Hey-Pee-Wee: a complex preparation. Eye drops hey pee wee hey pee wee water solution

Tentorium APV is an aqueous solution of propolis, which contains Artepilin S.

Aqueous extract of propolis APV contains an active and liquid-soluble component Artepilin C, which enhances the biological active properties during the extraction process in a specially prepared aqueous medium. Drops of hey-wee-wee doctors recommend for use not only for pregnant women and children, but also for the elderly, motorists, those who play sports and people whose health is very weakened. It does not contain alcohol.


  • has antimicrobial and bactericidal effect;
  • can suppress the reproduction of tuberculous microbacteria;
  • antifungal agent against candida fungus, aspergillus, also copes with shingles;
  • propolis solution has antiviral activity;
  • enhances immunological reactivity, which allows the drug to be used as a stimulator of various immune factors, as well as to act as a prolongator of the antimicrobial manifestation of antibiotics (it is an essential element in increasing the index of resistance to microbes and viruses and stimulates the adrenal system);
  • has an anti-toxic property, which will be quite important in the case of the manifestation of infectious diseases, which may be accompanied by intoxication;
  • has an anti-sclerotic manifestation and helps to reduce the amount of blood cholesterol, helps in cleaning the walls of blood vessels and reduces blood viscosity;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties, including anti-tumor properties;
  • promotes pain relief;
  • has the ability to heal wounds and has an epithelizing effect;
  • promotes nutrition of the walls of blood vessels, including internal organs, which becomes possible due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals;
  • restores liver cells;
  • stimulates hair growth and strengthens its structure;
  • helps adults and children in the formation of cartilage and bone tissues, including dentin;
  • clears the mucous membrane;
  • cleans the intercellular space;
  • has a beneficial effect on vision.


  • with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs (ARVI, influenza, tonsillitis, acute and chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.), the course - from 2 to 5 weeks, with tuberculosis - up to 6 months;
  • in endocrinology (diabetes mellitus, with dysfunction of the thyroid and adrenal glands), the course is 1 month 2 times a year;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, arterial hypertension, myocarditis, cardiodystrophy, arrhythmias, atherosclerosis), courses for 1-1.5 months 2 times a year;
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastroduodenitis, colitis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystocholangitis, cholelithiasis);
  • in allergic conditions - to reduce the body's hyperreactivity;
  • to relieve intoxication, you can dissolve 1 tablespoon of the extract in 1 liter of water and drink during the day (up to 3 liters in total);
  • for gynecological diseases - in the form of douching, trays and tampons soaked in the extract, daily for 2-3 weeks (cervical erosion - up to 1-2 months, only after colposcopy);
  • in eye practice, dilute the extract with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, instill 2 drops 2 times a day;
  • for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, rhinitis, dilute the extract with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, instill into the nose 3-5 drops 3-4 times a day;
  • for ear inflammations, hearing loss - in the form of turundas soaked in extract - in the ears 2 times a day;
  • for wounds, burns, skin diseases, the local use of the extract in the form of lotions, irrigation.



1 teaspoon 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The recommended course of application is at least one month.


  • from 1 year to 3 years - 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day;
  • from 3 to 8 years old - 1/3 teaspoon 3 times a day;
  • from 8 to 14 years old - 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day.

To cleanse the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract - dilute 1 teaspoon of the extract with warm water, drink on an empty stomach 40 minutes before meals.

For eyes:

1. Dilute the extract with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 2, instill 2 drops 2-3 times a day.

2. The extract may not be diluted, in its pure form it will tingle a little at first, but the effect will be greater. Instill 2 drops 2-3 times a day.

Improve your eyesight!

The new complex helps to restore vision in a natural way and promotes healthy eyes. Helps those who already wear glasses, reads in them, who have painful sensations in their eyes, helps children and adults. We are talking about the unique methodology of Professor Zhdanov V.G.

Natural preparations: Propolis water APV (15 ml) and.

Question: Can you drink hey-wee-wee constantly or take breaks? What does APV or Product # 3 work more effectively?
Answer: It is necessary to take apifitoproducts for a long time, in courses of 1.5 - 2 months, with interruptions of 7-10 days and adherence to the water regime.
Both products work effectively. You can use them in the schemes of taking apiphytoproducts sequentially: first, "APV" for 1.5-2 months, then "Product No. 3" in the same course. You can switch to a local reception - applications, irrigation, etc.

