Dragon and compatibility in love relationships. Eastern horoscope: compatibility of two Dragons in love

People born under the sign of the Dragon are rewarded with great charisma and endowed with inexhaustible vitality. They are born leaders. What will happen if two such people come together in one union? Will such a marriage fall apart from an overabundance of activity and personal ambitions? We will tell you about the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Dragon woman in this article.

Dragon man and Dragon woman: general compatibility

Dragons are naturally attracted to each other

Dragon Dragon recognizes from afar! As a rule, these two signs are drawn to each other, noticing in the partner something of their own, dear. However, they are in no hurry to enter into closer, intimate relationships. In general, a love union between a man and a woman Dragons is quite possible. But in order for this relationship to be durable, both partners will have to work hard on them.

Indeed, in such a pair, two peremptory leaders and two egoists will converge head-on. Each of them will try to pull the blanket over themselves, focusing all their attention only on their goals and needs. An overabundance of activity and dynamism will often lead to a wide variety of conflicts and problems.

The Dragon Woman is unlikely to agree to go into the shadows, performing any secondary duties in the family. After all, her goals are no less ambitious than those of her Dragon spouse. On the other hand, the Dragon man always seeks to control everything and everyone. Based on this, it is important for both partners to learn to act in tandem, without in any way suppressing their soul mate. And if they succeed, then such a union will have a chance. By the way, an excellent option for such a couple is the presence of a common family business, in which each of the partners can fully realize themselves.

Thus, the compatibility of two Dragons in one bottle is very, very ambiguous. On the one hand, they are able to create a strong and durable union. On the other hand, constant quarrels caused by overestimated pride and bright temperament of both partners can cause the complete collapse of family relations. The most important thing for such a couple is to learn to suppress their selfishness, adherence to principles and intransigence. And, at times, teaching this art is delayed for many, many years.

Dragon Man: Classic Don Juan

The Dragon man loves to be in the center of female attention.

The life of a Dragon man is very difficult to imagine without hordes of numerous fans and admirers. Girls always pay their attention to him, and winning the heart of any of them is not a problem for him. After all, the Dragon has a truly fiery passion and phenomenal magnetism.

The Dragon Man is ready for anything for the sake of his beloved. He will constantly delight his chosen one with pleasant romantic surprises. At the same time, he is very sentimental and egocentric. And close attention from his beloved is just as important and necessary for him.

In a love relationship, the Dragon man is the obvious leader. His courage, audacity and masculinity help him to take a leading position. Next to such a man, any woman is ready to completely relax, because with him she will be completely safe. Attentiveness to the lady in the character of the Dragon is surprisingly combined with his selfishness. Today he loads his darling with flowers and gifts, and tomorrow he wants close attention to his person. A Dragon man will be overly happy if he feels that he is needed, that someone is listening to his advice and instructions.

In the world of the Dragon-man, absolutely all ladies are clearly divided into two categories. The first group includes soft homely "quiet people", and the second - girls with character, self-confident and independent. Women from the second group are of great interest to him. However, he rarely connects his life with them. After all perfect wife The dragon is one who will not argue with him on every occasion. Therefore, he is looking for a kind, compliant housewife. Nevertheless, sometimes an insidious fate brings a Dragon man with a representative of the same sign. And that's when the fun begins!

Dragon Woman: Typical Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe - this is how you can briefly describe the character of the Dragon woman

A woman born in the Year of the Dragon is beautiful, sexy and charming. She literally charms everyone around her with her inner energy, but she can also scare away many with her unreasonable stubbornness. Honest, talented, sometimes capricious, ambitious and very energetic. Sometimes too much. Such is the Dragon Woman. She has an insightful mind and considerable intellect, so she easily takes on any business (even the most difficult).

Obviously, the role of a quiet housewife is clearly not for the Dragon woman. She is unlikely to be able to devote her life to her husband, home and children. Cooking food and cleaning floors is not for her. A lady born in the Year of the Dragon hates routine and monotony. Give her complete freedom of action!

