Shares on February 14 at school. Scenarios for the day of all lovers in school

Day of lovers in school. Scenario

Melnikova Tatyana Vladimirovna, teacher of additional education of children, MBOU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity", Zlatoust Chelyabinsk region.
Description of the material: The material will be interested in teachers and organizers of extracurricular work. The event is held before the holiday on February 14th.
Purpose: Formation in children of communicative skills
- create a festive and friendly atmosphere;
- attract students for active activities on the organization of leisure;
- Watch the skills of communication, the ability to work in the team, a sense of mutual assistance.
Methods: Competitions, poem.
Registration: The hall is decorated in the style of a holiday, hearts, balls, posters, multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).

Event flow:
Leading:Good evening, dear guys! Of course, you guessed that today our game program we dedicate a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day.

Valentines day celebrate all - and adults, and children. With family, with friends. Celebrate for a long time. This holiday is connected with a touching and sad story. In the III century AD. Roman Emperor Claudius II issued a decree prohibiting people to marry. He believed that marriage retains men at home, and their purpose is to be good soldiers and fight for Rome. But there was a man who, despite the cruel ban, secretly consecrated the union of loved. The young Christian priest called Valentin.

During the competitive program, will be heard "Hearts"At the end we will calculate their number, and who will have more, he will receive a prize.

And our first contest is a warm-up. "Call a couple." I read the male name, you tell me his couple.
Master - ... (Margarita)
Kai - ... (Gerda)
Chatsky - ... (Sophia)
Piero - ... (Malvina)
Leonid Agutin - ... (Angelica Varum)
Romeo ... - (Juliet)
Adam ..- (Eva)
Ruslan ... - (Lyudmila)
Dance Pause

Competition №2 "GIFT"
For the scene, we ask for 3 young men, and 3 girls. Imagine that you, a real gentleman and must be presented to your lady a gift. But the gift of speech disappeared from the beauty of his girlfriend, and therefore you have to explain to her that you want to give, using only gestures. And what exactly will you give, you will learn now. Choose cards (soft toy - bunny, bouquet of flowers, cake, hair dryer,
Book, Golden Ring).

Competition №3 "Knowledge-Power".
2 girls, 2 young men are invited to the scene.
All participants are given "Women's" and "Men's" questions. The score earns the first responding. First, girls respond to questions, then young people.
Questions for girls:
1. In an integral part of what is the carburetor? (Motor)
2. Hood on the car is located in front or rear? (Front)
3. In which direction when working the saw is applied by force: to yourself or from ourselves? (Push)
4. Brothers Burea play football or hockey? (In hockey)
5. Where was the World Cup in 2002? (In Japan)
6. Products What company has an emblem in the form of "check mark"? (Nike)
Questions for young people:
1. When inwing a thread in a needle, what should be motionless: needle or thread? (Needle)
2. What is Melting? (Coloring separate strands of hair)
3. Are the yeast in shortbread dough? (Not)
4. What can the girl need acetone? (For washing off varnish with nails)
5. Do I need to wash off the hair paint after their staining? (Yes)
6. What is the name of a small handbag in which the items required for makeup are stored? (Cosmetics)
Dance Pause

Competition No. 4 "Culinary".
Two young men, 2 girls are invited to the scene. Form couples.
We offer you for some time to become cooks. I will call pairs in turn of product name, and you have to quickly determine what kind of type they relate (nuts, berries, fruit, drinks, etc.).

1. Pistachios (nuts)
2. Lamberry (berry)
3. persimmon (fruit)
4. Cherry (berry)
5. Watermelon (berry)
6. Coconut (Walnut)
7. Kiwi (fruit)
8. Blueberries (berry)
9. Rice (Crup)
10 Kumys (Drink)
11. Ryabchik (Bird)
12. Kvass (drink)

Competition No. 5 "Dance".
How many dances have in the world!
I'll only choose them!
There are new ones on coming.
So let's dance!
Six people are invited. They give balls.
Task: You must fulfill a fast dance with a balloon by closing it with foreheads. The hands at the same time should be clicked behind the back. Who within a minute will not relieve the ball during the dance, earns a heart.

