Andrei Anatolyevich Turchak Son Anatolia. What are the wives of Russian governors

- Andrei and Kira Turchak.

"There are such people to whom they just want to approach and ask whether it is difficult to live without brain."
(c) Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

I often do one mistake - I try to judge people by myself, so I really can't understand them very often. So I am still unable to understand the governor of the Pskov region Andrey Turchak. More precisely, I just want the truth already in the spirit of the immortal ranenevskaya ask him right: "Is it difficult to live without brains?".

Permanent scandals were marked by the entire second term of Turchal - all of these a year and a half. , limitless in the region, handle, and much more. Well, now quite "sailed" ...

According to MF documents, from 2008 to May 2015, the only shareholder of Burtford Unicorp Inc. There was Kira Turchak, the wife of the Pskov Governor, writes "New Gazeta". At the same time, according to the law, possession of foreign financial instruments, including the shares of offshore, is prohibited by the governors and their spouses.

Burtford Unicorp Inc. It was established in August 2008. Within almost seven years, 100% of the offshore shares belonged to Kira Turchak. By the time of registration of the company, Andrei Turchak, no first year was professionally engaged in politics, consisted of United Russia and was a member of the Federation Council from the Pskov region. He headed the region in 2009 and remains to this day in this post.

Before joining the Policy, Turchak was engaged in business, in particular, he entered the board of directors of the Holding "Leninets". This enterprise still belongs to the governor's family and specializes in the fulfillment of defense orders.

It turned out that the employees of Leninets helped the Turchaca's spouse to manage the offshore company belonging to her. First Director of Burtford Unicorp Inc. In 2008, Maxim Zhavoronov became Maxim, who at that time held the post of deputy director of Leninets. At the same time, since 2009, Zhavorukov works as Deputy Turkish in the Pskov Region, and the list of His authority includes, for example, "Identify the facts of abuse or offenses, the organization of official investigations and inspections."

Zhavoronkov did not inform the "new newspaper", in whose interests company Burtford Unicorp Inc. was established. "Until 2009, I worked at Leninet-Holding OJSC Deputy General Director for Corporate Politics. I was associated with professional personal trusting relationships with a person, in the interests of which the company mentioned by you was established. That is why it is to extend about the activities of Burtford Unicorp Inc. I do not Commissioner, "said the current deputy Turkish. Zavronkov noted that the offshore was registered in 2008, that is, until he took the state office. "The company had nothing to do with the Pskov region and did not carry out activities in the Russian Federation," added the interlocutor of the publication.

After the Zhavorkov became an official, the director of Burtford Unicorp Inc. Alexey Wozprogonsky became. Currently, he leads OJSC Management Company Leninet, 0.025% of which belongs to Kira Turchak.

In principle, the situation is brewing Choose a famous history with an apartment in Nice . Only one thing is not clear to me. How much should not have brains not to understand that all classical offshores provide anonymity only through a closed register (I.e., not exposing the personal data of finite beneficiaries into public access). But besides the offshore jurisdictions themselves, the personal data of the beneficiaries are known to banks, where accounts and registrars are opened on the offshore, which these offshores are created. At the same time, no one obliges to keep this information in secret.

It seems to be everything from Turchak: and the high post of the governor, and huge money, and serious connections; But the brains in order to think about the offshore on the homeless on the trust declaration to issue. : D.

Dima Erschov

Born in 1976.


In his youth, engaged in the Judo section, where he met the future husband.


Since 2005 - General Director of Labyrinth OJSC ("daughter" of the Leninet Holding Company), which manages the three-star Hotel Obuhoff.



Stars and business elite at the closure of the festival Diana Cherry

A businessman Roman Abramovich and Galerist Daria Zhukov, who have made an automatically secular core of the event, flew to the northern capital. Moskovsky landing also rush at the Theater Square - Svetlana Bondarchuk, Nadezhda Obolentseva, Natalia Dubovitskaya and Ekaterina Mzituridze could not miss an important event, especially since the number of its organizers was pregnant Sophia Kapkova. And not to support a girlfriend, especially in this position. Representatives of the St. Petersburg elite are also seen in the hall, including, for example, Matilda Cord and Evgeny Finkelstein, as well as Kira Turchak's business lady.

