Welding cutting cakes from the profile pipe. How to make a cutting pipe from the profile pipe with their own hands

Today, canopy from the profile pipe can be found literally in every yard. It can be like a small visor over the porch, and a spacious indoor parking for several cars.

The popularity of this building material is understandable - structures are obtained beautiful, strong, and work on their construction occupy quite a bit of time. In this article, we will reveal the main issues relating to the design of the carport from the profile pipe.

Carrier from Profiterba: calculation, drawings, construction and types of fixings

Special attention in the calculations require dimensional canopies - for a car, pool, recreation areas, etc. Small visors for single sheds can be made with their own hands without taking into account SNiP.

How to calculate sheds, drawings

The calculation of the polycarbonate canopy from the profile pipe begins with the creation of a sketch. It reflects the desired type of construction and finishing, as well as approximate dimensions. The exact parameters are determined only after the hike to the place of the future placement of the structure - we do the measurements of the construction site and the walls of the house, if the skeleton frame from the profile pipe will be appropriate. A sketch can be made both manually and with the help of a special program.

Make a canopy of a square pipe with your own hands: Sketch made in a computer program

Source data for calculations: House 9 x 6 m, free area (9 x 7 m) is available in front of its free side.

  • Canopy can be made wide in the entire wall of the house - 9 m, let the departure be on the meter in short, 6 m. We obtain a construction of 6 x 9 m.
  • The optimal height of the low edge is 2.4 m, high raise up to 3.5 or 3.6 m.
  • For the height of the skate, we calculate the angle of inclination - it turns out 12-13 degrees.
  • We look at the wind and snow cards of your area and calculate the probable loads on them.
  • We choose the materials based on the figures obtained, proceed to the preparation of the drawing of the carport from the profile pipe.

Separately, it is necessary to make individual drawings for rafting farms. Several options are displayed in the following figure.

Production of farms from the profile pipe for a canopy: schemes of different types of structures

Note: SNiP allows you to make a farm from the profile pipe for a canopy with a slope of 6 degrees. However, it is better to repel the minimum of 8 degrees. This is due to the fact that the small bias will create the problem of snow accumulation on the surface of the roof.

Drawing with dimensions

Process of manufacturing a carport from a profile pipe

Make a small wired canopy from the pipes is not at all difficult. We begin the calculations of the design and selection of suitable materials. This process is described in the previous and next paragraphs. Further, according to the drawing, we place the workplace, or rather the location of the foundation holes on it.

  • Cut the pits to the desired depth.
  • On the bottom we fall asleep layer of rubble.
  • In the holes vertically install mortgage parts.
  • Pour the pit with cement-sand-gravel mortar.

On the lower ends of the racks, the squares of the steel are welded, in size exactly coinciding with the sites of mortgage parts. Holes under the bolts should also coincide. After the foundation pillars are sacrificed, screw the racks to the mortgage.

How to fix a canopy of proftruby with your own hands: Photo collage with an example of using a mortgage part

Now go to the assembly of the roof frame. Proflububa mark and cut on parts of the desired length. We weld or fasten the bolts first lateral farms, then the front jumpers and at the very end are mounted the elements of diagonal gratings, if necessary. In the process, we can be checked with a building level, you can also use magnetic corners. Ready frame raise on the racks and fix hardware / weld.

Canopy from the profile pipe, photo fixation of the roof on the racks

For your information: Before starting the installation of roofing material, a canopy of proftrub must be painted or processed by an anti-corrosion composition. This is due to the fact that in the process of assembling the design, the factory defense of the metal is damaged at the locations of the fasteners.

Types of fastening of elements among themselves

Very often canopies are collected using through bolts or screws. This method is good in that in the process you will not need welding - not everyone owns welding techniques. You will need only the methols and drill with the metal drill. The diameter of the selected bolts / screws directly depends on the cross section of the proftruby - on this subject you can play the seller in the building materials store.

We collect carports from the profile pipe with their own hands: photo fastening through bolts

Welding is no less popular for assembling carports from proftrubes than bolts or self-tapping screws. For work requires a welding machine, electrical or gas. The latter involves the use of a certain amount of consumables. Welding provides very durable mount without violating the integrity of the body of the elements. For example, the same bolts suggest drilling holes, which weakens the entire design.

