Why eat. I give you soup: what should be the first course

“Good nutrition helps to lose weight, improve metabolism and digestion, it fights hunger and helps not to store up too much,” the nutritionists explain to us. True, they do not explain why millions of people, despite all the fractions, are still struggling with excess weight, a painful feeling of hunger, lethargy, drowsiness and fog in the head. Maybe because all these statements are vegetable oil bullshit? And we have already said that it is better to eat butter, rather than lean. The nutritionist discusses from the point of view of physiology, evolution and common sense, why there is no point in eating small meals every three hours. Unless, of course, you are a chicken.

Julia Bogdanova
NANP Certified Nutritionist
A second blog on the impact of diet and lifestyle on health"Spinach and Buckwheat"

For a long time, the issue of intervals between meals has been relevant in my family life. For a year in France, my husband was imbued with the format of the local style of food: only 3 meals at a given time. If you missed it, wait for the next one. I had more democratic views - I loved to have “fruits”, nuts and even sweets with me for a rainy day.

Then it was not clear to us how to resolve the dispute. On the one hand, the French diet is known to have a beneficial effect on health - these were the times when the entire Western world was jealous ““: a very low rate of cardiovascular disease and excess weight. On the other hand, throughout my adult life, fractional meals with frequent snacks have been standard medical advice.

And then I became interested in the topic, got an education and a completely new, wonderful world opened up to me. And now the question that really worries me: why do many nutritionists still advise fractional meals?


Imagine our ancestors even several centuries ago. Could they have counted on having breakfast in the morning and having a snack between lunch and dinner? Perhaps a couple percent of the nobility who had unlimited access to food.

An even less common practice of regular eating was among people of the Paleolithic era - before the advent of agriculture. The content of the "plate" and the frequency of its filling depended on how successful the hunt was, the season, weather conditions, at least.

That is, it is logical to assume that the routine and frequency of food intake are nothing more than a social convention, but not a physiological necessity, which appeared quite recently, if we consider it within the framework of two and a half million years of evolution of the genus homo.

In literally over the past 100 years, we have gone from regular, fairly long periods of fasting to having to put something in your mouth every couple of hours. If our recent ancestors were content with 1-2 meals a day, and sometimes spent days and even weeks without full lunches and dinners, today many of us perceive the 5-hour interval between lunch and dinner as a serious deprivation.Why?

Our physiology was formed in conditions of constant food shortages - that is, it was critical for human survival and its dominance as a species to enjoy food, give preference to those foods that saturate best, and store calories for a rainy day in the form of fat deposits.

At the physiological level, love for sugar is supported, among other things, by the release of dopamine, the hormone of pleasure and satisfaction, love of fat, by the release of the hormone leptin, an increase in the level of which is necessary for a feeling of satiety, and storage by insulin, which converts all energy surpluses into adipose tissue.

In other words, our entire physiology is tailored to survive at any cost in the face of food shortages. And with this “old system”, we found ourselves in a new environment, which, as a species, had never encountered before - with the dominance of ubiquitously available and attractive at hormonal levels of sugar and fat, also packaged in processed foods that are designed for more more stimulate addiction and dependence.


Digestion, which starts every time, even if we eat a couple of nuts and an apple, is a complex physiological process in which the brain, intestines, endocrine system, and liver are involved.

Specifically, let's look at the impact of food intake on one aspect of health that is much talked about today - blood sugar balance.

When we eat almost any food (with the exception of fats, such as coconut, butter, olive oil), the body's response is to increase blood sugar levels to a greater or lesser extent. In response, our pancreas begins to produce the hormone insulin, which is responsible for using the energy that has entered the body - to spend it now for actual cellular needs or store it for later: for quick access - in the liver and muscles (in the form of glycogen) or for a “hungry year” - in adipose tissue.

With frequent meals, the fundamental health process of regulating blood sugar levels, and with it, the regulation of hunger and satiety is disrupted:

  • high blood sugar causes cells to lose sensitivity to the insulin that is delivered to the cells,
  • in order to reach the deaf cells, the pancreas has to produce more and more insulin and its resources are depleted,
  • high blood sugar levels lead to physical damage to the walls of blood vessels and the development of inflammatory processes,
  • an increased level of insulin leads to "hearing loss" of the hypothalamus, due to the death of neurons and disruption of the feedback that the hypothalamus provides in the regulation of hunger and satiety
  • high sugar levels are a signal to the body that there is a source of energy. This blocks the synthesis of hormone-sensitive lipase, an enzyme responsible for the breakdown of adipose tissue.