Kira Turchak, Julia Matvienko, Anna Quiria and others at the Dior boutique party

Guests of the trendy house on this evening expected a presentation of new shades of lipstick Dior Rouge. For the first time in the collection of the brand, it appeared back in 1953 and returned this season with filing Director for Makeing Dior Peter Philipps.

What income and property reported Turchak, Basargin and other governors

The revenues of the Pskov Governor Andrei Turchak decreased in 2015 on half a million rubles to one million, and his spouses were twice and 37.9 million rubles, the income on the income published on the website of the state bodies of the region. The real estate owned by Turchak with his wife Kira, remains unchanged since 2013 - they own three apartments with a total area of \u200b\u200b404 square meters. The personal ownership of the head of the region is also 1/3. The share of the apartment (80.7 sq. M) and the land plot (12 acres). In addition, the Turchal's family uses two apartments (223.5 and 75 sq. M).

Turchak "In Offshore"?

According to the documents, the wife of the governor - Kira Turchak remained the only shareholder of Burtford Unicorp until May 2015.

It should be noted that at the time of registration of offshore (2008) Andrei Turchak has not been professionally engaged in politics and was a member of the Federation Council from the Pskov region, and then became the governor.

Interestingly, the director of Burtford Unicorp Inc. In 2008, Maxim Zhavoronov became Maxim, at that time - Deputy Director of Leninets. The company belongs to Anatoly Turchaku - Pope Pskov Governor.

Turchak promised that his wife to May would get rid of assets in France

Governor of the Pskov Region Andrei Turchak promised that his wife Kira no later than May 1, 2013 would discard the real estate belonging to it in France or will be out of participation in the French company Societe Civile Immobiliere Villa de Flirey.

Higher officials began to live in the style of Luzhkov

The governor of the Pskov Region Kira Turchak's governor of the Pskov Region and the wife of the Governor of the Pskov Region and the revenue increased over the past year compared with 2009 three times - up to 21 million rubles. She heads the Board of Directors of the Criminal Code Leninet, which is part of the Holding Father of the Governor Anatoly Turchak (he is also considered another Vladimir Putin).

High-ranking heirs - 2

Wife: Turchak Kira Evgenievna

Born in 1976. In his youth, engaged in the Judo section, where he met the future husband. Since 2005 - General Director of Labyrinth OJSC ("daughter" of the Leninet Holding Company), which manages the three-star Hotel Obuhoff. Member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies included in the Leninets HC: OJSC "Mechanical Plant", OJSC "Plant Neva", OJSC ZBT and OJSC Health.

Andrei Turchak never became "Pskov Abramovich"

Andrei Turchak to questions about how it turned out, prefers to respond concisely: "I do not want to comment on this question." And it does not accidentally want at all: after all, this is the most LLC Multilayt actually belongs to the Fourchak family. The leader of Multilat LLC is St. Petersburg Savchenko Pavel Borisovich. From 2004 to the present, this Savchenko has been working as Deputy Director General OJSC Management Company Leninet, the company itself, which belongs to the Father of the Pskov Governor Anatoly Turchaku and in which the wife of the Pskov Governor Kira Turchak, which is among the ten richest wives of the governors, works Chairman of the Board of Directors, and the elder brother of Governor Boris Turchak - a member of the Board of Directors.

How governors managed to earn a year millions

The Pskov Governor declared 16.5 million rubles (it was 1.8 million). The salary is the same - 1.3 million rubles, and the rest is the income from the sale of a car and the Moscow apartment (in the current declaration there is no joint ownership with a spouse 138-meter apartment and BMW 650i). 13.6 million from the sale of the apartment received Kira Turchak, and in general its income - 21.8 million rubles. She heads the Board of Directors of the Criminal Code "Leninet", which is part of the Holding Father of Governor Anatoly Turchak.

