Can a mole on the eye deform the eyelid. What does a mole on the eyelid mean? When to see a doctor

Every person has moles. We acquire them throughout life or they are given to us from birth. Few people know that every mole is a sign.

A mole on the eyelid is very interesting, as it is a very rare occurrence... If you have a mole on your eyelid, this means that you need to take a closer look at it in order to correctly interpret this sign. Moles can appear as a result of the influence of negative solar radiation, as well as with hormonal changes in the body.

What does a mole on the eyelid mean?

Mole on the upper eyelid

If you have a mole on upper eyelid, it speaks of your irritable and explosive nature... Owners of moles on their eyelids are very often unhappy with others and themselves, they are critical, filled with skepticism. Very often such people speak badly of the person who is behind them. But with all this, at heart they are easily injured and emotional.

speaks of poor resistance to stressful situations: its owner, instead of controlling himself, begins to panic and nervous. People with such a mole often lack the ease of positive life energy. Mole on the left eyelid is a distinctive feature of people that in life they are guided more by emotions than by reason. These people are usually dreamy, they tend to change their views and opinions several times a day. Perhaps that is why they are often called unprincipled. In love, they are fickle, they can easily get carried away by someone, inflame with an ardent passion, and then easily cool down and break off any relationship. The seriousness and nature of the relationship does not play a deterrent role. If a man has a mole on either eye in the lower eyelid, this means that the owner of such a sign is a person prone to a wandering lifestyle. It will not be difficult for him to leave his friends and family, leave his wife and change his place of residence. As a result, such men often experience housing and material difficulties in their lives, they use their notoriety and end up in prison.

If a woman has a mole on her lower eyelid, it does not bode well good sign ... The owner of such a mole often makes third-party connections, leaves her husband. As a result, such a sign can often be found among girls who are engaged in prostitution or lead a dissolute lifestyle.

A good sign is a mole in the inner corner of the eye, located between the lower and upper eyelids. The owners of such a mole have the potential to accumulate some solid fortune precisely in the political field. These people live to their old age., gaining universal respect and good connections.

How and why nevi appear on the skin

Almost everyone is interested in the appearance of pigmented spots on their skin, what is it and what are they for? This is especially troubling for those who have nevi in \u200b\u200bvery uncomfortable places, for example, when a mole appears on the eyelid, which greatly interferes with a simple life, not to mention hygiene and makeup. There is no need for the skin to have nevi, but nevertheless they appear. Their appearance is due to the improper formation of skin cells:

  • with congenital birthmarks, nevi are skin malformations,
  • with acquired nevi, formations are benign tumors.

In any case, birthmarks have their own shape and color. The shape of the pigmented spot should be even and symmetrical, but the color of the nevus depends on its type and pigment, due to which the spot is formed on the skin. Highlighted:

  1. vascular nevi, mostly red or pink;
  2. not vascular nevi, their color can range from dark and even black to light brown or flesh-colored.

If you have a mole on your left eyelid, then most likely this is not a vascular formation, although only a specialist can give you an exact answer. At the same time, a nevus should not necessarily appear in another eyelid, because this is not an infectious skin defect.

It is much more difficult for patients to answer a different question - about why a person needs birthmarks. Due to the pigment in the skin cells, nevi appear, which can degenerate into melanomas. However, if the body begins inflammatory process, then it is precisely on the nevi that this can be noticed and stopped as early as possible. You just need not to miss this moment and turn to a dermatologist or oncologist in time to examine the skin.

What changes and why can occur with a nevus

Pigmented spots on the body can appear at any time:

  • immediately after birth (congenital nevi),
  • in childhood in 1-2 years (acquired),
  • in adolescence,
  • during pregnancy.

The last two periods of time are associated with hormonal disruptions. At the same time, you may notice that the mole disappeared, began to grow or change. However, this will not lead to anything good, so it is necessary to pay special attention to neoplasms on the skin at such moments. Also, ultraviolet irradiation can affect the change in nevi, hormonal treatment and a hereditary factor.

