The originality of the literary language styles is determined by the following criteria. Modern Russian Style System

Styles of the modern Russian literary language

Styles of the modern Russian literary language


  • 1. The concept and classification of the styles of the modern Russian literary language
    • 2. Features of the book and colloquial speech
    • Literature
1. The concept and classification of the styles of the modern Russian literary language Literary language - the form of the national language existence, which is characterized by such features as regulativity, codification, stylistic differentiation, high social prestige in medium medium of this national language. The tangible language is the main means serving the communicative needs of society; It is opposed to the non-corrected subsystems of the national language - territorial dialects, urban spacious, professional and social jargone. Shmelev wrote about this: "At all stages of the development of the literary language, even when overcoming one way or another, the alienation of the language of writing, when the halo, simply literacy and possess the special book language, the speakers never disappears the feeling of the difference between the fact that" as You can say ", and those" how to write "" "Modern Russian literary language. Tutorial / Ed. Leklak P.A. M.: Uniti - Dana, 2004. P. 89 .. The next step of the membership of the literary language is the division of each of its varieties - book and spoken language - for functional styles. The set of techniques for the use of language means to express certain ideas, thoughts in Different conditions of speech practice Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary Russian language / Russian en. - M.: Az Ltd., 1992. Pp. 794.. The following functional styles are distinguished by the modern Russian book literary language: scientific, official-business, journalistic, religious-preaching. Sometimes the functional styles include the language of fiction. Matching language is not shaping as definitely on functional styles, which is understandable: the book language is consciously cultivated, society as a whole and its various groups and institutions are interested in the functional flexibility of the book language (without this it is impossible development of such spheres of social life as science, lawmaking, office work, mass communication, etc.); The spoken language develops spontaneously, without guiding efforts from the Company. However, it is possible to observe some differences, determined by: the scope of the spoken language; the communicative objectives of speech; the social characteristics of the speaker and listening and psychological relations between them, as well as some other variables. The literary language on styles can be represented in the form of the following scheme: the literary language is spokeny, depending on the application of the United States-business, depending on the communications-free fertilizer-proof preaching, depending on the social 2. Features of the book and colloquial speech Now consider in more detail each of these styles. Book Language - This is the achievement and treasure of culture. It is the main carrier and transmitter of cultural information. All types of indirect, distant communication are carried out by the funds of the book language. Accuracy, fiction, business correspondence, legislation, newspaper and magazine products, and even such oral in shape, but in general, strictly codified areas of use of the literary language, as radio and television, is impossible to themselves Submit without a book language. The modern book-literary language is a powerful tool. In contrast to another species - a spoken literary language (and especially unlike such subsystems of the national language, such as dialects and spacious), it is polyfunctional: suitable for use in various fields of communication, for different purposes and to express the most diverse content. Present The form as the main form of a book language is determined by another important property: the letter "lengthens the lifetime of each text (the oral tradition gradually changes the text); thus it enhances the ability of the literary language to be a connection between generations Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.I. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. P. 246 .. and there are the following books of book language - scientific, official-business, journalistic, religious preaching and artistic. Scientific style - The sphere of its use is the areas of science and technology, the educational process, it is also used mainly to clarify the achievements of science and technology. Scientific style is inherent in preliminary thinking of statements, monologue, strict selection of language funds, a number of common features that are manifested independently of the nature of science (natural, accurate, humanitarian) and genre differences, which makes it possible to talk about the specificity of the style. In general, the scientific style is characterized by a logical sequence of presentation, an ordered system of links between the parts of the statement, the desire of the authors to accuracy, complicity, the uniqueness of the expression while maintaining the saturation of the content. With the limits of scientific style, such speech genres, as an article, monograph, textbook, review, review , abstract, abstract, scientific commentary text, lecture, report on a special topic and other academic line of scientific style is the saturation of terms, in particular international (radar, molecule, etc.). The originality of scientific works is to use abstract in them. vocabulary (factor, developed Ye, creativity, self-consciousness, understanding, intensity, course, etc.). Scientific style has its own phraseology, which includes composite terms (solar plexus, right angle, boiling point, involved turnover, etc.), various kinds of cliché (consists of...; lies in ...; represents...; It is used for ... etc.). The language of science is characterized and a number of grammatical features. In the field of morphology, this is the use of more brief variant forms, which corresponds to the principle of "saving" of language means. So, from the options of the cuff - cuff ("ring to fasten the ends of pipes") in the technical literature, the second, i.e. More brief, forms of male race. When building proposals is less consumed by verbs and more nouns, i.e. In scientific literature, it is more common to define concepts, less often - the names of action. The syntactic features of the scientific style should be noted the trend towards complex buildings. Officially-business style It is used mainly to regulate official relations. Among the book styles of the language, official-business style is highlighted by its relative stability and closure. A typical featual-business style feature is the presence of numerous speech standards - cliches. If in other styles, the templated turnoves act as a stylistic drawback, then in this style they are perceived as its natural affiliation. United-business style is the style of documents: international treaties, state acts, legal laws, decisions, charters, instructions, service correspondence, business papers, etc. The main features of this style are the following: compression, compactness of presentation, "economical" use of language agents; standard location of the material, non-compulsory mold; consideration of this cliché style; widespread use of terminology, nomenclature names (legal, diplomatic, military, administrative, etc.) , availability of special vocabulary and phraseology (official, stationery); inclusion in the text of comprehensive words, abbreviations; frequent use of exclusive nouns, reported prepositions (on the basis of in relation to, in accordance with, due to, etc.), complex unions (due to What, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, etc.), sustainable combinations that serve to communicate parts complex offer (In case, with the condition that the fact is that, etc.); the narrative nature of the presentation; almost complete absence of emotional-expressive speech; weak individualization of the style. Non-componity of the themes and a variety of genres allow you to allocate two varieties in the style under consideration: Officially - Documentary; Official-Business. In turn, in the official documentary style, the language of legislative documents related to the activities of state bodies can be distinguished, and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations. In everyday business style, official correspondence between institutions and Organizations, on the one hand, and private paper - on the other. Journalistic style - it realizes the language function of the impact with which the purely informative function is combined. Publicistic style finds use in socio-political literature, periodicals, performances, speeches at meetings, etc. In the framework of publicistic style, he received widespread newspaper magazine variety. How the main features of the language of the newspaper include: "Savings" of language funds, conciseness of presentation in informative saturation; selection of language means with installation on their cycling; the presence of social and political vocabulary and phraseology; the use of speech stereotypes characteristic of this style and cliché; genre diversity and related to this diversity of the stylistic use of language funds: multivalued words, copyright neologisms, emotional-expressive vocabulary; combining journalistic style features with features of other styles (scientific, official-business, literary and artistic, conversational), due to the diversity of themes and genres; use image - Expressive means of stylistic syntax (rhetorical issues, exclamations, parallelism of construction, repeats, inversion, etc.). Depending on the subject and the genre in journalistic style, a variety of vocabulary and phraseology is widely used. Some part is the socio-political vocabulary and the combination of words: democracy, democratic freedoms, electoral company, progressive, reaction, political party, strike struggle, and other newspaper as anywhere Different speech stereotypes are common (standards, cliche) . Often, due to frequent repeatability, speech clichés turn into stamps and lose their initial imagery. It will noted that the trends in the standardization in the newspaper is opposed to the tendency to strengthen expressiveness, revitalizing the narration with words and turnover from other styles, especially from the conversational. Art style - When using it, there is an impact on the identity by the verbal artistic image of life. In the artistic style, such speech genres are distinguished as stories, stories, novels, plays, poems, and other features of artistic style are: imagery; concreteness; emotionality; assessment of speech. The characteristic feature of the artistic style is also the use of words with a specific meaning, words used in a figurative value; Emotionally estimated vocabulary. From a grammatical point of view for artistic style, the use of syntactic structures of a wide variety of species is characterized. Colloquial. The spoken variety of literary language is an independent and self-sufficient system inside the general system of the literary language, with its set of units and the rules of their combination with each other, used by carriers of the literary language in the conditions of direct, in advance of not prepared communication in informal relations between the speakingrs. Crane literary language is not Code: In it, of course, there are certain norms (due to which, for example, it is easy to distinguish the oral speech of the carrier of the literary language from the oral speech of the carrier of the dialect or spacious), but these norms have developed historically and are not consciously regulated and are not consciously regulated and are not fixed in the form of any Rules and Recommendations. However, the codification is a question - another one, and, very significant, a sign that distinguishes the book and spoken variety of literary language. The conversational style is a special type of language that is used by a person in everyday, domestic communication. The role of a spoken style from the book styles of the Russian language is in the various manner of the presentation of information. So, in the book styles, this manner is subordinate to the rules of the language recorded in the dictionaries. The collaborative style is obeyed by its own norms, and the fact that it is not justified in the book speech is quite appropriate in natural communication. The language and sells its main function in the conversational style - the function of communication, and the appointment of a spoken style is to directly transmit information preferably orally (Exceptions are private letters, notes, diary records). The language features of the colloquial style determine the special conditions of its functioning: informality; ease of speech communication; lack of preliminary selection of language funds; speech automatism; contemporary of content; dialogical form. The style has a situation - a real, subject situation. Speaking of spoken style gives the effect of some disorder in speech, because of it, much perceived as speech carelessness or simply as an error. This impression is created because conversational speech is estimated from the standpoint of codified regulations. In fact, the conversational style has its own canons that cannot and should not be evaluated as non-normal. Separate features regularly, consistently show themselves in the speech of all native speakers, including those who flawlessly own codified norms and all codified functional varieties of language. The conversational style is one of the full literary varieties of the language, and not some kind of language education, standing on the side of the literary language or at all outside it. In conversational style, for which the oral form is an original, the sound side is played by the sound side. Easy to distinguish the full (academic) style of pronunciation inherent to the lector, the speaker, a professional voice recorder (all of them are far from colloquial style, their texts are other book styles in the oral form of speech), from incomplete, characteristic of spoken speech. In conversational style, there is less distinct Sound pronunciation, their reduction (reduction). Instead, Alexander Alexandrovich - San Sanych, etc. The smaller tension of the speech organs leads to changes in the quality of sounds and even sometimes to their complete disappearance ("Hello" instead of hello). In the functional and stylistic varieties of spoken language, speech genres are not so clearly opposed to each other as the speech genres of the book language. In addition, the genre-stylistic manifold of colloquial speech is not yet sufficiently studied. The results in this area, the results are allowed to allocate the following speech genres of the spoken language. According to the number of speakers and the nature of their participation in communication, the story, dialogue and polylogging (i.e. " Multiple persons ": This term arose based on erroneous dissection in the part of the" two "dialogue borrowed from the Greek word with the meaning of two and, accordingly, understanding it as a" conversation of two persons "). In the target direction, nature of the situation and social roles of participants in communication You can distinguish such varieties as a family conversation at the dining table, a dialogue of colleagues on household and professional topics, a reprimand of an adult child, a conversation of a person with animals (for example, with a dog), a diverse genres of speech inventive and some others. Literature 1. Ozhegov S.I., Swedov N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / Russian Culture Fund. - M.: Az Ltd., 1992. - 960С.2. Radugin A.A. Russian language and culture of speech. M.: Infra - M., 2004. - 250С.3. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / ed. IN AND. Maksimova. - M.: Gardariki, 2002. - 411 p.4. Modern Russian literary language. Tutorial / Ed. Leklak P.A. M.: Uniti - Dana, 2004. - 250c.