Dance Pause

Competition №6 "Cockfish"
2 young men, 2 girls are invited to the scene. Form couples.
Find out what number numbers, on the back of another person. Move on the legs, hands behind your back.

Competition №7 "Reply to the letter"

Competition is held for everyone. The guys read questions, they offer their answers.
1. How do you live in love? (response to the letter "r")
2. What created love? (response to the letter "d")
3. What gives love? (response to the letter "B")
4. What does the name Valentine mean? (Strong, healthy)

Competition №8 "Understand me"
The ability to understand the other is a rare character quality, not everyone is given. You need to explain our intention to people with the help of faiths and gestures to people.
1. on a ski rider
2. In Circus
3. On the disco
4. Go to the movies

Dance Pause

Competition №9 "Labyrinth"
2 young men are invited, 2 girls. Form couples.
A labyrinth (chairs, kegli, chips) is built before couples, each girl tows the eyes of a young man and spends through a labyrinth. The same couple wins, which will overcome it first.

Competition №10 "Music Chair"
The young men should take chairs and put a girl on their knees. The girls move in a circle around the chairs.

Dance Pause

Competition №11 "Verse for Love"

A poem with missed words is broadcast on the screen, the task of participants to recall and say the poem.

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
In my soul, I was not completely out;
But let her no longer be disturbed;
I do not want to peel you nothing.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Then timidity, Tom's jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so gentle,
How God God for your beloved to be different.
At the end of the holiday, hearts are counted, and a prize is given.

The closer the date of the holiday, the more often we begin to think about how to spend it. For each holiday there are certain traditions: in the New Year, it is customary to walk on the Christmas tree, on March 8 to give women tulips and mimosa. And how to spend February 14?

We began to celebrate this holiday from us not so long ago, so strict traditions did not speculate. And it is wonderful, as each person can spend this day as he wants.

Of course, every girl wants to spend February 14 with her beloved, because it is a holiday of lovers, so you can choose any format, just to be together. Here are some ideas that can be used.

Unsredition classic

If the couple does not like to invent something new, then they should pay attention to the classic scenario, prescribing to hold on February 14 with his beloved girl in a restaurant. Most restaurants on the day of lovers are preparing a special program, so the romantic pair's decor will be provided.

Of course, you will not go without money in the restaurant, so if there are material problems, a romantic dinner can be organized at home. The same option is often choosing married couples that have small children who have not to leave for the evening.

However, it is not worth upset if you try, at home you can organize a wonderful holiday. You only need to think about the scenario well. In addition to delicious food, there must be a "cultural" program. It is not necessary to organize a home striptease (if children are at home, it may turn out to be confused), you can simply talk to each other not about affairs or household worries, but about love, and see some good movie.

Another classic option for a festive evening is a visit to the cultural event. Depending on the interests, it may be theatrical production, art exhibition, concert. Or maybe you have not been with my wife for a long time? Buy tickets for "places for kisses" and feel yourself high school students who escaped from lessons.

If the classic traditions of organizing the celebration of the Day of Lovers seem boring, you can come up with other options. Here are some ideas that can be implemented.

Relax for two

Most of us work a lot, so full-fledged rest is a prerequisite for the preservation of health. Visit the match the sauna or spa, ordering the most pleasant relaxing procedures. Such a rest, for sure, will be very pleasant and helpful.


Snapshots on the home "soap" go to the work of a professional photographer, like the sky and the earth. Therefore, it is worth planning a professional collaborative photo session for the holiday in a romantic style. It is interesting, and the result in the form of beautiful pictures will delight for a very long time.

