How to sleep on an orthopedic pillow

Everyone knows that sleep is important for human health. Almost everyone understands the importance of getting enough sleep. But few people think about its quality, and then only when problems arise. Due to the poor quality of sleep, various problems can begin - neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal. There is even research evidence that poor sleep increases the risk of suicide by 1.4 times. But what causes bad sleep? You will be surprised, but the quality of sleep of a healthy person is greatly influenced by the bed on which he sleeps, in particular the mattress and pillow. Orthopedic pillow - how to choose and use it correctly.

It must be emphasized that we are talking about a person who does not have serious diseases, which in themselves can cause sleep disturbance. Here the opposite effect is observed. Sleep is bad - diseases develop.

There are many points that determine the correct preparation for sleep in order to improve its quality. Fresh air in the room, optimal room humidity and temperature, bed linen, absence of irritants, and so on. But first on this list, so to speak, his head is a pillow. The second is the mattress, and then everything else.

By the way. It is today that the focus of attention of many doctors, and not just orthopedists, neuropathologists and vertebrologists. In particular, an orthopedic pillow, which is recommended for use not only for patients diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, but for all healthy people who take care of their health.

As you know, all big changes start small. Starting to use the right pillow is the first step to a healthy spine. Because an orthopedic pillow, unlike a regular one, can do a lot.

Find ten differences

Maybe not ten of them, but less, although, rather, much more. But some are drastic.

  1. At the orthopedic pillow unusual shape. A standard sleeping pillow is either square or rectangular. But the orthopedic is allowed to have the shape of a circle, polygon, oval, cylinder, or even be shapeless.

  2. The second major difference is filler. In an ordinary pillow, these are down and feathers, wool, foam rubber, synthetic winterizer and other natural and not very materials. Orthopedic sleep accessory is filled with resilient, elastic, hard or loose material.

  3. Size also matters. The orthopedic product will not be 70x70 centimeters, because it is intended exclusively for the head, and not for the entire body, which many people who have problems with sleep like to lay on a pillow.

  4. Allergenicity. Perhaps this indicator does not directly apply to orthopedics, but almost all standard pillows do not have hypoallergenicity, while orthopedic ones do.

  5. Usage- perhaps the main difference. A regular pillow is used for sleeping, and an orthopedic pillow is used for healthy sleep.

Yes, among orthopedic products there are also products of worse and better quality, and not every “healing” pillow will be beneficial.

Advice. If the pillow is made without observing the production rules, from non-certified materials, bypassing the license, it is better to prefer the usual fluff to it, especially with cervical osteochondrosis that has already begun to develop, which a poor-quality orthopedic product will only aggravate.

A real corrective, “useful” pillow will support not only the head, but also the neck, allow the spine to ensure the correct position during sleep and keep sleep healthy.

By the way. Having changed a regular pillow to an orthopedic one, you will probably feel at least uncomfortable for a week or two. Perhaps, due to inconvenience, sleep will be disturbed even more, and you will want to throw away the healing accessory and return to the old habitual option. Take your time, in two weeks the neck and head will fully adapt to the new position, and you will no longer be able to do without your favorite pillow.

Types and choice

Unusual pillows for sleep come not only in various shapes, but also in different levels. This may be a single roller or two rollers forming two planes. It can also be a flat pillow that does not change its shape, and has a "memory", retaining the effect of indentation of the body, as if remembering it. Of course, there is no brain in the sleeping accessory yet, but the materials used in production allow us to observe real miracles and use them with success.

All people sleep differently, but there are only four options for body positions (not positions) during sleep: on the left side, on the right side, on the back and on the stomach. A lot has been written and said about the position in which it is better and more useful to sleep. Despite this, everyone chooses a position that is convenient for him. Manufacturers of orthopedic pillows have taken care to divide consumers of their products into sleeping on their side, back and stomach (although, according to doctors, this is the most harmful position for sleeping).

Important! For those who sleep on their side, a pillow with two rollers of different thicknesses is recommended. For lovers of sleeping on their backs, classic rollers or single-plane products are produced. And if a person prefers to sleep prone, he will need a roller, but small and very soft.

If you want to know in more detail what types are, as well as consider the rules of use, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Size and color

Having decided on the type of sleep and the type of product corresponding to it, it's time to start determining the size. This criterion does not depend at all on the size of the head, but on how calm your sleep is. If you constantly turn over, change position, rush about, you need to choose a larger area, you can even take a pillow 50 cm wide and 80 cm long. Not particularly restless, a standard size of 30x50 cm or 40x60 is enough.

As for the height, for sleeping on the side it should be 10x15 cm, on the back and stomach - 8-10.

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