The literary language has two forms - oral and written. Their names indicate that the first is the sounding speech, and the second is graphically decorated. Oral form is initial.

When implementing each of the forms, writing or talking is selected to express his thoughts of the word, the combination of words is suggested. Depending on which material is based on, it acquires a book or colloquial.

Depending on the purposes and tasks that are put and solved in the process of communication, there is a selection of various linguistic agents. As a result, species of a single literary language called functional styles are created.

Typically distinguish the following functional styles:

  1. official business


    conversationally helpful.

We can not be monotonous for all occasions of life and different situations. And on the functioning of speech in a particular social practice of social practice, the functional styles are allocated: "This is the historically prevailing team in this language team of a species of a single literary language, which are relative patterns of a system of language unity, regularly functioning in various areas of social activities."

Our speech in the official situation differs from our speech in an informal setting. It is the purpose of communication that the choice of stylistic techniques, the compositions of the speech structure for each specific case, dictate.

The term "functional styles" emphasizes that the varieties of the language are allocated on the basis of the function that the language performs in a particular case.

The styles of the literary language are primarily compared based on the analysis of their lexic (vocabulary) composition, since it is in vocabulary that differences between them are more noticeable.

The consolidation of words for certain styles of speech is explained by the fact that the lexical importance of many words, in addition to the objective content, includes emotional and stylistic color. Compare: Mother, Mom, Mom, Mom. The words of each row have the same meaning, but differ stylistically, so used in different styles. Mother is mainly used in official-business style, the rest of the words - in colloquially everyday life.

In addition to the concept and stylistic color, the word is able to express feelings, as well as the assessment of various phenomena of real reality. Two groups of emotional expressive vocabulary are distinguished: words with positive and negative assessment. Compare: excellent, beautiful, wonderful, amazing (positive assessment) and bad, ugly, cheeky, nasty (negative evaluation).

Depending on which emotionally expressive assessment is expressed in the Word, it is used in various styles of speech. Emotional-expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in colloquial-everyday speech, which is distinguished by the liveliness and accuracy of the presentation. Characterized expressively painted words and for public style. However, in scientific and technical and official-based speech styles, emotionally painted words are usually inappropriate.

If the speaker finds it difficult to determine if this word can be used in one or another speech style, then it should contact the dictionaries and reference books.

To visually present the peculiarities of each functional style of the literary language, we will focus on the overall characteristics of speech styles.

Scientific style

The sphere of social activity in which the scientific style is functioning is science. The leading position in the scientific style occupies a monoological speech. This functional style has a great variety of speech genres; Among them, the mains are: scientific monograph and scientific article, dissertation work, scientific and educational prose (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, etc.), scientific and technical works (various kinds of instructions, safety regulations, etc.), annotations , abstracts, scientific reports, lectures, scientific discussions, as well as genres of scientific and popular literature.

Scientific style is implemented mainly in writing speech. However, with the development of media, with an increase in the importance of science in modern society, an increase in the number of various types of scientific contacts, such as conferences, symposia, scientific seminars, increases the role of oral scientific speech.

The main features of scientific style and in writing, and orally are accuracy, abstractness, logicality and objectivity of the presentation. It is they who organize all the language funds that form this functional style into the system, and determine the choice of vocabulary in the works of scientific style. For this style, the use of special terminology is characterized, and recently international terminology has been occupied here more and more space.

In the scientific functional style there is no vocabulary with spoken and colloquially spacious color. This style is to a lesser extent than publicistic, characteristic of the evaluation. Estimates are used to express the author's point of view, make it more affordable and understandable, explaining the thought, attract attention, and mainly have a rational, and not emotional and expressive nature: "The widespread view that the achievement of atmospheric air quality at the level of sanitary and hygienic extremely permissible concentrations guarantees simultaneously and high quality of the natural environment, erroneously" (ecology. 1993).