Resting actively

Winter is a time when you need to ski, sledding and skating. No opportunity to go to the ski resort or at least for the countryside of recreation? Nothing! Go to the city rink. Such a joint holiday with her husband or with a favorite guy will help shake. And if we grab a thermos with hot fragrant tea and sandwiches, then during the rest after riding you can have a snack.


If the holiday is coming on weekends, you can spend it on the journey. Of course, few people can afford to fly on a weekend to Paris, but go to an interesting excursion trip around the surroundings is quite possible. Contact your travel bureau, for sure, there will be some options for "weekend routes". And if there is a desire to save, you can independently develop a travel program, the benefit that you can now have tickets to museums, and hotels book online.


On the street Cold February, and so I want warmth! Is it possible to go to countries where the eternal summer? Sumptuously! But, most likely, there is no such possibility, so it is worth going to the water park and from the soul to have fun there, riding water slides and swimming in the warm pool. You can go to the water park you can align with your beloved or organize a party there, inviting the closest friends.

Learning new

Why, together with a guy, do not visit any interesting master class and not get new skills? Choose today there is from what. For example, why not go on a culinary master class and not learn from a real chef prepare original dishes?

Sweet tooths, for sure, will prefer to go on handmade candy manufacturing lessons. And the connoisseurs of good wines will be happy to visit the lesson on which a professional sommelier will tell about the art of selection of beverages, especially since such a lecture will be accompanied by wine tasting.

Walking under the stars

What could be romantic than walking under the star sky? Of course, in our climate in the middle of February, the weather does not always have to night walks, and low clouds may not allow to see a single asterisk. But it's not a problem. It is enough to go to the planetarium to admire the stars in all of their glory, and even learn a lot of interesting information.

Simple walk

If there is no money for entertainment, you can just wander together in the city. In parks and entertainment centers, entertainment programs are often organized for residents of the city, in which you can take part completely free.

Of course, here are not all the options for organizing the holiday. Each couple can spend time as interesting to them.

The main thing is not the place where the holiday passes, and how lovers belong to each other. Even a simple walk with a loved one on a snow-covered Skater can bring more joy than a trip to Paris with a person who causes irritation to his presence.

What to do lonely?

So, the options are wonderful to spend the evening on February 14 with your favorite there are many. And what to do lonely people? Sit at home, experiencing about what no one loves you? One, somehow inconvenient to go to the movies or in a cafe. What to do? First of all, learning a few simple rules:

  • Do not cheat yourself! Yes, today you do not have a loved one, but who knows, suddenly fate prepared you a pleasant surprise in the form of a meeting with a suitable person in this February day filled with romance? Therefore, you do not need to spoil my mood, because it is unlikely that someone wants to get acquainted with a person who is angry with himself and on the whole world.

  • Search positive! In any event, you can find positive moments. Yes, your past relations ended, but would it be better if you continued to be with the unloved and unloved? And now you are free and open with love and new happy relationship.
  • This holiday is for everyone! The day of lovers is a holiday of all people, because we all love someone - parents, children, friends, their cat, in the end! So you need to try to make yourself pleasant on this holiday.

Love for me

Even if you are alone so much that there is no one for a festive evening to call to cry out about your "heavy" share, it is worth organizing a feast for love for yourself.

Sign up of beauty salon for different pleasant procedures (epilation and anti -celultular massage, causing painful sensations, should be left the other day). But the relaxing massage, chocolate overtakes, aromotherapy, hydromassage baths - all this will be by the way.

Of course, all these procedures in the cabin are quite expensive, and they need to be recorded in advance. If you are late or simply do not have enough funds, you can arrange a spa at home. Fill the bath with fragrant foam, arrange candles and feel like an aphrodite that is born from the foam.

Love for friends

Why not organize a cheerful party with friends? It is unlikely that you do not have acquaintances who do not know who to spend the evening. The fun "bachelor" party is a great way to spend the day of lovers, and one more step is to get to know the guy free from relationships.

Love for others

If it does not manage to overcome the feeling of pity for himself about his loneliness, try to help those who are much worse than you.

