For which the electrosone is prescribed and what is the procedure. Elektroson

The electroscone is a physiotherapeutic treatment method, which is based on the effect of pulsed current on the brain. A permanent pulse current with certain parameters (rectangular shape, low frequencies, a small strength of the current) leads a human brain into a state close to physiological sleep. At the same time, the normalization of the central nervous system is normalized, the trophic processes, microcirculation, are improved.


The device for carrying out the electroscone procedure has two phases of operation. In the first phase, braking phase, the device generates pulses leading to a derement, sometimes even a complete sleep. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, the bioelectric activity of the brain decreases. The activation phase occurs after the end of the procedure and is characterized by an increase in the tone of the body, improving mood, improving performance.

The procedure should be carried out in a quiet environment, preferably in a semi-plane room. The patient falls on the couch, in a convenient position, after which the electrodes are superimposed by it. The two represented by metal cups in the rubber cuffs are filled with with water moistened with water or medication and overlap. These electrodes are attached to the negative pole. Two other electrodes are also filled with wet cotton swabs and are superimposed, to the area of \u200b\u200bdeputyid processes, after which they join the positive pole.

After the overlay of the electrodes, the frequency of the current is selected, depending on the disease. In this case, the sensations of light vibration or tingling should appear. The optimal is considered the selection of frequency with simultaneous readings. However, in general practices, it did not find applications due to technical difficulties, the need for special personnel (the nurse performs a large load, a neurophysiologist is required) and the rise in the method of exposure.

In Russia, the highest distribution was obtained by the Elektroson-5 (ES 10-05). Also often occurs the earlier modification of this device ES 4.


Indications for the electrosone procedure are diverse and covered mainly neurological pathology:

  • Residual phenomena of tick-borne encephalitis.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Enuresis.
  • The consequences of CHMT.
  • Neurosis.

However, the conduct of physiothery is shown in many somatic diseases occurring with the phenomena of asthenia and neurosis. Also, an excellent effect shows an electrosone with disorders of an erectile function associated with a stress factor.


Contraindications for the purpose of the electricity are quite extensive. It is very important to take into account all of them, because the purpose of therapy in some of them can lead to sad consequences. So, physiotional is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • (can provoke an attack, right up to epileptic status).
  • Cataract.
  • Metal structures of the skull.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Skin diseases in the overlay of electrodes in the aggravation stage.

Also, one of the contraindications is children's age up to 3 years. After three years, it is possible to use an electrosone, but at low current intensity, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

The optimal time for the procedure is from one hour, but if it is impossible to ensure such a duration of the procedure, an electrosone can be carried out from 20 to 40 minutes. Usually, physiotocreder is appointed every other day, the number of sessions 10-15.

A special method of therapeutic effect on the human brain is an electrosone, which also has a pronounced anesthetic effect. With the help of electrosa, a state close to natural sleep can be achieved: fully relaxing, the body and the brain stops their work, which makes it possible to use this procedure for the treatment of many neurological and mental diseases.

Also, this method of therapeutic effects is used in comprehensive impact, which increases the degree of received positive result in the elimination of unpleasant manifestations of disease.

Concept of method

The peculiarity of the method of exposure is the use of a pulsed current, which reaches the cortex of the brain, eliminates the manifestations of nerve manifestations, stimulating the process of leisure brain and the entire nervous system. The mechanism of action of this procedure is not fully understood until the end, but its effectiveness allows the electrosone to be attributed to the most effective procedures, stabilizing the overall condition of the patient, relieving painful manifestations in many organic lesions and nervous disorders.

Using the impact of a pulsed current of a certain frequency, it is possible to obtain a pronounced inhibition of all processes in the brain, which causes a condition close to sleep. In this state, the process of tissue regeneration is activated, most of the painful sensations in the patient are eliminated. At the same time, braking applies to those parts of the brain, which, with an excessive activation, lead to strengthening the symptoms of the disease.

Thanks to the development of the cerebral cortex of special substances, endorphins, which cause a feeling of happiness and calm in humans, there is a noticeable decrease in the level of pain even with serious organic lesions, the degree of regenerative processes increases, which are always recorded during a person in a person.

The electrosal procedure is described in this video:

Its species

Electroscope is accompanied by a number of specific actions that are performed in the required sequence. The varieties of the procedure may be allocated depending on the time and force of the impact, which is exhibited at the beginning of this method by a physiotherapy specialist.

