What is the meaning of the scandal around the movie Matilda. How Kazan meets Matilda

As "Matilda" became the most scandalous film before leaving

The shooting of the picture under the working title "Matilda" began in June 2014, "But, as provided for by the schedule, they were interrupted several times due to the employment of performers and waiting for nature," the studio site Rock Films said. In 2015, the work resumed, in the fall of 2016 the film crew planned to release a film on the screen.

April 20, 2017. With the criticism of the situation of the situation, the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, who called the situation of "Vakhanalia Democracy".

"This is the Vakhanalia democracy. How can you judge the movie that no one has seen? "

April 25, 2017.The first deputy minister of culture Vladimir Aristarkhs, that when issuing permission to rent a film "Matilda", the conclusions of the expert opinion will not be taken into account, and the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev officials cannot interfere with the creative process of creating works of culture and art and not explain to the artist what he should do.

"If we again do not want to return during the times, when the culture was rigidly regulated from above, then we all need to be taken into account, including officials, politicians. In general, to anyone intended power to man needs to suppress the temptation to explain to the artist what he should do. "

May 2, 2017.The ROC protrudes with the new criticism of the film, the head of the Synodal Department of External Church Relations Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion His "Blasphemy" and "Apothesis of Vulgarity".

"We are talking, as it seems to me, about our national heritage, about our history. We should not care about our history. We should not have people of this level and such a scale as the last Russian emperor, subject to such a public humiliation. "

In the same year, the Deputy from the Communist Party of the Communist Party of Valery Rashkin appealed to the FSB leadership with a request for traffic activities. According to the deputy answered.

August 1, 2017.In Moscow, a prayer standing against Matilda was held. A deputy Natalia Poklonskaya called on standing on the eve. At the event, 500 people gathered, who prayed "for the listings of the creators of such a" movie ".

August 8, 2017.Head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov Minister of Culture Vladimir Midensky Letter with a request to prevent the film "Matilda" in the territory of the republic.

"To live with honor, you need to remember your story, be proud and read those who fought for us. This memory is sacred and noble. We, descendants of the winners, should not only holy honor about the defenders of the Motherland, but also to educate the younger generation in the spirit of respect for their history. I ask you to exclude the Chechen Republic from the rolling certificate for the show of the film "Matilda".

Kadyrov teacher personally watch a movie before you ask him to ban it.

The next day, the Ministry of Culture is a request for the ban on the film from the authorities of Dagestan.

August 10, 2017.Ministry of Culture Showing the film with viewers over 16 years throughout Russia. Natalia Poklonskaya in the decision of the Ministry of Culture The grounds for attracting employees of the Ministry to the responsibility "for violating the law on countering extremist activities." In the regions authorities, meanwhile left the right to limit the demonstration of Matilda on its territory. In addition, it can make roller products: So, the only film rental in Ingushetia refused to show a film due to fragments insulting religious feelings of believers.

Alexey teacher to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Head of the FSB, demanding from them to ensure his security after the attack on his studio in St. Petersburg, as well as the safety of the audience, who are waiting for the premiere of the film "Matilda".

September 4, 2017. The "Channel One" announced that showing the four-stero version of the film. Shortly before that, the director that in 2019 the TV screen will be released by the TV series on the basis of Matilda, but did not specify, on which TV channel is planned to be a premiere.

On the morning of September 4, in Yekaterinburg in the foyer of the cinema, a minibus loaded by barrels with gasoline and gas cylinders, after which the building began. According to eyewitnesses, after a collision out of the car, two people ran out, one of them threw the "Cocktail Molotov" in the building. Suspected of arson of manotenna "for technical reasons". "The show is postponed on October 25, 2017, 18:00," is indicated on the site.

On the same day, the office of the lawyer teacher Konstantin Dobrynin has two cars. At the site of arson were scattered leaflets "burn for Matilda". About what happened

The Russian public stirred the film "Matilda", which should go into a large rental of March 30. State Duma deputy Natalia Poklonskaya after the appeals of angry citizens even sent a request to the Russian Prosecutor General Yuri Seak, so that the relevant authorities checked the picture, but they did not find any violations in the prosecutor's office. What is the same for all the same, why the Orthodox activists and many other questions decided to answer the correspondent of the site against him.

