Nikolai tsiskaridze's personal biography. Nikolay tsiskaridze - biography, information, personal life

Details Created: 13/04/2016 12:19 Updated: 01/01/2018 14:03

Everyone is interested in the personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze - a unique and talented person who has all natural data. They allowed him to succeed in the art of dancing. In this article we will tell you everything about him.

He has Georgian roots, tall stature, athletic and slender figure, attractive oriental appearance and this is not all of his advantages. By nature, he is also plastic and very musical, and many women dream of seeing him as a husband.

Photo by Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Rumor has it that the dancer has repeatedly argued that such a feeling as love was never present in him, on the contrary, it interfered with him and he always suppressed it, so Nikolai Tsiskaridze's personal life was not entirely successful. Indeed, for a person who plays in ballet and is devoted to art, emotions, such as love, interfere with building a career, do not allow concentrating on the stage. Therefore, he devoted his life only to ballet, suppressing all romantic feelings. And now he does not allow himself to succumb to them.

Wife and kids

It is rumored that Nikolai Tsiskaridze is officially single, has no children, and many are interested in his orientation (is he gay). But he still has passions. Sometimes there are short novels, which he certainly does not advertise. He claims that he does not like to put his personal life on public display and tell tearful stories about unhappy love. Of course, he plans to soon find a wife and become a happy father, but his requirements for his future wife are very large. So far, not a single young lady has passed a tough selection for a matrimonial position.

Women in the Life Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Some sources claim that he had an affair with Natalia Gromushkina, Anastasia Volochkova and ballet partner Ilse Liepa. Below you can see his photo from Instagram.

Natalia Gromushkina

Nikolay Tsiskaridze
cargo. ნიკოლოზ ცისკარიძე
Birth name: Nikolay Maksimovich Tsiskaridze
Date of birth: December 31, 1973
Place of birth: Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR
Profession: ballet dancer, ballet teacher
Citizenship: USSR → Russia
Position: Premier
Theater: Bolshoi Theater (1992-2013)

Nikolay Maksimovich Tsiskaridze (born December 31, 1973, Tbilisi) - Russian ballet dancer, premier of the Bolshoi Theater. People's Artist of Russia (2001). Twice laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2001, 2003). Member of the Presidential Council Russian Federation on Culture and Arts (since July 21, 2011).

Was a late child - to mom Nikolai Tsiskaridze at the time of his birth it was already 43rd year. Among the close relatives of Nicholas, no one had a professional relationship with art, except for his paternal grandmother, a Frenchwoman, who for some time before her marriage was an actress. Mom, a physics teacher, was a great lover of art, attended concerts both in Tbilisi and in Leningrad and Moscow, and often took little Nikolai to them. In early childhood, he was very drawn to stage performances wherever possible - he loved to recite poetry, sing, act out small scenes in front of loved ones, neighbors.
In 1984 Tsiskaridze entered the Tbilisi Choreographic School, and since 1987 continued his studies at the Moscow Academic Choreographic School under the class of Professor Petr Pestov. In the stage practice of the school, he performed all the classical Pas de deux, including the pas de deux from the ballet “Festival of Flowers in Genzano” by A. Bournonville and “Classical pas de deux” by V. Gzovsky.
After graduating from the Moscow Academy of Choreography in 1992, at the invitation of Y. N. Grigorovich, N. Tsiskaridze was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, where at first he danced almost the entire corps de ballet repertoire, and then began to perform small, but already quite complex parts, including : French doll in The Nutcracker, Entertainer in The Golden Age, Youth in Chopiniana, Blue Bird in Sleeping Beauty. Soon they began to entrust him with leading roles in all the main performances of the classical repertoire: in Swan Lake, The Nutcracker and Sleeping Beauty, in Raymond and La Bayadere, in La Sylphide and Giselle, as well as in modern ballets: “Love for Love”, “Paganini”, “Symphony in C major”. Roland Petit specially for Tsiskaridzecreated the role of Hermann in "The Queen of Spades", staged on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Then Nikolay Tsiskaridzetook the position of prime minister.

At the same time, he continued his education at the Moscow State Choreographic Institute, from which he graduated in 1996. He began to prepare his first roles with G. S. Ulanova and N. R. Simachev, and then studied with M. T. Semyonova and N. B. Fadeechev.
In addition, the repertoire includes Tsiskaridze there are small one-act ballets and dance numbers, which he successfully performs both on the stage of the theater and in concerts and on tours: "The Vision of the Rose" staged by M. Fokine, "Narcissus" staged by K. Goleizovsky, "Carmen. Solo "directed by R. Petit," Fallen Angel ", staged especially for him by Boris Eifman.