As a result, it turns out that the food was received, but the body - due to the high level of sugar and insulin - immediately put it in reserve. And from his point of view, the energy for ordinary activity is not enough, which means that he turns on the hunger mode and forces us to go back to the refrigerator or the junk food machine. Even after eating, we often starve at the cellular level and at the same time store energy in the form of fat mass. At the same time, we start inflammatory processes, injure the heart and blood vessels.


The adherents of fractional nutrition have a lot of arguments, we will analyze why they all break on science.

“The more time has passed since the last meal, the more hormones and the stronger the appetite. And, accordingly, the more you want to eat at the first opportunity "- takzdorovo.ru

Indeed, many people find it incredibly difficult to survive without food for more than three hours. This is due to the fact that the traditional "Western" diet is rich in sugars and often causes metabolic disorders, in particular - a violation of carbohydrate metabolism.

This leads to frequent and acute hunger, which is caused by surges in blood sugar and insulin levels. With a healthy carbohydrate metabolism and the body's adaptation to fat burning, an acute feeling of hunger does not occur even after 5 hours - many can comfortably afford not to eat for longer. This is due to the fact that in the absence of sugar, the body smoothly switches to burning its own fat reserves. Over time, the feeling of hunger, even with prolonged fasting, becomes even softer, while the energy level does not decrease.

IMPORTANT: The state of hunger while adapting to fat burning must be distinguished from the state of permanent calorie deficit. It is a prolonged calorie deficit that leads to a state of stress (and this, in turn, to a dysregulation of blood sugar levels due to an increased level of cortisol), chronic hunger andreduction of energy costs .

“Fractional nutrition allows you not to overload the digestive system, since due to the absence of a strong feeling of hunger, the portion eaten will be much smaller than usual. In addition, with this approach, the gallbladder will be able to empty regularly, which means that bile will not stagnate and the likelihood of developing gallstone disease will significantly decrease. The main thing is that the intervals between meals should be on average three hours, in extreme cases - 2-2.5 ”- the-challenger.ru

As for gallstone disease, according to some experts, one of the main risks of its development is a diet withhigh in carbohydrates and low in fat, whilesome research demonstrate that a high-fat diet can prevent the development of gallstones. But if the bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fat, is not used to the full, as in low-fat diets, then it stagnates - with all that it implies.

In other words, the risks of gallstone formation are determined primarily by the quality of your diet, not by the frequency of food intake. Othersrisks of developing gallstone disease - excess weight, diabetes, metabolic syndrome - in general, most of the bouquet of chronic diseases, the fault for the development of whichmodern experts entrusted eating a lot of sugar.

Fractional nutrition has a place and a time - for example, it works well for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as colitis, low acidity of the stomach, and bacterial overgrowth syndrome.

However, it is important not to confuse therapeutic diets, that is, the type of nutrition that is used to restore health, with a diet - a lifestyle that supports and even helps to strengthen health. Therapeutic diets can be compared to a crutch - the leg has healed, you need to develop it and get rid of support. So it is with our gastrointestinal tract: as its work is restored, we need to strive to increase the load - both to introduce useful foods that a person could not tolerate before, and to increase the intervals between meals, which will help the gastrointestinal tract system and the whole body to recover further.

"Meanwhile, a constantly full body, according to various sources, requires about 15 percent less calories than an episodically hungry one." takzdorovo.ru

There are two problems here. First, there is no scientific evidence for such claims. On the contrary, even refusing breakfast - "the most important meal of the day" -does not lead to overeating ... Secondly, all this is based on the theory of calories: eat as much as you spend - and you will not get better. If you want to lose weight, reduce the number of calories consumed so that the consumption exceeds the intake. You can read on this topic why the first law of thermodynamics doesn't work. More precisely, it works, but not in the way we think. But in short: it is important not how many calories you ate, but what exactly you ate and what hormones are released in response to this food. As I explained above, even a hearty, low-calorie meal can cause your body to store everything in fat and think it is still hungry.


Don't be afraid to eat "rarely" - skip popular snacks and maybe even one of the three main meals sometimes. Taking pauses not only makes it much easier to control your weight. Good hunger helps you work more productively, exercise better, and improve your health.

Read about how much longer periods without food affects health. And about the benefits of intermittent fasting.