Most cities have charitable organizations that assist people who have fallen into difficult situations as well as abandoned animals. Helping those who are right now, you will easily feel necessary and happy.

Love for the best friend

If you both turned out to be at this time without a pair, then you should spend the evening with my friend.

The evening can be held at home, for sure, you will have a lot of those that can be discussed. But it is better, of course, go to people. Nothing that all around the couples! Just change the installation in the head that you are not alone, but free. And two loose girls can afford a wide variety of entertainment.

You can organize a grand shopping shopping for you for you, because no one, besides the best friend, will not be able to give the best advice on the choice of dresses or shoes. You can go to the cinema or theater and watch a beautiful melodrama, because this evening films and performances of love are shown almost everywhere.

Do you want not just to have fun, but to break yourself to full? Then choose the brightest outfit and go to the club to light there on the dance floor. Be confident in our irresistible and catch the admired views of the men.

So, regardless of whether you have a favorite person or you are free, you can spend a wonderful day of lovers. Forget about everyday concerns and with your head, plunge into the romantic atmosphere of this wonderful holiday.

  1. Thinking out the plan of events, do not forget to include in the list of competitions a couple of light and mobile contests in case you have to "pull" time. It is desirable that such competitions include the maximum participants.

  2. Calculate the number of children in your class or the total number of mass celebrations. A pre-knowing number of participating students can be divided into teams. It will also help when choosing certain contests.

  3. Consider the age of schoolchildren. For young and middle-aged children, contests must be noisy and lungs, on a friendly topic. For high school students, you can add elements with a light flirt, for example, kisses in a cheek, giving flowers to girls, etc.

  4. The total duration of the holiday must correspond to the age of participants. For younger schoolchildren we advise you to organize on February 14 no longer than 2 hours. For the older guys at the end of the official part, you can arrange a disco.

  5. Choose a place to celebrate the day of lovers in school. Think, it may be possible to bind the types of contests to the location.

What Valentine can be made in school

Tell the school activists, class, and maybe everyone, cut into at least a few hundred valentines. Use white, pink and all shades of red paper or fine cardboard. Hearts can be different sizes and shapes.

Here is the easiest way to cut valentines. Fold a piece of paper in half. Cut the line equal to half the heart. When you unfold paper, you will see that it turned out perfectly symmetrical heart. Optionally, they can be painted with funny faces or inscriptions, attach stickers, beads and other decorations. The most beautiful hearts can be presented as a gift for their sympathy.

You can make simple openwork-air valentines as follows.

We will need:

  • Paper for scrapbooking - suitable red or pink. Than the Pestrea, the better.

  • Heart suspension rope

  • Scissors.

Cut the paper strips, about 2 by 20 cm. For each valentine, 10 strips of paper of different sizes will be required (see photo).

For the biggest heart, glue one pair of tips from the longest strips. If your paper has the front side and an invalible, then fold the face with the front side to each other.

Gradually taking shorter strips, glue them with the original billet. When all strips are glued together, tighten them with scissors, it will be easier to fold valentine. Spread free tips, tie a rope for hanging. Multilayer Valentine is ready.

How to write a confession guy

We told several ways to manufacture valentines. At one of them, the girl can write his recognition guy. Sign or not - to solve you. The main thing is to specify the exact recipient so that your heart fell into the right hands.

You can write like this:

I'm waiting with you a new meeting,
From impatient grief.
I want to hug you by the shoulders,
And whisper you "love".

As if I got into a fairy tale
When we met with you.
All words in the world will be small
To express my love.

Texts are short, which is very convenient - placed on valentine of any size and forms.

How to confess to the love girl

In fact, the methods of recognition in the love of the girl are many and you need to choose a single one that is suitable for your pair. If you are still studying at school, you are unlikely to pocket luxurious bouquets, dinners in restaurants and the like of excess. The main thing is to be confident in your feelings, express them sincerely.