The Dragon Woman is an active and enterprising person. This is expressed in gestures, and facial expressions, and even in clothes. The style of such a business lady is extremely restrained. There is nothing superfluous in this look - no ruffles, laces or multi-colored beads. The Dragon Woman loves to control everything and everyone around. She knows how to control herself and does not show unnecessary emotions.

There are always many men surrounded by such a lady. But it can be very difficult for her to choose the only one among them. After all, the requirements for men from a Dragon woman are always slightly overestimated. And if the chosen one disappoints her, she will immediately leave him, and even punish the offender properly. In short, to offend such a woman is not desirable and even dangerous.

The Dragon Woman is not prone to early marriage. First of all, she must get on her own feet so that she does not depend on her spouse in the future. In relationships with men, she loves to command, so it will not be easy for her with a Dragon guy.

Dragon man and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

Individuals born in the Year of the Dragon are unusual and passionate. And they tend to "feel" each other at a distance. These two people are fun and interesting together. They get tremendous pleasure from communicating with each other. However, it does not always come to a serious romance. But if it comes ...

The love story between two Dragons is always very bright and unpredictable! This relationship is like a noisy, mischievous party, where everything is turned upside down, and then - vice versa. The romance between these two people is a real fireworks of emotions, feelings and passion.

The Dragon man and the Dragon woman are unlikely to be able to live a calm, measured life. This relationship cannot avoid bright emotional outbursts, experiences, quarrels and conflicts. But after another, even the most heated quarrel, a gentle and warm reconciliation will surely follow. In general, you won't be bored!

The struggle for the dominant role in the relationship is the main reason for all disputes and conflicts in this couple. For any other reason, the two Dragons rarely quarrel. If both partners learn to conclude a truce in time and sit down at the negotiating table, then such an alliance can become quite strong and harmonious. It is important for both to remember that calm and constructive negotiations can resolve any conflict.

Well, what about intimate life? In this sphere of relations, everything is no less stormy and bright. The compatibility of a man (Dragon) and a woman (Dragon) in love and sex is almost perfect. Sexual energy from both partners is in full swing. And they are happy to realize this energy in bed.

She is incredibly passionate in this pair, and he is very sensitive and attentive. Both Dragons in bed rarely behave selfishly, trying to give their partner the maximum pleasure. By the way, it is great sex that can become that cement mortar that will firmly hold these two together in one union.

Dragon man and Dragon woman: compatibility in marriage

Children in the Dragon family play a very important role

Is a strong and healthy union possible between two representatives of this sign? It is possible, although the compatibility of the Dragon with the Dragon in marriage is far from ideal. A married tandem of two Dragons can be happy only if both partners actively work on their relationship.

Dragons know how to show the care and provide the powerful support that is so necessary in the family. Such a couple is unlikely to spend their weekends watching TV or reading books. In their free time, they will either go on a camping trip or to a fun party.

A high level of trust in a partner helps them avoid jealousy. The Dragon family is quite successful and successful in financial matters. A man and a woman born under this sign know how to make money and know how to best use it. Therefore, material problems in such a family almost never happen.

The Dragon man in such a family is an ideological inspirer. In turn, the Dragon woman plays the role of a kind of catalyst, significantly speeding up the movement of partners to the intended goal. In this tandem, any creative projects are very well implemented.

The family of two Dragons transforms significantly with the advent of children. Moreover, most often Dragons have not one child, but two or three. Kids from childhood, and by the example of their parents, learn to be active and proactive. Together they go to the cinema together, travel, visit museums and concerts. Both the Dragon man and the Dragon woman are excellent educators and excellent teachers.

The compatibility of a man and a woman of Dragons is quite complex and ambiguous. But no matter what difficulties arise in this relationship, pure and sincere love can always prevail. What problems can arise in such a love tandem? Let's figure it out.