Note: The lack of such installation is the complexity of the process. Not everyone owns welding techniques at a level sufficient to build structures experiencing heavy loads. Therefore, if you are not sure about yourself or you have the ability to hire a specialist, it is better to prefer bolts / scores.

How to make canopies from the profile pipe with their own hands: in the photo of welded seams

Small canopies from the profile section of up to 25 mm are collected using special clamps, or, differently, crab system. They are T-shaped - for connecting three ends and X-shaped, for connecting four ends. Clamps are tightened with bolts (6x20 or 6x35) with nuts - hardware usually do not go and get acquired separately. Lack of crab system - elements are connected only at an angle of 90 degrees. The welding here is not appropriate, since the profitch of the specified section has a small wall thickness.

What can be copper from the profile pipe with their own hands: crab systems

For your information: The corrosion processing of the Profiter has only outside, inside the metal surface remains an affected rust. Therefore, all sections of structural elements canopies must be closed with plugs.

Choose a proftrubube for a canopy: size and section

When choosing a professional shopping for large canopies, it is necessary to use data from SNiP:

  • 01.07-85 - regulates the combination of snow loads and the weight of the structural elements of the construction.
  • P-23-81 - Working with steel products.

Guided by data from these provisions and your own needs, you will need to decide on: choose angle of inclination of the roof, the type of proftrube for racks and the type of farms. For example, take a wall-wired canopy of 4.7x9 m, the front edge of which will rely on the racks, the rear is rigidly attached to the wall of the house. Location, let's say, Krasnodar region. The optimal angle of inclination of the roof for the canopies of this type is 8 degrees. Snow load for the roof of 4.7x9 m for this area will be 84 kg / m 2.

The approximate weight of one rack (2.2 m) - 150 kg, the vertical load on it will be 1.1 tons. Popular in construction Round professional cross section 43 mm and with walls in 3 mm not suitable here, minimum indicators - 50 mm and 4 mm . Square pipe can be 45 mm with a wall of 4 mm.

Table matching wall thickness cross section

The easiest and most convenient Ferm option is two parallel belts with a diagonal grille. At the height of the farm, 40 cm on the belt is better suitable for a square professional section with a cross section of 35 mm and a wall of 4 mm, on diagonal lattices - 25 mm and 3 mm. The system of relationships must follow racks and farms.

Example of a rafter farm

What cannons we build

Metal canopies for the country house

A plot of private home ownership will not be fully comfortable and comfortable without a special structure that protects against precipitation car, check-in in the garage, swimming pool, recreation area.

Scope of Protective Design

Canopy is set for different purposes. The main purpose of it is precipitation, falling foliage. Such structures are used as roofs for cars, over entry into the garage, to protect the pool, over the alarms and tracks, trading counters. Even when in the house or on the site there is a major garage, such a design will not be superfluous.

An example of a carcass on a metal frame

The skeleton frame is most often made of metal profile pipe. In our company "Fence-Style" you can order metal canopies from the catalog by selecting the necessary sizes of the frame and the type of roof. Also, our specialists will produce any design from the profile pipe according to your project.

Why choose metal rolling for frame

The advantages of the metal design are obvious.

Compared to a wooden frame, a metallic base is distinguished by durability and durability. For the manufacture of metal canopies, we are used for pillars and upper strapping pipe with a cross section of 80 * 80 mm, for arches, longitudinal supports, transverse lattices - a smaller profile, as a rule, with a size of 40 * 20 mm. Products such a section are better than bending.

Due to the fact that the profile pipe inside the hollow, the weight of the whole design is small.

Metal rolling is well cutting, it can be bent at any angle and argue with an arc. The roof shape can be the most diverse: flat, angular, arcuate.

For the installation of the structure, no capital monolithic base is required. With a properly distributed load, the design can be held on the racks only on one side.

The metal frame is opposed to mechanical damage and temperature differences.

Metal design is distinguished by fire resistance.

Another advantage of the metal frame is aesthetic appearance. There is no weld on the pipes of the factory production, and all the bends are taken carefully. The only drawback is corrosion exposure, which is eliminated when coating the product with anti-corrosive compositions and applying to the finished design of a decorative turret corresponding to the color of the roof.