Proper nutrition is not a diet!

Do I have to stick to a specific diet to maintain good physical shape? If there are no special medical indications for this, then it is enough to simply follow the basic principles of proper nutrition. Of course, you first need character and self-discipline in order not to suddenly go all out. But believe me, it will not take long before you feel a powerful surge of vitality, and others will begin to compliment your appearance.

If there are difficulties in drawing up the right menu for every day, then on the Internet you can always find the appropriate recommendations of recognized authorities in the field of dietetics and healthy eating. Having studied their advice on how to combine certain products, in what proportions it is better to use them, how to maintain the correct balance of substances necessary for normal life, and much more, you can easily cope with this task.

When choosing products for daily consumption, you should take into account your individual characteristics - genetic predispositions, climatic conditions of the place of residence, the degree of physical activity on which the energy value of food depends, as well as personal tastes.

You shouldn't force yourself to eat certain foods, guided only by their usefulness. After all, food is not only a source of vital energy, but also one of the pleasures of this life. At the same time, it can cause hard-to-repair harm to your body.

Even having embarked on the path of vegetarianism, you can pick up a lot of interesting recipes for yourself, the excellent taste of which will surprise even seasoned gourmets. They will help you to give up meat and many other animal products without much difficulty.

Try to use a reasonable approach to your diet, pay attention to the beautiful design, do not forget about the balance of substances necessary for the human body, and very soon you will notice positive changes in your physical condition and appearance.

Eat and lose weight!

Are you overweight and dreamed of losing weight, but are afraid to use rigid diets because of the possible consequences? Indeed, this method of weight loss is not suitable for everyone. In addition, it is known that even strict adherence to diets has a short-term effect. And in order to consolidate the result obtained, you will still have to fundamentally change your way of eating and living.

It is much safer and safer to initially use the opportunities by adopting at least one of the in your body. They will help to get rid of, returning beautiful reliefs to the body.

Various weight loss diets really do produce quick results. However, in most cases, the previous weight, and even with an increase, soon returns again. Moreover, strict food restrictions have nothing to do with healthy eating. In any case, before making a decision, it is better to think hard what is more important for you - to lose weight quickly or to eat healthy food every day instead of a diet, getting a not so quick, but reliable and lasting result?

Those who regularly visit the gym, are fond of jogging, or use home fitness equipment to keep fit, familiar with the feeling of severe hunger after exercise. At such moments, it is difficult to resist the temptation to eat something high in calories. To prevent this from happening, follow the advice of nutritionists on how to satisfy your hunger without harming your figure.

Some people cannot get better in any way, despite all the efforts being made. But a well-formulated diet used in a special diet for weight gain can help you achieve the desired result without overeating unhealthy.

How nutrition helps to preserve beauty and youth

It's no secret that the way of eating is reflected not only on the figure, but on the general appearance and even on the ability to think. If you are the owner of problematic or sensitive skin, then the effect of a healthy diet on its condition is also difficult to overestimate.

Over the years, natural physiological changes occur in the human body. Eyes lose their shine, hair no longer pleases with splendor, and treacherous wrinkles give out age. Most of all, this problem worries women who want to keep their freshness and youthful appearance as long as possible.

Probably it is impossible to find a person who would not dream of a long life without diseases and the sad consequences of past years. Perhaps science will soon be able to solve this problem. In the meantime, it is quite possible to slow down the aging process by changing your diet and lifestyle.

As for people involved in mental work, it is very important for them to maintain a good memory and clarity of thought until a ripe old age. But not everyone knows that there are foods, the use of which can significantly improve the functioning of the brain, regardless of age.

What is useful to eat at different times of the year

Seasonal climatic changes test our immune systems and exacerbate chronic diseases. A well-thought-out healthy eating system can help you stay in good health, regardless of the weather outside.

In the cold season during epidemics, the human body especially needs food rich in vitamins and useful microelements. They are able to increase resistance to viral and colds, help maintain overall vitality even on the most unfavorable and cloudy days.

Trouble-free intake of pharmacy vitamin complexes can help to cope with such ailments. However, many of them contain synthetic ingredients, which is not very good for our health. Therefore, it is much safer to include more foods containing vitamins in natural form in the daily menu.

Children who are constantly in a peer group in kindergarten or school are usually the first victims of seasonal diseases, therefore, in the cold season, parents must take care of their nutrition, taking into account the peculiarities. A child attending school experiences considerable mental and psychological stress that can lower his immunity. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention.

