DIY cat house: options, drawings, dimensions, manufacturing canons. How to make a house for a cat with your own hands: from a cardboard box, T-shirt, foam rubber and plywood How to make a house for a cat at home

Better to start with a paraphrase of Mark Twain: "Rumors about the harmfulness of cats are greatly exaggerated." Even the generally accepted standard of eccentricity - Siamese - can be quite understanding and livable. Only the owners need to understand that the cat in the house is not a pet, not meaningless fun. She does not look down on you, as Winston Churchill thought, and if for no reason or no reason they throw a boot at you, as in Kipling's fairy tale, then what can you do but walk on your own? The cat is a member of your family, and it must be adopted into the family on mutually acceptable rights. The best way to do this is to build a cat house. Then she will not crawl under the sink behind the trash can, and after that - into the drawer with bedding, and will not tear the wallpaper, and will not torment his wife's slippers. And in general there will be no trouble with her, but there will be comfort and warmth.

There are many cat houses for sale, for every taste and budget. But, firstly, they are designed for the average representative of a particular breed, and the cat, as we will see below, is an embodied individuality. Secondly, fashion is fashion - prices for almost all models are clearly inflated. And, finally, there is nothing complicated in their design, the materials are preferably used in all respects, therefore a cat's house is one of the household items that makes perfect sense to do it yourself. In a literal sense: although the cat's nose is not a dog's, and even less so bearish, he smells the smell of the hands of the master from the outside, he may not like it, and the housewarming will go off. Well, what can you do, not pet, cat. Personality from mustache to tail tip.

Making a house for a cat is not difficult, but how exactly - here is already full of subtleties. For example, Vasek and Murki used to be put into old felt boots and felt hats, and they simply melted there. As it turned out, the thing is in the felt - it does not accumulate static electricity at all, it freely allows fumes to pass through and does not rot. Felt cat sleeping bags are still in use now, see fig., But natural felt is now expensive, not very affordable, and synthetic cats do not recognize it. Therefore, having conceived to build a house for a cat, you should understand well: what is it? How and how do domestic representatives of cats live, what should be in the house, what should not be, what is acceptable and permissible? And for this, in turn, you will have to delve into the peculiarities of feline biology.

Note: by the way, it turns out that gender differences must also be taken into account. More precisely, the following features of behavior in various situations. From which it follows that a house for a cat is structurally not quite the same as for a cat, see below. However, cats are generally unpretentious creatures, and in terms of labor intensity, one and the other houses are equivalent - it is minimal. As well as the consumption of materials.

What does nature say?

The cat has been domesticated since time immemorial, and many of the habits of its wild ancestors have been eliminated, and others have developed in return. But this does not apply to the most powerful instincts: survival and procreation. It is necessary to take them into account, so let's turn to the primitive feline savagery first.


Wild forest cat Felis silvestris

Zoologists distinguish the domestic cat as a special species, Felis catus. Its most probable ancestor is considered to be the European forest cat Felis silvestris, which is still in small numbers, but it lives quite well in the forests from Scotland to the Caucasus. In favor of the "paternity" of the Euro-forest, such arguments as, firstly, the similarity of size and exterior are cited: the gray-striped Felis silvestris can be distinguished from the wild garbage dumbbell only by an experienced specialist, by the blunt, thickened end of the tail and other small features, see Fig. Secondly, the Euro-forest does not shy away from housing and sometimes settles in the attics of inhabited houses. Thirdly, it mates easily with domestic cats, giving a viable fertile offspring.

Supporters of the South Asian origin of Felis catus object: the Euro-forest settles near a person, but who, where, when was able to tame him? Temper is the devil in the flesh. Spring concerts can scare a tyrannosaurus, the fatal outcome of a fight for a female is common. Small cats of South Asia do not invest so much decibels in their serenades, and their mating tournaments are not as recklessly bloody as those of the Euro-forest. It is understandable: in the jungle, wild screams will not catch anyone, but in the tropical forest, where everyone eats each other as best they can, the smell of blood can lead to a love list of more serious predators.

Note: small African wild cats are excluded from questions of feline genealogy; against them the Euro-forest - a kitten. The African forest cat, in the words of one of the native companions of J. Durrell, "can tear a man to pieces in the shortest time", see "Bafut's Hounds".

One way or another, such representatives of the genus Felis of temperate latitudes, such as Haus, Pallas' cat or caracal, clearly did not contribute to the gene pool of Felis catus. In the same way, for example, like the Indo-Malay fish cat, in its habits more resembling a beaver, otter or seal than its own kind. And the potential applicants have a lot in common, and essential for the house.


All possible ancestors of the domestic cat are small solitary predators. In this case, nature offers 3 options for survival tactics: dig a hole and become omnivorous, like a fox or a badger, get lost in a flock and chase large prey to exhaustion, like wolves, or switch to a twilight-nocturnal lifestyle and become a hijacker: it takes a long time to hijack chase, look out, wait, quietly sneak up; then - several lightning jumps, and if the prey is gone, switch to another object.

Note: clean ambushes, waiting for the meat to crawl into the mouth itself, in an air environment that does not compensate for body weight and does not transmit pressure waves well, are rare and are found mainly among cold-blooded; it is difficult for a warm-blooded animal to catch enough biomass in this way to maintain vital activity.

Hence it follows: a cat is a full-fledged individuality. If the personal character of, say, a wolf is his own affair only as long as it does not contradict the interests of the pack, then a cat, if we compare it with human psychology, is an innate introvert. There is nothing wrong here; an introvert can be a sociable, outgoing person. But he definitely needs some kind of nook where he can be himself. To live, for example, in a dormitory, is torment for an introvert, he would rather deny himself a lot, but will rent an apartment. That is, a house for a cat is necessary. Otherwise she will arrange it for herself. Perhaps where you are not satisfied at all.

The hunting territory of small cats is large, up to 2-3 sq. km at the Euro forest. But they use it in different ways. Cats patrol during the day, looking out for places for an evening exit to prey. As a rule, a permanent lair is arranged and, if there are no disturbing factors, they can spend the night in it all their lives. Just spend the night: guarding the territory takes up all your free time. And in order to sleep peacefully, a place is chosen for the den, which is, if possible, inaccessible, and certainly inaccessible for large animals. They prefer places at a height, for viewing before going out, and with a reserve course in case of escape.

In cats, the obligation to bear and leave offspring is added. In the last days of pregnancy and with the brood, she can no longer be absent for a long time. Small kittens cannot climb trees yet, so the den should be located low, and it must be changed with each litter so that it is not calculated. But you need more food than one, and you can't go far. So, you need to look out from a height, and higher. If the cat needs a view for safety, then the cat also needs food, and the cat's lair, in addition to secrecy, should be near a good observation deck.

About color vision in cats

In the retina of the cat's eye, there are many rod cells that react to the intensity of illumination; this is necessary at night and at dusk. There are no cones that perceive color that are sensitive to red, and there are very few green and blue sensitive cones. That is, the cat, like all animals, except for primates, practically does not distinguish between colors. She sees something like a person suffering from a special kind of color blindness - nyctalopia. Hence the conclusion about the house: design delights are the master's business. The cat will still only see the functionality.

Feline biology and ethology (the science of behavior) are very interesting things; cats are the most highly specialized predators. However, in order to properly make a house for a cat with your own hands, the above is enough. Therefore, we will take care of the house, he and the cat in it, if interested, will then give material for observations and conclusions.

Furnishing and arrangement of the house
Physical exercise

Feline musculature is designed to work instantly. If for any reason hormones have been splashed into the bloodstream, force must be applied immediately and immediately. The cat is not biologically adapted to wait until they take you out to a walk or a platform where you can systematically swing. Therefore, the cat's house must be equipped with exercise facilities. What - let's see further.