First of all, it is worth recalling once again the desire for leadership, which both partners will show. In this regard, the couple can be given a simple, but very effective advice: demarcate areas of responsibility among themselves. Let each partner be fully responsible for one thing.

All Dragons are very similar to each other. They have common interests and outlook on life. Therefore, the relationship between the two representatives of this sign can be very harmonious. By the way, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Dragon will be more successful if the husband turns out to be older than his wife (the difference in age of twelve years will help the Dragon man relatively painlessly get the role of leader in the family). If the spouses are of the same age, then they should be prepared for frequent clashes and quarrels. A couple will have even less chances where the Dragon woman will be older than her man.

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Dragon and Dragon compatibility is a passionate and rarely successful union. The couple is very harmonious, a man and a woman support each other, trying not to let strangers into their personal lives. But their bright temperament and pride often become an obstacle in building a family.

Character of Dragon men according to the eastern horoscope

The Dragon man knows how to control his feelings, and becomes an excellent partner for almost all zodiac signs. In work, he becomes gambling, sometimes he enjoys not only the rise, but also the fall. After a failure, he groups up and is ready to start all over again, he likes to listen to praise and negative reviews about himself, so that he can analyze everything later.

He has many plans swarming in his head, but for their implementation a man must feel power, such a character trait is most clearly demonstrated by the wooden Dragon. The Young Dragon does not waste time, he studies, steps up the career ladder, and after 30 years gives free rein to his feelings. For this reason, some men are very spontaneous in family life, although they fulfill their duties to support the wife and children 100%.

Dragon man love compatibility

The Dragon man cannot be called a whiner or a weak-willed person, he wants to be a leader in all areas of his life. The life of an adult man does not depend on his partner, although she also influences him. He divides all women into 2 categories:

  1. A soft, gentle, domestic woman will make him tender, and he will immediately want to take care of her.
  2. With a strong and authoritarian lady, the Fire Dragon is not averse to spending time, but he will not marry her.

His requirements for his future wife are strict, he wants to get an economic girl who will not enter into meaningless arguments. Dragons quickly ignite, and also quickly fade, so they do not marry for a very long time. The exception is the Fire Dragon, who likes strong and confident partners, best of all when she is an outstanding personality.

Character of a Dragon woman according to the eastern horoscope

She is selfish, uncompromising and even ruthless - these are the main features of her character according to the horoscope. As her zodiac man, it is distinguished by willpower, external attractiveness.

Her conservatism is visible even in clothes, because the lady prefers restrained classics, believing that the thing should be comfortable at first, and only then beautiful. But this style suits a woman, especially if she was born under the sign of Leo or Taurus.

She is vindictive, and can choose a good opportunity for days in order to take revenge on her abuser.

She adheres to this position in family life, friendship and marriage. These character traits are manifested in a bright bouquet in a woman born under the sign of Sagittarius, Aries, Capricorn and Gemini. Earth Woman Dragon of the signs Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo is compliant and non-conflicting.

Dragon woman love compatibility

She bewitches those around her with her charisma, but she also scares people away with stubbornness and inner strength. A woman has no middle ground to balance her personality. She herself does not know what she wants, and throughout her life she can be torn between family, work and those plans that she built in her youth.

A Scorpio and Capricorn woman approaches marriage from the point of view of practicality, she is not ruled by feelings and love fever.

She is looking for a kind, mildly characteristic partner who will love and obey her. She cannot get along with a strong partner, because in such a family passions rage every other day. Even when morally depressed, she secretly makes plans about how to get the headship in the family.

A woman chooses a partner carefully, and this is not a problem, because this zodiac beauty is always surrounded by fans from different social groups.

Marriage compatibility of two Dragons

Dragon woman Dragon man - extraordinary, tough and enthusiastic personalities. As a rule, at the first
When two Dragons meet, they show interest in each other, without making global plans. After all, a man is not the ideal of this zodiacal woman, and she does not suit him.