In the cold season, we move much less and are in the fresh air, trying to quickly return to the comfort of a warm room. In addition, the winter diet is replete with fatty and high-calorie foods that provide the body with the energy it needs to warm up. As a result, by the beginning of spring, some people are saddened to notice that their weight has increased significantly. Following the principles of good nutrition will help avoid such disappointments.

In the spring, when the weather is warm again, and sunny days are more and more longer, there is no need to eat a lot of high-calorie foods to warm the body. But the immune system, exhausted during the winter, needs support in the form of food rich in vitamins. Proper nutrition will make it possible to painlessly survive the change of seasons and maintain the "combat-ready" state of the body.

The summer season also has its own characteristics. The abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits makes it possible to diversify the table. But, if you do not follow the safety rules, then any error in nutrition can lead to a hospital bed in the gastroenterology or infectious diseases department.

Proper nutrition based on age and gender

The needs for certain products in the elderly and young, in adults and children, in women and men have certain differences. This is due to the peculiarities of their physiology. Therefore, nutrition must be viewed through the prism of such differences.

Nutrition for men and women of reproductive age

It is equally important for expectant mothers to monitor the quality of the products they need. Few women do not dream of a strong rosy-cheeked baby. Therefore, the question - "" cannot but worry most of them.

Some believe that during pregnancy you can eat everything and in any quantity, as, in their opinion, the future child "wants" it. With such an attitude to nutrition, a woman is gaining excess weight, and additional difficulties may arise during the delivery of an oversized child.

The diet of the expectant mother should be rich in foods containing animal and plant protein, long carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements from fresh vegetables and fruits and other nutrients necessary for the normal intrauterine development of the child. At the same time, it is better to limit or exclude the use of sweets, fatty and high-calorie foods, spicy and smoked dishes from the diet. Then the baby will receive everything necessary, and the young mother will quickly regain shape after childbirth.

How to raise a healthy child

The appearance of a child in a family is not only a great joy, but also a great responsibility. From this moment on, his harmonious physical, mental and psychological development depends on his parents. Involving the child in sports helps to foster purposefulness, perseverance in achieving the goal, makes it possible to lay the foundation for your child's good health for his entire future life. And properly organized nutrition strengthens his strength and helps to achieve the best results.

What is useful and harmful to eat in old age

In an elderly person, metabolic processes weaken over the years, the body assimilates meat and high-calorie foods worse, its muscle mass decreases, blood vessels lose elasticity and bones become more fragile. All of these factors should be considered when formulating a diet to avoid possible health problems.

Snack: what is better to eat outside the home?

It is common for a modern person to spend a lot of time outside the home without access to healthy, homemade food. Unfortunately, the wrong or an adult in such circumstances can significantly undermine health, affect the results of physical and intellectual activity. Fast food, classic sausage sandwiches, sweets and buns, hastily swallowed with tea or coffee, cannot fill the body's energy and physiological needs, contribute to disruption of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and weight gain. Nutritionists advise to take this issue seriously, not to be lazy to prepare the right set of foods for a snack at work and school.

Features of nutrition during fasting

Few of those who honor church traditions and try to fast before religious holidays know well what is considered correct. It should be remembered that strict abstinence from normal food for children, the elderly and those who are weakened by illness can have negative consequences. For the rest, in order to cleanse the body and soul, it is also not at all necessary to starve. The list of permitted products allows you to diversify your table, successfully replenishing the body with all the nutrients and useful substances it needs.

Nutrition for exacerbation of the disease

No one is immune from episodic illnesses, besides, absolute health is a rather rare phenomenon in modern society. But even in the presence of a chronic disease, proper nutrition will avoid many exacerbations, significantly improving the health of such people.

Seasonal diseases

Parents often have to deal with the problem of a sharp decrease in appetite in a sick child. Adults, without knowing it, make the mistake of forcing a resisting child to eat spoon after spoon. The fact is that the child's body at this moment mobilized all its forces to fight the disease, and the digestion of excess food can only weaken it.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Irregular diet, a sedentary lifestyle, biliary dyskinesia can cause digestive problems, inflammation and the formation of gallstones, as well as other negative phenomena. The correct diet, the use of the most suitable products, adherence to a special diet will help to avoid unpleasant consequences.