Usually begin to exposure to the minimum pulse current force indicator, which is then increasing depending on the addictiveness of the body to the impact. If the current used is too strong, the patient can complain about unpleasant sensations, because this procedure should be carried out only under the control of the physiotherapist.

Pros and cons

According to experts, this technique of impact allows you to improve the quality of the treatment of the disease, eliminate the painful sensations that accompany many organic lesions. The advantage of the treatment method under consideration is its high efficiency with a wide variety of diseases, eliminating painful sensations that may not be eliminated even when using strong drugs. The availability of electrosa is also important: most of the patients can use this method of therapeutic effects in the presence of appropriate indications.

Also, the advantage of several other physioprocessed electrospa should be considered the lack of addiction to it even with its long-term use and receiving a pronounced positive result after the course, regardless of the severity of the current damage and the presence of parallel in current diseases. The negative impact of the electrosone does not on the body, but there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account when appropriate and use.

The negative sensations may be accompanied by an electrosone if the pulse current power index is excessively high: with the increased sensitivity of the body of the patient to the action of the current, painful sensations in the eye and head area can occur. For the first few procedures, it is recommended to use nonset currents in power so that the patient's body manage to get used to its action. In subsequent procedures, it is possible to increase the power of influence with the strict control of the general condition of the patient.

Indications for holding

The use of electrosa both for self-use and in complex therapy makes it possible to rather eliminate the most obvious symptoms of the current disease, eliminate unpleasant painful sensations in organic lesions. This procedure is also prescribed in the presence of nervous overloads, low quality night sleep when the patient cannot relax and recover. Thanks to the regular use of electricity, it is possible to increase human performance, stimulate its protective forces, prevent the likelihood of developing serious diseases.

Indications to carry out the electrose procedure should be considered:

  • skin diseases - manifestations;
  • nervous shocks, long-term depressive states, experiences and psycho-emotional overloads;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reducing the protective forces of the body;
  • enuresis;
  • vibration disease;
  • damage to blood vessels;
  • reducing the level of production of necessary hormones - damage to the hormonal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - ,.

Some diseases of the internal organs, and are mainly nervous diseases - indications for the use of electricity. The greatest severity of the positive trend in treatment is achieved when conducting a course of procedures (about 8-12), which are held after 1-2 days. Electroscone is successfully used in treatment, with a decrease in the total tone, and also increases the mood.

This treatment technique is shown to use both women and men and children: without causing addiction even during long-term use, the electrosone does not have a negative impact on the children's body.

What is useful to electrone, see this video:


The electroscone cannot be used when detecting, detecting the retina, with micrification and, as well as in the case of individual intolerance to the procedure and exposure to pulsed current. Epilepsy, feverish condition, hysteria, myopia, the presence of metal objects in the skull cavity are also contraindications to the use of the electrose procedure.

Photo of electrospa

Preparation for electricity

Conducting electricity is possible only in a specialized hospital of a medical profile, a procedure is carried out by a specialist (mainly by a physiotherapist), taking into account the individual portability of the current impact. In the process of electronic execution, a special apparatus is used, which has an action on the bark of the brain in the form of two phases of exposure:

  • in the first phase of exposure, there is a pronounced decrease in blood pressure, while the stabilization of all nerve processes in the body is being stabilized, the nervous overvoltage is eliminated, the body relaxes and gradually immersed in sleep;
  • in the second stage of the procedure, the healing effect of the pulse current is carried out: processes in all internal organ systems are stabilized, inflammation is eliminated, the immune system is stimulated, the nervous system and the body is rejected. The patient increases the mood, the level and activity of all processes is restored.

Before conducting the procedure, the patient is placed on the horizontal surface, its body is covered with a warm blanket or blanket.

How the procedure is carried out

To influence the eye, the patient is put on a special mask in which there are holes. They have four pulse current sensors.

The current penetrates the bark of the brain, and two phases of exposure can clearly notice: first the patient relaxes, sleep may occur. The second phase begins therapeutic effects. After the procedure of the patient, the patient notes the increase in mood, it feels lightness in the body, the nervous voltage is removed.