N. Tsiskaridze took part in the first three programs of the dance project "Kings of the Dance" (2006-2009). Tours a lot around the world, has numerous titles and awards. Lives and works in Moscow.

Participates in the television show "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia" as a permanent member of the jury of the dance competition. She is a regular host of the program "Masterpieces of the World Musical Theater" on the Kultura TV channel.

He is engaged in teaching at the Moscow State Academy of Arts and at the Bolshoi Theater, where he constantly conducts a choreographic class. In 2012, he entered the magistracy of the Moscow State Law Academy.

In March 2013, on the air of Channel One, he expressed concerns about the prospects for his future work at the Bolshoi Theater. By this time, according to Tsiskaridze, he had already received two reprimands for violation of labor discipline.
From July 1, 2013 Nikolay Tsiskaridze will no longer work at the Bolshoi Theater, since his contract has not been renewed.

Family of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Mother of Nikolai Tsiskaridze - Lamara Nikolaevna Tsiskaridze, physicist, worked at the nuclear power plant in Obninsk, then as a teacher of mathematics and physics at a secondary school in Tbilisi
Father Nikolai Tsiskaridze- Maxim Nikolaevich Tsiskaridze, violinist. However, he was brought up by his stepfather.
Answering a question from journalists, Tsiskaridze explained that he was not married and was not in a hurry to get married.

In childhood, before coming to Moscow, all family and friends called Nikolai Nika.
The surname is Tsiskaridze, from Georgian - the first star or dawn.
Favorite children's fairy tale - Andersen's Little Mermaid.

Public views
In March 2011, he gave an interview to Vladimir Pozner on the Pozner program on Channel One, telling about a difficult childhood and the beginning of a successful career, about how he got a residence permit in Moscow, just a few weeks before the collapse of the USSR. Nikolai Tsiskaridze expressed serious concerns about whether Russia will retain its leadership in the field of theatrical art.
“We, our society, want to kill it, because the Ministry of Education is now issuing very terrible laws that all musical, theatrical, and choreographic institutions must accept children from the age of 15 without competition,” he explained. “And it’s impossible to explain that the pianist’s hand should be placed from the age of five, that it is desirable to place the feet in ballet from the age of 9-10”.
According to Tsiskaridze, all artists, including himself, have already written a letter to the president, the prime minister, but these appeals are still being ignored. “This is because people who write laws when their children study abroad, hypothetically, do not associate their future with this country, they don’t care how other children will study,” he suggested Nikolai Tsiskaridze. “I am sure that if we had a law according to which the children of those who adopt and develop legislative projects would definitely serve in the army and study in our country, this system would gradually improve.”
In November 2011, he sharply criticized the restoration of the Bolshoi Theater.

Parts in performances

both main male roles alternately: Prince Siegfried and the Evil Genius in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, staged by Y. Grigorovich (2001)
Ferkhad in "The Legend of Love" by A. Melikov, staged by Y. N. Grigorovich (2002)
King in "Swan Lake" V. Vasiliev (1996)
Taor in "The Pharaoh's Daughter" by P. Lacotte
Evil genius in the ballet "Swan Lake" 2001, Bolshoi Theater, Moscow
Herman in the ballet The Queen of Spades (to the music of Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony), staged at the Bolshoi Theater in 2002 by the French ballet master Roland Petit.
Young man in the ballet "Young Man and Death" by R. Petit, (2003)
Solor in La Bayadere (Mariinsky Theater, 2003)
Quasimodo in the ballet Notre Dame de Paris staged by R. Petit (music by M. Jarre, libretto by the choreographer himself based on the novel of the same name by V. Hugo) (Bolshoi Theater, 2003)
Fairy Carabosse in The Sleeping Beauty (Bolshoi Theater, 2004)
Theseus / Oberon in the ballet "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by D. Normayer (Bolshoi Theater, 2004)
Choreographic part of Death in the Russian version of the musical "Roméo & Juliette" ("Moscow Operetta", 2004-2006)
The Blue God in the ballet of the same name, entreprise of the M. Liepa Foundation (2005)
Polyphemus in the eponymous performance of the Moscow theater "Shadow" (2005)
Faun in miniature "Faun's Afternoon Rest" by V. Nizhinsky, M. Liepa Foundation's entreprise (2007)
Konrad in Le Corsaire, choreographed by A. Ratmansky and Y. Burlaka (2007)
The teacher in "The Lesson" by F. Flindt (2007)
Lucien d'Herville in the Grand Pas Classique from the ballet Paquita, revised by Yuri Burlaka (2010)

