What proverb reveals the essence of the parable that wins. The best parables about the meaning of life, life problems and life goals

Scheme for analyzing the text of the parable

1. The parable of the man who built the house

Once upon a time there was one person. He was building himself a house. He wanted the house to be the most comfortable, warmest, most beautiful in the world.

The man began to build his house thoroughly. He lovingly chose stones and cut them. The construction took a long time, but gradually one of the most beautiful houses that once existed in the world was born.

People came to him and asked for help, since the whole world was engulfed in flames, people suffered and died. He refused to protect and care for everyone, because he was only interested in home, and not in the world around ...

When he finally built his wonderful home, he could not find a planet to live in.

1. Analysis of the parable

1. Symbols and meanings used in the parable:

Home - family, life, support, protection ...

The stones are rules, laws ...

Flame - wars, troubles, misfortunes ...

2. Values (universal): home, family, mercy, responsiveness, help to one's neighbor, the superiority of the spiritual world over the material ...

3. Main idea - a person who lives only for himself remains alone in this world ...

4. Questions and tasks for students:

1) Reading the parable by the teacher (up to the last paragraph)

- Did you like the parable? What attracted you to her? How did she make you feel?

- How many parts can this parable be divided into?

2) Working in groups (reading in parts and completing assignments)

Group 1: Make up questions for the first part of the story.

Group 2: Explain the expressions: “I began to build thoroughly”, “I chose and cut with love”, “gradually appeared”.

Group 3: Make up questions for the third part of the story.

Group 4: Draw a house built by a man and himself at the end of the story. What feelings will you try to convey in the drawing?

Sample questions from students and to students:What did a person want when he dreamed of his home?Is there anything wrong with what he dreamed of?How does it make you feel?

(A step - and a man on top, show (sketch) the illustration on the board)

- How did man build his house? What do the expressions mean: "I began to build thoroughly," "I chose and trimmed with love," "gradually appeared."

- Was it hard work? Why doesn't it tire the person? Why doesn't he quit this difficult job?

(Step below)

- What was happening around the man and his beautiful house? What did the people around you need?

- How does a person behave? Why is he denying others protection and care?

- Can we still admire the person?

- What feelings does it evoke in you?

(Step below)

- Why do you think a person who built a house has no place not only on Earth, but in the entire Universe? Why is he so terribly punished?

(Demonstration of drawings of 4 groups of students)

- Why did a person who had a good idea find himself in such a terrible situation? Is this punishment fair? How does this person make you feel?

2. Conversation

- Describe the qualities of a person? ("Indifference", "heartlessness", how do you understand them?)

- What is unusual about this short story? Does it only talk about a person and building a house?

- What is a HOUSE in the life of every person?

- What did the man lack, what did he forget about building his house?

(The last step is down)

3. General acquaintance with the genre of the parable. Comparison with the fable

4. Generalization

- What did this parable help each of you understand? What is the main point of the parable?

Russian folk proverbs

Life is given for good deeds.

To help others, you do not need heroic strength, you do not need a magic wand. You only need desire. It is even more important not to wait for requests for help. And, most importantly, do not be late with ...

2. The gardener and the padishah

Once the padishah drove past the garden and saw an old man behind the fence planting a peach tree.

“Hey, old man,” the padishah turned to the gardener, “your life is on the decline, you won't wait for the fruits of this tree, so why are your worries? .. Well, I know, I know, you will say:“ Our ancestors worked for us, and we must work for posterity. " But answer, is there any point in thinking about the past, which has gone into darkness, and about the future, which has not yet emerged from the darkness? After all, only the present belongs to us.

- Do you, the ruler, understand the gardener! - answered the old man. - You don’t want to remember the past - it means that you have such that it would be better if it did not exist at all. You don’t want to think about the future, so you’re afraid of it. So I do not envy your present!

Analysis of the parable:

- How does each of the heroes relate to life and time?

- Why did the old gardener say that he does not envy the real padishah himself?(Although the padishah says that only the present belongs to the current generation, he does not understand the most important thing: the present is a connecting link between the past and the future of a person.)

Garden - life in the Earth,sunset - the time of old age, fruit - deeds, actions of a person, dark - emptiness, abyss,wood - man (tree of life),old man - sage, fence - separation symbol ...

“Just as a bridge becomes a bridge only when people walk over it, as gold acquires value only when it is separated from the ground, just as the kernel of a nut can be eaten only by breaking its shell, so the knowledge contained in symbols can be revealed only when a person will make maximum efforts for this .. ".

Russian folk proverbs

Whoever does good, God will bless him.

There is no good name without good deeds.

A good deed has lived for two centuries, this and that.

While you live, you do good, only the path of good is the salvation of the soul.

It is bad for him who does no good to anyone.

Live so that neither from God of sin, nor from people of shame.

A good deed for two centuries: for this and for this.

This good, sprinkle with good, reap good, clothe with good.

For reflection:“A person leaves, but things remain; therefore, the person in the end remains. " (A. Isahakyan)

3. Rabbi and Soap Man

(This parable can be used when studying the "Foundations of World Religious Cultures" course of the ORCSE.)

