Is it worth sleeping during the day. Is the daytime dream of the elderly

Day sleep is an integral part of the life of every baby, even an hour of rest helps the brain relax, restore physical strength and resolve the emotional background. But closer to 5-7 years old, most children begin to lead more adult lifestyle, sleep at night, and awake in the daytime. Many adults adhere to the opinions that the afternoon sleep is quite harmful, as it can cause a malfunction of the biological clock. Nevertheless, experts argue that such a point of view is completely not true, since a short-term daytime sleep helps the body to recover and have time to make more affairs during the working day. What is the benefit and harm from the day relaxation and when is it best to sleep?

Is it possible to sleep in the afternoon of adults, and is it useful for a day dream for the body? All leading scientists respond to this question positively. Statistics show that people who practice dining dream are usually heavier and often live to the oldest.

Sleep value in the daytime also lies in such an impact on the body:

A midday dream will be more efficient if you allow him at least 3 times a week. Such a rest will increase the production of endorphins, it will be good for the work of exchange systems and will prevent the cortisol production.

Doctors warn that the benefits of day sleep will be only if you sleep comply with certain recommendations. It must be remembered that the daily rest should be short-term and take place at a certain time.

"I can't sleep in the afternoon and sleep only after midnight" - many men and women of different ages complain about such a violation today. Doctors assure, if the day it does not work out, it is worth refreshing from such a rest, since the nervous system does not need it.


As it were, it would be surprising, but in some cases a dream can bring not only the benefit, but also harm, so sometimes it is much wiser to refuse much. Who and why not sleep during the day?

  • sleep by day harmful to people who periodically suffer from insomnia. In this case, there is a possibility that a person will not fall at all;
  • if nightmare often dreams (this indicates psychological problems);
  • such a rest is not recommended to persons suffering from biorhythm drops;
  • day sleep should not exceed 1.5 hours.

If a person does not suffer from any diseases and violations, you can safely sleep in the afternoon, as such a rest will only benefit.

Scientists have long answered the question, is it useful to sleep during the day.

But that such a rest affects human health only positively, it is necessary to comply with such recommendations:

After daytime sleep, many are quite difficult to cheer up, a person can suffer not only from "lethargy", but also from fatigue in the muscles. The best way to avoid this is to make some simple exercise.

Numerous studies have long been confirmed, as a day dream affects a person, what good or harm from it from it. Specialists (and creators of the most popular dream books) assure that short-term recreation during the working day is guaranteed not to hurt health, and at the same time will help to remain active and vigorous until the evening.

Greetings, friends!

There are many different points of view of the relative, whether it is useful to sleep during the day. Some argue that afternoon dooming helps to recover, calm down, come to the paw with their emotions and even increase working efficiency. Others are confident: daytime sleep knocks on biological rhythms and spoils the worker. Who is right?

The answer is simple and those and others. Yes, day sleep is definitely usefulBut with the observance of several simple rules. Let's figure it out in all subtleties, and the end of today's article you will definitely decide for yourself, whether you should sleep in the afternoon, or better refuse. Go!

What is the benefit of day sleep?

For a start, it is necessary to dispel the myth in society that the day dream is a sign of idlers. On the contrary, it is extremely useful, and this is a scientific fact. To sleep in the afternoon, many successful historical personals loved. As an example, let us recall the legendary Winston Churchill.

Human sleep is not alien and our famous contemporaries. An example is a domestic marketer Roman Maslennikov. According to his statement, he chose for himself a path of entrepreneurship in many ways thanks to the opportunity to sleep during the day Free schedule contributed. By the way, his book "The whole truth about day-mind" is about it. We recommend reading.

Full holiday benefits have proven studies of scientists from the University of California. As a basis, a survey of hundreds of respondents who regularly sleep during the day for 20 minutes - it is this time to sleep most useful. Each of them filled out the questionnaire, the data of which was enrolled in the processing of the laboratory.

Abroad, such a phenomenon is called "Power Napping". Russians, obeying love for cinematic classics, refer to His "Snock Stirlitz". The latter, as you know, gave myself a setting and awakened on the "inner alarm."

Now to the question of the benefits of day sleep. Is he so good, as scientists say? Answer: Definitely yes. Firstly, concentration of attention is increasing by 30-50%. Secondly, health is growing. In addition, the mood and general well-being is definitely improving. Brief Drema provides a tide of energy and reduces irritability.