Andrei Turchak sold an apartment and car

The spouse of the governor Kira Turchak for the past period from January 1 to December 31, 2010 earned 21 million 79,500 rubles. Of these, 13 million 600 thousand rubles received from the sale of an apartment in Moscow, which was in joint ownership with her husband. Owned by the Spouse of the Governor for 2010, changes also did not happen. This residential building in the Leningrad region and the apartment in Moscow 66.8 sq.m. In a joint ownership with her husband. Kira Turchak also owns two land plots in the Leningrad region, with an area of \u200b\u200b1 thousand 113 sq.m. and 1 thousand 137 sq.m. respectively. From personal vehicle owns a BMW X5 car.

Governor of the Pskov region earns 6 times less than his wife

According to the Declaration, represented by the Governor of the Pskov Region, Andrey Turchak to the Tax authorities, its total revenue for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2009 amounted to 1 million 266 thousand 783 rubles. This is reported by the press service of the regional administration. The whole amount refers to the article "Income by the main place of work", other sources of income for the past period does not have the governor. The personal property of the change did not happen compared to 2008. The governor owns the land plot and the BMW 650i car. Also, according to the Declaration, Andrei Turchak owns real estate: an apartment in St. Petersburg with an area of \u200b\u200b80.7 sq.m., two apartments in Moscow with an area of \u200b\u200b66.8 sq.m. and 138.5 sq.m. In joint ownership of his wife.

The governor of the Pskov region received 16.5 million rubles.

Governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak declared income for 2010, which amounted to 16 million 538 thousand rubles. This is reported in the press service of the regional administration. From official materials it is known that A.Turchak owns a land plot of 1.2 thousand sq. M. Also together with his wife, he is the owner of an apartment of 66.8 sq. M. Wife of Governor Kira Turchak in 2010. Received a declared income of 21 million 79 thousand rubles. It is also two land plots with an area of \u200b\u200babout 1.1 thousand square meters each, two residential buildings with an area of \u200b\u200b227.4 and 43.3 sq m, respectively, a guest house with an area of \u200b\u200b29.5 sq m and a BMW X5 car. Note that, compared to last year, the cumulative income of the governor of the Pskov region increased significantly. In 2009, the amount of declared income A.Turchaka amounted to 1 million

Wikipedia tells us about the following:
1. Pskov - City in the North-West of Russia, the Administrative Center of the Pskov Region and the Pskov district. Located on the Great River (flows into the Pskov Lake) when merging it with the River Pskov. One of the oldest cities of Russia. The population of the city is estimated on January 1, 2012 - 203,974 people. In December 2009, Pskov was awarded the title "City of Military Glory".
2. Nice (Fr. Nice, OX. Niça, Greek. ίίκαια, ITAL. NIZZA, LAT. NICAEA) - Mediterranean city and port in the south of France. Administrative Center for the Departmental Alps. More than 352 thousand inhabitants (2007). Large transport knot. One of the main resort seats of the Cote d'Azur (or French Riviera).
3. Andrei Anatolyevich Turchak (December 20, 1975, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) - Governor of the Pskov Region from February 27, 2009. Having made this position at 33, is one of the most young governors of Russia.
4. Distance from Pskov to Nice - 2120 km.

Also, Wikipedia and open reliable sources of information will remind us of a glorious career path that Governor Turchak was held thanks to his dad, who at his time did Judo with Putin, which was strongly helped later and politically and financially all the Turkish family.
As you can see: Method of promotion up Andrei Turchak elected Eeee ... patriotian-state.

In August 2005, he joined the United Russia party, was appointed coordinator of the youth policy of the party. In November 2005, he entered the Coordination Council (COP) of the "Young Guard of United Russia".
On August 30, 2006, the Bureau of the Supreme Council of United Russia recommended Turchak to the post of member of the Federation Council from the Parliament of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
In 2007, a deputy of the Pskov regional meeting of deputies of the fourth convocation from the Pskov regional branch of the Political Party "United Russia".
From July 6, 2007, a member of the Federation Council from the representative body of the Pskov region.
February 16, 2009 appointed acting governor of the Pskov region.
On February 27, 2009, with the result of 37 votes "For" from 40, the Pskov Regional Assembly was approved as a governor.
See how it acts on the "United Russia" rally after the next falsifications in the elections.
"Net victory" United Russia ".