Here are some changes in the nevus that should alert you:

  • growth in size. Think for yourself why the mole increases - this is not related to your growth, if the nevus is acquired, for sure a process takes place in the skin cells that affects the spread of pigment, and this may be a malignant tumor;
  • soreness and discomfort. This should include all kinds of burning, tingling, itching or dryness in the nevus area;
  • redness, bleeding and suppuration. It is pointless to overcame - the inflammation is visible immediately, otherwise it is impossible to explain in any way such changes in the nevus. So you need to urgently see a dermatologist;
  • the color changes. In this case, both the complete color of the nevus can change, and partially, when spots of a different color appear on the surface of the birthmark;
  • halo and disappearance. Sometimes the nevus can disappear, but this is not always safe, so as soon as you notice the halo at the mole, immediately consult a doctor to examine the birthmark;
  • strangeness in appearance. This is the asymmetry of the nevus, the appearance of cracks, bumps and nodules on its surface.

When the nevus changes, it should be removed, but carefully and not by a beautician or on your own, only by a doctor! Remember that the mole under the skin has roots that need to be removed along with the upper layers of the nevus. If each "root" is removed, then you can be sure that there is no recurrence of the appearance of a pigment spot at the site of the removed one. In the same case, if the removal is not completed until the end, a new nevus may not only appear, but also degenerate into a malignant tumor. So even when choosing a specialist to remove a mole, you need to be careful and contact only the best, such as Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina.

How can you remove a nevus on the eyelid

Removing moles on the eyelid is a very delicate job, you can't miss or make a mistake. Therefore, it is important to discuss in advance with the surgeon which method of removing the nevus from this area is the most suitable and safe. Of course, you can choose any of 5 options:

  • Surgical excision,
  • Cryodestruction,
  • Laser surgery,
  • Radiosurgery,
  • Electrocoagulation.

However, in some cases, these methods are less effective. It is not always possible to remove a pigmented spot with any of the available medical practice ways. In addition, there are some restrictions that your doctor will tell you about. It is worth noting that only a doctor can be trusted to remove a mole from any part of the body!

IMPORTANT! You can not remove the nevus at home with traditional medicine, this can cause the nevus to degenerate. It is also contraindicated to get rid of nevi in \u200b\u200bcosmetologists, who can not completely remove the nevus, infect and cause melanoma.

If you had a mole on the back of your head, then you could choose at least electrocoagulation in the fight against a nevus, which interferes and causes inconvenience. But when the nevus is on the eyelid, it must be removed very carefully, and only 2 treatment options are suitable. If the birthmark is flat and small, then it makes no sense to remove it, then most often they are convex and large, therefore they even interfere with washing, not to mention cosmetic discomfort.

  1. Laser surgery. Ideal for removing nevus from eyelid skin. Not only will the operation not take more than 5 minutes, but it is also painless and inexpensive, although much depends on the size of the nevus - the larger it is, the more expensive the operation will be.
  2. Surgical excision. Suitable for any removal of nevi. Most often used for large stains, malignant tumors, with low financial support, etc. If a mole burns, then you will be suspected of melanoma, and it will be advised to remove it surgically... Do not be afraid of pain during such an operation, because you will be given local anesthesia and you will not feel anything. The advantage of this method is its low cost, along with other methods of treating nevi.