Since ancient times, propolis has been used in medicine and cosmetology, as it has many beneficial properties. Moreover, it is not an allergen, unlike honey (the main product of beekeeping). Aqueous extract of propolis is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the ENT organs, eyes and skin, as well as viral infections.

Brief product characteristics

Propolis is a dark resinous substance produced by bees. They use it to seal the cracks in the hive and disinfect the honeycomb cells. The main component of propolis is a sticky substance, which is collected by bees in early spring from the blossoming buds of birch, poplar and alder. This resin contains about 100 useful substances, namely vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and trace elements that are necessary for the human body.

To obtain an aqueous extract of propolis, it is diluted with water. In pharmacies, you can purchase a 5% solution of a coffee and milk shade. It is sold in plastic and glass bottles of different sizes, depending on the application. It can be used not only for internal and external use, but also as an inhalation.

  • for internal use - the volume of the bubble is 100 ml;
  • for instilling eyes, ears and nose - 15 ml;
  • in the form of a spray - 5 and 150 ml.

Attention! Water infusion of propolis can be used by children over 12 years old.

How to cook

To prepare the extract, you will need the following:

  • 10 g of purified propolis;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • thermos;
  • 2 pots (better enameled);
  • glass bottle of dark color with a lid (stopper).

The water is brought to a boil and left to cool to 50 degrees. It is not recommended to take plain tap water. The shungite water extract, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will be more useful. Or you can prepare your own water base. To do this, drinking water purified through a filter is frozen in a freezer for at least 8 hours. Then thawed at room temperature.

Then propolis is crushed. To do this, it is pre-frozen in the freezer and grated. If a crumbly dark green bee glue was purchased, then you can grind it with a rolling pin or mortar. A low-quality product must be pre-cleaned from impurities. You can also prepare high-quality raw materials by mixing it with cold water for an hour. The floating fraction is not suitable for consumption, and the settled raw materials, on the contrary, will make it possible to prepare a high-quality extract.

The cooled water and crushed prepared propolis are mixed and placed in a water bath for one hour on low heat. In this case, the mixture should be regularly stirred and ensured that its temperature does not exceed 60 degrees.

After an hour, the pan is removed from the heat, the resulting solution is poured into a thermos and left to infuse for 2 days. After that, the solution is filtered and poured into a glass bottle. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator. It is suitable for consumption within 30 days from the date of preparation.

What is an aqueous propolis extract used for?

Water-based propolis extract can be applied both externally and internally. It is used to treat and prevent the following diseases:

The duration of the course of therapy with an aqueous extract of propolis depends on the ailment:

  • 14 days for problems with the upper respiratory tract and viral infections (flu, tonsillitis, acute respiratory viral infections, hepatitis, herpes, etc.).
  • Month for diabetes mellitus and adrenal or thyroid dysfunction. With these diseases, the treatment course is repeated every 6 months.
  • 45 days for angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The drug is taken twice a day. After six months, the course can be repeated.
  • With intoxication 1 tbsp. l. extract is dissolved in 1 l of water. The resulting solution is drunk one glass at a time during the day.

Outdoor use

Infusion of propolis is used externally in the following cases:

  • skin lesions that do not heal for a long time;
  • small wounds and cuts;
  • fungal diseases of nails and skin (candidiasis, lichen and mold fungi);
  • increased skin regeneration.

The aqueous extract of the ailment is used according to the following scheme for each specific ailment:

  • 2-4 times a day for hearing loss and inflammation in the auricle. The cotton solution is impregnated with infusion and lubricated with the affected area.
  • With otitis media, the solution is heated to 35 degrees and 10 drops are instilled three times a day for 2 weeks.
  • With conjunctivitis of viral origin and the initial stage of myopia, a solution diluted with boiled or distilled water is used, 2-3 drops 3 times a day, for 9-12 days.
  • Once a day for two weeks, they make therapeutic baths for gynecological problems.
  • 4 times a day, 3-6 drops for 7-10 days, the infusion is instilled into the nose for rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis. In this case, the extract is pre-diluted with boiled water.
  • For non-healing wounds and skin diseases, lotions, compresses and irrigation are used as needed, until the problem disappears completely.