Ranks of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

1997 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
2000 - Member of the Union of Theater Workers of Russia
2001 and 2003 - Laureate of the State Prize of Russia for the leading roles in the performances "The Sleeping Beauty", "Giselle", "La Bayadere", "Raymonda", "The Queen of Spades"
2001 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Nikolay Tsiskaridze's awards

1992 - Fellow of the International Charitable Program "New Names"
1995 - Silver medal at the VII International Ballet Competition in Osaka, Japan
1995 - Prize of the magazine "Ballet" "Soul of Dance" in the nomination "Rising Star"
1997 - First Prize and Gold Medal at the VIII International Competition of Ballet Dancers in Moscow and Peter van der Sloth's Personal Prize "For preserving the traditions of Russian classical ballet"
1997 - Diploma of the society of ballet lovers "Sylphides" - "The best dancer in 1997"
1997 - National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actor"
1999 - Prize "Benois de la dance" in the nomination "Best dancer of the year"
2000 - National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Actor"
2000 - Prize of the Moscow City Hall in the field of literature and art
2000 or 2002 - Danza & Danza Award in the Best etoile category, Italy
2001 - the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation"
2001 - Laureate of the State Prize of Russia
2003 - National Theater Award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "Best Male Role" for the part of Hermann in the ballet "The Queen of Spades"
2003 - Order of Honor (Georgia)
2003 - Prize "Triumph"
2003 - Laureate of the State Prize of Russia
2006 - Commander of the French Order of Arts and Letters
2006 - International Peace Prize of the United Cultural Convention of the United States "For outstanding personal achievements for the benefit of the world community."

Filmography of Nikolai Tsiskaridze

1998 - " Nikolay Tsiskaridze... To be a star ... "- documentary film, 1998, 26 min., Director Nikita Tikhonov

Bibliography Nikolay Tsiskaridze

Nikolay Tsiskaridze... Moments. - M., 2007, P. Yurgenson, 320 p., Ill. ISBN 978-5-9720-0038-8
Nina Alovert. Nikolai Tsiskaridze: "Flight willful perseverance ...". - M., 2010, Teatralis, 375 p., Ill. ISBN 978-5-902492-17-7

This prominent oriental man, the owner of a bright and expressive appearance, certainly struck the hearts of most Russian women. However, they are surprised to learn that his heart still does not belong to a single woman. Various suspicions arise, but fans of the dancer Nikolai Tsiskaridze assure that he has one love for life - this is ballet!

However, recently a photo has leaked on the Internet where the artist is standing next to a charming girl in a white dress. The questions themselves ask themselves, is it true that Tsiskaridze recently married? Also, the headlines on social networks like "Tsiskaridze marries Poryvkina" are a little alarming. It is worth clarifying the situation, confirming or refuting these rumors.

Dates, parameters, zodiac

Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze - the leading Russian ballet dancer and teacher (as stated in Wikipedia) was born in the capital of Georgia. Then the republic was still part of the USSR. His biography began on the last day of the outgoing 1973. By the sign of the zodiac Nicholas - Capricorn, by eastern horoscope - Bull.

The artist has a high height - 83 cm, and his weight is small, as befits those who connected life with ballet - 58 kg. Nikolay has a real oriental appearance - black eyes, thick eyebrows and burning black hair.


Nikolai was lucky to be born into a family of intellectuals: his father was a violinist, and his mother was a physicist. Interestingly, my grandmother worked as an actress and was French. Mother often took her son to the theater because she loved art. So Kolya from an early age joined the world of beauty.

He was lucky with a nanny who often read classics (Shakespeare, L. Tolstoy). The boy really liked the film "Romeo and Juliet" directed by F. Zeffirelli.

From an early age, Kolya had excellent plasticity, he liked dancing. He attended a choreographic school. Once the boy got to see a puppet show by S. Obraztsov. This made a great impression on him, the boy even made dolls on his own and prepared a performance. But dancing remained the main love.