What Vaska and what Murka

The second factor affecting home furnishings is gender differences in behavior. A cat, for example, feels comfortable enough if he has to jump into a house; the instinct of self-preservation gives a signal about the sufficient safety of the home. The cat needs a review, as already mentioned, to make sure the surroundings are safe. Therefore, the cat can live quietly in a simple house-sleeve, if only it was raised (on the left in the figure), or in a combined house with a couch, on the right in the same place.

Houses for cats

The cat is more concerned with the safety of the den, and the instinct of reproduction forbids disclosing its accessibility by its presence. Combining a couch with a house is already uncomfortable for her, in the first place. Secondly, the observation deck itself is needed at several (at least - 2) levels: from the upper one, the surroundings are examined for the presence of prey / enemy and the possibility of bringing out the grown brood, and on the lower ones the cat either hides before jumping on prey, or distracts the attention of an unwanted one. alien and leads him away from the brood, remaining in relative safety. Therefore, the bed for the cat should be at least two-level and not located directly on the house.

Back door

An emergency exit leading to the bunk beds is highly desirable, but mandatory for cats. The cat can still, relying on his agility, courage and ferocity, rush directly at the enemy, and while he is taken aback, hide, and then find another refuge for himself. A cat, on the other hand, is always ready for a direct attack on the den, first of all, to let the kittens escape; if necessary - at the cost of your life.

General layout and dimensions

A schematic of a house for a cat that meets all the specified requirements and is suitable for both sexes is shown in Fig. on right. Its features:

Diagram of a universal house for cats

  • Sun loungers of different heights will suit the cat too, it is no worse for him.
  • The cat will not accept the roof rack as an integral part of the structure, especially if the pillar is made of wood branch, see below. Cats, like all animals, except primates, do not even have the rudiments of figurative thinking and spatial imagination.
  • Poles with couches provide ample room for exercise and for the claw point.

The dimensions of the living part of the house for a cat are of average size about 40x40 cm in plan and the same height. The diameter of the entrances is 15-20 cm; the animal will not like the entrance too wide (safety!); however, you need to look at the wooliness and fatness of your pet. It is clear that the assembled lean Briton will whisk into a smaller opening than the haughty Persian, who seems twice as big as he really is.

The dimensions of the beds are the same as the house in the plan. The height relative to the ground, roof and each other is such that the inhabitant / inhabitant of the house, standing on its hind legs, reaches with the front legs to the overlying platform. Of course, all sizes are relative: for example, cats of the American tiger breed can be more than 1 m in length with a tail; the Guinness book recorded 117 cm.

Note:generally speaking, the translation of tiger cat as "tiger" is not entirely correct. In the American colloquial language, this expression roughly corresponds to the Russian "kotofey" - a hefty, cunning, hardened and blowing cat. Not necessarily a wandering one, if he is a convinced renegade, he will be a honky cat, but simply a homeless person who does not mind being picked up and taken in - alley cat.

House-wigwam for smooth-haired cats

About wigwam houses

Southern shorthaired cats - Abyssinian, Bengal, Siamese - often stand on tiptoe in houses. Perhaps this is due to the fact that their putative ancestors willingly settle in tree hollows. In this case, a wigwam house (see the picture on the right) with a height of about 60 cm is better suited. The technology of its manufacture, in principle, is no different from its own cube house. For such a cat, counting on the offspring, it is better to make a house in the form of an imitation of a hollow: a round pipe, a spare access hole is higher than the main one and goes out to a platform covering a pillar, see Fig. further, in the section on materials.

Place for a house

Having decided on the size of the house, you need to choose a place for the cat and her home. Cats love to bask and it's not a fad. From external heating, their muscle tone decreases, the food eaten is enough for a longer time and it is better absorbed; Simply put, the body switches from afterburner to energy saving. Hence the first condition - closer to the battery.

Second, cats, as territorial animals, have a developed observation instinct. Without "cleverness" - well, it's boring to stare at the same sofa with a wardrobe all the time. Therefore, it is highly desirable that from the roof of the house or some of the sites it was possible to jump over to the windowsill; at the same time we will stretch. Conclusion: the best place for a cat's house is a corner near the window with central heating, and with a stove - between the window and the stove. Here, most often, a scratching post is also placed without problems; however, this essential device for cats requires a separate discussion.

Can I go to the bedroom?

Cat bed

It's nice when a cat comes to bed in the morning. But when it does not let you sleep or interferes with adults, then this is already annoying. Meanwhile, from the point of view of the cat, it is simply colder at night, or does not seem as safe as in the daytime habitat. Maybe the street light is annoying, the eyes are sensitive.

In this case, the best way out is to sew a cat bed, see fig. This matter requires a separate discussion; here we will only say that the best blank is a sleeve of unusable fur clothing, saturated with the master's smell. And the most suitable place for him is under a stool or chair. And the instinct says to the cat: there is a solid roof over his head, and they will not come in the dark.

Cat house bed from an old T-shirt

Another interesting option is a bed made of an old T-shirt on a rigid frame, this is almost a house, see fig. left; you can climb into the sleeves. The frame is best made from bamboo slats, wrapping the joints with thread crosswise and gluing PVA. It can be made of steel wire, but then you need to put on the sheaths of propylene on the steel; a heat-shrinkable tube (HERE) used for electrical work is suitable. Fiberglass, for example, rod ends, will not cause protest from a cat, but they are more difficult to connect, fiberglass PVA does not hold well.

About complexes and kennels

There are, as you know, whole breeds of cats are playful and lazy. And many keep not one, but several. In any case, if this is not a cat, then there will be a litter. What kind of house is needed then?

If you count on kittens who will then go into good hands, a kennel house like a doghouse is enough, see fig., With all the additional equipment required. It is made longer, about 0.5 m for an average cat: she alone in the house curls up into a ball, but the kittens need to be fed with milk. For them, the long walls are made inclined, and with a shelf under a pitched roof - so it will be more convenient for the brood, without disappearing from the parent's eye, to train in climbing and claw point.

House-kennel for a cat with a brood

It is also possible to have a whole cat-lover at home: although cats do not form prides like lions, the rudiments of social behavior in pets over the centuries of evolution alongside humans have nevertheless developed. However, remember: once there is a community of animals, then there will be a hierarchy. Moreover, cats will remain individualists: if cohabitation with a person has been behind them for centuries, then walks in themselves are geological eras. Therefore, it is better not to try to settle at least a couple of sexually mature cats in one house: a residential complex with a separate dwelling for each individual is needed, see Fig. on right.

Complex for two cats living together

The technology for its construction is generally the same as for one house (see below), but there are specific requirements:

  • Houses - at different levels; to whom what - the cats themselves will distribute.
  • For a subordinate individual (her house is the lower one), it is necessary to provide a covered (in the form of a pipe, for example) lounger on the same level with the house; she in exchange for a subordinate position receives increased security, because the dominant observer functions, and the subordinate's upper observation deck is no longer needed.
  • A third, connecting platform is needed, located approximately in the middle between the houses.

Note:there is no need to accustom cats to consumer democracy - in natural communities, connections are based on the laws of nature and are organized in such a way that the collective as a whole wins.

All in one

Small Cat Scratching House

In small apartments, carving out a place for even the simplest cat's corner is not easy. The problem of peace of mind in a minimal footprint is solved with a bed, see above, but what about the claws? They are growing. A scratching post house with sides adapted for this procedure will help out. In fact, the claw point for a cat is a serious matter and requires a separate discussion, but one of the simplest ways to implement such a house is shown in Fig. It differs from those described below in that it can only be made of wood: another material will not withstand the loads from the claws.