In general, Turchak is a very big patriot and is ready to give an interchange to the enemies of Russia.
A rushing journalist Kashina, on which an attempt was made, he, for example, "promised everything to remember when everything is permanent."
Classic dialogue Kashinc and Turchal .
Turchak even checked for involvement in the attack.
At the time of the Turkish leadership of the "Young Guard of United Russia", this organization specialized in conducting pickets from buildings where opposition meetings are held.
"The young guards" stood at the entrance and, with the eyes who crawl out of the orbits, splashing around the saliva, whiten "you paid everyone".
For example, great video:

Well, quite recently, the Governor of Turchak, only reading the news on Twitter another Patriot - Paul Astakhova On the topic "Americans killed a adopted child," instantly clicked on the "Patriotizm Mode ON" button and banned the adoption of orphans in the Pskov region foreigners .
The news was lies , like most emanating from Astakhov, but this patriotic Turchak did not even notice.
Well, well: orphans are protected from dangerous foreigners and those horrors that are located on the other side of the state border of the Russian Federation, where there is no governor of Turchak.
Although wait .... And what is this side?
To answer this question, we need to explore the materials from the life of the patriotic governor, which is not in Wikipedia (for now):

November 18, 2008 Wife Andrei Turchak Kira Turchak (Petrochlenko), his brother Boris Turchak and father Anatoly Turchak Registered in Nice Company Villa De Flirey.
Here is a list of founders from the company's charter, which is available on request:

As you can see, even her husband Petrochenko will be mentioned in the documents - Andrei Turchak.

As can be seen from the charter, the proportion of shareholders is unequal: only 150 shares, 100 of which belong to the wife of Governor Turchak ( so, both Turchak himself, because we honor the laws of the Russian Federation, according to which the property being paid in marriage is the joint property of spouses).

The company has a specific form - Societe Civile Immobiliere (SCI). This is a special type of company that is created solely for the purpose of possession and management of objects.
Directly in the charter is the object of real estate, to buy which the company is created:

The charter of the company can be ordered on the site (Enter the name Villa de Flirey in the "Company Name or Acronym" field and click "Search"), in the "COMPANY NAME OR ACRONYM" and press "SEARCH").
As you can see, we are talking about buying a house. for 1 million 270 thousand euros At 25 Avenue de Flirey, 06000 Nice. It is at this address that the company is registered.

Now the amazing power of imagination and Google is transferred us to Nice:

If you are from the Pskov region, download the leaflet in a convenient format, print and distribute where you can only.
If you are not from the Pskov region, take in the mind of friends and relatives, if one of them is local - send the leaflet and link to this post.
If all your friends, grandmothers and aunt live out of grandfathers, coming and trying, just distribute this post (flyer) where you can.
If you do not like the post, take the documents and write your own.
Remember: No one, besides us, will not stop the United Russia face, which every day robs Idritsa, Kunya, Great Luke, Stream Red, Moscow, Kazan and Vladivostok, to fuck her loot in Nice, Monaco, Miami and London, buy a dominant for several millions and laugh, with relatives, on how yesterday he shouted about the scene "Clean victory" United Russia " .
Navalny source

Judo, "Young Guard", punched by the head of the journalist - what did Andrei Turchak remember?

In mid-October, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent to the resignation of the Governor of the Pskov Region Andrei Turchak. All this happened during the Governor's period, when less than a month in ten regions of Russia changed the leaders of the regions. The dismissal of Turchak became the eleventh. However, for the official, this dismissal is raising than the expression of distrust by Moscow: he was immediately appointed to the position of head of United Russia in the State Duma. Katerina Karaseva, Sofya Savina and Mikhail Shubin talk about biographies and scandals with whom the former governor of the Pskov region is connected.

Communication for a good start

The success story of Andrei Turchak is inseparable from his father's career Anatoly Turchak. According to the St. Petersburg historian Lion Lurie, the first acquaintance of Turchaca of the older and future president of Russia occurred at the St. Petersburg Judo-ware club, where they trained along with the Rothenberg brothers at one coach - Anatoly Rakhlin.

