Gymnastics Khadu from osteochondrosis: basic complex

Osteochondrosis of the spine is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs that any person encounters at one time or another in life. With age, destructive dystrophic processes begin to progress in the body, and the patient feels a dull aching pain in the back. Young people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are also susceptible to this disease. You can stop further destruction of cartilage tissue by performing a set of health-improving exercises for the back muscles.

Now the technique of spine restoration, which was developed by Zviard Arabuli, is gaining popularity - "Hadu gymnastics for osteochondrosis." Zviard has been studying the biomechanics of movements for many years and came to the conclusion that the right ones should include training the deep spinal muscles - only in this case the internal reserves of the body are used and recovery processes are triggered.

The principle of gymnastics

This set of exercises for the back is based on the fundamental principles of hatha yoga and is an alternative to complex exercises on simulators. An alternative technique is available for people with any level of physical fitness. It turns out to have a very mild effect on the body, and even weakened patients with undeveloped muscles can do Hadu gymnastics.

The basic rule of gymnastics is the maximum muscle tension without the use of weights, that is, in a natural way. The strength of the impact is controlled by the person himself, therefore, the possibility of injury, sprains, and pain is excluded. A dosed load on the spine allows you to protect the intervertebral discs from excessive compression, as happens when working with weighting agents.

Static tension leads to an impact on the deep dorsal muscles that hold the spine and form the basis of the muscular corset. Ordinary dynamic exercises do not lead to such an effect, since it is not possible to bring deeply located muscle fibers out of a "sleeping" state.

All Hadu exercises should be performed slowly, without jerks, for a long time. It is important to observe a uniform respiratory rhythm, additionally training the heart muscle. After a properly conducted class, a certain fatigue is felt, comparable to the sensations after strength training.

What are the results of gymnastics

When performing gymnastics, the condition is significantly improved in many diseases of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis, osteochondrosis, and the consequences of injuries. The Hadu complex includes exercises for almost all muscle groups. As a result, physical harmony is restored throughout the body, metabolic processes are improved, congestion in the discs, to which blood begins to flow, is eliminated. As a result, degenerative processes slow down, the space between the vertebrae increases, and pinched nerve roots are released. Strengthened muscles hold the spine well, posture improves, pain that causes osteochondrosis disappears over time. Exercise gives every person a chance to form a beautiful and healthy body.

Let's consider some exercises of gymnastics hadu from osteochondrosis by Zviard Arabuli.

1. "Weightlifter's stance". I. p. - standing, legs slightly bent at the knees wider than shoulders, feet parallel. The shoulders are lowered and laid back, the back is curved in the lumbar region. Take a slow deep breath through your nose and maximally bend your lower back and shoulders. Hold your breath and fix the position for a few seconds. Then, slowly exhaling through your mouth, stoop. Bend the spine in the opposite direction, tighten the abdominal muscles, move the pelvis forward. Bring your shoulders forward and feel their tension.

2. Bench press. This exercise simulates lifting a barbell with a standard grip. I.p. - standing, legs wider than shoulders, bent at the knees. Bend your arms slightly, raise them at chest level. While inhaling, fix the position, bend the spine as much as possible (as in the first exercise). As you exhale, arch your back with a wheel, stretching your straight arms forward. Reach out with your arms and try to collapse your chest and shoulders as much as possible.

3. "Monkey". The exercise imitates the movements of an animal when walking. I.p. - the same, hands down. Smoothly, slowly roll over from one foot to the other. When tilting, pull the right shoulder to the straight right leg. The costal arches practically touch the pelvic bones, the press is tense. Do the same on the left side.

4. "Chinese idol". Exercise affects the deep muscles of the neck. I.p. - standing, arms slightly bent and spread apart at shoulder level. While inhaling, slowly tilt your head back, tilt your torso forward and raise your shoulders as much as possible, trying to touch the back of your head with them. Fix the position, on the exhale - return to the starting position.

5. "Boxer". I.p. - standing, arms lowered, legs at shoulder level. Inhale through the nose, bend the back in the lumbar and thoracic regions, moving straight arms back. Tilt your head back, stretch your chin up. The chest is curved with a wheel. Fix in this position. As you exhale, stoop, roll your shoulders and spine, covering your head with half-bent arms. Try to pull the chin to the chest, if necessary, lightly press with your hands.

Gymnastics leads to maximum muscle tension almost to the limit of your capabilities. At first, many exercises may not be so easy to perform. The main thing is not to give up and exercise systematically and purposefully, then over time the body will get used to such an unusual load, it will begin to build muscle mass, and your condition will begin to improve.

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