The ideal of Russian beauty. NTV will name the true price of "Beauty in Russian" This is a banal uncompatory "

Russian-language description: On June 3, a new show "Beauty in Russian" starts on the NTV TV channel, the participants of which one way or another turned out to be affected by the poor and non-professional service of all kinds of beauty salons and cosmetology studios. Daily in the cities of our country are offered services of all kinds of clinics of plastic surgery and other similar cosmetology centers. Nevertheless, not all the inhabitants of our country have the opportunity to acquire expensive procedures for themselves for themselves and their health. But those who can, want to save and buy services in companies with a dubious reputation or even at all at the scam. Moreover, some of them even try home experiments on appearance, sought from the Internet and in their shortcoming and unjustified desire to become more beautiful only damage to their health. The goal of the show "Beauty in Russian" to assist those citizens who have already hurt themselves, and try to correct the shortcomings of pseudocialists, as well as try to eliminate the consequences of the wrong work on their appearance. Experienced specialists in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and styles will help again gain confidence in themselves the characters of the show "Beauty in Russian". This project will assist not only to those people who have already tried poor-quality services, but also try to convey to the consciousness of viewers an understanding that illiterate interventions in appearance are very dangerous and to approach these issues with marginal caution. The main goal of the transfer of "Beauty in Russian" to make people not only more beautiful, but also a little to add them knowledge in the area of \u200b\u200bcare. So do not miss ..... Watch the site All the full releases of the cognitive show "Beauty in Russian" season 2017. Pleasant viewing .....

UKRAGE SPECIALS: 3 Chervnya on the television channel of NTV starts the new show "Beauty of Rosіyski", the participants in the kind of so chi Іnakshi have won the victims of the ViDi-Salonian Salon_yvi, the cosmetology of the cosmetology of the cosmetology. Schedule in Misstaki Rosii Provide the ravines of the Silkiy Klіnіk Platyl Fields of Cosmetologic Church Center. І Tim Not Messa not SVI Rosіyani Majut Mozhvіst Przdbati for himself і ovy ogoly "I'm a proceeding procedure at the professionalіv They are nearing the domestic destroyer's home destroyer, Vichitani from Intrnet І in your non-smoothness of the І unauthorized Bazhennya of the arts. Highly Tіlki jerk Skoda is healthy "Yu. Meta show "Beauty in Rosіyski" Pizhti Tim Gromadyanam, Yaki Vzhzh Nashkodili Sobii, and Speed \u200b\u200bVipviti Vipholiki Pseudospheps_stіv, and Torzozhvati Using the Hallіdes incorrectly Roboti over His sovnіshnіsti. Dosvіdchenі Fakhіvtsі in the spheres of plasticia, the style of Tom Stil to preempt to Nabuti Vadinnenosti in his heroes of the "Beauty of Rosіyski" show. Tsi Draft Nadast Detacks Do not Tіlki Tim people, HTO LOW TRAKE IN THE SIM NIAKSNI OF THE PRIVO, A SPEUKUE TO DONE TO SPIDOMOSTІ TELEGALDACHIV ROSURINNY Togo, Scho ignoretable Vtvyannnya in Zovnіshnіshn's shirts of the tribe's І pіdzechniy). Head Meta Metransmissions "Kras in Rosіyski" of the sight of people is not Tіlki Garnish, ale and three Trochi Dodati M know in the register. So shho do not miss ..... disbelieving on the site of all POWNI VIPASS OF THE PIZNATIVAL SHOW "KRASA PO ROSІYSKI" SEME 2017. SUMPLY MORE .....

Original name: Beauty in Russian
Country: Russia
Year: 2017
Genre: Cognitive Show

"Beauty in Russian" is a new NTV show, in which people affected by unscrupulous masters of studios of beauty and cosmetology centers will take part.
Every day, new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, salons open in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford expensive procedures from professionals. Wanting to save, people turn into a company with a dubious reputation. Some resort to home experiments over appearance and because of their own nonsense and unlimited desire to be beautiful only harm themselves.
The goal of the project is to help people correct the errors of pseudocialists and eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful experiences on themselves. Checked experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will be returned to the heroes of the program confidence.