If you read what and how it is recommended to make cat houses, then you often think: your dacha was simpler and required a smaller set of tools. It would be unethical to reproach people who want to equip their favorites as best as possible, in excessive efforts out of love for them. So let's just see how to do what the cat needs and will serve her all her life, without unnecessary costs and hassle. It makes no sense to make a house, designed for several generations: a self-respecting cat will not live in a secondary apartment, it would be better then for a trash can, and then in a linen chest of drawers.


The materials for the house can be either natural or synthetic, but the smell does not scare cats away. Best of all - second-hand, smelled of home and owners. New ones with a noticeable smell disappear unconditionally, and the others must first be aired for a week or two on the balcony or in the country, but not in the garage or outbuildings with livestock, and then keep it in the apartment for the same amount of time. This does not apply to parts made of massive plastics: they can exude odors for years.

It is definitely not possible to recommend metals, especially visible metal fasteners - furniture corners, etc. Firstly, there may be cracks invisible to a person that can grab a hair from the fur. Secondly, any metal part is a current collector, and the cat will have to endure pinches from static electricity from time to time.

Materials for building a cat house

In addition, suddenly there is no padding polyester, you will need a lining fabric (satin or twill); it can be replaced with leatherette with great success, if available. If you want to give the house additional strength - small, up to 20 mm, nails. To attach the post - 3-4 wood screws 4.2 x (60-100). For soft houses and partly for wooden ones - cotton threads №10-№20 or harsh, the thickest, which can be tucked into your sewing machine. For the simplest temporary houses (for example, if the cat was taken with them to the country), glue and tape are enough.

Note: silk fabrics and threads are excluded - the cat's house from them will seem to her an electric bullet. Wool is undesirable for sanitation and hygiene, it quickly gets dirty and rots from cat grease. Synthetics can be used antistatic.

About pipe poles

In many recipes for building cat houses, for some reason, it is advised to make poles from metal or PVC pipes. What is called, contrary to the obvious:

  • More expensive than a piece of wood, which can be completely free.
  • Harder to handle.
  • For attachment to the platform, a socket is required, which costs money, and to it and the post - additional fasteners.
  • The rope winding holds much worse than the wooden one.


To make a variety of houses in the ways described below, the most common household tools are enough: a hammer, knife, scissors, screwdriver, awl, pliers, flat glue brush. An electric drill with a set of drills will not interfere. If the house is wooden and its parts are connected at an angle different from a straight one, a jigsaw will come in handy: the support shoe of most models turns to the sides and the end cut can be made at any inclination. For a soft house, it is highly desirable to have a sewing machine, but if there is time, they can be sewn by hand; cutting is the simplest. Then they sew with a simple sail seam, passing the purl branch of the thread into the loop formed by the front one.

About gluing and gluing

As you probably already guessed, we will either sew or glue the houses. Wooden in the process of assembly can be strengthened by knocking nails into the end, see below. But in order for the adhesive joints to be strong and reliable, you need to glue PVA as follows:

  • A thin layer of glue is applied to both surfaces to be glued with a brush.
  • They are waiting for the gelatinization of the glue, when its layer becomes translucent or with individual small yellowish-whitish spots. This, depending on external conditions, takes 3-20 minutes.
  • The parts are tightly pressed against each other and fixed with nails, strapping, clamp, etc. You can remove the bandage and continue assembly in 40-60 minutes.

Note: so that when assembling on glue and nails they do not come out obliquely, the places for them must be marked in advance (step - 30-70 mm), and the end of the counterpart should be pricked with an awl in the middle of the thickness to a depth of 3-6 mm. You will be surprised how easy and neat the assembly is then.

The pillar to the lower platform, or the upper platforms to it, is attached with glue in the same way, but immediately after the parts are compressed, they are fixed with self-tapping screws, 3-4 at the end. For self-tapping screws, you need to pre-drill holes with a diameter into the body of a self-tapping screw without a thread (for 4.2 mm - 2.2-2.5 mm) and a depth of 3/4 of the length of the threaded part.

Scheme of applying glue for gluing with a cloth

When gluing and pasting wooden parts with cloth, carpet and leatherette, glue is applied only to the tree with rays from the center and circle the contour, not reaching 10-20 mm to the edge, see fig. The soft material is applied as soon as gelation begins, i.e. when the glue begins to turn yellow, and from the wrong side is pulled together with threads. You can't put pressure on your face! After an hour and a half, the face is stroked through a barely damp cloth with a press of a medium-hot iron - and you can assume that this is forever.

Note: if foam rubber is placed under the fabric, then, of course, it is impossible to iron. Then the foam rubber is glued first; as soon as it sticks, the fabric is on top, and everything is pulled together from the inside with threads until it dries.

The easiest way is to paste over a tree with a synthetic winterizer: we apply strokes or drops of glue on it with a step of 30-60 mm in both coordinates, and wait for the start of gelatinization. Immediately put it on wood or cardboard; can be slightly moved, adjusting along the contour. Then press it with your palm, and after 10-20 minutes you can continue to work.

Note: and the most important rule - do not tear off the "left" part. If this happens, the connection must be separated, dried completely, removed the old glue and glued again.

The simplest cat house is made of cardboard. Most often, the case is used for packing cardboard from boxes from household appliances, which have expired. A cardboard house can be permanent, permanent. So that the packaging cardboard for the cat's house can replace plywood and wood in general, it is glued in half, orienting the inner corrugations of the layers mutually perpendicular. Apply the adhesive in a fan, as described above, to both surfaces. Fold, not pressing hard, as soon as gelatinization begins. If such a cake is then also impregnated with a water-polymer emulsion (this is, in fact, the same PVA, very strongly diluted), then you get almost plywood.

But the simplest of the simplest is a suitably sized cat house out of a box. Here, except for scotch tape, scissors and 5-10 minutes of time, nothing is needed at all, on the left in Fig. The bedding is a piece of padding polyester, an old grandmother's warm jacket, foam rubber wrapped in jacquard or carpet tied from the inside with threads, etc. If there is a piece of felt - mu-rr-mr-r-yar! Meow! This house will come in handy, as already mentioned, on the road, or if the cat has brought offspring, and her permanent house is cramped. Then, when the kittens grow up, the fluctuating ends of the pediments will completely pass for an unusable mouse. And the gables themselves will go under the ramps for climbing and for the point of not yet fully strengthened claws.

Cat houses made of cardboard

The Japanese, masters of useful crafts from nothing, came up with cardboard hive houses for cats, in the middle in Fig. The technology is quite painstaking, but simple: rings are cut and PVA is glued. Cats like it without additional finishing, if only there was a litter. The hive house is very durable: if the base is plywood, it lasts for the whole life of the cat, so long as the inattentive guest does not accidentally sit down.

The next option for using cardboard is sun beds for grown kittens. It is too early for them to separate, but everyone already needs their own corner. Here, cardboard spools or tubes from sheet materials will help out well. From them, you can literally build a whole town for cat's little things in an hour, on the right in Fig.

Finally, a cardboard house for a cat can be permanent, on a plywood base and with a post with a lounger. The cutting of parts for it is shown in Fig. Assembly - completely on glue; for a secure connection, you can manually quilt with thread. Decorations and interior upholstery are optional. Preferred for smooth-haired southern breeds, and not only because it is made like a hollow. Southern cats (recall that their supposed ancestors lived in hollows) often sharpen their claws on the inside of the house. Here, no tree with fabric will last long, but labor is a pity. And the cardboard house can be easily replaced with the same new one.