To minimize the risk of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, advice from doctors and nutritionists regarding proper nutrition for such patients should be followed. The essence of these recommendations boils down to the abolition of deliberately harmful products and the use of food that has a gentle effect on the digestive tract.

Almost any person at least once in their entire life may experience certain problems with the intestines. Food poisoning, intestinal infection or other diseases - no one is immune from them. Proper nutrition can speed up the healing process and significantly alleviate a person's condition during an illness.

Doctors treat peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer caused by the microorganism Helicobacter pylory with special antibacterial drugs. But the best therapeutic effect is achieved when drug treatment is combined with proper nutrition of the patient, both during an exacerbation of the disease and after it.

Cardiovascular diseases

Heart disease occupies one of the first positions in the list of diseases that pose a serious threat to life. It is especially important for such people to adhere to a certain diet and lifestyle so as not to provoke a deterioration in their condition.

Atherosclerosis is a common disease in which there is a narrowing and loss of elasticity of blood vessels due to fat deposits on their inner surface. Against the background of atherosclerosis, such formidable diseases as ischemic heart disease, heart attack and stroke develop. Doctors say that replacing fatty foods in the diet of such people with less nutritious foods, as well as introducing healthy foods into the daily diet, can significantly slow down the development of this pathological process.


This disease has at least 100 varieties. The most common of them are rheumatoid, rheumatic, gouty, traumatic and dystrophic arthritis. Each type requires adherence to a specific diet that helps to alleviate the patient's condition.


Type 1 and type 2 diabetes has significant differences. Also, the recommended diet for patients suffering from this disease of both types is radically different. If one can eat high-calorie foods, then others are strictly prohibited. In this case, non-compliance with the diet threatens with a zero effect during treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important for such people to strictly follow the advice of doctors regarding their nutrition.

Kidney disease

With kidney disease, negative changes occur throughout the body. The most common signs of disturbances in the work of this organ are edema, retention of fluid, salts and metabolic products in the body. In the future, this can lead to an increase in blood pressure and the development of severe poisoning. People with kidney disease need to eat a certain diet. At the same time, depending on the stage of the disease, the doctor recommends one or another diet.


Thrush or candidiasis is a disease caused by a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, in which the infection can affect mucous membranes anywhere in the body. One of the conditions for effective treatment of candidiasis is diet. Thanks to it, it is possible to shorten the duration of the disease and alleviate the manifestation of symptoms.

The human digestive system has a vital function - it supplies the body with energy and nutrients throughout life. However, one should pay attention to the fact that a lot of products that are available to humans today lose their energy and nutritional value during storage and preparation, or do not have it at all.

The human body is inherently unique! So does a person need food? A person needs energy (carbohydrates) and nutrients (proteins, fats, vitamins, micro- and macronutrients), which is provided by food. This is a generally accepted concept and it is correct. Theoretically, in order for a person to receive the energy, vitamins, fats, micro- and macroelements he needs, he does not need to consume food, however, there is no alternative source of energy and nutrients that would be able to completely replace food today.


What should you eat? There is a way out: you need to consume foods containing the required amount of energy and nutrients!

What are these products?

For many, it is not a secret that during heat treatment, products lose quite a lot of useful components, and thus their properties. After cooking, some dishes lose everything that can be lost at all (when the products are first boiled, then fried and at the end they are also stewed) - in this case, this dish is not food, but a means of stuffing the stomach (you can just as well eat sand or rubble ...), which, subsequently, the body removes from the body with great difficulty. Do you often have a stomach ache after a tasty and plentiful meal? This happens to everyone, and many will say that this is normal and it happens to many people. But this is not normal! Stomach pain after eating plentiful and improperly cooked food is the body's struggle against poison, which most people call food, and this battle takes place in your body every day.

A person should consume food correctly and only those foods that he needs. Otherwise, human diseases will become not a rare exception, but will become widespread. Isn't this the goal of pharmaceutical companies that are so interested in selling their products? And people continue to consume mountains of pills, inject liters of different medicines into themselves in the hope that they are able to help them in some way! Everyone understands this perfectly and knows, since he himself once faced it. We will not be mistaken if we say that today there is no such person who has not taken medicine at least once!

You should not be hostages of your mind and body, which will always convince you that all people are sick, and you are sick, everyone is taking medicine, and you will take it! Think why? Why should you be like everyone else if every person is different? You should go your own way and look at others from the outside: you are not like the others, and the rest are not like you. The difference will be that you yourself will achieve an understanding of your individuality, and your herd instinct will simply disappear. When you reach the understanding that the majority is not always right, you will stop striving for the rest!