Designation of nevi on the eyelid

Eyelid nevi are very rare. For this reason, the owners of such birthmarks and bulges want to know what nature has endowed them with. According to the theory of meanings, the location of birthmarks on the human body, nevi on the body mean:

  • a mole on the right eyelid speaks of the instability of a person who, in a dangerous situation, panics and cannot recover on his own, requires support and understanding from the outside. Recommendations for such people: be more energetic, kind and easy-going, communicate more often with optimists;
  • nevus on the left eyelid gives out emotional person, but in a slightly different sense. Such people perceive love, fall in love easily and dream a lot, but they can dramatically change their minds even daily. Recommendations: try to think more carefully about your actions and desires, so as not to change decisions, think more, rely less on feelings;
  • a spot on the upper eyelid often speaks of happiness in life, of luck that lies in wait for you on the way;
  • a mark on the woman's lower eyelid speaks of adultery on the part of the woman herself, they often leave their husbands, become "walking". Advice: be wiser, try not to succumb to temptations.
  • a mole on the lower eyelid of a man speaks of a hermit who can easily leave home and family, easily move, he has no attachments. Advice: try to settle down, as well as not only become your beloved husband and father, but also love and become attached to loved ones on your own;
  • a nevus between the upper and lower eyelids (in the inner corner) speaks of a penchant for politics, social life, good and useful connections.

A mole under the eye or near it can tell a lot about the character of its owner. In this case, you do not even have to enter into a dialogue with him - folk signs and old beliefs will tell you all the secrets of your object of study.

In the article:

A mole under the eye or on the lower eyelid - what does it mean

A mole under the eye means that its owner has a soft and pleasant character, calmness and poise. He is pleasant to talk to, a good friend and a good colleague. The positive energy of such a person makes him a welcome guest. He is distinguished by optimism and the ability to listen, it is always interesting to communicate with such a friend.

Such personalities love animals and children. They are able to take care of even a random acquaintance who is lost in a strange city, lost his wallet or got other troubles. They do not allow themselves to be deceived, because they value the results of their labor too much and are distinguished by frugality.

The mark under the eye indicates that you are marked by the goddess of fortune. You will be lucky throughout your life. Troubles are a rare guest on your life path. Most likely, you are unpretentious, and the average income is enough for your comfort. However, money issues will not be a problem either, the owners of such moles are able to earn a good fortune.

If the mole near the eye is on the left side, closer to the temple, then caring can border on self-sacrifice. These qualities are combined with confidence and resilience, so it is almost impossible to convince a friend with such a characteristic mark on his face to stop picking up street animals. These people often find themselves in charity, choose the profession of social workers, and engage in volunteer activities. If there are financial opportunities, they become patrons.

Among what a mole under the left eye means, there is also popularity among the opposite sex. You know how to win someone you like. Such people make faithful wives and husbands who are able to provide for the family and create comfort in the house. A mole located on the opposite side of the face also speaks of a person's sensuality and attractiveness.

If the location of such a mark is under the right eye, then we are talking about a person who is distinguished by a rare purposefulness. He is able to move in the direction of his dreams throughout his life. Such people almost always achieve what they have in mind. Even where others give up and head towards another goal, they keep moving forward.

What will tell about a mole on the upper eyelid

A mole on the eyelid is a sign of irritability and explosive nature. These are skeptics who like to criticize the results of activities that they do not understand at all. Such people make terrible teachers who are not able to teach anything, but can only criticize.

A distinctive feature of such individuals is constant dissatisfaction with everything that happens around. They never suit themselves, they are constantly unhappy with their appearance, intelligence, abilities and skills, income or other aspects of life. The partner of such a person will have a hard time - he will be forced to listen to reproaches almost every day. It is difficult to please him, such a person will always find something to find fault with.

There is a danger of losing friends due to the tendency to gossip and discussion behind the back. Few people want to be friends with a person who simply adores discussing the perceived and existing shortcomings of other people. Despite the ostentatious indifference and disrespect for others, these are vulnerable people who are easy to offend.

If the mark is on the upper right eyelid, it indicates instability in stressful situations... This is a person who is prone to panic. He does not know how to control himself. When an abnormal situation arises, such a person will be noticeably nervous. It is undesirable for them to choose a position that will be associated with stress, constant nervous breakdowns will not affect their health in a positive way.