Scientific speech is characterized by the accuracy and logicalness of thought, its sequence and objectivity of the presentation. Speech scientific style texts may contain not only language information, but also various formulas, symbols, tables, graphs, etc. To a greater extent it applies to the texts of natural and applied sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics and others. Almost any scientific text may contain graphical information; This is one of the features of scientific style.

Formal business style

The main sphere in which the official-business style of the Russian literary language is functioning, is administrative and legal activities. This style satisfies the need to communicate in the documentary of different acts of state, public, political, economic life, business relations between the state and organizations, as well as between members of the Company in the official sphere of their communication. The texts of this style include: charter, law, order, contract, instruction, complaint, various kinds of statements, as well as many business genres (for example, explanatory note, autobiography, statistical report and others).

Despite the distinguished in the content of individual genres, the degrees of their complexity, official-business speech has common style features: the accuracy of the presentation that does not allow differences in interpretation; Details of presentation; Stereotype, standardization of the presentation. You can add such features such as the official, the severity of the expression of thought, as well as objectivity and logicality, which are characteristic of scientific speech.

The function of social regulation, which plays the most important role in official-business speech, imposes to the relevant texts the requirement of unambiguing interpretation.

The lexical composition of the texts of this style has its own characteristics associated with the specified features. First of all, words and phrases of the literary language are used in these texts, which have a pronounced functional and stylistic color, for example: plaintiff, respondent, protocol, job description, detention, researcher And others, among them a significant number of professional terms.

For official-business style, a tendency to reduce the number of values \u200b\u200bof words, simplifying their semantic structure, to the uniqueness of lexical designations, up to narrow terminology.

Typical for business language are complex words formed from two or more words: equipment, employer, the above etc. The formation of these words is explained by the desire of the business language to the accuracy of transmission of the meaning and unambiguing interpretation. Simplicity of similar phrases and their high repeatability leads to the clispitude of the used language tools, which gives the texts of the official-business style standardized character. Consider an example: "Notary, engaged in private practice, should be a member of the notarial chamber, to make all the notarial actions provided for by law on behalf of the state, have the right to have property and personal non-property rights and obligations, hire and dismiss workers, dispose of income receipt, to act in court, the arbitration court from their name and perform other actions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the republics in the Russian Federation " (Consultant. 1997. No. 24).

Business speech is characteristic of presentation and lack of assessment. There is an impartial statement, a statement of facts in a logical sequence. Therefore, the 1st face is permissible only in a limited number of situations where legal relations are established between individuals and the organization or the state, for example, in the design of various powers of attorney, when concluding an employment agreement, etc.

Publishing newspaper

Newspaper and journalistic style functions in the socio-political sphere and is used in speaking speeches, in various newspaper genres (for example, advanced article, report and others), in journalistic articles, in periodic printing. It is implemented both in writing and orally.

One of the main characteristic features of the newspaper and journalistic style is the combination of two tendencies - the trends towards expressiveness and the trend towards the standard. This is due to the functions that publicist performs: an informational and meaningful function and a belief function, emotional impact. They are particularly character in journalistic style. Information in this area of \u200b\u200bsocial activities is addressed to the enormous circle of people, all native speakers and members of this society (and not just specialists of the scientific sphere). For the relevance of the information, the time factor is very significant: the information should be transmitted and becomes well known in the shortest possible time, which does not matter, for example, in an official-business style.

Newspaper and journalistic style has both conservatism and mobility. On the one hand, there is a sufficient number of stamps, socio-political and other terms in the journalistic speech. On the other hand, the desire for the conviction of readers requires all new linguistic means to influence them. It is this purpose that all the riches of art and colloquial speech are served.

The vocabulary of the newspaper and journalistic style has a pronounced emotionally expressive color, includes conversational, integral and even jargon elements. Also in it are actively used by foreign language words. It is thanks to the media that recently recently recently replenished with an active dictionary of foreign language words that are part of the Russian language: privatization, demonstration and others.

The syntax of the newspaper and journalistic style of speech also has its own characteristics associated with the active use of emotionally and expressive painted structures: exclamation of various meanings, questioning proposals, suggestion and other suggestions. The desire for expression determines the use of structures with colloquial color: constructions with particles, interjections, constructions of phraseological nature, etc.

Modern Russian literary language is that in science it is customary to call the system of its species, or styles. The emergence of such styles is due to the fact that various types of social activities of people impose the language of different requirements. Suppose, science as such is very much in need of words and suggestions that can accurately express strictly defined concepts and judgments necessary in different areas of knowledge about the world and man. And artistic literature requires the language of a large number of words and statements that allow the writer most brightly, figuratively describe the nature, work and life activity of people, human feelings, passion, experiences and thoughts; Proser and the poet "draw in words", and in order to draw, not only the ability, but also a wide choice of paints is necessary; It is in such "colorful" words and statements, artistic literature needs more than, for example, science or politics. So what hides underly the term "language styles"?

Language style - This is his variety that serves any side of public life:

1) ordinary communication;

2) official-business relationship;

3) agitational mass activities;

5) verbal and artistic creativity.

Language style is characterized by the following signs. :

1) the purpose of communication;

2) a set of language agents and forms (genres).

Speech functional style - The style of the literary language is called functional, as it performs a specific function in speech.

Spoken style Used in everyday speech, in conversation, in a relaxed atmosphere. In conversational style big role Play non-verbal communication: Mimic, gestures. It happens in the form of a dialogue.

Book Styleis the direct opposite of conversational and is distinguished by an abundance of complex, mainly complex proposals; It does not find applications incomplete, unfinished phrases; It is possible to use uncertainty-personal (iron is obtained by restoring it from oxides, which are part of iron ores; Milk is called "light food"), definitely personal (we describe the arc; we calculate the average quadratic error); Some types of impersonal (builders will have to build a complex ... On the preservation of legal relations, one of the parents should be indicated in the decision on adoption, etc.). However, some types of single-maintenance proposals are not forth in the book speech (freezing; I do not sleep; I want to sleep; it hurts; neither the soul; there is no money; it's time to go home; you love to ride - love and sosochki carry; He does not order a heart). This is explained by their expressiveness or thematic consolidation of household speech.

Book speeches use:

1) Scientific Style;

Scientific style has all the features of the book style and at the same time has a number of characteristic traits that deserve learning. The specifics of scientific speech are determined to a large extent factors extralyalistic orstallinguistic (non-language) factors: the main purpose of scientific works is the presentation of the data obtained by studying the reader with scientific information. This predetermines the monological nature of the science language. The informative function of this style is reflected in the genre of its originality: it is represented by scientific literature (monographs, articles, abstracts), as well as educational and reference. The content and purpose of these types of literature is diverse, but they are united by the nature of scientific thinking: the most important form is the concept, and judgments, conclusions, the following one by one in a strict logical sequence are the linguistic expression. This determines such traits of scientific style as distraction, generalization; It is structurally expressed by the logicality of the presentation.

Abstract and generalization of speech manifests itself, first of all, in vocabulary: almost every word in the scientific text means not concrete, but general concept or abstract phenomenon. For example: Birch is fine tolerate frosts (the word birch indicates the tree of the tree, and not on a single object, a concrete tree).

2) journalistic style;

Publicistic style is also called newspaper and journalistic, because journalistic works are printed primarily in newspapers. This style is also represented in journals addressed to the mass reader, journalistic performances on radio, television, in speeches of social and political figures at rallies, congresses, meetings (in this case it is presented orally). Publicistics received the name "Chronicles of Modernity", as it covers the most important problems of society - political, social, household, philosophical, economic, moral and ethical, issues of education, culture, art, etc.; Her subjects are not limited, as well as genre variety.