Anatoly Turchak older than Vladimir Putin for seven years. Accordingly, they were engaged in different groups and probably fought in different weight categories. We cannot argue that their friendship was born exactly there. One thing is clear: belonging to the Judo club, which threatened so much high-ranking persons, can not be ignored.

Anatoly Turchak, Vladimir Putin and Anatoly Sobchak

According to the official biography, Turchak-senior began at the Leninsky plant with a simple mechanic. After 25 years, he becomes the Director General of the Association, and since 1992 he heads Leninets Holding Company OJSC.

In the mid-1990s, Turchal-Sr. worked closely with Putin in St. Petersburg. In particular, he was Deputy Putin, when he headed the headquarters of the party "Our House - Russia" during the elections to the State Duma 1995. After moving Putin to Moscow in 1997, Anatoly Turchak headed the branch of the party in St. Petersburg.

Later, the Career Turchak also develops successfully: by 2016, according to the "Business Petersburg", he took 85th place in the ranking of St. Petersburg billionaires. The chief asset of Anatoly Turchak is still a Holding Enterprise "Leninets". It is engaged in the development and production of airborne aircraft electronic complexes, navigation radio electronic equipment and high-precision weapon guidance systems.

Judo's passion for Anatoly Turchak instilled his son Andrei, who already in his 16 years became the coach of the children's youth sports school of the Olympic reserve. When the son turned 20, the elder Turchak decided that it was time to attach him to family business and appointed Andrei by the manager in the subsidiary of Leninets. In 25 Turchak, he was already director of restructuring, and then director of corporate policy of HC Leninet. In 28 Andrei Turchak - Vice-President of HC Leninet.

"Young guard"

A year after the appointment, in 2004, Turchal Jr. awards award - as the best young businessman in St. Petersburg. He gives a few interviews, and supposedly after that they notice and invite him to the United Russia apparatus.

"They said that the party forms a youth movement and they need something rendered in the life of the managerial, taking into account the St. Petersburg roots, of course," Turchak told.

Youth movement was the "Young Guard of United Russia" (MRER). In 2005, he was officially registered. Among others, the head of the Maghera rose Turchak and his partner in Leninets, Alexander Gorbunov. Two years later, Turchak was elected Chairman of the Coordination Council of the Youth Organization.

"Young Guard": we will break all for Andrei Turchak. Photo - Pskov region. Portal of state bodies

The young guards often constituted the majority in all sorts of urban events in favor of the candidates' united "United Russia". It was believed that Mger is a personnel reserve for the "adult" "United Russia". The organization has become known as "an instrument of explanatory work in a youth environment" and opposition to the opposition.

At the beginning of spring 2007, the social elevator brought Turchaka to the next floor of the Babylonian tower of the Russian government system. In 31 years he was elected to a deputy of the Pskov Regional Assembly from the United Russia party. For the next two years, he combined this post with membership in the Federation Council. In February 2009, President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Turchal the Governor of the Pskov Region. He was instructed by one of the poorest and opposition regions of the country. At that time, Turchack was 33 years old.

Post in LJ and journalist Kashin

The displeasure of the young governor called at that time a journalist "Kommersant" newspaper Oleg Kashin. The conflict came out not even due to the speakerphone or investigation, but because of comments in the "Live Journal".

Kashin wrote a post dedicated to the resignation of the head of the Kaliningrad region George Baos. An unknown in the comments wrote that Boos "was not ready to compromise strongly. The outcome is natural. "

On August 16, 2010, Kashin in response offered to compare Baos with any governor: "Listen, you will demonize it at all, compare with any governor, not even with Ramzan and not with Tuleyev, with any fucking Turchant - is it an uncompromising?"

Turchaka's reactions were surprised by many. The head of the region joined the comments and watched extremely hard: "You have 24 hours to apologize. You can do it here or a separate post. "

He answered his kashin: "I believe that your appointment inflicted an insult to federalism, common sense and other things of the same order. I believe that Putin's relative is not a sufficient basis to lead the region. I am sure that on any free election in any region you would not have scored five percent. I do not have anything personal at the same time against you. Do you think I should apologize? What will happen if I do not apologize? "

Turchak him did not answer anything to it, and Kashin did not apologize. Later, the governor of the Pskov region removed his comment.