Who is Matilda?

The painting is devoted to the fate of the Matilda Kshesinsky dancers that existed in the reality of the dancer, which was a barrier of the Mariinsky Theater. But she was famous not only with his plastic, but also with communication with the August of the Russian Empire. The lady had time to be a favorite of Cesarevich Nikolai, the mistress of the Grand Dukes of Sergey Mikhailovich and Andrei Vladimirovich, and the latter even married her, in the world of which Kshesinskaya received the title of light princess and Romanov surname.

What is the movie and who worked over him?

The history of the relationship between the last Russian emperor and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky will unfold in front of the audience, which was a real star of his time and reduced many men with his beauty.
The famous Russian master Alexey teacher, who worked on the film "Cosmos as a Premonition", "Walk" and many others became a director of the picture. The author of the script was the writer Alexander Terekhov, the laureate of the Big Book and National Bestseller Prizes. The shooting of the tape began in 2014 and passed with a big scale in the Mariinsky Theater, in Ekaterininsky, Aleksandrovsky, Yusupovsky and Elaginoostrovsk Palaces. In addition, the decorations of the Assumption Cathedral, the Palace on the River Pontone and the interiors of the wagons of the imperial railway line, and more than 17 tons of tissue were spent on the creation of costumes, and 5 thousand outfits were extended to create costumes. So, the total budget amounted to $ 25 million.

Who is in "Matilde" removed?

On the big screen, the audience will see Danil Kozlovsky, who will play Count Vorontsov, Ingeborgu Dapkin, it will appear in front of the audience in the image of Empress Mary Fedorovna, and Sergey Harmash in the role of Emperor Alexander III. Artists Troupes of the Berlin Theater "Shaubyun" Lars Idinger and Louise Wolfram will play Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexander Fedorovna. Initially, Kira Knightley was initially proper, and the director held a secret for a long time, who still in his film will become Matilda Kshesinskaya. Now it is known that 24-year-old Polish film actress, violinist, singer and writer Mikhalin Olshana chose to the main role.

What did not like activists?

It is important to note that no one has seen the film - neither activists nor Natalia Poklonskaya. Opinion is based only on the only trailer, although nothing dangerous in it seems to be.
Recall that the tape opponents created a petition on the Change.org website in July 2016, where they collected the signatures for the abolition of the picture, explaining that "the content of the film is conscious lie."
As explained opposed "Matilda", there are no facts of the cohabitation of Russian kings with ballerinas. In addition, in their opinion, Russia is represented here "as a country of gallops, drunkenness and a fornication, which is also a lie. The picture includes bed scenes of Nicholas II with Matilda, the king himself is represented by cruel and avenge depressor and adulterer."
Supported activists Poklonskaya from himself added that "this film defiles the feelings of Orthodox and contains unreliable, fake information information regarding our sovereign, which is canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church, is our holy, martyr."

The scandal around the newly not released film about the first love of Emperor Nicholas II turned with a new force. What is the film that is still in production, so indignant the public?

In the center of the plot of historical melodrama, as the creators genre called, - Love Tsarevich Nikolai Romanova, the future of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky. Romantic relationships lasted not long - before the coronation of him with the future spouse Alexander Federovna. By the way, they say that the ballerina and Nicholas II even born daughter (!)

After communication with Tsarevich, Nikolai Alexandrovich was the mistress of another Grand Prince Sergey Mikhailovich, and later married another representative of the royal house - the Grand Prince Andrei Romanova. Raised an extramarital son. And after the revolution of 1917, Russia left forever. In Paris she had his own ballet school.

The ban of the film Matilda is one of the hot-discussed those Runet

Stock Foto Frame from the movie

The fate of Kshesin is curious in itself - she lived a long life, almost a hundred years. She is a prima-ballerina of imperial theaters, influential person.

Polish actress Mikhalin Olshanskaya was invited to the role of the main character, Emperor Nikolai II played German actor and cinema Lars Idinger. Among star names: Ingeborg Dapkin, Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Garmash, Danil Kozlovsky and Grigory Dobrygin.