According to medical research, daylight has a comprehensive useful effect on the entire body as a whole. It increases the conductivity of the nervous system (15-20%), and also aggravates the reflexes. With regular practice, the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced.

Is it useful to sleep during the afternoon who wakes at night, for example, works? Of course, no not necessarily. However, if the night's sleep is short for external reasons, it inevitably imposes an imprint on daylight. Activity is reduced, and fatigue is growing. Therefore, sleeping is not just useful, but even necessary.

What time of the day is suitable for sleep?

So, with the benefit of daytime sleep figured out. Now there is a completely reasonable question: how much do you need to sleep? For calculation, a cyclical factor is not important. Each cycle lasts 1.5 hours and consists of 4 phases. 2 phases - fast (the remaining 2 - in logic - slow).

Phase fast sleep it is only 20 minutes. At this time it is easy to awaken. If the sleeper managed to go to the phase of slow sleep, the awakening would become heavy. Such a state will be accompanied by lethargy, poor mood and well-being until the evening.

So, if unbearable clone in sleep, you should afford a short-term vacation for 15-20 minutes, no more. This is the perfect option.

The full cycle is 1.5 hours. After it is guaranteed great well-being and vigor.

If you sleep more time - the cycle will not be completed. Awakening after such a rest will leave a long feeling of lethargy and poor well-being.

The effect of daytime sleep on the human body

Sleep the day - a magnificent means to return vigor and energy. However, no matter how much such rest was useful - it is not necessary to abuse. If you follow the rule described above - sleep no more than 20 minutes, then the quality of the night sleep will not suffer.

Rest in the afternoon can save from "burnout". This specific term is adopted as defining the redundancy of modern life. People constantly run somewhere, hurry, are located at nervous voltage, therefore, in stress. However, it is worth stopping, give yourself a rest, and the destructive action on the body will stop. It will help to relax, get rid of the negative and recover, which is very useful, given the high rhythm of modern life.

If you regularly sleep in the afternoon, acute hearing, vision and smell. Will certainly increase creative potential. Why? Everything is simple. High-quality rest Helps the brain to relax, Giving birth to new ideas.

Day sleep (at least three times a week) is extremely useful for the cardiovascular system. The risk of disease is reduced by 40%. Such a vacation is an excellent means of prevention and fighting infarction.

Also, it is impossible not to note the benefit of daylight to increase productivity. According to experts, the second half of the day is the most difficult time when productivity is reduced. Restore indicators will help a short rest.

Sleeping useful during the day, but not everyone

For some categories of people, daylight may not be useful. The first reason for contraindications is age. Over the years (after 40), problems with arterial pressure and heart are often manifested. A sharp awakening leads to a pressure jump, which means that it will not be useful to sleep during the day, but on the contrary.

In addition, other pathological conditions can develop, the external sign that serves constant drowsiness. Of course, the reason should be sought with the help of physicians. Perhaps this is the problem of the endocrine system. Therefore, you need to be attentive to yourself and do not risk.

Topics Who suffers from insomnia, in the day it is better not to sleep. Otherwise, night wake is provided!

The following contraindication is depression. Even a short dormant in "Nurse" is able to aggravate the state.

To avoid violations of biorhythms, daylight should continue not more than 1.5 hours.

Respondents often mark poor well-being and broadcast after day sleep. However, this is due, as a rule, with incorrectly selected time and duration of "Seside".

What time of the day you need to sleep and how much?

Day sleep is not recommended for a duration of more than 20 minutes. The optimal interval is 13.00-15.00 (adults). To restore the vitality, perhaps, enough 20 minutes, and sometimes less. Churchill, at least it was quite enough. He rested straight in your favorite chair. It is this brilliant policy that often put the fans of the midday "Siestes".

Somologians (Sleep Specialists) do not consider sleep in adults in the daytime. At the same time, recognize it useful for strengthening immunity and increase productivity. Also invariably note the improvement of mood and reducing the influence of stressful states.

Scientists state that sleep is useful. However, its duration should not exceed 20 minutes. Even a half-hour rest is capable of harming. A person risks moving into a deep phase, and with a sharp awakening to get poor well-being.

Experts note that drowsiness is a familiar state for most modern citizens.

The reasons may be a lot:

- deficit or poor quality night sleep;

- chronic stress;

- Replaceable work schedule and so on.