Once a rabbi and a soap-maker were walking together.

- What is the use of the Jewish religion? The soap maker asked. - Look how many troubles and sufferings there are in the world! Neither a thousand years of knowledge of goodness, truth and justice, nor the study of the Torah, nor the wisdom of the righteous, nor the lofty ideals of the prophets help. If our faith is really true, why is it so bad?

The rabbi did not answer. They went on, they saw: a child was playing in the gutter, all dirty and dirty. And the rabbi said:

- Look at this child. You say soap washes people from dirt, and he is covered in dirt. What's the use of soap? There is more than enough of it in the world, but the child remains dirty. So I ask, does soap really help?

“But, Rabbi,” the soap-maker objected, “soap cannot help if you don't use it.

- Right! - the rabbi perked up. - It's the same with our religion. It doesn’t help if you don’t confess it day after day all your life!

Analysis of the parable

- Identify the characters in the parable. What does it say? (The protagonist of the parable is a Jewish priest - a rabbi, it is about the truth of the Jewish faith.)

- What sacred source is mentioned in the parable? (An appeal to the holy book of the Jews - the Torah, to the wisdom of the righteous and the ideals of the Jewish prophets.)

- What word-symbols are found in the parable, what do they mean?

(Soap maker - a doubting Jew.Dirt - human sins, "dirty deeds", the earthly being of a person.Soap - Jewish faith (prayer, rituals, Jewish traditions, Torah, commandments, the path of goodness and justice, good human actions).Child - an unbelieving Jew; a Jew who does not adhere to the canons of the Jewish religion; sinner.)

- What values \u200b\u200bdoes the parable reflect? (Cognition of good, truth and justice through the confession of the Jewish faith (religious approach). The path to knowledge of the ideal of being through human actions in the name of good, truth and justice (cultural approach).)

- What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe parable? (At the heart of human suffering and misery lies people's unbelief, their sinfulness and detachment from the commandments of the Jewish religion, in order to get rid of them you need to be a true Jew (religious approach). In order to come to justice, goodness, wisdom, you need all your subordinate life to these values \u200b\u200b(cultural approach).)

Theoretical questions:What is Torah? What does Torah mean, and in what language?Can you name the author of the Torah and why?How many books does the Torah include? What are the main parts of it?Why is the Torah still being read?

Practical questions (to the source):

  1. What caused the dispute?
  2. What is the point of view of a soap maker watching a child? Does the rabbi agree with him?
  3. Compare heroes? How are they similar, how are they different?
  4. What lessons did the rabbi teach the soap maker?
  5. What lesson (commandment) can a person do for himself after reading a parable?
  6. What is the reason people continue to do evil?
  7. What symbols do you see in the parable? What, or whom, can each of the heroes of the parable mean?
  8. Which character's point of view is closest to you? Why?

4. Take the basket ...

Father grew old, weakened. Life in it barely glimmers. The son got tired of caring for his elderly father, and he decided to get rid of him.

He sat his father in a basket and carried him high into the mountains. He released the basket to the ground and was just about to leave, when his father called out to him:

- Son, I'm not offended that you brought me here, but take the basket!

- What is it to me?

- Your son will come in handy when he wants to bring you here ...

Analysis of the parable

What is this parable about?

What did the son forget? (The duty to “honor father and mother” does not end when father and mother grow old.)

What important law of morality does the parable remind of?

What is the responsibility of parents and children to each other?

What does the parable teach?

For reflection:

"Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days on earth may be prolonged ..."One of the commandments of Christians

"If you want to know how your children will treat you in the days of your old age, look back at how you treat your parents."Persian proverb

"What you give your parents today, tomorrow you will receive from your children."Chinese proverb

"Who in his youth does not take care of his parents, he condemns himself to suffering in old age."Persian proverb

“Supporting father and mother is the greatest blessing.”Buddhism

"A measure of the valor of children in their relationship to their parents."Armenian proverb

"Fathers and children should not wait for requests from each other, but give what is needed to each other with caution."Diogenes

5. The parable of the snake

Once there was a snake whose head and tail were constantly arguing among themselves. The head says to the tail: “I should be considered the eldest. I have eyes to look, a mouth to eat, and when I move, I am ahead of the rest of my body. And you do not have such merits. "

In response, the tail wrapped itself around the tree three times. The head was unable to move in search of food and nearly starved to death. She told the tail: "Let me go, and I will recognize you as the elder." The tail, hearing these words, immediately unhooked from the tree.

The head again says to the tail: "Since you are recognized as the senior, then let's see how you go first." The tail went forward, but did not even take a few steps, as it fell into a pit of fire, and the snake died in the fire.

Analysis of the parable

- Identify the heroes participating in this parable; list. How many heroes?

- What were Wormtail and Head arguing about?

- Who, in your opinion, is right: the tail or the head ?! Argument your point of view.

- What can you say about the qualities, values \u200b\u200bof the Tail and the Head?

- What in history may seem strange to you? (The tail has taken several steps, but the Snake cannot walk; the Snake is silent.)

- What would you advise the Snake, being around?

- What is the meaning of the parable? (Live in harmony.)

- Can similar situations exist in life?