The mark on the upper right eyelid indicates a lack of positive energy. You need to learn to look for the good in every situation, try to notice the positive that is around. Thinking positively is a useful skill and you will need it. Do not forget to take a break from stressful everyday life and take a vacation.

If the mole is on the left eyelid, it means that you are guided by reason less than by emotions. You are dreamy, you can change your mind several times a day. You are often viewed as an unprincipled person. The owners of such marks are fickle in relationships. They are able to get carried away by a person and just as quickly lose interest in him. If such a person is inflamed with a passion for someone, no serious relationship, marriage and the presence of children will stop him.

If the mark is closer to the outer corner of the eye, it portends a successful political career, work in the social sphere would also be a good option. Such work will be the reason for a good financial situation closer to adulthood. She will give you honor and respect from the people with whom and for whom you will work. You have the ability to gain respect, trust and make useful connections.

Mole in the eye - meaning

The main meaning of a mole in the eye is the high intelligence and wisdom of its owner. A good memory can pass over the years if a person is not engaged in self-development or studying any disciplines. Such people usually do well in school. They can earn multiple degrees as they enjoy the learning process.

The character of those who have moles in their eyes is usually kind and gentle. This can be used by not too decent friends. You should beware of people who want to use you for their own purposes, knowing that you are always ready to help. The desire to help one's neighbor often comes to self-sacrifice.

Such people make excellent husbands and wives. They are sensitive to their soulmates, love to take care of their loved ones. Relatives may not be worried about the relationship with the owner of the mark right in the eye. They try to maintain relationships with loved ones and help them as much as possible.

Mole between eyebrows - interpretation of belief

A mole between the eyebrows is considered a sign of a psychic ,. The owners of such marks on the face have developed intuition. They often see prophetic dreams and are able to predict. Such moles belong to Buddhist deities. In addition, the location is considered special because third Eye - the energy zone, which is responsible for the paranormal abilities of a person, often hidden for the time being.

Since these people have some paranormal abilities, there is also a desire to study esotericism and philosophy. They may be interested in various religious beliefs, practice magic as well. It is difficult to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of such a person - it is always not enough for him. There is a danger of insanity as well as a reputation for being insane.

When it comes to a woman, she has a pleasant character and tries not to get into conflicts. She will make an excellent mother and wife. Such girls love communication and quickly make friends. They love to help loved ones, but do not allow themselves to be used. If you have a mole between your eyebrows, you are not too fond of making decisions and hesitate when you need to make a choice. Society respects and values \u200b\u200byou, you have a good reputation and good looks. Big income awaits you only if you marry for love. Then there will be happiness in family life and healthy smart children.

Men who have such marks on their faces are fickle. He tends to change jobs, as he is in the eternal search for something better. Such people have exceptional intellectual abilities and are able to master almost any profession, which gives them the opportunity to take the position of their dreams. They are almost always financially secure and have good incomes.

Guys with moles between the eyebrows differ in inconsistency and in relationships. They often make the mistake of choosing girls who are only interested in their boyfriend's wallet. These men do not like to endure such a relationship, which is why partners change quite often. There is a belief that a man with such a mole can only marry a girl with pure intentions, for great love.

What does a mole above the right or left eyebrow mean?

If the mole is on the very eyebrow and it is covered with hair, this indicates a strong instinct for self-preservation and fear of an accident. Such people rarely engage in extreme sports. They are fond of self-improvement, often enroll in various courses, and have many interesting hobbies. If you have such a mark, you have good relations with relatives and are able to create a strong family. You approach the creation of a marriage with all responsibility.

A mole above the right eyebrow indicates that you have extraordinary talents and are well aware of this. Sometimes this makes you overconfident, but understanding your capabilities usually provides an opportunity to implement ideas and earn a good fortune. You are ready to work only for the sake of achieving your goals, in order to motivate such an employee to work, you need material incentives or other "bonuses". You are smart and always know how you can benefit from a given situation.