Slightly less than three months - November 6, 2010 on Oleg Kashin attacked. A man with a bouquet of flowers came up in the courtyard of his own house at midnight in the courtyard of his own house on Fridaysky street. Kashin turned to him, and at the same moment another man attacked him on him. The attackers beat a journalist a few minutes with an iron rod. Kashin moaned from pain, his cries heard a neighbor from the first floor. It was he who went down two men who fled on the car. The criminals broke the journalist both jaws, the shin, tear off the phalanger of the finger. Also, doctors diagnosed in Kashin concussion of the brain.

The investigation of the case continues until now. Initially, Kashin said that he believes the version of the revenge of Turchaca possible, but unlikely. The journalist did not doubt that the attack occurred because of his work activity, and even suspected the order of the leader of another Crossing movement "Our" Vasily Yakimenko. Later he apologized to him.

In 2015, Kashin announced that his business was revealed. Participants of the attack name Danila Cheerov and Vyacheslav Borisov. The first was the head of the protection of the St. Petersburg Mechanical Plant, which is included in the Holding "Leninet", the second is the guard of the same enterprise. Behind the wheel of the car was another guy mechanical plant Mikhail Kavtaskin. They gave testimony from which the attack was ordered by Turchak's associate, manager of the Leninet Holding Alexander Gorbunov. For this, he paid 3.3 million rubles to three criminal executors.

Oleg Kashin after beating, photo: Mitya Aleshkovsky / Tass / Scanpix

According to the investigation, the conflict with the governor of Turchak really became the motive of the crime. However, the last attack was not put in guilt. Kashin found it clear that the attack occurred by order of the governor. "This is understandable, this is a provocation," said Turchak then. The governor invited a journalist to Pskov to talk "Looking into the eyes" and show that the region has changed in five years. Kashin did not go.

Guilty in the case of Kashin is not punished so far. The trial continues. Another "branch" was formed in the case - the abduction of Gorbunov is investigated. In 2014, according to the investigators, it made his former subordinate Alexander Bags, which is now wanted.

The abduction was disguised as the special operation of the security forces. Gorbunova kidnapped, taken to the Leningrad region, where they held several days. According to the materials of the case, the attackers tried to receive compromising its data from the prisoner. In particular, according to preliminary data, the kidnappers wanted to achieve recognition from him in organizing an attempt on the journalist Oleg Kashin, asked about the business of Gorbunov and his acquaintance - the governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak. Estimated kidnapping participants - the same Danil Cheerov and Mikhail Kavtaskin. Turchak and in this business does not appear.


For the ex-governor, four children: Anatoly (1997), Olga (1998), Philip (2009) and Sofia (probably 2001-2003). On the son of the ex-governor - Anatoly Andreyevich Turchak - two organizations registered. He holds the position of General Director of the St. Petersburg Club of Sports Martial Arts "Wave". In addition, an individual entrepreneur with the same name is registered in the northern capital. His specialization is trade through automata and 20 more activities.

Andrei Turchaka has an elder brother Boris, who is held by the Director General of Leninet OJSC -Holding. " Most of the company's state contracts are concluded with the FSUE "Kremlevsky Trading House" administrations of the President of the Russian Federation. She has "Kremlin" rent a building in St. Petersburg. In December 2016, such a contract cost 2.4 million rubles, and in February 2017 another 3.1 million rubles. Another company - Ritz-Info, controlled by Boris Turchaku, concludes with the "Kremlin" contracts for the supply of Internet and communications. Boris Turchaku owns more eight companies in St. Petersburg.

The spouse of the ex-governor - Kira Turchak has a share in several companies: OJSC Labyrinth, Aeroinvest Plus LLC, Ak-Invest LLC, Volna-TK LLC and Investservice LLC. She is also the founder of the "Big Future" charitable foundation. None of the companies have state contracts.