Cut out parts for a cardboard cat house


A cat's house made of wood is necessary for large and strong breeds: Persian, Siberian, the same tiger Americans, as well as for all breeds of clearly European forest origin, for example. Norwegian. For the cat, the most important thing here is height, good visibility in all directions and an extensive upper lounger from which you can jump. A drawing of a house for a cat of this type is shown in Fig. For smaller breeds, the size can be reduced according to your pet, but keep in mind: an outlet of the bed under the tail is necessary. Cats do not like when the tail hangs down, for it a predator can pull a larger one.

House drawing for a big cat

A house of a typical scheme is more suitable for a cat, see above. In general, the assembly sequence is as follows:

  • The base is being prepared, a pillar (pillars) with a sunbed (sunbeds) is installed on it.
  • The details of the house are cut out to the size minus 1 mm along the contour for the inner upholstery made of fabric with foam rubber, or exactly to the size when upholstered with padding polyester.
  • If the upholstery is fabric, the inner sides of the parts are pre-covered with twill or satin on 15-20 mm foam rubber, as described above; foam pads should not reach the edges by 15-20 mm, the fabric is glued to the ends of the parts.
  • The house is assembled with glue and nails as described.
  • If the upholstery is synthetic winterizer, the house is pasted over with it from the inside; the joints of the layers are also glued with glue sausages.
  • Excess interior upholstery is trimmed from the outside.
  • The house and sun beds are pasted over from the outside with decorative fabric, without foam rubber.
  • Jacquard is also glued to the ends of the loungers and entrance / exit openings, in addition, an inward bend of 20-25 mm is given with gluing.
  • The house is installed on the base with glue; after drying (1-2 days), you can celebrate housewarming.

Note: We remind you that when pasting with a cloth, the glue is applied with a brush to the wood, and the cloth is applied at the beginning of gelatinization. The ends are pasted over after the planes, pulling the fabric tightly.

Post winding

Winding the post with rope

The pillar is wrapped with rope until the base is glued, for which you will then have to cut a circle in the fabric. In general, it is better to leave the base and roof of the house as it is, wooden. The cat does not need softness there.

When winding, first make several flat turns on the base on the glue, see fig. Then, already on the post, also 5-6 glued turns. They wind up to the top, pulling tight. Sliding turns are knocked out with light hammer blows. At the top, the procedure is repeated in reverse order: the last 5-6 turns on the pillar are glued, then there are also several glued ones on the underside of the platform. In conclusion, when the post is completely dry, the ends of the rope are dug in with glue so that they do not get shaggy.

Note:if you are familiar with the sailing / rigging business, then it is better to measure the rope with a test winding and make the so-called. lights; this is the surest way to prevent stripping.

It seems that a good half of the cats still prefer a soft house, albeit without posts with sunbeds. These, probably, have already been domesticated. And then the question arises: how to arrange materials, in principle, shapeless, so that the entire product keeps its shape? Not a sleeping sleeve though.

Cat-lovers, I must say, have solved this problem long ago. Intuitively or scientifically, who knows. But the principle has also been known for a long time: to fold materials with different indicators of flexibility in different directions, so that the overall shape holds. To do this, the house is sewn from foam rubber, laid between 2 layers of fabric: softer it goes to the inside, and coarser, but more attractive - to the face. A synthetic winterizer as a gasket is not good, too soft.

The manufacturing sequence is as follows, see fig. First, the bottom and deaf sidewalls are quilted with an envelope, pos. 1. Then, without overlaying the face, on the wall with the entrance, mark its contour and stitch it in a zigzag, pos. 2. In this case, you need to put a newspaper under the foam rubber, because it sticks to both the platform and the machine's foot, and the pushers tear it. Next, the entrance is cut out, the face of the wall with the entrance is covered with a face cloth, tucking it inward, pos. 3, and stitch along the inner and outer contours. Finally, the house is finally sewn, pos. 4, and turned out through the entrance - the dwelling is ready, pos. five.

Sewing a house for a cat from foam rubber and fabric

Note: who knows how to sew, he will tailor according to his favorite. However, there are special cases. For example, in Fig. on the right is a pattern of a house for a cat with offspring or for a large one; dimensions - in cm. In the latter case, the height of the entrance opening can be increased to 30 cm by choosing more material in the dome, the structure will withstand it. But in the lower tape, so to speak, the base, you need to leave the same 10 cm.

In general, for a cat family in a soft house, it is preferable to make the inner upholstery from leatherette. Firstly, for the sake of sanitation and hygiene: after turning the house inside out, you can wash it. Secondly, kittens do not yet own their claws as perfectly as adults, and they can get entangled in the tissue. Therefore, the video below offers step-by-step instructions on how to make a soft house for a cat with kittens from fabric and leatherette.

Video: do-it-yourself cat house made of imitation leather

Multi-level mesh house for cats

A kind of soft house for a whole collection of cats is made of mesh, and the partitions between the compartments are made of fabric with a foam rubber pad. Stiffness is provided by a polypropylene rod sewn along the contour. They came up with such, and even folding, cat-lovers in Canada, and several companies successfully trade in them, see fig. However, it also shows that something similar can be done independently. The distribution of levels in the hierarchy, jumps, overview - everything is under the paw without unnecessary details, but is hung on the wall in any suitable place. At least in the country or on vacation, if the administration or the owners are allowed to take cats with you.

And the most important thing

Namely: before taking up the instrument, take a closer look at the cat. Where why does she go, what does where, what she likes and what does not. Affectionate and firm characters are quite compatible in one creation. For example, Pantyukha, who lives with the author of the article, completely chose a flat box from under an avocado under a kitchen stool. The battery is right behind the back. Jumps from the stool to the table, from there - to the windowsill. Either from the remnants of the smell of fruit, he loves, or from the tree of the box itself, but he has grown into his rookery tightly and meets with hysterics any attempts to move him from his favorite slum to a more decent real estate. And if you give another new building to your acquaintances - they, you know, felice catus, immediately settle down and are beside themselves with delight. That's it.

Any domestic cat, regardless of its age and breed, needs a separate living space, where it can feel safe and calm.

When thinking about how to make a do-it-yourself cat house, you should start with planning and drawings.

When building such a house with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account some features and nuances.

The size and shape of the dwelling

The variety of cat house designs is amazing. However, the most optimal are designs in the form of beds and houses equipped with a scratching post. Better if everything is put together.

Two factors affect the size of the cat's future apartments:

  • the size of the animal,
  • free area for installation of the structure.

If there are several furry in the family, then a play complex is simply necessary. Photos of the cat house show that the variety of modern finishing materials allows you to create designs that can harmoniously fit into interior compositions of any style.

Building materials

The most commonly used materials for building a cat's home are:

  • chipboard, MDF and plywood sheets, boards made of natural wood are suitable for the manufacture of the frame;
  • to sew a soft house for your beloved cat in the form of a comfortable bed, possibly from fabric and foam filler;
  • just create houses for cats from ordinary boxes;

  • to arrange a scratching post for a fluffy one, you should stock up on a jute or sisal rope. Only it is not necessary to fasten them with staples or nails, since the animal can damage the limbs;
  • for the base of the scratching post, PVC pipes or metal and wood products are suitable;
  • in the form of filler for pillows and mattresses, sintepon, foam pieces are chosen;
  • the interior is decorated with fur, plush or fleece;
  • to cover the external facade, material is selected based on the animal's habit of tearing its claws: carpet will be a good option;
  • adhesives for work should be purchased without a pungent odor, which can scare the cat away.

Installing a cat home

The main condition for placing a cat apartment is the stability of the structure.

Installation level is also important, as cats like to watch from above. Therefore, the optimal height for the location of the house will be 1-1.2 meters from the ceiling.

