From noise in the ears to oncology: Kanoneck dies in the dust of the ZSD. "Natural, plug-in jaw!"

Residents of the Canonersky Island complain about insomnia. In several hundred meters from residential buildings, the western high-speed diameter passes, which is why the noise level exceeds the norms. This confirmed Rospotrebnadzor.

The correspondent of the St. Petersburg TV channel Rodion Kovalev went to the place to find out which houses were in the so-called influence zone and when noise protection screens are installed.

Rodion Kovalevcorrespondent:

"Now we are directly under the western high-speed diameter. There are almost no car here. But it is worth making just a couple of steps towards the roadbed, which serves as a kind of noise absorber, as the sound level increases sharply. Under such an accompaniment and people are forced to live in the canonersky island. "

When in 2015, the road, apartment buildings, were in close proximity, elevated over the gunner island. True, it did not touch the whose housing was outside the so-called zone of influence.

Residents of these apartments are recognized: even on regulations, the road and should not disturb them, in reality everything is different.

Gleb Chipigaresident of the house number 13 on the canonersky island:

"If the window is open, sometimes I wake up from noise. People who feel more sensitive, they wake up almost always, and many had noise glass windows in their apartments. But the fact is that these houses are not equipped with ventilation normal, and the windows must necessarily open for ventilation, because it is very stuffy. "

The inhabitants of the canoner appealed for help to the governor. Rospotrebnadzor conducted a check. Special services showed: noise level really exceeds the norm.

As a result, the opening of a new kindergarten 70 meters from the road had to postpone. And the company that is engaged in the operation of a paid route, fined and obliged to eliminate the noise. But the court decision was challenged.

The main argument of the company in its defense: ZSD was built on a ready-made and approved project. It is fully implemented, no additional equipment provides.

But not waiting for the end of the court proceedings, the general contractor decided to strengthen noise protection.

Andrei Tsapu,head of the Office of Public Relations of the Operational Company ZSD:

"Unless in the agreed project, noise reflecting screens were built in the agreed project, you see the two-meter, the decision is now made, the adventure of new noise-absorbing structures is performed. These are plastic blocks with special filling, which delays a noise wave, not letting go beyond the road. "

The installation of shields began at the end of last year. Now, the workers were installed from the planned 800 rifle meters. As a result, the screens form a peculiar deaf tunnel along this site. It is planned to complete the work as follows.

By the way, the next meeting of the court in the case of the noisy track was scheduled for February 12. Perhaps at this point, the problem completely exhausted.

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Residents of houses on both sides of the WSD on Vasilyevsky Island massively rebelled against noise. They want to themselves a double defense against the Gula ZSD, exceeding the maximum permissible level of which experts did not reveal. At the same time, they nod to experience that rersected additional noise shields. Only the canoner from the sounds of a paid road and they could not save.

The active phase of the battle against noise from the central section of the ZSD Vasileostrovtsy began only for the second year of his work. Now among the "stunned" - residents of the quarter of the sea embankment and new buildings in the woven territories.

"Since officials do not hear individual complaints of residents, we launch a collective petition. We demand to establish noise insulation screens along the entire length along the Vasileostrovsky section of the ZSD, passing in the halftone along the residential neighborhoods on the marine promenade and the woven territories. It is also necessary to carry out landscaping, which will absorb the noise and dirt, will reduce the level of gas supply, "activists require.

Vasileostrovtsy decided to create a petition and, typing the maximum number of signatures under it, to pay attention to the authorities.

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The petition of the governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko, the company "Magistral Northern Capital" and ZSD JSC. In the text of the petition, complaints of the inhabitants of the Namation and Sea Promenade from social networks are included, officials are given.

"In real life, people on their own ears hear designer errors and explicit excess of the permissible level of noise," says petition.

Meanwhile, "MSS" LLC "washing78" stated that the noise level in the zone of the influence of the SRD is measured quarterly at the points established by the project documentation. And no exceeds have not been fixed.

"Measurements are carried out accredited testing laboratory. The exceeds of the maximum permissible levels of noise established by the current sanitary standards are not identified on the territory of the residential building on Vasilyevsky Island, "they say to MCC.

They emphasized that they had done everything possible to protect against noise even during construction: the highway passes in the excavation - open halftons, acoustic screens were installed, and in the apartments of houses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trace of the central site, special noise protection windows with ventilation valves were mounted. They, according to MCC, allow you to air the rooms, do not miss noise.

ZSD on the canoneres island. Photo: Baltphoto / Valentin Egorshin

Thirdly, the canoners are completely dissatisfied with the additional acoustic screens, called their profanation and continue to complain about unbearable noise.