Andrei Turchak - only part of the family who orders music and beating journalists

Turchal's father is still a shareholder of Leninet OJSC -Holding. In addition, he owns 17% of Radiovionics OJSC. The company is successful in the Delivery: from 2011 to 2017, she concluded state contracts for a total amount of 437 million rubles. Among the largest customers - the Ministry of Defense, as well as Russian Railways OJSC.

Another enterprise - "Central Scientific and Production Association Leninets" for the history of its existence concluded state contracts in the amount of 350 million rubles.

Anatoly Turchak also owns the shares of OJSC Plant Radio Corporation. Among his active customers is the Federal Security Service. The largest contract is from the subsidiary of the Aviation Complex. S.V. Ilyushin. " For 167.5 million rubles, OJSC "Plant Radio Corporation" purchased 38 Doppler meters of travel speed and demolition angle.

Scandals with real estate

In 2013, Alexey Navalny found an unlawful apartment in Nice for € 1.3 million from Andrei Turchak. According to the investigation, Rodchaka's relatives - Brother Boris and Father Anatoly Turchak, as well as his wife Kira - in November 2008 registered in Nice Villa De Flirey in Nice which bought an apartment abroad. After a month and a half the information appeared that Turchak sold real estate.

In April 2016, Novaya Gazeta published a part of the investigation of the so-called "Panama Archive", which concerned the offshore Russian officials and the alleged friends of Putin. Among others, the Governor of the Pskov Region, Andrei Turchak, was also lit in the publication.

Journalists found out that the spouse of the head of the region - Kira Turchak since 2008 to May 2015 was the only shareholder of the offshore company Burtford Unicorp Inc., registered on the British Virgin Islands. This is a violation of the law, since Russian officials and members of their families from May 2013 cannot be owned by foreign financial assets and tools.

Probably, this number of apartments and houses that belong to Turchaqua are not known. Photo -

As Turchak told New Gazeta, the company was established to finance a mortgage transaction for the purchase of an apartment in 2008 in France. According to him, Burtford Unicorp Inc. Never led economic and financial activities in Russia and officially closed on March 7, 2014.

"All the necessary formalities, as far as I know, were observed immediately after the entry of the 79th law into force. Probably, the design itself takes for some time. I did not ask this question, "said Turchak, answering the question about why his wife owned by the company registered in the offshore, despite the fact that it is prohibited by law from 2013.

5th Governor of the Pskov region from February 27, 2009 The president Medvedev, Dmitry Anatolyevich,
Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich Predecessor Kuznetsov, Mikhail Varfolomeevich
Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - a representative from the representative body of the Pskov region
July 6, 2007 - February 16, 2009
Predecessor unknown Successor Borisov, Alexander Alexandrovich Birth 20th of December(1975-12-20 ) (43 years)
Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR Father Turchak Anatoly Alexandrovich (1945) Mother Turchak Larisa Pavlovna (1948) Spouse Turchak Kira Evgenievna (1976) Children Anatoly, Olga, Sofia, Philip The consignment United Russia Education Profession Economist -Merizer Awards Website Media Files on Wikisklad

Andrei Anatolyevich Turchak (r. December 20, 1975, Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR) - Governor of the Pskov Region (from February 27, 2009).


Father - Anatoly Turchak (born 1945), since 1985 - Head of the Association, then the Holding Company Leninet, which specializes in the development of aerobatic, targeted navigation complexes and radar for heavy aircraft (in this structure and its subsidiaries with 20 years of age at leadership worked and Andrei himself). In addition, Anatoly Turchak is the president of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg, President of the Football Federation of St. Petersburg and a member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Football Union, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Energomashbank. Anatoly Turchak in the 1990s was Deputy Vladimir Putin in the St. Petersburg Regional Council of the Movement "Our Home - Russia". Also Turchak-senior was mentioned in the press as a former partner of Putin on sports martial arts.

In 1998, Andrei Turchak graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation.

In 2014, he graduated with honors from the Diplomatic Academy of Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation

Business activities

From 1991 to 1995 - a trainer-teacher on judo Municipal Sports School of Olympic reserve "Cosmonaut".

From March 1996 (at the age of 20) - General Director of AOZT "Chamber of Commerce and Industry" Lennort "(subsidiary of HC Leninets).