You have an acting skill, artistic taste, or other talent found in the creative profession. There are chances to achieve the pinnacle of a creative career. So, it is known that Angelina Jolie has just such a mark. She is not used to retreating in front of difficulties and is able to emerge victorious from any situation.

Chances are you have many friends. You are sociable, interesting and have many hobbies. Almost any person is interested in you. Owners of moles above the right eyebrow can also attract attention of the opposite sex. In family life, signs do not predict special problems if the marriage is for love.

The life of a person who has a mole above his left eyebrow cannot be called easy and cloudless. He is saved only by the desire to get out of the crisis and improve his affairs. Almost throughout their lives, they will wish for a better fate, which makes such people focus their efforts on increasing income, level of comfort, developing skills, studying science, and getting additional higher education and other measures that may be helpful.

If you have such a mark on your face, it means that you are not used to giving in to difficulties. No matter how many problems fall on you, you will never lose heart. Almost all your life you will have to fight for an acceptable social status and a suitable level of income. Most likely, you are bad at foreign languages and it takes a lot of time to study them. The same applies to some other sciences.

People with moles on the left eyebrow usually get married early. They are forced to fight not only for financial and social status, but also for family happiness. Obstacles grow out of nowhere - rivals, quarrels, incompatibility of characters, forced separation. A large number of difficulties can seriously spoil the character; in adulthood, every little thing causes the anger of the owner of such a mole. However, they are quick-witted and do not hold a grudge when it comes to some little thing.

If a mole appears on the eyelid, then you need to take a closer look at it, because surely many people know that this benign formation on the skin is some kind of sign and carries a certain meaning. Moles, or, as they are also called by doctors, nevi, can be located anywhere in the eyelid and even capture eyelashes. There are many reasons for the appearance of skin neoplasms, so it would be useful to consult a specialized doctor, because dark spots can be both the result of excessive exposure to the sun's rays, and also indicate changes in the hormonal background.

A mole on the eyelid is a reason for aesthetic discomfort, but it is also a potential factor in the development of oncology.

Why do they appear?

1 UV radiationBenign formations appear on the eyelids as a result of excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, which, in turn, entail an intense production of melanin - the pigment of skin cells responsible for the development of new nevi
2 Hereditary factorThe birth of moles is embedded in the DNA, therefore, if parents have congenital dark spots on their eyelids, then it is more likely that children will also have them.
3 VirusesAs shown by the latest scientific research in the field of medicine, moles on the eyelid are born with regular X-rays, after radiation exposure and with viral infections.
4 Pharmaceutical MedicinesOften, nevi are localized on the eyelids and eyelashes due to taking certain medications
5 Hormonal disbalanceThe reason for the appearance of benign formations in the upper part of the eye can be the period of bearing a child or a change in hormonal levels at a certain age in adolescents

Varieties of moles on the century

Eyelid nevi can be different in shape, structure, size and color.

There are 2 main types of nevi:

  • Vascular. Are slightly pink or purple specks of small size on skincaused by the accumulation of excessive amounts of blood vessels... The reasons for their formation are violations of the normal functioning of the venous system.
  • Not vascular. They are light brown or black in color and are formed from melanocytes - skin cells responsible for the color of the skin. They do not contain blood vessels in their structure and, depending on the depth of the pigment cells, are subdivided into:
    • Intradermal - localized in the basal parts of the dermis.
    • Epidermal - formed on the surface layer of the skin and are called hanging moles, since its top part protrudes above the upper border of the epidermis. A hanging mole on the eyelid, as a rule, occurs in old age.
    • Mixed - localized in the middle layers of the dermis and have the appearance of a flat spot that does not protrude beyond the upper limits of the skin.

Rebirth symptoms

Moles are on the skin of every person and to a greater extent they do not pose a health hazard, however, you need to be wary if such changes occur to them:

  • An increase in size due to a process in the skin cells that affects the growth of pigment. It could be a cancerous tumor.
  • Irritating sensation, itching, tingling, tightness of the skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mole and soreness.
  • Bleeding, redness and pus formation.
  • Color change both completely of the entire mole, and partly in the form of specks on its surface.
  • Complete disappearance of the nevus.
  • Transformation appearance, characterized by the appearance of cracks, bumps or nodules on the surface of the neoplasm.