It is common for everyone to make mistakes, and even more so to the crowd! If you look in the media at the riots that more and more often cover many regions of not only our country, but also the world, you will see that they arise precisely in the crowd. Seeing all this, you will say that they are behaving very stupidly! The funny thing is that most of the participants in these riots in everyday life would say the same thing! It is the manifestation of the herd instinct that makes people commit rash acts, irreparable mistakes and follow the crowd into the abyss.

Now think about how many diseases cause malnutrition in humans? After all, you are brazenly deceived when they claim that you need food and only food. The question arises: what food do we need and how much to consume? To date, many studies are known in this matter, there are many recommendations and ready-made diets. However, most of these studies are carried out abroad, and most of these studies have nothing to do with us, because both social conditions and the quality of our products are very different from them.

The fact that the human body contains almost all the elements of the periodic table can be considered reliable! Our body has its own supply of "building materials". The products contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, which is a means for a person that allows the body to provide energy for life and nutritional components that will allow the human body to meet its needs. That is, if the human body does not produce a sufficient amount of necessary elements, it gets them from food. In the event that this balance is disturbed (for various reasons), diseases appear. Also, the body must maintain a constant supply of all the components necessary for life, otherwise, the human body becomes dependent on external nutrition, which, as a rule, is ineffective. In this case, the body begins to break down ahead of schedule.

It turns out that the human body needs energy and nutrients, and not the food itself. Are you confused? It's pretty simple. The body takes everything that it needs from food and replenishes its own reserves, the remains are removed from the body. However, to implement such a diet plan, you need to consume the right foods that contain everything you need. In this case, your reserve will not be depleted and will constantly support your vital activity. It's like constantly adding gasoline to the car's tank, this will make it possible to keep the tank full (without overflowing it), and the car will go for a very long time. Most people leave the tank empty and then think for a long time why the car won't drive. For that small fraction of quality food that enters our body is only enough for our engine to sneeze and fire loudly, and the car constantly twitched and barely drove.

Remember: the body needs nutrients and energy. And the more healthy food you consume, the better for you. It often happens that you do not get enough sleep, you feel tired and hungry. You want to eat because your reserve is depleted, and you are not going to replenish it with healthy food, thinking that a healthy diet is not able to saturate you.

People have been convinced that high-quality and healthy food is not capable of providing anything important, therefore it is useless! A person believes, consumes harmful products and hopes for a healthy and long life. Now think about how much of your internal reserve will be enough for you? And all the same where you live, all the same what you do, we can say one thing that the reserve will be enough for 25-30 years! This is a very short period, but this is exactly the age when a person begins to develop serious diseases. Most are faced with this.

Here's an example for you: a person thinks that by consuming candy, his mood rises, since chocolate contains a "hormone of happiness" (serotonin). Is this true? Yes, this is true, but it happens because the person knows about it. In this case, the placebo effect plays an important role: a person gets pleasure because he thinks that he should be happy. But immediately objections arise: is it real chocolate (because only real chocolate contains serotonin), and what many will say that just ordinary candies can cheer you up. But this is not so, a person only thinks that way, since there are many examples when sweets not only do not help, but only make the body worse. And if the candy does not contain chocolate, but something else, what then improves the mood: simple sugar or something else? It is worth considering that not everything is true that everyone is telling you about.

It is worth hoping that you have learned what we wanted to convey to you: a person needs energy and nutrients, and it does not matter how and where you will get them, even from thin air.

I am quite curious and inquisitive. I think about different things every day, but here nutrition theme interests me very much, because seeing every day people whose figures are far from normal, I feel uncomfortable. One and the same question always arises: “They don't see anything? How can they not notice themselves, their kind? How so ???? ". Living in such a society is not cool at all. After all, you always want to look around, admire the beauty of this world, but it does not work, because people are a part of this world, it is impossible not to pay attention to them.

Today I would like to talk about why eat at all?

Most people, approaching the refrigerator, think of something completely wrong, for example:

  • So I can eat something delicious?
  • Hunger needs to be satisfied
  • I need to eat so as not to die of hunger
  • I need to eat something to get rid of depression
  • I'm stressed, I want something sweet!