But the beds and platforms should be distributed at different levels of the structure.

Preparation for building a house

Before starting construction, you should acquire the following materials:

  • Fiberboard board 40 x 120 cm (base) and 44 x 55 cm (walls), chipboard 44 x 60 cm (roof);
  • Seven slats (spacers) about 40 cm long, 3 by 4 - section;
  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 11 cm and a length of 60 cm and a jute rope (scratching post) and a 40 x 20 cm board (inclined scratching post);
  • Fiberboard and chipboard with foam rubber 44 x 30 cm (bed);
  • Upholstery fabric.

Construction process

The instruction on how to make a house for a cat with your own hands is quite simple.

First of all, rectangular parts are cut out of the chipboard and chipboard panels according to the size. Circles with a diameter of 27 cm are drawn on two parts.

The rear wall plane remains deaf, and several holes are drawn on the front one: one with a diameter of 22 cm is the entrance, and several small ones in the form of windows. Next, use a jigsaw or drill to cut out the holes according to the indicated marks.

After that, the two obtained elements are combined in order to mark the places where the vertical battens will be installed. Better to take 7 pieces. Through-drilled holes on both walls will be the marks.

Reiki for a cat's dwelling must be pre-processed: planed, aligned and sanded. The front and the same rear elements of the house are connected by slats to self-tapping screws.


On the basis of a chipboard canvas, in the place where the house will be attached, foam rubber should be placed, and a circle should be drawn where the scratching post will be installed. The entire surface of the base is covered with a decor fabric, which is conveniently attached to the stapler.

House roof

To do this, the upper part is pasted over, and the slats that are located in the lower part inside the structure are closed. After that, the finished house is attached to the base, picking up the necessary screws in size.

In order for the pipe placed inside to be stable, it is fixed on both sides with wooden blocks. They are attached with screws or glue.

To equip the couch from the chipboard, cut out semicircular parts, which are strung on the pipe. After the place for placing the scratching post has been determined in the vertical position, the pipe can be connected to the base of the house.

At the end of the construction, a string with a favorite cat's toy is attached under the bed.


The bed itself is sheathed with foam rubber elements and selected fabric. The pipe is wrapped with jute or sisal rope, which are attached with glue.

A scratching post for a cat is upholstered with fabric from the edges, and it is better to wrap the middle with a rope. Further, the board is attached at the top to the rail of the house, and at the bottom to the base of the building.

Cat playground

At the beginning of the construction, a box of suitable dimensions is made. The entrance to the inside can have any shape and shape. The assembled box is attached to the base of the complex. The pipes are attached to the house with corners and screws.

The next level of the gaming complex is represented by a couch. To make it interesting for the animal to move around its home, you can install a ladder on the side or inside the building, securing it with corners.

The upper level is designed as a gable roof mounted on 4 pipes.


After collecting the entire complex, you can start decorating.

All pipes should be wrapped with suitable ropes, couches and other floors can be covered with carpet webs. All cuts and walls of holes must be covered with furniture strips to ensure safe movement of the animal inside the complex.

Photo of a house for a cat with your own hands

Every conscientious owner should take care of the comfort of his pets, guided by the famous quote from The Little Prince: "We are responsible for those we have tamed." All our pets should feel the plant on the part of the owner: dogs, parrots, domestic rats and hamsters. Cats are no exception.

Today we will talk about how to make a house for a cat with your own hands. In addition to the step-by-step instructions with the video, we will also consider many examples of photos of how such structures might look. First, let's find out which types of cat homemade houses are the most common.

Houses for a cat: options

First of all, I would like to remind you that a cat house can be both homemade and purchased. The fact is that many specialized Internet shops, as well as pet stores, where you can buy a ready-made home for your pet, are selling such products.

The price of such a product can be different and vary greatly, depending on the materials used, size, configuration, and even additional decor. At the same time, the appearance of such a "dwelling" can be completely different, often very distantly reminding of what purpose it should fulfill and for whom exactly it is intended.

Let's look at the most common types:

  1. The basic products include beds. Of course, this is a fairly budget option that almost every owner can afford. They can be of different shapes. The simplest beds are made of a rug, which is trimmed around the perimeter with a border-edging, which can be made in one or in several different colors. In addition, cribs and even original sofas that copy real large furniture can be options for couches, the only difference is that they were originally intended for pets.
  2. Hammocks are a slightly more complex variation. Although, on the other hand, such a house can be made by yourself, since there is nothing complicated about it. The difference between hammocks is that they can be suspended using special ropes with various fasteners.
  3. A more solid option is a booth. This type of cat house is equipped with a full-fledged small roof and is also covered with special upholstery. This is usually a soft tissue. Such a house for a cat can also be made by hand at home. By the way, for greater practicality, this design can be supplemented with a scratching post.
  4. A slightly simpler option is cardboard cat houses out of the box. Of course, they are short-lived, but there is no problem in making a new such house. Plus, this way you can get rid of unnecessary boxes. By the way, you can also make a bird feeder from cardboard boxes, the manufacture of which is described in more detail in this article.
  5. More complex structures are play complexes. Such a house for a cat is a kind of mini-residential complex with everything you need for your pet, including toys, a scratching post, a hanging hammock, manholes and passages, a small staircase, and, of course, the cat's house itself.
  6. Combined furniture that is suitable for both owners and their favorites. As a rule, these are small poufs or bedside tables, which can be used both for sitting or storing household items, and for staying your cat, who can sleep in a niche specially designated for him.

In addition, more complex options are on sale, which are often not so easy to make yourself. As a rule, they are made to order and take into account numerous requirements, including the features of the interior of the house.

Popular materials

Felt is a great material

Let's look at what materials can be used in the manufacture of this or that part of the cat's house.

Detail Material and its characteristics
The foundation Loungers, baskets and hammocks can be made of fabric. As a rule, the frames of more solid booths are made of wood, in one form or another. It can be MDF, chipboard plywood or just boards, if we are talking about making it yourself. The house for the cat should be such that there is no persistent smell of materials or glue in it.
External finishing In most cases, fabric or other decorative material is used as upholstery. Small pillows are also made with filled fabric. Try to make sure that almost all structural elements are upholstered with something soft.
Litter You can add foam rubber, straw, synthetic winterizer or special granules, as well as other soft litter fillers.
Claw sharpener In most cases, a special winding is used made of thick, coarse ropes. The base of the scratching post can be made of plastic, wood or metal.
Fasteners and other elements The glue should not have a pungent and pungent odor. If necessary, use hardware (screws, nails), as well as staples for a stapler, and so on. All of these elements are usually metallic.

In addition, other materials can be used, especially in those cases when it comes to the individual production of cat houses.

Best options for a pet

As a rule, houses are bought or made for small kittens, and for already sufficiently mature cats, both young and old. In this case, it is necessary to pay special attention to such points as:

  1. Ensure that the house is long enough. The size should be such that your cat can fully stretch out to its full height.
  2. Different koshem can have different temperaments. So, for more sociable pets, it is better to buy an open crib or a couch, and also install a house in the middle of the room, or in a prominent place. For more modest cats, especially in those cases when they do not perceive strangers well, it is better to choose a closed type dwelling, setting it further, for example, in a corner.
  3. If you have a mother-cat with kittens, or you are the owner of a whole feline pride, we advise you to opt for the so-called "residential complexes" with several internal premises, which were described just above. At the same time, this design can serve as a kind of playroom for little kittens.
  4. In addition, before buying or making a cat house yourself, you need to observe your pet and see where he likes to sleep: lower or higher. If he prefers high places, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of a multi-level structure with several "floors", but if low - feel free to choose a single-level house for a cat or an ordinary bed.
  5. If possible, buy a bunch of dried catnip, also known as catnip. Cats love this plant and its scent, which will quickly attract your pet to its new home.
  6. Make sure the house is strong and stable, given that many cats have an active lifestyle.