Since childhood, Kolya was very artistic, he loved to gather an audience around him, read poetry to them. It was clear from an early age that this child would become an artist. It so happened that the parents separated, and the boy was brought up by his stepfather, an Armenian by nationality.

Nikolai said that as a child he was very purposeful and stubborn, in good sense this word. He was never pressured, the only problem was with the food. The boy ate very poorly (he probably foresaw that he would need an ideal figure in his future profession).

And when he was given an ultimatum: "You won't get up from the table until you eat!", He sat until the last, but did not eat. Perhaps this trait helped him achieve many heights in life, always achieve his goal.

From an early age, mother took her son to the highest artistic circles, where Nikolai could see real celebrities "live" (N. Bregvadze, S. Chiaureli, K. Makharadze, S. Paradzhanov, etc.). So he was familiar with the world of bohemia from childhood , saw how they communicated, how they behaved.


At the age of eleven, Nikolai Tsiskaridze entered the choreographic school in Tbilisi. The boy immediately noticed an outstanding talent, so there was no doubt that he needed to continue his studies in the capital.

Moscow also highly appreciated not only the appearance of the future great artist (his long and thin ankles, wonderful eversion of the foot, etc.), but also the dancer's talent.

Nikolai was tall, combined with lightness, he could jump high. He himself recalled that in Georgia they paid him compliments only about beautiful eyes, but here they appreciated his creative abilities. This served to raise his self-esteem, which is important for a novice artist.

But few know that the future People's Artist was not taken to the Moscow Choreographic School immediately, but only from the third time.

Nikolai says that the politeness in which he was brought up by his mother hindered him a little at the beginning of his life in the capital. He recalls that his mother taught him to let the woman go ahead, to greet everyone and. But this was not accepted in the general environment of the school. They laughed at him when he greeted everyone who met in the room and picked up a piece of paper that had been dropped from the floor. But he was brought up like that!

The famous teacher and artist P.A. Pestov became the teacher of the future famous dancer. Nikolay received a lot of useful information from his teacher. He said that he would always be grateful to him for teaching him to be courageous and staunch, to fulfill his role in good faith to the end, even if he felt that he was dying.

At a fairly early age, while studying at school, the boy was entrusted with very serious parts from ballets.

Nikolai performed the parts during his studies:

  • soloist in "Classical Symphony" (Prokofiev's First Symphony);
  • pas de deux in "Esmeralda" by C. Puni;
  • pas de deux in the "Festival of Flowers in Genzano" by E. Halsted and others.

His talent was appreciated by professionals, and soon the young man was awarded the New Names scholarship.

Carier start

Tsiskaridze graduated from his studies in 1992, after which he was immediately taken into the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, the young man studied at the choreographic institute, which he graduated in 1996 with a specialty: teacher, ballet dancer. He said that he was very grateful to his mentors.

They were:

  • N.R.Simachev;
  • M.T. Semenova;
  • G.S. Ulanova.

The famous ballerina Galina Ulanova became his best friend, and not just a mentor. It so happened that after the death of his mother, there was no one closer to Nikolai than this great ballerina. She seemed to replace his mother who had left early, giving him maternal attention and love.

He was very grateful to her. An interesting fact is that the older this wonderful ballerina got, the faster she danced! Nikolai says that no one even knew how old she was.

At first, he participated in the corps de ballet, but then he was entrusted with serious roles.

At first, these were the parties:

  • French doll in The Nutcracker;
  • Entertainer in the "Golden Age";
  • Soloist in Romeo and Juliet;
  • Waltz soloist in Swan Lake.

But soon he began to play more responsible roles in the same performances:

  • Nutcracker Prince;
  • Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet;
  • Rothbart at Swan Lake.

His work was highly appreciated, in 1995 he received a silver medal at the International Competition of Young Dancers of Japan. And two years later, he already won the International Competition in Russia.

Takeoff, popularity

After that, the career of the artist went noticeably uphill. He was trusted to perform the main roles, and he was invited to other theaters in our country (the Mariinsky Theater) and abroad (the Parisian National Opera, the Latvian Opera, the Japanese Theater, etc.). His career took off at the beginning of the new century. They began to talk a lot about this dancer, unprecedented popularity came to him.