If the guy will make oral confession, then it is better to make eyes in the eye, in an unlawful setting. If this written recognition is better to write a real letter and put flower there. Maybe in a few years he will be the mascot of your family.

What a holiday at school on the day of lovers in school will be arranged how to make a confession to your beloved or beloved - to solve you. The main thing is to be sincere and do without vulgarities and rudeness.

School is the most wonderful time. Here, children not only receive the first knowledge of life, study various historical facts, biology and other interesting items. But it is also here that the first romantic feelings in children are born. When Valentine's Day is celebrated, you can arrange fun holidays at school. This is not surprising, because Valentine is a patron of all lovers. If such a question has become, as noted on February 14 at school, we can offer you some options.

Romantic mail

If there is half, then it is good. But even if it is not, then it will certainly be for sure. You can write a congratulation for him. Maybe it will be a person from the same class, or from the other. Well, just take and give Valentine? It's very boring! It turns out that there is such a wonderful thing as romantic mail.

Everything is very simple. One class highlights a person who will work the postman. That is, all written Valentine is awarded to him, and he must deliver them to the addressee. If a student suddenly wants the message to be anonymous, you can come up with a mailbox. In each class you can put this made from ordinary cardboard. It can be written on it, let's say, "romantic mail" or "Valentine". Everyone wishes will write their congratulations, throw postcards in this box, and the postman will then deliver them.

It would be nice that our teachers would help you in such a difficult act as the celebration of February 14 in the school institution. Attracting teachers to do is very simple. It is worth asking to help them, tell me how it will be fun and funny that students will appreciate their contribution. It is possible that the teachers will remember their own youth and decide to have fun. Someone will come to a lesson with angel wings, the other will depict Cupid, and the third huggling and tail.

Attracting teachers for the holiday

For all teachers who consider such outfits unacceptable, any decoration with a heart can come up. It can be brooch, suspension, ring, or just you can draw a heart on paper, cut it and pin to the jacket.

It is very interesting to arrange a contest photo. Such an event will help to solve the issue of fun to celebrate on February 14 at school. This is done so. Several images of lovers in love, for example, Romeo and Juliet, Anna Karenina and Vronsky are selected. Etc. All these names are written on sheets of different colors. After that, they need to put in some container, for example, a hat or bag. If there are fewer names than schoolchildren, there are also empty sheets.

Now each schoolboy must pull the leaflet. And it is necessary if the character falls him, take a picture in his image. And it is impossible to use Photoshop, and you need to wear the appropriate suits. After that, the photo must be submitted on February 13. And on February 14, they are placed on the wall, after which the jury chooses the better of them. It is recommended to invite a teacher in the literature jury.

Surely at school there will be our writers and poets. Try to highlight them so that they write you some scenarios yourself or wrote interesting chastos.

You can decorate a class on February 14 (on the day of lovers) as much as possible. For example, each person cuts out its heart. It can be very creative. It is not necessary to draw something standard. Let me draw something unusual to students.

Paper Hearts

How do you like a class decoration like a wall newspaper? It is possible that someone will draw it very beautiful. And the other will bring wonderful balls. By the way, you can arrange a whole contest wall newspaper, and the prize to choose a beautiful box with candy in the form of a heart, and the winners can give her half or eat the whole bunch.

To decorate the school class on Valentine's Day, you can apply such interesting things as origami. In addition, you can arrange a whole competition for children using a very unusual material. It can be cardboard, fabric, threads, colored paper, markers, wool and anything. The most interesting thing that can be done is garland. For this hearts are hung on the rope or cut out of the paper.

Many can bake home cookies and bring it to school. People who can not sing at all can also take part and cover the sweet table for class. For example, bring candy, chocolate.

You can give in advance to students of the sheets - with the question, which is better to put on the table. And artists will probably come up with the menu design. Many schoolchildren will probably write lemonade, cakes, juices, bars. Also put Mandarin, Fastille, Marmalade, Muffins, Canapes from fruits.