A suitcase is also a great idea.

Attention! Try to choose materials (both for manufacturing and in an already finished product) that do not have an unpleasant chemical smell.

How to make a cat house with your own hands

You can make almost every type of dwelling for cats yourself: sew using patterns, assemble by studying the drawings and step-by-step photos, as well as video instructions. Moreover: as a rule, most of us, in apartments or houses, have a lot of seemingly unnecessary things:

  • Old boxes.
  • Scraps and scraps of fabric.
  • Remains of boards.
  • Filler and material from old jackets (synthetic winterizer, batting, etc.).

Using all these materials, you can not only make a house for a cat with your own hands, but also get rid of unnecessary things cluttering up the apartment. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to have the skills of a weaver, seamstress or carpenter, since most of these structures are made according to fairly simple schemes.

By the way! If possible, try to study a master class that tells you step by step how to make a house for a cat.

Plywood cat house

A simple plywood house for a cat (photos are available for examples in the gallery) will require you to perform the following scheme of actions:

  1. We will prepare materials and components: cut-to-size plywood sheets, metal connecting profile, fasteners, as well as soft thick fabric. A piece of old carpet will do, too.
  2. Using a profile and screws, we connect individual parts of the future structure.
  3. Using carpet or other similar coverings, trim the interior of the house.
  4. Do not forget to cut a hole of the required size on one of the walls in advance.

Wicker house - joy for a pet

Fabric hanging trapezoid

One of the simpler options is, without a doubt, the use of unnecessary old boxes that once served as packaging. At the same time, quite thin pillows can be used to make cat housing, which are made with special fabric strips. What is needed to manufacture structures of this type?

Let's see:

  • First of all, you need to prepare all the necessary materials and components, which will be, first of all, sofa cushions. On the other hand, they can be made separately if you do not have ready-made ones in stock. In addition, you will need filler to fill the pillows. As a filler, you can, in extreme cases, use an old rag.
  • The very process of creating a trapezoid house begins with the fact that the pillows must be connected. This is done using special tapes made of fabric. Connecting tapes up to 0.5 meters wide (depending on the size of the cat) are sewn on all sides of the pillow.
  • Then the second pillow is sewn on. Thus, it turns out that the distance between the pillows is ultimately equal to the width of the connecting straps.
  • If you wish, you can also use a hammock, which you can buy or make yourself. Such trapezoids are suspended by special, pre-sewn ropes to an attachment fixed on the stem or on the ceiling.

Fabric lounger

Do-it-yourself cat beds made of fabric are quite simple to manufacture. Here's a quick crafting workshop:

  • To begin with, we will select all the necessary materials. These include fabrics from natural raw materials, threads, as well as small elastic bands and foam rubber (you can use any similar filler).
  • Select the size of fabric you want. The best way to do this is to use scissors. When measuring it, you need to take into account the size of your cat.
  • If you decide to use a filler, then you will have to cut not one, but two identical pieces of fabric, which are sewn with threads, thus forming a cover, which is then filled with padding polyester, rags or foam rubber and sewn tightly.
  • To each side, if desired, you can sew elastic bands or ropes with which you will tie the fabric lounger to the chair legs.

Simple cardboard construction

Why do cats love boxes? There are many explanations for this. But the main thing is that they really like all kinds of cozy places. Cats climb into them themselves, and sometimes a cat drags kittens from other places to a closed and cozy picture "house". There they sleep, sometimes they gnaw something, playing and often in such places a pregnant expectant mother likes to hide. If you go to make a cardboard house for a cat with your own hands, you will need to select the necessary materials, and then step by step perform all the necessary steps, according to the instructions:

  • Breathe an appropriately sized cloth and box.
  • Place the fabric inside. Old unnecessary shreds will do.
  • If the box is closed, cut a hole for entry and exit.

Closed soft house for a cat

On a note! If you have a desire, you can additionally decorate your cat's house in such a way that it looks not just like a cardboard box, but more attractive.

You can place a cardboard house for a cat anywhere in the room. In this case, it is advisable to take into account the characteristics of the character of your pet.

Residential complex manufacturing

A complex for several cats or for a cat with small kittens is a slightly more complex structure, compared to those described above. For this reason, in order to make a complex for cats with your own hands, you will need some knowledge in the design of furniture items and in working with wood, in general. So, here's a step-by-step manufacturing guide:

  1. Prepare the necessary materials, including fabric for upholstery, boards (OSB or chipboard plates are suitable), screws or nails, as well as tubes for assembling the frame.
  2. From chipboards you will need to cut out a round base, from which you can make that part of the complex that will act as a couch.
  3. A metal tube (or several tubes, depending on the design) is mounted perpendicularly to the base.
  4. Boards are mounted along the edges of the base, which will be used as walls. On top of them, you need to mount a roof, leaving a small hole in it so that the cat and kittens can get out to the upper level when they want it.
  5. Alternatively, you can dispense with this hole by using an external ladder.
  6. Additionally, you can attach a scratching post and other auxiliary structures.

House for a cat made of foam

And finally, consider a step-by-step scheme for making a house made of dense foam with your own hands. By the way, unlike some of the previous options, all you need is foam plates (or even better if it is a ready-made box), as well as a cloth or clean rags. You can look at the photos for ideas of how such a cat house should look). You can make this type of construction:

  1. In the form of a simple bed.
  2. As a closed house if you have a styrofoam box.

For the convenience of your cat, line the bottom with clean rags or remnants of a soft cloth.


As we can see, there are many possible options for feline habitats. At the same time, before you make a house for a cat with your own hands, it is advisable to study each of them, estimate what materials you have available and dwell on something most suitable. In addition, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the habits and habits of your cat, which will make his stay as comfortable and convenient as possible.

When doing this, try to avoid sharp edges or corners in any part of the structure. In any case, everything is in your hands. Therefore, you should not limit yourself exclusively to the options presented, since there are a huge number of types of designs for cats, dogs and other pets. The main task here is the manifestation of fantasy.

As examples, see photos of DIY cat houses:

The indifference of cats to a variety of boxes, drawers and shelves is hard not to notice: at the first convenient opportunity, they will rush to study and fill the enticing space behind the door of kitchen and wardrobes, as well as every cardboard in the house that comes under their hands, that is, paws.

Caring owners, of course, want to please their pet and at the same time protect the cabinets from curiosity and the invasion of the mustachioed-striped-tailed beasts. To solve this issue, a self-made cat house from a cardboard box is perfect.

Every living organism needs a personal space, a place that belongs only to him, where he can feel comfortable and safe. Household purrs are no exception, as they are known to like to “walk on their own,” and thanks to their freedom-loving nature, they are constantly looking for a secluded personal corner.

Cardboard boxes are especially good for this purpose:

A house for a cat, made with his own hand from a cardboard box, will definitely delight the tailed friend, satisfying his urgent cat needs. In addition, it can become another wonderful place not only for a four-legged one to relax, but also for exciting games with domestic inhabitants.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of structures

The elements of the future construction depend on the model of the selected house and the design idea, but there are common components that will in any case come in handy in the construction of cat apartments.

These include:

  • Carton or carton (boxes)
  • Scissors and stationery knife
  • Tape measure / centimeter and pencil / pen
  • Brushes and glue. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of glue. With its strong, pungent smell, the cat will not want to be inside or even near the cardboard house. To prevent this, the adhesive must be environmentally friendly and have quality certificates. If it is not possible to find or purchase such glue, PVA glue is perfect.