Basically, Tsiskaridze owes his success to ideal physical data: nature has awarded him everything that a real dancer needs. He has high growth, thin and long ankles, graceful arms, good eversion of the foot. But it would be wrong to see only this as a guarantee of his popularity. In many ways, the success of this artist depended on his extraordinary diligence, endurance, patience, self-sacrifice.

Everyone knows how difficult the path of a dancer is. They must exercise for several hours a day until they sweat and exhaustion. Often in training they feel bad. In addition, they have to adhere to a strict diet all their lives, limit themselves to sweets so as not to gain weight. Tsiskaridze's popularity depended on this everyday work.

At the beginning of the century, he already performed the main roles in performances:

  • Prince Siegfried in Swan Lake;
  • Solor in La Bayadere;
  • Hermann in The Queen of Spades (staged by Petit);
  • Quasimodo in Notre Dame Cathedral, etc.

In the first year of the new century, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the country, despite his youth. After all, the dancer was then only 27 years old! But after that, he did not "relax", but continued to work hard. Nikolai toured extensively with the Mariinsky Theater troupe.

His creativity and talent was noticed abroad. The artist was invited to the famous Teatro alla Scala, the American theater, the Théâtre des Champs Elysees in Paris, the London Coliseum Theater, and others.

Everything was fine until the fateful 2013. Then there was a considerable conflict between the leaders of the Bolshoi Theater and the dancer. During the renovation, Nikolai noticed that the workers were replacing expensive trim parts with very cheap ones.

Simply put, someone decided to save money on this repair, but this did not hide from the eyes of a zealous artist. Nikolai did not become silent, like the others, and decided to report this to the right place. There and then there was a considerable quarrel with the management, the artist was even summoned to the Investigative Committee.

He appeared on television, discussing this conflict, and in conclusion admitted that, most likely, he did not have much time left to work at the Bolshoi. And so it happened: at the end of 2013, he was fired due to the end of the employment contract, which the management refused to renew.

After that, the artist was unexpectedly appointed to the post of rector of the St. Petersburg Ballet Academy. The former leader was hastily fired. Many have argued that this event is the merit of high-ranking persons. Indeed, it turned out that the wife of the head of Rostec was “to blame” for this.

In fact, such a hasty appointment of an outsider to the post of head of the Academy violates the charter of this educational institution. Before that, a person must have worked for at least three years at the Academy, to know, as they say, the whole inside out.

And although Nikolai neglected the established rules, he showed himself in the best possible way in a leading position. By the time he appeared, the whole situation at the Academy was deplorable: the teachers smoked in front of the children, the windows in any classroom did not open, the production program was perplexing.

Nikolai changed a lot in the charter: he forbade teachers to smoke in the presence of students, and forbade them to use gadgets in class (at breaks, you can).

Nikolai likes teaching, but he says that it is a great responsibility, including material responsibility. When asked whether he regretted leaving the stage, in his interview on the Kultura channel, the dancer answered negatively. First, he already felt that the forces were not the same. At one of the speeches, Nikolai suddenly noticed that instead of running, he was just walking. Then the artist said to himself that this was the beginning of the end.

Personality and character

Nikolai is a very versatile and interesting personality. From his interview, we can conclude that he has a high demand for himself, great principles. For example, he stated that a person who does not keep his word seems to him a scoundrel.

From childhood, the artist was brought up in good manners, taught honesty and responsibility. Nikolai is well-read, has a broad outlook and rich vocabulary... It is very interesting to talk with him.

It is evident from the conversation that this is a comprehensively developed and morally rich person. When asked if he is proud of himself, the artist replied that it is useless, does not bring any benefit. No matter how proud you are, there will be no concessions to anyone on stage, and it will immediately be noticeable whether the artist was engaged.

If in dramatic performances the artist forgets the words, he can pause, he can be prompted by the text. But if you go wrong in ballet, there can be no clues, and the artist will simply fall with his nose on the floor. So pride is of little use here.

Tsiskaridze does not hide that he is quite strict in relation to students, because this is the only way to educate future real artists. He recalls that his mother raised him in severity, she could even flog him with a belt for disobedience.

Nikolai has a strong-willed, honest, stubborn character, this is the reason for his success. By the way, he could have kept silent during the renovation of the Bolshoi Theater, and still dance on stage. But he chose honesty and integrity.

Nikolay is a refined person with a high spiritual level.