These are the issues that most people worry about when they walk up to their refrigerator or go shopping. None of these people think about their health, no one understands why they need to eat at all. Everyone has thoughts about tasty things, from depression, from stress, but more often of course just about taste. I saw something tasty somewhere, the taste buds began to stir, now I also want to.

This is very similar to animals that eat just to survive, following their self-preservation instincts. But you and I are people who are able to think and we are able not only to think, but also to study, analyze and make decisions.

So why do we need to eat?

Of course, also in order to survive, but there are several nuances that really need to be considered. Everyone knows that food is different, both in appearance and in chemical composition... Let's first understand the category functions food.

Fruits and vegetables, the main function these products, supply of vitamins to our body... Minerals are also found in these foods, but the main purpose is to supply vitamins.

Protein food, these are various meat, eggs, dairy products, the main function protein food, the supply of protein, which in the body is broken down into amino acids and then used to restoration and creation of muscle tissue... In fact, amino acids have a lot of functions, but we will limit ourselves to a few for now. Let's call this function, BUILD! By the way, there are a lot of minerals in protein products, and most often it is from protein products that fats come from.

Carbohydrate products, and these are sweets and cereals. function these products, energy supply... All the processes taking place in our body need energy. The car does not run without fuel either.

Water, this product is basic. We are 80 percent water, all processes take place with the participation of water. Metabolism, cooling and much more.

In fact, we need to eat in order to receive material and energy, so that the chemical processes in the body do not stop working, exactly right, and we are alive. It's simple, however, you need to think wider. It is necessary to distinguish between carbohydrates, simple and complex. Also distinguish between fats, harmful and healthy. High quality protein and low quality.

You now need to rebuild your thinking when you think about food. Do not think of food as the solution to all problems, but imagine food as a source of material and energy, so that you can live your life in good shape, so that your body is beautiful and functional, so that you can just do whatever you want! After all, food is not a solution to all problems and not a stimulator of your receptors, food is an opportunity to create, create, not only some things, but also your life, as you see it in your head, in your dreams.

After all, if you eat right, you will be pleased to look at yourself in the mirror, you will look normal. Other people will want to communicate and interact with you. Your life will become more diverse, because you will be capable of anything, there will be no restrictions in your life. Your illnesses will lag behind you, unless of course you have completely neglected everything.

However stress and depression occur due to improper nutrition. Of course, you should not overlook your attitude to the world around you, but nutrition plays an important role. Your resistance to stress depends on an adequate supply of minerals and vitamins.

Anyway, all diseases occur in people as a result of improper nutrition. Our body with you is very strong and very cool, it is capable of anything. You just need to give him everything he needs.

I hope now it became clearer for you why does a person need to eat?

If you have any questions, or, on the contrary, have appeared, ask them in the comments. I liked the article, share it with your friends, just with people, let's make the world of people more beautiful together! By providing the right information to the masses ...

From this article you will learn:

  • Delicious?
  • What does your stomach think about it?
  • Who's Who in Building a Healthy Body
  • How to defeat dysbiosis

In previous articles, you have already learned how important the role of healthy eating in our health and longevity is. But what is a healthy diet, how to find out what exactly you need and how to choose a diet individually for each person?

Today, for some people, I will dispel myths about healthy eating, for many I will cause controversy, and someone will receive an answer to his questions.

Ask yourself the question - what is food to you?

A source of pleasure, a pill for stress, or is it fuel and building material for the body? When do you eat? When did the wife serve dinner or the husband warmed up the afternoon tea? For the company, because a lunch break or because it smells delicious, or because a guest, and tomorrow this yummy will no longer be ...

And what does your stomach think about this? Why aren't you very happy with your appearance? The tummy sticks out, hair falls out, nails exfoliate, heartburn torments, chronic fatigue syndrome, kidney stones, well, what else is there ... Or are they simply dissatisfied with their "facade", but in general, it seems, until you fall apart, nothing hurts?

Few of us, when preparing our favorite lasagna, pilaf, hodgepodge or meat salad, think about how such food will be absorbed and what our body will get after digestion processes. What benefits will our nerve cells, brain, hair roots and skin receive? How the microflora cope with the task of synthesizing the necessary building blocks of proteins - enzymes, amino acids and vitamins. What will be the production of the hormones we need so much?

Have I puzzled you? In fact, everything in our body is initially wisely thought out and so interconnected that one wrong action on our part causes a chain of disorders that entail a deterioration in health. And, of course, no one has died yet from the fact that all his life he eats borscht with donuts and cutlets with mashed potatoes.