Armed with the necessary materials, you can proceed to the next stage of manufacturing.

How to choose the size of a cat house

In order for a cat to feel comfortable in its house, it is necessary to do it based on the dimensions of the tailed pet, taking into account its behavioral preferences and habits. For example, the owners of Bengal and Siamese cats may face the addiction of these breeds to stand on their hind legs, which means that the height of the structure must be calculated so that the cat can climb on its hind legs inside the house.

A good option for such a cat would be a cardboard wigwam, which will immediately generate interest and at the same time provide convenience.

A do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box must be performed only with accurate measurements to be sure that the cat will fit in it.

It should be remembered that the cat should have enough space not only for sleeping, but also for stretching upon awakening, and since catofans instinctively tend to mark their territory, then for the claw point.

The best option for the size of the cat's house: the base is 50x60 cm and 30 cm height. British cats will feel comfortable in a house with dimensions of 50x50x20 cm, representatives of the Bengal breed will fit a design starting from a size of 42x40x50 cm, and the Maine Coon, as a large cat, will like a house with a play complex measuring 120x60x180 cm.

Features of building a future pet house

To make your cat's house as comfortable as possible, you need to take into account the animal's behavioral habits and preferences. For example, some owners of purr could notice a passion behind their pets to climb to the very tops of sideboards and cabinets.

This is due to several factors:

  • The higher the cat climbs, the more confident she feels. On an instinctive level, this is a sign of superiority over other animals and their relatives.
  • Warm air with the onset of cold snaps rises up to the ceiling, and to keep warm the cat climbs as high as possible.

In this case, the cat will like the design with a column. a meter and a half in height and a minimum diameter of 10-15 cm, on which the house will be mounted.

Also, based on the habits of the animal, you need to choose the size of the entrance: for cats who like to rest especially in their society, a compact entrance is suitable, while those who like to watch all the household and everything that happens need an entrance that will provide a good view. The optimal entrance width is 15-20 cm.

Options for houses made of cardboard

A do-it-yourself cat house from a cardboard box can be made for every taste, choosing for this an attractive degree of intricacy, complexity and design idea. The only question is in the personal preferences of the owner and the cat, and in the amount of free time: some houses can be made in 5 minutes, making and decorating others can take a couple of hours.

There are the following options for cardboard houses:

  • Wigwam- a domed hut, often consisting of a frame in the form of four to six sticks and "walls" of fabric or cardboard.
  • Lounger - a cat bed made from a box or basket covered with a mattress or thick soft cloth.
  • One-story and two-story cardboard houses - the simplest cardboard structures of a square shape, suggesting space for sleeping and playing.
  • Cardboard lock - a complex structure, which includes cardboard blocks, interconnected in several floors with various decorative elements, cut out windows.
  • Cardboard tower - a structure consisting of many layers of cardboard cut out in rings, of different diameters, from the largest at the bottom to the smallest at the top.

A simple cardboard box house. Step-by-step instruction


A complex house out of the box. Detailed master class


Cardboard tower or castle

To build a tower house for a cat from a cardboard box with your own hands, you must follow these steps:

Two-story house made of cardboard

You will need: templates for doors and windows (prepare and cut out beforehand), two identical strong cardboard boxes (the larger the cat, the larger the box is needed), a pencil, a ruler, a stationery knife, hot glue.


  1. First, decide on a scale, draw and cut out patterns for doors and windows. Attach them to the boxes that will make up the first and second floors, and trace the outlines of the templates. Take a clerical knife and along the drawn lines make an opening for doors with windows.
  2. Take the first box and cut off the two upper flaps from it, located not opposite each other, but next to each other. Take the second box and cut the flaps in the same places, but from the bottom. After that, glue the shutters to each other in each box. When the roof is done, you will need to connect them together and glue them.
  3. We make the roof. To do this, draw triangles on the two smaller flaps at the top, located opposite each other, so that the two remaining parts of the flap can be bent forward. Along the drawn line, lightly draws a knife and bend it forward. After that we glue them from below to two adjacent flaps, thus making a roof. Now you can connect both boxes together.
  4. The house is ready! Get your cat to evaluate the work. For more comfort, you can lay a rug or pillow inside the house.

How to decorate a cardboard cat house. Decorating ideas

To make the cat's house more cozy and cute, you need to make a little more effort and decorate the cardboard box with your own hands. To do this, you do not have to run to the store, because most of the decor parts can be found at home.

By the way, finding and making decorations for a house can be another little adventure and an interesting activity, both for the owners and for the curious purr.

Here are some design ideas:

  • Using a thick needle, you can sheathe the house with fabric: completely or only inside, or in separate areas.
  • Glue some white paper to the cardboard and paint it with cute designs.
  • By the same principle, the box can be pasted over with wallpaper, beautiful napkins or newspapers.
  • A variety of stickers can be used, if available. By and large, anything that can be glued or sewn to the box can become a decorative element, turn on your imagination and trust your creative impulse.
  • Soft toys will help you to make a cardboard cat's house with your own hands as a concentration of affection and comfort: select several pieces and place them inside the house, near it, or glue boxes to the walls.
  • Glue a rope that your pet loves to play to the ceiling of the house, inside or outside. You can also tie a rustling candy wrapper, paper or a toy that the cat plays with to the rope.
  • A scratching post near or inside the house will make the area more attractive to the cat and protect the furniture from damage.

There are many options for a house for cats: from the simplest, the production of which will take no more than five to ten minutes, to very intricate ones, with a variety of decor elements, second floors and towers. However, regardless of the complexity of the house, for each owner, the satisfied muzzle of his beloved purr is the best reward for the efforts spent.

Of course, you can purchase a ready-made house, but the manufacturing process itself will be fun for family members and a pet who want to participate in the process. In addition, making a house for a cat with your own hands from a cardboard box is much cheaper than buying a ready-made one. You will be confident in its quality, and you will be able to show your creativity.

Video: DIY cat house from a cardboard box

How to make a house for a cat with your own hands, see the video:

House for a cat made of cardboard, master class:

A cat is a rather capricious animal, and it is not so easy to please her. She hates drafts, hates harsh extraneous sounds, smells and is wary of any rearrangements in the house. Therefore, if you decide to make a house for a cat with your own hands, be sure to take into account all its whims. Otherwise, she will simply ignore the new home.

Types of houses for animals

There are a lot of ideas for making cat houses. It all depends on the amount of free space in the room and your taste.

You can build:

  • house made of cardboard
  • soft foam structure covered with fabric
  • dwelling for a cat made of plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or hardboard
  • a product made of old furniture boards, boards and wooden blocks

You will also need to choose the shape of the dwelling.

When making a home for your pet, do not forget about the general interior of the room. If you choose the right fabric for decoration and the shape of the house, it will become a true decoration of the room and fit perfectly into the interior.

Required materials

The original house can even be obtained from improvised means or materials left over after repairing an apartment.

If you allocate a certain amount for the "construction" of the house and purchase several wooden slats or plywood, as well as a soft and durable fabric for covering, you will be able to make an original design structure that you will not be ashamed to show your guests.

So, you may need:

  • cardboard: if you think that the design from it will turn out to be too flimsy, then you are deeply mistaken; to obtain a durable structure, it is enough to glue it in several layers
  • plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or hardboard: with these durable materials, you can even build a multi-storey house or a palace house
  • wooden slats: they can be used as spacers when creating structures covered with fabric or upholstered with plywood
  • pVC pipes and fittings for their connection: they may well replace wooden slats, and the structure of them will turn out to be no less durable
  • carpet, felt or foam rubber: they can be useful not only for arranging a bed, but also for covering the side walls
  • durable fabric or fur for making a bed
  • any kind of cat toys for hanging
  • wooden block for scratching posts
  • hemp or jute twine for her tight

Do not use highly electrified fabrics for upholstery. They will scare the animal.