Consequences and possible complications

After the procedure is carried out, the power supply is noted increases the vitality, the nervous stress is removed, the protective forces of the body are enhanced. After the course of the electric grid, the patient can feel a significant increase in physical and emotional activity, painful sensations are eliminated in the presence of serious organic lesions.

Complications during the procedure under consideration can become painful sensations in the eye area, as well as light dizziness and nausea. These symptoms indicate an incorrectly selected pulse current power, likely intolerance to the prescribed therapeutic effects. In this case, the procedure should be discontinued.

Restoration and care after

After the completion of the electrose procedure, it follows some time to be in a horizontal position so that the body can recover after complete relaxation. Warmly dressing will be necessary before going out into the street in cold weather.

Electroson is an electrotherapy method, which is based on the use of low-frequency pulsed currents. They have a direct impact on the central nervous system. At the same time, its braking is caused, leading to sleep. This technique has been widely used in medical institutions of various kinds.

The electronic method was developed in 1948 by a group of Soviet scientists: Liventians, Gyarevsky, Segal, and others. In the West countries, this technique is called electrical champion.

For the procedure, special devices are applied. They serve to generate voltage pulses of constant polarity.

Electroson children are usually prescribed from 3 to 5 years. At the same time, low frequencies and current of less power are used. The duration of the session is also less long.

It can be said that in its characteristics the electrosone is close enough to the natural sleep. His advantages - the provision of antispastic and antihypoxic actions. Electroson does not cause the prevalence of vagus influences.

It is also very different from medication sleep. It is very important that this procedure does not give complications and does not lead to intoxications.

Impact of electricity per person

The mechanism of exposure to this method is the direct and reflex effect of current pulses on the cerebral bark and the patient's subcortical formations.

Pulsed current is a weak stimulus. It has a monotonous rhythmic effect. During the procedure through the openings of the eyelid, the current penetrates into the patient's brain. There it extends along vessels and reaches such structures of a human brain, as a hypothalamus and a reticular formation.

This allows you to cause a special psychophysiological state, which leads to the restoration of emotional, vegetative and humoral equilibrium.

The electroson contributes to the normalization of the highest nervous activity, improves the blood supply to the brain, has a sedative and swelling effect.

This procedure stimulates the blood formation process in the human body, normalizes blood coagulation, the function of the gastrointestinal tract is activated, the activity of the excretory and sexual system is improved. It helps to reduce blood cholesterol.

Electroson also leads to the restoration of impaired carbohydrate, lipid, protein and mineral exchanges. It can be used as spasmodics, has a hypotensive effect.

The effect of pulsed current on the human brain leads to the production of special substances - endorphins that are necessary for a person for good mood and full-fledged life. It can be prescribed by almost any kind of diseases.

How the Electrose Procedure is held

The patient at the same time lies in a comfortable posture on a seven-way couch or bed. In the hospital, patients undress as for night sleep. In the clinic, the patient must remove the shy clothes and cover the blanket.

It is best to carry out power sessions in a special separate room, isolated from noise. The room should be darkened. Electroson can also be combined with psycho and music therapy.

Before the beginning of the first session, a specialist tells the patient about the procedure and warns it about sensations that may arise during the procedure.

Before the procedure for the patient's face, a special mask has a four metal nests. These nests are fixed on rubber ribbons. The eyes of a person should be tightly closed. This is due to the impulse current patient.

During the session, the patient flows into a state of naughty or even sleep. The procedure is not recommended for an empty stomach. Women in this period best abandon the use of cosmetics.

The frequency of impulses is selected by a specialist individually, while the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient is taken into account. The usual frequency is 10-150 Hz, the current is up to 10 mA, the voltage is 50-80 volts.

The duration of the session may be different - from 30-40 to 60-90 minutes. Most often, the duration of the procedure depends on the nature of the pathological process and on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. To achieve a positive result, procedures should be carried out daily or every other day. Usually, 10-15 sessions are prescribed to the course.

Indications for the use of the power method

The electrose procedure is prescribed with a large number of different diseases. These include: neurosis, initial stage of atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia, vibration disease. It shows good results in the complex treatment of arterial hypertension 1 and 2 degrees, ischemic heart disease 1 and 2 cl., Bronchial asthma, neurodermita, enuresis. An electrosone is used to delivered patients from the effects of crank-brain injuries, it helps with obliterating diseases of vessels, meteootropic reactions, as well as ulcerative duel and stomach diseases. Prescribed this procedure and pregnant in toxicosis of 2 halves of pregnancy and to prepare for childbirth. Currently, electrosone is often used and for the treatment of alcohol addiction.

