Petya is again in business. Artist Pavlensky set fire to France

The scandalously known artist-ancient Petr again turned out to be the focus of public attention. According to French radio Radio France International, a 33-year-old man on the night of October 16 settled the door of the local Banque de France, which is located on Bastille Square in the center of Paris.

The photos of the bank's burning doors spread a few familiar artist in Twitter: FEMEN member and former employee of Sathyrian magazine Charlie Hebdo Sarah Constan and a photographer from Divergence Agency Mark Shomel.

The pictures you can see how the Pavlensky is setting on the bank's doors with some fuel fluid (presumably - throws a bottle with a "Molotov cocktail"), and then stands next to the Banque de France office. At the same time, on both sides, the flame is raging from it.

Later on Twitter Constinen already in the light of the day, the burnt wall of this institution is visible. In addition, the photo shows a police officer armed with automatic weapons.

"Renaissance of Revolutionary France will cause a series of revolutions in other countries of the world. Banks occupied the place of the monarchy, "as follows the familiar Pavle Schomel, explained the meaning of the action the artist himself. According to the French presses, after arson, the Central Bank of France, Pavlensky was detained by the local police officers. Together with him, a certain woman was delivered to the department, the name and other personal data of which are not reported.

In May 2017, Peter Pavlensky received political asylum in France after another criminal case was opened towards him. As French newspapers write, at the moment he himself, his civilian spouse and two children couple live in Paris.

As the Russian lawyer of the artist Olga Dinze told "Gazeta.Ru", after arson, the Central Bank of France is a publicist can be deported from the territory of the French state.

"I am not familiar with French legislation, but theoretically, if a criminal case is ruled against him and recognized guilty, they can send it from the country," she explained. DINZA added that the details of the incident itself are not known to it. "He never puts anyone in advance about his promotions," the lawyer noted.

Recall that the Russian police opened a case with respect to the Pavlensky under the "beatings" after the incident, which happened on October 31, 2016 at the house number 12 for the statement alley. Then the artist with his friends beat the artist of theater.doc Vasily a. As Berezin himself told "Gazeta.Ru", "In the fall of 2016, this artist began to pester my girlfriend. I did not like it, and I wrote to him on the Internet so that he did not do this anymore. Then Pavlensky appointed me a meeting on October 30, 2016 in the courtyard of theater.doc to "talk to me." I came there alone, and Pavlensky - with friends and with his girlfriend Oksana Shelygin.

All together they beat me, pushed to the ground and beat their feet. I unpleasantly remember it, to be honest. Because of this, I had a concussion of the brain. Then I recorded the beatings, I received a certificate of my injuries and wrote a statement to the police. "

According to him, the precinct Basmanny district adopted a statement from the artist, but a criminal case was initiated or not, and there was a mystery. "Pavlensky since then did not come to communicate with me and did not try to reconcile any way. I did not communicate with him since then I don't want it too, "said Vasily. Familiar victims assured the that Pavlensky backed to the girl Vasily for several months.

The second statement - about the attempt of rape of Pavlensky - wrote in the 23-year-old artist of theater.doc.

According to a close acquaintance of the victim, in the evening of December 3, 2016, Pavlensky invited a girl to visit the apartment in which he lived. There, the artist-ancient attitude to a girl with a knife, several times cut her and tried to rape. "She herself asked me to not give me the details of the incident, but I can say that a criminal case was initiated in connection with this under Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," violent action of a sexual nature, "Anastasia informed Anastasia. One of the friends of the victim noted that during the struggle against Pavlesky Anastasia almost lost his finger.

According to Article 132, the artist faces up to ten years in prison. The Pavlensky himself later told the Russian media that the criminal prosecution against him is a provocation from the security forces because of his opposition views.

The first art preference artist spent in the summer of 2012 to the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. He sewed his mouth in solidarity with the Pussy Riot group. After that, he organized several scandalous stocks: for example, he wrapped himself into a barbed wire before the building of St. Petersburg, and after a while I brought my scrotum to the Red Square blocking in Moscow.