Choosing a variety of canopa

The roof shape may be the most diverse. The company "Fence-style" manufactures models with the following roof profiles:

classic duples;

single straight line;

arched elongated;

single-sided with a zigzag crate;

single arcuate;

single-table arcuate with longitudinal supports.

It is equally important that the framework harmonize the color of the selected roof. After the project is selected and all welding works are carried out, painting designs.

Installation design

The construction must be durable and reliable. It is not enough to calculate everything when designing a frame, you need to prepare the platform and maximally carefully make installation. All work, including installation, can be ordered in the company "Fence-style". No better base for the whole design than a concrete site. When the base is prepared, set the reference pillars. For strength, they are poured with a solution of concrete. When the concrete mix completely froze, the upper strapping is made and all the elements of the roof frame. After painting, the roof is mounted. The most aesthetically labeled metal canopy with a roof of polycarbonate.

Examples of monolithic polycarbonate canopies

Examples of polycarbonate canopies

The profile tube is used as a building material quite often. A building such as a canopy that can be found on any suburban area, no exception. The profile tube is the most popular and convenient material for such a design. It is easy to mount, and it is inexpensive. How to build a canopy with your own hands - consider in detail below.

Should I choose a profile pipe?

  • The correct geometric forms of the material retain a high level of strength. Natural ribbies are opposite walls of profile pipes.
  • There are straight and curvilinear profile pipes.
  • Allocate analogs of profile pipes are more complicated in production. Due to this, the last material is much cheaper.
  • Despite the small mass, the skeleton of profiled pipes is sufficiently stable.
  • Frame elements are connected with welding and bolts.
  • You can build a stationary or collapsible frame.
  • The thickness of the walls of the profiled pipe is not more than 2 millimeters. Thanks to this, the roof can be mounted directly to the frame and not spend money on a large number of tools.

Important nuances

First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the future design. Sheds are built by detached or as an extension to the house. Then disappear with the purpose of the canopy.

It can be built for household needs. In this case, under it can be stored various tools and other inventory. Some hide them a car. Either it can be made of a seating area and cover them, for example, a playground or pool.

Also decide whether your canopy is stationary or collapsible. Stationary buildings are used at any time of the year. The collapsible option is temporary. Usually it is installed only for the summer. The main thing for the latter so that it is easily mounted, was durable and wind-resistant.

Quadruple carp

On the shape of the canopy, too, are different and it also needs to decide before the start of all works.Select dome, pyramid, arc, arched, single, double, and 4-hisc roofs. Naturally, the quantity in the form of your canopy, the more difficult to build it.

Calculations of sizes and drawings

First of all, it is necessary to create a sketch. For example, we take a canopy, the roof of which will be made of polycarbonate. On the sketch it is necessary to display the appearance of the future design and its approximate dimensions. Then you need to do all measurements on the site where the construction will be installed and create a detailed drawing. Canopy can be built as detached, as well as attached to the house.

For example, you have a house of 9x6 meters, and in front of it the free space of 9x7 meters. In this case, the width of the canopy may be equal to the width of the wall of the house, i.e. 9 meters. Departure can be made, for example, 6 meters. Thus, it turns out a canopy of 9x6 meters.

Low paradise optimally make a height of 240 centimeters, high - 350-360 centimeters.

Simple mathematics calculates the angle of inclination. In this case, it is 12-13 degrees.

To properly pick up the roofing material, take into account the strength and direction of the wind in your area, as well as the amount of snow dropping down. It is necessary in order to choose the roof material that can cope with the load.

Now that all measurements are made, you can create a drawing. Stropil farms need to be portrayed on a separate drawing.

After all the preparatory paper works are made, you can calculate the required number of building materials. Always acquire them with a reserve at least 5 percent. This is necessary for the case if you are spoiled or you spoil something in the process of work.

List of tools

  • Work gloves.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette / meter.
  • Shovel.
  • Apparatus for welding.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Perforator.
  • Bolts.
  • Screws for roofing with gaskets.
  • Profiled pipes.
  • Corner.
  • Metal sheet.
  • Flange.
  • Concrete mix.
  • Rubbed.
  • Sand.

Stages of carport construction

Highlight 3 main types of profiled pipes:

  1. Unpainted.
  2. Pipes covered with galvanized spraying, protecting them from the appearance of rust.
  3. Pipes covered with other specialized spraying.