House made of cardboard

Of course, you don't have to rack your brains too much and you can make a house out of a cardboard box by cutting out holes for doors and windows in it and throwing a bedding on its bottom. By gluing several boxes together, you can get a dwelling from several rooms and even a multi-storey house.

But such a structure will quickly fall into disrepair - after all, it can be quickly torn and even "eaten" during the game.

Nevertheless, it is better to make a more durable structure with walls from sheets of cardboard glued in several layers. Moreover, with a high-quality finish, it will look no worse than a store product.

Craftsmen from Japan were the first to come up with the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking houses for cats in the form of corrugated cardboard beehives. Today such structures are also on sale. But we will make them ourselves, listening to the wishes of our pet.

First, let's decide what shape and size the cat's dwelling will be. If the domestic cat or cat is still young and full of energy, it would be more logical to create for them a multi-storey structure with shelves for climbing or attach a real tree with many strong branches next to the house.

For a bumpy cat who loves to doze almost round the clock, a soft and comfortable one-story structure with a scratching post attached to it is more suitable. The principle of assembling the house will be the same in any case.

Let's describe how to make a simple house for our pet's cat in the form of a round yurt or rectangle made of corrugated cardboard glued together with layers.

1 Cut the cardboard into rings or strips and join them together with a stack of PVA glue.

2 To ensure the stability of the structure, cut the bottom out of plywood, fiberboard or chipboard and glue it to the finished house.

3 With the help of corrugated cardboard, you can make not only a house, but also a couch, sofa or bed for your cat to relax. Some cat owners manage to build even scratching posts from corrugated cardboard. But their lifespan is short. Plus, garbage will always form around it - even thick paper will tear too quickly under the pressure of cat claws.

4 An animal will definitely like a dwelling made of multilayer cardboard. After all, a solid base will turn out to be warm enough, and the walls are ideally protected from drafts.

If you decide to paint a home for your pet, use persistent dyes for these purposes. After all, gouache or watercolors are unsafe - the animal, after licking the poisonous composition from the fur, can become seriously ill.

Multi-storey plywood construction

If you can keep your pet busy by arranging for him a play complex with ladder shelves, labyrinths, several hanging toys and a scratching post, perhaps he will leave your things alone and will not take them to the corners even in your absence.

For its manufacture, in addition to plywood, you will need furniture corners, sandpaper for cleaning cut points, glue, screws and furniture corners. It is better to pre-upholster the house with foam rubber, and then with a dense, not too-brand cloth.

A piece of carpet will also come in handy - this material is strong enough and will last longer.

Manufacturing of the game complex in stages

A solid house will turn out from plywood, fiberboard, chipboard. You can also donate several boards for it - the construction will only benefit from this.

So, step by step instructions for making it:

1 First draw a detailed diagram showing the size of each part. Even if it is simple enough, you shouldn't ignore this step. It will be a shame if, when joining separate parts, they do not fit in size.

2 Plywood, if desired, can be bent and made into products of complex shapes. To do this, make frequent blind cuts in it. A similar method is used when bending chipboard and MDF. In the future, to strengthen the structure, the formed grooves can be filled with glue. Curved parts from this material are cut with a jigsaw.

3 The wooden blocks can be replaced with PVC water pipes. To connect them, fittings (corners, tees, etc.) are used, which are attached to glue. Pipes must first be degreased with solvent or alcohol, joined with fittings and marked with a pencil where the glue is applied. It is required to fix the elements motionlessly for 5-6 minutes.

4 To "build" a plywood house with 4 walls, floor and roof, in which the cat will rest, you need 6 square or rectangular pieces. Such a dwelling is located at the very top of the structure so that the cat can have a larger viewing angle. And the temperature closer to the ceiling is always higher, and there are much less drafts.

5 Cats do not really like closed booths, so provide not one, but a couple of holes in the house. Be sure to sand the cuts so that the animal does not get hurt.

6 The rest of the details of the play complex are selected at your discretion, depending on the inclinations of the animal. To fix pipes or bars in rectangular or round wooden blanks, you will need to drill holes of a suitable diameter.

7 Cover with carpet or foam rubber not only the sides of the structure, but also the inner surface of the house so that the animal is comfortable in it.

8 To make the structure strong, use metal corners to join parts.

9 Apply a layer of glue to the wooden blocks or PVC pipes and wrap them tightly with hemp or jute twine, hitting it well with a hammer to the surface of the timber. It will be more convenient for the cat to climb them to any floor.

10 A miniature springboard can be attached to the house, along which the cat will climb up. Do not forget to build an observation deck - animals love to climb up in order to be able to see the room well.

11 Make sure the house is securely attached to the wall or floor. If it once collapses, the animal will treat it with apprehension and is unlikely to agree to live in it.

The smell of freshly sawn planks or plywood soaked in glue can scare your cat away. Before reassembly, they should be well weathered.

We attach a tree to the house

The cat loves to climb tree branches. Do not deny her this pleasure, build a device for her from any available means - PVC pipes or wooden bars sheathed with jute rope or pasted over with carpet.

You can even bring from the forest a part of a real tree with large knots.

1 To prevent the animal from pulling the bark around the house, it must be cleaned first.

2 Thoroughly sand each of the branches to prevent injury to the animal.

3 For ease of climbing, attach several viewing platforms to large branches, where the cat can comfortably spread out and observe others. They can be attached using bolts.

4 You can hang a hammock on one of the branches. Stretch the ends well so that the animal is comfortable to climb into it.

House with a scratching post

Let's describe how to make a house with a scratching post:

1 The most convenient design is a column or rectangle with a height of 9-10 cm. Its width should also be sufficient - from 8-10 cm. A comfortable lounger can be arranged at the top of such a structure.

2 The scratching post is attached with furniture corners to a cross-shaped, rectangular stand, which in turn is screwed to the floor.

3 For sheathing, you can take thick jute twine 0.5-1 cm thick, carpet or thick burlap. Synthetic rope should not be used - catching on its fibers, the animal can damage the claw. The twine is firmly glued to the surface while tapping with a hammer.

4 As a scratching point, you can use a rug attached to the wall, a carefully polished log, or even a piece of wood brought from the forest. Before installation, it is necessary to remove all small knots from it and grind it well.

5 Hang a couple of your favorite toys next to her to help grab the animal's attention.

Dwelling built into furniture

You can equip a cat's bedroom in one of the compartments of the bedside table, wardrobe or chest of drawers. After all, even the most sociable animal needs a place for periodic solitude, in which it will feel safe.

After all, even if a pet loves to lie on the couch, when he sees a stranger, he will most likely look for a secluded place.

It is definitely not worth allocating space for a house in the hallway. It is better to arrange it in one of the distant rooms, preferably in the one in which the cat is most often. If you are a breeder and your pet has not been spayed, a maternity ward for a cat can be arranged in ordinary furniture.

To do this, you just need to make a hole in the side wall of the bedside table or wardrobe and build a soft bed from a small children's mattress or an old blanket. If your cat likes to take a nap on an elevated position, arrange a place for her on one of the bookshelves.

To make it convenient for her to climb there, put a small ladder next to it, covered with hemp or jute twine.

Even an old chest of drawers can be turned into a play cat complex. To do this, you just need to remove the drawers, cover the vacated space with a soft cloth and hang curtains so that the cat can rest in peace.

A dwelling for two cats should consist of a couple of rooms or have two floors so that each of the pets has its own place.

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