In the journalistic style, two most important languages \u200b\u200bare connected - the information function of the languagein information and the affecting function of the language-in-law. The journalist is not an indifferent registrar of events, but their active participant who is selflessly defending their beliefs. Journalism is intended to actively interfere in what is happening, to create public opinion, convince, agitate. This determines such essential styrene-forming features of a journalistic style, as an evaluation, passionality, emotionality. Publicistic style is characterized by thematic manifold and stylistic wealth.

It is widely represented by commonly presented, neutral vocabulary and phraseology, as well as book and spoken. The choice of verbal material is determined by the topic.

3) business style;

Official-business style serves legal relations between citizens and the state and is applied in various documents - from state acts and international treaties to business correspondence. The most important functions of this style - the message and impact are implemented in such official documents as laws, decisions, decrees, orders, contracts, agreements, business correspondence, applications, receipts, etc. This style is also called administrative, as it serves the scope of official, Business relationships, area of \u200b\u200blaw and public policy.

For the vocabulary of official-business techniques, the official speech is characterized by the widespread use of thematically determined special words and terms (legal, diplomatic, military, accounting, sports, etc.). The desire for brevity causes an appeal to abbreviations, comprehensive names of state bodies, institutions, organizations, societies, parties

Art style.

Artistic style is used in verbal and artistic work. His goal is to draw a living picture, depict the subject or events, transfer the author's emotions to the reader, to influence the help of the created images on the feelings and thoughts of the listener and reader.

Vocabulary and phraseology of an active and passive dictionary; The dynamics of active and passive vocabulary in history history. Outdated words, their types; Archaisms and historians; Varieties of archaisov. Characteristics of historical dictionaries of the Russian language. Dictionary of outdated words (structure of the vocabulary article).

Active dictionary, active in words - part of the lexical and phraseological composition of the language, consumed in this period in a particular speech area. Plays the most important role when performing the communicative function. It includes a relatively limited number of lexical units, especially those used in speech due to the most significant realities for this society. Opposed to passive dictionary.

For an active dictionary, variability is characterized: part of its elements, remaining clear native speakers, gradually passes into the passive dictionary; On the contrary, newly emerging words (for example, Rus. Fit) Over time, they can flow into the active dictionary. In some cases, the unit, leaving the active dictionary, later returns to it (for example, Rus. Minister, Sergeant). However, the core of the active dictionary consisting of stylistically neutral units with a developed system of values, high combination and word-forming activity, changes slowly.

Passive Dictionary, passive word stock - part of the dictionary composition of the language consisting of units limited to the features of the phenomena denoted by them (for example, historians, own names) or known only parts of native speakers (such are archaisms, neologisms, terms). The lexical units used exclusively in certain functional styles of the language can also belong to the passive dictionary: book, spoken and other stylistic painted vocabulary. Passive dictionary is opposed to active.

The passive dictionary of the living language is considered an open system, since the number of its units is not limited and cannot be strictly and fully defined by the thesaurus of any dictionary. The boundary of the active and passive dictionary is mobile: So, Rus. Airplane, city, governor, servant, petition, revenge by the middle of the 20th century, came out of active use, but are preserved in the passive dictionary. The ratio of the active and passive reserve of the words of the tongue at a certain stage of its development is the frequency dictionaries.

In passive lexicon (Passive dictionary) includes words rarely used by speaking in ordinary speech communication. Values \u200b\u200bare not always clear speaking. Passive stock words form three groups:

1. Archaisms - outdated words or expressions, outstanding From the active use of synonymous units: the exhaust - neck, Dandy - right hand, rattle - in vain, in vain, since ancient - Icestari, a guide - actor, this - this, siren - that is.

Are divided into:

1) lexical archaisms - These are words, the whole of consumption and passed into passive vocabulary: livy - it is possible; - thief; Aki - how; Pit - poet; Otrokovitsa - teenager, etc.

2) lexico-semantic archaisms - These are words that are outdated one or more values:

Belly - "Life" (not on the stomach, but to beat death); Istang - "Statue";

Scoundrels - "unfit to military service"; Relief - "Port, Pier", etc.

3) lexico-phonetic archaisms - these are words that are as a result historical Development The sound design has changed (sound shell), but the word value has been preserved completely:

Mirror - mirror;

Iroism - heroism;

Aximans - eighteen;

Pashport - passport;

Chang - style (poetic), etc.

4) Accentological archaisms - That is, the words that the emphasis changed (from the lat. Accentum - highlight, emphasis):

Music Ska - M. W.yoke;

Suff ANDkS - S. W.fix;

Philosophy ABOUTf - Phil ABOUTsof;

5) Lexico-word formation archaisms- These are words that are outdated individual morphemes or word-forming model:

Dol - Valley; Friendly - friendship; Shepherd - shepherd; Rybar -Rabak; Fasse - fantasy, etc.

2. Historisms - outdated words separated Due to the disappearance of those realities that they denoted: Boyar, Dyak, Okrichnik, Baskak, Summer, Crossbow, Shishak, Kaftan, Folver, Strankchy.

3. Neologisms - Words that have recently emerged in the language and still unknown to a wide range of native speakers: mortgage, mundial, glamor, inauguration, creative, extreme, etc. after the word is widely used, it ceases to be neologism. The emergence of new words is a natural process, reflecting the development of science, technology, culture, social relations.

The dynamics of the active and passive dictionary never stands still. Almost every year all new words penetrate into the tongue. Passive dictionary is often replenished by any historical change. The abolition of serfdom, the transition from the royal power to the authorities of the parties, to the USSR, and, finally, to the Federation - the change of epochs affected both active and passive dictionary.

Characterized by the following features:

1) the appearance of specialized semantics and new combined properties: the feeder - a place in power structures as a source of accumulation of wealth; Fried fact - a sensational exposure message, not to the end proven;

2) the presence of words possessing an absolute novelty: informal - a member of the informal youth grouping;

3) by passing passive, outdated, borrowed, etc. Lexics to the Active Foundation: Dukes, Shelter, Governor;

4) the departure of the former active vocabulary to the passive foundation: collectivization, nomination.

Historical Dictionary - The lexicographic publication that reflects the history of the words of one language throughout their existence in this language - since its formation of the first written monuments) to modernity or limited to a certain significant historical period. The historical dictionary registers phonetic, graphic, morphological variation of the word, the main changes in its semantics and pragmatic characteristics (degree of consumption, prevalence in different language subsystems, stylistic affiliation). A dictionary containing the history of words (their appearance, the development of values, change in the word formation structure, etc.).

An example of an article from a historical dictionary:

Laurelisia - Ancient supercontinent, uniting territories of S. America and Eurasia (with the exception of Industrial). Formed in a period of 0.4-0.38 billion years ago. From the middle of the Mesozoic began the decay of L. in connection with the formation with. Parts of the Atlantic Ocean (see Gondwana).

1. Kibitka - Covered cart, a wagon of the nomadic peoples of Central and Central Asia. In Central Asia, small houses are called small houses - globitate or raw bricks.

2. Kibitka - (from the Türk. Kibit - covered wagon, shop, shop), 1) Covered wagon, dwelling of nomads Eurasian steppes. 2) The same as Yurt. Cf. Pepper.

The vocabulary article consists of a title block - the name of its own or nominal. On the right is the explanation of the word value.

Stylistic characteristic of the vocabulary of the Russian language. The concept of stylistic neutral and stylisticly marked (painted) vocabulary. The use of neutral and stylistic painted vocabulary in colloquial speech, in oratory art, in the artistic text.

Stylistically painted vocabulary - These are lexical units (unambiguous words or individual values \u200b\u200bof multivalued words), characterized by the ability to cause a special stylistic impression outside the context. This ability is due to the fact that the value of the word data contains not only the subject-logical (information about the subject) information, but also additional (unforeseen) - connotations (see). In unforeseen information concluded in lexical units, the expression is found not only expressive-emotional connotations, but also reflects the influence of various extralyinguistic (styled) factors, such as: the sphere of communication, the specificity of the function. Style, genre, shape and content of speech, relationships between addressees and message addressee, the author's ratio to the subject of speech, etc.