Contraindications for the Electrose Procedure

There are electrone procedures and some contraindications. It is impossible to use it in patients suffering from individual intolerance to the current, epilepsy, dermatitis on the skin of the face, circulatory impaired IIB - IIIST., Feverish states, hysteria. It is contraindicated at a high degree of myopia, retinal detachment, pigment reincarnation of the retina, inflammatory eye diseases - conjunctivitis, blepharitis, irrit, iridocyclitis, etc. It is not prescribed an electrosone in the event that the patient has metal objects in brain tissues and eyeballs.

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Modern rhythms of life require increased attention, focus, constant standing in stressful situations. In order to be in good shape, he has to drink a lot of coffee, power engineers, take vitamin complexes in a large dosage. Various means for cheerfulness make the body for wear, which leads to its exhaustion and harms health.

As opposed to energy drinks and tablets, electrosonotherapy does not simply have a single invigorating effect, but restores the body's forces due to rapid rest, that is, naturally. What is an electroscone, in what cases is recommended to carry out physiotherapy and who cannot be used this technique, you will learn from this article.

What it is

Electricity is called a physiotherapeutic procedure. Therapy uses pulse currents with various characteristics. It may be rectangular, circular, with a phase shift, a sinusoidal current pulse. All of them equally effectively have a sedative effect on the CNS. In this case, the beneficial effects of low-frequency currents allows them to be used in the treatment of different diseases.

Procedures do not harm the body, well tolerated and effectively struggle with diseases. However, electrosonotherapy is prescribed solely by testimony and in the absence of a patient contraindications.

How it works

To supply low-frequency current pulses, electrodes are placed in the eye area. This way it penetrates into different brain departments through nerve fibers, brain fluid, vessels. As a result of the effects of particles - electrical charge carriers, the braking processes of the CNS increase, the synthesis of serotonin increases. Horon of happiness, in turn, contributes to a decrease in emotional stress. All this leads a person to a nap or a full sleep, depending on the parameters of the device and the duration of the procedure.

What happens in the body during the electrotherapy:

  • blood circulation and metabolism are accelerated;
  • breathing improves (its volume increases);
  • emotional stress reduces;
  • the level of oxygen in the blood increases;
  • synthesis of serotonin and endorphins affecting a positive attitude is accelerated.

According to the doctors, the electrosone can be equated to a natural sleep. Unlike medicines from insomnia, it is safe for health, does not cause addiction, does not oppress the psychomotor. Some drugs may temporarily reduce memory or negatively affect intelligence, but this procedure does not have such side effects.

Operating principle

Therapy is carried out by devices that generate currents of the desired frequency. It makes qualified medical workers in specially equipped physiotherapy offices. Recently, mobile portable devices have become available, but the current treatment at home can be carried out only with medical supervision.

The technique has a double effect. At first, the person relaxes and falls asleep, and after the completion of the procedure he has increased performance, the well-being and mood improves. Thus, the electrosone has simultaneously sedative and stimulating action.

Therapeutic effect

Electrosonotherapy has the following medical action:

  • reduces excessive excitability;
  • normalizes night sleep;
  • raises the mood;
  • improves metabolic processes, blood transport function;
  • reduces pain threshold;
  • stimulates the work of the pituitary
  • improves the regenerative function of cells;
  • eliminates trophic disorders (cellular nutrition);
  • restores potency;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • improves blood clotting;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, blood pressure.

Steps of electrospa

There are different phases of sleep that consistently replacing each other:

  • the states of the dermistry with the preservation of human consciousness;
  • shallow sleep, in which braking processes begin and the person falls asleep, but can wake up from the impact of an irritant;
  • deep sleep when a person completely loses the conditional reflexes, ceases to hear external stimuli;
  • the deepest sleep with the loss of unconditional reflexes, while the braking is not only the bark, but also the subcortex region of the brain.

The last two phases are practically not used in the therapy of electric. To normalize night sleep, eliminate fatigue, irritability of a sufficiently short exposure to the device, which leads to a nap or a shallow sleep.