- Name the fables that can be attributed to this parable.

- Name the proverbs and sayings that fit the parable.

- How would you illustrate this parable on a piece of paper?

6. Bee and Drones (Aesop)

- You are not in charge, idlers! - somehow the worker bee could not resist, reasoning with the drones that flew in vain around the hive. - You just don't have to work. You would be ashamed! Everywhere you look, everyone is working, making supplies for future use. Take a tiny ant, for example. Small, but daring. All summer working in the sweat of his brow, trying not to miss a single day. After all, winter is just around the corner.

- I found someone to use as an example! - snapped one of the drones, who was very bored with the instructions of the bee. Yes, your vaunted ant is destroying the seeds of every harvest. This little brat drags every little thing into his anthill.

Do not feed the idler with bread, but let him speculate, and you will not deny him the ability to denigrate others.

Analysis of the parable

- Who are the heroes of the parable?

- How do you understand why the worker bee scolds the drones? What did the bee call the drones? (Loafers.)

- Name the prefix in this word? I suggest that you look at the words in which we also highlight the prefix without-:penniless, homeless, carefree, deserted, joyless. What is the meaning of the prefix in words? (Lack or flaw.)

- What intonation do you think is felt in the bee's voice?

- Read the parable again. Do drones consider myself to be idlers? How are they trying to justify themselves ?! (Drones slander a hardworking ant.)

- The symbol of which is the ant and the worker bee; are the drones performing? Which of them deserves our respect? Why? Where do the drones come from?

- Why are “labor”, “difficult” and “difficulty” one root?

Working with proverbs and sayings

Happiness does not hang in the air - it is given by labor.

To live idle is to smoke the sky.

Lazy - for dinner, zealous - for work.

This good, sprinkle with good, reap good, clothe with good.

Idleness is the mother of vices.

For reflection:

"Work saves us from three great evils: boredom, vice, need."Voltaire

"Labor is the father of happiness."V. Franklin

"Labor is not a virtue, but an inevitable condition for a virtuous life."D. Torro

"The road to happiness lies through labor, other ways to happiness do not lead."Abu Shukur Bahli

"Freeing yourself from labor is a crime against yourself."J. J. Rousseau

"Everyone who has been useful to another has benefited himself."Seneca

"Laziness is the mother of all vices."Eastern wisdom

7. Greedy Lion

The hero of the parable will be the king of beasts - Leo. Everyone knows that the lion is a terrible predator. It can sneak up very close to its prey, and then rushes after it, catches up and makes a jump. Lives in Africa.

Listening to the parable, determine what quality of the lion is manifested very clearly?(Analytical reading)

Once the Lion went out hunting, saw a hare, chased after him, growled:

- Hey, scythe, you can't get away from me, I'll eat you.

As soon as the Lion wanted to grab the hare, a mountain goat ran out to meet him. The Lion sees - there is more meat in the goat, he left the hare, chased the goat. The Lion was completely overtaken by the goat, when suddenly a gazelle ran out to meet him. The lion left the goat and chased the gazelle. A deep river blocked their way. The gazelle jumped over the river and ran further, and the Lion stopped - not to jump over to him.

Leo bowed his head, saw his reflection in the water and thought ...


This parable is called “The Greedy Lion”. Why did Leo change prey all the time?

- What does a greedy person strive for ?!(Strives for profit, wants to get more than he needs.)

- Greed becomes unbridled desire, unbridled passion for our hero. The people called a greedy person "stingy" or "stingy".

- What do you think Leo thought when he saw his reflection in the water? (Statements of children.)

… And I thought that there was some big animal in front of him. And Leo decided: why chase a gazelle when there is a lot of prey for him here. He dispersed and threw himself into the water, only the bubbles began to go.

- What other quality of Leo is shown in this story?(Stupidity)

- What does the parable teach?

For reflection:

"Greed is the desire to have more than necessary."Augustine

"Greed is an unbridled passion for acquisition, a thirst for profit."P. Bracciolini

8. Bear

  1. Guess who will be the hero in this parable(work in groups):
  1. “Assemble the picture” (puzzles): students collect puzzles and guess the hero of the parable.
  2. They read a passage of the text and also guess the hero.

The largest and probably the most famous predator. Likes to feast on forest berries and delicious plant roots. But she will not refuse delicious acorns and mushrooms. It swims superbly, not being afraid to swim across large rivers several kilometers wide.

So, the hero of our parable will bebear.

- What do bears like the most? (Honey.)

- Right. Bears are big sweet tooth. Clubfoot sweets often destroy the nests of wild bees. The bees do not like this at all, and they try to bite uninvited guests. But the bears don't give up, because honey is so delicious.

- What can scare a bear? (Listen to options.)

Who is the bear afraid of?

Once they said to a bear:

- The whole village is coming at you!

- I'm not afraid! - answers the clubfoot.

- Who are you afraid of ?!

- But if they say that the brothers are coming at me, then I have something to fear.

- What is the bear afraid of? What can scare him? (Betrayal of loved ones.)

- What is the meaning of the parable?

In the foreseeable past of the Earth, many peoples were born and disappeared into oblivion. From some only their name remained, from others - a few lines in historiography.