So the experience of the canoners who almost every week, not the best example for Vasilenostrovsky, who decided to start a war with noise from a paid road. They will have to look for new effective ways of communications with the authorities and the concessionaire. And to prove that ZSD through a small green square is noise and interferes in the same way as the ZSD is almost over the roof of the house.

All things have both good sides and bad. Western high-speed diameter is not an exception. The paid motorway brings many benefits to the inhabitants of the entire St. Petersburg, but it did not cost and without environmental disorders. In the houses on the canonersky island and in the Primorsky district, sometimes noise reaches such a level that people are difficult to hear their own vote.

More recently, namely January 11, the Kirov district court could not decide who was responsible for the roar of the houses from the CRAD. Lawyers of the "Northern Capital Maintenance" believe that the demand must not be with them, but from the contractor. The contractor considers otherwise ... In any case, of course, the authorities understand that something needs to do with noise. Therefore, for a long time they promise to establish special noise shields (first - until July 2017, then - until December 2017, and now in the first quarter of 2018).

Noise from the WSD on the Canonersky Island

The main "blow" takes on the inhabitants of the Canonersky Island, over the roofs of the houses of which ZSD (). Now the pride of the St. Petersburg authorities has been checking on the noise level. Activists invited by journalists came to the conclusion that the noise is greatly exceeding the permissible, despite the fact that the "highway of the northern capital" during the noise measurements suspended the whole road strip. Locals are confident that all the promises of the authorities about conducting noise insulating activities are needed only in order to pull time. Naturally, the cars are noisy, and this is particularly noticeable when about 300 thousand drivers pass on the s day.

Noise from the ZSD in the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg

A similar situation turned into a seaside area of \u200b\u200bNorth Palmyra, where the motorway takes place in some 50 meters from residential buildings, as a result of which residents often complain about noise. We hope that the authorities will pay attention to all the problems that brings the Western high-speed diameter and then take measures to solve them.

The President of the Eastern European Association of Acoustics Andrei Akhmatov said that the excess of the noise level 10 times reduces the life expectancy for the whole 10 years! After all, the increased level of noise leads to an increase in the risk of heart and nerve diseases, not to mention the deterioration of hearing.

Torture noise

On the morning of July 1, the tenants of the house 14 on the Canonersky island saw under their windows Manifesto: "Save our ears. We are dying because of the ZSD. " The author of the inscription is not known, but, most likely, this is someone from the local, who just passed the nerves. The fact is that now for a year and a half people "try" not stopped for a second hum of a two-level high-speed route. She passes almost with their heads - at an altitude of 50 meters from the ground.

- Rospotrebnadzor Conducted noise measurements in the apartments at home 14 (from him to the supports of the SRD - about 60 meters. - Approx. aut.), revealed exceeding the permissible norms. LLC "MAGISH THE NORTH CAPITAL" - the management company ZSD - was prescribed to eliminate violations. But it evades in every possible way and appeales the prescription in the courts, "explains the resident of the neighboring, the 13th house, the local activist Gleb Chipiga.

After the inhabitants of the gunners began massively complaining of all instances on unbearable noise, additional noise-repeating screens were installed on the ZSD.

But, according to my feelings, nothing really changed, "Gleb sighs.

For the sensations of journalists, "KP", who visited the courtyards on the island, the inappropriate hum like the psychological weapons, which are estimated by the remaining Aboriginal.

Several houses standing in close proximity to the route supports were excavated at the stage of construction of the WSD. Then guest workers and people lived in them without a certain place of residence. From the construction site of the high-speed diameter, trucks still export sand. On the way it blows up directly to school and kindergarten. The Turkish general contractor Gati was fined 150 thousand. That's just the inhabitants of the canoners did not make it easier.

It is impossible close and terribly loud

Without our knowledge, consent, beyond all the logic of the SRD, for some reason, decided to spend past our homes, is indignant by Alexander Treaschaeva.

She lives in the house 14 from birth, since 1977. At that time, Kanoneck was still completely cut off from the city.

It was quiet and good here. We moved to a large land with a ferry or river tram. They walked on schedule as train. On the other side planted in the maritime trading port. Everyone had a pass. The arrival of the guests had to be coordinated in advance. Only in 1984 opened a tunnel. Of course, it became more convenient to go to the city, but also to us since then it became a lot of outsiders.

With Alexandra, we met at the playground. She came out to walk with the little son of Vanya. He is almost a peer of the SRD.