In 2014, the Pavlensky and a few of his comrades on a minor-stable bridge in St. Petersburg set fire to automotive tires. According to the authors of this performance, he was dedicated to the events in Independence Square in Kiev in 2013-2014. The court sentenced Pavlensky by 1 year and 4 months of imprisonment, but freed from punishment due to the expiration of the statute of limitations in the case.

The most famous promotion of the artist was the arson of the door of the building on Lubyanka. Because of this, he was accused of article "Vandalism", he found himself in for several months.

Meshchansky Court of Moscow acknowledged Pavlensky guilty and sentenced to a fine of 500 thousand rubles. As the Russian media wrote, the Pavlenko led himself in SIZO: broke the bulbs in the chamber, and also threatened one of the cemeimers, because of which an administrative punishment was used in the form of an indoor charter.

Russian shareholder set fire to the Bank of France as the "Source Source"

Emigrated to France, Russian Academy of Sciences Peter Pavlensky This time came into account not only by fans of contemporary art, but also the French police. At about 4 am local time, he settled the building of France on the Bastille Square. Thus, he wanted to call for a new French revolution, stating that "bankers occupied the place of monarchs." The bubble building quickly attracted the attention of the guarage of the order, which detained the Pavlesky and delivered it to the police station. "MK" got through to the press service of the Police of Paris.

Pavlensky explained his position in the report, which distributed the activist of the Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN Inna Shevchenko. According to the publicist, "bankers occupied the place of monarchs." "Nowadays, tyranny will ruin again everywhere. The revival of the revolutionary France will deseparate the fire of world revolutions, "the French press gives excerpts from this statement. At the same time, it is argued that "the liberation of Russia" will begin in this fire.

The place for his new stock - the Bastille Square - the artist chose no coincidence. "Bastille was destroyed by the rebel people. People destroyed it as a symbol of power and despotism. But at this place a new source of enslavement was built, which betrayed revolutionaries and sponsored the criminal versal, "the Pavlensky reports.

Be that as it may, the French police did not appreciate the efforts of the Buntar. While the improvised revolutionary fire gained strength, two policemen pushed Pavlensky to the ground and put his handcuffs on him. Judging by the photo from the scene, the shareholder did not resist. Together with him detained a certain woman who, according to unconfirmed data, helped to adjust the bank.

The press service of the Paris police prefecture "MK" confirmed that they detained two people for the arson of the bank. "You are not the first who asks about this," our interlocutor clarified. "However, at the moment we can only say that detainees near the building of the Bank of France are in the police station. We can't say anything about their further fate, it's all the information. "

The France Bank told FranceInfo's portal, which is going to "file a complaint". The leadership of the institution added that the branch in the Bastille Square will be temporarily closed, because the fire significantly damaged some parts of the building in the entrance area.

The list of creative shares of Peter Pavlensky there is a similar incident. In November 2015, he settled the door of the FSB building on Lubyanka. The action was devoted to the Ukrainian director Oleg Stsov, sentenced to 20 years in prison, and was called the "threat". After that, the artist was arrested, and in June 2016 - sentenced to a fine of 500,000 rubles. However, he did not pay the amount, in January 2017 he left for France. There he got political asylum. Whether he is now deprived of this status, it remains unclear. Theoretically Pavlensky for his Parisian "art" may threaten expulsion from the country.

Russian artist Peter Pavlensky is detained in Paris for the arson of the door of the building of the Central Bank of France on the Bastille Square. Photos "Shares" appeared in social networks.

After arson, arranged by Pavle, the Central Bank of France filed an appeal to the police, the representative of the bank said RIA Novosti. According to her, "Bank filed a complaint against an unidentified person." "We are in contact with the Parisian police, which leads the investigation," she said.

In France, Pavlensky found himself after in January 2017 he had left Russia with his family, declaring what was going to seek refuge. The reason for the emigration was the charges of the article "Enforced actions of a sexual nature" (132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) to the artist and his civilian wife Oksana Shealygin.

The application to the police on the Pavlensky and his cohabitant filed an actress Anastasia Slonin. The Pressal accusations itself denied, calling the criminal prosecution with the provocation. In May, it became known that the court refused to initiate a criminal case against a man. In the same month, the French authorities provided the Pavleyl refuge. In September, Pavlensky, in an interview with Jeanne Nemtsova, was told that in Paris, they downed the house, and food steal in stores.