All the above factors definitely affect the well-being. Therefore, a 20-minute daily sleep is capable of minimizing harm, as well as avoid aggravation of problems and even nervous disruptions.

Is it possible to learn to awaken in 20 minutes? Yes, for this there are some useful recommendations. For example, drink a cup of coffee or strong tea before going to bed. The beverage action will begin after about 20 minutes, and the body will wake up. You can also set alarm clock. However, its signal is invariably associated with the morning stress, and it should be remembered. Therefore, it is desirable to master special self-awakening techniques.

Remember: if there is no motivated drowsiness, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a dynamologist.

To sleep during the day it was really useful, observe simple rules:

  • if the dream of the previous night was objectively insufficient, let me rise 40-60 minutes. In some cases, time can be increased to 90 minutes (1 cycle);
  • the duration of "Seside" with a full-fledged night rest should not exceed 30 minutes. During this time, a "restart" of physiological systems of the body will occur. If after half an hour you "failed" into the deep phase, the rapid awakening will cause bad well-being. If the holiday of the previous night was not fully full, the sleep during the day can last 2 hours. Carefully observe the duration of the phases;
  • - Create a comfortable stay at the rest. Muffle sound and light. As an option - use earring and eye mask. Sleep in complete darkness is most useful for the production of melatonin.
  • - Choose a comfortable place to sleep. To lie on the bed Somologians do not recommend, as a dream can become strong (reflexively). The best post office. Successful places - Sofa, car armchair, etc. You should also weaken the shy elements of clothing;
  • - The optimal time of daydream Drema in adults is no later than 15.00. In this watch, the body especially needs rest. Later falling asleep can lead to a violation of night sleep;
  • - Consider individual physiological features. If the sleeping is long, add to the total time for another 15 minutes. Only so you can fully feel how good it is to sleep during the day;
  • - Those who are experiencing difficulty awakening, it is necessary to drink a cup of strong tea or coffee in advance;
  • - after day sleep, it is very useful to make a short warm-up, to improve blood circulation;
  • - If the drowsiness persecutes, it does not go out, there is no time to rest, all the same, take a distance of 10 minutes. Doctors have proven that even such a short sleep is able to charge energy for the whole hour! Remember your student years. Surely, fell asleep at lectures, and then felt freshness and burdens.


The conclusion is obvious - it is useful to sleep during the day, but not long and in the afternoon. You should not fight with the desire to fall asleep. It is not only harmful, but also to no avail, believe me.

Our tips and skillful approach will make fosherness even in the absence of a full-fledged night rest. If you are in a crowded place, with bright light and in the absence of optimal conditions, use an impenetrable eye mask. Turn off from what is happening around. Let a short sleep give you health and enjoyment.

Is it useful or harmful day dream? Back in kindergarten, we were forced to sleep. In the afternoon, when I want to play, jump, draw, in one word to fool, we were laid for two hours in bed.

But there, we managed not to succumb to the instructions and weak with neighbors on the beds. And when the teacher went out, so at all jumped from one bed to another or rushed with pillows. Then we voluntarily gave time to day rest, and we refused.

When we grew up, it turned out the opposite. Sometimes I want to take a nice hour after lunch, but the time for a quiet hour at school, university and especially at work no one highlights.

And it would be necessary to work on it, because daytime sleep brings a lot of benefits for our body.

In many countries of the world there is a specially designated hour and a rest room during working hours. This habit came from those times when in hot countries in the most peak of high air temperature workers released home to take a nap. So everyone won all.

Firstly, in the heat of performance everything falls exactly, secondly - the working day of these people was in the morning, and then, when the heat falls, until late evening.

In Spain, many companies and firms have a special time to sleep after lunch. Called it siesta. These tradition were borrowed from them and other countries - the United States, Japan, China, Germany.

Even a separate room is provided for employees.designed for daytime sleep. There they can restore their strength. In addition, invented special capsules sleep. In them, a person is immersed, isolating himself from the bustle of the outside world.

We would have reached such innovations with a mockery. Russian Employer will never allow to sleep during working hours.

If you need money, be kind - earn them, and not relax during working hours. It is a pity, because daytime sleep brings many benefits, both for a person and for all its activities.

Doctors even recommend if there is such an opportunity, be sure to take. After all, the human body is arranged in such a way that since midnight up to 7 am, as well as with the hour, up to three days, it falls significantly.