Unpainted, clean pipes can be processed independently. This will save up to 30%.

Preparatory work

First of all, it is necessary to prepare a construction site.

How to cook, make and install frame

  1. The next step is digging holes for mortgage parts. The bottom must be tamped, to add a breast-six pillow and seal again.

    Pits can be digging not only a shovel, but also a brown

  2. Install mortgage parts. Using the level, check the vertically.
  3. Reconfigure the pit.
  4. Alternatively, a monolithic base can be made. To do this, boilers are boiled around the perimeter of the structure. IN
    it is set to formwork, a bang-crusched pillow is applied and a concrete is poured with mandatory reinforcement.

    Monolithic platform under a canopy

  5. To the lower squares of vertical racks, it is necessary to weld steel squares. The size of these squares should be equal to the size of the mortgage parts. Holes for bolts they must match.
  6. Screw the racks to the mortgage as soon as the fundamental columns are finally dried.
  7. Start assembling the roof frame. Profile pipe measure and cut on the required length of the segment.
  8. First, connect the lateral farms using welding or bolts.
  9. Then there is a connection of frontal jumpers.
  10. The last stage is the installation of diagonal decisions, if necessary. In the process of assembling the skeleton part of the canopy, do not forget to check its flatness by the construction level.

    Option of finished carcass

  11. Put the collected skeleton on the racks and secure it with hardware or welding.

The processing of the metal frame with anti-corrosion compositions and its coloring occurs before the installation of roofing material.

If the profile tube was acquired with already finished protection, do it again, since during the assembly, the protective layer could be damaged.

Varieties of fastenings of elements with each other

  • Through bolts or screws.

    A fairly common method of fastening. For those who have no work skills with a welding machine, this option will become perfect. The fixation of the elements occurs by hardware with a drill and a drill for a metal. The size of the bolts or screws is selected depending on how profile pipes cross section. Construction store sellers will be able to help choose the right items specifically for your case.

  • Welding is another very popular option of connecting elements.

    To work, you will need the use of an electrical or gas welding machine. Welding is characterized by greater reliability due to the fact that does not violate the integrity of the elements of the structure. In the first case, under the bolts or self-tapping screws need to drill holes. This worsens the strength of the carcass. But at the same time, such a fixation option is the most complex. With insufficient experience or its absence of work with a welding machine, the whole design can be corrupted. Therefore, it is better to hire specialists or secure frame elements with bolts and self-drawing.

  • If the canopy is small, and the profile pipes in it have a diameter of no more than 25 millimeters, then special clamps (crab systems) can be used for attachment.

    Depending on how many ends of the proftrube must be connected, the T- and X-shaped clamps are distinguished. They are tightened with bolts with nuts (6x20 or 6x35). The main drawback of this attachment is that when using it, part of the frame can be connected only with an angle of 90 o. For a profile pipe of such a small cross section, welding is not used.

Put the plugs on all the cuts of the frame elements, since inside the pipe is not processed by anti-corrosion tools.

Than to shelter roof (table)

The roof in this design is the main element.

Name Description
Slate It is the easiest option of the trim. His main drawback is a big weight.
Professor It looks beautiful, has a wide color gamut, but it cannot be called the cheapest option.
Polycarbonate Creates aesthetic and expensive appearance, but something like a greenhouse effect is created in it due to the delay of heat and the good penetration of sunlight through the translucent material. The car under such a roof on a hot day is better not to leave. Yes, and relax there will be too hot.

Photo: Options for finished designs from professional

Canopy with polycarbonate roof Canopy with a roof of metal Canopy as an extension to the wall of the house Canopy aesthetic finished the porch at home Canopy, the roof of which is trimmed by tarpaulo Simple double canopy One more vest

Video: Construction of a carport from a profile pipe with their own hands

Construction of a carp from the profile pipe is a simple. Having studied all the information provided, a practical one can cope with construction work. The only difficult moment is work with the welding machine. But there are solutions. Therefore, good luck!

Modern metal rolling offers its consumers a variety of products, among which the profile tube is distinguished. It is used everywhere in private construction, for example, for a frame of a particular object on the household plot. The design option in this case turns strength and durability incomparable with wood. Advantages and disadvantages, as well as how to make a metal frame for canopy from profile pipes - is described below.