In Russia, Pavlensky also arranged arsums. So, in 2016, he settled the building of the Federal Security Service (FSB) in Moscow. The action was devoted to the court over the Ukrainian director Oleg Sithov. Pavlensky was sentenced to fine and pay compensation for a total of about a million rubles.

Peter Pavlensky is a scandalous Russian shareholder. In 2012, he sewed his mouth and stood up from the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg with a poster "Pussy Riot performance was replaying the famous Share of Jesus Christ (Matt. 21: 12-13)." In May 2013, Pavlensky, having removed all the clothes and wrapped around the barbed wire, the Legislative Assembly Building. The action "Tsushka" symbolized "the existence of a person in a repressive legislative system, where any movement causes a cruel reaction of the law to the body of the individual."

Logic of Pavlensky: Bankers - new monarchs, the area of \u200b\u200bBastille - the symbol of the French revolution, inspired the organizers of the October Revolution, but since "a hundred years later, Tirany reigns again," the bank's door of Bastille will begin, "Revival of the Revolutionary France" will begin "To the world fire of revolutions." "In this fire, Russia will begin its liberation."

On Tuesday, the detainees were taken to the building of the Paris Palace of Justice, so that the judge determined if it was possible to let them go free.

Theoretically, for such arson, you can get up to 10 years in prison (and therefore, cancellation of the status of a political refugee), but in practice it is difficult to present. The French court loyally refers to "political shares." Most likely, the most that the Pavlensky will receive is a conditional period and a fine. Plus, it will have to compensate for the damage that the Bank of France suffered.

In any case, the amateur-shareholder achieved certain results: first, the Russian and French media wrote about him again (reminding readers that this is the most "Russian artist", which was adjusted by the FSB door and nailed the scrotum to the Red Square blocking). Secondly, he confirmed - in a narrow circle of radical French levaks - Renome political wrestle. By the way, the leftists themselves are often settled and beat the separation of banks - so it can not even claim the originality of the Pavlensky.

But it will still be to talk about it: the court is ahead, then perhaps the transfer of the court session, then the appeal.

Once he chirped the match - then you warm your hands on the coal of the information spam. And every time the mantra in notes will be repeated to the phrase "Russian artist Pavlensky". Someone will believe, of course. Someone will see in shares with the arson of the bank of high political importance. But the door of the Bank of France still will not become the "FSB door".


To the attention of people planning to come to France. If you wish at any time of the year, you can witness the next trial over the next organizer of the Performance, checking the schedule on the Judicial Gazette Du Palais website.

On Wednesday, October 18 at 13.30 in the 24th hall of the Paris Palace of Justice will be held in the case of the Swiss-Luxembourg report of Debora de Robertis, which is undressed in Louvre in front of Joconda.

On Thursday, October 19, in the town of Ansen-Bonom (who), the court should make a decision on the case of FEMEN activists: they came out the sixth of the spring to the sector, where Marin Le Pen voted.


As it became known later, Peter Pavlensky temporarily placed in the psychiatric hospital of the police prefecture. Oxana Shelygin, according to the source of the LE Figaro newspaper, while left in the chamber. The source also reported that the suspect was charged with "deliberate arson using flammable substances". The lawyer of the detainees Dominic Beretener Minkov refused to give a comment "New Gazeta".

"In Russia, about me now only they say that I beat, cut, rape innocuous citizens, and not paying fines, Laughs Peter Pavlensky. I did not justify the hopes of the opposition " . A year ago, he was sitting in a Moscow prison for the share of "threat" (arson of the door of the FSB) and was the idol of the "liberal community", but at the end of 2016 his rape of the actress of theater.doc and the beating of the actor. Pavlensky accused representatives of the theater in slander and cooperation with Putin's state, FSB and "United Russia". He speaks of his disappointment in the opposition associated, in particular, with the fact that Alexey Navalny, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and many others support the annexation of the Crimea and are ambiguously expressed on the war, unleashed by Russia in the south-east of Ukraine. Peter Pavlensky has always been on the side of Ukraine, supported Maidan and believes that it is impossible to be an oppositionist and justify the capture of the peninsula.