Since 1997 - General Director of OJSC Plant Electromete Equipment (Single Founder of OJSC - Committee for the Management of Urban Property Management of St. Petersburg).

In April 2000, he entered the Board of Directors of Energomashbank.

From 2000 to 2002 - Director of Restructuring, then Director of Corporate Politics HC Leninet.

In 2002, he took the position of the general director LLC "Commonwealth" North-West ".

Since 2003 - Vice-President and member of the Board of Directors of HC "Leninets", member of the Board of Directors of the Management Company Leninets. On May 31, 2005, he was again elected to the Board of Directors of HC "Leninets".

Political activity

In August 2005, he joined the United Russia party, was appointed coordinator of the youth policy of the party. In November 2005, he entered the Coordination Council (COP) of the "Young Guard of United Russia".

On August 30, 2006, the Bureau of the Supreme Council of United Russia recommended Turchak to the post of member of the Federation Council from the Parliament of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

From July 6, 2007, a member of the Federation Council - a representative from the representative body of the Pskov region.

February 16, 2009 appointed acting governor of the Pskov region. Having made this position at 33, became one of the youngest governors of Russia.

On February 27, 2009, with the result of 37 votes "For" from 40, the Pskov Regional Assembly was approved as a governor. At the time of the election, Anatoly Turchak was known for his father, who was engaged in judo together with V. V. Putin.

Until 2012, he was a member of the WFP General WFP "Unified Russia".

On February 27, 2014, the 5th-year term of the governor's powers of Andrei Turchak, however, on the same day, President Vladimir Putin appointed him acting governor.

Activities at the post of governor of the Pskov region

Economy and Social Sphere

Evaluating the activities of A. A. Turchak as the governor is ambiguous.

The average monthly salary in the region has increased from 12,631 rubles in 2009 to 17,922 rubles in January-December 2012. For 2011-2012, a decrease in total mortality was reduced by 7% and raising the birth rate by 6%. Natural population decline has decreased from 16.7 to 11.8 thousand people. These results managed to achieve due to the implementation of the program "Modernization of health care of the Pskov Region", the total amount of funding of which amounted to more than 3 billion rubles.

The governor himself in an interview with the Russian Gazette says that the region is actively developing and he was even able to raise the salary to teachers to 14 thousand rubles, while the average salary of officials amounted to about 10 thousand rubles. In some media, it was indicated that the statement of Turchacka contradicts the official data of Rosstat, according to which the average salary of education workers in May 2010 amounted to 10776.9 rubles, and the average salary of government officials amounted to 18420.7 rubles.

With the support of the administration in the region, several large investment projects are being implemented, including the creation of an industrial park "MOSI", projects for the construction of hotels and other tourist infrastructure facilities of Pskov as part of the creation of a Pskov tourist and recreational cluster, a number of large agricultural buildings, including the construction of Velikoluksky Pskov region's pig-breeding complex - one of the first in Russia concluded an agreement with Gazprom Mezhregiongaz OJSC on the modernization of the heat-energy complex of the region: for 5 years, 94 boiler houses should be built in the region; This is one of the largest projects in the heat energy.

A number of large agro-projects were implemented, including the construction of the Velikoluksky pig-breeding complex for 480 thousand heads, with the volume of investments over 14 billion rubles.

Currently, the regional authorities have announced a competition with the starting sum of 9.4 million rubles for research on the topic "Development of proposals for draft documents necessary to include the most promising regional investment projects in the field of tourism in the draft federal target program" Development of internal and inbound tourism In the Russian Federation (2011-2016) ""

In February 2013, Turchak suspended all the adoption of orphans from the social institutions of the region (both for Russians and for foreigners) in connection with the death of the kid from the local home of the child.

In 2015, as in the previous 2014, the Pskov region is recognized as the poorest region in the Russian Federation, according to RIA rating.


In 2010, the Pskov Tower of the Pskov Kremlin's Pskov Kremlin was completed in Pskov. Without a roof, she remained more than fifteen years old - a wooden tent in the middle of the nineties burned during a fire. On the design and construction of a tent in 2010, 23 million rubles were allocated from the budget of the Pskov region.

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