Stylistically neutral vocabulary - Words not attached to a certain speech style, having stylistic synonyms (book, conversational, spurated), against the background of which they are deprived of stylistic color. So, the tin wander is neutral by comparison with the books to wander and spacious to stagger, hang off; Future - on comparison with the book coming; View - by comparison with the gaze; Eyes - by comparison with eyes. cf. Also (in the first place is a stylistically neutral synonym): naked - naked; Proof - argument; fragrant - fragile - dislike and so on.

Kamchatka State Technical University

Policy Faculty

Department of Philology


under the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

Option 2.

Styles of the modern Russian language


Introduction …………………………………………………………………….. 3
1. .................................... ...... 1.1. Styles of the Russian language ................................................ .... 1.2. General characteristics of speech styles .................................... 1.3. The overall characteristics of the functional styles of the Russian language ........................................................................ 5 5 7 8
2. Conditions of the functioning of the book and colloquial speech ... .. 2.1. Book speech ....................................... ......................... 2.2. Colloquial speech……….……………………………………… 15 15 16
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………… 19
Literature …………………………………………………………………. 20


The purpose of this work is to consider the various styles of the modern Russian language.

It is worth noting that depending on the purposes and tasks that are set in the process of communication, the selection of various linguistic means is selected. As a result, peculiar varieties of a single literary language are created, which are called functional styles. This term emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are allocated on the basis of the function (role), which is performed in each particular case. Functional styles are associated with the form of speech.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the definition of style depends on the understanding of the language. In linguistics, such signs of the language are definitely allocated as its social essence, communicative function, reflective and cognitive ability, systemic nature. However, these are not all signs of language, and in linguistics there are different interpretations of the language, and therefore various definitions of the style.

Leaving aside the theoretical surveys of linguists, we give here the most famous definition of style given by academician V.V. Vinogradov: "Style is a socially conscious and functionally determined, internally combined set of techniques of use, selection and combination of means of speech communication in the field of one or another common, nationwide language, correlative with the other methods of expression that serve for other purposes performs other functions in the speech practice of this nation. "

This definition of the style reflects several of its signs. First of all, it emphasizes the functional role of individual means of language (sounds, words, proposals, phrases), due to the most appropriate use of language units, depending on the content of the statement, goals, situations, the sphere of communication. Such socially significant spheres of communication are allocated as scientific, journalistic, official-business, artistic and household. In accordance with this, the functional styles of the Russian language are allocated.

The subject is the styles of the Russian language and speech.

Object of work - the sphere of communication.

The goal and relevance of work, determined the range of tasks for study:

1. Describe the styles of the Russian language;

2. Consider the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language

3. Remove the conditions for the functioning of the book and colloquial speech

When writing a job, the works of such authors were used as: Smelzer N., Shcherba L.V., Radugin A.A., Greudina L.K., Milyukov P.N. And others.

1. Concept of Russian styles

1.1. Styles of Russian language

1) a variety of language (language style) used in a typical social situation - in everyday life, in the family, in the formal business sphere, etc. - and differing from others. varieties of the same language features of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

Determining the style of the language depends on the volume of the concept of "language", as well as from the central concept - language rate. If the norm is generally correct, undisputed common speech, the style of the language is defined as a kind of nationwide language (then the style of the language will also be hurried). If the norm is understood more narrowly - only as a literary-correct speech, the style of the language is defined as a kind of literary language. Accordingly, the classification of the style of the language is varied and the central - neutral-conversational style of the language is distinguished, in relation to which the remaining styles of the language are characterized as stylistically "marked", painted; With a second - under a neutral language, the language is understood as the total part of all the styles of the language, with which in various proportions are connected in each style of the language "marked" stylistic agents. In modern developed national languages, there are three largest style of language: neutral-conversational (with another conversational classification), more "high" - book, more "low" - familiar-spacious. Thanks to this, the same object can be called and described in various style registers (cf. "Life" - "Being" - "live"), which opens up ample opportunities before an artistic speech. In each of the main styles, more private, but less clear divisions are possible: in the book - scientific, newspaper and publicist, official-business, etc.; In the familiar-spacious - the actual conversational name, spacious, student jargon, etc. Each style is fixed by the tradition of a typical public situation: book - for the situation of official communication, neutral-spoken - for the situation of everyday official, domestic communication, familiar-spacious - for the situation of intimate and family communications. All styles and divisions are sometimes called in Soviet linguistics functional. Some researchers consider artistic speech as one of the functional styles, the style of the language of fiction in general. From the actual style division of the language should be distinguished by the differences in the emotional expressive color of the linguistic means (often called "stylistic"), which can be represented within the same language of the language and are expressed in such estimates as "high, sublime", "solemn "," Neutral "," reduced ", as well as" coarse "," ironic ", etc. Historically, the "sublime" to the book, and "reduced", "coarse" - to the familiar-spacious style.

Language styles can only be where the language system provides the ability to select language tools, and therefore are a historical category; They arise along with the concept of norm. Three basic styles have three different historical sources. Book style usually dates back to a significant part of the literary and written language of the previous era, often other than the daily language of the main part of the population, for example, in Russia to the Old Slavonic language, in France, Italy, Spain - to Latin, in the republics of Central Asia - to the Oldugurian. The neutral-conversational style of the language dates back to the general language of the people; The familiar-spacious style of language in a large part is to urban spacious. National Features of Origin and Literary Treatment Language Style is affected by a different understanding of "neutrality". So, in french The neutral style of the language is shifted towards the book speech, in Russian, compared with French, - in the direction of the conversational surprise, because The norm of the French literary language was in the era of classicism (17th century), and the Russian literary language - in the era of the formation of realism (Pushkin's era) with a different attitude to the democratic elements of the language. The breaking of stylistic restrictions often acts in history as a sign of a new literary and artistic and ideological direction.

Three-inclusive division Language existed already in Ancient RomeBut it was identified there with a genre of literature and was held only within the book-written speech through associations with various subjects of reality (for example, "warrior", "horse", "sword" - for the "high" style, "farmer", "WH" , Plow - for the average, "lazy shepherd", "Sheep", "stick" - for "low").

The same reality, as a rule, could not be described in different style registers. Studying the style of the language over the course of antiquity and the Middle Ages was included in the circle of rhetoric and poetics. In 17-18 centuries. It was the subject of the "theory of three styles", universally adopted in Europe (cf. Teaching M.V. Lomonosov in Russia). AT modern meaning The term "language style" appears in European languages \u200b\u200bin the 1st third of the 19th century. In connection with the general ideas of historicism, by mid 19 in. The term "Language Style" was established (Spencer, H. Steightal). With the emergence of semiotics, it was found that the category of style (language) plays an important role not only in the literature, but wherever the language is applied, including in science (M. Fouco, etc.).

2) the manner of talking or writing, the method of linguistic behavior of a person in a particular public environment or situation (speech style). Since the style of the language is a generalization of the characteristics of the speech of a typical social situation, and the style of speech language is the choice of speaking or writing cash from the style of the language, the language of the language and style of speech language is the same phenomenon (style), only considered by the stylistics on different sides.

Kamchatka State Technical University

Policy Faculty

Department of Philology


under the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

Option 2.

Styles of the modern Russian language


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………..

1. ………………………………......

1.1. Styles of the Russian language ................................................ .... ....

1.2. General characteristics of speech styles ....................................

1.3. The overall characteristics of the functional styles of the Russian language ........................................................................

2. …..