Personal life

This is perhaps the most interesting topic, since the personal life of Nikolai Tsiskaridze interests many of his fans. He officially stated that he had never been married and had no children. Then there was gossip about his orientation. Moreover, on the Internet you can often find a photo of Nikolai, dressed in a tutu or a long women's dress. There is also a lot of talk about the rich use of cosmetics.

But Nikolai does not give either confirmation or refutation. The only thing he discovered was that he had no time to always think about marriage. He did not even allow himself to feel deep feelings, sacrificing all of himself to art. So a quiet family life is not for him.

But he maintains a close friendship with his cousin, Veronica Itskovich. She works as a choreographer, married to Yegor Druzhinin. Nikolai is the godfather of their daughter.

To the question: does he have a lady of the heart, he is not going to answer. But there are rumors about his romances with famous ballerinas: Elsa Liepa, Anastasia Volochkova and others. There are joint photos of them in an embrace, although this does not mean much.


Since Nikolai is very busy, he has little time for leisure. Little is known about his hobbies. But, although he left the stage long ago, Nikolai has a raised figure. It can be seen that he did not relax, but continues to follow a diet, leads an active lifestyle. It is also noticeable that he reads a lot of books, is interested in many things.

In addition, Tsiskaridze is a zealous Orthodox Christian. He admitted in an interview that he lives opposite St. Nicholas Cathedral, where he often goes for prayer, even before the start of the working day. There was not a single performance without him praying in front of him in this church.

This, of course, speaks of the artist's high spiritual morality. But when he started working as rector, he had little time left for prayer, and he regrets it.

The artist is also actively involved in social activities. Last year, he supported the Russian president, and this year Nikolai became his confidant in the elections.

Participation in various projects

Tsiskaridze took part in many competitions and concerts. In addition, he toured a lot in Russia and abroad.

He could be seen in various cities:

  • in Paris (Chopiniana);
  • in New York ("Giselle");
  • in Cannes ("Faun's Afternoon Rest").

Nikolai danced at the Festival of Russian Art in Paris, in the project Stars of the Twenty-First Century in New York, at the Chereshnevy Les Arts Festival, etc. He also starred in the films Benefit of Nikolai Tsiskaridze, The Queen of Spades (ballet master Pati) and others. He even starred in "Yeralash", where he played himself.

In 1999, a documentary film about his work “Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Be a star. " You can list all his works for a long time, but this is already material for a separate article.

Life today

Currently Nikolay is engaged in teaching activities. Today news about Tsiskaridze can be learned from social networks and the media. About a dubious photo with a girl in a white dress and rumors of marriage, there was an explanation that this was his student.

The photo was taken at the prom, so the girl is in a pretty dress. She just wished to film with her teacher, but this does not mean that they got married.

Best roles

The most prominent roles of Nikolai were the main roles in ballets:

  • Giselle;
  • "Swan Lake";
  • "Nutcracker";
  • Notre Dame Cathedral;
  • The Queen of Spades.

Although, of course, all of his work was wonderful. Everywhere the artist gave all the best "to the fullest", not sparing himself.

Most significant awards

The artist has many awards, the most important of which are:

  • "Order of Friendship";
  • Order of Arts and Literature;
  • People's Artist of Russia and North Ossetia;
  • Order of St. Equal to the Apostles Nina;
  • Golden Mask Award;
  • prize "Triumph".

And other awards that he earned through talent and hard work.

Social media accounts

Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not have his own pages on Instagram and other social networks. The idol of many prefers not to present his life on display. Once a happy girl came up to him and said: "Well, I have arrived!" He did not understand and ask to clarify what was the matter, because he saw her for the first time.

Then she was very surprised and said that she had been texting for a long time in social networks with Nikolai Tsiskaridze. He finally asked her out on a date and she arrived. Then he realized that the unknown person introduced himself by his name and communicated on the Internet with this unfortunate woman.

After this incident, he made a promise to himself never to create pages on social networks.

The famous artist Nikolai Tsiskaridze has a difficult character and openly admits that it is sometimes difficult for relatives with him. But he is a talented artist and never exposes his personal space to the public. Nikolai Tsiskaridze told a story from life, how one day he almost got married to a fan.