There are many objective reasons. But the enmity and civil strife of the rulers played a significant role in their weakening. It was they who undermined the strength of the peoples.

9. Dog and wolf

The hero of Russian folk tales is often the Gray Wolf. Guess which fairy tales the illustrations are from (the teacher demonstrates illustrations or slides from the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats", "The Cat and the Fox", "The Fox and the Wolf").

- You and I know that the Gray Wolf deceives, cunning; he is strong, but uses force to commit misdeeds; angry, will not regret the defenseless; in some situations, the Russian people show him stupid.

Reading the parable "The Dog and the Wolf".

Dog and wolf

One day a peasant went to the forest for firewood. His dog followed him. Together they entered the forest. Suddenly a wolf appeared. He pounced on the dog, dragged him into the forest to eat, but the dog, with tears in his eyes, told him:

- What did I do you bad, that you want to eat me? If you eat me now, you will still be hungry tomorrow. Let's go to our home, they give me bread and other food every day, we will live together.

The wolf sees that the dog is talking business, and agreed. They walked, walked, and when they came to the village, the wolf noticed that the dog's neck was bald, covered with festering wounds.

- It is good, very good, brother, that you live so beautifully, but why do you have such a wounded neck?

“You know what, brother, my master has a bad temper: before he puts bread in front of me, he puts a chain around my neck, and then says:“ Eat. ”

- No, brother, I'll go back, and you go, live yourself with a full stomach and with a chain around your neck.

Analysis of the parable

- What does the Wolf value the most? (Appreciatesfreedom.)

Freedom is one of the most important moral values. Freedom can be compared to the air of mountain peaks. With freedom, a person has a choice. But for weak people, freedom is unbearable! Why?

- What is the meaning of the parable?

Try to explain why people were doing the same job and their answers were different.

- What values \u200b\u200bdoes the parable reflect? What does she teach us?

A parable is a short story that has a deep philosophical meaning. It makes you think about something important, vital. The most common among the people are parables about the meaning since this is the topic that worries all people from time immemorial. The old stories brought from the last century are appreciated as wiser, they feel the experience of previous generations. However, do not underestimate modern parables about the meaning of life, they are no less in demand. This is because no matter when the situation described happened, the main thing is meaning.

The stories do not have to be long, some parables about the meaning of life are short, like a match, and you can have time to read them even before it burns out. However, this does not prevent them from carrying a certain message, which will help some to determine what we live for, while others will simply give food for thought. Some well-known and interesting parables about the meaning of life are provided below as examples.

Example: "Donkey and Well"

The donkey fell into the well and began to shout invitingly, attracting the attention of the owner. He really came running, but was in no hurry to get the pet. A “brilliant” idea came to his mind: “The well has dried up, it was high time to bury it and create a new one. The donkey is also old, it's time to start a new one. I'll fill up the well right now! I will do 2 useful things at once ”.

No sooner said than done, the man invited the neighbors, and they began to throw earth into the well and the donkey inside, ignoring the cries of the poor animal, who guessed what was what.

Soon the donkey fell silent. People became curious why he had become quiet, they looked into the well and saw such a picture: every clod of earth that fell on top of its back was thrown off the donkey, and then crushed by its hooves. As a result, when the men continued, the animal finally got to the top and got out.

Life sends people a lot of troubles, comparable to clods of earth. You can whine and shout about how bad it is and you can try to shake off the ground and crush it to get up. The main thing is not to sit back and do something.

What Parables Teach

Each parable teaches something different. For example, the above makes it clear that you can never give up, even in cases where the situation seems hopeless, and also that in order to achieve a positive result, you just need to think hard and try to find a way out. Most often, this is the meaning that those who are capable of doing it put into these small philosophical stories. Some parables came to people directly from the sages, some were simply invented by ordinary people, but in any case, there is a deep subtext in any parable, and therefore it is sometimes extremely useful to read them.

In addition, of course, parables help to deal with good and evil, love and sympathy, faith in God, religion in general, with the meaning of life and other issues of interest.

Example: "Life and Coffee"

One day, graduates of a prestigious college visited their wise professor, who once taught them a lot. Gradually the conversation turned to life's difficulties, and then the teacher offered the children coffee. After the consent, the man left, and soon returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with various cups. Some were beautiful and expensive, made of crystal or porcelain, others - simple and unprepossessing, plastic, cheap.

Look at what you have chosen, ”the professor began as each of his students took a cup. - You all took only the most beautiful and attractive cups, leaving the cheap ones on the tray. This is the source of your troubles - you strive to get the best for yourself. But the main thing is not what is outside, but what is inside. The taste of coffee does not depend on the beauty of the cup, but it is he who is your main goal. Think about it: coffee is our life, and money, society, work are just cups. We strive for the most beautiful cup, forgetting to fill it with the contents. But it only serves as a means to help maintain life. The main thing is coffee and its taste.