All horoscopes are against such a union, but sometimes partners get along well together. The secret of their happiness is simple - someone has to give in, but who will it be? The main stumbling block of marriage is the struggle for power; for other reasons, Dragon man and Dragon woman rarely argue.

Very often, such zodiac couples live practically apart, after each quarrel, they separate forever, in order to live together again in a week.

Soon, these passions bore everyone, and the time comes when they decide to sit down at the negotiating table. If a man and a woman learn to respect each other's opinions, show tact and understanding, then a good stable couple will turn out. Otherwise, the relationship is initially doomed to failure.

Horoscope of compatibility in love and sex

Having passed the line of disputes, the Dragons unite and begin to develop joint profitable projects that bring them closer together. The characteristics of the sexual life of these zodiac partners are ideal, of which the energy is in full swing, which they are happy to implement in bed. She is very passionate and sexy, and he is attentive and sensual, but even in an intimate life, everyone tries to become the main one.

One of the brightest and most emotional signs of the eastern horoscope is the Dragon. People born this year are bold and determined. In fact, they are conquerors who confidently go to their goal... At the same time, the Dragon is endowed with the nobility of the soul and is always ready to help. There are always many conflicts in the union of two Dragons, but the sensuality and passion of these fire signs is capable of destroying any obstacles.

Dragon woman and Dragon man compatibility in love

Having fallen in love with each other, the Dragon man and the Dragon woman show vivid emotions and outbursts of passion, which becomes the main prerequisite for good compatibility in love. However, in their feelings there is no place for sentimentality and excessive romanticism, because they have enough narcissism and awareness of their superiority.

The dragon is so proud that even in sex he considers himself the best, and this does not always correspond to reality. Such pride and selfishness prevent the two Dragons from revealing, so they prefer to have fun at the expense of your partner. Despite the fact that male Dragons tend to embellish their capabilities, they are excellent lovers, but female Dragons are far superior to them in this.

Both in such a pair want to lead and do not want to remain in the shadows. Their relationship can be either very strong and reliable, or quickly end due to constant quarrels and scandals... In addition, a woman needs to immediately accept that her man is a true ladies' man who needs fans. Only a very in love Dragon man is ready to forget about everything and throw the world at the feet of his beloved.

Dragon woman and Dragon man compatibility in marriage

The family relationship of two Dragons is like a roller coaster, because more emotional and hot-tempered people are difficult to find in the eastern horoscope. Everyone in this couple values \u200b\u200btheir freedom and independence very much, but at the same time always strives to subordinate their soul mate to themselves and their goals.

Dragons hate commitment, but to be together they need to learn how to assign responsibilities and define their comfort zones. Dragons are very it is important to be able to self-realizationto express your emotions in your favorite business. If conflicts arise in the family of two Dragons, then they pass very violently and on emotions, but the Dragons also quickly cool down and reconcile.

A distinctive feature of Dragons in a family is love for children and the ability to feel their desires and needs. Another way to strengthen such an alliance can be a family business, where the spouses are Dragons will be able to reveal their potential... Despite such conflicting characteristics, this pair is able to get along well.

The compatibility of the Dragon with the signs of other years

In addition to the Dragon, there are eleven more signs in the Chinese horoscope. Let's see what the compatibility of people born in the year of the Dragon with other representatives of the zodiacal circle is.

Dragon and Rat Compatibility

Dragon and Rat complement each other well. The Rat sincerely admires the brilliant, intelligent and very discerning Dragon. And he, in turn, like air, needs such increased attention, adoration and sincere love that only the Rat can give him. However, the Dragon is very amorous, so the Rat will have to come to terms with his betrayal. As for these signs, the Dragon man and the Rat woman demonstrate the best compatibility.