2.1. Book speech ....................................... .............................

2.2. Colloquial speech……….………………………………………

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………
Literature ………………………………………………………………….


The purpose of this work is to consider the various styles of the modern Russian language.

It is worth noting that depending on the purposes and tasks that are set in the process of communication, the selection of various linguistic means is selected. As a result, peculiar varieties of a single literary language are created, which are called functional styles. This term emphasizes that the varieties of the literary language are allocated on the basis of the function (role), which is performed in each particular case. Functional styles are associated with the form of speech.

The relevance of the work is due to the fact that the definition of style depends on the understanding of the language. In linguistics, such signs of the language are definitely allocated as its social essence, communicative function, reflective and cognitive ability, systemic nature. However, these are not all signs of language, and in linguistics there are different interpretations of the language, and therefore various definitions of the style.

Leaving aside the theoretical surveys of linguists, we give here the most famous definition of style given by academician V.V. Vinogradov: "Style is a socially conscious and functionally determined, internally combined set of techniques of use, selection and combination of means of speech communication in the field of one or another common, nationwide language, correlative with the other methods of expression that serve for other purposes performs other functions in the speech practice of this nation. "

This definition of the style reflects several of its signs. First of all, it emphasizes the functional role of individual means of language (sounds, words, proposals, phrases), due to the most appropriate use of language units, depending on the content of the statement, goals, situations, the sphere of communication. Such socially significant spheres of communication are allocated as scientific, journalistic, official-business, artistic and household. In accordance with this, the functional styles of the Russian language are allocated.

The subject is the styles of the Russian language and speech.

Object of work - the sphere of communication.

The goal and relevance of work, determined the range of tasks for study:

1. Describe the styles of the Russian language;

2. Consider the system of functional styles of the modern Russian language

3. Remove the conditions for the functioning of the book and colloquial speech

When writing a job, the works of such authors were used as: Smelzer N., Shcherba L.V., Radugin A.A., Greudina L.K., Milyukov P.N. And others.

1. Concept of Russian styles

1.1. Styles of Russian language

1) a variety of language (language style) used in a typical social situation - in everyday life, in the family, in the formal business sphere, etc. - and differing from others. varieties of the same language features of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics.

Determining the style of the language depends on the volume of the concept of "language", as well as from the central concept - the language norm. If the norm is generally correct, undisputed common speech, the style of the language is defined as a kind of nationwide language (then the style of the language will also be hurried). If the norm is understood more narrowly - only as a literary-correct speech, the style of the language is defined as a kind of literary language. Accordingly, the classification of the style of the language is varied and the central - neutral-conversational style of the language is distinguished, in relation to which the remaining styles of the language are characterized as stylistically "marked", painted; With a second - under a neutral language, the language is understood as the total part of all the styles of the language, with which in various proportions are connected in each style of the language "marked" stylistic agents. In modern developed national languages, there are three largest style of language: neutral-conversational (with another conversational classification), more "high" - book, more "low" - familiar-spacious. Thanks to this, the same object can be called and described in various style registers (cf. "Life" - "Being" - "live"), which opens up ample opportunities before an artistic speech. In each of the main styles, more private, but less clear divisions are possible: in the book - scientific, newspaper and publicist, official-business, etc.; In the familiar-spacious - the actual conversational name, spacious, student jargon, etc. Each style is fixed by the tradition of a typical public situation: book - for the situation of official communication, neutral-spoken - for the situation of everyday official, domestic communication, familiar-spacious - for the situation of intimate and family communications. All styles and divisions are sometimes called in Soviet linguistics functional. Some researchers consider artistic speech as one of the functional styles, the style of the language of fiction in general. From the actual style division of the language should be distinguished by the differences in the emotional expressive color of the linguistic means (often called "stylistic"), which can be represented within the same language of the language and are expressed in such estimates as "high, sublime", "solemn "," Neutral "," reduced ", as well as" coarse "," ironic ", etc. Historically, the "sublime" to the book, and "reduced", "coarse" - to the familiar-spacious style.

Language styles can only be where the language system provides the ability to select language tools, and therefore are a historical category; They arise along with the concept of norm. Three basic styles have three different historical sources. Book style usually dates back to a significant part of the literary and written language of the previous era, often other than the daily language of the main part of the population, for example, in Russia to the Old Slavonic language, in France, Italy, Spain - to Latin, in the republics of Central Asia - to the Oldugurian. The neutral-conversational style of the language dates back to the general language of the people; The familiar-spacious style of language in a large part is to urban spacious. National Features of Origin and Literary Treatment Language Style is affected by a different understanding of "neutrality". So, in French, the neutral style of the language is shifted towards the book speech, in Russian, compared with French, - in the direction of spokeny, because The norm of the French literary language was in the era of classicism (17th century), and the Russian literary language - in the era of the formation of realism (Pushkin's era) with a different attitude to the democratic elements of the language. The breaking of stylistic restrictions often acts in history as a sign of a new literary and artistic and ideological direction.

Three-walled division Language existed in ancient Rome, but was identified there with the genre of literature and was held only within the book-written speech through associations with various items of reality (for example, the "warrior", "horse", "sword" - for "high" Style, "farmer", "ox", "Plug" - for the average, "lazy shepherd", "Sheep", "stick" - for "low").

The same reality, as a rule, could not be described in different style registers. Studying the style of the language over the course of antiquity and the Middle Ages was included in the circle of rhetoric and poetics. In 17-18 centuries. It was the subject of the "theory of three styles", universally adopted in Europe (cf. Teaching M.V. Lomonosov in Russia). In the modern meaning, the term "style of language" appears in European languages \u200b\u200bin the 1st third of the 19th century. In connection with the general ideas of historicism, by mid 19 in. The term "Language Style" was established (Spencer, H. Steightal). With the emergence of semiotics, it was found that the category of style (language) plays an important role not only in the literature, but wherever the language is applied, including in science (M. Fouco, etc.).

2) the manner of talking or writing, the method of linguistic behavior of a person in a particular public environment or situation (speech style). Since the style of the language is a generalization of the characteristics of the speech of a typical social situation, and the style of speech language is the choice of speaking or writing cash from the style of the language, the language of the language and style of speech language is the same phenomenon (style), only considered by the stylistics on different sides.

3) secondary level of any language system, including artificial languagearising from the preferred choice of any of its funds for a specific target - informative, estimated, prescribing, etc. - Within one of the three modes of language use: semantic, syntactic, pragmatic.

1.2. General characteristics of speech styles

Each functional style of the modern Russian literary language is such a subsystem that the conditions and objectives of communication in a sphere of social activity and has a certain set of stylistic meaningful language. Functional styles are heterogeneous, each of them is represented by a number of genre varieties, for example, in scientific style - scientific monographs and educational texts, in officially business - laws, certificates, business letters, in a newspaper and journalistic - article, report, etc. Genre varieties is created by the diversity of speech content and its various communicative orientation, that is, the objectives of communication. It is the purpose of communication that the choice of stylistic techniques, the composite structure of speech for each particular case is dictated.

In accordance with the areas of social activities in modern Russian, the following functional styles are distinguished: scientific, officially business, newspaper and journalistic, artistic and colloquial-help.

Each functional speech style has its own typical features, its circle of vocabulary and syntactic structures, which are implemented to one degree or another in each genre of this style.

To highlight the functional styles of speech, the following grounds exist:

Sphere of human activity (science, right, politics, art, life);

Specific role of the address of the text (student, institution, reader of newspapers or magazines, adult, child, etc.);

The purpose of the style (training, the establishment of legal relations, impact, etc.);

Preferential use of a certain type of speech (narration, description, reasoning);

The predominant use of this or that form of speech (written, oral);

View of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylog);

Communication type (public or private)

A set of genres (for scientific style - abstract, textbook, etc., for official-business - law, certificate, etc.);

Characteristic features.