Why parables are useful

From the example above, it is immediately clear that parables can carry a truly large-scale idea. Indeed, our lives are comparable to coffee. People are trying to earn a lot of money, they strive to live in luxurious houses, dress beautifully and expensively, they are looking for life partners not for love, but for other qualities like wealth and a big name, etc. With all this, a person does not understand that happiness is not at all in a beautiful cup (and also in a wrapper, if we compare it with sweets), but in the contents. Surely many have heard that rich people are often unhappy. They have everything, so they just don't know what else they need. But poor people living in humble huts can be so happy with their lives that they are simply amazed.

By the way, in parables and similar philosophical stories they are very fond of comparisons. Even in both of the above examples, life is being compared to something / someone. This happens for a better human perception of meaning.

At what age is it better to start learning parables

There is no specific answer to this question, but the older a person is, the wiser he is, and therefore the real meaning that the authors wanted to convey to the reader is easier for him to understand. some parables are so easy to understand (most often due to the notorious comparison, which was mentioned earlier) that absolutely any person, even the most distant from philosophy, can understand them.

Most often, parables begin to interest you along with the question that comes to mind about the meaning of life. Someone may have it at 15, someone at 30, but the fact remains: it is parables that help find answers to vital questions of interest. Moreover, absolutely any, since they relate to almost all areas.

East is a delicate matter

Most often, people are not interested in ordinary people, but in the meaning of life. This happens because it is in the East that there are more sages and masters, unlike other peoples, which means that it is from there that full-fledged stories, created by true masters of their craft, flow. Of course, this is not always true, since any author can call the parable "eastern", be he from London or Russia, but nevertheless often people believe that they are reading eastern parable, which is why they automatically trust her more than other versions of similar stories.

Example: "Butterflies and Answers"

Once three beautiful butterflies flew up to a burning candle, admired the fire for a while and began to talk about its nature and meaning. The first dared to fly a little closer, and soon she returned.

The fire is shining, ”she announced.

Another butterfly decided to keep up with the first, so it also decided to fly up to the candle. Only she approached the fire closer than her first friend, in order to better understand what was what, and therefore she slightly scorched the wing.

The fire is burning! - she exclaimed, returning to the waiting "girls".

The third butterfly also went to the candle, however, being the boldest of all, she flew straight into the fire. She never returned, but she fulfilled her dream - to know what the power and nature of fire are. Unfortunately, she could no longer tell the truth to the remaining butterflies.

Proverbs and the meaning of life

Everyone is looking for the true value of human existence on Earth. However, as you can see from the above example: knowledge is powerful force... Most often it happens that those who do not know anything speak, and those who know the truth for sure are silent. The dead, for example, know the meaning of life, but they cannot tell it to earthly people, no matter how much they themselves want it.

All parables in one way or another affect the meaning of existence, but they are unlikely to give an exact answer to the curious. Only hints, hints, which everyone will perceive in their own way and develop into a full-fledged idea, thought. Not everyone will succeed, however, some will think that all parables are complete nonsense, but perhaps someday they will still think about this question.

The sage asked the disciple:

What is the worst tragedy in human life?

Probably the fact that a person does not find answers to his questions? the student asked.

No, - answered the sage, - in the fact that he does not find questions to which answers should be sought.

What's more important

Three sages argued about what is more important for a person - his past, present or future. One of them said:

My past makes me who I am. I can do what I have learned in the past. I believe in myself, because I was good at those things that I previously took on. I like people with whom I was good before, or similar to them. I am looking at you now, I see your smiles and I am waiting for your objections, because we have argued more than once, and I already know that you are not used to agreeing with anything without objection.

And it’s impossible to agree with this, ”said another,“ if you were right, man would be doomed, like a spider, to sit day after day in the web of his habits. A person is made by his future. It doesn't matter what I know and can do now - I will learn what I need in the future. My idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I want to become in two years is much more real than my memories of how I was two years ago, because my actions now depend not on what I was, but on what I'm going to become. I like people who are different from those I knew before. And the conversation with you is interesting because I look forward to an exciting struggle and unexpected turns of thought here.

You completely missed, ”intervened a third,“ that the past and the future exist only in our thoughts. The past is gone. There is no future yet. And regardless of whether you remember the past or dream of the future, you act only in the present. Only in the present can you change something in your life - neither the past nor the future is subject to us. Only in the present can one be happy: memories of the past, happiness, are sad, the expectation of future happiness is alarming.

What is the difference?

One wise man, speaking to the audience, told them an anecdote. The entire audience shuddered with laughter.

A few minutes later, he told people the same anecdote again. Only a few people smiled.

The sage told the same joke for the third time, but no one laughed.

The old wise man smiled and said: "You cannot laugh constantly at the same joke ... So why do you allow yourself to cry about the same thing all the time?"

Two angels

There were two angels in paradise. One always rested on a cloud, while the other flew from earth to God.

The resting angel asked another:

Why are you flying back and forth?

I carry messages to God that begin - "Lord help ..."

Why do you always rest?

I have to carry messages to the Lord that begin - "Thank you, Lord ..."

Who are you?

At the American Kennedy Airport, a journalist conducted a survey on the topic:

"What do you think is the most disgusting thing in the world?"

People answered differently: war, poverty, betrayal, disease ..

At that time the Zen monk Seung San was in the hall. The journalist, seeing the Buddhist dress, asked the monk a question. And the monk asked a counter question:

I am John Smith.