Dragon and Ox compatibility

The Bull brings stability and calmness to the life of the Dragon, he balances his quick-tempered and emotional nature, and the Dragon gives the Bull the shake he needs. There are times when the Bull becomes annoyed by the endless adventures of the Dragon, so they should learn to find compromises. The only area where this couple is doing well and they find complete mutual understanding is work. Poor compatibility in all areas only for a couple, where the male is Ox and the female is Dragon.

Dragon and Tiger compatibility

Dragons are in many ways similar to Tigers in character and temperament. Both are bold, energetic and adventurous. In the face of the Tiger, the Dragon will find a devoted friend, mentor and good advisor. The dragon, in turn, will open up new horizons for self-realization for the Tiger and teach him to think rationally and constructively. True, there are situations when the Dragon deliberately inclines the Tiger to participate in their adventures, but both get a lot of pleasure from it. In business, both signs are successful and never compete with each other, and in conflict situations they know how to agree.

Dragon and Rabbit Compatibility

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Rabbit is not too high, but if the Rabbit is allowed to be the leader in a pair, then such an alliance is quite possible. It is difficult for a rabbit to endure the changeable and quick-tempered nature of the Dragon, so conflicts are inevitable. Harmony can be achieved through patience and the opportunity to be alone occasionally. Ideal compatibility can be for a couple where the man is Dragon and the woman is Rabbit.

Dragon and Snake Compatibility

The tandem of the Dragon and the Snake can be called not only the best, but brilliant. They complement each other well, and in this union, the Dragon will become more restrained and tolerant, and the Snake will calm down its irritation and become more docile. The dragon always and everywhere loves to shine, and the Snake actively supports him in this. Related signs rarely find mutual understanding, but this pair destroys all templates.

Dragon and Horse compatibility

The Dragon and the Horse are united by enthusiasm and desire to fight, therefore in all joint endeavors they become rivals, but very loyal to each other. In this couple, complete mutual understanding reigns, because they have common goals and interests. Conflicts can arise only in those cases when the domineering Dragon tries to subjugate the selfish Horse. To avoid such situations, they should learn to give each other a certain degree of freedom.

Dragon and Goat compatibility

The union of these signs is very contradictory and ambiguous, but a more successful compatibility develops between the Dragon man and the Goat woman. On the one hand, the Goat receives a reliable patron in the person of the Dragon, who is always ready to protect and support her, and she is completely ready to obey him in everything. But, on the other hand, the Dragon wants to be admired and sang praises to him, but the Goat, although he does it, but without much enthusiasm. In such an atmosphere, the Dragon soon becomes bored, and in a couple, a cooling of feelings can be observed.

Dragon and Monkey compatibility

The Dragon and the Monkey have a lot in common, so they will never be bored together. The monkey is cunning, knows how to win over with flattery and masterly makes compliments, which undoubtedly really likes the Dragon, prone to narcissism. Despite the rather deep sympathy and affection that arises from the first minutes of communication, it is not a fact that the Dragon and the Monkey will stay together for a long time.

Dragon and Rooster compatibility

Dragon and Rooster love to be in the spotlight, shine and show off. The Rooster thus asserts itself, and the Dragon simply cannot imagine itself without it, because such behavior has always been his style of life. Such an alliance can be called successful, because both complement each other well. The rooster does not get tired of singing the dignity of the Dragon, and he, in gratitude, responds to him with care, tenderness and love. Excessive boasting of the Rooster can annoy the Dragon, but even in this they will be able to agree. The most successful compatibility for this pair is the combination of a Dragon man + a Rooster woman.

Dragon and Dog Compatibility

The dog is the worst partner for the Dragon, and the reason for this is the complete lack of mutual understanding and completely different goals and aspirations. A dog always realistically evaluates life and people around, and it is completely incomprehensible to her why to spend so much effort on narcissism. Such a relationship has no future and ends quickly.