He never lived in silence. Born in November 2016, found the last days of construction, and then opened the passage of diameter, "Alexander recalls. - I remember that day. I heard the buzz, I did not even understand that it was. She asked her husband, was it a hurricane. And it turned out that transportation was allowed. And since then, this noise does not stop at night.

All residents of nearby houses installed double-glazed windows. But they do not really save.

Why for the entire city of ZSD is good, and we are a bunch of people who lived here in silence and peace, - should they suffer for everyone? - Alexander is perplexed. - We are the same citizens, law-abiding citizens, and before us there is no case, as if we are people of the third grade.

R. S. The press secretary of the North Capital Magistral LLC Andrei Tsapa could not quickly explain the situation, referring to the fact that "inscriptions on the asphalt in their company do not comment." Earlier in the MCC stated that the track was built in full compliance with the approved project.

In St. Petersburg, probably there are two points, where the self-organization of citizens manifests itself especially obviously: Shushary and the canonerean island. Because that they live in a more or less closed space, have a lot of common problems and common joys! And perhaps, because almost everyone knows each other, everything and everything in sight. So it turns out - real public opinion, the real opportunity to change (or not to change) life around.

The most closed space is canoner. The kilometer tunnel leading to the island seems to transfers to a different life - a little provincial, chamber, but extremely romantic and dynamic. Romance attaches the sea. Dynamics - port, forest terminal, ship repairing plant ... And now here is also a ZSD.

Honestly, looking at this cyclopeous viaduct, you feel delight and pride. You stand, frozers, with a hand-up head and the edge of the eye catch the views of passersby from the local. In them - barely hidden pride (they say, see-see what we have here). Well, - running string (they say, you admire our misfortune here).

It is worthwhile on the island of an hour to understand: ZSD is a real medical problem for the islanders. The noise in the ears of the doctors consider the symptom of increased pressure, atherosclerosis of the brain vessels and also heaps of diseases, which and do not want to mention. The inhabitants of the canoners hear noise in the ears of 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 1 year and 8 months. Since the central section of the ZSD has been opened. It is difficult to get used to this noise, he originates with its monotony and inevitability. It is painful.

They fight for their rights to favorable living conditions, collect signatures, cause Rospotrebnadzor, participate in the courts. The requirement is one thing - stop noise. Their problems are understandable to everyone and everyone has sympathy. At their request, noise protection screens were installed (it seems to no avail) and ... a new kindergarten is not opened, built next to the SRD track. What else can you do? How else to protect the island from the exhausting buzz of a big road? Demolish it?

- Let not cover us with plastic screens, and the plot itself will be filled with a soundproof wall above us, will make a pipe there at the top and noise in it , - answered the question of a celebrating journalist Young Mommy with a carriage, walking in the yard.

Looks like the islanders constantly discuss their main trouble and seek a way out. So ideas just bounce from the teeth. One of them is a regular surcharge "for the harm to the population." The idea is exotic, but many of them love to talk about it: here, if the court recognizes that LLC Magistral Northern Capital is noise more than permitted by sanitary standards, it will inherent to companies to share citizens. There used to be milk "For the harm of working conditions". And the inhabitants of the canoners are quite worthy of something good "For the harm of living conditions."

Although ... maybe the city authority has already worried about citizens. In July, the Administration of the Kirov district held public hearings ... Construction on the Canoneres Island of the Church of Saints Equal-Apostles Kirill and Methodius. And, imagine, on the documents it turns out that the islanders are not against. True, here is an interesting thing: the opponents are listed infectantly (a long list of those who, to put it mildly, does not consider the construction of the church as necessary for the island of the case), and supporters are hidden for the "group of artists", Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Alliance JSC, creative Association "White dew" and others who "on the blessing of his highly exploitation ..."

Here, the urban commission on land use and development has already noted: supported the community of the church of Saints Equal-Apostles Kirill and Methodius, which asked for 6.1 thousand square meters. m. Island land to the west of house 8 (a) under the temple (535 sq. M. m), Chapel of St. Fyodor Ushakov (81 square meters. m), the house of the party (338 square meters) and parking for 18 cars.

And west of the house 8 (a), by the way, is located the comfortable Square. Right on the shore of the bay. Here you can take a walk, admire the sea and even ... the bend of the ZSD. And there is no noise here not all, but only half. So, you can say - silence reigns. Moreover, this patch was made only last year, invested several million rubles in flower beds, paths and seedlings.

And here - here will be the temple! Is this a grain (or last drop?) Fell into a well-prepared soil. The islanders simply melted. And got up the wall. And not let. Not yet allowed! Smolny took a time out to explore the situation. And it is possible to offer the ROC other plot.


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