Steel profile pipes - characteristics and advantages

The peculiarity of this product of metallurgy is a form - a metal profile tube, as a rule, square, oval or rectangular, hollow inside. Due to this, the weight of the collection framework is facilitated, which is one of the advantages. Further:

For metal products, one disadvantage is characterized - corrosion. However, it is easy to prevent it if you cover the design with the appropriate composition or decorative sudial. When storing it is important to lubricate the future frame of solidol.

So that the frame for canopy from the profile pipe was reliable, it should be properly chosen its components. Metal rolling produces multiple parameters - from 20 to 110 mm wide width and thickness from 3 to 8 mm.

For a dacha canopy do not use impressive sizes. In a small design - 5 * 5 * 2.5 m, intended for parking a car or resting place, a metal profile meets the following conditions:

  1. The size of pipes for racks and upper strapping will be 80 * 80 mm. Under the racks put metal "heels". They will provide even greater stability of the frame and the need to burst or concrete support disappears.
  2. To create the arch and assembly of farms - 40 * 20 mm. Such a cross section is amenable to mechanical bending, but if there is no experience, it is better to use factory goods to create arched outlook.

The wall thickness can be selected depending on the design destination - from 6 to 12 mm, the framework will have a comparable strength with reinforced concrete products.

Assembling frame for a country canopy with your own hands

Any design requires an accurate project and calculation. It will not bypass this rule and frame carcass from the profile pipe. With your own hands to collect it simply, even without having some special knowledge, but to instruct the project and the drawing follows professionals.

In addition, in some regions, a similar structure, especially relating directly to the house, requires official permission. You need to take care immediately. Next, you should prepare or purchase the following tools:

  1. Bulgarian with diamond discs for metal.
  2. Drill with winners.
  3. The welding portable apparatus is either stationary with sufficient cables. Naturally, the station should be powered by the corresponding source.

A homemade master will need special protective clothing, glasses and skill to handle the tools. Otherwise, it is worth purchasing the finished canopy or prefer the pipe of a different material.

Calculation of metallic carcass

First of all, the profile frame must take into account the following nuances: the loads of natural factors - rain, snow, wind. These data are available in architectural departments and design bureaus.

You can independently make the calculation of the metal carcass of the canopy, but it must be made before purchasing a profile pipe so as not to be mistaken with the wall thickness and width of the product. And, in general, the responsible thing is better to entrust the designer - the price justifies the work.

Selecting a vest version

Actually, here the choice is limited only by the skill of a home master - to give the shape of the arch or asymmetric bend will not be difficult, but will require the ability to bend pipes in the selected direction. One simple is considered the design of a single carport.

The rafting system costs without bends, and secure polycarbonate to this form is simpler. You should also take into account the purpose of the canopy - the straight roofs pass light and warm, the scanty, on the contrary, reflect the sun's rays and inside the temperature will be optimal for rest or parking cars.

Stages of work

There are several of them: preparation of the site, base design, frame assembly. So that the future canopy does not disappoint the owners, you should adhere to the details of the instruction. So:

Actually, the installation of the frame is complete, but the solution to the issue How to make a canopy from the profile pipe will be incomplete if it is not possible to describe the fastening of the polycarbonate of due attention. Differences between the wooden frame and metallic in the method of fixing the plastic sheets to it. It is as follows:

  1. Since the frame needs to protect against corrosion, then the tightness of the canvas from the carbonate must be done on both sides - from the inside and outside. For this use washers and sealing linings. You can make them yourself from rubber.
  2. For the mounting speed on the holes in the sheets from the inside, rubber rings can be simply pasted. Then, when fixing, the screws will be squeezed to the profiled pipe, and the tightness will be ensured.
  3. Also, the connecting profiles should also be used - if the sheets are mounted, and then smoke the special waterproofing tape, then over time it will come into disrepair and start peeling. Accordingly, the moisture will be inside the canopy or cellular polycarbonate - badly and the other.

When the metal frame is ready, it is covered with special paint, protecting metal from corrosion. On the ends of the polycarbonate dress decorative special linings, closing moisture access. Actually, a canopy from the profile pipe is ready.