At this time, the body temperature decreases, some lethargy, fatigue, reluctance to work both physically and mentally. The benefits of work will be much less.

Sleep the day very well affects the health of the body. It restores physical strength, replenishes energy reserves in the body, removes tension and fatigue.

These qualities are endowed with night sleep, but for normal night sleep rest you need at least 6 hours, ideally - 8 hours fully help the body to restore the strength and meet a new day with vigor and energy. Then when day sleep enough and about o'clock in order to feel the fresh tide.

People who work hard physically or decide the most complex tasks with the considerable amount of mental energy, recommend to make day breaks for sleep.

This will help continue working with more productive results. Coefficient of benefit From their work will be much higher.

Also sleep in the afternoon strongly recommended those who work in the evening or at night. At night, they spend a lot of energy at night, because the body at this time must sleep, and here you have to work, so the daily sleep will help to restore the forces spent.

Many studies have shown that even if you take up in the afternoon of just 20 minutes, you can remove fatigue and tension. The most acceptable for day sleep is counted one and a half hours.

It is impossible to sleep for more than two hours. After all, the effect will then be up to the opposite. You will be like boiled, will sick head, aggression is manifested.

On this benefit of daytime sleep does not end. He is also increases human care and productivity of his work. In addition, it raises the mood. Because if we do not have the opportunity, like the residents of Spain or Japan, sleep after lunch, then everything should be allocated at least half an hour on vacation.

It is not necessary to sleep, you can take a break or sit with your eyes closed. The main thing is to stay more comfortable and think only about pleasant.

Now you will see, after such a relaxing five-minute work it will work easier, and you can easily wait for the end of the working day, without having a breath of yourself.

A variety of clinical studies have demonstrated that with a daily sleep, you can Strengthen your cardiovascular system. People who find time for sleep during the day are less likely to have such diseases.

Here is another argument in favor of sleeping day - its practicality. Allowed only an hour of time, can be replenished with akin to the eight-hour night sleep.

Harm day sleep

In addition to the benefit for the human body, the daytime sleep can also bring harm. First of all, you need to remember the rule of the right day sleep - do not go to bed after 16.00.

After all, you will then hurt your head, feel fatigue, apathy and irritation, reluctance to work.

Do not go to bed in the afternoon of people who often appear insomnia. They do not always fall asleep at night, and the daily sleep will also break the mode.

In addition, daytime sleep knocks the biorhythms of the human body. Thus, the work of all organs may violate.

People who complain about blood pressure, also do not recommend go to bed in the afternoon. This sleep increases blood pressure and deteriorates to some extent.

Also contraindicated daily dream diabetics. After all, daytime sleep contributes to the development of diabetes.

However, if you do not have contraindications, then be sure to sleep in the afternoon. After that, your mood improves and improves performance.

Many people think of whether daylight is useful? Scientists have proven that if after lunch to take off, then psychological and physical indicators are improved. All sorts of tests and experiments were conducted by specialists from different countries, during which they managed to figure out how much sleeping should be in time when it is necessary to arrange a siesta, and what improvements it will bring.

Consider in more detail what exactly gives us a daily dream: benefit or harm. We also learn how to properly build a schedule of recreation in different situations to maximize their strength.

Sleep or sleep?

Many believe that sleeping is harmful. However, this is the opinion of those people who simply do not know how to organize their rest. In fact, a healthy person can sleep peacefully for the day if he feels an acute need. An afternoon sleep will not be able to break the biorhythms, if it is properly planned, he is also not able to negatively affect the night rest.

However, it is to take into account that there are certain rules that need to be performed if you are important to benefit day sleep. It is worth relaxing regularly, so your body learn to "turn off" quickly even in a noisy atmosphere and with bright sunlight.

You need to gradually accustom yourself to short-term sies, perhaps it will be necessary for this not one week.

Resting right

Halp dream will bring you the most benefit if you organize it correctly. First of all, find out how much you need to sleep.

It is believed that the optimal time for the daily drema will be 20-30 minutes. In this period of time, a person sleeps hopeless, he does not have time to immerse themselves in the phase of slow sleep and lose touch with reality. However, its forces are restored very high quality.