Attention! It is not recommended to use the extract for the eyes, because it contains essential oils.


Aqueous extract of propolis APV are drops that are prescribed for children, pregnant women and the elderly. They contain the active substance artepilin C. It enhances the biologically active properties of the infusion. Since there is no alcohol in the drops, they can be taken even by motorists, athletes and people with a weakened body.

The APV extract has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. It can be prescribed as an antifungal agent for the treatment of Candida fungus. In addition, it can be used to combat shingles.

This drug has the following beneficial effects on the body:

  • improved immunological reactivity;
  • antitoxic effect;
  • antiviral action;
  • lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, due to which the vascular walls are cleansed and the viscosity of the blood decreases;
  • strengthening hair and stimulating their growth;
  • restoration of liver cells;
  • analgesic effect;
  • cleansing the space between cells;
  • stimulation of the formation of bone and cartilage tissue;
  • improved vision.

These drops can be used at the same time as taking antibiotics.

Instructions for the use of water extract of propolis APV and the duration of therapy:

  1. 2-5 weeks - for the treatment of most diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.
  2. Up to six months - with tuberculosis.
  3. One month twice a year - with diabetes.
  4. Twice a day, 2 drops in each eye for ophthalmic problems. The extract is pre-diluted with boiled water in proportions 1: 2.
  5. 3-4 times a day, 3-5 drops of diluted extract for rhinitis and sinusitis.

The cost of the APV extract is 200-300 rubles. The drug is available in 15 ml vials.

To somehow strengthen the immune system, especially in the cold season, I often experiment with various natural remedies and vitamin complexes. This season I have focused on delicious honey compositions from Tentorium.

Earlier I already wrote about the main ones, today in my review we will talk about one of the most popular products of the company - this is Water propolis extract Hey Pee Wee.

Benefits of Aqueous Propolis Extract:

Aqueous extract of propolis has immunological, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, tonic, anti-radiation, tonic, regenerating and antiviral effects.

Manufacturer - Perm company Tentorium / Tentorium


purified shungated water, propolis

Water for the preparation of this product is prepared in a special way: it is passed through the shungite mineral and ionized with silver particles, thereby changing its structure. Thus, ordinary water becomes the so-called "living". Then propolis extract is added to such water, which dissolves in it.

Instructions for use from the Apitherapist:

The apitherapist who met me at the Tentorium office recommended the following dosages (I repeat, i purchased the APV remedy for prophylactic purposes - to resist viruses and colds during an epidemic of influenza and SARS):

Adult - one teaspoon on an empty stomach 2-3 times daily.

Child 4 years old - 0.5 teaspoon

One-year-old child - a third of a teaspoon (also 2-3 times a day)

(A friend of mine gave APV to her baby from birth 1 drop each, so you need to consult with an apitherapist about dosages for babies).


This is what an aqueous propolis extract looks like: a dark, cloudy brown liquid.

Taste : bitter, I will not say that it is pleasant. It is better for small children to dilute with water (in a tablespoon of water).

Volume:200 ml.

Price: 931 RUB for (according to the Tentorium map).

I did not limit myself to just one APV remedy, because this is not a cure, but a 100% natural remedy, and i purchased a set of 4 products , aimed at activating the body's defenses as a whole, increasing endurance, as well as in the nasopharynx area (my son and I are susceptible to throat diseases).

❍❍❍ These products are: ❍❍❍

#4 himself Hey pee wee.

Effectiveness of APV:

I can rate it as highly effective, and perhaps the best remedy for Tentorium (along with Apitok). On the first day of illness, I started giving my son a complex of the above funds, and we got over a cold in 3 days!

A.P. Wee has established himself in our family as powerful antiviral drug (parents accept him without satellite means), but on me he showed bactericidal and regenerating properties: a wound that appeared on the mucous membrane of the gums (which I used to smear with dental gel

Hey-Pee-Wee is an ophthalmic extract with a complex effect. The main component is propolis extract.

Note! "Before you start reading the article, find out how Albina Gurieva was able to overcome vision problems using ...


The tool can have the following effects on the body:

  • antioxidant;
  • antibacterial;
  • metabolic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-atherosclerotic;
  • angioprotective.