Beauty in Russian NTV Release from June 10, 2017

Every day, new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, salons open in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford to visit professionals in the beauty industry. In the desire to save, people go to dubious salons. The project will help to correct the errors of pseudocialists and unsuccessful experiences with appearance. Checked experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will be returned to the heroes of the program confidence.

Even today, when the streets are no longer found on the streets in Kokoshniki, sundresses and long rusia braids, the classic image of Russian beauty is associated with traditional national outfits, characteristic external appearance.

Today we will discuss the ideal of Russian beauty and let's talk, what is Russian beauty.

"Belolitz, Chernobrova .. Blood with milk .. Russian beauty is a long braid .. Krasno Girl ..", - epithets transmitting the essence of Russian beauty, many.

But the main nuance, which distinguishes us, our beauties from no less beautiful foreigners and their concepts of ideals is a mentality and sincerity.

Bread-salt, hospitality, good nature, motherhood, simplicity, nature, village, strong character - this is, without which Kokoshnik will not look.

What was the ideal of Russian beauty in different epochs and what is he today?

In addition to women's beauty, there are, of course, and other niches of the manifestation of the beautiful in the understanding of our compatriots, but still a female image takes one of the first honorable places. And most often, when they talk about beauty, they mean the immediate embodiment in a weak field. In Russia, except for women, beautiful nature ...

In addition to national traits - the ideal of female beauty is changeable, is inconsistent ... day before yesterday - these are corsets, gold curls, small leg, smoky nose, showy shoulders, modest look, yesterday - huge eyes with makeup arrows, small height, feminine and "bulk" figure at a thin waist, today(although propaganda is trying to lead us to the generation of 90-60-90 parameters and set a new one, more dimensional format - everything is in vain, while in the fashion of thinness) - "Made of appearance", 16-centimeter studs, plump lips, etc.

But besides the fact that with the ideal of beauty is not so simple and everyone can have his own, for Russians, there are a number of characteristic traits that allocate them from the crowd of foreigners. Of course, who has blood, which is called, is mixed, it happens, and it is difficult to distinguish from the rest of the "methots", but still Russians (regarding beautiful external traits) are often visible than not visible.

What are these features? Tell in order.

Much depends on the era and what fashion reigned in it, but even despite the difference in the details - there was always something in common, which combined the images of Russian beauties through the centuries, social layers.

Very much will be told about the epoch products of creativity, for example, if today there is a media, the Internet, light, electricity, nano-technologies, then there was a time when nothing existed ... A.S. Pushkin wrote novels, verses under the light of a burning candle, f .M. Dostoevsky, I.S.Turgenov, Lion Tolstoy created their immortal masterpieces, living in forest huts. And the heroines of their creations were quintessence not only an ideal female image, but also the ideal image of a Russian girl.

Let us recall such religious Russian women like Tatyana Larina, Anna Karenina, Natasha Rostov, Sonya Marmaladova, Olga Odintova ... And although Sonya Marmeladov, how to someone may seem, an extra character in this list - she carries special symbolism, revealing one in his heroine From the Parties of the Potential of the Russian Soul: Stayed clean and innocent even in the mud ...

Someone from Russian literary classics endowed his heroine of an extraordinary beauty, Moreover, absolutely different in the parameters in different periods of life of the country, for example, if the age was previously appreciated by thin female waists, tightened into the corsets, then at the age of later, showing shoulders, aristocratic features.

Someone made focus on the inner beauty, overlapping the lack of external or transforming everything around So all the parameters are not so important how important the personality of the heroine.

But that in some that others had something more behind the outer shell.. Dostoevsky put into beauty the ability to turn over the world, in thick beauty often appeared (especially in some stories) as a certain mystical rock force, paralyzing will, Turgenev created the famous image of the Turgenev girl ... And although according to the rules, this most Turgenev girl does not have extraordinary beauty, it is possible To say, her beauty gave her a stormy inner life, a multi-world, noble manners, modesty.

A.P.Chekhov noted that in man everything should be fine ...

Yes, if we talk about that time, then beauty and its safety are firmly associated with cleanliness, impossible, that is, it was believed that the longer the girl walks the girl - the more beautiful.

After marriage, another means of extending the life of an excellent appearance was the birth of several children, pregnancy, like, contributed to the flourishing of female beauty. In fact, of course, everything was not quite so ... But nevertheless, today's position is absolutely opposite to the existing one then.