We abandoned benefits and social housing, because everything I did, I always did for people and never for states

"Russia is the kingdom of Butaforia, in which the power imitates the democratic system, and the opposition imitates the fight against this power. But in fact, everything suits everyone, and no one wants to change anything. The authorities do not want to come over. And The opposition does not want, because it is satisfied with the role of eternal opponents and fighters for everything good and fair. The mode is the system of values \u200b\u200bimposed by power. Yes, we hear words about the desire to change one speaking head to another. But no one wants to change the regime. This is That here in France everyone is very clearly visible and understandable, "says the artist.

With Peter Pavlensky and his companion Oksana Shealygin, we meet in a Parisian cafe three days after they were given political asylum. In December last year, Peter and Oksana detained Sheremetyevo at the airport and several hours were interrogated in the case of the "Theater.doc". They regarded this interrogation as a warning about the preparing arrest on a criminal article and a long sentence. In January, Pavlensky, Shaligina and their daughters left Russia and since then they live in France.

- You got political asylum very quickly. Is it just good luck?

- Certainly, in many things we are accompanied by luck. We talked about our political position and contempt for the Institute of Marriage, family and marital loyalty. Two weeks have passed, and we were told that they give political asylum. For those with whom we communicated, even new questions were: the same questions I heard from journalists. Before our meeting, offpring workers carefully analyzed all Russian-speaking media. The fact that one of the leaders of the theater collaborated with the police, and two of his others unconditionally supported, it was no longer necessary to explain, "they themselves confessed themselves, distributing the media comments. Officers workers who have decided in our situation, knew Russian well.

- I can calm your fans who are worried, do you dislike in France?

Ask for political asylum from the power violence of the hostile regime and ask the state to become a nursing hand - this is not the same

It is generally inappropriate to reason, we disappear or not a disadvantage. As we lived in Russia, so live here. Perhaps there is a small difference: here we have already changed the place of residence in four months. We abandoned benefits and social housing, because everything I did, I always did for people and never for states. Everything made by me, Oksana and Publishing House "Political Propaganda", we always gave free to people. Therefore, we are ready to take material support only from people. As a free manifestation of individual will. It would be strange to advocate self-organization and self-government and at the same time fed from the hands of the state. In the stern from the hands of the state we do not need.

I probably need to be clarified that to ask for political asylum from the power violence of the hostile regime and ask the state to become a nursing hand this is not the same thing. Nursing hand This is a hand that controls you, you are dependent. We, abandoning all this, are in a much more free position than many who agrees to social security, money and real estate that they provide. We have already lived in six different places in Paris, we see the city, we see his differences. We see how different people live, because we lived in the apartments of Meshchean, lived in youth apartments, now we live in squatness, where the very different organization of life. You can find out a lot, simply seeing different conditions and different ways of life.

- Who are these people? Russian or french?

French people. We never lived any of Russia. For a while they lived in a person who spoke Russian, but he is also a Frenchman.

- But are they somehow connected with Russian art?

Not connected at all.

- Why do they invite you?

When the situation is forcing us to leave, we appeal to people, we say that we need. We say that we need to live somewhere, and people provide support, not one person, so the other. At least, until today, someone has always been always. These are very different people, different districts of Paris, but so only better. Because it would be stupid to sit in one place, nothing to see and not know.

- So while you are engaged in learning Paris?

No, learning this is derived from living conditions. I still continue the process of approving boundaries and forms of political art. We are engaged in the work of the publishing house "Political Propaganda". Everything continues. Another territory, of course, has now added that we are faced with the task a little better to know the political context in which we live.

- Most good time - presidential elections. Did you follow the election campaign?

The word "hero" for the artist - an insult

I think that the French again were put in a tough situation of lack of choice. Because for many years already looming scarecrow from Clan Le Pen - scarecrow fascism. It opens up, and people remain without choosing. They leave one choice alone Between liberalism and fascism. What kind of choice are we then talking about? In 1871, France was the only country in which communes really existed. People like Auguste Blanches, Louise Michel, everyone was from France. Blanks this is a person who proclaimed: "Neither God, nor Mr." The first person who called himself an anarchist was also from France, Pierre Prudon. France largely gave an example to the rest of the world, including Russia. Of course, France can not go into opportunism, because France has the experience of the commune. It is its advantage, and she should move forward.