The balanced formula of the drug and natural ingredients make it possible to use this remedy for:

  • retinopathy;
  • inflammation.


The main active ingredient is propolis extract. Thanks to this, the drug does not have a negative effect. Additionally, the drops contain specially purified water.

Sold in plastic dispensers. The capacity of the bottle is 15 or 100 milliliters.

Instructions for use

The doctor chooses the scheme of use individually in each case. It depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve.

  1. For prevention, it is used daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 months. The doctor determines more precisely. It should be instilled in 2 drops 3-4 times a day.
  2. For the treatment of the optic nerve, you can instill a drop of the drug every day, 3-4 times. The course of treatment is 10 days. If necessary, a specialist can extend it.
  3. With an increase in IOP, 2 drops of liquid are injected per eye 3 times a day.
  4. For the treatment of other unpleasant symptoms, the medicine is instilled every day - 1 drop per eye (3-4 times a day).

At the beginning, a minimum dose is prescribed, which can later be increased, with the permission of the doctor. Such courses are usually held several times a year. The break between them is 30-40 days.


Do not drip this medication if:

  • the body does not tolerate the components;
  • have an allergy to propolis.

Adverse reactions

Most often, the body tolerates the substance well. But at certain points, negative effects may also appear, in particular allergies. The signs are as follows:

  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • the discomfort;
  • pain.


The use of drops involves adherence to certain rules:

  • When there are no manifestations of allergies, but the body is sensitive to propolis, then the medicine can be diluted with clean water. The proportion is 1: 6.
  • After instilling the eyes, they must be blinked so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the surface.
  • Before using the product, it must be shaken to a homogeneous consistency.
  • Store at room temperature.


This substance has its own substitutes that are cheaper. Among these are the following.

write a feedback

    Vladimir Ignatyuk - 10.08.2016

    Hey-Pee-Wee is an excellent remedy for the common cold.

    Elena Abramova - 17.08.2016

    Two years ago I used Tentorium cream together with APV to treat acute otitis media. In her palms she rubbed and warmed a mixture of these two products, applied to and around the sore ear. An hour later, the pain passed, the temperature dropped!

    Tatiana Popadyuk - 26.08.2016

    Somehow the mascara got into my eyes. Severe itching began, the eye turned red. Immediately washed off the makeup, dripped APV into her eyes several times in a row. The itching went away almost immediately, the redness went away within 10 minutes.

    Ekaterina - 31.08.2016

    We bury it in the throat and nose during a cold. Thanks to AP, we got much less sick.

    Elena Alimskaya - 31.08.2016

    The best product for the common cold. Hey-pee-wee, and then Apibalsam 1, for the day and a runny nose, as it was.

    Irina - 08.09.2016

    A wonderful miracle product helped me improve my eyesight. A whole day of work at the computer led me to the fact that "sand" appeared in my eyes and everything blurred before my eyes. Hey-pee-wee began to drip and now, even by the end of the working day, my eyes are all right.

    Tatiana Naumova - 13.09.2016

    Tatiana Naumova 09/13/16
    HEY.PI.VI.natural antibiotic, irreplaceable for anything, convenient packaging to carry with you in your purse to bury in the eyes, nose, ears, give to a baby. It will always protect against any disease, increased immunity, it does not contain alcohol. And I get good results in terms of their health and the health of their loved ones, friends, only with natural products of beekeeping Tentorium.

    Gerelmaa Tuguldur - 16.09.2016

    Hello. Welcome from Mongolia. First of all, we congratulate everyone on the 2016 Spring Marathon. My name is Gerelmaa. I have registered with Tentorium since May this year.
    I opened my own Facebook page called “Zugii Gaikhamshig Zugii”, which means “Miracles of the bees” in Russian.
    I wrote this review in July when I opened my facebook.
    T. Gerelmaa: “My very first purchase was APV. I originally bought an APV for the eyes. Then I learned that you can drip into your nose and ears.
    The right side of my nose is constantly blocked, even when there is no runny nose. And I started dripping into my nose. It's been 5 days - no pain. I was surprised to study the “APV” propolis extract. I learned that the base of propolis can be both on water with silver ions, and on a vegetable basis, and on alcohol. In addition, there are many products based on propolis: ointments, creams, balms and others. In short, I invite all people suffering from allergies and nasal congestion to try these drops and forget their diseases. "

    Larisa Petrishcheva - 21.09.2016

    Petrishcheva Larisa
    Several years ago, I visited a friend of my grandson in the hospital. They had a quartz lamp turned on in their room. I turned away, but I got burned eyes. In the evening, pain and pain in the eyes began. Burying APV instantly relieved the pain. I buried it as soon as the pain appeared again. In a couple of days, the burn passed. This did not affect vision. This product helped out several times and very quickly and with conjunctivitis. Unique product !!!