Electrosonterapia: indications, contraindications and features of the procedure

Due to the powerful positive impact on the state of the central nervous system, the electroeum is applied with many diseases. Electrosonotherapy is recommended to do after various stress situations traumating the psyche. It is useful to students who pass the session, women in the period of tooling the child suffering from strong toxicosis, who are struggling with alcohol addiction.


What diseases will help to cope:

  • disorders of the central nervous system - neurosis, insomnia, chronic fatigue, discircular encephalopathy, phantom pains and a number of other similar violations;
  • arterial hypotension and hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • angina;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenal intestine;
  • regular digestive disorders (meteorism, constipation, etc.);
  • neurodermitomit, atopic dermatitis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • night incontinence of urine;
  • hormonal dysfunctions;
  • vibration disease;
  • vegeto-vascular dystonia;
  • ADHD in children.

The list of readings can be supplemented with different other pathologies, since most diseases are in different degrees associated with the functional state of the central nervous system.


Unfortunately, a list of restrictions on electrosonotherapy is also quite impressive. The procedure is not made by persons suffering from the following ailments:

  • cataract, glaucoma, strong myopia;
  • heart defects;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute infections;
  • inflammatory diseases in the acute phase;
  • dermatitis on the face;
  • stroke, myocardial infarction (sharp periods);
  • hyperthermia;
  • psychosis, hysteria;
  • traumatic arachnoiditis;
  • third degree angina;
  • circulatory failure (second and third stage);
  • oncology;
  • individual intolerance to current.

The procedure is not carried out by pregnant women in the second half of the child's hatching, babies up to three years. If there are metal objects in the skull, this treatment is categorically prohibited.

Features of the procedure

Electrosonotherapy is carried out in a specially equipped room. The Cabinet of Physiothesists should be darkened and ventilated well. The patient falls on a couch in a relaxed pose. The specialist definctly applies the electrode to the head and includes the device.

Current strength and pulse frequency The doctor regulates depending on the disease, on which treatment is directed and tolerability by the patient's procedure. For soft exposure, it is enough to turn on the device for 5 Hz (maximum value 25), and if more intensive stimulation is required, the pulse frequency can be increased to 120 Hz. The procedure should be carried out exclusively a physiotherapist with the necessary knowledge.

The duration of the electromette varies from a quarter to one hour. For full-fledged treatment, you will need to go from fifteen to thirty procedures. They are performed daily or with an interval one or two days. You can re-pass the course after three months.

What sensations may arise

The specialist sets the frequency of pulses and the strength of the current, guided by the sensations of the patient. The norm is considered a sense of light pressure and vibration in the eyes. If a person is painful, the doctor corrects current flow.

With the right physiotherapy, no unpleasant consequences are observed. If a patient has a nausea, headache, dizziness, a dream will occur during the patient during the passage of the electrotherapy course, the sleep is worse, it means that the procedure does not fit.

Elektroson apparatus: Rules for conducting procedure

For carrying out devices that generate impulse low-frequency currents and have two pairs of electrodes. Portable Elevation apparatus can be single-channel or four-channel. And those and others are used now in clinical practice. These devices allow you to adjust the flow parameters in different ranges.

Electricity techniques

The treatment with the electrosone apparatus occurs in two methods, differing from each other by the location of the electrodes:

  • Areas of Eye and Temples. The first pair of electrodes connected to the cathode is placed in closed eyelids. The second pair is fixed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temple, where cottage processes are located. This technique is more often used in the event that the procedure is made using drugs. However, not everyone likes this method, since the electrodes are placed on the eyes, which can cause a certain discomfort.
  • Forehead and head. Such a procedure is more welcomed by patients due to the fact that the electrodes are placed on the forehead and the neck of the skull. In efficiency, it is not inferior to the first method.

Instructions for steps

The day before the start of treatment and the entire period of therapy, the device is not recommended to engage in active sports, drink alcohol and energy, overvolt the eyes. It is advisable to come to the procedures in loose clothes, which will make it possible to relax as much as possible. Women need to remove cosmetics from face.