But the complaints of people who eat traditional food about heartburn, bloating, hypertension, excess weight, constipation, allergies to oranges and hair loss, and hundreds of other uncomfortable conditions are so predictable and logical! And the worst thing is that such diagnoses have become the norm !!!

And if the body does not receive high-quality fuel, then how can it work without breaking down?

If you bought a foreign car for 20,000 euros, then you will not pour kefir into the tank, but mineral water into the engine, right? Because the car needs the fuel and engine oil provided for it. And we ourselves eat as tasty as we can, at random, but not as the body needs, unfortunately. Most often out of ignorance, of course, because we do not have lessons on healthy eating in our schools. But in vain.

So how do you need to eat in order not to harm yourself, to preserve youth, beauty and health. Not to fall apart after 30 and not to suffer from incurable ailments at 50?

First, let's agree that this conversation is not for one article, because I need to convey to you everything in detail and explain each individual process of digestion and assimilation of food. If you have the patience to read everything carefully, then you can avoid many problems in the future.

If you already have health problems, I will please you: the body is able to repair itself. In our body, cells live on average from 1.5 to 7 years. This means that once you change your eating habits and start living a healthy lifestyle, you can expect dramatic health changes for the better.

But in order for you to be able to see such results - a renewed body, healthy organs, strength, energy and vigor, you will need to try and completely change your eating habits. This is the first and most important factor in restoring health.

Therefore, now we will look at nutrition as a building material for the body, and not gratification of our eating habits and an emotional stimulant.

To our body to maintain life, obtain energy, build organ cells, muscles, bones and more need fatty acids, carbohydrates, amino acids (building blocks of a protein molecule), vitamins and minerals (micro and macro elements). As well as chlorophyll and oxygen.

Fatty acids, carbohydrates, minerals, some vitamins and essential amino acids must be obtained from the outside, from food.

The body is able to synthesize essential amino acids, some vitamins and hormones by itself, provided that the necessary starting materials are obtained.

The synthesis of hormones occurs in different organs, but also depends on the received nutrition. But the synthesis of amino acids and vitamins occurs precisely in the intestines, and completely depends on your microflora.

Amino acids are an essential constituent of a protein molecule that the body builds according to its needs and sends it to maintain muscles, various organs, nails, hair and bones.

Therefore, if, for example, you have a lack of muscle mass, then you do not have enough amino acids in your nutrition, which are responsible for the structure of muscle mass.

And if there are problems with hair, then one of the reasons may be a lack of nutrition in the amino acids that make up the keratin protein molecule. There are a lot of reasons for baldness and hair loss, thinning of the hair itself, weakening of the hair follicle, enough for a separate article. But today the topic is nutrition, so let's get back to digestion.

As I wrote in the last article, unhealthy diet leads to changes in the intestinal microflora. As a result, we are no longer able to, for example, eat an apple or cabbage without problems with bloating and gas formation.

It is already in the order of things that people have dysbiosis and that after each meal, different tablets must be swallowed to relieve bloating or heaviness in the stomach. Rave! You just need to understand what and why you eat. Then pills are not needed, and there will be no dysbiosis.

When we eat mainly traditional classical Russian or European cuisine, which is dominated by thermally processed food and a mixture of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, we disrupt all possible digestion processes.

First, as I said, our healthy microflora, consisting of E. coli, is displaced and replaced by fermentative bacteria that feed on sugars and light carbohydrates and pathogenic, putrefactive bacteria that feed on foreign proteins obtained from meat and fish.

The result of the work of such microflora - poisons, toxins and slags. Such microflora cannot provide you with building material, it only clogs you and acidifies the body.

Now a simple logical conclusion: the task of a healthy microflora is to synthesize the necessary amino acids and vitamins, and it can do this by receiving fresh plant foods, fermented milk products and cereals with legumes. You need fiber, which is food for E. coli. No healthy food, no stick. No stick - no building material for the body. No vitamins for health. There is no production of hormones due to metabolic disorders and lack of nutrients.

The consequence of all this is health problems. Dull skin, problems with teeth, bones, nails, hair, loose body, devoid of muscle and consisting of stored fat. After all, our traditional cuisine consists mainly of excess fat and carbohydrates.

Draw conclusions, my dears!

In the next article I will tell you how food is processed, we will have a fascinating tour of the gastrointestinal tract!

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Best regards, Svetlana Aristova

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