The picture between the one since the first day was conceived as a large-scale historical reconstruction: the Assumption Cathedral was specially recreated, the Palace on the River Pontion and the interiors of the wagons of the Imperial Railway. The shooting took place in the Mariinsky Theater, in Ekaterininsky, Aleksandrovsky, Yusupovsky and Elaginoostrovsky Palaces. For 5 thousand costumes left, for some information, 17 tons of fabric. And the entire painting budget is $ 25 million.

What started?

Stock Foto Frame from the movie

The fact that the director Alexey Teacher in 2014 began shooting historical cinema, it was known and did not cause protest from anyone. And when production was in full swing, if not more, the public suddenly began to actively object to the filming, demanding a complete ban. It may seemed to be a provocative first trailer for the film. But from the moment of his appearance, complaints fell. Among the main initiators - the social movement "Tsarist Cross":

"In the movie" Matilda ", King Nikolai II is depicted not by those he really was. Love between Matilda Kshesinskaya and King Nikolai II was Platonic, and not lustful. Also, at the rule of the king Nicholas II, the economic and social status was better compared to the current situation in Russia, "the official statement says. And they supported the support of Natalia Poklonskaya, now the State Duma deputy, and at that time the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

Natalia Poklonskaya twice sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on checking Matilda to extremism. Check did not find violations. In 2016, a petition appeared on the Internet on the Change.org website, the purpose of which is to ban the film. "The content of the film is conscious lie" - the saying in it.

"There are no facts in the story of the cohabitation of Russian kings with ballerinas," said Petition. - Russia is represented in the film as a country of gallops, drunkenness and a flaw, which is also a lie. In the picture, Nicholas II bed scenes with Matilda are included, the king himself is represented by cruel vengeful depravant and adulterer. "

Stock Foto Frame from the movie

At the end of January 2017, complaint letters were sent over the cinemas of the country. Natalia Poklonskaya sent another deputy request to the General Prosecutor's Office to verify the legality of the cost of budget funds allocated by the movie Foundation for the creation of a film. And in April 2017 - to the expert commission, as part of the doctors of psychological, legal, philological, cultural, historical sciences with experience of expertise under 28 years old, to assess the script and film trailers.

Commission members saw a lot of critical comments: from again, the moral appearance of the Russian king to the urgent appearance of his beloved. And the designer's verdict: the paint is imposed on the false image of St. Nicholas II, they are offended by the feelings of believers. The results of the examination once again sent to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Who supported the movie?

The main idea that sounds from most cultural and officials is to make an opinion about the film, which has not come out. But aggressive attacks from public organizations also could not be ignored. Many cultural figures counted their duty to speak in support of the painting: film director Stanislav Govorukhin, Chairman of the Duma Committee on Culture, criticized the idea of \u200b\u200bchecking the film, adding that such initiatives need to be patched on the root.

An open letter has written more than forty Russian filmmakers, including Pavel Lungin, Alexander Pokhkin, Alexander Gelman, Vitaly Manx, Andrei Smirnov and others. The Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, several times the painting on the set, on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", also supported Matilda.

Finally, a comment on the situation around the premiere gave a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sadkov. According to him, evaluate the film, which is not yet ready at least strange. "And then, to be honest, I, unfortunately, I do not have information, which experts evaluated the film - expert expert retrovers. Therefore, not knowing who exactly appreciated the film, as part of what authority, it is probably difficult to talk about something, "the sands said.

And what do the descendants of the royal dynasty of Romanov say?

Stock Foto Frame from the movie

Representatives of the house of Romanovs are not solidar in the assessment of the not yet released film. But many clearly did not like the film's idea. The director of the Office of the Russian Imperial House, Alexander Sunits on the air "Radio" Baltika "called" Matilda "a low-standard fake, which has nothing to do with real events:" To discuss the identity of even a holy person, even the king, it is quite possible, but for what purpose? To show in some more perverted form to make money on low emotions and instincts? This is not good".

The representative of the association of the members of the Romanov family (another branch of the family) in Russia, Ivan Arzyshevsky believes that there is nothing offensive in the picture. "Nicholas II became a holy per martyer death, and show him a person, I think is absolutely normal - this is my personal position," said Artishevsky TASS.