- Forward to the commune?

They were imposed on predestination: either liberalism or fascism, the third is not given

Of course free communes. This is not even a Ukrainian Maidan, who understood his participants only as a temporary situation, which was supposed to snatch Ukraine from under the power of the Empire. When everything stabilized, Ukraine began to lose much, because Maidan and was the most important social achievement. He was self-sufficient. France's people during the establishment of the commune very well understood that this is a self-sufficient phenomenon. Already several times, walking in Paris, we turned out to be witnesses how people go to the streets. They were imposed on predestinance: either liberalism, or fascism, the third is not given. People are convinced that this is not a choice. They go out, chant: Ni Patrie Ni Patron, Ni Le Pen Ni Macron. People take a police officer, the police will poke them with gas and accelerates folk gatherings.

- Artists always sought to Paris, but Paris suppressed artists. Van Gogh by the time he came to France, has already written a lot of great paintings, including the "potato consumers", but in Paris began to think that in Holland he did something provincial, and here there exists real art. You did not have such thoughts?

No. Now the situation has changed very much, we live in another information era. It may like it or not, but technical globalization occurred, the Internet walked the space, everything became one informational field with different modes of existence. All everyone knows everything about each other. In France, many of those whom we met are well aware of what we did in Russia, as if it happened in one of the Parisian districts.

- Know, do you understand?

We left not to become victims

I think mostly yes. It is difficult to speak at what level. For example, " " It was working with red. Red color The color of power, the color of the domineering arbitrariness. It was the most red calendar day, November 10, the Day of the police, Red Square. For me, it was work with red. In culture, this eternal oppression of red and black. Black as a good, where a person can remain, and the red color of the policeman. I think that if a person is not very familiar with the Russian culture, he will not be very clear why red This is the color of the police. He does not know how the contextual boundaries were erasing between the zone and the will, as the camps for the experiment on the transformation of a person in the animal were used. In Russian culture, it is more clear. Such nuances may need to be explained.

Promotion "Fixation" on Red Square, November 10, 2013

- France, among other things, one of the Motherland of the actual art. In the 60-80s, Michelle Zhurnak worked with red, wrote work with blood. Now his exhibition is held in the Paris House of Photography. How close is French actual art?

In the 1960s there was an interesting movement of situations. Gi Debora contributed not only to the system of French philosophy, but also to world culture. Who today does not refer to the "Society of the Performance"? Well, Marseille Dushan, a man who rethought art, put a point in modernism, thanks to him and began what is now called modern art.

- Yes, 2017 - a year of the century of Urban Dushan.

Go years, but no one can do something more radical in art than what Dushan and Malevich did

Of course, I think that there is a very interesting relationship of historical events. Malevich drew attention to cubism, one of the avant-garde currents of modernism. By paying attention to, he tried to rethink him. This was the first condition for the Suprematism. The second condition is the pre-revolutionary situation in Russia This is 1915, when "black square" appeared, one of the most significant events in the history of art. Dushan also sought to rethink the cubism, it can be seen at his work "nude, descending from the staircase." Refinement managed both. For years, but no one can do something more radical in art than what Dushan and Malevich did.

Marseille Dushan, "Fountain", 1917

- Your work is primarily associated with the Russian political situation. How do you intend to continue this topic?

First of all, my works are associated with the phenomenon of power. Much was done on the territory of the Russian regime, but the power is everywhere remaining power. Naturally, the pressure of this power is distributed in different ways. It is not the same everywhere, but power as a phenomenon is present. I encountered this phenomenon in such unexpected situations, such as, for example, when institution, which advocates in support of those who fight for freedom around the world, herself begins to act on the methodology of bureaucratic fascism.

- Are you going to talk about power in France by the ways that used in Russia, or will it be done in the framework of the "Political Propaganda" publishing house?

Of course, besides the fact that the process of approving boundaries and forms of political art continues, the place and events of political art will remain. But what and how it will This time will show. In any case, I never say anything in advance. It is better to talk about what is done, rather than what I could do.