If you still think about how to note well and unforgettable February 14 at school, then for such a table you can bake very interesting rosets from the test. This recipe is simple enough. Dough is taken, it should be cut into pieces and then roll out. It turns out a circle, which is divided into 4 parts, and is cut off - but not to the end. After that, in the middle of the flower there are some snack - for example, berries, an apple, grated with sugar, etc. The petals are wrapped in one. First horizontally, then vertically. It turns out an interesting rose. Such a wonderful flower is folded and baked, after which it can be attached to the crispy breadstands or to some pie.

Pool preparation instructions

There is a very interesting dish that you can decorate the table. Moreover, it is made of one product, namely tomato. It will take the variety "Cherry". Tomato should be cut into 2 parts, diagonally, but one of the half should be greater than the second. A small plumage is cut out of the cardboard, and the arrow will serve the toothpick, the thick tip of which should be closed.

Concert and disco

Well, after lessons, it is natural necessary to arrange what? Of course on February 14 at school, there must be a concert and disco. To do this, find out in advance who sings well and dances well. You can arrange karaoke, or ask some disciples to sing songs of your favorite authors. Or maybe you have your own group at school? Then you're surely lucky.

can be the most different . The script at school is not only a personal holiday of every couple. It can be wonderful to note, for example, in the school team. In order for school celebrations to be merry and memorable, teachers need to come up with exciting scenarios on February 14 at school.

We offer you several ideas and scenarios for Valentine's Day at school for a fun holiday of all lovers on February 14.

Scenarios for the day of all lovers in school:fabulous Masquerade Ball

If you want to arrange a grand holiday for schoolchildren, then this scenario on February 14 is exactly what you need. Valentine's Day can be carried out both at class level, so at the level of parallels of classes, for example, among high school students (10-11 classes)

It is easy to organize such a holiday. We break all the participants of the holiday on the pair, agree with them that they must come up with the original masquerade costumes. Tell me that they can come to a holiday in the images of kinheroev, fabulous heroes.

Each couple who wants can prepare a small concert number to congratulate classmates and spectators, they can sing, dance, read poems, put scenes.

Among the couples who are decided to prepare a room, spend the competition for the best congratulation. Choose a better pair and assign a lot of nominations so that there are no losers, and everyone got symbolic prizes for participation.

You can finish such an evening with a disco or sweet table!

Scenarios for the day of all lovers in school: celebrate the whole school

If you want to get the whole school in the celebration of Valentine's Day, but do not want to arrange traditional social concerts, then you will be suitable for this scenario.

Try to celebrate February 14 whole school original. To do this, you need to create a festive atmosphere in the whole school. A few days before the holiday, thresh at the school of posters, who will tell that soon the holiday, balls, bright wall newspapers with congratulations, history of the holiday. Each separate classroom can also be decorated with hearts, drawings, wallgazettes and balls.

Organize "Love Mail". To do this, take the big boxes and place it appropriately festive, and then hang it in some popular place in school. Of course, in order for the mail to work, you need to choose postmen that will disassemble valentines and spread them by classes.

After the educational process on Valentine's Day will end, invite all students on a funny communal disco with a sweet table. On the disco can offer schoolchildren to choose the king and queen evening.

Such a holiday will certainly like schoolchildren!

Scenarios for the day of all lovers in school: traditional concert

If you like traditional concerts, where the school administration, parents, relatives and friends of schoolchildren will be attended, then you can hold a local concert dedicated to February 14.

To do this, choose charming leaders, for example, it would be nice if the concert was junior schoolchildren, a boy and a girl, disguised in angels.

In a concert on February 14, everyone can participate, they can play thematic songs, read poems, put scenes, spend with the audience, invite them to dances and so on ...

How to pass your community-wide holiday depends on how talented and active your school team is active, how creative and cheerful will your script will be.

Merry holiday you all lovers!

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