The creators of the film are tired of dispute

Director Alexey Teacher called the discussion around Matilda useless and unnecessary. "Honestly, I'm already tired of the war of Mrs. Poulok with me and the entire film crew. Instead of quietly finishing the film, I have to be distracted by nonsense, nonsense and insults, "said RIA Novosti director. "The film will come out, everyone will look, and then only possible his discussion."

Also believes the producer of the film Alexander Pestman: "People who have not seen a film, and no one saw him, besides the working group, can not make any conclusions - this is funny, some kind of amazing nonsense. And it is still surprising that everyone goes from Natalia Poklonskaya on occasion, they are considered with her opinion, she has already ceased to be surprised. This is a film about beautiful love. Regardless of whether the king of Nikolai or is not a king, he is a man, and a man that, can not love? ".

According to TASS, Konstantin Dobrynin, lawyer Director Alexei Teachet, appealed to the Ethics Commission of the State Duma of Russia with a complaint about the activities of the Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, justifying possible violations of the Rules of Deputy Ethics, which manifested "in unreasonable charges" of Poklonskaya to the teacher, as well as in "use Relatively false information and calls for illegal actions "in relation to the creators of the film" Matilda ".

When is the premiere?

The premiere was scheduled for October 26, 2017, it will be held in the Mariinsky Theater - where the main heroine of Matilda Kshesinsky was performed at the beginning of the 20th century. By the way, the film director and CEO of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev became the music producer of the film.

The scandal around the not yet released film about the first love of the emperor Nicholas II turned with a new force. What is the film that is still in production, so indignant the public?

In the center of the plot of historical melodrama, as the creators genre called, - Love Tsarevich Nikolai Romanova, the future of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, and the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky. Romantic relationships lasted not long - before the coronation of him with the future spouse Alexander Federovna. By the way, they say that the ballerina and Nicholas II even born daughter (!)

After communication with Tsarevich, Nikolai Alexandrovich was the mistress of another Grand Prince Sergey Mikhailovich, and later married another representative of the royal house - the Grand Prince Andrei Romanova. Raised an extramarital son. And after the revolution of 1917, Russia left forever. In Paris she had his own ballet school.

The fate of Kshesin is curious in itself - she lived a long life, almost a hundred years. She is a prima-ballerina of imperial theaters, influential person.

Polish actress Mikhalin Olshanskaya was invited to the role of the main character, Emperor Nikolai II played German actor and cinema Lars Idinger. Among star names: Ingeborg Dapkin, Evgeny Mironov, Sergey Garmash, Danil Kozlovsky and Grigory Dobrygin.

Nicholas II and Matilda Kshesinsky had a daughter.

The picture between the one since the first day was conceived as a large-scale historical reconstruction: the Assumption Cathedral was specially recreated, the Palace on the River Pontion and the interiors of the wagons of the Imperial Railway. The shooting took place in the Mariinsky Theater, in Ekaterininsky, Aleksandrovsky, Yusupovsky and Elaginoostrovsky Palaces. For 5 thousand costumes left, for some information, 17 tons of fabric. And the entire painting budget is $ 25 million.

What started?

The fact that the director Alexey Teacher in 2014 began shooting historical cinema, it was known and did not cause protest from anyone. And when production was in full swing, if not more, the public suddenly began to actively object to the filming, demanding a complete ban. It may seemed to be a provocative first trailer for the film. But from the moment of his appearance, complaints fell. Among the main initiators - the social movement "Tsarist Cross":

"In the movie" Matilda ", King Nikolai II is depicted not by those he really was. Love between Matilda Kshesinskaya and King Nikolai II was Platonic, and not lustful. Also, at the rule of the king Nicholas II, the economic and social status was better compared to the current situation in Russia, "the official statement says. And they supported the support of Natalia Poklonskaya, now the State Duma deputy, and at that time the prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea.

Natalia Poklonskaya twice sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation on checking Matilda to extremism. Check did not find violations. In 2016, a petition appeared on the Internet on the Change.org website, the purpose of which is to ban the film. "The content of the film is conscious lie" - the saying in it.