Decorating metal carcass

The aesthetic component of any design is important. Therefore, when working with welding is finished, it is necessary to clean the seams, process uneven edges with a strip of polycarbonate and paint the frame into the selected color. Plastic can also be subjected to decoration - color, pasting with color film from the inside and so on.

Numerous examples from the network are given to the assistance of the owner. Ready sheets with embedded patterns or mosaic, imitating stained glass windows, are decent and elegantly. Decorative polycarbonate is more expensive, but the effect of it is amazing.

The metal frame for the local structure requires increased attention, both when calculating the entire system and directly when installing. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - Choosing a base for a frame, which profile pipe to use for a canopy, how to fix items - should be worked out at the design stage.

Today, the farms from the profile pipe are rightfully considered an ideal solution for the construction of a garage, a residential building and household buildings. Durable and durable, such structures are inexpensive, fast in performance, and with them can cope anyone who at least a little disassembled in mathematics and has cutting and welding skills.

And how to choose the profile correctly, calculate the farm, make jumpers and install in it, we will now tell you in detail. To do this, we have prepared for you detailed master classes of manufacturing such farms, video lessons and valuable advice from our experts!

And so what is the farm? This is a design that binds support together into one single integer. In other words, the farm belongs to simple architectural structures, among the valuable advantages of which allocate such: high strength, excellent operating performance, low cost and good resistance to deformations and external loads.

Due to the fact that such farms have a high bearing ability, they are put under any roofing materials, regardless of their weight.

The use of new or rectangular closed profiles in the construction of metal farms is considered one of the most rational and design solutions. And no accident:

  1. The main secret is in saving due to the rational form of the profile and the connection of all elements of the lattice.
  2. Another valuable advantage of profile pipes to use their farm manufacturing is equal stability in two planes, wonderful streams and ease of operation.
  3. With all its low weight, such farms are withstanding serious loads!

Throwing farms are distinguished along the outlining of the belts, the type of cross section of rods and types of the lattice. And with the right approach, you will independently weld and install a farm from the profile pipe of any complexity! Even such:

Stage II. Acquire a quality profile

So, before making a draft future farm, you must first decide on such important points:

  • contours, size and shape of the future roof;
  • material manufacturer of the upper and lower belt of the farm, as well as its lattice;

Remember one simple thing thing: The skeleton from the profile pipe is the so-called equilibrium point, which is important to determine for the sustainability of the entire farm. And it is very important to choose a quality material under this load:

Farms are built from the profile pipe of such species of sections: rectangular or square. These are produced different sizes of section and diameter, with different wall thickness:

  • We recommend those that are specially sold for small-sized buildings: these are up to 4.5 meters long and have a cross section of 40x20x2 mm.
  • If you are making a farm longer than 5 meters, then choose a profile with parameters 40x40x2 mm.
  • For full-scale construction of the roof of a residential building, you will need profile pipes with such parameters: 40x60x3 mm.

The sustainability of the entire design is directly proportional to the thickness of the profile, therefore, for the manufacture of farms, do not use pipes for which they are intended only for rental struts and frames - here other characteristics. Also pay attention to how the product was made by the product: electric welded, hot-deformed or cold deforming.

If you are taken to make such farms yourself, then take the billets of the square section - it is easier to work with them. Purchase a square profile of 3-5 mm thick, which will be strong enough and in its characteristics close to metal bars. But if you will produce a farm for the visor, then you can give preference to a more budgetary option.

Be sure to consider when designing snow and wind loads in your area. After all, great importance when choosing a profile (in terms of load on it) has an angle of inclination of farms:

More accurately design a farm from the profile pipe you can with online calculators.

We only note that the simplest design of the farm from the profile tube is a few vertical racks and horizontal levels that can be attached to the roof rafters. You can buy such a frame in finished yourself, even under the order in any city of Russia.

Stage III. Calculate the internal stress of farms

The most important and responsible task is to correctly calculate the farm from the profile pipe and select the desired format of the inner lattice. To do this, we need a calculator or a similar software similar to it, as well as some tables of SNiPs that are for this:

  • Snip 2.01.07-85 (impact, load).
  • Snip P-23-81 (data on steel structures).

If possible, familiarize yourself with these documents.