After the Seside, any cases will seem simple and silent, the feeling of fatigue and lethargy will completely disappear. To get a maximum benefit, we organize a daytime dream according to such rules:

The benefits of rest

Some people doubt whether to sleep during the day, and completely in vain. Day sleep is useful if you choose to follow all the rules of his organization.

Studies conducted in different countries on volunteers have proven that people who have spawned a few days after dinner people feel much cheerful, they have improved mood and increases workability.

Also useful day dream for such reasons:

  • during the rest, tension from the muscles and the nervous system is removed;
  • people who sleep every day for 20-30 minutes, significantly higher concentration of attention;
  • resting is useful for memory and perception, these indicators are significantly increasing from dinner siesta lovers;
  • 37-40% reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • if you sleep for lunch, then drowsiness is eliminated in the afternoon;
  • the desire to engage in physical labor increases;
  • creative potential increases;
  • people can see in the context of their dreams answers to complex questions, as the brain works actively during the rest, the rays of mysterious images can be viewed in the dream book;
  • the lack of rest is filled if you could not fully sleep at night.

Daily rest

The question about why it is impossible to sleep during the day, relevant only for a limited circle of people. A completely healthy person has a habit of relaxing after dinner will not cause any negative consequences. But when non-compliance with the rules for organizing sleep or in the presence of certain diseases, it is best to rest just once a day - at night.

Consider in what cases it is harmful to sleep after lunch:

Sleep at workplaces

Now there are not so many companies in the world who are ready to allow their employees to dining dream. However, the most progressive international giants, such as Google, Apple and others, have yet been convinced that short-term day rest significantly increases the productivity of employees and their desire to work.

The most loyal to the Sieste in the workplace belongs to China, it is considered normal here, even if the person fell asleep during an important meeting. This suggests that the worker is very hardworking, a lot of time devotes to its work and strongly tired.

In Russia, the practice of day -comy sleep in the workplace is not too common. However, there are already large companies that have been equipped for their employees special recreation rooms. Also practiced the sleep of employees in their own cars in the parking lot, and the most courageous sleeps in special sleep capsules that can be used even in the office.

Let's summarize

The correct organization of day sleep is the key to its huge benefits for the body. If you do not have health problems, and there is an opportunity to practice a short day rest, do not miss it in any case.

Scientists have proven that, having underwent 20-30 minutes, a person will not break his night's sleep, but on the contrary, improve it. Treat your holiday responsibly and try to be full.

And his well-being in general. Under the action of these factors, efficiency is reduced, apathy appears, various diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system may occur.

In order to get rid of the stress, a person needs rest. With large mental and physical exertion, night sleep may not be enough to restore forces. In this case, daytime sleep is extremely important. It is able to remove fatigue, restore life forces, improve the concentration and work of the brain as efficient as possible. But all this is possible only under the observance of certain conditions.

In the struggle for the health of the body, a daytime sleep plays a huge role. Naturally, it is able to remove many negative consequences rendered by an external environment on the body.

How to make day sleep useful

In order for the daily dream to benefit, it is necessary to comply with the main rule - it is impossible to give your mind to immerse in the deep phases of sleep. Otherwise, awakening will appear, lethargy, the branchedness and inhibition, which will be present all day.

The most afternoon sleep, a duration of not more than 30 minutes. During this time, a person does not have time to fall asleep firmly, but at the same time the body receives enough energy for active activities for the whole day.

The body quickly gets used to daily sleep. At first, in order not to sleep longer than the laid, it is worth resorting to the help of alarm. But after a few days, the "internal" clock will learn to cope without it.

When day dream is harmful

The desire to take off the day may not always be caused by the need of the body to restore forces. Sometimes it may be a symptom of a rather serious disease. In this case, the daytime sleep can harm.

Older people often feel a desire to take a little time. This is due to the historical state. The thing is that during day shameless sleep, an elderly person has an unstable blood pressure. In the case of its sharp change, hemorrhage can occur.

In humans suffering from diabetes, daylight can cause a sharp jump of hormones, which is able to raise the blood sugar level to a critical mark.

Refuse dreams during the day standing and those who suffer insomnia. Rest during the day can only aggravate this situation and fall asleep at night will be even more difficult.

An important point is that all the above risks include only when there is a unmotivated desire to sleep during the day. This means that in the case when a person is experiencing increased loads, inclipboard or fatigue, it is not worth worrying about the dangers of daytime sleep.

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