Female image in Russian fairy tales, if we talk about positive heroes, it is always beautiful, kind, modest girls with braids below the belt, in long sundresses.

"" I'm in one father's book, "he has many old funny books," the woman should have been reading what beauty ... There, you understand, so much is risen that you don't remember everything: well, of course, black, boiling with a resin, - her - Begun, it is written: boiling by resin! -Cleant, like a night, eyelashes, gently playing a blush, a thin mill, longer than an ordinary hand, "you understand, a longer than ordinary! - Little leg, a lot of breasts, correctly rounded caviar, color knee Sinks, shovels, - I learned a lot almost by heart, so all this is true! - But most importantly, do you know what? - Easy breath!

But I have it, - Listen, how I sigh, - because the truth is, there is? " (I.Bunin, "Light Breath")

Today, the most bright and beautiful heroines of books written by Russian writers, Russians called Margarita ("Master and Margarita" Bulgakov), Anna Karenina, Catherine (from the "Thunderstorm" Ostrovsky), Tatyana Larina.

Noble, aristocratic ladies turned over time in more visited. From the permanent driving peasants and sophisticated, educated young lady with slopes to the Barbie dolls (stereotype brought from the West). After all, it was not for nothing for early children read the fairy tales of Pushkin, and at the present time, with a start for about 20 years ago, new toys broke into our life, new fairy tales.

Nothing forms the consciousness of an adult generation as an already formed in childhood through toys, the media distorted understanding of values. 20 or more years ago, Barbie dolls, Cindy, etc. began to appear in Russia, girls who have played with them - have long become women.

The image of artificial beauty firmly "eaten" the consciousness of representatives of weak gender, the younger generation already perceives all Barbie as a relic of the past and creates its creative beauty formats.

Society does an ideal or ideal doing society? Perhaps both. When people needed to "drive" into the labor Kabalu - the beauty became a peasant, when the course was proclaimed for education - there were aristocratic traits in fashion, and different social categories in different ways. Today, for example, the fashion industry lives, cosmetics sold and many other spheres moved and the goals were carried out - popular glamorous formats.

Someone says that Russian women are the most beautiful, and they immediately seen them abroad, from the causes of beauty, the fact that our nation is not too clean, and we have collected all the best from all nations, someone convinces that in Russian Nothing special, moreover, they are too rustic. According to the experience of tourists who were in different countries, with whom I had communication, I can say that Beautiful women are everywhere, but Russians, without subjectivity, is really more beautiful.

And also, in the opinion of foreigners, Russian women (for which they love them) is even no appearance, but a contrary character, lack of feminism, readiness to humble before the head of the family, against the background of the ear and knowledgeable of their rights (and often and not very beautiful) foreigners, our beautiful "Cinderella" look much advantageous. However, the trend of feminization is alive and among our women.

As for the Russian phenotype, then our compatriots are more often found in the straight profile of the nose, blonde eyes, blonde hair.

"A combination of signs characteristic of Russian populations (in comparison with the Western European Central Option):

Comparatively light pigmentation. The share of light (about 30%) and medium shades of hair, light shades of eyes (45-49%) increased, the proportion of dark - reduced;

Average eyebrows and beard;

Moderate width of the face;

The predominance of the average horizontal profile and middleweight transfer;

Little LBA slope and weaker development of Vikbrovia "(Wikipedia)

In the 17th century, the Archdiakon Pavel Aleppsky who visited Russia was described so described the local residents and their life:

"... In the house of each person, ten or more children with white hair on the head; For the big whiteness, we called them elders ... ... know that women in the Muscovites country are beautiful face and very pretty; Their children hide franc children, but more blush "...

Marco Polo wrote at the very end of the XIII century about the population of modern Russia: "The people are simple and very beautiful; Men and women of white and blond ... "

If earlier the Russians differed in low growth, today every new young generation "will grow up": "One hundred years ago, the average growth of fifteen-year-old Muscovites was 147 centimeters, in 1923 - 157 centimeters, and in 1982 - 170 centimeters."

Middle growth of an adult Russian man today - 175 cm(Dutch, for example, 184 cm), women - 162 cm (Kitanokok - 154 cm, the average growth of women in the Netherlands - 168 cm).