Dragon and Boar compatibility

If the Dragon sincerely falls in love with the Pig, then their union can be quite happy, and they will easily smooth out the moments of misunderstanding due to their patience. Such a relationship can arise only in a pair of a Dragon man and a Pig woman, who have a better chance of compatibility. Otherwise, the Pig, losing his head from love, completely dissolves in his chosen one, and this can ruin his personality. The dragon can quickly get bored with such a partner, and they will have to part.

A woman born under the symbol of the Dragon attracts to her due to her inner core and strong character. She always knows which direction she should go, and never stops if she fails. Such women know who suits them for life and with whom they will feel happy. The information about the compatibility of the Dragon woman with other signs of the Chinese horoscope also helps to determine the choice.

Dragon woman traits

Such women are different from representatives of other signs. eastern calendar the fact that they will never hide their opinion about them from others. They are so confident in themselves that they express their opinion without fear of judgment. Sign girls possess high level intelligence, so they can always keep the conversation going.

It is quite difficult for such women in love. It's all the fault of their hot-tempered nature. Another difficulty lies in the fact that they cannot make concessions and step over themselves. If they need to keep their love, it’s better to learn how to do it.

The influence of the elements

The element to which the sign belongs also has an influence on the representatives of the eastern horoscope:

  1. The Fire Woman, born in 1916 or 1976, is characterized by increased temper.
  2. Wooden woman, born in 1904 or 1964, is overly freedom-loving and possesses increased level energy.
  3. The metal symbol, patronizing those born in 1940 or 2000, adds tenacity and courage to the character of the wards.
  4. The patron earth sign of people born in 1928 or 1988 gives people a sense of justice and peace.
  5. The watermark, born in 1952 or 2012, is characterized by sensitivity, calmness and patience.

Union with the Rat

Such a relationship has a right to exist, but they will be successful only if the Rat begins to admire all the virtues of the partner. Fortunately, Rat men love to compliment their chosen one.

In bed, representatives of signs are able to achieve harmony, each of them knows what he wants from sex, it is easy for them to satisfy each other.

Union with the Ox

There can be certain difficulties between these signs of the Chinese horoscope, especially if the Ox is Taurus or Sagittarius according to the sign of the zodiac. Such a man does not like to take risks, unlike his lady. Women born in the Year of the Dragon are distinguished by their love of extreme and new experiences.

The Union has some positive sides: partners are able to open each other's eyes to areas of life that were previously inaccessible to them.

In love and friendship, they have a good connection: the Dragon can always rely on a man and feel relaxed. A woman is able to provide a man with such life lessons that he will go crazy (in good sense). In sex, they will be fine as long as they do not start to bother each other.

The bull is compatible with the representative of the sign, but for a short time: these signs of the eastern horoscope are too different.

Union with the Tiger

Both signs are characterized by courage and confidence. They believe in themselves so much that it can prevent them from creating a strong marriage, because each of them will fight for leadership, which causes a certain dissatisfaction from the partner.

They are doing well in friendship, because a man and a woman will constantly exchange positive energy. In joint work, too, there will be no problems, since they have the same views on finance.

Union with the Rabbit

The horoscope of the Dragon woman suggests that it will be difficult for her to get along in the same house with the Rabbit (Hare, Cat). The hare is not able to calmly endure the hot temper and aggression of the girl. He becomes afraid of her and runs away.

In marriage, the Rabbit and the Dragon will be able to reach mutual understanding only if both learn to tolerate the antics of their partner and stop reproaching him for shortcomings. In sex, disagreements can also arise due to that.

Union with the Dragon

Despite the fact that these signs have similarities in character, it can become a stumbling block in love, friendship or work. The thing is that each of them will strive for leadership and will show themselves only in a favorable light. Regular conflicts will encourage you to end relationships and seek happiness with other symbols of the eastern horoscope.

Love and marriage can only be saved if Dragons learn to value each other and respect the opinion of their partner. They should learn to find a compromise. In sex, they often have difficulties, due to the fact that everyone is trying to lead and does not listen to the fantasies of a loved one.