Nikolay Tsiskaridze: childhood and youth of a dancer

The future star Nikolai Tsiskaridze was born on December 31, 1973 in Tbilisi. The boy's father was a creative person, he was absent all the time on tour. The child was raised by his stepfather, who was a teacher. Mom, like her new husband, was a teacher. Despite the pedagogical abilities of relatives, Kolya spent all his time with a nanny from Ukraine. Since childhood, the child was taken to all cultural events, which played a big role in Nikolai's life. When the boy saw the ballet for the first time, he realized that this is what he wants to live on. The parents of the teachers were categorically against the hobby of their son. Kolya was firm in his decision and independently signed up for ballet courses. When the guy shared his first impressions of enrolling in a dance school, his mother categorically resisted such a decision, but the dance teachers told Tsiskaridze's parents that their child had the greatest talent. In 1987, Tsiskaridze realized that the Tbilisi university could no longer give anything to such a talent. Then Nikolai went to the capital. The dancer received his education only in 1996 at the choreographic institute.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: creative achievements of the star

After graduating from high school, Tsiskaridze tried his hand at auditions for the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater and passed with ease. Many mentors dreamed that such a talent would fall into their troupe. At first, Nikolai danced under the direction of Galina Ulanova. Since 1992, the dancer began to actively perform in the corps de ballet. Within a few years, Nikolai began to play the main roles in the parties. The guy differed from everyone in his charisma and unusual style, conveying to the audience the dance story of the party. In 2006, Tsiskaridze became a member of the troupe, which began performing in the states. After Nikolai reached a new level and more often went on tour, traveling around the world. In its creative biography the dancer has received many awards and prestigious awards.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: scandals involving a star

After performing in 2011, the artist publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with the design and decoration of the stage. In 2013, the Bolshoi Theater collective wrote a letter to the head of the Russian state with a request to appoint Nikolai Tsiskaridze as its head. The then current leader was assassinated, acid was thrown in his face. Then everyone thought on Tsiskaridze that it was his handiwork, but there was no evidence. Soon the theater refused to continue cooperation with the artist. After Tsiskaridze was asked to leave the Bolshoi Theater, he got a job as an editor at the Academy of Russian Theater. When he was introduced to the staff of the academy, they wrote a complaint to the Minister of Culture and asked to sort it out. The fact is that for such a position, Tsiskaridze did not have a special education. A year later, Nikolai still received the position that he was originally promised. But during this time, the dancer never received the necessary education.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze: the artist's personal life

Nikolai once admitted that it is sometimes difficult for people to get along with his complex character. But in modern ballet it is different, not to survive. Nothing is known about the dancer's personal life and relationships. The artist does not comment on all rumors about novels. Recently, on a TV show by Maria Shukshina, Nikolai spoke about his life and childhood. How he was able to achieve everything that he has today. But everyone was shocked by his confession that Tsiskaridze once almost registered a marriage with a fan. Once after a concert, a girl came up to the dancer and said that she had finally arrived. Nikolai congratulated the fan and was glad for her. The girl said that she had come to the capital forever and would now live here. At first, the artist did not understand what she was driving at, but soon she showed her correspondence with allegedly Tsiskaridze in social networks... The artist sincerely felt sorry for the girl, but he had no idea about her, since he does not maintain social pages on the Internet. As it turned out, Nikolai Tsiskaridze does not open accounts on the Internet, as he wants to have the right to personal space. He does not want to share his innermost with the public and does not understand people who put their lives on display.

Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze (December 31, 1973) - Russian artist, soloist of the Bolshoi Ballet, winner of many awards in the field of culture and art. Since 2001 - People's Artist of Russia.


Nikolai Maksimovich Tsiskaridze was born on December 31 in the city of Tbilisi and was a late child. His mother gave birth to him at the age of 43 and during pregnancy she often heard doctors' warnings that the child could be born sick and weak. However, the baby who was born was absolutely healthy and cheerful, which instilled confidence in the parents who were beginning to doubt.

Nikolai's mother worked almost all her life at a nuclear power plant, and only at the pre-retirement age, when her health no longer allowed her to make serious calculations, she got a job at a school not far from her home, where she began to teach physics and mathematics. Tsiskaridze Sr. was a famous violinist and, due to his profession, rarely appeared at home, constantly touring and performing in different cities and countries.

Since both parents were busy for almost the whole day, the child was raised by the paternal grandmother and a hired nurse. The first taught the child to write and made him listen to classical works, and the nanny sought to teach the boy to read. It was she who instilled in him a love of literature.