The opinions of Russians about what "Russian beauty" is:

« Russian beauty is Light, blonde or brown hair, blonde eyes (gray, light green, blue), light skin, correct, or close to the right, face features, face oval or moderately round. "

"I think, I don't care if I say that everyone who was seriously interested in the pre-revolutionary history of Russia and looked at the many photographs of that era who had reached us, necessarily noted the beauty of people captured on them.

This also applies to the Russian aristocracy, and ordinary employees, and even more simple peasants.

Some completely amazing beauty is captured on their faces. Calm. Sublime. Not screaming. True beauty, as if highlighted from somewhere from the inside, from the heptal depths. Not at all similar to the modern gloss and glamor, where for cosmetics, photoshop and plastic surgery sometimes you will not see the living person.

And okay it would be only about the great princes and princesses (when you look at the photos of representatives of the Imperial House, there is no doubt: the expression "white bone, blue blood" is clearly not taken from the ceiling). So because representatives of other classes are the same "(Russian folk line).

What do you think about the beauty of Russian women foreigners:

« There are two extremes among Russian women: Some abandon all the forces on education and self-development and are almost not interested in cosmetics, others, by contrast, spend too much money for care for appearance. And they succeed, "(comment by the Israeli cosmetologist).

« Many foreign men told me that they were amazed as many beautiful women On Russian websites, and there are no such quantities of beautiful women in their countries.

My familiar Russian man was in America, and tells that it was amazed that there are practically no beautiful women on the streets. There are few beautiful women, and they all sit on expensive cars - disassembled. My girlfriend, having come to a meeting with the Americans, asked one of them, why he came to seek his wife to Russia. What do you think was the answer? "You have beautiful women" ".

« It is noted that Russian women compete so seriously in the marriage market,what represents a real threat to local women ("Russian women are going", where "go" is understood as an invasion that cannot be stopped). The natural reaction is the accusation of Russian women in immoral behavior (25% of all contexts): in unprincipledness, in easy accessibility and in the class of prostitution (for Russian women, they are teaching to "engage in prostitution and earn in any way"). However, foreigners celebrate the beauty of Russians (38% of contexts). "

True, with the beauty of Russian women not everything is so definitely, indeed, there are many beauties among Russians, but they use their appearance often not for the best purposes.. In the channel of the channel, Russia "Beauty in Russian" is not only about the beauty of Russians, but also a little unsightly side of "trade" to her ...

Typical Russian beauties becomes smaller, but still, if you judge those who are considered to be Russians - then not everything is so bad. Oksana Fedorova on Barbie is not similar, real ... but the standard for ordinary Russians with an average statistical growth of 160 cm - it can hardly be.

The care of myself among modern ladies began to acquire a manic shape, but it is necessary to understand that the time is different .. If the increased lips, "made" parts of the body become popular, unnaturalness in appearance - nothing can be changed, it is just necessary to survive, it has always been : There is an overabundance of such fashion phenomena and people themselves becomes disgusting.

Already soon, naturalness will be on the weight of gold (only anyway, well-groomed naturalness). Well, thanks to the abundance of well-groomed women, they began to follow those who were mahali hand, and now they realized that they were looking gray next to another - the same plus.

The most beautiful Russian actresses of the 20th century Russians consider: 1st place: Irina Alferova (Constance from D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer), 2nd place - Svetlana Toma ("Tabor goes into the sky"), 3rd place - Anastasia Vertinskaya (" Amphibian man, "Scarlet Sails"), Svetlana Svetlynaya, Natalia Kustyanskaya, Tatyana Vedeneeva, Vera Alentova, etc.

As for the persons of modernity, and the Russians are considered beautiful from celebrities, one of the most beautiful women of Russia Russians consider Oksana Fedorov.

There is still on this list: Alina Kabaeva, Alena Shishkova (model), Valentina Zilaayeva (Russian model), Sofia Rudev (model), from actresses, singers: Marina Aleksandrov, Elena Korikova, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Anna Plenev, Natalia Rudina (Natalie) , Alexander Savelev, Svetlana Khodchenkova.

The elephant of the beauty of the Russian man in the understanding of Russian women and in general is more laconic. A man still should be not so beautiful how many courageous. The most beautiful men, according to statistics - in Italy. Does women dream about some then?