No, that's a name, but who are you?

I'm a TV reporter for such and such a company ..

No. This is a profession, but who are you?

I'm a man, after all! ..

No, this is your species, but who are you? ..

The reporter finally understood what the monk meant and froze with open mouthsince I couldn’t say anything.

The monk remarked:

This is the most disgusting thing in the world - not knowing who you are.

Two families

Two different families live in neighboring houses .. Some quarrel all the time, others always have silence and mutual understanding.

Once, having envied the peace in a neighbor's family, the wife says to her husband:

- Go to your neighbors and see what they are doing, that they are always doing well.

I went and hid and watched. Here he sees a woman washes the floors in the house, suddenly something distracted her, and she ran to the kitchen. At this time, her husband urgently needed to go to the house. He did not notice a bucket of water, hooked it and the water spilled.

Then the wife came, apologizes to her husband, says:

- Sorry, dear, I am to blame.

- No, forgive me, I am guilty.

The man got upset and went home. At home, the wife asks:

- Well, did you look?

- Well?

- Got it! We have ALL RIGHTS, and they have ALL GUILTY.

The price of resentment and anger

Why are you angry and offended? Isn't it better to calm down and forgive? - asked the Teacher.

And why should I do him a favor and forgive him, he ... - the student wanted to justify himself.

I'm sorry to interrupt you, - said the Teacher. “Let me ask you two questions, and then I’ll answer all your“ how ”and“ why ”.

The apprentice nodded in the affirmative.

Do you feel good when you are angry and offended? - asked the Teacher.

No, of course not, the student replied.

So who are you doing a favor when, thanks to gentleness, calmness and forgiveness, you do yourself well?

But tell me, how can you not be offended? It's so difficult.

The main thing is to understand that every time you want to hit someone with a whip of condemnation or resentment, you will hit yourself first, swinging.

The secret of marriage

One elderly couple who lived together for 60 years was asked:

How did you manage to live together for so long?

You see, we were born and raised in those days when broken things were repaired, not thrown away.

Who is rich in what

Man bought himself new house - large and beautiful, with a large fruitful garden. And nearby in an old house lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: he would throw garbage under the gate, then he would do some other nasty thing.

One day a man woke up in good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slops. He took a bucket, poured out the slops, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected the largest, ripe and delicious apples in it and went to a neighbor.

The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, thought gloatingly: “Finally I got it!”. He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man handed him a bucket of apples and said:

The one who is rich in what, shares that!

What kind of life do you choose?

When God created man, he asked him who he wants to be.

The man was still young and inexperienced, and therefore from such a question he was somewhat confused and said: "I do not know."

Then God took the man by the hand and led him to the sea. Bringing him to the shore, God showed him to the shells lying on the bottom of the sea, and said:

If you want, you can choose the life of a shell for yourself - you will be at the very bottom, among millions of people like you, and your food will be only what the current brings you. Your day today will be like yesterday, and your whole life will pass without risk and shock. Neither victory nor defeat will worry you. All the time you will lie at the bottom, only opening and closing the doors. And so from morning to evening: open, close, open, close.

Having shown the life of the shell to man, God led the man into the mountains. And there, high in the mountains, he pointed to the nest of an eagle.

But if you want, you can choose this life for yourself. You can soar as high as you want, you can live the way you want, you can reach the highest peaks, and on the peaks of these you will meet only a few like you. You yourself will determine where and how you fly, and the price of all this will be that nothing will ever get you just like that. Every day you will go in search of food and get it with sweat and blood. You can choose this life too if you want.

And since then, people have appeared who have chosen the life of a shell for themselves, and only a few who have chosen the life of an eagle.

Central Children's Library MKUK "Korochanskaya Central Regional Hospital named after NS Sokhanskaya (Kokhanovskaya)"

Playroom for children 6 years old

The parable "What conquers"

L.N. Tolstoy. Fable "Liar"

The parable "What conquers"

Not by bread alone ... Proverbs and Christian legends / Comp. N. Astakhova. - M .: White city, 2012 .-- 127s.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one life truth.

There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...

The grandson thought about the words of his grandfather.

The old man smiled and replied:

The wolf you feed wins.

Exercise 1. Read the parable aloud.

The task 2. Who are the main characters of the parable? (Old Man and Grandson)

The task 3. What is each wolf? (One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. Another wolf represents good: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty)

The task 4. With what does the Old Man compare the inner world of a person? (With a fight between two wolves)

Task 5. How do you understand the words envy, jealousy, selfishness, lies?

Task 6. How do you understand the words peace, love, hope, kindness, loyalty?

The task 7. Choose the opposite of the word lie, goodness, loyalty, peace. ( Lies are truth, good is evil, loyalty is betrayal, peace is war)

Task 8. What proverbs do you know about good and evil? ( Remember the good, but forget the evil, They don't look for good from good. The world is not without good people, It is hard for those who remember evil.)

The task 9. Insert the missing words:

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital _____.

Each person has _______, very similar to the struggle of two ______. One wolf represents _____ - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies ... Another wolf represents _______ - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ...