"There are no facts in the story of the cohabitation of Russian kings with ballerinas," said Petition. - Russia is represented in the film as a country of gallops, drunkenness and a flaw, which is also a lie. In the picture, Nicholas II bed scenes with Matilda are included, the king himself is represented by cruel vengeful depravant and adulterer. "

At the end of January 2017, complaint letters were sent over the cinemas of the country. Natalia Poklonskaya sent another deputy request to the General Prosecutor's Office to verify the legality of the cost of budget funds allocated by the movie Foundation for the creation of a film. And in April 2017 - to the expert commission, as part of the doctors of psychological, legal, philological, cultural, historical sciences with experience of expertise under 28 years old, to assess the script and film trailers.

Commission members saw a lot of critical comments: from again, the moral appearance of the Russian king to the urgent appearance of his beloved. And the designer's verdict: the paint is imposed on the false image of St. Nicholas II, they are offended by the feelings of believers. The results of the examination once again sent to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Who supported the movie?

The main idea that sounds from most cultural and officials is to make an opinion about the film, which has not come out. But aggressive attacks from public organizations also could not be ignored. Many cultural figures counted their duty to speak in support of the painting: film director Stanislav Govorukhin, Chairman of the Duma Committee on Culture, criticized the idea of \u200b\u200bchecking the film, adding that such initiatives need to be patched on the root.

An open letter has written more than forty Russian filmmakers, including Pavel Lungin, Alexander Pokhkin, Alexander Gelman, Vitaly Manx, Andrei Smirnov and others. The Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, several times the painting on the set, on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda", also supported Matilda.

Finally, a comment on the situation around the premiere gave a press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Sadkov. According to him, evaluate the film, which is not yet ready at least strange. "And then, to be honest, I, unfortunately, I do not have information, which experts evaluated the film - expert expert retrovers. Therefore, not knowing who exactly appreciated the film, as part of what authority, it is probably difficult to talk about something, "the sands said.

And what do the descendants of the royal dynasty of Romanov say?

Representatives of the house of Romanovs are not solidar in the assessment of the not yet released film. But many clearly did not like the film's idea. The director of the Office of the Russian Imperial House, Alexander Sunits on the air "Radio" Baltika "called" Matilda "a low-standard fake, which has nothing to do with real events:" To discuss the identity of even a holy person, even the king, it is quite possible, but for what purpose? To show in some more perverted form to make money on low emotions and instincts? This is not good".

The representative of the association of the members of the Romanov family (another branch of the family) in Russia, Ivan Arzyshevsky believes that there is nothing offensive in the picture. "Nicholas II became a holy per martyer death, and show him a person, I think is absolutely normal - this is my personal position," said Artishevsky TASS.

The creators of the film are tired of dispute

Director Alexey Teacher called the discussion around Matilda useless and unnecessary. "Honestly, I'm already tired of the war of Mrs. Poulok with me and the entire film crew. Instead of quietly finishing the film, I have to be distracted by nonsense, nonsense and insults, "said RIA Novosti director. "The film will come out, everyone will look, and then only possible his discussion."

Also believes the producer of the film Alexander Pestman: "People who have not seen a film, and no one saw him, besides the working group, can not make any conclusions - this is funny, some kind of amazing nonsense. And it is still surprising that everyone goes from Natalia Poklonskaya on occasion, they are considered with her opinion, she has already ceased to be surprised. This is a film about beautiful love. Regardless of whether the king of Nikolai or is not a king, he is a man, and a man that, can not love? ".

According to TASS, Konstantin Dobrynin, lawyer Director Alexei Teachet, appealed to the Ethics Commission of the State Duma of Russia with a complaint about the activities of the Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, justifying possible violations of the Rules of Deputy Ethics, which manifested "in unreasonable charges" of Poklonskaya to the teacher, as well as in "use Relatively false information and calls for illegal actions "in relation to the creators of the film" Matilda ".

When is the premiere?

The premiere was scheduled for October 26, 2017, it will be held in the Mariinsky Theater - where the main heroine of Matilda Kshesinsky was performed at the beginning of the 20th century. By the way, the film director and CEO of the Mariinsky Theater Valery Gergiev became the music producer of the film.