About the good one of the fairy tale, Prince on a white horse, Russian warriors, courageous hardwash? The weak floor gives priority to internal qualities, although the external friend is important. Even handsome people in the list of famous people became famous far from beauty: Pavel Astakhov, Roman Abramovich, Dmitry Pevtsov, Dmitry Isaev (actor), Maxim Averin, Pavel Volya, Anton Makarsky.

"Beauty in Russian" is a new NTV show, in which people affected by unscrupulous masters of studios of beauty and cosmetology centers will take part.

Every day, new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, salons open in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford expensive procedures from professionals. Wanting to save, people turn into a company with a dubious reputation. Some resort to home experiments over appearance and because of their own nonsense and unlimited desire to be beautiful only harm themselves.

The goal of the project is to help people correct the errors of pseudocialists and eliminate the consequences of unsuccessful experiences on themselves. Verified experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and styles will be returned to the heroes of the program confidence, informs the site.

The project "Beauty in Russian" will help not only those who have already become a "victim of beauty", but also will try to prevent illiterate interventions into the appearance of those who only think about changes.

The leading project of the actress Victoria Tarasova: "People with dramatic, desperate stories are treated in the program, they trust us, literally exposed in front of the whole country! We are constantly on the verge: how to make it not to harm? To each we are looking for a unique approach, since we have no right to sum up, we do not have an error right. "

On June 3, a new show "Beauty in Russian" starts on NTV. The program will be attended by people affected by the unscrupulous masters of studios of beauty and cosmetology centers.

Every day, new plastic surgery clinics, hairdressers, salons open in Russian cities. Not all Russians can afford expensive procedures from professionals. In the desire to save people contact the company with a dubious reputation.

Some resort to home experiments over appearance and because of their own nonsense and unlimited desire to be beautiful only harm themselves.

The goal of the project "Beauty in Russian" is to help people fix the errors of pseudocialists and unsuccessful experiments on themselves. Checked experts in the field of plastic surgery, cosmetology and style will be returned to the heroes of the program confidence.

The show will help not only those who have already become a "victim of beauty", but also will try to prevent illiterate interventions into the appearance of people who are thinking about changes.
In this project, ordinary people affected by unscrupulous plastic surgeons, cosmetologists and hairdressers take part. During the program, proven specialists will try to correct colleagues in the workshop.

"This theme is very relevant," said the leading show - Serial Star of NTV Victoria Tarasova. - People, especially young, blindly believe in what to be beautiful is to be successful. They admire the appearance of popular models and actresses. You are just thinking about: Instagram Kim Kardashian signed 100 million people! Naturally, simple women, seeing her luxurious photos, want to be the same. In the modern world, a stereotype is imposed: the success is equal to the beauty and the number of likes for it. And here are women begin to think: "Something breasts I have not so big, and my nose is not thin. That will be my nose, like that girl with the cover of a popular gloss, and I will definitely become happy. " Everything, the girl hit the fishing rod of the beauty industry, earning billions on such naive people. About how it ends, we are constantly reading in the press.

According to Victoria, many people in Russia face charlatans, the result is disfigured bodies and crippled fate.

- We participated in the project, who paid 500 thousand for breast augmentation! - tells Tarasova. - As a result, the implants were kept, they literally walked inside sacrifices. I also remember the history of Natasha Malakhova. The girl came to us from Penza. After the plastic, the chest in its body fell infection, I had to remove several ribs. She also suffered an unsuccessful nose plastic. When our rhinoplast began to make an operation, it turned out that the cartilage was just fragmented, the doctor collected her nose in pieces. But we cured Natasha, the girl is beautiful and happy.

As for the actress itself, she is a supporter of the Golden Mid: everything should be moderately and only for its intended purpose.

- So far, I refrain from cardinal interventions into your appearance. Thanks to the project - I looked at the horrors! I also attend the masters of the nail service, hairdressers and care for the skin.

Victoria Tarasova, Actress, the leading program "Beauty in Russian": "People with dramatic, desperate stories are treated with dramatic, desperate stories, trust us, literally exposed in front of the country! We are constantly on the verge: how to make it not to harm? To each we are looking for a unique approach, since we have no right to sum up, we do not have an error right. "

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