b1519313b2fb58a936769c78cf325d4!} {!LANG-f1cf91f32203a7d1da1a2e4ed60d78c2!}{!LANG-33e406824cf81ad3c0b9890da0dce42e!} {!LANG-3ccff0c630173dc3ff478c1c932f1946!}{!LANG-9a6c2684be0b375987a7b0cc1be12592!} {!LANG-f57c9fcbe3066be2b325a9058516379e!}{!LANG-8be59baa73c517f5ca9af8c5485691e7!} {!LANG-6f7956ba62389c0f347b78b608ba3919!}{!LANG-1fa775cf0f865b1e155a70b091552fd1!} {!LANG-48aba21b681b5b9ce69f821a92a7d880!}{!LANG-84c92979e413896c9ef1c30c57d7bc01!} {!LANG-f3cb63b5f2199a036c0f8f4a0e30e555!}{!LANG-0e36d1031f310050a3e50c074b8467ce!} {!LANG-c4ef63b816fc395586ee98cf0d142066!}{!LANG-bbedc6da4d300028dc95b6253d087d08!}
  4. {!LANG-5f67984937a4f6b32573e78b3eec5882!} {!LANG-598ed1e2caf494ece7a6b7fbff90da61!}{!LANG-93f4c6519019d021a547ab7466ff628c!} {!LANG-a14e0be7980095404eed119677acbdb0!}{!LANG-8307808a893cc225958b1f2d1c43041c!} {!LANG-4e41b1c48f116fb20cf0da632e04d362!}{!LANG-e7bfbde150c461d552b6b5e6bbbfb21f!} {!LANG-8dfb857e0c589f4a8a502d969d7b440c!}.
  5. {!LANG-44960cf8dcc9935b1c8c49f28b6fffac!} rakh{!LANG-d5fd763903cd8bd345f94bebe6fa69d1!} {!LANG-6f67fc8778063be9618ca6511e58b95e!}{!LANG-4394b9386ea08de79ea7f1feee935a76!} {!LANG-b26b9a715ed70e71795c6f0355c59f96!}{!LANG-870571dfbf02f02f7c229ee48061fd48!} {!LANG-1548e40a9005ff8695743802a0d390c9!}{!LANG-787f9d4b58c3ef52af0cf6dd0514adc1!} {!LANG-affd7916e467f6dffa89c88b788db772!}{!LANG-5cd4406f180296e5e15d77f0b0fcae60!} {!LANG-6ac7d32ea7de83487f9dfb9e0f148d78!}{!LANG-d855e9a8a20d66a6da93363785c8405f!}
  6. {!LANG-0400bf88ea5278ae1b481ea2a156b5b9!} {!LANG-dbd89104f9f5598b66d6b888cdc1acb8!}{!LANG-4c428fa76dafab0a5568a42fddc5afc9!} {!LANG-96482fbb0340ff367e0f50e34d72c4fb!}{!LANG-4c5a83cd83185848721784bf76d6d949!} {!LANG-9e4cb2fa8d42f4aba4d18c4a4c06741f!}{!LANG-9db7ba2911ba3ab51d879c9feed054a1!} {!LANG-24df561a52a074d5b176c3ad223fdb97!}{!LANG-25d4663fa0c83de017feb5bd9d9851e6!}
  7. {!LANG-952d609b9e8471312c162179e3b54dec!} {!LANG-b89addcc8807adf114bf20766a15e870!}{!LANG-22871b6b6066bb36176060522ead5e71!} {!LANG-089e3aa7294829968582cadd032d81a7!}{!LANG-47061e0dc3e1bc8269db734d57be17d4!} {!LANG-5a63cc466245a3855d476e532e6cb283!}{!LANG-33e406824cf81ad3c0b9890da0dce42e!} {!LANG-65a7a64ab2f4c0551c1f26b2fbe07557!}{!LANG-0bfbf0b38470ce620f2e1cff85c696e1!} {!LANG-279e29079b9b054058cbc9161addcc4e!}.
  8. {!LANG-7930f60c973b839f5de422d06a823ab0!} {!LANG-17cbdd7821d6321d22314fbae1c5a017!}{!LANG-10cbe5a77ad151f54832fc0c27721e1b!} {!LANG-56d4d19334739fb581a29e3c71862ae3!}{!LANG-500cbd6dc523003d8816c253e263dd43!}


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