Union with the Serpent

The compatibility between these signs of the Chinese horoscope is simply amazing. They immediately assign roles in the relationship. For example, the Dragon will achieve its goal in the open, but the Snake wants to help his lady quietly so that no one will guess about her help.

If the Snake wishes to conquer his beloved lady, he will not stop in his aspirations. She will do everything to make the Dragon pay attention to her. The marriage of such partners lasts until the end of life.

Union with the Horse

Both representatives of the sign always achieve the goal, but the characteristics of their character show that these are selfish symbols. It is selfishness that will prevent them from creating strong relationships. They can achieve harmony only in the implementation of adventures.

Such a relationship will not be successful. The Dragon and Horse can be friends or work together, but a love couple will not work out, no matter what measures are taken.

Union with the Goat

The Sheep dreams that her partner can guide her on the right path in life, so with the Dragon she can become really happy. As soon as she feels the protection of a man, she will immediately begin to show more tenderness and love.

The dragon always wants to receive a large number of compliments. Unfortunately, the Sheep will not be able to provide this to the girl. Often this becomes the cause of constant disagreement, after which you will have to look for happiness with other symbols of the eastern calendar.

Union with the Monkey

This guy and girl will always have something to talk about. They have the same outlook on life, so they can spend time together with interest. The first sparks of sympathy begin to appear on the first date, but they quickly fade.

If the Monkey is often littered with compliments towards the girl, the relationship can last. In sex, they need to listen to each other so as not to provoke infidelity.

Union with the Rooster

These are people who try to be in the public eye and show their beauty. The goals of their actions are different. For example, the Rooster does this in order to increase his own self-esteem, while the girl performs similar acts, since she considers them the meaning of life. She does not know how to behave in any other way.

It is difficult to assess the compatibility of the Dragon with the Dragon according to the Chinese horoscope without knowing all the features of this sign. On the one hand, both partners have the same outlook on life and common goals, but on the other, they are too similar to harmoniously complement each other.

In such a pair, both spouses need to make a lot of effort to maintain love and understanding in the relationship. Because of the pride and love of freedom of each of them, the union can collapse.

Dragon traits

People born in the Year of the Dragon are an inexhaustible source of life energy. They are active and constantly in motion, which is facilitated by the compatibility of their characters with the desire for development and self-knowledge. They often lack elementary patience, but the sign is able to go to the goal and achieve success.

Everyone who knows this person is surprised at his luck. Despite the aura of success that surrounds the sign, he is often unhappy at heart. As a child, a child born this year tries to show everyone his superiority. He wants to be a leader and shows his strength using physical violence. As they get older, the Dragon learns to be more restrained, but the thirst for superiority does not disappear.

Pride and selfishness often get in the way of a sign. These people are not used to listening to advice or asking for help. They don't need minor roles, but second places. The dragon will always go ahead. If he does any good deed, he will definitely put him on display.

Routine and tedious work is not suitable for this sign. Such people suffer greatly if they cannot realize themselves in a professional pan.

If a person wants to attract the attention of this sign, it is enough for him to show his indifference. The dragon is used to being admired by everyone and cannot bear any other attitude towards himself.

Friendship is of secondary importance for the sign. He feels good alone and can live in seclusion for years.

These people have excellent health and beautiful appearance that is beyond the control of years. Even in old age, representatives of the sign radiate beauty and strength.

The influence of the elements

Each of the 5 elements has an impact on the character of the sign and how its fate will develop. Depending on what year a person was born in, his inner "I" will change.