A film that removes the famous director Alexey Teacher ("Walk", "Portrait of his wife"), tells the story of the relationship of the future emperor, and at that time Cesarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich Romanova and Prima-ballerina Mariinsky Theater Matilda Kshesinskaya. The dancer with Polish blood with his beauty literally brought to the mind of the royal son. From his part it was a real passion from which Nikolai was forced to refuse to exchange for the crown. Although the future emperor loved his Matilda so that he was ready to give up the throne.

Agree, a story that really deserves the attention of cinema. Under this grand project, the state allocated $ 25 million, most of which were spent on scenery and costumes, and they were sewn more than 5 thousand. The geography of filming was a grandiose: filmed in the most protected places of historical St. Petersburg: in the interiors of the Mariinsky Theater, Ekaterininsky, Aleksandrovsky, Yusupovsky and Elaginoostrovsky Palaces, - so this film is already one of its picture - a history guide. In addition, the decorations of the Assumption Cathedral, the Palace on the River Ponteon and the interiors of the magazines of the imperial railway line, were built for the film. Well, that is, the scale is understandable. Plus, the soundtrack ordered the modeling composer of Hollywood Marco Belami, and he played everything that Hollywood Italian wrote, the advanced composition of the Symphony orchestra of Valery Gergiev. Yes, we still forgot to say about the actors, in all the roles, except the main names, only the most fashionable surnames, Danil Kozlovsky, Ingeborg Dapkin, Sergey Garmash, Evgeny Mironov. This list, honestly, asks the name Hodchenkova, but some miracle cost without her.

But as applies to the artist leadership, here the creators, as they say, lied. In pursuit of acting appearance, the most similar to the face of Nicholas II, the producers approved the role of German actor Lars Idinger. And it is necessary to happen that this is this static 39-year-old handsome blond at one time managed to play in the porn film, in particular, in the art porn picture of Peter Greenway "Gollyius and Pelicanya Company" (2012), which seems to Removed by the meter on biblical and antique plots, but still, it is considered a film that you just won't call erutics. Well, and began.

"Nicholas II and Matilda Kshesinsky had a daughter"

Of course, the enemies appeared from the Grand Filk Project, for example, in the face of the former prosecutor's prosecutor of the Crimea and the State Duma Deputy Natalia Poklonskaya. Podlonskaya accused the "distortation of historical events" and "anti-Russian and anti-Russian and anti-Russian provocation in culture" and already sent two requests to the Prosecutor General's Office so that the relevant authorities checked whether the creators of Matilda are used correctly from Budget funds, and at the same time they checked the plot for the presence of Kramoles in it, the memory of the imperial family and the feeling of Orthodox.

On these actions of the Poklonsk, the head of the State Duma Committee on Culture Stanislav Govorukhin noticed that such initiatives should be "chopped on the root", because, firstly, it is impossible to check what is not yet (the film is still in the process of filming), and Secondly, as Govorukhin said, "it is not clear why a real story from the life of Nikolai Romanova, who, by the way, was then only by the heir to the throne, should cause indignation from certain circles and flow into such checks." Tupikov and incorrectly called the process of tracing the film and priests, although at the same time the picture itself condemns.

The descendants of Matilda Khesinskaya itself, too, he does not see any reason to appeal to law enforcement agencies. Grandma Ballerina Konstantin Sevenard stated that there is no reason for this yet.

Nobody saw the film. To me, it is difficult for me that there are inconsistencies with historical events, it comments on the situation of Mr. Sevenard. - Nikolai second was close to Matilda Kshesinsky - this is a well-known proven fact. There is nothing to challenge here. I do not like that the film captures the events from the moment of dating Kshesin with Nikolai and ends with his coronation. This story has a greater length. We know that Matilda Felixes and Nikolai second was born daughter in 1911. There are photos confirming this in our family. Matilda received the title of Holy Princess later. In the spring of 1917, she was a mediator between Nicholas the second and temporary government. She tried to save the royal family.

The other day, the director of the film "Matilda" Alexey Teacher finally responded to attacks of displeased Orthodox Russians. Although, it gives up, he appreciated the problem is too late. The teacher said that the creators of the film prepare two letters to the General Prosecutor's Office - one about the Poklonist itself, and the other, about people who send letters into cinemas with a call to abandon the film.

