How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis, what are the main signs of diseases, their diagnosis

Most often, due to their incompetence, people cannot independently determine the exact cause of the pain. Many diseases have similar symptoms, so if you have the slightest health problem, you should consult your doctor. Pain in the heart is often dangerous because it is easily disguised as other diseases, for example -. How to determine the true cause of pain?

After lengthy examinations, it was found that heart diseases are divided into different groups:

  • rheumatic
  • or congenital
  • functional
  • syphilitic
  • atherosclerotic
  1. Dilatation of the heart. This type of disease occurs due to excessive pressure from an increased volume of blood on the heart muscle. Due to the excess volume, the heart enlarges, the walls stretch, and the work of the organ worsens. The disease is considered fatal if specialized assistance is not provided in time.
  2. Atrial flutter. It manifests itself in this way: due to the accelerated contraction of the atria, the ventricle does not have time to function properly, and the heart stops working synchronously.
  3. Atrial fibrillation. It is similar in signs to flutter, the only thing is that the atrial fibers in this state do not allow the contraction to deviate far from the norm. The consequences are as follows: heart failure develops.
  4. - a common disease that in almost 80% leads to death. The disease is caused by the fact that blood does not enter a certain part of the heart, important vessels die, and so-called necrosis occurs.
  5. Thrombosis of the coronary vessels of the heart. The main cause of development is atherosclerosis.
  6. Tachycardia - a rapid heartbeat, leads to rapid fatigue, as the body does not have time to rest.

Signs that indicate heart problems

There are a lot of symptoms, but there are main signs:

  • suffocation
  • increased rhythm
  • constant weakness, feeling of exhaustion
  • frequent shortness of breath with minor exertion, may even be during rest and sleep
  • pain in the left side of the chest
  • insomnia or other sleep disorders
  • intermittent shortness of breath

If the disease is associated with the heart, then in the supine position a person will feel relief after a while, this will not happen with osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

At first glance, it seems that the symptoms are the same, but this is not entirely true.

With osteochondrosis, pain in the region of the heart is constant and aching, it can last from 2 weeks to 3 months, while the pain will constantly increase and progress, sometimes, on the contrary, weaken. Heart diseases are characterized.

Most often, pain from the spine is not life-threatening, a person will not notice any problems with the respiratory system, other organs will also function properly. During rest, the pain may go away altogether, but at the slightest load it will reappear. Without proper treatment, this condition can last for years.

Vertebral pain will certainly increase during sudden movements, direct pressure and with excessive load. A person will not experience panic, but will want to get rid of the pain syndrome as soon as possible.

How to distinguish heart pain from osteochondrosis?

If there is discomfort in the left side of the chest, then you should pay attention to the following factors:

Differences in diagnosis

Examination of the chest and spine allows you to establish an accurate diagnosis.

For cardiac pathologies, the following procedures are performed:

  1. Consultation with a cardiologist.
  2. Echocardiography (otherwise called). Allows you to exclude endocarditis and pericarditis, and helps to see the main problems with the rhythm and heart valve.
  3. Electrocardiography. This diagnosis helps to accurately detect the pathology, however, it is important to perform the procedure during an attack, especially if there is an assumption of angina pectoris.

With osteochondrosis:

  1. observation by a neurologist.
  2. Chest X-ray.
  3. Full 2-sided x-ray of the spine. For reliability and confidence, magnetic resonance imaging can be performed, for the accuracy of the diagnosis.
  4. Physiotherapy and massage. Proper massage normalizes blood circulation in the spine, improves the nutrition of blood vessels, and breaks down salts. Physiotherapy includes manual therapy, electrotherapy and magnetotherapy. The specialist sets the vertebrae back into place, blood flows to all parts and the pain disappears, the integrity of the entire spine is restored. It is important to be confident in your chiropractor, because one wrong move can leave you disabled for life.
  5. Reflexology - pressing certain points that are responsible for pain in each part of the spine.
  6. - A strict diet rich in carbohydrates and minerals.

Every pain sensation has its own cause. To make an accurate diagnosis, you should seek the advice of a doctor as soon as possible, do not self-medicate!

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Feb 12, 2017 Violetta Doctor

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