When these symptoms appear, you will need to consult a specialized specialist. It is categorically contraindicated to eliminate nevi at home with improvised means, because this, at first glance, is a harmless benign formation that can lead to serious irreversible processes in the body. To remove a mole once and for all, you need to get rid of its roots, this is the only way to prevent its re-emergence.

How to delete?

If moles that appear on the eye do not cause discomfort, do not interfere, then you do not need to take any measures to them. However, a nevus that is localized on the eyelash, in the corner of the eye or bothers a person in every possible way, and also if various changes occur with it, needs immediate surgical intervention... Removing a mole on the eyelid is jewelry workto be performed by a qualified physician. Specialized doctors offer 5 ways that you can get rid of unwanted moles:

Remove moles from the eyelid only in extreme cases, because there is a risk of harm to vision.
  1. Excision with a high dose of ionizing radiation. It is used mainly for oncological nevi. After the procedure, no scars remain at the site of removal of the neoplasm.
  2. Operative intervention. Allows to fully, without the possibility of the risk of repetition, to eliminate education. Operative excision is preferred if malignant tumors are suspected. This method is used to cut out moles on both the lower and upper eyelids. The disadvantage of the operation is noticeable scars at the site of the removed neoplasm.
  3. Laser application. This procedure completely protects against infection, and doctors consider it the best for removing moles from the eyelid. Laser surgery is absolutely painless and does not require a lot of money, moreover, the whole procedure takes about 5 minutes.
  4. Excision by destroying the build-up with liquid nitrogen of sub-zero temperature. This method is called cryodestruction in medicine. It is often used for flat nevi, whose borders do not go beyond the upper layer of the epidermis.
  5. Getting rid of a mole with a current. Burning out a benign formation with a high-frequency current, after this procedure, an inconspicuous scar remains.

Nevi can be located on different parts of the body. However, neoplasms in open areas, especially on the face, attract the most attention. If you have a mole on your eyelid, you should be as careful as possible and carefully monitor its metamorphoses, attaching special importance to them.

Why do nevi appear on the eyelid

A person can either be born with a mole on the eyelid or acquire it during his life. If you are the owner of a nevus from birth, then such a neoplasm appears due to a violation of the development of cells of the epidermis, namely, an accumulation of cells containing pigment. If a mole on the eyelid did not appear immediately, this is due to a hereditary predisposition. If your closest relatives have had similar neoplasms, you are more likely to develop the same ones.

Another reason for the appearance of a nevus on the eyelid can be a hormonal disruption in the body. This often happens during pregnancy or when hormone therapy, both for women and men. Do not forget that moles often appear in people who spend a lot of time in the sun, exposing their skin to frequent exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Why can moles on the eyelid be life-threatening? The fact is that under the influence of certain reasons, nevi can change shape, grow or, on the contrary, decrease in size, which can signal the processes of the birthmark degeneration into oncology.

Classification of moles on the eyelid

Nevi on the eyelid of the eye are divided into categories, depending on the nature of the neoplasm and the depth of origin of the root.

The main classification is to divide them into two groups according to their appearance:

  • Vascular mole. Outwardly, it is a red or dark pink neoplasm. They appear due to a violation of the blood flow or lymph flow, as well as blockage of veins or capillaries.
  • Not a vascular nevus. These growths are darker (brown, black) due to the fact that they consist of skin cells containing pigment.

In turn, the second group (non-vascular nevi) is divided into two subgroups:

  • Intradermal - externally look like dense peas under the skin
  • Epidermal (hanging moles on the eyelid) - lie in the upper layer of the skin, such a mole can be easily felt, as it protrudes above the surface of the epidermis
  • Mixed etiology (middle moles) - such nevi are in the middle, appear as a spot with clear boundaries

As for moles on the eyelid, their nature is vascular in 90% of cases, however, only an experienced dermatologist can differentiate a specific mole.