In general, the scandal is not comic. And fears that 25 million budget money is spilled in the abyss there are very large. We are no longer talking about the work of thousands of people who made their efforts to this film - who and when he appreciated. Only one thing is understandable, the film premiere was recently postponed on October 25, so both parties have time for maneuvers.

Alexey teacher in the center


I do not remove the biography of Matilda Kshesinskaya. My first game film "Mania Giselle", released in 1995, was just in the pure form by another ballerina, Olga Svetivtseva. Matilda has another genre, this is a lyrical story about how little woman could significantly affect the fate of Russia. It's hard to believe it, but we were in step by all the way everything is different. There are a number of mystical and mysterious incidents that influenced the course of historical events. For example, the collapse of the royal train shown in the film under Kharkov. Dozens of people died, were injured, the composition was hosted along the railway embankment, but no member of the royal family suffered. Alexander III Hands held the roof of a fused car, giving the opportunity to get out his wife and children. However, it was then that he damaged his kidney, which led to the death of the emperor at the age of forty nine years.

This is a film about the sincere and mutual love of the future emperor Nicholas II and Matilda Kshesinsky against the background of turbulent historical events. I am very interested in the figure of the last self-container. When preparing for the film, I read about this person a lot of historical documents, memoirs, and in my opinion, it is very often understood from us wrong, as the weak monarch, who destroyed Russia. Not everything is so. He did not really want to take power, but when he took up, by 1913 he made Russia the first in Europe in Europe for all economic indicators, not to mention the development of art and culture, the country then was the strongest for all the years of its existence. According to my feelings, he was a man outwardly not authority, he could say quietly, but very correctly chose people. He had one disadvantage: women really influenced, in particular the Empress Alexander Fedorovna. Up to the wedding, even until the moment of coronation, Nicholas II burst between two women. The film and about it - about the situation when the debt wins, and love remains aside. We remove the feature film and did not set themselves the tasks of restoring historical justice, but I hope my personal look at the identity of the emperor will be interested in the viewer.

Kshesinskaya was indeed the first Russian ballerina, which made thirty-two Fuete. But it is impossible to say that she was an incredible beauty - Matilda Felixesman insanely attracted her charm and energy. Heir Nikolai Aleksandrovich, a man, in general, to the complex and squeezed, she helped to liberate - he gained internal and external freedom. In addition to the two of these main characters and the bride, the emperor Alix in the film there is another important acting person, the officer of the Vorontsov, which is played by Danil Kozlovsky. This in fact, an existed person, whom the love of Matilde Kshesin's briefed: He was so obsessed with her, he tried to hang out, put out plans for the attack on Nicholas II. His presence will give the film shade of the thriller.

In addition to large-scale scenes, a catastrophe, a large number of costumes we show from an unexpected side of that time: in Russia, then they wore jeans, we went on the motorcycles, ride on roller skates. Nicholas II was a fan of photographs and cinema, he had a compact camera and a film projector, whose knob whose king twisted himself, - he madly loved watching movies, and we show it in the picture.

I could not find an actress on a major role for a very long time, the actresses and the famous, and less well-known were looking throughout the country and far beyond. As a result, the performer was found, but due to certain reasons we still do not reveal the name of the main actress "Matilda" - all this gave rise to a wave of rumors, up to anecdotal.

Before the start of the filming, we arranged a competition of synopsis, in which twelve authors participated, and all pushed the action towards the baiopic, I also wanted some unusual in the genre of history. And this was discovered in the scenario application of the writer Alexander Terekhova: on several pages he had a lot of stamps of individual scenes from the future film written in a very unusual language and at the same time extremely visible. It is always interesting to work with a talented writer: it's easier to see the scene when it is written not just technically, but also a master syllable. With Alexander, it was easy to interact, despite the fact that it would be his debut as a scriptwriter.