1.3. General characteristics of the functional styles of the Russian language

The problem of style that many researchers relate to the number of central in linguistic stylistics are solved in different ways. The objects of disagreement are:

2) the principles of classification (and from here and the number of styles allocated);

3) the question of the place of literary and artistic style (language of fiction) in the system of literary styles.

As you know, the basis of the theory of three styles of the literary language M.V. Lomonosov was the expressive genre principle (styles correlated with genres of artistic prose, poetry and drama).

About three types of speech said A.H. East, having in mind the nationwide language: "The connection of words that serves to the expression of thoughts is called a speech. It happens on the choice of words, in it incoming:

1) an important, or noble, called book language;

2) common person, otherwise called spacious;

3) There is an ordinary speech between this middle, or the language of spoken. "

Thus, the material for stylistic differentiation of language tools and the separation of individual styles can be either only a literary language as a treated form of a nationwide language, or a national language as a whole. A different approach to solving the problem naturally leads to various systems Style classifications.

When highlighting the styles of the nationwide language (without meaning its social and territorial differentiation), many varieties are indicated that cover the language material from "high", book elements to "low", integral.

Missing points of view and on the system of literary styles. The classification is based on various principles, it does not always coincide the terminology used to designate close concepts, differently the number of styles allocated.

What to understand under functional styles and what are the principles of their allocation?

Language as a social phenomenon performs various functions associated with one or another sphere of human activity. The most important languages \u200b\u200bof the language: communication, message, impact. To implement these functions, individual varieties of the language were historically developed, characterized by the presence in each of them special vocabulary-phraseological, partially and syntactic, funds used exclusively or mainly in this type of language. ZGI varieties are called functional styles. Arriving on an off-language (extralynguistic) basis, being closely related to the content, goals and objectives of statements, styles differ in between internal-speaking features: the principles of selection, combination and organization of nationwide products.

In accordance with the above-mentioned languages, the following styles are allocated:

1) conversational (communication function);

2) scientific and official-business (message function);

3) journalistic and literary and artistic (impact function).

It should be borne in mind that these functions are often intertwined, therefore, for example, in a journalistic style, the function of exposure is mixed to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the genre, communicative-information function, i.e. Message function. The combination of two functions - aesthetic and communicative - is characteristic of the language of fiction.

The proposed classification of styles can be depicted as a scheme:

Each of the five styles has a number of specific speech characteristics.

In the field of scientific activity (when writing scientific articles, coursework and diploma works, monographs and dissertations), it is customary to use a scientific style, the main properties of which are the clarity and logicality of the presentation, as well as the lack of expression of emotions.

Official business style is used to transfer information in the field of management. Official business style is used in statements, powers of attorney, business letters, orders and laws. For him, even more than for scientific style, the clarity and non-emotionalness of the presentation are important. Another important property of official-business style is standard. People who make up statements, orders or laws are obliged to follow traditions and write as they wrote to them, as it is accepted.

Another book style of the literary language is publicistic. It is used in cases where it is necessary not to simply transfer information, but also to affect the thoughts or senses of people, to interest them or to convince. Published style is a style of informational or analytical gear on television and radio, newspaper style, speeches style at meetings. Unlike scientific and officially business for journalistic style, expressiveness and emotionality are characteristic.

All book styles are opposed to, as mentioned above, spoken style. This is a style that is used in the unofficial domestic, everyday communication between people in a predetermined oral speech. Therefore, HIS specific traits - It is inflicted expression and emotionality.

Specially correlates with all listed style styles of fiction. Since literature reflects all the spheres of a person's life, it can use the means of any styles of the literary language, and if necessary, not only them, but also dialects, jargons and spaciousness. The main function of the language of fiction is aesthetic.

The main feature of the style of artistic speech is to search for the specifics of artistic text, creative self-expression of the artist of the word.

Speaking of a set of specific to each style of linguistic means, creating its known closure, two reservations should be made.

First, it should be borne in mind that the main part of the linguistic material and in any functional style is a general-purpose, interstile agents.

Secondly, the closure of individual styles is a very relative concept. Functional styles do not form closed SystemsThere are wide interaction between styles, the boundaries between the styles are movable.

The tendency to strengthen the differentiation of language products inside individual styles is revealed, which makes it possible to talk about the formation of new styles, such as scientific and popular, industrial and technical, etc. However, scientific and popular and industrial and technical styles, although they have undoubted peculiarities used in them Language funds should not yet be off from the scientific-style thoroughly with which they are combined with the function of communications and the most important lexico-grammatical resources. Also, the concept of speech style is freely fond within the framework of a wider concept of a journalistic style, referring to the common function of affected and the main part of the language tools used in them. Can not claim an independent existence in our time and the so-called epistolary style, the genres of which are connected or with a conversational speech (private letter of household content), or with a business speech (official correspondence between institutions), a journalistic speech (open letter to the editor) and T ..

Due to the development of the language system as a whole and the continuous interaction of the functional styles of the boundaries of each of them over time undergoing changes. Describing any style, it should be proceed not only from its relationship with other styles, from comparison with them, but also from the development of individual stylistic categories forming a system of this style.

Most often, styles are compared based on their lexical filling, since it is precisely in the field of the vocabulary composition that the difference between them is notable. However, the accounting of all the "tiers" of the language system (phonetics, vocabulary and phraseology, morphology, syntax) allows you to give a more complete and accurate description of individual styles. Although in the field of phonetics and grammar, as in the field of vocabulary, the predominant part of the material, being stylistically neutral, is the property of all styles of the language (which ensures its unity as a system), still often there is an objective possibility to consider certain forms of words, Syntactic structures, structural elements (alliances, prepositions, ligaments), pronunciation types in oral speech, etc. Characteristic of the benefit for certain styles.

Functional styles can be broken into two groups associated with special types of speech. The first group, which includes the styles, scientific, publicistic and official-business (about literary-artistic style will be mentioned in the future), characterizes monologic speech. For the second group formed various species Spoken style, a typical form is a dialogic speech. The first group is the styles of the book, the second is the style of conversational. The choice of one of the possible synonymous options is most often related to the differentiation of book and spoken language.

From functional styles and from speech types (in the above understanding of this term), the form of speech should be degraded - written and oral. They bring together with styles in the sense that book styles are usually traced in a written form, and the conversational - oral form (but it is not necessary). So, a speech performance or a lecture on a scientific topic is associated with book styles, but have the form of oral speech. On the other hand, a private letter on household topics has obvious signs of colloquial style, but embodies in writing.

In conclusion, we indicate that the allocation of styles on the principle of the expressiveness of the linguistic agents does not undergo adequate theoretical grounds. It does not form a solid system a set of such "styles" as "solemn (or rhetorical)", "official (cold)", "intimate-gentle", "humorous", "Satirical (mocking)". Expressive coloring, brighter than just manifested in vocabulary, can not serve as a logical "base of division" the concept of "functional style", cannot be the principle of classification.

At the same time, the characteristic of the stylistic resources of the language is undoubtedly taken into account the coloring and stylistic (associated with the classification of language means to one or another functional style, thereby restricting their unmotivated consumption), and expressive (related to expressive and emotional nature of the relevant means of language ).