The grandson thought about _______ of his grandfather.

Which wolf wins in the end? - he asked.

The old man __________ and answered:

The wolf that you ________ wins.

Missed words: fight, wolves, evil, good, in words, smiled, feed.

Task 10. Find nouns in the text ( Nouns: old man, grandson, truth, man, fight, wolves, evil, envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lie, goodness, peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty, in the words of his grandfather, end, he)

The task 11. Find words from the text among the letters.


Answer: old man, good, peace, wolf, wins

The task 12. What does the parable teach? (This parable makes you think: what kind of good or bad I am I? It teaches us to cultivate good in ourselves)

L.N. Tolstoy. Fable "Liar"

Tolstoy, L.N. For children / L.N. Tolstoy. - M .: Rosman press, 2011 .-- P. 132.

The boy guarded the sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, began to call: "Help, wolf! Wolf!" The men came running and saw: not true. So he did so two and three times, it happened - indeed, a wolf came running. The boy began to shout: "Here, here quickly, wolf!" The peasants thought that they were deceiving again as usual - they did not listen to him.

The wolf sees, there is nothing to fear: in the open, he cut the whole herd.

Creative analysis of the text using the technique of V.A. Borodina

Exercise 1. Read the fable aloud.

The task 2. Why did the men not come running to help for the fourth time?

The task 3. What proverbs do you know with the word "lie"? ( Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie. Lying does not paint a person. A small lie leads a big one. He who loves to lie cannot be mistaken for a friend)

The task 4. Find nouns and verbs in the text. ( Nouns - boy, sheep, wolf, peasants, untrue, he, openly, herd;

Verbs - guarded, became, see, did, happened, ran, shout, thought, deceives, did not listen)

The task 5. Choose synonyms for the words boy, call, help, came running, thought, deceives, sees, cut ( boy - guy, kid, lad; to call - to shout, speak, shout; ran - galloped, rushed; thought - pondered, thought, speculated; deceives - lies, lies, cunning; sees - looks, looks, sees)

The task 6. Insert the missing words:

The boy ______ sheep and, as if seeing a wolf, became ______: "Help, wolf! Wolf!" _______ come running and see: not true. So ______ he did this two and three times, it happened - and really came up ____. The boy became ______: "Here, here quickly, wolf!" Guys ________, which again, as usual, deceives - not _______ him.

The wolf sees _______ there is nothing: in the open space _________ the whole herd.

Missed words: erased, call, men, did, wolf, shout, thought, listened, be afraid, cut.

The task 7.


Answer: wolf, herd, men

The task 8. What conclusions can be drawn from the fable? ( One time you deceive - another time they will not believe. It is very easy to lose the trust of the people around you and it is very difficult to win it back.)

Evgeny Dubravny. Poem "Hedgehog"

Dubravny, E. Zverolov. Fluffy alphabet for the curious. Poems / E. Dubravny. - Belgorod: Vezelitsa, 2009 .-- 67p .: ill. - (Nature and children)

This is a wise diligent hedgehog

Procuring food diligently.

Only one Patrikeevna knows

How dangerous is water for a hedgehog

And often awaits him

Either by the river, or by the pond.

All the shyest hedgehog-

He walks through the dew barefoot ...

The hedgehog loves everyone to shiver,

But it just can't

He makes friends with the fox.

We will gladly help the hedgehog -

We'll treat you with milk and dew ...

Befriended the fox forever.

Creative analysis of the text using the technique of V.A. Borodina

Exercise 1. Read the poem out loud.

Task 2. Where do hedgehogs live? ( in the garden, in the forest)

Task 3. What do hedgehogs eat? ( small rodents, plants)

The task 4. What does a fox eat? ( small mammals, small rodents)

The task 5. Why can't the Hedgehog make friends with her? ( The fox feeds on hares and can eat it)

The task 6. Describe the hedgehog. What is he? ( Shy, wise, diligent, small)

The task 7. Insert the missing words into the text:

When the night ______ puts everyone down

Suddenly there will be a rustle in the garden ...

This is a wise ____________ hedgehog

Procuring food diligently.

Only one Patrikeevna knows

Like ________ hedgehog water,

And often his __________

Either by the river, or by the pond.

Everyone is shy _______-

He walks through the dew barefoot ...

Hedgehog _____ everyone to shiver,

But it just can't

He makes friends with _______.

We will gladly help the hedgehog -

Milk _______ and dew ...

We want ________ hedgehog

Befriended the fox forever.

(Omitted words: rest, diligent, dangerous, waiting, hedgehog, loves, fox, treat, small)

The task 8. Repair the destroyed text:

We will gladly help the hedgehog -

We'll treat you with milk and dew ...

We want a little hedgehog

Befriended the fox forever. (4)

Only one Patrikeevna knows

How dangerous is water for a hedgehog

And often awaits him

Either by the river, or by the pond. (2)

When the night will put everyone to rest,

Suddenly there will be a rustle in the garden ...

This is a wise diligent hedgehog

Procuring food diligently. (1)

All the shyest hedgehog-

He walks through the dew barefoot ...