Alexey Miroshnichenko, Chief Balletmaster of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, is putting all the choreography in our film. I considered different candidates, but I made a choice when I saw the stunning ballet on the music of Adana's "Blue Bird and Princess Florin, which would incredibly subtly recreate the atmosphere of the late XIX century. About seventy artists of this theater and students of the Perm choreographic school came to us on shooting. When you see on the stage of fifty ballerinas with burning light bulbs, it even gives an impression on a modern viewer, while everything is historically reliably: such costumes have already been at that time, and now they reproduced our artist Nadezhda Vasilyeva.

There is not almost a single palace in St. Petersburg, except for the winter, where they would not be filmed: Ekaterininsky, Elagin, Yusupovsky, Alexandrovsky in the royal village. The role of Apartments Kshesinskaya is played by the real apartment found by us, its owners turned their homes to the Museum of Logging of the XIX-XX centuries.

In the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, we shot only one day, but the Alexandrinsky and Mariinsky theaters showed special generosity - we generally received entirely at their disposal for eight days during the vacation troupe, and this is the first similar case for all the years of the existence of the theater. Valery Gergiev is a musical leader of the painting, and the Mariinsky Theater is a partner in creating a film. We have a few more large episodes in sight of this summer, in particular, the crown on the Khodynsky field - we build for this scenery near St. Petersburg, and by the spring of next year the film should be ready.

Moscow, 2 Nov - RIA Novosti. Vice-Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Safety and Countering Corruption Natalia Poklonskaya appealed to the Prosecutor General Yury Seak with a request to check out the new film director Alexei Teacher Matilda. In the Kremlin, they refused to comment on the ribbon until her way out of the screens, and the creators of the paintings called the claims contrived.

Alexey Teacher: "Nikolai Second - Personalism undervalued"Director Alexey Teacher told Pavel Nickekov about the search for a performer for the role of Nicholas II for his new film and about the desire to change the views of the audience about the Russian cinema.

The film "Matilda" should go on screens in March 2017. The picture tells about the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya and her relationship with the future emperor Nikolai second.

Social activists counter

The film dedicated to the last Russian emperor, even before the official presentation, criticized the activists of the Public Movement "Tsarsky Cross". In his appeal to Poklonskaya, they called the picture "Threat of National Security".

Having received the appeal of the "Tsarsky Cross", Poklonskaya sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office asking for an assessment of the picture "In accordance44 of Article and 146 of the Criminal Procedure Code".

In Cannes, saw the executor of the role of Kshesinsky in the film "Matilda"On Sunday, within the framework of the final competition of high-budget dramatic TV series Mipdrama Screenings, the official representation of the Polish actress, who played the famous ballerina Matild Kshesinsky was held at the premiere showing of the Polish actress.

Such wording the deputy and the ex-prosecutor of Crimea explained the need for numerous examinations - art historical, historical and others. According to Poklonskaya, the usual deputy request would significantly complicate the procedure and delayed the process, while in the framework of the CPC it will take less time and will be more efficient.

© TPO Rock Frame from the movie "Matilda"

© TPO Rock

In the Kremlin do not comment

Press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, whom journalists asked to formulate the position of the Kremlin on the dispute around Matilda, refused to evaluate the new tape Alexei Teacher.

"We are not able to voice the position of the Kremlin, because there is no movie, not ready. Therefore, unfortunately, we do not have such a possibility to form a position in relation to this," the sands noted.

Position of the creators

The authors of the film about Kshesinsky suffered from the growth of currency ratesThe presence of foreign actors whose fees in the currency strongly staged the film crew, said the director Alexey teacher. According to him, it remains to take three summer episodes, work on the film is close to completion. Expenditures on the picture are about 705 million rubles.

The producer of the film "Matilda" Alexander Pestman considers the claims of the "royal cross" contrived. In his opinion, the social activists invent problems "in the same place."

"There is a historical dense, and any sensible person everything is clear. The young emperor was in love with the girl ... So we can have a lot of interesting things and in Chekhov, and Turgenev," said the trial of RIA Novostan, adding that his reaction was surprised by Natalia Poklonskaya.

Director Alexey Teacher, in turn, said that the film is not yet ready, but he called the appeal of public activists with "insanity."

"For God's sake, let them appeal, what am I? Stupidity I do not comment on, this is a marasmus. First, no one has seen the film. What they turn is impossible, because no one has seen a single frame, the film is still being done , he is in work, "- quotes the words of the director

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