    Natalia Grishina - 15.10.2016

    The so-called "age-related" decrease in visual acuity is familiar to many, if not most people for 40-50 years. My work was very stressful for my eyes, I had to read a lot of both handwritten and printed texts. I had to get glasses with a small plus. Then the plus began to grow. A computer was added, and I realized that I had to do something about it. By that time I was already at Tentorium, and here I found all the necessary recommendations. I always ate bee products tightly, alternating with Api-Spira, Khlebina, Tentorium Plus, Blueberries. I started dripping water propolis (APV) into my eyes in the morning and evening and doing exercises for the eyes. And so for a whole year. I noticed that I could read a book without glasses, I felt uncomfortable wearing them. At work, more and more often "forgot" to put them on, but laid them on the table. Then she stopped taking them out of her purse, and there she left them at home. So I took off my glasses! When my eyes get tired of the computer, I put on training glasses. I continue to do exercises for the eyes and drip APV in courses. And Tentorium products do not go out of my diet.

    lady-sovet2015 - 21.10.2016

    Last year, the whole family got help from a cold AP.

    Lyudmila Vorobyova - 07.11.2016

    APV (water propolis) helps me a lot at the first signs of a cold - I drip into my nose, every hour, every day passes.

    INGISLAMIYA - 11.04.2017


    Victoria - 07.07.2017

    A wonderful essential product for every family, thanks to him I myself have not had a cold for 5 years, although I walk in the winter without a hat and in the summer with wet feet in puddles, I give to a child from birth ... Snot and colds are not yet familiar ... Some signs appear, immediately I rub my feet with Tentorium cream at night, in the morning everything is fine. Thanks to the manufacturers for creating the only natural product that really helps for health ... And not that the pharmacy just ripped off money ... (((

    Olga Fadeeva - 10.03.2019

    We have always had Tentorium products on our table for more than 17 years. We drip into the eyes. computers and telephones strain and worsen eyesight, and we drink inside for the purpose of prevention, every day for 1-2 tsp. Viruses bypass us for 7 years or more. And we are happy.

    Alexander Protsenko - 18.04.2019

    Every day, it is necessary to instill propolis water 15ml into the eyes and nose to prevent influenza and preserve vision. For 10 years I have been instilling it almost daily and has helped a lot in preserving vision and preventing cataracts.

    Fagilya Islamova - 03.05.2019

    We bury with mommy in the eyes.

    Marina Mishanina (verified owner) - 05.05.2019

    Ill, allergic rhinitis, hay fever. The nose almost does not breathe, occasionally one nostril opens. I suffered for a week. I bought APV and began to bury 2 drops in each nostril 4-6 times a day. On the very first night one nostril breathed easily and sometimes the other turned on; I was finally able to sleep !!! I continue to drip this remedy and smear the Rhino factor in my nose. The dryness in the nose has passed, the number of crusts has decreased, when blowing the nose, the blood vessels in the nose do not burst, and during the day two nostrils are turned on at once. Yes! a crown fell off in the mouth and a tooth began to ache under it; AP dropped into the crown and put it on the tooth, the pain is gone!

    Yana Primakova - 10.05.2019

    Every day, by instilling a balm in the nose - hey-wee-wee, the risk of colds decreased. I recommend to everyone!

    Elena Ladyzhnikova - 10.05.2019

    Hello, I will share my favorite products, this is hey-pee-wee and tentorium cream, I advise everyone, this is a miracle products. My work is specific, it often happens that the eye vessels burst from strain on the eyes, my only assistant is hey-wee-wee balm. Even from a young age, my elbow hurts when the weather changes, so much so that I wake up from the pain and here the cream Tentorium saves me, just a super cream. Use these products for your health!

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