Signs of nevus degeneration in the eyelid

Despite the fact that a mole on the lower eyelid is inherently benign, with certain factors, it can acquire a different character, become cancerous and even lead to the death of the owner. It is important to notice the first signs in time in order to take necessary measures... What should alert and cause an urgent visit to the doctor:

  • The nevus increases in size
  • Painful sensations appeared
  • The body of the mole or the area around it is inflamed
  • The nevus has darkened or lost pigmentation
  • a mole on the left eyelid or on the right has changed shape
  • Nevus disappeared without a trace

You should not immediately panic when you find one of the above symptoms, this should only be the reason for visiting a dermatologist. Only a doctor can decide whether to remove the neoplasm or if it does not pose a danger to life.

If the mole needs to be removed

If it was decided to remove the nevus, you will have five options for its resection:

  1. Classic excision with a scalpel. The advantage of the method is the low possibility of recurrence, especially often used when malignancy is suspected. Preferred for moles located both on the lower and upper eyelids, as well as on the mucous membrane of the eye.
  2. Removing a mole on the eyelid with nitrogen. Liquid nitrogen destroys the body of the nevus using extremely low temperatures, and also prevents infection from entering the wound.
  3. Laser removal. The fastest and most accurate method. For excision of moles on the eyelid, the eye is used more often than others.
  4. Coagulation with current. High-frequency point shocks of current burn out the body of the nevus, as a result an inconspicuous scar is formed.
  5. Radio wave surgery. Suitable for the excision of cancerous moles on the eyelid. Advantages - low probability of infection and anemia.

It is worth remembering that closing remarks the choice of the method of removal remains with the doctor.

What are the risks of removing a mole on the eyelid

Each patient of a dermatologist, after a recommendation to remove a mole, faces his own fears and prejudices. If the decision is made on the basis of the risk of nevus degeneration, it is worth discarding all fears, since there is nothing worse than the development of oncology. If the cause of the resection is a cosmetic defect that is not visible even in the photo, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons together with the attending physician and jointly decide on the expediency of surgery.

When choosing an institution in which the procedure will take place, it is worth giving preference to those clinics about which there are positive reviews on the Internet, and also pay attention to the recommendations of the attending physician (if he does not operate himself).

Mole on the eye or eyelid: features, treatment, removal

Removal of a nevus on the eyelid

Moles on the face: A sign of good luck ?! Magic?!

It is worth saying that nevus should be resected only in a hospital or clinic. An ordinary beauty parlor cannot offer the full range of laboratory services, including, for example, a biopsy of a removed mole, so its services should be abandoned.

What does not need to be done unambiguously is to try to get rid of the neoplasm on your own. No need to experiment on yourself and put your life at risk. Only a specially trained surgeon can carry out the procedure with minimal health risks and minimal cosmetic defect.

What does a mole on the century mean?

For a long time, people have become accustomed to endowing nevi with special significance, depending on their location. A mole on the upper eyelid means:

  • If it is located below on the right eye, its owner is emotional, goes from one extreme to another
  • a mole on the right eyelid at the top defines a highly intelligent personality
  • In the presence of a mole on the left eyelid, its owner is a fickle person, both professionally and personally.
  • A mole on the left lower eyelid speaks of a tendency to cheating and comfort in solitude.

Only you can decide whether to believe in such decryptions, since they have no scientific basis and may not mean anything.

Fortunately, moles on the eyelid are not as common as on other areas of the human body. As such, they do not pose a threat to life, since they belong to the category of benign formations. But it is worth treating nevi with caution due to the possibility of their transformation into cancerous ones. Therefore, do not postpone a visit to the doctor if any of the nevi causes concern.

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