- There is a sad experience of the group "War". I do not put the sign of equality between you, but in the history of the urgent art you will still be near, through the comma, there will be nothing you can do. They left, did not do anything, complained about life in Europe, and it ended that they were. Do you understand what happened to them?

Nothing unexpected happened. Part of the "War", from the very beginning focused on Limonov and the NBP. Lemons are their guiding star. As faithful epigions, they follow him in chaos of political contradictions. If you see the political biography of Limonov, you can see a lot of parallels with the "War" group. See how Limons constantly changed his position, as he was easily sold and became an accomplice of power, and everything will become clear.

- And their creative infertility in Europe?

I do not know what is connected. Maybe with their principles that you need to do something only in large groups, coordinate large communicative processes. Although the "Femen" movement is the principle close to the group "War", a large number of participants should be involved, but they continue their job.

- That is, it is impossible to say that the current Russian artist working on the political field, emigrating, loses incentive to work, loses the idea? You do not feel it?

No. I see another territory. In many ways, something, of course, determines the language, because I do not understand so easily, what people say and not with such speed, as it was in Russia, but the situation becomes clear.

- "Political propaganda" will be printed in Russia?

Paris is incomparably closer to St. Petersburg, rather than Moscow

It will depend on the content of release. Our publishing house always worked with an international context, with artists of Cuba, Israel, America, Germany, Poland. Each release determined what we were talking about and to whom they turned.

- There is such a type of political immigrant who lives the birthplace and a dream someday return. He is always within the Russian language, inside the Russian situation. Such is the choice, for example, Solzhenitsyn. Other emigrants cut off past and become French artists or French janitor. How do you see your future?

I think that now there can be no such tough identities. If, of course, someone does not create them for themselves artificially. In any case, Paris is incomparably closer to St. Petersburg, rather than Moscow from the point of view of urbanistics, from the point of view of urban culture. And Solzhenitsyn has never been an example for us. Shalamov is a much more important figure. The question of the language remains ...

- Do you learn French?

I never called myself a Russian artist

Yes. But language takes time. Global information space turns everything into a set of regions, they are separated by verbal language. But from the point of view of the language of gestures between them there is no fundamental difference. Therefore, I never called myself a Russian artist.

- Nostalgia no? Do not wake up with the thought: "Why did we leave"?

We understand why we left in order not to become victims. Because in anything, what I did, I was never a victim. Despite the fact that I was in prison, I have never been an object of punishment. On the contrary, I was a subject, and the authorities became objects. The powerful powers forced them to obey the event of political art. If we were arrested, we would now sit and waited for the camp times for what we did not do. Then we would definitely become sacrificial rams on the altar of state violence.

- Most recently you . Just in time!

The bureaucratic apparatus has inalienable rules for functioning. I think a person turns out to be in a more winning position if these rules do not determine the course of his life. It is better to strive for the events of life to overtake the course of the device.

- In relations with the bureaucratic apparatus, you have always been the winner.

I'm lucky. What happened in Russia? When I was still in prison, I found out that I was trying to heroize me. The word "hero" for the artist insult. The artist in principle can not be a hero. Pavlik Morozov can be a hero, Brezhnev can be four times a hero. While in prison, I began to talk and write about the fact that I did not give reason to insult.

- Is these journalists' interpreters?

If we were arrested, we would now sit and waited for the camp times for what we did not do

Both journalists and the so-called liberal public. I wrote the text that "in which the artist could not be a hero, why between the heroism and the political art of the abyss. Agree with heroization would be a betrayal of art. But everyone did not care what I say. I simply tried to make a liberal discourse. . So cruel injustice could not last forever. In the end, everything turned out so that the same public accused me in the discrepancy of the hero's imposed standard. Who stands for the compliance of this standard, I have already said: these are Pavliki Morozov, Jesus, Brezhneva, North Korean generals, mother heroine, sacrificial rams, Hercules, superhumans. And behind my inconsistencies stand: Benvenuto Chellin, Caravaggio, Marquis de Garden, Francois Viyon, Carl Andre, LED Wissez, Otto Mül, Valerie Solanas and many other artists, poets, writers and musicians. Today I can say that the authorities did not manage to subordinate political art. It did not work. And this means that luck is still accompanies!

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