Functional styles of the modern Russian language

No. p / p Functional style Sphere of communication Style genres The main form of speech
1. Scientific Scientific activity textbooks in the specialty, monograph, research Article, abstract, abstract, abstract, abstracts, course work, lecture, thesisthesis, report writing
2. Official business communication of citizens with institutions documents, business letters, reports, orders, orders, contracts, decrees, business conversations writing
3. Publicistic ideology, Politics, Agitational Mass Activity parliamentary Speech, Reports, Interviews, Essay, Faken, Discussion Speech, Information Note written and oral
4. Literary and artistic vite-artistic creativity roman, story, story, novel, essay, poem, poem, ballad writing
5. Colloquial communication of people in everyday life conversations in the family, clarification of relationships, discussion of plans, friendly communication, joke oral

2. Conditions of the functioning of the book and colloquial speech

2.1. Book speech

Book speech is the sphere of literary speech (ch. Written), concentrating book-written language funds. K. r. Used in the book-written type of Sov. Rus. Lit. Language (see Literary language, section of the literary language theory). Of the two types of this type (SPECIAL AND SPEE, artistic and visual), this is primarily a special speech (scientific, official-business texts and texts of informative and officially documentary genres of journalism), in the Swarm of book-written language funds together With outstanding are the material to build a statement and text and where they are coexistence with orally. Language tools are impossible. Speech artistic and visual (artistic texts and texts of free genres of journalism), unlike special, allows for the use of all discharges of language tools and therefore is not an area of \u200b\u200blimiting concentration of book-written funds. However, this speech variety of some scientists belong to K. p.

For K. r. It is characterized by a specific set of units of the language. Specific book-written language funds were formed mainly in syntax, vocabulary, word formation and methods of organizing text. The set is not too extensive, however, when organizing statements and text, they are usually repeated on a small segment without orientation on the aesthetics of speech (in this K. p. Also opposed artistic and visual). For example, in any bookstate, the separable nouns are used on - Introduction, inclusion, influence, implementation, attention, occurrence, increase, allocation, execution, expression, clarification, manufacture, change, measurement, study, exception, use, research, oscillation, observation, appointment, filling, direction, voltage, provision, detection, equipment, explanation, restriction, environment, description, definition, deviation, implementation and some other dr. In any such text, the proposed-case and on-riche Conductable designs and means of communication between proposals: in contrast to, as compared to, as opposed to, regardless of, as far as, in the measure of which, with the exception of what, on the basis of which, by virtue of which, depending on, in case , in the presence of what, in the absence of what, in accordance with, in order to avoid, to the detriment of which, along with, in the conditions of which, with the help of which, with the help of which, by which, with the result, in order to what, with the aim of which, despite, as a result, due to which, about which, in connection with, with respect to which some other dr.; So, so, as well as, at the same time, all the more so, however, that is why, and yet, in order to, at the same time, moreover, regarding, by virtue of this, however, This, on the contrary, while some other dr.

Used in K. r. vocabulary of not big and monotony. K. r. It is distinguished by the repeated repetition of the same root lexing (on some data, the most frequent 620 root lexemes are most frequent), and as a special speech - the saturation of the terminological vocabulary.

In Sovr. Rus. Lit. tongue kp. Included in the opposition with a conversational speech (see). This opposition exists along with the opposition on another basis: a written speech is oral. K. r. There is mainly in writing, colloquial - oral (and in synchronous, and in diachronic plane are primary forms of their existence).

In different epochs of the existence of Rus. Lit. Language Functioning in it K. R. It was different. K. r. goes back to church. Gloria. Plastic Dr.-Rus. Book, at 18th century It becomes the basis of the "high calm" (according to M. V. Lomonosov; see three-styles theory). Inherent in her phonetic and lexical church-Slavs over time becoming the property of all lit. Language as a whole, in connection with which the concept of "Book" in 19 V. Changes and oriented primarily on sophistication and even artificial speech. In the 20s 20 V. In rapidly urbanizing rus. Society develops a special taste for book-written language funds (to the "new bookstation"). At this time, the wide masses, whose oral speech, as a rule, was not literary, and belonged to the urban spaciousness or dialects, join the formation and form their "class worldview" through a book-written speech, mostly newspaper. The result was spoiled by K. r. In the oral version - the subject of numerous lit. parodies (eg, at M. M. Zoshchenko). At the same time, book-written language funds become an indicator of the style differentiation of lit. Language -Marker (differential sign) special speech. In artistic and visual speech, they are used as a visual agent, and orally prize. The type of speech is concentrated in those species, in which there is a written text orientation (this is primarily an oral scientific speech; see oral public speech).

2.2 Colloquial speech

Spoken speech is a kind of oral literary speech serving everyday everyday domestic communication and performing the functions of communication and impact. As a means of national communication, the conversational language consists in the era of the formation of nations. In the donational period, dialects, semi-dealects, urban koine, etc. are in the donational period in the function of the spoken language, and others. As the form of the literary language.

Spoken speech is a historical category. The history of colloquial speech in various national languages \u200b\u200bis not recorded by the sources due to the oral form of its existence. The basis of its formation was the proto-dealers and dialects of the regions who played a binding role in the consolidation of nations. The place of colloquial speech in the composition of literary languages \u200b\u200bis changeable. It can act as an oral form of a literary language, may not be included in its composition, can interact with the conversational type of the written-literary language presented in the artworks, the most fully reflecting the real popular speech or present the style of a literary language. There are regional types of colloquial speech. Thus, in a modern Russian literary language for a variety of phonetic and partly lexical signs, the North-Russian and South-Russian regional options for literary speech can be distinguished. Similar picture is observed in modern German literary language. Conversational speech is not subject to codification.

The determination of the nature of the relationship of the colloquial speech of a national literary language to the literary language as a whole or its varieties is solved in different ways. The study of social, local, age-related, sexual, professional differentiation of colloquial speech, speech behavior, the peculiarities of the generation and perception of speech is included in the tasks of sociolinguistics of psycholinguistics. General properties of oral speech are manifested in specific characteristics Spoken speech: unpreparedness, linear character, leading both to savings and to the redundancy of speech funds, the direct nature of the speech act. Conversational speech exists in dialogic and monological forms. The form of speech affects the choice of means of expression.

The main function of spoken speech is the function of communication. Accordingly, the needs of communication are changing the topics of colloquial speech: from unknown to production and distracted. Three types of communication situations are allocated: stereotypical city dialogues of strangers; Communication of familiar persons in the household situation; Communication of familiar and strangers in the manufacturing and socio-cultural sphere. Conversational speech is widely used in fiction. Its reflection is a national-conditioned and historical character: the higher the degree of democratization of fiction, the greater the impact is to speak into the language of fiction. In the artistic work, those phenomena of spoken speech are primarily used, which are associated with its stylistic expression, expressiveness. The phenomena of colloquial speech, which are bound primarily with the oral nature of its implementation, rarely fall into the language of fiction. Therefore, the conversational speech in its natural form is not studied by artistic texts, but on materials of tape recorder and manual entries of genuine sounding text or its individual features.

Within each national language, the conversational speech has its own set of linguistic features. Overbound language products are also used in it. Universal features of colloquial speech are associated with the oral nature of its flow: at a declined pace of speech, there are phenomena of the reinforced reduction of unstressed vowels. The phenomena of the descriptive and abbreviated nomination arise, the features in the functioning of individual parts of speech and the formation of individual forms, the dismemberment of the syntactic whole, attachment, interrupted structures, questionable unity of repeats, periprase.


The study of the stylistic features of speech, styles teaches conscious selection and use of language funds in speech. Accuracy as speech quality is always associated with the ability to clearly think, with the knowledge of the subject of speech and the meaning of words.

Language rate is folded as a result of selecting elements (lexical, spelling, orphoepic, etc.) from among existing in modern language For servicing the communicative needs of society.

The stylistic norm is a set of rules adopted by the Company in this historical period, which regulate the use of words depending on the sector of use. Stylistic standards of changeable and reflect those linguistic options that are most common in the practice of using.

The same speech is a combination of techniques, methods, the manner of using these funds, as well as a set of lexical, grammatical and syntactic features that give speeches a certain color and make a speech or scientific, or official, or colloquial.


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