Roof shape and tilt angle

Farm is needed for what kind of roof? Single, double, dome, arched or tent? The easiest option, of course, is the manufacture of a standard single-sided canopy. But and quite complicated farms you are also able to calculate and make yourself:

The standard farm consists of such important elements as the upper and lower belt, racks, separation and auxiliary crackers, which are still called shprengels. Inside the farms is a lattice system, welded seams, rivets, special paired materials and jams are used to connect pipes.

And if you are going to make a silent roof, such farms will become an ideal option for it. They are very convenient to produce on the template right on the ground, and only then raise up.

Most often, the construction of a small country house, a garage or cabinets, the so-called Farms of PolonSo are used - a special design of triangular farms connected by tightening, and the bottom belt here is raised.

In fact, in this case, in order to increase the height of the structure, the lower belt makes a broken, and then it is 0.23 from the flight length. For indoor space, the room is very convenient.

So, there are three main options for making a farm depending on the inclination of the roof:

  • from 6 to 15 °;
  • from 15 to 20 °;
  • from 22 to 35 °.

What is the difference you ask? For example, if the angle of construction is small, just up to 15 °, then the farms are rationally to make a trapezoidal form. And at the same time it is quite possible to reduce the weight of the design itself, taking a height from 1/7 to 1/9 from the total length of the flight.

Those. Guide such a rule: the less weight, the more farm height should be. But if we will have a complex geometric shape, then you need to choose another type of farm and lattices.

Types of farm and roof shape

Here is an example of concrete farms for each type of roof (single-sided, bounce, complex):

Let's deal with the types of farms:

  • Triangular Farms - the classic of the manufacturer for steep roofing rods or canopies. The cross-section of pipes for such farms should be selected based on the weight of roofing materials, as well as the operation of the construction itself. Triangular farms are good because they have simple forms, are simple in the calculation and execution. They are appreciated for the underpants with natural light. But we note the disadvantages: these are additional profiles and long rods in the central segments of the lattice. And also here you will have to face some difficulties when welding acute reference angles.
  • Next view - polygonal Farms from the profile pipe. They are indispensable when building large areas. The welding of them is already a more complex shape, and therefore they do not design them for lightweight structures. But such farms are characterized by greater metal savings and durability, which is especially good for hangars with large spans.
  • Sturdy is considered as well Farm with parallel belts. It differs from others such a farm in that it has all the details - repeated, with the same length of rods, belts and lattices. That is, there is a minimum of joints, and therefore counting and cooking such a profile pipe is easiest.
  • Separate species is single trapezoidal Farm with a support on the columns. Such a farm is ideal when rigid fixation of the structure is necessary. She has slopes (separations) on the sides and there are no long rods of the upper crate. Suitable for roofs that are especially important reliability.

Here is an example of producing farms from the profile pipe as a universal version, which is suitable for any garden buildings. We are talking about triangular farms, and you probably have already seen them many times:

The triangular farm with the rigel is also quite simple, and it is quite suitable for the construction of arbors and cabins:

And here arched Farms in manufacturing are already much more complicated, although they have a number of their valuable advantages:

Your main task is to center the elements of the metal farm from the center of gravity in all directions, speaking by simple language, minimize the load and distribute it competently.

Therefore, choose the kind of farms that is suitable for this purpose more. In addition to those listed above, the farm-scissors, asymmetric, P-shaped, two-staple, farm with parallel belts and an attic farm with supports and without them are popular with popularity. And also the attic kind of farm:

Types of grilles and point load

It will be interesting for you to find out that the definite design of the inner grates of farms is not selected at all of the aesthetic considerations, but quite practical: under the shape of the roof, the ceiling geometry and the calculation of loads.

You need to design your farm so that all the forces focus specifically in nodes. Then in the belts, disclosures and shprengels of bending moments will not - they will work only on compression and stretching. And then the cross section of such elements is reduced to the required minimum, significantly occurring on the material. And the farm itself for everything you can safely make a hinge.

Otherwise, the force distributed by rods will continuously act on the farm, and a bending moment will appear, in addition to total voltage. And here it is important to correctly calculate the maximum bending values \u200b\u200bfor each individual rod.

Then the cross section of such rods should be greater than if the farm itself was loaded with dotted forces. Let's summarize: farms on which the distributed load is uniformly, made from short elements with hinged nodes.