“At the age of 6 I first read Shakespeare. Even today, I come across a widespread opinion that this age is not suitable for such works. But I cannot agree with this - I understood the essence of the play and I really liked it very much. "

At the same time, Kolya's talent is manifested to easily and naturally behave in front of a large audience. He often staged performances and staged scenes at school, with pleasure he went with his mother and grandmother to theater performances and even performed in front of neighbors a couple of times, reading short rhymes and showing his talent.


In 1984 Nikolai decides to enter the Tbilisi Choreographic School. There he continues to improve his talent and at the same time participate in productions. However, the young guy understands that this is far from the ultimate dream. Having enlisted the support of the school administration, he was transferred to the Moscow Choreographic School. It is here that he meets his first and, as Tsiskaridze himself later admits, the best teacher Pestov. Despite the fact that the teacher is famous in the school for his firm and sometimes even cruel teaching method, he becomes a real idol and idol for the young guy.

“I believe that every teacher should be like that. He taught me not only to move on stage, but also to fight, to fight to the last. I can say with confidence that even being almost killed during the performance, I can finish my role and leave the stage with dignity on my own. "

By the way, at the school Tsiskaridze receives not only invaluable experience, but also makes his first successes. Pestov immediately notices talent and great potential in him, and after six months Nikolai becomes the best student on the course, performs solo parts and even several times acts as a young teacher for newly enrolled talents.


In 1992, Nikolai Tsiskaridze graduated from college with honors and for a long time after that he comes to visit old friends and teaching staff. With the help of connections (at one of the performances at the school, Tsiskaridze is noticed by the chairman of the examination committee of the Bolshoi Theater Grigorovich) he becomes a dancer in the corps de ballet and works for him for a year. However, the chairman immediately notices the incredible talent, artistic ability and excellent physical fitness of the young man, therefore, six months later, Tsiskaridze performs solo roles in many theatrical productions, the most popular and famous of which are "The Golden Age", "Romeo and Juliet" and "The Nutcracker" ...

After that, Nikolai's colossal career rise on the theater stage begins. In just a few months he becomes a performer of almost all male roles in productions, playing in such performances as "Cipollino", "Chopiniana", "Narcissus", "Sylphide", "Vision of the Rose", etc. famous personalitieslike Maria Alexandrova, Roman Simachev, Svetlana Ulanova, Boris Fadeechev, who become not only teachers and mentors of Tsiskaridze. From them he adopts experience. They become reliable friends, always helping the dancer in everything.

Conflict in the theater

In November 2011, Nikolai Tsiskaridze gained negative popularity in the media after an interview in which he openly criticized the restoration of the Bolshoi Theater. According to him, the theater no longer looks what it should. At the moment, it rather resembles a cheap Turkish hotel than a place where people come to culturally rest. It all starts with the fact that Tsiskaridze becomes the first person who is allowed to enter the restored historical stage, which amazes the dancer.

Instead of beautiful old stucco molding, which was supposed to become a key design element, Nikolai sees only pieces of poorly glued papier-mâché, which he cannot but tell the chief architect about. But he only refers to the director of the Bolshoi Theater Iksanov - they say, what we were ordered, we did. Deciding that it is impossible to remain silent about this violation, Tsiskaridze first tries to talk to the director himself, and then gives an interview to one of the magazines, accusing the local administration of absolute incompetence and at the same time promoting his candidacy for the post of director of the Bolshoi Theater.

After 2 years, Nikolai gets involved in another scandal called "acid attack", where the main victim is the artistic director of the ballet of the same theater, Sergei Filin. During one of his interviews, a guy runs out of the crowd and pours acid in the man's face, after which he is picked up by an ambulance. All suspicions fall on Tsiskaridze, since at one time Sergei refused to put the dancer on one of the main roles of the production, proposing only episodic ones. However, after interrogations, it becomes clear that the famous dancer was not involved in this. Nevertheless, Nikolai's relations with the Bolshoi Theater deteriorate sharply.

Personal life

Like many of his other stage colleagues, Nikolai Tsiskaridze very often became the protagonist of many rumors. He was credited with numerous novels with actresses and even fans. Once they were suspected of non-traditional sexual orientation. However, the dancer is in no hurry to refute anything, firmly believing that he has nothing to make excuses to anyone and nothing. But, according to him, he still does not have a serious relationship and family for several reasons, about which Nikolai prefers to remain silent.

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