The influence of the elements on the sign:

  1. The wooden sign representative (1964) is the ideal leader. He knows what to do and how to manage people. But he does it only in his own interests and for his own benefit. This man meets his love late and even later ties the knot.
  2. Metallic (1940, 2000) is a strong-willed and purposeful person. People born in this year are prone to melancholy and are often in a bad mood. It costs them nothing to offend their opponent, even with their loved ones they are rude and harsh.
  3. Fiery (1976) is an outstanding personality, endowed with natural strength. In its life, the sign achieves success in everything. He is quick-tempered and sometimes aggressive. You shouldn't be at enmity with this sign.
  4. Water (1952, 2012) is an outspoken and patient person. The behavior caused by the element of water makes the sign the complete opposite. He is open to people and ready to do any job, even monotonous. This sign is full of strength and enthusiasm.
  5. Zemlyanoy (1928, 1988) is a calm and balanced person. He knows exactly what he wants. and confidently goes to the goal. This sign strives for justice and protects it zealously. He easily loses his temper and can conceal malice in his heart for a long time.

Such a diverse characteristic is based on the influence of the elements. Despite this, the sign retains its original qualities and feels itself the pinnacle of the universe. By year of birth, you can also determine the fate of the sign of the Chinese horoscope.

Pair Compatibility

In this case, the same signs of the Eastern horoscope do not form a very strong union, their compatibility is disturbed by the similarity of characters. The Dragon man and the Dragon woman carry the desire to lead their partner. Where their interests clash, quarrels, resentments and misunderstandings occur.

In order for both partners to learn to yield and extinguish selfishness in themselves, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. But two hearts in love can do this if their feelings are real and sincere.


The compatibility of the signs Dragon woman and Dragon man in love suggests that their relationship begins with mutual interest. The sign sees its own qualities in a person. Pride and inaccessibility excites them greatly, makes their imaginations work.

Dragons never enter into relationships out of self-interest, despite their love of money. A man and a woman born under this sign can make their own fortune and part with their savings without regret. It is for this reason that they are not attracted to a rich partner at all.

In order for the relationship of the two Dragons to be strong, both partners must appease their selfishness in relation to their beloved. In this case, it is much easier for women: they are able to concede to please their soul mate. Men rarely make such sacrifices.


Dragon man Dragon woman marry only in adulthood.

If a girl born under this sign gets married early, then she does it only in order to get rid of parental control. Such marriages fall apart quickly.

The sign is not used to showing its admiration for a partner and publicly talking about feelings, but this is not necessary: \u200b\u200bboth perfectly understand each other and without words.

The spouses live beautifully and expensively. They are able to make money, but they cannot save. The love of living a luxury life severely erodes their budget. Everything changes with the advent of children. The sign does not accept overprotection over its child, but tries to provide them comfortable life and a good future.

The spouses are very demanding of each other. They do not forgive mistakes, let alone betrayal. Parents of Dragons also have exorbitant requirements for children. Each of the spouses considers himself an ideal and does not accept someone's superiority.

The couple is against anyone's interference in their family life: this disrupts their usual course of life and is very annoying.


Sex for the sign has a special meaning. The spouses are completely compatible in bed. At the very beginning of a relationship, intimacy is perceived by partners as a way to show their superiority. Despite this, they know how to please their soul mate. The sign does not accept sex just for the sake of pleasure, it needs complete spiritual union with a partner.

Year of birth and zodiac sign compatibility. Compatibility of signs by years

Spouses are often absorbed only in themselves and do not pay attention to the feelings of the partner. Constant rivalry deprives them of any desire to please and pamper each other.

Problems often arise in the relationship of spouses to their children. The mother tries to teach them independence and prepare them for adulthood, while the father almost never shows his love. This does not mean at all that he does not love his children, simply does not know how or does not want to show his real feelings. Against this background, misunderstandings can also arise between spouses.


According to the Eastern horoscope, the relationship in marriage and love in Dragons is going well.

If both spouses are aware of the destructive influence of their egoism, then they will be able to form a union that is not subject to years and life's troubles.

There is an invisible thread between lovers that tightly binds their souls. An outside observer cannot see this, but both spouses feel it throughout their lives.

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