Let's deal with what the advantage of this or that type of grille in the load distribution plan is:

  • Triangular The lattice system is always used in farms with parallel belts and trapezoidal farm. Its main advantage is that it gives the smallest total lattice length.
  • Diagonal The system is good at a small height of farms. But the consumption of the material on it is considerable, because here all the way the effort goes through the nodes and rods of the lattice. And therefore, when designing it is important to lay the maximum rods so that long elements are stretched, and the racks are compressed.
  • Another kind - shprengel lattice. It is made in the case of the load of the upper belt, as well as when it is necessary to reduce the length of the lattice itself. Here, the advantage in observing the optimal distance between the elements of all transverse structures, which, in turn, allows you to maintain the normal distance between runs, which will be a practical moment for mounting the elements of the roof. But to create such a lattice with your own hands - a rather time-consuming occupation with additional metal costs.
  • Cross-shaped The grille allows you to distribute the load on the farm immediately in both directions.
  • Another type of lattice - crosswhere the rounds are attached straight to the farm wall.
  • And finally semi-collar and rhombic Grilles, the most rigid from the listed. Two dive systems interact here at once.

We have prepared an illustration for you, where all kinds of farms and their lattices have collected together:

Here is an example of how the farm is made with a triangular grid:

The production of a farm with a diagonal grill looks like this:

It cannot be said that some of the types of farms are definitely better or worse than the other - each of them is valuable with lower consumption of materials, lighter weighing, carrier and attachment method. The drawing is responsible for which load scheme will act on it. And from the chosen type of lattice will directly depend on what will be the weight of the farm, the appearance and complexity of its manufacture.

We note another unusual facilitation of the farm when it becomes part in itself or support for another, wooden:

Stage IV. We make and install farms

We will give you several valuable tips, as independently without special difficulties to cook such farms directly at home:

  • Option One: You can turn to the plant, and they will make to order according to your drawing, all the necessary individual items that you will only have to cook already in place.
  • Second option: purchase a finished profile. Then you will only have to decide the farms from the inside by boards or plywood, and in the interval, to lay the insulation. But this method will cost, of course, more expensive.

Here, for example, a good video lesson, how to lengthen the pipe with welding and achieve ideal geometry:

Here is also a very useful video, how to cut off the pipe at an angle of 45 °:

So now approach directly to the assembly of the farms themselves. To cope with this will help you such a fierce instruction:

  • Step 1. First prepare the farms. It is better to weld them in advance right on the ground.
  • Step 2. Install vertical supports for future farms. It is imperative that they are really vertical, so check them with a plumb.
  • Step 3. Now take longitudinal pipes and breed them to support racks.
  • Step 4. Raise the farm and breed them to longitudinal pipes. After that, all the connections are important to clean.
  • Step 5. The finished frame paint special paint, first cleaning and degreased it. Special attention to the place of compounds of profile pipes.

What are those who make such farms at home are still facing? First, think over the supporting tables in advance on which you will put a farm. Not the best option to throw it to the ground - it will be very uncomfortable to work.

Therefore, it is better to put small bridges-supports that will be slightly wider than the lower and upper belt of the farm. After all, you will manually measure the jumpers between the belts, and it is important that they do not fall on the ground.

The next important point: farms from the profile pipe are heavy by weight, and you will need help at least one more person. In addition, it does not hurt a fever and in such a tedious and painstaking work, like sanding of the metal before cooking. Take care that you need to cut the farms, for all items, and therefore we advise you or buy, or build a homemade machine on the type of What in our master class. That's how it works:

In this way, step by step, you will draw up the drawing, calculate the farm grille, make the workpiece and weld the design is already in place. And the remnants of profile pipes will also be at the expense, therefore, nothing will need to be thrown away - all this will be needed for the secondary parts of the canopy or hangar!

Stage V. Clean and stain ready-made farms

After you install the farms on their permanent location, be sure to treat them with anti-corrosion compositions and painting with polymer paints. The paint is ideal for this purpose, which is distinguished by durability and resistance to ultraviolet:

That's all, the farm from the profile pipe is ready! Only finish work on the trimming of farms from the inside finishing and outside the roofing material remains:

Believe me, make a metal farm from the profile pipe for you actually will not be a lot of work. A huge role plays a competent drawing, high-quality welding of the farm from the profile pipe and the desire to do everything right and carefully.

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