Stages of the procedure:

  • The patient removes the upper clothes and the items of the wardrobe, which clamp the body. Going back on the couch, takes a comfortable posture, closes his eyes.
  • The doctor puts on a patient's head a special mask, where electrodes feeding current pulses are located.
  • The specialist includes the device, regulates the current parameters and is interested in the patient about its sensations.
  • A few minutes after the start of the procedure, the doctor is located near the patient in case he suddenly has pain in the eye area. During this time, a person relaxes and flows into a nap or sleep.
  • After the session is completed, the specialist turns off the device, removes the mask. The patient immediately after the procedure may leave the office.

The maximum session duration is one and a half hours.

Features of the treatment of children

Treatment can be appointed in childhood after three years. Indications for therapy are the same - nerve disorders, transferred injuries, diseases of the tract and other organs.

The technique of performing the procedure is also no different, but the duration of treatment should not exceed twenty minutes. Children spend no more than ten sessions.

Electroson - a method of therapy, in which the patient's brain acts weak current discharges. As a result, a person develops a condition close to the usual sleep. However, unlike physiological recreation, the electrosone also has an analgesic effect. The procedure is used to treat various diseases of neurogenic nature.

Operating principle

The electrose procedure helps restore the normal operation of the nervous system and improve performance.

The mechanism of the power supply remains completely unclear. It is assumed that reaching the cerebral cortex, pulsed currents enhance the braking processes in it, which leads to sleep. Braking is also applied to those structures whose excessive activity could provoke the development of the disease.

During a forced rest in the brain, restoration processes are activated, which has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body. At the same time, endorphins are intensified in nerve cells - hormones of happiness, which improve mood and have an analgesic effect.

After the course of the power grid in patients:

  • increased physical and mental performance;
  • symptoms of neurological diseases weaken;
  • pain syndromes are reduced;
  • normalized blood circulation processes and blood pressure levels;
  • the metabolism is improved;
  • reinforce the ability of the body;
  • the functions of endocrine organs are improved.

Indications and contraindications

Electroson can be assigned to the following pathologies:

  • I-II degree;
  • nervous disorders;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • ulcerative disease of the digestive tract;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • coronary artery disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • some dermatoses (eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis);
  • stuttering;
  • enuresis;
  • various pain syndromes;
  • pregnant toxicosis;
  • phantom pains;
  • , brain.

Contraindications to conduct the procedure are:

  • myopia more than 5 diopters;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes and a century (conjunctivitis, blufarite, will take away, etc.);
  • immature cataract;
  • dermatitis or eczema face;
  • psychosis, hysteria;
  • inflammation of the brain shells;
  • acute violations of cerebral circulation;
  • cardiac insufficiency II and more degree;
  • current intolerance;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the eyes;
  • the presence of metallic fragments in the cavity of the middle ear, soft tissues of the head or bones of the skull.

How to run

The procedure is carried out in a separate, well-ventilated office in absolute silence or accompanied by calm music. The patient is asked to remove shocking clothes, lie on the couch and hide the blanket.

To summarize the current, a special mask or rubber bezel is used, on which there are 4 metal cups. Two of them with the help of wires are connected to the generator cathode, the other two are with the anode.

The mask is imposed on the eyes of the patient. The cups are placed on the orphans and at the temples. If the rim is applied, then it is put on the forehead. With the help of belts, the design is fixed on the back of the head. Under the cups put cotton swabs, moistened with warm water.

Medical worker exhibits the desired pulse frequency and includes the device. The strength of the current is dosed individually for the sensations of the patient. Slowly turning the generator handle, the specialist gradually increases the parameter value until the patient has a weak vibration in the eye area. When current overdose, patients complain about strong pressure and plug under the bandage.

The reaction to the procedure for all people is different. Some sleep throughout the session time. Others fall asleep immediately after its end. Third half of the electrospa are awake, and the second half is dormant.

The duration of the first sessions can be from 10 to 15 minutes. Gradually, exposure time is increased to 40-60 minutes. Therapy is carried out daily or every other day. Depending on the disease, one course may include 10-20 procedures.

If necessary, the electrosone is prescribed again after 1.5 months. Children procedure can be conducted from 3 years of age. Treatment is often combined with massage, healing physical education, electrophoresis.

So, in physiotherapy, such a procedure as an electrosone is very widely used. Indications for the purpose of this therapy is a fairly wide range of diseases from heart and pulmonary pathologies and ending with nervous disorders. In any case, with the right compulsory sleep, the patient's response on the procedure will be positive.

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