The hedgehog loves everyone to shiver,

But it just can't

He makes friends with the fox. (3)

The task 9. Underline rhyming words.

The task 10. Cipher program. Find words from the text among the letters.


Answer: water, hedgehog, night, rustle

The task 11. Find their endings to the beginning of the lines:

When is the night to rest diligent hedgehog (3)

Suddenly you hear knows (5)

This wise man will lay them all down, (1)

Harvested Hard Waiting (7)

Only one Patrikeevna rustle in the garden ... (2)

How dangerous food is. (4)

And often his hedgehog water, (6)

Either by the river, or by the hedgehog- (9)

Everyone is shy by the pond. (8)

Can't walk in dew (12)

The hedgehog loves everyone barefoot ... (10)

Only here we can help you in any way - (14)

Make friends he shivers, (11)

We are a hedgehog willingly with a fox. (thirteen)

Let's treat a hedgehog with milk (16)

We want the little one with the fox. (17)

Forever made friends and dew ... (15)

The task 12. What other poems, stories or fairy tales have you read about the hedgehog and the fox? ( Russians folk tales "Cat and Fox", "Fox and Jug", "Fox and Thrush", S. Kozlov "Hedgehog in the Fog", A. Usachev "Once upon a time there were hedgehogs", L.N. Tolstoy "The Hedgehog and the Hare" and others)

I have known parables for a long time, but all deep meaning of the parable I realized a few years ago. So what is a PARABLE?

I refer to Wikipedia.

Parable (English preach - sermon) - a short edifying story in an allegorical form, containing a moral lesson (wisdom). The content of the parable is close to a fable.

I fell in love with parables because they can be used to give such a layout of the current problem that everything becomes simple and clear as two and two.

I like use parables in your work... Here comes a man with his problem - he does not know where is the entrance and where the exit is. He got confused. He's stumped. And you told him an appropriate parable and it becomes clear to the person why you are saying all this. The person understands this parable. A person begins to see a way out of his problem.

I do not argue that all problems are solved with the help of a parable, but many - yes. After all, the problem, in fact, is a dead end for one person who does not see the exit door at close range. And you shone a parable for him in the right direction and that's it, a person walks in this exit.

I have a few of my favorites at work that I use the most. They are universal (as I call them), as they cover the most common problems in life.

I will put these parables below, but draw the conclusion yourself.

The first parable - "Two monks"(Taoist parable).

Somehow old and young monks were returning to their monastery. Their path was crossed by a river, which was heavily flooded due to the rains. On the shore stood a well-dressed woman who urgently needed to get to the opposite shore to a sick child, but she could not do without outside help.

The vow strictly forbade the monks to touch women. The young monk, noticing the woman, defiantly turned away, and the old one approached her, sat her on his back and carried her across the river. The monks remained silent for the rest of the journey, but at the monastery itself the young monk could not resist:

How could you touch a woman !? You made a vow!

To which the old one, turning a smiling face, replied:

I transferred this woman and left it long ago on the river bank, and you still carry her on you.

The second parable - "50 years of politeness".

One elderly couple was celebrating their golden wedding. At a common breakfast, my wife thought:
- For 50 years now, trying to please my husband, I always gave him a crusty crust, leaving myself a crumb. And today I want this crust to go to me.

She spread butter on the top half of the bread and gave the crumb to her husband. Contrary to her expectations, he was very happy, kissed her hand and said:

My dear, you have given me great joy today! For over fifty years now, I have not eaten the bottom half of the bread, the one I love the most. I always thought that you should get her because you love her so much.

The third parable - "The parable of the old man, the boy and the donkey."

One day an old man and a boy were traveling on a donkey. The boy was leading the donkey, and old man riding a donkey. As they passed a small village, several village people shouted in shrill voices: "Look at this old man who is exploiting this poor boy! What a scoundrel!"

After they passed the village, the elderly man said: "We had better switch, otherwise in the next village we will also be insulted." And they changed, the old man began to lead the donkey, and the boy rode on horseback. But in the next village they were also criticized: "Look at this selfish boy who does not respect his aged grandfather! He does not let the elderly man ride a donkey."

Then they both decided to go on foot, but in the next village people started shouting: "Look at these two stupid people! They have a donkey, but they prefer to walk!"

Then the old man turned and said to the boy: "It really doesn't matter what you do, people will criticize you anyway."

Agree that these three parables contain many of our problems:

1) We love to be loaded with problems and carry them on ourselves (in ourselves) for a very long time. And some carry, groom and cherish their problems all their lives. Happy is he whoin time he knows how to throw off problems.

2) We love in many moments of life to be "politely" silent, stepping over our interests, in order to please others. Silence with the people closest to us instead of talking about the problem, solving it and forgetting about it. This is how thousands of Sasha and Natasha live unhappily all their family life, politely but stupidly stepping over their interests instead of talking frankly and clearly expressing your position, desires and interests.

3) We love to think about what others will think of us. We are afraid, we bend, we, over time, lose ourselves only because we are afraid to look funny and stupid in the eyes of others. We only lose ourselves by looking better. But EVEN IN THIS CASE, there will be those who will be unhappy with us. You will never be nice to everyone. Sense of breaking yourself?

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